Hello, Readers! The following are two blog posts by Cheryl and JetBoy, two of the founding admins of Juicy Secrets. Hopefully, Naughty Mommy will return to us soon! In the meantime, take a moment to celebrate with us by reading our blogs and commenting below!
Another Year of Juicy Secrets!
By: Cheryl Taggert
Well, dear readers, it’s been yet another year for Juicy Secrets! Naughty Mommy, JetBoy, and I opened this site to the public on May 4, 2015. This is our third birthday! While our private lives have had their share of problems, Juicy Secrets has continued with nary a hiccup, other than a few times when the admins were unable to log on for technical reasons. To say we are proud of our endeavor would be a monumental understatement.
The wonderful story, “Girls Loving Girls” by Candy Kane, was posted yesterday. This makes the 1,318th post of a chapter, stand-alone story, or Anonymous panel we have shared here over the past three years. As of this writing, there are 10,689 comments posted by you and the admins. Since our inception, we have added the Archive for both the Lesbian Lolita site and others, including stories long thought lost from the “Sisters-in-love” website. We have created tabs on the main page for Guest Authors and a Reader’s Forum. And we have added quite a few links to other websites like ours on the main page.
I’ve no idea how many words we have posted in all the stories, but if the average post had 1,000 words (the average is MUCH higher!), that would be 1,318,000 words. Since that average is probably around 3,000 words, just triple that number for a CONSERVATIVE estimate. That’s about four million words. Not bad for three years of work. Since I doubt anyone here has read everything we have to offer, that means there is plenty for you to read, and we are posting new chapters and stories every week.
We hope you have enjoyed reading our stories at Juicy Secrets. We like to think of ourselves as the best website for lesbian-themed erotica on the internet. Unlike most other websites like ours, we don’t post everything submitted. We are rather choosy, so when you read a story here, you are reading quality erotica. As I have said before, we don’t post “wankers”–stories just long enough to allow the author to get off. We turn down at least as many stories as we accept. You are the beneficiaries of our desire to bring only the best to you.
Thank you for being our fans. Thank you for taking the time to read. And mostly, thank you for showing your appreciation with your comments. Along with the other authors here, we appreciate and value each response to our work.
Three is the Magic Number!
by JetBoy
Wow, our third birthday. Bust out the confetti, hand out the paper hats, and crack open a jeroboam of bubbly!
When Naughty Mommy, Cheryl and I began to work out the details of our crazy dream to establish a website of edgy lesbian fiction, we had plenty of high hopes, but not a clue of how our little scheme would fare over the long haul. First, not one of us had ever set up or run a site of our own. Then, could we come up with enough stories between us to build up a decent library — and might there be other erotic authors of a similar bent out there, willing to offer us new works to post? We envisioned the possibility that the morality cops of the internet might shut our site down the moment we got started, especially since we intended to couple visual images with our stories. Finally, who knew if there was much of an audience for what we had to offer in the first place? Those of us who care about such things had seen several good erotic fiction sites dwindle into silence, often due to lack of interest. Besides, Leslita was still there and posting new stories on a regular basis — was there even room for another site that covered similar ground?
Fast forward to now, and this little celebration of our third anniversary. More than a thousand days after its opening, Juicy Secrets has exceeded our wildest fantasies of what we hoped to achieve, as the statistics in Cheryl’s tribute up above make abundantly clear.
It’s been a tougher year for the site founders than the two previous ones, but not enough to knock us out of the box — we’re soldiering on to keep Juicy Secrets up to the high standard we set for it from the first. What’s made that possible are the helping hands of Amanda Lynn and PoppaBear, our two recent additions to the JS team. They’ve both done a superlative job at helping keep this site going, and deserve infinite thanks.
