To my readers: I have changed the name of the character formerly called Lily. The person whose name I used for this character has asked me to no longer use it. At first, I said no, but having reflected on the request, I am going to oblige her. I hope this does not cause any undue confusion on your part. Her new name is Becca, short of Rebecca, one of my favorite names. Thank you for understanding. Now, on to chapter 15!
Becca was lying in bed a few days after the orgy, thinking how she’d rather do many other things besides going to work at Subway in the local mall.
She was also thinking about her pussy. It was wet again. Her clit was tingling, begging for attention. It occurred to her that this was happening much more often since that day in the mall when eleven-year-old Tina Daniels had more or less seduced her in the mall restroom. It seemed her pussy was always crying to be touched, and the abundant fluids dripping from her were the tears.
She glanced at her bedside clock and realized she had time for a quick come before she would have to get up and get ready for work, where she was certain no eleven-year-old would stop by to have sex that day.
As she reached down and began her life’s most pleasant massage, her phone rang. She knew it was her best friend and first lover, Carolyn, because of the ringtone — a few bars of J. Holiday’s “Bed.” It fit Carolyn perfectly.
Becca continued rubbing lightly as she answered her phone.
“Hey, lover,” she cooed.
“Hey yourself. Whatcha doin’?” Carolyn asked.
“Tip-toeing through the tulips,” Becca said. She was referring to an old song they’d listened to from way back in the sixties that a friend had told them about by some guy named Tiny Tim. They had started joking about how their fingers were tip-toeing through the two lips when they masturbated.
“You’re such a slut,” Carolyn said, giggling.
“Yeah, don’t you love it?”
“You know it, girl. Can I stay on and listen to you come?”
“Sure. Wish you were here to help me,” said Becca, sighing as she felt her breath quicken.
“Me, too. Hey, can I put you on speaker? Candace is here.”
“Sure,” Becca said, and heard the sound quality alter as Carolyn put her on speaker phone.
“She’s doing it?” she heard Candace say, obviously referring to Becca and the fact she was masturbating.
“Yeah. Listen in. She’s gonna come soon,” Candace said.
“Hi, Becca,” Candace said, greeting her older sister’s best friend.
“Hey, lovebug,” Becca replied. “Still sexy?”
Candace giggled. Becca could hear some rustling.
“Carolyn? You in your room?”
Carolyn laughed. “Of course not. We’re in the kitchen with Mom and Dad. We’re all listening to you rub one off.”
“Smart ass!” Becca said. Carolyn’s parents were gone early each weekday for work.
“Yeah, we’re in my room.”
“Get naked with me,” Becca said. “We can have phone sex.”
“You’re behind the times, girly. We’re already naked,” Carolyn said.
“Touching yourselves?”
“No,” Carolyn said, and Becca heard more giggling from Candace.
“Now you’re behind the times,” Becca said, wondering if she would even be able to hold off long enough for Carolyn and Candace to reach an orgasm with her.
“Not really,” said Carolyn. “We’re touching each other.”
“Oh. That’s even better.”
Carolyn had recently told Becca about her sex life with both her sister and her Aunt Daphne, who was thirty-four. Becca and Carolyn had spoken since then and Carolyn had told Candace that Becca knew everything about their fun. They’d already talked about getting together soon. Carolyn hoped to be able to get Aunt Daphne involved as well.
“I wish I could be there. I want to lick Candace and you both,” Becca said, feeling her orgasm begin to build deep in her loins.
“Oh my God!” Candace said. “Would you really?”
“In a hot second!” said Becca.
“She’s very wet,” Carolyn said.
“I bet she’s also delicious,” said Becca.
“Let me check,” Becca heard Carolyn say, and then there was more rustling as Carolyn apparently moved to lick her little sister’s bald pussy.
“Oh, shit!” said Candace. “That feels so good! Becca, would you let me lick you too?”
“Of course, lovebug. I’d insist on it, in fact.”
