By Mommy Janice
This is a continuing story about Janice and her now seven-year-old daughter, Angie. Janice and Angie joined a Mother/Daughter Support Group. There they met Carol, the group founder/matriarch, as well as Candice and her daughter, Ariel.
I want to thank Angie and Naughty Mommy for their editorial help. You are the best!
As my daughter Angie’s school year came to an end, I reflected back on what I can only describe as the best year of my life. With the encouragement of the group, and especially Carol, Candice and I had begun nursing our daughters. Angie, like Ariel, had begun nursing at night as part of her bedtime routine. As time progressed, I gently encouraged her to caress her sex while nursing. Eventually, she became quite comfortable touching herself as she sucked my nipple. She would look up at me with her lovey-dovey expression as she touched herself. For me, those moments were precious. My mind fantasized about our being together as lovers, imagining her naked in bed, waiting for me to join her in lesbian bliss. Other times, we would be in public, holding hands, stealing kisses when we thought no one was watching. The fantasy that most often entered my mind was seeing her in a wedding dress coming down the aisle, I in my wedding dress, waiting at the marriage altar.
In late spring, Carol changed the Mother/Daughter Support Group meeting format to a reading group held in members’ homes. Much to my delight, she assigned us to read chapters from The Joy of Looking on the Juicy Secrets website. Moms would gather in the living room while the daughters played together elsewhere in the house, which was necessary due to the sexually explicit content of The Joy of Looking. Although girls Angie’s age did masturbate, Carol thought they might be too immature to understand the adult nature of the content or the feelings the stories evoked.
It was customary for Carol to greet each mother and daughter with a kiss, mothers and teen daughters on the lips, preteens on the cheek. At the mid-June meeting, after greeting Angie and me, Carol took Angie’s hand and said, “Come with me.”
I watched Carol walk over to Ariel, whisper in her ear, then lead both girls down the hall into a bedroom. Candice approached me with a look of concern and said, “What was that all about?”
“I don’t know,” I responded, wondering what Carol was going to say or do with our daughters.
Candice and I had conflicting feelings of concern and excitement. We were concerned for our seven-year-old daughters who were alone, in a bedroom, with a sexually dominant woman. On the other hand, we were thrilled for what Carol was telling/teaching them about their relationships with us, their moms. Candice and I held hands, exchanging glances and hugs of support. About fifteen minutes later, they returned, both girls smiling and to my surprise, they were wearing lip gloss.
Carol said, “Give your mommies a big kiss, just like I showed you.”
Angie reached up, drawing me down to her. That moment became a lifetime memory, as Angie, for the first time, kissed me on my lips. My sex tingled with delight as I felt her soft, tender, glossed, innocent lips on mine. Many times I had fantasized about her kissing me. Many times I had to restrain my urges to kiss her sexually, knowing the first kiss had to come from her, not forced from me. I was in heavenly bliss as I felt her hands drawing me closer to her, our bodies melting together, our lips pressed in precious love. Mother and daughter, lovers, joined together. Angie let the kiss linger. I was passive, letting her guide me. Our wetness mixed together in sensual ecstasy. Time stood still, my world shrank to her body, her lips. In that moment, there was nothing else but our love.
As she began to slowly release the pressure between our lips, I felt the lip gloss binding us, gluing us together. I never wanted the kiss to end. But it was her kiss, to end when she was ready. She brought closure by slowly parting her lips from mine as tears of joy welled up behind my eyes. Angie turned toward Carol.
“Did I do OK?” she asked.
“You were perfect,” Carol reassured her with a loving smile.
“Are you alright, dear?” Carol questioned me.
I was lost in the depths of my feelings, unable to speak, just barely able to comprehend the exchange between my lover and Carol. I could only smile and nod.
I looked over to Candice. They were still embracing, lips to lips. I felt pangs of jealousy, wishing I were still kissing my daughter.
“Alright, you two lovebirds,” Carol said to Candice and Ariel, “it’s time to start our reading discussion. You girls can go play with the other girls in the family room downstairs.”
