Aunt Lisa’s Summer with Jenny, Chapter 3

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 12:02 pm

The Seduction of Tammy

By Cheryl Taggert

For a brief description of who’s who in this series, go here.

That evening Lisa decided she would take Jenny out to dinner. They had each had a sandwich after their sex session by the pool, but Lisa was aware how much energy such an orgasm as little Jen had had could take out of her. She wanted the child to keep her boundless energy up. After all, Lisa had not experienced the utter joy she looked forward to so much, having the young twelve-year-old girl make love to her adult body.

After Jenny had fallen immediately asleep by the pool following her massive orgasm, Lisa had entered the pool and placed her own pussy over the filter’s jet. She had remained there, seeking her own orgasm for several minutes. She had pressed her pussy to the jet, delighting in the feel and looking at the prone body of her erotic little niece, staring at the tender pussy lips that were wetly parted as she slept with her legs spread to allow fresh air to the soft inner flesh. Reviving air, Lisa hoped.

After a few brief minutes, actually a bit longer than she thought it would take when she’d entered the pool for this purpose, her orgasm had built and exploded into a body-convulsing climax. But even as the orgasm wracked her body with spasms of joy, she had known it was nothing compared to what was surely waiting for her at the hands, fingers, lips, tongue…. Hell, toes even, of her now sleeping twelve-year-old niece.

Now they sat in the den, watching a DVD of the first Harry Potter movie. Lisa recognized the lust she felt for the character of Hermione, or at least the pretty, then nine-year-old actress Emma Watson who played her. As she thought this, Jenny spoke up as if reading her mind.

“Wouldn’t you love to make love to Hermione?”

Lisa’s head snapped around to look at Jenny. “You were reading my mind, I think.” Jenny giggled.

“I have wanted to do things to her since I first saw the movie. It is a favorite masturbation fantasy of mine,” said Jenny.

“Mine, too,” Lisa agreed. This brought up the question that Lisa had wondered about.

“Jen, honey, how long have you known you liked other girls?”

“Well, remember Tammy, that girl who lives down the street from you?”

Lisa nodded. How could she forget? Tammy was a gorgeous young blond with a sunny smile and a disposition to match. She was a year older than Jenny, and the two girls would spend lots of time together when Jenny and her mom had visited. She lived alone with her mother, Cheryl, who was divorced from Tammy’s father, a prominent doctor in the city, and her little sister Emily, who was eight. There had been times that Lisa had begun to have thoughts about Tammy, much like the thoughts she had been having about Jenny before their action that afternoon.

“Have you done things with Tammy before?”

“Well, not that much really. We touched each other’s boobs and practiced kissing. We played doctor before when we were little, and every time we would see each other, Tammy would want to play something like that. Soon the games became more of just touching without having to play doctor.” Lisa was speechless. The erotic thoughts that were starting to run through her mind seemed to numb every part of her body, except for one, that is. Her clit began to grow, and she could feel the wetness begin to moisten her sweet inner lips. A blush crept up her chest and tinged her throat and cheeks.

“What did you do the last time you and your mother were here?” asked Lisa. Her mind was beginning to spin with the possibilities.

“We just lay in bed and touched each other’s boobs. After that we watched each other masturbate. We ended up rubbing ourselves off that way. It was sort of a game to see who could get there first. Actually, we have never touched each other’s pussies at all except for when we played doctor, and we haven’t done that since we were like nine. I know that sounds strange, but it’s true.”

Lisa licked her lips unconsciously. It was suddenly very warm in the room.

“Are you hot for Tammy?” said Jenny, grinning.

“Would that shock you?”

“No, of course not. After today I am realizing everything she and I didn’t do.”

“Then, yes. I am definitely hot for her.” She thought about this for a moment. “Are you willing to help me out a little, hon?”

Jenny grinned, guessing what was on Aunt Lisa’s mind. “Sure.”

“What do you think would happen if she spent the night and you two were ‘caught’ together?” It was an evil plan, one that would initially frighten the young thirteen-year-old, but the results would not be frightening at all. Quite stimulating in fact.

“I think it would be a great idea,” admitted Jenny. Suddenly, a threesome with Tammy and Aunt Lisa was beginning to sear her mind with erotic images.

“Would you like for her to join us for dinner and spend the night?” Lisa asked, knowing the answer.

“Of course!” said Jenny. “I think that would be wonderful!”

