By Muffi
{ This story was originally posted at Lesbian Lolita in February 2010 }
I don’t know how long Mommy was standing there. I had been in my room, lying on my bed and rubbing my coochie. I’d just had that really nice, warm and tingly feeling rush through me, and my eyes were closed. I had my legs spread open, and my hands were still down there, kinda rubbing up and down slowly. Then I remembered that I was supposed to go over to Mindy’s house and I had to get dressed. When I opened my eyes, Mommy was standing in the doorway, staring at me, with her mouth kinda hanging open.
If I wasn’t so embarrassed, I would have started laughing, she looked so surprised and shocked. I kinda screamed, and tried to cover myself with my hands, but there’s too much of me and not enough of my hands. So I just rolled over on my tummy and yelled at her.
“Mommy!! You coulda knocked before you just walked into my room! Can I get dressed, please?”
I was embarrassed at being caught playing with myself, and I could feel my face turning all hot as I blushed.
“Oh, uh… Yes, I’m so sorry, Jenny. I should have knocked first. I’m so sorry, Sweetie.”
As she softly closed my bedroom door, I was thinking that she sounded kinda funny. Not mad or upset or anything, just… different. I couldn’t figure out what it was.
Before I got dressed, I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror for a minute. I don’t really like how I look. I’m skinny, and I don’t have any boobies yet. My face is sorta pretty, I guess, but not as pretty as Mindy. But I love my hair. It’s long, almost down to the bottom of my butt, and it’s really thick. It’s dark, dark red – Mommy calls it auburn – and it’s wavy. When I put it up in pony tails, I look like Sailor Moon with red hair. I think that’s pretty cool.
Anyway, I got some clean underpants out of my drawer and put them on, then dressed in my jeans and a tee shirt. I put my sneakers on, and then I couldn’t avoid it anymore, I had to go downstairs and face Mommy. Was she gonna be mad at me? I felt ashamed and embarrassed all over again, and I didn’t want to see her. I wished I could just sneak out of the house and not have to talk to her. I knew she was gonna say something about what she saw me doing.
I don’t know why I was so scared and embarrassed. I know all about good touch and bad touch, and how I can tell anyone not to touch me there if they ever try to. At school though, they never said anything about not touching myself. I figure if it’s okay to tell other people not to touch me there, it must be okay for me to touch myself there, right? Still though, I was embarrassed about being caught at it.
I don’t remember when I started touching myself like that. It seems like I’ve been doing it forever. It feels so good when I do it, and sometimes, I get this really amazing feeling that starts in my coochie and just shoots out all over my body. It doesn’t happen every time, but when it does it’s so cool! My belly gets all warm and tingly inside and my whole body shakes and I can’t even breathe hardly, and it’s like nothing else I’ve ever felt. I can’t even tell you how good it feels.
Embarrassed again, I sighed, and started downstairs to face Mommy. I started blushing before I even reached the top of the stairs. How was I even gonna be able to look at her after what she saw me doing?
I went into the kitchen to get a soda, and Mommy was there getting things ready for supper. I couldn’t look at her, or talk to her, so I just got my can of soda and sat down at the table. She wasn’t saying anything to me at all; in fact, she looked embarrassed too, when I snuck a look at her. But she didn’t seem mad. She never gets mad at me, not really. I don’t know why I was scared she would be. I guess it’s cuz I thought I was doing something wrong that I had to hide from her. All of a sudden, my idea that since no one said anything about touching myself meant it was okay didn’t sound like such a good argument anymore.
Finally, looking at the floor, I just asked her. “Mommy? Are you mad at me?”
Mommy came over and sat down with me at the table.
“Of course I’m not mad at you, Jenny! Why on earth would I be mad at you?”
“Well… cuz…” I faltered, “Cuz of, you know… Cuz of what you saw me doing. I didn’t mean to be doing anything wrong, Mommy, honest!”
She was quiet for a minute, and then she said, “Oh, Jenny. Baby, you weren’t doing anything wrong, do you hear me? There is nothing wrong with you masturbating. That’s something that everyone does.”
Masturbating… I played with that word in my head for a minute, and then said, “Is that what I was doing? Mas… masturbating?”
Suddenly I was interested.
Mommy laughed quietly. “Yes, Baby. That’s the technical word for it. You were playing with yourself. Or getting yourself off. But yes, the proper word for it is masturbating. And there’s not a thing in the world that’s wrong with it. You weren’t hurting anyone, all you were doing was making yourself feel good. Like I said, it’s something that everyone does.”
She looked straight into my eyes for a minute, and then she said, “I guess I should have talked to you about these things a long time ago. You’re a very grown up girl for your age. In some ways I think you’re ten going on twenty. You being so embarrassed and ashamed today is mostly my fault for not explaining these things to you before.”