It was over, our moment of bliss. But my feelings would be imprinted on my heart and soul forever.
After our daughters left, we settled in the living room with the others for our discussion of the assigned chapters from The Joy of Looking. Our hostess offered us a glass of wine, a Pinot Noir from Willamette Valley, one of my favorites. Carol thought better of the idea and said to me, “I think wine might not be a good idea for you. As I recall, the last time you had wine, you weren’t able to control your feelings.”
The other moms giggled. They had heard about Carol coming to my house for dinner and the effect wine had on me.
For most of the discussion, neither Candice nor I spoke, overwhelmed with feelings of joy and love. Finally, Carol decided to engage us.
“What is your favorite chapter?” Carol asked Candice.
I was surprised to hear Candice answer, “I’m a slut for Naughty Mommy’s writing. My favorite is always the latest chapter.”
“And you?” Carol asked one of the other mothers. Before replying, the other mother looked at the mom next to her, sharing a conspiratorial smile, then chimed in, “Undercover Spy.”
“Interesting,” Carol mused. “Perhaps we can have our own game this summer.”
She turned toward me. “What is your favorite chapter, Janice?”
There was not just one, but several very special chapters that have remained in my mind and heart ever since I first read them I have re-read them several times, as well as fantasized about Angie and me having the same experience as Julie and her mother.
I began to reply, “There are chapters that will always remain in my heart. They are the chapters where—”
I was cut off mid-sentence by a piercing scream from one of the girls in the basement. We jumped up and ran downstairs. Lying on the floor was a fourteen-year-old girl, Samantha, with an ugly gash on her right leg. Her mother hurried to her, held her and comforted her as our hostess ran to the medicine cabinet for bandages. After the teen was bandaged, her mom comforted her in a way only a mother can, by giving her a breast to nurse. Carol suggested we let the mother and daughter have alone time, so we collected our things and departed. Driving home, I asked Angie how Samantha hurt her leg. She was vague, saying, “Nothin’ happened.”
I pressed for an answer. “Something happened, the girl has a nasty boo-boo on her leg.”
Angie mumbled, “Playin’, she fell…”
“What were you playing?” I continued to press Angie.
“Mom?!” Angie exclaimed, as if I had violated her privacy and had no business asking such a question.
My initial reaction was to reproach Angie for speaking to me that way. After all, I was her mother. On the other hand, I was also her future lover. Lovers don’t violate each other. So, I remained silent. After a few minutes, Angie said, “Hot Lava. Sam slipped tryin’ to jump from the couch to the chair, landed on the coffee table corner.”
Hot Lava. I remembered playing that as a young girl. The floor was hot lava, and we had to make it around the circle of chairs, beds, and couches without touching the floor and dying.
“Sam,” Angie continued, “said the first one to make it around three times was the winner and the rest of us would have to do whatever she said. Sam was on her final time around. She told us if she won, we would all have to masturbate for her.”
Masturbate! Oh my god! I never knew the game had rules like that!
“Uh… um…” Angie seemed hesitant to continue. “Can me and Ariel go to the mall Saturday?”
“Of course, sweetie,” I replied. “We could have lunch there too if you like.”
“Ah… well… actually,” Angie, looking down at her hands, mumbled, “Carol wants to take us.”
“Oh,” I said, not sure how to respond.
“Well, if that’s what you and Ariel want, I guess it’s OK.”
Angie smiled, “Thanks Mom, you’re cool.” She looked relieved.
Nothing more was said about Hot Lava or the mall until Saturday morning. Angie sent several texts that morning, I assume to Ariel and perhaps to Carol. About 11 am she came into the kitchen wearing jeans, a pink and white hoodie, and a big smile.
“All ready to go?” I asked.
“Uh-huh…” was her only response.
Her phone vibrated.
“Later,” she said, and was out the door.
I spent most of the day cleaning and imagining what the girls and Carol were up to. Candice called. She was also wondering what Carol was doing with our daughters. Like me, she had conflicting feelings, the same feelings we’d had at the previous Mother/Daughter Support Group meeting. When Angie came home, I asked her how her trip to the mall had gone.