Lisa got up to get the phone book to look up the number for Cheryl, Tammy’s mother and dialed the number. When Cheryl, Tammy’s mom, answered, she identified herself and explained that Jenny was visiting and wanted to know if Tammy could have dinner with them and maybe spend the night. She and Cheryl knew each other vaguely, having worked together on some committees for the local PTA.

“Are you sure it’s no bother?” asked Cheryl.

“Oh, no. No bother at all. Actually, it would be helping me out a lot,” Lisa said. Jenny giggled lightly, and Lisa held her finger to her lips in a shushing gesture.

“Well, then, I don’t see why not,” Cheryl said. “I can just send her right over after she packs an overnight bag.”

“That would be wonderful. We’ll see her then in about twenty or thirty minutes?”

“That sounds about right. Are you sure this is no problem?”

“Believe me, Cheryl. It is no problem at all.”

Lisa hung the phone up and looked at Jenny. “She’ll be here in less than half an hour.”

“I wish we could just greet her at the door naked like this. That would be funny.”

Lisa looked down at her nude body. She’d actually forgotten that they were still running around naked. “No, it would not be funny, especially if she got scared and ran back home and told her mom. Or worse, what if her mom decided to give her a ride and was watching from her car, or even worse, came to the door with her?”

“I was just kidding,” Jenny laughed, moving toward her aunt and hugging her. She pressed her head between her breasts and listened to the pounding of Lisa’s heart grow quicker. Then she turned her face and began to kiss her aunt’s left nipple, nibbling on it and finally sucking on it. It stood at attention, puckering itself to meet the kisses from the young girl.

“We’d better stop this, or we’ll be more than greeting her naked at the door when she arrives. We’ll be making love on the sofa.”

Jenny laughed as they broke the erotic embrace, and they headed upstairs to their bedrooms to get dressed for going out to dinner.

When they came out of their bedrooms, Jenny looked at her aunt and grinned. “What is it?” asked Lisa. The young girl lifted her dress. She wore no panties. Her soft bare skin was all that was beneath the outfit. The sight was an enormous turn on, but she immediately saw the problem with the way her little niece was dressed.

“Honey, you are going to leak fluids all over the back of that dress. People will see it and think you’ve started your period or peed yourself or something.”

“No they won’t. Look.” She reached down and showed Lisa the string that dangled from the small vagina. She was wearing a tampon.

“But won’t you be awfully dry that way?”

Jenny’s grin widened. Dropping her dress back into place, she reached into her little purse and brought out a tiny plastic bottle that contained a clear liquid. Baby oil. “Just a little drop on the end of the finger and I can moisten myself. That’s fun too.”

“You’ve done this before, haven’t you?” Lisa was grinning now too.

Jenny just smiled and twirled, causing her dress to billow out and exposing her naked pussy and butt to her aunt’s excited view.

“I wouldn’t be doing too much twirling if I were you.”

At that moment the doorbell rang. Jenny scampered downstairs, rushing to open the door. Lisa could hear the girls’ squeal at the sight of each other. After the door closed, she heard little Tammy gasp and say, “Oh, my god!” in an urgent whisper. She had obviously been shown that Jenny was without panties.

“You do it too. It feels really sexy,” Jenny said, just loud enough for Lisa to hear her. The girls started up the stairs and Lisa began to walk toward them as if unaware of anything that had been said downstairs. When they came into view she smiled at them.

“Hello, Tammy. Ready for some dinner?” She noticed the girl had a backpack and was carrying a dress on a hanger, apparently brought to change into for dinner. Lisa smiled secretly at the thought of what wouldn’t be worn.

“Hi, Mrs. Sanders. Thank you for having me.” Lisa thought about the thank you and how it was worded. Yes, she had every intent of ‘having’ her. She thought to herself that the little girl didn’t know the half of it.

“We’re going into my room so Tammy can change,” said Jenny. The girls disappeared into Jenny’s bedroom, exploding into giggles.

Lisa was hungry and knew that another sex session might completely wear out Jenny. To ward off the girls getting too ‘involved’ she called to them through the closed door, “Don’t take too long catching up, ladies. I, for one, am hungry.” She got more giggles for her answer. She wasn’t ready to catch the girls together yet. She wanted to make sure Jenny understood. “I mean that, Jenny.”

“Okay, Aunt Lisa,” Jenny answered, resignation in her tone.

Lisa went downstairs, knowing the girls would do some flirting and maybe some touching and kissing, but trusting Jenny not to allow things to go too far… yet.