“C’mere, Care. Let me lick you too,” Becca heard Candace say, using her shortened name for Carolyn that she often used. Becca smiled. Candace was always shortening names. She often called her Becks, even though Becca was not very long.
Becca could hear the two sisters moaning as they enjoyed their hot sixty-nine. She felt her own orgasm rush up on her and knew she would not be able to hold off. She had been very horny and her orgasm simply wouldn’t wait.
“Oh, God!” she grunted as the tremors hit and washed over her, bringing both satisfaction and a desire for more.
When she’d finished coming, Becca listened as her best friend devoured the pussy of her baby sister, who was licking her much older sister’s pussy as well. Becca wished she didn’t have to work today. She would love to enjoy a day in bed with Carolyn and Candace, each of them doing to each other whatever they wanted to do. She pictured the girls, one seventeen, the other only ten, locked in a sexy sixty-nine and wondered if Candace had ever had a finger in her cute little butt. Then she remembered how long Carolyn had been having sex with Candace and realized that of course she had.
Becca heard a muffled, “Gonna come!” that sounded like Carolyn, and come she did. Becca could hear the moans and pictured the sisters together. As soon as Carolyn’s orgasm was beginning to wane, Candace started coming.
Becca was so envious of her best friend. She had a sexy little sister who loved lesbian sex and their parents were both out of the house by 7:30 each morning. This allowed for a lot of sex between the sisters when they were out of school, as they were now. Becca had no sister, though she’d wanted one since she was a young girl. Now that she’d been introduced to lesbian sex, she realized if she did have a sister, there would be a lot of great things they could do together. In fact, she wondered if it would have taken so long to start doing things with other girls if she’d had a sister. She had thought about sex with girls since she was eleven and had found some lesbian porn on the internet one day when she was home alone. She’d been surprised that girls could do these things with each other and she had been curious about it ever since.
She recalled that Carolyn had been sexually active with her aunt since the age of eight and that reinforced her conviction that she would have started much earlier herself if she’d only had a partner who was just as adventurous. Not only that, but Carolyn had seduced Candace when she was thirteen and Candace was only six. The thought of licking the bare pussy of a six-year-old made her pussy spasm and ask for another go.
Becca would have to ignore this request, though. It was time to get ready for work.
“Fuck!” she heard Carolyn say.
“Was it good?” Becca asked.
“Girl, you gotta get over here soon and let Candace do her magic on you. You’re gonna love it,” Carolyn said, still trying to catch her breath.
“I’m off tomorrow,” Becca said.
“Then come over here in the morning and GET off!” Carolyn said.
Becca heard Candace giggle again, but the chuckle lacked the energy of her earlier laughter.
“Hey, Candace, your sister’s good at that, too, isn’t she?” Becca asked.
“Don’t you know it,” Candace said.
“Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do,” Becca answered. “Hey, I gotta go now. I have to get ready for work before I get fired.”
“See you tomorrow,” said Carolyn.
“Yeah, tomorrow,” said Candace, “when I’ll lick your pussy and let you lick mine!”
“Can’t wait! Bye, now!” Becca said.
“Bye-bye,” the sisters echoed each other.
Becca hung up, looked down at her still horny pussy, and said to it, “You are in for such a treat.”
Becca then got up to get ready for work, starting with a shower. She really couldn’t wait until she could visit Carolyn and Candace tomorrow, but she knew she would have to.
Monica Duncan awoke that same morning wishing she could get together with Susan, Heather, and Tina for some wild all-girl sex. She had Susan’s number and thought of calling her.
She was also thinking about the weird conversation with her mother, Ashley, a few days before. Her mom had admitted to masturbating and seemed open to the idea that they could do it whenever the two of them were alone in the house and not worry about being caught. Monica had never thought about her mom that way before, and now the very idea of it intrigued her. What would it be like to watch Mom getting herself off?