Juicy Secrets is, we think, the best lesbian fiction site on the internet by a considerable margin. Granted, there’s not a lot of competition for the title, but we’re filled with pride nonetheless. Chalk it up to hard work, sheer cussedness, our deep, abiding love for what we do, and a stroke of luck in having the right people on board to make it work. Oh, and let us not forget the crucial part that makes it all worthwhile: beloved readers like you. This website would be a wasteland without the love and enthusiasm you bring to it — and for that, our gratitude is forever yours.
Okay, that’s enough navel-gazing to hold us for another year. Now slip out of those confining garments and go read a story!
Happy Birthday!!!! I have to agree with you that this is the best lesbian fiction site. Please keep up the great job that you are doing. Thanks again for this great site. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!
Ibid to all that Rachel says. I check in every day, hoping for something new and erotic to be presented. It is rare to be disappointed. Do, please, stay the course and continue the good work of the past three years. Thank you so much for all you have done over the past three years.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JS!!! I am glad every single day for this site, its founders & authors, and for the wonderful community here! Keep up the great work!!
Happy Birthday. Our congrats to Cheryl, Jetboy, and Naughty Mommy. We so hope things are looking up for NM and that she will be back someday.
And thanks to all the others: AmandaLynn, Poppa, all the other writers and readers who make the site so hot and so fun.
I guess the best way to celebrate is to put on our birthday suits and read some stories.
hugs, Kim and Sue
**I guess the best way to celebrate is to put on our birthday suits and read some stories.**
Now that sounds like a capital idea, Kim!
Happy 3rd Birthday and best wishes for many, many more.
HAPPY THIRD BIRTHDAY, JS! Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to having a great site full of the best erotic stories I have ever read. And believe me I have been in a lot of sites!. Every author in here is worth their salt and I always love seeing the notice of a new story in my emails. Love you guys and wish you all well, and hope that NM will be back soon too.
This is what i like so much about this site.
It attracts literate readers, with a sense of humour.
Well done, sir.
Thanks PappaBear, I appreciate the kind words!
Happy 3rd birthday (sounds like something a mum in a juicy story says before some fun).
This treasure chest of fine literature has been my first point of call when I log each evening and look forward to new stories. May it continue for many years to come.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. JUICY SECERTS.I am so gglad you are here. Here to many more years of success. Thanks to the folks that make it work. Without you we would not have such wonderful stories to enjoy.
I can only add my congratulations and birthday wishes to the three of you who have created this wonderful site, and also to Amanda and Poppa Bear for continuing the hard work.
I wish you all good fortune and good health. And yes, thanks to those who comment, but an acknowledgement of a comment also means every bit as much to us appreciative readers. Thank you Cheryl, JetBoy, and anyone else who takes the time to acknowledge us happy admirers.
So here’s to many many more years of success and to more great lesbian erotica.
We love you all. Xxx
Happy Birthday Juicy Secrets! And a huge thank you to Cheryl, JetBoy and Naughty Mommy for sharing your talents with all of us who love this particular niche of erotica.
Happy Birthday, Juicy Secrets. Keep up the great writing!!
Happy happy happy b day! 😀
Here’s to many more years of erotic writing fun!
Three years, huh? Somehow, I had the impression the site had been around for longer than that. In any case, happy birthday, and congratulations and thanks to all involved!
Yes, Happy 3rd birthday. You all do a great job and I’m sure I speak for all readers, to say thank you!
Congrats, folks, and well done on having the best story site out there, imho. Enjoy the party! 😉 Wishing you all good fortune, good health and happy (horny! 😉 ) writings for the future. <3
Hi Juicy Secrets team,
happy birtday and thanks so much for the incredible work you are doing!
We can’t appreciate enough what you are doing for us. And this you do in your spare time and for free!
That’s not usual nowadays.
So, a million thanks, wet kisses and to the next three (or thirty) years,
xoxo, Eve
Congratulations to all concerned and a ‘very big thank you’ too. With-out doubt it the best site of it kind in every way 🙂
Happy Birthday Juicysecrets!
May you have many more to come!
Been so much fun reading the stories, and letting my imagination go free!!
