Growing as a Writer, with Thanks

  • Posted on June 20, 2016 at 2:37 pm

Byย Cheryl Taggertย 

Juicy Secrets is now over a year old, and it seems to be growing quite a bit. We now have more authors submitting good material, and our readers’ comments indicate we are doing something right.

Me? I’m just plugging along. I write as many as three chapters a week now. I once wrote MAYBE half a chapter, or perhaps a story every now and then. But this website has changed my life in so many ways.

First, I have two online friends I love. Yes, I know there are many things I don’t know about my partners in this endeavor, but we have grown rather close over the past year. I feel no more support from anyone than I do them, with the only exception being my wife, Lisa. (We will be celebrating our first anniversary June 22.) I feel the affection JetBoy and Naughty Mommy have for me, and although Lisa usually lurks as a reader and does not comment much, if at all, she loves this site and what it has done for me. The fact is she knows my password and usually signs in as me because I have access to things on the website that our readers cannot see due to my admin status. For example, she read the latest chapters of two of our favorite works-in-progress, The Joy of Looking and Scouting for Girls, long before they were published. She likes being special like that, I guess, so I don’t blame her for not signing on as herself very often.

Second, I write much more now than I ever did before. If you had told me a year ago that I would complete what is essentially a book-length erotic novel, I would have laughed at you. Yet, I have done that now with my conclusion of The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club. I am well on my way to completing a much longer work, I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star. This latter work even has those elements of fiction that always make the story much better and more interesting: conflict and suspense. I believe I am a much better writer now than I ever was before. And I have this site, mostly the two lovely people who asked me to be a part of it, to thank for that.

So please pardon this little thank you note to them, above. They certainly deserve it.

Now, to my wife, Lisa. I cannot tell my readers how happy you have made me and continue to make me. You, too, have improved my writing just by loving me and offering suggestions. I feel the unconditional, emotional, physical, and spiritual love you have for me on a daily basis. And I want to thank you here also for allowing me to use our story — how we met, fell in love, had problems, separated, and got back together again — as a story-line in Porn Star. (That will come later, folks, in Part Three.)

Now, thank you to our readers for continuing your journey through the eroticism of our special interest. I once felt mostly alone in these feelings, especially since I am a woman. I don’t anymore. Your reading of our material, your kind comments, and your understanding are a wealth of support. Thank you.


No comments on Growing as a Writer, with Thanks

  1. Lisa says:

    Thank YOU Cheryl! Your site is wonderful! and a special thanks to your 2 co-founders for a great site! Finally, Jetboy, a very special thanks to you for bringing us Jeneee’s stories. All of us out here are SO thankfull for all that the three of you are doing. I know I speak for everyone when I say that I wish the three of you unlimited happiness and success, and a long and fruitful journey together here at Juicy! Thank you all!

  2. Evan says:

    Yes – thank you Cheryl, and everyone who keeps this site as a living presence ๐Ÿ™‚ always glad to hear things from your heart.

  3. Moses says:

    Cheryl, your introspect was a pleasant read, including your accolades to your “co-conspirators” and your darling wife.

    I appreciate very much the integrity of the work presented on JS. Thank you all for this presence on the web.

    And thank you, Cheryl, for sharing your thoughts.

    PS: I’m jealous that Lisa is already reading the next chapter of Scouting. The suspense is killing me! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Cheryl says:

      Well, I wish I could say she has read beyond chapter eight of “Scouting for Girls,” but as of today, eloquent delinquent has not sent us chapter nine. I, too, can’t wait. That is such a highly erotic story! I know he is busy, but we sure are hoping he graces us with the latest soon! ๐Ÿ˜‰

      She has read through chapter 38 of Porn Star, as well as some other things that will post in the near future. Stay tuned! The best is yet to come!

  4. Poppabear or PoppaClyde2 says:

    Cheryl, you know I’ve been around these sites for a very long time, maybe twenty years, and I have had some real favourites, but this one is by far the best.
    I often still miss Story Friends Board, but mainly for the great friends I met there, who had left before it closed.
    Your two great stories, Naughty Mommy’s adventures with Angela, and her huge family saga, and Jet Boy’s gems raise the standard here way about any other site.
    Thank you for the Pussy Cats (inspired) and for Daughter and NM and JB, and all the other authors you three have nurtured.
    You are all very special.

  5. Jen L. Lee says:

    Still wishing you much happiness.

    Lix from Jen

  6. It’s a great pleasure and an honor for me to be associated on this site with you, Cheryl – one of my favoritest authors ever! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m really happy to find you writing so much now, and writing so well, too. Plus, Happy Anniversary, tomorrow you will have been been married for a whole year!!

  7. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Naughty Mommy!! You are definitely one of my favorite authors ever! We have had a good day, all in all. I will email you about it tomorrow.

  8. Peter says:

    I’m just so glad that you are in love and write love stories, and that JetBoy helps you (he helps another married woman who’s deeply in love as well, one who has been one of my best friends). Happy Anniversary a few days late.

  9. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Peter! I love writing them! JetBoy is a marvelous editor, not to mention a very talented author in his own right.

    I have written through chapter 39 and am taking a brief hiatus after teaching all year and dealing with a family situation. (No, Lisa and I are NOT having marital problems, far from it, in fact!!) I feel that after writing maybe 30-40 thousand words over a couple of weeks, I feel I deserve the rest. I will tackle the next chapters soon, and stay well ahead of my posting schedule.

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