For assistance in keeping up with all the characters, you can go here.
It was Saturday, and Susan was due soon for a sleepover with Heather and Tina. Susan had told her best friends about her time with Mia, her mom, and of course, they had told their mother. Mia knew about Cheryl and the sexual relationships she had with her daughters, but she was not aware that Cheryl and the girls knew about her and Susan.
That news was about to be shared with Mia, mostly because none of them could wait to have sex with the beautiful brunette. It was how that information would be shared that made the difference. Cheryl and her daughters had a plan that not even Susan was aware of.
When the doorbell rang, Tina and Heather, already naked and very horny from playing around with each other much of the afternoon, scampered into the den where they began to make out. Neither girl had come yet, on Cheryl’s orders. “I want you both dying to come when we finally get together,” she had said.
Cheryl went to answer the door. Opening it, she felt her heart skip at the sight of the mother and daughter.
Mia was wearing a light blue pleated skirt with a semi-sheer egg-shell colored blouse with a plainly visible camisole beneath to hide her bra. Her long, brown hair hung down in waves that reached the middle of her back, with a slender rope of hair crossing over each shoulder in a way that seemed to frame her breasts.
Mia now saw Cheryl in a totally different light. Because she knew that the gorgeous mother was involved in an incestuous relationship with her two daughters, as she was with Susan, she started imagining Cheryl naked as she stood in the doorway and stepping aside to let them in. Mia felt her clit begin to throb at the image. She couldn’t help herself, really. She’d already masturbated twice to images of Cheryl, her two daughters, and Susan since learning of their secret.
Each woman noticed the other’s stares but did not mention them.
“Come in, ladies,” Cheryl said as they entered. “Susan, the girls are in the den. Why don’t you join them?”
Cheryl’s face as she looked at Susan clued the girl in that something was up, so she went directly to the den, leaving her mother and Cheryl to chat. She could only imagine what they might chat about, but she thought it might be about sex. When she entered the den, she was positive that’s what Cheryl would talk about with her mom.
Tina and Heather were on the sofa, kissing and touching each other. Heather’s hand was softly stroking Tina’s thigh, and Tina’s hand was massaging Heather’s small boobs and pinching the nipples.
“Don’t just stand there, silly,” said Heather. “Get naked!”
With a quick glance at the door and a slight hesitation as she wondered if her mom would be okay if she walked in on this, Susan grinned and began stripping. She figured she would just let Cheryl handle things.
Meanwhile, Cheryl invited Mia in for a glass of wine.
“Oh, no, really. I should probably get home.”
“I thought your husband was out of town this weekend,” Cheryl said. “At least that’s what Susan told the girls.”
Mia was caught. The fact was she wasn’t sure she could trust herself around Cheryl. She had always considered her extremely sexy, and now that she knew so much about her sex life, that opinion was only strengthened. “Well, yes, but… I mean… I have some laundry that needs doing.” Laundry, Mia thought to herself. I’m such a terrible liar! The mental admonition made her blush as she realized how bad her excuse was.
“Laundry can wait. Please?” Cheryl asked, smiling. “If you go now, I’ll think my company is less desirable than doing laundry.”
Mia took a deep breath. I can do this! she thought. “Okay. Of course your company is preferable to doing laundry. Anything is preferable to that!” she said, blushing even more when she realized how that might be taken — as if chatting with Cheryl was only barely better. “I mean… um…”
“That’s fine,” Cheryl laughed. “I know what you mean.”
Mia followed Cheryl to the the eat-in kitchen and sat down while Cheryl served the wine.
Cheryl plunged right in. “I know you know.”
“Know what?” Mia asked, hoping it wasn’t what she thought it might be, yet nearly craving that it was.
“You know,” said Cheryl.
“I… uh… well, I’m really not sure what you mean.”
“About me.”
“And my girls.”
Oh, my God! Mia thought. It IS that!
“You and your girls?” Mia said, wondering where the hell this was going.