Ten minutes later the girls came downstairs, looking a bit flushed and perspiring a bit. When Tammy wasn’t looking, Jenny pointed to Tammy’s ass area and shook her head, indicating that she wasn’t wearing panties either. The thought that both little girls had only their dresses between their naked pussies and her sight gave Lisa’s pussy a twinge.

“You girls ready?” she asked.

Jenny gave her a mischievous look. “Oh, yes. We’re very ready.” Jenny giggled and Tammy looked as though she hoped Lisa didn’t get the double entendre. Lisa behaved as if she didn’t, of course. As they walked to the car, Lisa gave Jenny a “Don’t overdo it” look of warning when Tammy wasn’t looking.

By the time they got to the car, the two young teens were hanging back, sharing a private, whispered conversation. The sound of Tammy’s tone said she was probably telling Jenny the same thing Lisa’s look had. “Don’t overdo it.”

They climbed into the car, Lisa at the wheel, of course, with Jenny and Tammy in the back seat so they could talk. All Lisa could see of the girls in the mirror were their faces. She backed out of the driveway and began the thirty minute drive to the restaurant they would be going to.

Looking into the mirror, she could tell Jenny was rummaging in her purse. For baby oil, Lisa thought to herself. Sure enough, Jenny glanced at the mirror and grinned slyly. From the motions in the back, Lisa could tell she was putting a drop of the oil on each of their fingers and then putting the bottle away. The girls then sat back and talked quietly. The motion of their shoulders told her they were indeed rubbing their little clits. Lisa could hardly drive from watching their beautiful faces in the mirror while trying to appear to ignore them, not to mention the heat that was building in her own pussy. Things became very quiet in the backseat.

About twenty minutes into the drive, she could tell things were really heating up in the back of the car. Tammy would look at the mirror to see if Lisa was noticing anything. Lisa would look casually away from the mirror, as if she’d just been checking what was behind the car. She could see the girl was getting very worked up. Then her body seemed to stiffen, muscles locking to keep the sounds from escaping her lips into the car for Lisa to hear. Her body began to tremble slightly, her eyes widening involuntarily for a moment before closing. She was having an orgasm. Little Tammy was achieving a self-induced climax in the back seat of her car. Lisa felt her mouth go dry with longing. Lisa looked at Jenny. She, too, was close to another orgasm, her second one today. Jenny looked back at her in the mirror. Her face was flushed. Then, closing her eyes, she entered her own orgasm. Lisa looked quickly at Tammy. She was watching Jenny achieve her orgasm. She was looking longingly down at Jenny’s lap. In the meantime, Lisa was going crazy. She wanted so much to pull the car over and have her way immediately with the nubile, young pubescent girls. It was all she could do to keep the car in her lane.

The young teenagers regained their composure. Their breathing slowed. Jenny got some tissues from the console between the front seats and they cleaned themselves up quietly. After rearranging their dresses to a more demure and ladylike appearance, they began to talk again. Lisa realized that if she hadn’t been totally aware of what the girls had done because of her new relationship with Jenny, she would still have known what had just happened. Their actions and reactions spoke for themselves.

About five minutes after Jenny came, they arrived at the restaurant.

“I am massively starving,” Jenny announced.

“Me, too,” said Tammy.

“Me, three,” said Lisa, meaning for food, for Jenny, and for Tammy. But of course they did not know that. Not even Jenny.

Dinner had been wonderful. The girls had each wanted a hamburger with cokes, and Lisa had a large grilled chicken salad and iced tea. She could barely concentrate on the conversation because of the flaming need in her pussy. The two girls had climaxed, wonderful orgasms from the looks of them, but she was still feeling very horny indeed.

As she sat there, she decided to do something naughty. She slipped off her right shoe and casually lifted it to Jenny’s hips, gently brushing her leg on the way. Jenny looked at her, not believing she was doing this in a public place. But she just sat there, appearing as though her aunt was not now placing her foot against her little pussy. She even continued to talk to Tammy. Lisa could tell that she was enjoying this attention immensely though. Occasionally, she would squirm in her seat a bit as Lisa’s toes would rub her clit lightly. Eventually, Lisa lowered her foot to the floor and slipped her shoe back on. Jenny looked a little disappointed.

Lisa realized the little girl was a walking orgasm waiting to happen. She was the most sexual person she’d ever known. And she was only twelve. What would the future bring? If nothing else, she knew it would bring joy to her. And if the seduction of Tammy worked out, she would have a young girl to enjoy things with for many months, or maybe years, to come.

They arrived back home without the girls doing anything more that was overtly sexual. The girls watched some TV and chatted for a while. Then around ten o’clock Jenny suggested that she and Tammy turn in.

