From an Author of Adult-Child Erotica

  • Posted on May 2, 2015 at 11:34 am

By Naughty Mommy

It makes me very uncomfortable, even queasy, to think that someone who reads my stories might take what they’ve read as license or, worse still, as encouragement to violate a child.

So, does that mean I should I stop writing the kind of erotica I write?

I’m not sure that’s even possible. Being who I am, I feel compelled to write these stories. Moreover, I derive great satisfaction from creating and reading them. It makes me happy.

Of course, I can do that just for myself, without sharing what I have written with anyone if I choose. That’s what I have done for most of my adult life, after all. It’s only within the last few years that I’ve begun to publish my work, albeit anonymously online, and share it with interested readers. The response has been wonderful, for the most part, and deeply rewarding to me.

One of the reasons I enjoy writing erotic fiction is because it enables me to examine my thoughts and feelings about sexual autonomy, about choices, desires, boundaries, and consequences. I like to explore, within my fantasy world, how far I might want to go and what the results could be. But what I write is almost entirely fantasy. I have my characters do things I would never ever do in my real life.

So, it’s a quandary. Am I responsible, in any legal sense, for the actions of others? No, of course I am not. My stories are only stories; they are not manuals for behavior. However, I still have to consider whether I might personally feel some moral accountability for the way others may respond to my work.

I don’t know all the answers yet. Maybe I never will. These are just some of the thoughts I’ve been having, for what it’s worth.


No comments on From an Author of Adult-Child Erotica

  1. Rachael says:

    Hiya Naughty Mom,

    I’m glad that you shared your ambivalence about your subject matter because I wrestle with the same issue. Even though I led what I would call a sheltered life when it came to sex, I was aware of, and curious about, sex from a fairly young age (as I suspect most humans are). I knew that slit between my legs was more interesting than anyone was letting on. And it was a scary and wonderful journey of discovery finding out just how interesting it was. I enjoy writing about characters experiencing those formative moments for the first time and exploring the wonders of sexuality when everything is new and anything seems possible. To do this successfully, those characters need to be younger than most commercial publishing sites are comfortable depicting. But, even as my natural instincts tell me it’s okay to write about younger characters in consensual situations, I still get a nagging sense that I’m going to encourage or attract those who harbor less than honorable intent and might use my fiction as a springboard to move them from fantasy to action.

    Sorry…I didn’t mean to blather on so much, but thanks again for being open and sharing your reservations with us all.

    The site looks awesome, btw!

    Good luck!
    -Rachael (DirtyMindedMom)

  2. Thanks, Rachael. It is a hard issue and I definitely think it’s worth talking about. You’re right, of course, that sexuality becomes part of most human’s lives at an early age — certainly earlier than 18! Our society is still quite repressed about such things, and for that I blame authoritarian patriarchy. But okay, I won’t go into that any more right now. (Some of my friends know that I have some very strong and radical political opinions.)

    No worries about blathering. We love getting comments, and long ones are always welcome here. 🙂

  3. JetBoy says:

    Maybe I’m rationalizing because I so often traffic in stories that feature underage characters, but I’ve never really believed in the idea that sexual predators are encouraged to indulge by erotica; that it encourages them to move “from fantasy to action,” as Rachael puts it. After all, one wouldn’t accuse the authors of crime novels or directors of horror movies of promoting violent or lawless behavior… well, at least normal people wouldn’t.

    I’ve noticed that the corners of our culture that most often get blamed for encouraging reprehensible acts tend to be the kind that moral arbiters least approve of in the first place. Three notable examples: pornography, rap music and video games. Me, I’d say that sports fans cause more violence than all three of those combined… but you’ll grow old, gray and decrepit waiting for some Baptist preacher to condemn football for its bad influence on our young people. Hell, he’d get run right out of the pulpit for even hinting at such a thing.

    Blaming erotica for acts of sexual abuse is an argument deployed by A) religious conservatives (who loathe anything to do with sexuality in the first place), B) anti-porn feminists (who think of sex itself as a tool of the patriarchy), and C) sex criminals (and their attorneys) who need a convenient scapegoat for their actions.

    Those who commit offenses against children have no one to point the finger at but themselves. These kinds of crimes existed thousands of years before the internet did.

  4. Rachael says:

    Some excellent points, Jetboy. I suspect that porn has more of a “release valve” effect in society than anything else. People get to vicariously live out their dark or kinky fantasies in a satisfying way without harming anyone. I mean, who jerks off then has the energy or ambition to go commit heinous crimes!? When viewed from this perspective, the Juicy Secrets writers are performing a valuable civic duty by providing all of us with a safe, accepting place where we can gratify our passions.

  5. I agree, Rachael. Those of us who create and publish kinky porn are definitely providing a valuable service!!

  6. JetBoy says:

    You make my point more succinctly than I did, Rachael. “Safety valve,” is EXACTLY how I would classify erotica. Masturbation is the means by which we free our minds from obsessing about sex for a few minutes, enabling us to get, well, everything else in life done.