“Yes, I know Susan told you about us.”
Mia realized she could continue to look like a moron and keep denying what she knew, or she could admit it and find out what this was about.
It was then it hit her. If they knew she knew about them, then they knew about her and Susan.
“Oh, dear God! She told you?!”
“About the two of you? Of course.” Cheryl set her wine glass down and took the wine glass from Mia, who was so shocked she looked as though she might drop it. Then she took Mia’s hand and rose from the table.
“Come with me. I’ve something to show you,” Cheryl said, and led Mia to the den.
As they entered the room, she looked at Mia and smiled. “Aren’t they lovely?”
Mia looked at the three little girls, all completely naked and involved in sex with each other. Lovely? she thought. That wasn’t the word she would choose. Intoxicatingly sexy would be more like it. The sight caused her clit, which had been fairly erect since entering the home, to tremble inside her panties. This was what she had fantasized about, and what she only now admitted to herself she wanted to see and be a part of.
This was heaven.
As Mia looked on, Heather was lying back on the sofa with her eyes closed. She was breathing a bit heavily, and Mia knew this was the effects of the lust she was feeling. Heather’s younger sister Tina and her own daughter Susan were between Heather’s spread legs. Each had her mouth situated so that they each had one half of the delicate pussy to herself. The two girls had their tongues pressed against Heather’s small swollen clitoris, each attacking the nubbin from their side, slathering the pebble of flesh with saliva and Heather’s own juices. Heather herself was busy squeezing the small hills of her boobs and pinching the petite, coral-colored nipples. As the two women watched, still unnoticed, Heather began to climax.
Shudders rippled throughout her body, and her breath burst from her with a moan. Her tummy clenched, causing her to do a small spontaneous crunch, lifting her back from the sofa a few inches with each spasm.
Mia was mesmerized by the sight. She could feel her mouth watering for pussy… anyone’s pussy. The room reeked of it and Mia inhaled the fragrance which teased her taste buds.
She felt movement beside her and noticed that Cheryl was undressing.
“What are you waiting for? An invitation? If so, then by all means, you’re invited. I don’t know about Susan, but Heather and Tina have been horny all day. I don’t intend to let that go to waste.” With that, Cheryl reached for the top button of Mia’s blouse and began removing the top.
Mia seemed to wake up and started helping. Cheryl was still in panties and bra, and she was dying to see this beautiful woman naked. Reaching out, Mia unhooked the bra and let it fall to the floor beside the girls, who had now taken notice of their mothers.
Heather lay there, catching her breath and watching the women strip. The sight of this caused her recently ravished clit to begin stirring back to life. Tina and Susan looked at each other and grinned, their mouths shiny from their recent activity.
“Orgy time,” said Tina, and kissed Susan passionately, pushing her tongue into Susan’s willing mouth and beginning the sensual dance with Susan’s tongue.
When both mothers had finished undressing, they stood for a moment, staring at the nakedness of the other, taking the vision in and burning this moment into their memories. Then they joined together and kissed, imitating their daughters.
Heather managed to stand up and join them, kissing first her mother and then Mia, going back and forth with the two women and relishing the different feel of each woman’s kiss. Her mother’s lips were like soft, warm biscuits–tender to the touch. Mia’s lips were firmer, but no less pleasant. Her kisses seemed more insistent, as if the lust she felt had settled in her mouth and was attempting to enter Heather’s body to seduce her.
Soon, Susan and Tina had stood up as well and each was busy playing with her mother’s boobs.
Finally, the kisses ended, and Cheryl said, “Let’s go to my bedroom.”
Two women and their naked young daughters padded through the house and lay on Cheryl’s large king-size bed.
Looking at Mia, Cheryl said, “What do you say you take my daughters, and I take yours?”
“That’s a lovely idea,” Mia answered and her eyes twinkled as she stared at the naked little girls who were eager to get their mouths on Mia’s sexy body.