She walked down the hallway to go to the bathroom and noticed her mother’s door was slightly ajar but thought nothing of it. She continued to the bathroom and peed before taking a bath. She then remembered that she’d used the last of her shampoo. Turning on the water to fill the tub, she left the bathroom and padded down the hallway to retrieve the new bottle that she had left in her room.
When she passed her mother’s door, she froze. She heard something and it made her stop in her tracks. It was a moan. A small one, but it was definitely a moan. The kind that accompanied her own masturbation. Was her mother…? She stood still and continued to listen, moving her ear closer to the slightly opened door to her mother’s bedroom. Yes, her mother was definitely masturbating. She could even hear the slick sounds of her fingers moving between her wet pussy lips.
Ashley Duncan had awoken that morning feeling on edge. She had felt this way since the conversation she’d had with her daughter, Monica. Since then, she had thought a lot about sex. She had also thought a lot about her daughter. For some reason the image of her daughter masturbating had filled her mind on more than one occasion. She would picture herself walking in on Monica and catching her with a couple of fingers in her young pussy. She had not seen Monica totally naked in over a year, since the adolescent need for privacy had asserted itself. Ashley had not really thought about Monica without clothes until the conversation they’d had about masturbation and not worrying about being caught doing it. Now, she wondered if her daughter had any pubic hair yet. It was hard for her to admit to herself that she wanted to know this… no, not to know it but to see it.
She had lain awake for a bit, wondering if she should relieve this built-up tension and, with it, the odd desires she was starting to have concerning her daughter.
When she had heard Monica walking past her door and go into her bathroom, she decided that this would be a good time for an orgasm. Monica, she knew, would spend at least forty-five minutes in the bathroom when she bathed, sometimes more. The moment she thought about this, a sudden realization hit her. Of course. Monica was spending that much time in there because she was masturbating. She wondered why she hadn’t realized it before now. Monica’s baths used to be short, but since about two years ago, they had grown progressively longer.
She heard the tub start and moved her hand to her now soaked pussy. God, she was wet! A moan escaped her lips as she touched the tender area. As she moaned, she began to play what was becoming a common fantasy in her head. This time it involved walking into Monica’s bathroom without knocking and catching her with her fingers busily rubbing her center into orgasm.
Monica decided to peek into her mom’s bedroom to find out if she could see her mom doing it. Quietly and slowly moving the door further open, she waited a moment to see if her mom had noticed. When only the sloshing sounds of fingers in pussy met her ears, she carefully peeked around the edge of the door.
What she saw took her breath away. Her mother was lying on top of the covers, her legs spread and her hand massaging the bare pussy at the top of the inverted V. Monica could even see that her mother was shaved. Her pussy was as bald as her own had been prior to starting to grow pubic hair. Monica’s pussy had a small patch of wiry hair at the very top of her slit, and a fringe of hair that grew along the edges of her labia. It amazed her that she was only twelve but had more hair than her mom did down there.
Monica looked up along her mother’s body. Now there was a hand pinching and squeezing her boob and nipple, massaging the breasts that Monica suddenly realized were beautiful. She had an image of herself on the bed with her mom and sucking those small, pink nipples that capped the small mounds of her mother’s breasts. Just as suddenly, she fantasized that the hand in her mother’s pussy was hers, not her mom’s. She imagined what it would feel like to touch her there, to feel the slippery wetness.
To bring that wetness to her mouth and suck her fingers clean.
Monica could feel the juices wetting the gusset of her panties. She was so horny she pulled her panties down, letting them puddle at her feet, and began to explore herself. The pleasure was so great she closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the feel of her fingers and the vision of her mom on the bed doing exactly what she was doing now. She moaned without even realizing it.
Ashley heard something, and looked toward the door of her bedroom. What she saw changed her life forever.
Her daughter was standing outside her door, which was now open enough for Monica’s face to be clearly seen in the gap between door and jamb. Monica’s eyes were closed, but the look on her face made it obvious what was happening. Ashley could see that Monica’s shoulder was moving in such a way to indicate her hand was very busy below her waist. The thought thrilled her. Monica had looked in and caught her masturbating, and now she was doing the same.