She came around to kiss her aunt goodnight, giving her a more appropriate kiss than each wanted, and the two girls went upstairs. Lisa was to wait for about fifteen minutes before sneaking up there to catch them “red-handed,” as it were. She and Jenny had spoken before Tammy arrived and Jenny had promised to be involved within that amount of time, and with the covers off them as well so that the sight of what they were doing could not be explained as anything else than what it was, sexual escapades between two young teenage girls.

She lifted her nightgown that she’d put on when they’d arrived back home, pulled down her panties to her knees, and looked at her now sopping pussy. Removing the panties completely, she spread her pussy lips and began to stroke her burning clit slightly, massaging it to ease the ache. She kept it on simmer.

In the bedroom together at last, the two girls began an animated conversation about the evening.

“Do you think she noticed anything?” asked Tammy, referring to their masturbation session in the car.

“Naw,” Jenny said. “She was too busy driving,” Jenny lied with ease.

“God, that was sooo hot.”

“I was wondering something,” said Jenny, a gleam in her eye. We’ve always touched our own pussies and stuff. Have you ever thought about touching each other`s pussy? We`ve never actually done that except for playing doctor.”

Tammy looked at Jenny. She seemed to Jenny to be holding her breath. The thought occurred to her that maybe she’d just stepped over the line. She was about to say “never mind” when Tammy spoke.

“Are you crazy? I’ve thought about practically nothing else. I was too afraid to ask you though. I didn’t want you to think I was a lezzie or something.”

“Then you want to try it?” asked Jenny.

“Yes. I want to try LOTS of things!” Tammy said excitedly. Then she grinned widely. “I’ve been reading some books and stuff and have some ideas of what kinds of things we can do to feel good.”

Quickly, the two girls stripped. It occurred to Jenny that she would have liked to remove Tammy’s clothes herself, but her fifteen minutes were almost up, and she wanted some alone time with Tammy before Aunt Lisa made her entrance.

They jumped into bed and Tammy began to get under the covers.

“No, don’t. I want to be able to see you. Is that okay?”

“Sure. That’s a good idea, actually.”

The two horny little girls faced each other on the bed.

“Kiss me,” said Tammy, and she bent her face forward to meet Jenny’s beautiful, full lips.

The girls began to slip their tongues into each other’s mouth. Their tongues explored the mouth they had invaded.

Jenny began to pinch the nipples of Tammy’s breasts. They were already hard nubs of flesh, just waiting to be sucked. Breaking the kiss, Jenny obliged them.

Tammy sat back and enjoyed the attention her breasts were receiving. She looked down at her friend’s head as it moved from one nipple to the other. Then she felt the hand that was approaching her pussy. It trailed down her tummy to the center of her desire. She could almost feel her pussy longing for Jenny’s touch. It seemed to be begging for her fingers to caress it.

Jenny’s fingers began their exploration of Tammy’s pussy. Not since the two girls had last played doctor together had their fingers been in contact with the other girl’s pussy, and that had been about three years ago, but now it was happening. Actual sexual touching.

Tammy felt her friend’s fingers begin rubbing her clit. Her hips were undulating beneath the caresses. She could feel Jenny’s own nearly bald pussy bucking up against her thigh, and she realized that it was wanting some attention as well. She reached down and began to massage the wet lips of her twelve-year-old friend’s pussy.

They continued this for a moment; then they broke their kiss and looked into each other’s eyes. Tammy realized she was close to reaching another orgasm, but she wanted it to wait. “Hold on a sec,” she said, breathlessly.

Jenny pulled away, realizing what was going on. She didn’t want her to climax yet either.

“Let’s take this a bit more slowly,” Tammy said. “I’m not ready to come yet.”

“What do you want to do?” asked Jenny.

“You sure you won’t freak out?”

“Of course not.”

“Well, I found this book of my dad’s when I was staying with him for a weekend. It is about these two girls, sisters actually, who have sex with each other and lots of other people too. There are some things they do to each other that really got me turned on.”

“What?” Jenny was anxious to hear, and wanting to get started again. Aunt Lisa would be coming in at any moment.


This was maddening. “Tell me! I promise I won’t think it’s weird!”

“Okay. They lick and kiss each other’s pussy. There. I said it.”

Jenny looked at her friend. She didn’t say a word, just scooted around in the bed until her face was at Tammy’s sopping wet pussy. She leaned forward and kissed the clit that was peeking up from the inner folds.

Tammy let out a quick gasp. Jenny then reached out with her tongue and licked it quickly. Tammy gasped again.