“OK,” Angie replied.
“What did you do?” I asked.
“What ‘stuff’?” I continued, knowing I shouldn’t ask but couldn’t help myself.
“Just stuff.”
Be patient, I thought to myself, she’ll tell you when she’s ready.
I was wrong, she never did tell me. Carol did, in a way I never expected. It happened at the next Mother/Daughter Support Group, which was hosted by Candice.
After the initial greeting and conversations, Ariel took the girls up to her bedroom. I wondered if they were going to play Hot Lava. Sam was there, her leg showing no scarring, and she seemed eager to get the girls away from the moms. I wondered if they would masturbate.
Carol had assigned each of us to pick our own chapter from The Joy of Looking to discuss. We went around the room talking about our favorite chapter. When it came to my turn, Carol spoke to the group saying,
“As I recall, Janice did not get the chance to tell us which was her favorite chapter. Janice, can you tell us now?”
“To be honest, I don’t have a favorite chapter. I have eight favorite chapters, all in a sequence, chapters that I hope will one day become reality for Angie and me. They begin with the Magical Weekend, Chapter 60, and end with Erotic Ritual Concludes the Sensual Celebration.”
The room fell silent as each of the mothers drifted off into her own thoughts and feelings of formally committing to her daughter. In the background, Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata was playing. Each note drew us deeper into our feelings of love.
One by one, we all began to share our desire/need to be bound to our daughter. One mother talked about the excitement she felt when she read about Julie and her mother’s arrival at the Sapphic Retreat. Another mother reveled in the bliss of the rose petals and bath. Candice loved the dinner, especially the young serving girls. Another mother was very touched with Julie and her mom’s walk in the orchard. I cried as I told of my feelings about the joining ceremony. Carol’s favorite was the lesbian orgy, especially the part where all the guests had to do whatever Julie told them to do.
Once again, silence fell upon the room, as we slipped deeper into our amorous feelings. Beethoven took us to places in our hearts that we did not know existed, causing many of us to cry. After several minutes, Carol brought us back to reality with her loving words. “We have shared deep feelings. Now it is time to share with your daughters. Take them home in love and open your heart to them.”
We slowly rose and said our goodbyes. Carol asked that I stay behind, which I did. After the other mothers and daughters departed, she had Candice and me sit on each end of the couch. She sat in an overstuffed chair opposite the couch. We did not have to wait long to see what Carol had planned. Our daughters came to the couch and snuggled in our laps. Candice and I, still deep into our amorous feelings, cuddled our daughters.
“Ariel and Angie want to show you what I bought them at the Mall,” Carol said, in a slow and seductive voice.
The girls stood, looked at us with loving and naughty smiles, and pulled off their tops. To our surprise and delight they were wearing matching pale blue bralettes with white lace shoulder straps. The little blue triangles just covered their areolas. The girls giggled, then twisted their shoulders left and right to show off their bralettes.
“Now turn around, girls, and show your mommies the back,” Carol directed.
They turned and swayed back and forth, displaying their innocent preteen bodies. Without any prompting from Carol, their backs still toward us, they wiggled out of their pants, exposing the back of their matching thong panties, white lace emerging from their tiny bottoms. Angie’s prepubescent body had yet to develop into shapely curves. Her hips were straight, thin, and immensely alluring. I burned to take her in my arms and make passionate love to her. I wanted to kiss her shoulders, caress her back, and bring red-hot pleasure to her, perhaps even a little spank for being a naughty tease to her mother. Or maybe Angie would spank me for having naughty thoughts. My sex was tingling and damp.
As if on cue, they turned, displaying the tiny blue patch that barely covered their labia. Angie put her finger in her mouth and gave me an innocent little-girl look. Ariel asked, “You like?”
We both clapped, expressing our approval and delight.
“Girls, show your mommies what I taught you after we left the Mall and went to my house,” Carol said with a licentious grin.