Ashley had not stopped rubbing herself and pinching her nipples, though the speed and urgency had decreased for a moment when she saw her daughter. Now, she went back to what she had been doing while pretending she hadn’t seen Monica masturbating in her doorway.
The thought that she was being watched made the pleasure increase ten-fold. Ashley was now very close to orgasm. The thought her daughter would see — and enjoy — her having an orgasm, pushed her over the top.
Ashley groaned loudly as she came. Spasms rippled throughout her body, causing her to jerk and shudder with the intensity of the orgasm.
Monica heard the loud moan and opened her eyes. Her mother was now thrashing about on the bed, obviously coming. The realization that she was watching her mother in the throes of an orgasm, sent the twelve-year-old into what could only be described as an explosion of pleasure. She went to her knees, and her eyes squeezed shut with the force of the orgasm. She became aware that she was now moaning… loudly. When it occurred to her that her mother might be able to hear her, she forced her eyes to open.
Her mother was now lying on the bed on her side, facing the door and looking at her.
She knew.
Embarrassed that she’d gotten so turned on watching her mother bring herself off, Monica stood and scampered to the bathroom, nearly tripping on her panties around her ankles before she managed to get them off completely. Being unable to think of what else to do, she turned off the water and climbed into the tub. She thought momentarily about sinking her head under and drowning herself, but knew that she would never do that. She just wanted to be gone from the world.
Her mother knew she’d watched her masturbate and gotten herself off at the same time. This thought kept running through her head. What would she think? Would she think I’m some sort of pervert? she thought. Of course, she was, but she didn’t want her mom knowing that.
Ashley made a decision, knowing there could be serious repercussions from it. She realized that not only did she lust after her own daughter, but her daughter lusted after her as well. That fact required they talk about this. She knew Monica was embarrassed about being caught watching her mother and masturbating, and she wanted to make sure she didn’t feel guilty or bad about it in any way.
Rising from her bed on wobbly knees, she went down the hall to Monica’s bathroom.
Monica heard a soft knock at the door, which startled her, making her body jerk and causing water to splash onto the floor. She just sat there, crying now, afraid to say anything as if doing so would make her mom go away and forget what she saw.
“Sweetie, we need to talk,” Ashley said.
“I don’t want to,” Monica answered as a sob escaped her.
“I know, honey. But we still need to talk about this. We can’t let it ruin our relationship.”
“You must hate me!” Monica sobbed.
“Oh, honey. No! Mommy doesn’t hate you. I could never hate you! Please? May I please come in? It’s more important than you know that we talk.”
Monica knew they would have to talk eventually about this anyway. It wasn’t as if they could avoid seeing each other for the rest of their lives.
“Okay,” she said, “you can come in.”
Ashley opened the bathroom door and stepped into the steamy room, closing the door behind her. Monica saw that she was still naked. Again, the beauty took her breath away. It wasn’t that she was some supermodel, but Monica found her beautiful.
“Is there room in there for me?” Ashley asked.
“I… I guess.” Monica was so shocked her mom was naked and was now going to get into the tub with her that she stopped crying.
“Scootch forward,” Ashley said.
Monica moved her butt forward to allow her mother room to get into the standard sized tub. It was a tight fit. When her mom was situated behind her, Monica adjusted herself some so her legs could stretch out a bit. Ashley placed her own legs around Monica so her legs were draped along her daughter’s legs. Monica could feel her mother’s bald pussy pressed against the top of her butt crack. It felt wonderful.
Ashley enfolded her daughter with her arms, pulling her back against her chest. She, too, was well aware that her pussy was pressed against Monica’s butt. Ashley’s pussy had continued to buzz following the massive orgasm. The tingling remained and did not seem eager to go away, especially now that they were both naked and pressed against each other in the tub.
She could feel Monica’s back pressed against her boobs, and the contact made her nipples pucker despite the heat in the small, steam-filled bathroom.