  7. Cheryl Taggert says:

    Like Naughty Mommy and Rachael, I often wonder about this. After reading JetBoy’s response, I am left considering if the fact that three of us are females is somehow part of why we feel that way. I usually fear that a man will read my stories and think, “That sounds reasonable” when considering a child’s response to the seduction, but I rarely fear a woman will. JetBoy, on the other hand, being a man, seems to understand the “safety valve” aspect of indulging in reading our stories. I hope and pray he is right. I know we do see things differently because of our gender, and I have to wonder if this isn’t one of those things the men understand differently than we women do.

    Just a thought.

  8. SadAndAlone says:

    While I definitely believe there is a big difference between fantasy and reality, and that someone who reads or writes such stories are not anymore prone to committing crimes than any one else. I also know that adult-child sex is not necessarily violating a child. So while it’s good to keep these stories in the realm of fantasy, it’s also important that there is an honest discussion about ethics surrounding adult-child sex.

  9. I certainly agree with you, S&A, that there is a difference between violating a child and simply loving a child, i.e., giving physical affection that conveys love and results in sexual arousal. What makes this a difficult issue, though, is deciding who gets to decide which is which. Is it always in the eye of the beholder? And what about consent? At what age is a child old enough to offer informed consent?

    These are not easy questions to answer. But you are right that an honest discussion of such issues is definitely needed, as opposed to the blanket condemnation that our authoritarian society pronounces.

  10. eloquent delinquent says:

    I don’t know about the rest of the authors here, but I write the stories I do because the tension between innocence and sexual bliss, the temptation and seduction of it, is extremely exciting to me, and within these stories I get to explore that. The fact that my characters are underage is partly allegorical, a symbol for innocence that’s easy to recognize and sympathize with.

    In real life, my sexuality is varied and wonderful. I have opportunities now that I never imagined I would in my youth. And though I won’t deny that I’m attracted to underage girls (I have been since I was an underage boy), I would never act on those attractions. The fact that the boundary exists is part of why I write Lolita fiction as well. Like JetBoy said, it’s an “escape valve.” The desire sometimes rises, but in a fantasy, no one has to get damaged and everyone can be gloriously satisfied.

    I don’t feel the moral accountability that some of you do. Maybe you’re right, Cheryl, and that’s a male thing. But I’ve seen enough “killing in the name of” to know that holding erotica, or the men’s right’s movement, or GTA V, or hallowed tradition, or some cosmic lawgiver responsible for your actions is just so much bullshit.

    Some of my friends (in real life) expressed an interest in seeing what I’ve been working on. And when I showed them, all but two quite naturally balked. So I asked one of the two why it didn’t bother/worry/dismay her to find me writing this type of smut. Here’s a paraphrase of what she said:

    “They make these movies and shows about serial killers, serial killers like all the time. And not just monsters, either, they make some of these killers sympathetic, even likable, some of them have fan clubs of women who’re crushing on them. Somebody writes that, too, and nobody puts them on a watch list. Why do we think that writing murder doesn’t make us murderers, but writing kinky sex makes us deviants?”

  11. Thanks, eloquent delinquent.

    I’d never thought of my erotic fiction as being allegorical before now, but that’s a very apt way of looking at it. The tension between innocence and experience, between longing and repression, between desire and inhibition, between the need to wait and the fiery excitement of doing it now — all of these can be present in adult relationships, but they are played out much more clearly in our little stories.

    As I mentioned in the original post, the writing I do works in a way for me as an educational experience, as an object lesson. I’m hopeful it might serve that purpose for others as well.

  12. Megan says:

    I’ve dealt with this question for some time in many contexts. As a religious figure (and no, I’m not going to start spouting fire and brimstone curses; not that kind of religion) I’m asked a lot of questions regarding moral quandaries that people I know are in.

    My answer to this one is actually fairly simple. To wit, you are only responsible for those things that you can directly do or cause to be done. Note the words “directly cause.” If you hire someone to commit an evil act, that is “directly causing” that evil act. If you directly commit an evil act, then you are directly responsible for it.

    However, if you tell a story, sing a song, write a game, or other such activity, and someone takes that as their “inspiration” to commit an evil act, in my view, you are not responsible for their actions. If some random stranger reads your story and commits an evil act, even if it’s exactly like the evil act in your story, you are not responsible for it.

    “But Megan, if I hadn’t written that story, that person would never have done what he did!”

    Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps he would not have done it in the exact same way, but chances are good that he would have done it somehow. Unless you knew that person personally and specifically wrote your story with the intent of influencing that particular person to commit that particular evil act, you are not responsible for their actions.

    “So why do I feel so guilty? Why do I feel that I might be responsible?”

    Because you’re a good person. Like many people who hear about a tragedy, we long for an explanation of why. (Quite probably the most asked question in the face of an evil act is “Why.”) There’s also the niggling feeling of “Wow, I’m glad that didn’t happen to me,” which can, of course, make us feel guilty for feeling that. Sometimes, guilt longs to be assuaged with responsibility. So, we tend to feel somewhat responsible. Not in a legal sense, but in a mental/spiritual sense. From what I’ve read of your writing, you’re an intelligent, thinking, considerate and compassionate person. You’re smart enough to know that guilt isn’t rational, but sometimes our feelings trump our intellect.