With love
What can I say?!
Happy 3rd anniversary!
and…Thank You!…Thank You!…Thank You!
these stories are a light to the discovery of secret pleasures
so many of your readers(myself included!)have, and this website,
and it’s talented writers,is the ultimate in this genre!
Many happy returns,JS..many,many happy returns!
It is worth celebrating, so I hope you three have a nice one. I love this place and hope it continues for many more birthdays!
Happy Birthday and thank you so much!
I’ve had the great (!) pleasure of being here from the beginning. Your persistence and what is clearly a “labor of love”, is,was, and shall be, very much admired and appreciated! Congratulations on this milestone!
I’ve been reading the stories of Cheryl, Naughty Mommy and Jetboy for much longer than three years as I knew their work about three or four years before they started JS.
Not just because I am joining in the birthday celebrations, but I cannot think of another site anywhere on the net where I have not enjoyed every story I have read here.
You are right, Cheryl, no one has read everything, but I can think of several sites where I have read only a few sentences of a story before I know it doesn’t work for me. However, I have never had to stop reading a story on JS. They have all been good and some have been great.
It was a very great honour to be asked a few months ago to help these great people with the continued development of this great source of excellent erotica.
Let us all keep on keeping on.
I remember when I was still a teen and I discovered online stories. I think it started with Mr. Double. They were not my kind of stories, as they mostly focused on Mg themes. But some were or included Ff or Fg stories and it made me so happy to know there were people out there who wrote what I fantasized about. I had no idea there were women out there with the same kind of dreams and fantasies!
Then from there I found more “specialized” sites and when Leslita came into my life, and Louisa May, well… it stirred my juices and I started to write some stories on my own and with Louisa.
And now here we are on the third anniversary of JS. I personally think the name does not do the content justice, and if it were me I would have selected something all together more poetic and sensual, but that is just the naive romantic in me. The content itself is what I love (LOVE!!!!).
Jetboy is and always shall have a very special place in my heart. It was Jetboy who took one of my short stories (I call them sensual vignettes because that sounds so much better than short stories) and crafted an epic long version of it, all the while checking in with me and allowing me to “direct” and rewrite some of the passages.
So here’s to you, JS, and it’s team of curators and creators. I have three stories outlined in structure. One of these days… one of these days…
Much much love and adoration from Keiko.
Would you send the new “sensual vignettes” our way when you complete them? 🙂
Thanks for the love, Keiko. The story we created together will always hold a special place in my heart as a particular favorite. (I added a link to your comment for anyone curious enough to check it out.)
And yes, I second Cheryl’s request, dear heart — please send any of those sensual vignettes you speak of our way when you finish them.
Thank you for all the delight. Happy Birthday, and here’s to many many more of them.
keep up the great writing. thanks to all.
Happy Birthday, my beloved side, may it be many more years to come, especially for Naughty Mommy, JetBoy and Cheryl Taggert!(same goes for PoppaBear and AmandaLynn, of course!) <3<3<3
Three years of effort! Three years morning, day, evening, night You work for us …
Happy Birthday JS !!! I will say that I have been reading your stories relatively recently, but I can say with certainty that you are leaders in this field. For me, this is a real outlet for my fetish. I will not say much unnecessary and incomprehensible. Thank you very much for your work, for your stories. I wish the development of our common site. With love from Russia, Milanov.
Thank you to everyone who left a comment to celebrate our third birthday as a sizzling website! Just be sure to stick around until our next one–and beyond!
Yes, dear readers, thanks to the millionth power for the good thoughts! More than anything, your love is what keeps us going…
I want to thank Naughty Mommy, Cheryl, JetBoy and now Amanda Lynn and PoppaBear. I love this site. The stories are so amazing. When I read them I feel like I am a fly on the wall and being a small part of the experiences.
So Happy Birthday Juicy Secrets. I look forward to many many more years of this great community.
If there is any way I can help the site as it moves forward please feel free to contact me.