Susan moved to Cheryl and the two lay back, beginning to kiss. Susan placed her pussy against Cheryl’s hip and began to grind softly into the flesh there. Cheryl took Susan’s leg and pulled it across her so that it rested between her thighs, pressed against her pussy. Adult and child began to hump each other slowly while sharing tantalizing kisses as their tongues made love to each other.
Mia pulled the two sisters to her, one at each breast. The girls began to lick, suck, and nibble the offered mounds, concentrating on the nipples that capped the soft hills of flesh. While they did this, Mia cupped their butts, fondling them and making quick swipes with her fingers at their rosebuds, wondering if they’d ever had anyone touch them there while also wondering if they enjoyed it. She was afraid to do anything the girls didn’t like, so she was more or less asking their permission by making the movements quick, not allowing her fingers to rest for too long against their little buttholes.
Heather moved her butt away from Mia’s body and toward the invading fingers of the woman’s right hand.
“Do you like that?” Mia asked.
“Fuck yeah,” said Heather.
Mia was momentarily taken aback by the adult language, but decided it must be acceptable to Cheryl that they could use such words in bed. Who was she to complain? That was her own favorite word while having sex.
“Me, too,” said Tina, pausing from making love to the woman’s breast. “Would you put a finger inside me there?”
Mia once again thought she was in heaven. She pushed gently at the girls’ buttholes and felt the flesh give way to allow her finger to enter to the first knuckle. The girls began to sway their hips slightly, as if their butts were dancing with the fingers.
Susan had moved to Cheryl’s breasts and was busy having fun with each of them. Cheryl was also keeping an eye on what was happening with Mia and her daughters and noticed that there was a finger in Tina’s ass. She knew the girls loved that, including Susan, so she did the same thing to her, pushing a finger inside her small butthole and wiggling it around.
Susan reacted the same way Heather and Tina had, seeming to dance lewdly with Cheryl’s finger.
Mia felt as if she might explode. She knew what she had to do, and it had to be right then.
“I have to taste your pussies,” she said.
The sisters grinned and sat up. Mia’s fingers became dislodged for the moment as the two young sisters lay back. Mia inspected their pussies before beginning the oral lovemaking. Heather’s pussy was nearly bald, but a small patch of downy hair was gathered at the top of the girl’s slit. Tina’s, on the other hand, was completely bare.
It was this smooth pussy Mia chose to lick first.
She moved down and placed her mouth over the girl’s mound without actually touching it, savoring the moment and the aroma of the juices that were flowing from deep inside the girl’s vagina. Finally, she bent her head down and placed her entire mouth over the pussy, licking along the slit and gathering the juices onto her tongue and swallowing, only to spear the small slit again and repeat the action. She felt like a cat drowning on the finest cream. After a minute spent on Tina’s pussy, she moved to Heather’s and repeated what she’d done with Tina’s. The taste was stronger. She licked it up and bathed Heather’s clit and labia with her tongue for a minute before moving back to Tina.
She alternated like this for several minutes, each time the girl she was licking got closer and closer to a climax. Finally, Tina said, “Don’t stop!” and within seconds she had fallen over the waterfall of sexual pleasure and welcomed the orgasm that seized her. When Tina had finished coming, Mia moved to Heather, who was busy rubbing her slit. She seemed intent on reaching an orgasm with or without Mia’s help.
Mia preferred to help the young girl to paradise. She covered the girl’s pussy and devoured the sexual essence spilling from her, licking and making love to the soft lips and firm clit. Heather crested almost immediately into her second orgasm. She bucked against Mia’s jaws, and the woman barely managed to maintain contact with the twelve year old’s pussy throughout the intense spasms.
Moans and screams of lust filled the air as Mia looked over to see her own daughter in a sixty-nine with Cheryl. The woman and child were coming simultaneously, grinding through the orgasms. Each had her mouth locked onto the other’s pussy and a finger inside the other’s butt.