    I think you’ve done the best thing you can do in writing this post. Introspection is a damned valuable tool for resolving feelings like this. Add to that comments from peers, particularly those you know and trust (I don’t include myself in that group, you’ve only barely met me through this one post), and it makes things a little easier.

    One of my favorite authors wrote, “Pain shared is pain halved, while joy shared is joy doubled.” The math don’t make any sense, but I’ve lived too long to ignore the reality of that.

    Good luck and keep on writing and asking those questions. You’re right, you may never get the answers, but sometimes just asking the questions helps.

  13. Megan, thank you so much for offering your wise perspective. It sounds like you and I think a lot alike, which is reassuring to me since you seem to be such a well-adjusted person. 🙂

    And you know what? Sharing my quandary with others this way really does make a big difference. Finding (and helping to create) a community of people who can support each other, even if it’s done anonymously online, has been both comforting and energizing for me. I’m truly thrilled that JetBoy and Cheryl were willing to join me in this endeavor, and I’m also proud that you have chosen to blend your voice with ours. Please don’t hesitate to comment again, in whatever context. My best to you. xoxo

  14. kimberly says:

    I think the recent release of the NY cop who had been locked up for discussing murder and cannibalism, though he claimed he would never do it, is a sign that maybe the ‘thought police’ have gone too far. Though everything on the internet or in book stores or in movies may not be of interest to some, and also offensive to others, we should have the right to read or not read it. Someone at a party told me that everyone finds what they are looking for. If we are just looking to find stories that satisfy our hidden desires, then what harm is there as long as they are not acted upon. I have read in studies that there was less child abuse when child porn was legal. Not saying child porn should be legal again, but I am saying people should be free to make up and read stories about underage sex. Trust me there are many stories about it that I do not enjoy, but someone else must, even if it’s just the person who wrote it. So I don’t read those, but I do read the ones I enjoy, and I sure enjoy a lot here.

  15. Jarred says:

    I enjoy stories of underage girls but that doesn’t mean they are real. As a father of 5 girls, 9 to 19, I have never had any desire to be inappropriate with them even if stories like yours make it seem reasonable. I know this because your stories, though well written, are just stories.

    The people who would claim to use stories like yours as permission are the same ones who don’t need a reason, just an opportunity.

    So continue to write and I will continue to read and enjoy.

  16. grandpa says:

    I certainly appreciate what I consider the service the authors here provide. I fantasize about young girls but have absolutely no problem differentiating fantasy from reality. I have daughters and grand-daughters and feel no urge to “put into practice” what I might read here or anywhere else for that matter. What I find so appealing about this site is the tender, loving albeit erotic way the relationships are portrayed. I find masturbating to it is less of a “release valve” than simply a genuinely pleasurable experience. It’s not as if I’d explode and do something heinous without them. I would like to thank all of you…..letting you know how much I enjoy jerking off and cumming to your work….it’s very much appreciated !!!

  17. dayday says:

    This is quite a discussion here. Thank you for all the insightful comments, I’m really glad to see that though we all may enjoy these stories, we would never harm children.

    I guess that’s all I can say without sounding redundant.

  18. dayday, grandpa, and Jarred, thank you very much for your input. I’m so pleased we have this place where we can all express our feelings and exchange our experiences with each other. We’re grateful to have you in our company!

  19. kimberly says:

    I guess all I was trying to say and I can’t recall who said this but it was a long time ago, you know, nothing new under the sun, “people should be free to do any kind of sex they want, as long as they don’t do it in the streets and scare the horses.”

  20. That’s a great quote, Kimberly. It’s usually attributed, circa 1910, to Mrs Patrick (Beatrice) Campbell, as: “Does it really matter what these affectionate people do, so long as they don’t do it on the street and frighten the horses?” I love it!

  21. kim says:

    Thanks Naughty Mommy, I often recall something I read, but not always very correctly.

  22. xfeme4femex says:

    Thank you greatly for this post, Naughty Mommy. I can totally relate in a way. Not too long ago, after meeting and corresponding with another woman whom I met on another unrelated site, I had the idea she shared some of my interests and eventually recommended the site leslita to her. A couple days later she emailed me with a rather nasty message accusing me of being a pervert and a few other choice words. It really hurt my feelings for a short while. But I soon came to realise it was my own fault for not learning much more about her first. I don’t blame her for the reply, I just simply wish she’d given me the chance to explain myself first.

    But as for your thoughts. The way I see it, it is these stories and all you wonderful authors that actualy keep many of us from crossing that line between fantasy and real life. Just having a place like this and the others that help me maintain my sanity anyways. If there are others who cannot control those urges, I simply suggest serious mental help.

    Love you all! Sarah ~c( :

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