“Aren’t you going to do it too?” asked Jenny. She wanted to feel her friend’s tongue on her as well.

With that, Tammy leaned forward, breathed in the musky aroma of Jenny’s nearly hairless gash, and glued her mouth to the feverish lips, sucking gently on the girl’s clit. Jenny was in an instant heaven. She leaned in and did the same thing to Tammy’s soaking pussy. Her lips were glued to the little girl’s wet cunny as they began a languid sixty-nine.

Lisa had crept up the stairs to the room where the two girls were certainly involved in some advanced sexual games. She listened at the door. She could hear muffled moans from the girls if she listened carefully. They were obviously very involved. It occurred to her that she might miss all the fun if she waited much longer. The girls sounded close to cumming. Well, at least one of them would have a brief cooling off when she opened the door to this room. The other would feign fear, but would really be more excited. It was a cruel way to seduce the young girl, but Lisa thought she would enjoy it in the end.

Grasping the door knob, she turned it and entered the room, saying, “Oh, Jenny, I was just…” She stopped suddenly, pretending shock. Of course the two girls became a flurry of motion, scrambling away from the pussies that they’d been licking and sucking while attempting to cover themselves with the blanket. Lisa looked at Jenny. She was doing a great job of looking frightened. In fact, Lisa had the idea that she’d been startled anyway, as if she’d not been thinking about their plan, but was too involved with licking Tammy to consider anything else.

“Aunt Lisa!” she said. “You didn’t knock!”

“I didn’t think I would have to,” she countered, staring at the girls. She had gotten a glimpse of Tammy’s pussy, which had been only slightly covered with a light brown patch of downy hair. “I’d ask what you girls were doing, but I could see quite clearly what it was.”

Tammy was frightened, but not as frightened as Lisa thought she would be. It was a bit disconcerting. As if the plan weren’t working properly or something. Didn’t she know that Lisa could tell her mother what had been happening? Blackmail, of a sort, was what they were doing, after all. A sort of “Don’t worry. I won’t tell your mom if” kind of thing. Tammy looked ashamed, but not really scared. Lisa had expected the girl to dissolve into tears and beg her not to tell. Instead, she just hung her head. Lisa didn’t know quite what to make of it. She decided to remind Tammy her mother would probably find out what she’d been doing.

“Tammy, I’ve a good mind to call your mother right now. What do you think about that?” She tried to appear angry.

“Well, I guess you should call her.”

“What do you think she’ll say about this?”

The girl was plucking at a thread in the bedspread. Lisa could see she was ashamed at being caught, but not afraid. What was going on here?

“I suppose she’ll be angry I was caught doing that.”

Lisa looked at Jenny, who was looking at Tammy. Feeling Lisa’s eyes on her, she looked at Aunt Lisa and shrugged slightly, with an “I don’t know either” look on her face. Even little Jenny could see this was not the way it was supposed to go.

“You mean she’s caught you before?” asked Lisa. This was not necessarily good news. If she’d been caught before, the news she’d been caught again wasn’t so unsettling to Tammy. Their little plan was unraveling as surely as the thread on the bedspread that Tammy was plucking was.

“Not exactly,” said Tammy.

Huh? What was going on here anyway? “Then what exactly?” Lisa asked, sounding more confused than angry.

“You’ve got to promise you won’t tell. I could get in tons of trouble!”

Now this was confusing. A minute ago, she didn’t seem to mind if Lisa called Cheryl to tell her. Now Tammy was afraid she would. This was making no sense. None at all. She sat on the corner of the bed. Looking at Tammy, she noticed the cream from Jenny’s pussy on her lips. She wanted so much to lean over and kiss all the juices there off those precious lips. To put this beautiful, sexy child’s mind at ease. But first she had to get to the bottom of this. She was obviously missing something here.

In a gentle tone she asked, “Honey, what are you talking about? First you don’t seem to mind if I tell her what you were doing then you do? I don’t get it.” She looked at Jenny who was even more confused than she was, if that was possible.

“That’s not the part you can’t tell,” said Tammy. And the tears finally came. “She’ll only be angry that I got caught. It’s the other you can’t tell. Not to anyone!”

“What other?” she asked so tenderly that Tammy looked into her eyes for the first time since she’d walked in and caught them.

“You promise you won’t tell?”

She’d promise anything to get to the bottom of this. “Yes, hon. I promise.”

The young girl took a deep breath, let it out and said, “Mom didn’t catch me with another girl. She taught me.”