Angie sat on the couch next to me. Looking at Carol for approval, she draped her right leg over my left leg and her left leg stretched onto the couch. Ariel sat next to Angie, draping her right leg over Angie’s left and her right leg over her mother’s right leg. Both girls’ labia were barely covered by the delicate blue thong patches. With an approving nod from Carol, the girls slowly pulled the patch of blue satin to the left exposing their smooth mounds. I looked with lust as Angie placed her right middle finger over the folds of her pussy lips and slowly rubbed just above her clit. After a few minutes, both girls spread their labia and pressed their fingers inside, touching their clits. Ariel moaned as she masturbated herself. My eyes were fixed on my daughter’s finger as it disappeared into her vagina.
“Are you close?” Ariel asked Angie.
“Not too, you?” Angie replied.
“Yea, gettin’ close,” Ariel whispered.
“Wait for me,” Angie moaned.
Ariel stopped circling her clit to wait for Angie. Angie circled her clit faster. Her body tensed.
“Gettin’ there,” Angie spoke in a hurried voice.
Ariel started masturbating faster, her body tensed as well. As if on cue, they came at the same time, both girls bucking and thrusting fingers deep into their pussies. Candice and I watched with delight, our pussies begging for attention. We waited for their orgasms to pass, not touching ourselves or them, knowing the girls were not ready for Mommy’s love.
It was a difficult moment, to watch and not touch. Candice and I both knew the first touch, like the first kiss, would have to come from them. Fortunately, we were able to nurse them as they basked in the afterglow of their orgasms. We cuddled and nursed our daughters until they fell asleep. Quietly we carried them up to Ariel’s bed and tucked them in. I held Candice’s hand as we stood in the doorway and watched our babies sleep in peace, their little arms intertwined.
When we returned to Carol, we found her braless with her blouse unbuttoned.
“Are your babies sleeping?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said, in a voice hungry for sexual release, but also satisfied to know my child was safely sleeping.
“I have something for you two,” she said in a naughty voice. “But first, I want to see you undress each other.”
Candice and I both smiled as we began unbuttoning each other’s blouse. Carol, sitting in her chair, began to lightly stroke her left breast with her right hand. I helped Candice slip out of her pants and panties. She pulled my skirt and panties off, exposing both of our naked bodies to Carol. We looked at her, waiting to see what she would have us do next. She stood up, reached beside her chair, and picked up two Victoria’s Secret gift bags. She looked at one of the name tags and said, “This is for you, Jani.”
Jani? I had never been called that before. I looked at the tag. ‘Jani’ was written on it.
Why, I wondered, did Carol call me that? Was I to become a little girl, like Angie?
“And you, Candi, this is for you,” Carol said, as she handed her the other gift bag.
Smiling with an air of satisfaction, Carol explained our new names.
“Lovers are equals,” she told us. “Of course, you are their mothers, which will never change. But, there will be times when you must be their equals. As your lovers, they must feel valued, loved, and equal to you. Tonight, I am going to help you on your journey by showing you what they feel. When you feel what they feel, you will be able to become their equals. Now, open your gifts and put them on.”
I opened the gift bag and took out the pink and white tissue. Inside, I found the same bra and thong panty the girls wore when they masturbated. Pale blue satin cloth with white lace straps. ‘Candi’ had the same bra and thong. We looked at each other, Candi and I, as we slipped into our matching outfits.
“Jani, would you please sit where Angie sat? And spread your legs just like she did,” Carol directed.
I quietly sat on the couch, spreading my legs, exposing my pale blue pantie crotch to Carol.
“Candi, can you sit as Ariel did, with your leg draped over Jani’s?”
There we were, just as our daughters had been, wearing the same bras and panties, legs touching, taking directions from Carol as they had. Carol spread her legs, exposing her red, green, and white plaid thong with black-lace straps.
“Now Jani and Candi, I am going to teach you how to masturbate, just as I did for Ariel and Angie. Watch, and do as I say.”
Carol slowly moved her left hand down between her legs and gently drew her thong panty to one side exposing her puffy labia. Holding her pantie to the side, she let her right hand slip down to the bottom of her labia.