“Now you lie back and we’ll do you,” Tina said, and Mia complied without hesitation. She was eager to come in these girls’ mouths.
“Do me the way Tina and Susan did you,” Mia said to Heather.
“We will,” she said. With that, the girls moved down to Mia’s pussy, which was smooth except for the small ‘landing strip’ of dark pubic hair.
They each took a half of the woman’s pussy and began licking, kissing, and sucking the wet, tender flesh of Mia’s labia and clit. Soon she was feeling the orgasm rush toward her before it hit her like a large ocean wave. Just before the climax began, she heard Cheryl coming again with Susan lapping at the woman like a starving animal.
Mia bucked and shook as the orgasm took her. She felt the explosion of pleasure that spread throughout her body from her very center.
Finally, drained for the moment, she collapsed. Her daughter and Cheryl were also separating from each other to lie back and bask in the post-orgasmic glow.
Mia spoke first. “Do you think we can make this a regular thing?”
“Of course. If the girls want that,” said Cheryl.
Three little girls all giggled with glee to indicate how much they wanted it.
“You’re staying the night, aren’t you?” Heather asked.
“Well, honey, your mom hasn’t invited me to stay.”
“She is now,” said Cheryl, smiling at Mia. “I figure the girls can sleep in Heather and Tina’s room, and you can sleep in here with me.” The implication was obvious. This way the girls could have their own fun while the two women enjoyed another adult for a change of pace.
“I don’t suppose it matters that I don’t have any pajamas,” Mia said, returning the smile.
“If you wore them, I’d just have to rip them off you.”
The women laughed at that, and soon the girls got up to go to Heather and Tina’s bedroom to leave the women together for more sex.
They all kissed each other goodnight, which nearly derailed the plans of separating the adult women from the young girls; however, it ended up serving to stoke the fires of lust in all of them, which would be attended to in their respective rooms.
Continue on to Chapter 17
Oh Cheryl, could you please make chapter 17 to be about computing boring math formulas ??? Otherwise, the way this story is going now,I’ll have a heart attack before this story ends, and that’s even if your intended Chapter 17 would be the last one (which I sure don’t hope it will be) !
Thank you so much for this wonderful tale !
Lovely, terrific, erotic work! I wish I could offer up some of my own recent works to share with you, but both my sites seem kaput to me! So if you (or anyone) knows how to get in touch with ASSTR or LL and give them a swift kick – please do so for Jen? Not to plug my own work, but I am considering another option for my stories, although I’d have to change ages.
I am so happy you’re all doing so well on your own site – major props to you all.
Lix from Jen
I know I should have gotten farther than this before cumming again, but I didn’t…
fuck, I came again I don’t know where, I can’t even finish this chapter.
Julio, JenL, and Kim,
Thank you so much for reading my latest chapter and posting your wonderful comments! Julio, I’m not much on math, but your comment was priceless! JenL, Naughty Mommy is the tech person on the team. Maybe she can address your question. Anyway, thanks for your lovely support! Kim, I hope there are many more orgasms in your future! I hope chapter 17 is ready to post sometime this week, but Christmas preparations may get in the way. We’ll see. Thank you again! Kim, I hope you manage to finish the chapter soon!
Oh Cheryl !! Please continue the play with the butts !! Those liitle pink rosebuds drive me crazy !!!
You know what I love most about being a women? Every part of our bodies can bring pleasure. Rubbing humping, caressing, touching licking, biting, sucking, scratching and even breathing (yes I once made a women cum with just my breathe). The writers of this site have reached a new level. Cheryl just made me cum with words alone. I challenged myself to not touch my pussy at all on this chapter, as impossible as that sounds. Ill be damned if I didn’t have a spontaneous orgasm. Bravo Cheryl and thank you so much.
You are quite welcome!
I think back to the street I grew up on & seem to remember a few hot mums & daughters that I’d like to have seen naked together!!