Ashley had not thought about where this would lead, but it certainly occurred to her now.
Monica felt her mother’s nipples as they hardened against the skin of her back. Along with the feel of the bare pussy against her butt, Monica realized this was as intimate as she could ever recall being with her mother. Their naked flesh was pressed together, and the sensations this caused stirred deep emotions and desires within her.
“Sweetie,” Ashley began, “it’s okay. What you did… and what I did. It’s okay.”
“But I was watching you,” Monica said, feeling the tears returning. “It was more than just doing it to myself. I was–” Monica again burst into tears. Ashley let her cry for a moment, knowing she needed this emotional release.
Finally, she pulled her closer again, mashing her boobs more firmly against her daughter’s back. “I know you were watching me, and it’s okay.”
“But that makes me some kind of perv!”
“No, honey, it doesn’t. It makes you… honest.”
“Honest?” Monica couldn’t understand how watching her mom masturbate and getting turned on about it made her ‘honest’.
“You felt something and acted on it. We can’t help how certain things make us feel. It’s just who we are. If watching me masturbate turned you on and you accepted that and did something about it, that makes you honest with yourself and your feelings.”
“You weren’t, like, disgusted?”
“No, honey. Far from it.”
“What d’ya mean?”
“Can I be honest with you while being honest with myself?” Ashley asked, needing permission to talk about what she was going to discuss about herself.
“It turned me on.”
Monica froze. Again, her tears dried up from the shock of her mother’s answer. “Turned you on?”
“Yes, honey. You see, if I’m going to be honest with you, I have to tell you I saw you before you climaxed. I knew you were watching me.”
Monica’s eyes widened at this. “You… knew?”
“Yes, baby. I heard you moan a bit and looked at my door. Your eyes were closed and I could tell you were masturbating. It turned me on. A lot.”
“You liked me watching you?”
“Yes. I didn’t realize I would, but when it happened, I was so turned on that I had a big orgasm.”
“Wow. Really?”
“Yes, really. I noticed you had a big one yourself.”
Monica looked back over her shoulder and could see her mother was smiling. This made Monica smile, too. Yes, everything would be alright, after all. She was glad she hadn’t drowned herself.
“Yeah, I guess I did.”
“Can I ask you a question, and will you be honest in your answer? No matter what it sounds like to say it?” Ashley asked.
“Sure,” Monica answered, but not without some hesitation.
“What was it that turned you on so much as you watched me?”
“You won’t hate me?”
“Of course not. There’s nothing you could ever do or say that would make me hate you.”
“Go ahead, honey. Just say it. Tell me. Please?”
Monica noticed that her mom’s hands had moved up a bit, and her right hand was now cradling her left breast. Her mother’s hand was cupping her boob and tweaking her own daughter’s nipple. Did Mom realize she was doing this? Basically feeling her up? Realizing this, she felt she could go ahead and tell her mom the most secret part of what she’d been thinking in the hallway while she watched her mom.
“Well, I was… I guess… well… I was thinking and imagining… stuff.”
“What stuff?” Ashley asked. Her hand continued to fondle her daughter’s breast, though Ashley hadn’t been aware of it until that moment. It had almost been a reflexive action.
“Well.. like as if… as if I was on the bed with you and…”
“And what?” Ashley asked, becoming even more aware of her daughter’s butt against her pussy. Her hands began to explore her daughter’s boobs openly, pinching the nipples lightly. She could tell Monica was aware of this and her breathing told Ashley that Monica was enjoying it.
“That I was sucking and kissing your boobs… and…”
“And?” Ashley’s breathing had become more labored as well. She was practically panting. The sudden realization that she was in the process of seducing her daughter made her blush, but not with shame — with desire.
“And that it was my hand down there.”
“Down where?” Ashley was now so horny she would have done anything to get off again.
“You know…” Monica wasn’t sure what was happening, but she knew she wanted it to continue happening, whatever it was. Her pussy was suddenly in need of attention, and for the first time she thought it might be motherly attention. She nearly came just imagining it.