“Watch closely,” she said, as she let her middle finger sensually draw up between her lips.
“You see, my finger did not enter, only caressed the outside of my pussy. Now it is your turn, babies. Do as Mommy Carol did,” she purred.
I felt as if I were a seven-year-old girl, learning for the first time how to touch myself. Like Carol, I gently pulled my panty to one side and tenderly drew my middle finger over my aching pussy. As I did, I looked over to see Candi also caressing her sex.
“It feels good, doesn’t it, sweeties? Touching yourself is as natural as loving. Now watch closely, Mommy Carol is going to show you how to lovingly press your finger inside your little pussies.”
With those words, Carol moved her finger down again between her legs. This time, she pressed the tip of her finger just inside the base of her labia. Slowly, she drew her finger up. I watched with rapt attention as her fingertip approached her clit. I felt like Angie, watching, learning the ways of a woman. The way a woman pleasures herself. Her finger lingered just over her clit. Her expression was of sensual pleasure. Slowly, she drew her finger up and out of her pussy and brought it to her mouth’s parting lips. With the slightest of touch, she slid her finger over her waiting tongue, savoring her pussy’s taste.
“Candi, Jani, did you watch Mommy Carol?” she asked, knowing we were completely mesmerized.
“Yes, Mommy,” Candi answered in a little-girl voice.
“Can you do what Mommy did, girls?” Carol asked.
We did, imitating her movements, even to the point of tasting ourselves, which I must admit was deliciously sensual. I was totally into being the little Jani, feeling what Angie felt, knowing we could be equals, Angie and Jani, lovers.
“Now darlings, Mommy is going to teach you how to orgasm. Watch my finger as it finds the special place in my pussy. There is a little nub, called your clit, which you can feel when your finger lingers over it. Watch how I lovingly touch my clit, and how in doing so, my orgasm will come.”
We watched as her finger entered as before, but stayed over her clit. She began to circle and lightly stroke herself.
“Now it is your turn, babies. Touch yourself like Mommy is doing.”
We found our clits and began to rub. It took very little time to bring the orgasm to life.
“Jani?” Candi said, “Are you getting close?”
“Yessssssss!” I cried with sensual joy.
“Me too,” Candi cried out. “Let’s cum together.”
We did, in an explosion of sexual tension that had been building since our daughters kissed us at the beginning of the evening. Wave after wave crashed through our bodies. Our bodies bucked, we thrust our fingers deep into our pussies and wailed in sexual ecstasy. From the depths of my being, I felt words of love emerging, wailing I cried, “ANGIE I LOVE YOU!!”
Then I collapsed, exhausted, wet with sweat and pussy juice. Candi was staring at me. “I think you woke Angie and Ariel,” she said.
“Sorry,” I whispered.
“No need to be sorry, Jani,” Carol counseled. “You were expressing your feelings. You never need to feel sorry for that.”
Carol rose from her chair, covered Candi and me with a blanket, kissed each of us on the cheek and said, “Sweet dreams, babies. Mommy is going to go now.”
I fell into a deep sleep.
Later, sometime in the middle of the night, I woke with Candi kissing my neck and whispering, “Wake up darling, Mommy needs you.”
She had the heat. I could tell right away that lust had overpowered her. Seeing Ariel masturbate, then being Candi in front of Carol and me ignited her lust. She was on fire with desire and needed my body to satisfy her. She really needed Ariel, but that was in the future. For now, she would have to rely on me. She forced her lips onto mine, pressed her tongue deep into me, and held my body tight against hers, hoping I could give her want she needed. Her mind was a mix of lust and role play.
“Ariel,” she whispered, as she withdrew her lips from mine, “touch Mommy down here.”
Her hand guided mine between her legs, placing my middle finger just above her clit.
“Be a good girl and rub Mommy right here,” she whispered, while slowly moving my finger in circles around her lips. “Make Mommy feel good, sweet lover.”