For a split second the meaning of the words didn’t register in her mind. Then Lisa’s heart began to pound.

“You mean your mother…?”

Tammy nodded. “You can’t tell her that I told. She could go to prison or something! Please!”

Lisa looked at the girl. “Don’t worry, baby. Nobody’s going to prison.”

Finally Jenny spoke. “I thought you seemed a bit experienced with this.”

“You can’t tell either, okay? My mom would just die if she thought someone knew!”

“What about your little sister? What about Emily?” asked Lisa.

“She’s teaching her too. Mom says mothers should teach their daughters about sex rather than some boy in the backseat of some car on a lonely road.

Lisa, meanwhile, was picturing Cheryl. Beautiful, gorgeous Cheryl. She was one of the sexiest women Lisa knew. Cheryl? With her two young daughters in bed? The image sent shivers of lust down her spine and straight to her needful pussy.

“I need to ask you one thing, and I need an honest answer. But first let me tell you that I won’t call the police or anything like that, okay? And I won’t think bad of you OR your mom. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Tammy said, relief washing over her features. She smiled for the first time since Lisa had come into the room. “What do you want to ask?”

“Do you like it when your mom does these things to you? Or do you wish she wouldn’t?”

“You won’t think I’m a slut or something?”

“No, baby. I won’t, and neither will Jenny, I promise.”

“Of course not. You’re my best friend!” added Jenny.

“I love what she does. Sometimes I can’t wait for her to come to my room. She is a wonderful teacher. And she’s very tender with me. Even when she spanks me, she knows she’s doing it for my pleasure. I like to be spanked, you see.” The girl blushed a deep crimson.

“And what about Emily? Does she like it too?”

“Oh, yes. Sometimes she will get horny and come into my room to sleep with me. We do stuff together too.”

“How long has this been going on?”

“As long as I can remember. She started with Emily when she was only four.”

Then Tammy looked uncomfortable and sad. “But I guess you want me to go home now. I’m sorry for what I did with Jenny. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. It`s just that I wanted her so much.”

Lisa held out her arms. A plan was forming in her mind. A most wonderful plan. Tammy moved into her arms, ignoring her own nudity, unashamed of it. “Oh, sweetie, you didn’t hurt anyone. Not at all. And you don’t need to go home either. In fact, Jenny and I have a confession of our own. But you must promise not to be mad at us if we tell you.”

“How could I be mad at you? You are both so wonderful,” she said, her head clasped between Lisa’s breasts so that her voice was slightly muffled.

“You might not think so after we tell you,” Lisa answered.

Tammy looked up into Lisa’s eyes. “What is it?”

Lisa looked at Jenny and back to Tammy.

“Well, honey, we sort of set this thing up, my catching you two together. I’m sorry. But, well, you see, I am Jenny’s teacher. You know, like your mom is your teacher.”

Tammy looked up at Lisa, her eyes growing large. Now it was her turn to be shocked.

“Are you mad?” asked Jenny. “Please don’t be. We just wanted to include you in our fun, that’s all.”

Tammy looked at Jenny. A tear rolled down her cheek as she leaned forward. The two young girls, barely entering their teen years, kissed passionately. Jenny’s hand went to Tammy’s breast and began to knead the warm, pliant flesh of her softball-sized titties.

When the kiss broke, Tammy looked at Lisa. Her eyes were a sparkling blue. Love, lust, and passion were in those eyes. Lisa leaned down and kissed her, the thought that Cheryl had kissed these same full lips entering her mind.

“Let me get this gown off.”

She stood and pulled the gown over her head and hooked her thumbs into her panties’ elastic waistband and pulled them down. She stood before the two young girls, each eating her up with their eyes. She joined them on the bed.

Immediately, Tammy and Jenny pushed Lisa onto her back and began sucking her large titties. They mouthed the globes and sucked on the nipples eagerly like twin starving babies at their mother’s breast. Lisa watched in utter joy as the two pretty girls made love to her boobs.

“Finger me,” she said, and the girls obeyed happily. Their hands moved down to her steaming pussy and began to manipulate the folds. Tammy, more experienced, sought her vagina, entering its molten depths with her index and middle fingers. Yes, thought Lisa, she has certainly done this before. She curled her fingers up to press her G-spot and began to massage it. Jenny, meanwhile was rubbing her clit.

Lisa was going wild with the eroticism of the moment. Her own hands cupped Tammy’s small boobs and Jenny’s protruding nipples, squeezing them rhythmically. She was suddenly longing to get her hands on their little pussies. Because she had already tasted Jenny’s little cunny, she found her mouth watering for Tammy’s.