“I know?”
“I’m not absolutely certain which “down there” you mean.”
“Huh?” Monica asked, confused.
“Show me.”
“Show… you?”
“Yes. Show me. Put your hand where you were imagining it to be while you watched me masturbating in my bed. Show me. I need to be sure.” Ashley paused before adding, “But only if you want to… show me, that is.”
Monica realized this would change everything. For the better, she hoped. If her mother could also be her lover, they would be able to enjoy each other anytime they wanted. They could sleep together.
And fuck.
“Well, here,” Monica said, and reached behind her back and pushed her hand down to where her mother’s bald pussy was pressed against her butt. Even beneath the water her palm and fingers could feel the wetness coating her mother’s mound. The feel of the smooth skin made her want to cry out in ecstasy. She was also aware of the feel of her hand against her own skin where her crack began. It had always been a very tender spot.
“Is that what you were imagining? Touching me there? Feeling my pussy?” It was the first time she had used that word with her daughter. The sound of it made Ashley squirm deliciously inside.
Monica just nodded in response, too excited to even speak, afraid that to do so would destroy the moment and cause her mom to make her remove her hand, which she was very reluctant to do.
Instead, her mother took things further.
“Do you want to put a finger inside me?”
Monica nodded again.
“If that’s what you want, then do it. Put a finger inside me. Feel how wet I am.” Then she added again, “But only if you want to.”
Ashley began to feel as if she were another person entirely. She had never thought about this before with her daughter, but now it was all she wanted to do. She suddenly decided to call in to work and play sick. She wasn’t due there for another three hours, but she had a suspicion she wouldn’t be wanting to go.
Monica put a finger inside her mother’s vagina, pushing it inside through the opening where she had first entered the world. She felt her mother stiffen at the contact.
“Do you like doing that as much as you thought you would?”
“Yesss,” Monica answered.
“Have you ever thought you’d like for me to play with your pussy too?”
Again, Monica said, “Yesss.”
She felt Ashley’s hand move down across her tummy, approaching her pussy, which nearly ached with the need to be touched. When finally her mother’s hand arrived at her pussy, she inhaled with a hiss at the sudden pleasure.
Ashley had one hand on her daughter’s pussy and another on Monica’s left breast. She was acutely aware of Monica’s hand and the finger that had entered her. She decided to take the plunge. If they were going to be lovers, they should be more comfortable than this.
“Sweetie, would you like to go to Mommy’s room and get on the bed? We can do what you imagined yourself doing.”
“Oh, yessss,” Monica hissed. She couldn’t believe it! She was going to make love with her mother! It seemed too good to be true and she thought to herself, If I’m dreaming, please don’t wake up until after we do this!
“Let’s get out and dry off,” Ashley said.
Once they were dry, Ashley took her daughter’s hand and led her to the bedroom. She realized Monica was actually the second girl much younger than she was that she’d managed to have sex with. The other had been a girl she’d babysat one summer.
Ashley wondered if she would ever tell Monica about that, then dismissed the thought until later.
There were more important things to do, and other than the phone call to work she placed an hour later and a break for food, they remained in bed the rest of the day.
Continue on to Chapter 16
Well done, Cheryl!! Very hot!
Nice story!
Just a needed correction then.. The line “She often called her Lil, even though Becca was not very long” is still in it…
What a romantic and sensual seduction, mother and daughter are so lucky to finally bridge the gap between them and open themselves us to experience such intense intimacy.
First, thank you, Quiller Fan, Kayce, and Margaret for your comments! We authors LOVE to read that our readers are enjoying the stories. And thank you, Kayce, for catching that typo! It’s corrected now.
I like the name Becca also … It was one of the teens in Cheryl’s old “The Surprises” stories.
mhhh perfect chapter. good cums, and I don’t mean the characters in the story.
Llllllllllloooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee it
DH, Kim, and Saapho… THANK YOU!!!!! I am so happy to be of some help in your fantasy lives!!