My finger moved between her lips, entering her, feeling her heat and wetness. Her pussy was soaked. She moaned when I brushed against her clit. “Oh yesss baby, right there, touch Mommy right there.”
She raised her hips, pressing her clit against my finger. Candi was burning with desire and lust for Ariel. I circled her clit faster, moving my finger up and down, left and right, fueling her animal passion. She grabbed my hand and forced two fingers inside her pussy. “Fuck Mommy, darling. Fuck me with your sweet little fingers,” she cried out, almost screaming.
I was afraid she might wake Ariel and Angie. My fingers pumped her, trying to satisfy her lust and keep her from being any louder.
“Mommy?” I asked, “Do you want my thumb to rub your clit?”
“Oh yes, darling, make me crazy.”
I rubbed her clit and continued to pump her with my fingers. We fell into a rhythm, her body rising to meet my fingers as they entered her, my thumb pressing her now swollen and soaked clit.
Candi grabbed my head and forced me down onto her pussy.
“Lick your lover,” she commanded. “Make love to my clit with your tongue.”
Her body was tense and dripping with sweat. Her pussy oozed with her nectar, soaking my face and hair. I pressed my fingers deeper into her cunt as my tongue drove her clit crazy. She was moaning, crying, then her body went rigid and silent. Every muscle tightened, then, with a wild scream (now I was sure she woke the girls) the orgasm exploded within her. She squirted pee and pussy juice into my mouth and all over my face. The first wave of her orgasm crashed through her body with violent force. Her hands forced my face deeper into her now raging pussy.
“FUCK ME, FUCK ME!” she cried out as the second wave consumed her.
“I love you, Ariel,” she moaned as the third wave took her deeper into her feelings of love and lust.
By now, my face and chest were completely soaked, my hair a sticky mess. Several more waves crashed, before she grabbed my head and pulled my lips up to hers. She kissed me, licked me, and professed her love for Ariel. Her body exhausted, she released me, and fell into silence, lost in the afterglow of her lovemaking to her daughter. I gently held her until she fell asleep, and then her breathing became slow and steady. Just before I fell asleep, I thought I heard giggling and the pitter-patter of little feet.
I wondered, had Ariel and Angie witnessed Candi’s orgasm? Time would tell.
The next morning, I awoke to the sound of Angie saying, “Mommy, we’re hungry.”
I peeked out from under the blanket to see our daughters smiling at us. Candice, I thought, was still asleep until I saw her reach out from under the covers, take Ariel’s hand and say, “Mornin’, lover.”
She was still feeling the afterglow.
“Hungry,” Angie said again.
As I was about to get up and make breakfast, a thought rushed into my mind: I’m still wearing the bra and thong panties. What will the girls think when they see them?
“Starving,” Angie said with urgency.
I had no choice but to get up. Pulling the blanket back, both girls smiled as they saw Candice and me were wearing the same underwear they had worn the night before. Ariel whispered into Angie’s ear, Angie nodded and they both scampered up to Ariel’s bedroom. They returned, wearing their thongs and bralettes. Candi and I both clapped with delight, feeling we were all the same, four girls, no longer mothers and daughters.
I asked, “Who’s going to make breakfast?”
Angie and Ariel looked at me and said, “You.”
Apparently, the four-girl thing did not extend to making breakfast.
“What would you like?” I asked.
The girls set the table, Candi made coffee, and I made a large plate of pancakes. As I was bringing them to the kitchen table, Angie said, “Mom, your pussy is showing.”
I looked down to see that the thong, which was just a little too small, had bunched into my pussy. Feeling shy, I put the plate on the table and started to adjust the panty.
“Don’t,” Ariel said to me. “We’ll do the same so all our pussies are showing.”
They did, even Candi. We were four girls again.
After breakfast, Angie and I sat on the couch. She was on my lap, her back against my chest. She turned toward me and said, “Mom…” There was a pregnant pause after which she spoke the words I longed to hear, “I love you.”
These were not the words of a child speaking to a parent. They were the words of one lover to another. Angie was beginning to fall in love with me. My heart filled with joy as I replied, “I love you too, darling.”