Lisa was beginning to feel the first stages of her impending climax and wanted it to arrive with little Jenny’s mouth glued to her clit. “Let’s form a chain,” she said between breaths.

Lisa instructed them on what to do, telling Tammy to lay on her left side and start eating Jenny’s pussy, while she would position herself to lick Tammy’s and then Jenny could eat hers. For a moment, Tammy protested, saying she wanted to lick Lisa’s pussy, but then Lisa told Tammy that she wanted especially to lick her pussy, since she’d not done it before and would consider it an honor to do so.

Tammy smiled at that and positioned herself to make love to Jenny’s smaller cunny.

Lisa lay on her side and presented her pussy to Jenny while staring into the froth covered lips of Tammy’s young pussy. The downy brown hair lay in small wet bunches against her soft mound of flesh. The clit poked out as if reaching for Lisa’s mouth, lips, and tongue. She put her mouth against the warm, sticky lips and began to suck softly on the clit. At the same time, she reached up and smacked the little girl on her bottom. She giggled her delight, muffling the sound in Jenny’s pussy.

Jenny, meanwhile, was devouring her aunt’s much larger pussy. She loved its taste and the wetness that was there on every inch of the delightful pussy lips. Lisa stopped licking Tammy long enough to tell Jenny to put a finger in her asshole.

Jenny hesitated, but apparently, the mention of it had given Tammy ideas as well. Jenny felt a wet finger slide into her own ass. The invasion caused unbelievable sensations to wash throughout her pussy and ass. Knowing it felt this good, she plunged a wet finger into Aunt Lisa’s bum as well.

“Mine, too,” said Tammy urgently, squirming her ass around to show her need.

Lisa wet her index finger in the juices of Tammy’s sopping pussy and placed the tip against her asshole. Pushing slightly, she watched as the finger was devoured by the hole. From Tammy’s reaction, Lisa could tell she loved this.

The three females, one twenty-nine and the others twelve and thirteen, were in a state of pure bliss. They licked and sucked, plunged fingers into their partner’s assholes and were truly going mad with passion. Lisa was in pure ecstasy. Her cunt was on fire, the moisture that her vagina secreted only serving to add to the flames of her desire like gasoline poured on an inferno.

Tammy came first. Her hips bucked wildly, pressing her cunny into Lisa’s mouth one second and impaling her beautiful ass on her finger the next. Her climax seemed to last forever.

As it began to subside, Lisa began her own journey into her orgasm. She, too, pounded her pussy into Tammy’s lips and tongue. She screamed her orgasm out as Jenny licked and sucked her pussy. Spasms rocked her body like shockwaves following an earthquake.

She sat up and watched Tammy continue to work on Jenny’s little pussy. She had already come several times that day, and that included the rather strong crests of orgasmic waves by the pool. She knew that it would take more stimulation for the pussy to reach her third orgasm of the day.

Rising from the bed, she moved to where she could get to the young girl’s budding titties. Leaning over, she covered the right one with her mouth and sucked while her right hand began to smack the little girl’s ass, making it jiggle and shake against the intruding finger that Tammy was still using to fuck her asshole.

That was all that was needed. Jenny began to moan, scream, squeal, and rock with the orgasm that hit her like a freight train.


It was the first time Lisa had heard her little twelve-year-old niece cuss. Hearing such words come out of that precious mouth now made her even more excited for some reason.

She continued to spasm, as did they all after their individual orgasms, as they lay on the cum and sweat soaked bed. Calm now, Lisa could smell it as the perfume of their mingled pussies filled the room.

“I think you girls are going to have to sleep with me tonight,” she said.

“I don’t see a problem with that,” Jenny answered as Tammy giggled.

“But there are two things we must do first. One is take a shower.”

“And the other?” asked Tammy.

“Call your mother and invite her and Emily over,” answered Lisa. Tammy’s mouth dropped open then curled into a smile, a most delicious smile.

Continue on to Chapter 4


24 Comments on Aunt Lisa’s Summer with Jenny, Chapter 3

  1. Frank says:

    Betterer and betterer! Having drawn another unsuspecting young girl into Lisa’s web of lust, we are now going to have another equally horny lady and her horny daughters joining in. It is turning out to be a steamy orgy of lesbian lust. Beautiful! Oh, and I’m glad you have introduced a bit of sexual language, I like that, especially in the children’s mouths. I hope here will be more to come. On to the next chapter!