To be continued…
My goodness Mommy Janice you’ve done it again. This just keeps getting better and better and I’m soaked. Thank you.
Soaked is always good
Yes Sylvie and it seems to be happening quite often
I’d love to see how soaked you really are.
I agree with Debbie. You’re really knocking me out with this story, Mommy Janice. Every new chapter is hotter than the one before!
Thank you Debbie and NM. It is so kind of you to write such lovely comments. I will do my best to keep both of you “soaked”.
I’m tingling in anticipation x
Just LOVING the developments in this storyline. Keep it going..:)
Glad you are enjoying the development, I am too. Funny how these stories take on a life of their own.
Best wishes,
That was beautiful!! I love mommy sex like that. So sweet and erotic. What a wonderful chapter.
Thank you Aliciamom. Your comments make me want to write even more. I hope you like chapter 5, coming soon.
I read all 4 chapters. I thought this was very well written. You did well capturing the feeling and heart of how a loving healthy lesbian relationship might begin between mothers and daughters.
Thank you, for the lovely comments. Best wishes,
Miommy Janice
This is my favorite series without a doubt. Checking daily for more!
I hope you continue with more entries really soon. The anticipation is unbearable.
omg yes more!!! Please!!!
Please don’t abandon the series! It’s so good!!!
FYI — I’ve been in touch recently with the author, Mommy Janice, about her plans to continue the story. She told me she is working on Chapter 5 and that it should be ready “soon.” That was a couple of weeks ago, though, so I’m not sure how soon it really will be. But don’t give up hope. There’s more on the way!
Yes I just can’t wait for the next installment . Please mame it soon .
Did you not see the date when this was posted?
Oh, Mommy Janice, I love this story and cannot wait for it to continue. There is such pleasure in reading about the development of an erotic relationship which is gentle and intimate and loving.
What a beautiful, growing series… an examination of the psychology of all this in such an arousing way! Thank you… ((hugs)) Please keep going!!
great site. i really liked the first three chapters of mother/daughter by mommy janice. more would be appreciated. making the glass sing… you bet! juicy! keep up the good work.
I just started reading your story. It’s awesome. I’ve had to jack my cock atleast 2-3 time’s everyti I read them. And I get a mind blowing orgasm to. Thanks.
PLEASE tell me that you’re going to come back to this AMAZINGLY beautiful and scorchingly hot story, Mommy Janice!! Please????
OMG, your story has me wanting more. My mind is racing, I have all these thoughts going through my mind.

As a outsider I love these kind of stories. This one was very teasing and exciting,as are all the stories on this site. I do hope there’s is more. All authors PLEASE keep up the good work. Thanks.
I realize a lot has been transpiring recently which makes writing quite difficult. I can only hope you will one day return to this story. I am praying for your well being.
NM You said in August 2016 that you had been in touch with the author. Would you please try again to establish if she is going to continue with the story. Or, may I suggest that you and JB take it on as a project
It’s been well over two years since I last heard from Mommy Janice, the author of this story, so I don’t think we can count on it continuing any time soon. On the other hand (as I know from personal experience), sometimes inspiration can strike out of the blue and new motivation is found. Let’s hope that’s what happens here. Either way, though, I wouldn’t feel comfortable trying to extend her tale myself. It’s not my place to do that.
When I last shared an exchange of comments there were a plethora trials looming over the founders. Those storms seem to have receded some. I’m happy for some relative peace to be present. However I do wish this story would some how resurrect and continue. For now I shall look forward to finding more mother and young daughter incest stories. By the way, would you be willing to share some recommendations for mother and young daughter incest love stores here and Lesbian Leslita? It is primarily the only genre I read here. No disapproval of the others just an unquenchable favorite of mine.
Oh God what an awful place to stop
Please keep this story coming
Possibly the most unique and delightfully quirky stories I’ve ever read … superb and I REALLY like Carol
Keep it coming love the story so far
I’m sure this story will get even hotter when the two girls turn sixteen in the story.