  2. Cheryl says:

    Frank, your appreciation of my writing is very much appreciated! Thanks again!

  3. Lisa Olsson says:

    Hi Cheryl we are happy to see that the story continues in a good way and I have been traveling for my work but I’m back so I can read the rest.

  4. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Lisa! This is one of my older works, but I finished it recently. It does take a twist or two in the coming chapters.

  5. Roxanne says:

    I love the story and characters. Can’t wait to read the rest.

  6. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Roxanne! Let me know what you think when you finish it!

  7. kim says:

    great series and great chapter. love rereading your stories.

  8. Phil says:

    Made through chapter 3! This is one hot story, and Cheryl, you are one fine writer!

  9. Kevin says:

    Nothing more beautiful than a mom teaching her girls how to achieve the ultimate pleasures. Looking forward to Tammy’s mommy joining in with her little sister…

  10. Cheryl says:

    Keep reading, Kevin. I am sure you won’t be disappointed! 🙂

    • Kevin says:

      I just need more hours in my day!

      Judging from the past chapters… I will definitely not be disappointed, just very much aroused 😉

  11. Tim says:

    I just love this story Cheryl.
    The sheer wanton sexiness of those dirty little girls and the idea that all of them have been taught the joys of lesbian incest by their horny mothers gets me going every time…..or more like coming!!!

    • Cheryl says:

      Thank you, Tim! I might have to re-read this story again myself. 😉

      • kim says:

        Out of all your wonderful stories and all the great stories on this site, even though some of yours are better, this is the one I can come back to any time, any chapter and still get off like it was the first time reading it.

        Now they sat in the den, watching a DVD of the first Harry Potter movie. Lisa recognized the lust she felt for the character of Hermione, or at least the pretty, then nine-year-old actress Emma Watson who played her. As she thought this, Jenny spoke up as if reading her mind.

        “Wouldn’t you love to make love to Hermione?”

        and from this semi innocent statement we’re off and running again. and cumming. the next chapter, chapter 4 is my favorite of this whole story.

        • kim says:

          no wait, I like chapter 4 a lot, a real lot but chapter 6 is my favorite. The first time with her own daughters.

  12. Tim says:

    Do so Cheryl. If you need cheering up at any time, (maybe like the present)then this will certainly do the trick!!!

  13. Jake says:

    Nice job Cheryl, delightfully descriptive.
    I especially especially enjoy visuals of anal play with the young girls.
    I can only imagine the musky smell of the slimy fingers slipping in and out of the preteen anuses.
    Absolutely delicious ?

  14. Nathan Riches says:

    Sorry, Grammar Police here again. The way this sentence is structured “She lived alone with her mother, Cheryl, who was divorced from Tammy’s father, a prominent doctor in the city, and her little sister Emily, who was eight.” makes it sound like Cheryl had divorced both Tammy’s father and Emily.

  15. Veronica says:

    Cheryl, I have to agree Absofreakinlutely Awesome Story… Looking forward to seeing what’s next.

  16. Euphrosyne, Thalia & Aglaia says:

    Oh sweet spirit of Sappho!
    What a really amazing chapter! I’m still vibrating with excitement!, the sheer delightful sex Aunt Lisa enjoyed with Jenny and Tammy was powerful and palpable, as was the crazy fortuitous circumstance of how it all came to be…what great writing,Cheryl! the plot was suspenseful and kept me wondering right up to the point where Tammy confesses about her own Mom being her “teacher”, wow!

    Loved this brief passage:
    …Lisa realized the little girl was a walking orgasm waiting to happen. She was the most sexual person she’d ever known. And she was only twelve. What would the future bring? If nothing else, she knew it would bring joy to her. And if the seduction of Tammy worked out, she would have a young girl to enjoy things with for many months, or maybe years, to come.

    Mmm, Auntie Lisa, you siren!, so hot, my ears are burning!

    Can’t hardly wait to read the next episode, when as hinted at, another precocious daughter and Tammy’s mom, Cheryl ( really, that’s her name?, I love it! ) might be entering the mix,…oh, what deliciously delirious desires will be presented!

    Thanks, Cheryl, for such a great story so far.


  17. Bryan says:

    Such a hot chapter

  18. bad_UK_guy says:

    Getting better, Cheryl!! I have a thing in my head where they all take a road trip. Cheryl is driving with Emily up front. Lisa is between the two girls in the back & they are all wearing very short dresses with no panties. Things get hot in the back with Lisa fingering them as they do her!! Cheryl sees through the mirror and pulls over so she can involve Emily.

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