Suddenly I felt like I could fly! She wasn’t mad at me! And what I was doing wasn’t wrong! That must mean it was okay for me to do it whenever I wanted to!
“Does that mean it’s okay for me to do it whenever I want to, Mommy? I mean, I can just go do it any time?”
Mommy laughed again. “Yes, Baby, but remember, it’s just like anything else. You only get to play after you take care of business. That means school work and chores first, then you can go play. But yes, essentially, if you feel like masturbating, there’s nothing wrong with it.”
“Cool!” I grinned at her.
“And Jenny? I want you to remember some things, okay? First, masturbating isn’t something that you do publicly, it’s something that’s done in private, or only with someone you love and care very much about. Second, I promise that from now on, I’ll knock before I come in your room, okay? You’re old enough that you should be able to have some privacy there. It’s your room, after all. It’s not right for me to just barge in on you whenever I want to.”
Suddenly, I was focused on two things that she had said.
“How do you do it with someone else, Mommy? Do you mean that it’s like sex?”
I think that kinda surprised her, cuz she looked at me strangely for a minute.
“Well, in a way, yes, it is like sex,” she said. “When two people have sex, it’s properly called “making love.” And masturbating is sort of making love to yourself, really. And just what would you know about sex?”
“I know that boys don’t have vaginas, they have a penis, and when you have sex, the boy puts his penis inside your vagina. I think that’s kinda gross. I wouldn’t want a boy putting his wiener in my coochie!”
Mommy smiled. “Believe me, Baby, one day, you’ll change your mind about that.” She hesitated for a second. “Or not. One never knows, really.” She got a kinda far away look in her eyes for a minute, then she looked at me again. “But whether you do or not, always remember that it’s your body, and you are the one who gets to choose who you share it with.”
I just had to know. “Mommy, you said that it’s something everyone does, right? So, does that mean you do it, too?”
She blushed a little. “Well, first of all, young lady, that’s a very personal question. You don’t run around asking people if they masturbate, okay? But if you must know, yes, I masturbate.” In a whisper she said, “Too often, actually…”
I didn’t know what that meant, but I figured I better not ask her. I had one more question for her, anyway. “Mommy, why were you so embarrassed when you saw me today? You looked so shocked, and that’s why I thought maybe you were mad at me.”
“Honestly, Baby, that’s something I’d rather talk to you about later, after I’ve had time to think about it myself. Is that okay?”
I nodded, even though I wanted to know right then.
“Good. We can talk about it later on when you get home from Mindy’s, okay? We’ll talk over dinner. Now, you should scoot, or you’re not going to have any time to play before suppertime.”
She leaned forward, and kissed my forehead. “I love you, baby girl.”
I smiled at her. “I love you too, Mommy. I’ll see you later.”
“Supper is at six, Jenny, so be home in time to eat,” she yelled as I was running out the door.
“I will!”
I went to my best friend Mindy’s house, feeling better about what happened. But when I got there, I couldn’t stop thinking about talking to Mommy, and what she saw me doing. Mindy kept asking me if I was okay, and I finally told her that I didn’t feel good, and maybe I should just go home. Finally, I did tell her that I felt really sick, and I was gonna go back home. I didn’t tell her about what happened, I’d die if Mindy knew what Mommy caught me doing. Even though Mommy said that everyone does it, I still couldn’t picture Mindy doing something like that.
When I got there, Mommy was surprised to see me so early. I told her I wasn’t having much fun, and I just wanted to be home with her tonight. She smiled, and I helped her make supper. Pancakes! I’d forgotten that it was Friday, and it was pancake night. And that meant that Mommy didn’t have to work, and I didn’t have school for two days, and we could just spend the weekend together. For some reason, I felt really close to Mommy after we’d talked earlier.
So anyway, we ate our pancakes and bacon, and I ate so much I thought I was gonna explode. We were sitting at the table, and all of a sudden I burped. It the hugest burp ever, too, it went on and on, and it was so loud it echoed in the kitchen!
Mommy got this shocked look on her face, and yelled, “Jenny!!” and all I could do was start giggling. It was the burp, and Mommy’s face, it was just too funny, and I couldn’t help it, I got a case of the giggles so bad! Mommy was laughing, too, and when we finally started to quiet down, she said, “Little piggy!” and that just set us off again laughing.
We finally settled down, though, and I got up and cleared off the table. I rinsed off all the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, and then put away everything that needed to go in the refrigerator, and then wiped the table. That’s my chore every day. I do the dishes and clean up after supper.
All of a sudden I had a thought. I looked at Mommy, and grinned. “You did say after I take care of business, right Mommy? When my chores are done?”
I was kinda surprised at her reaction. At first she looked confused, and then she got it, and then she looked kinda… I don’t know, strange. Finally she took a deep breath, and smiled at me. “Yes, Baby, that’s what I said,” she answered. “But you don’t need to go announcing it, either. It’s something private, okay? But if you want to, yes, by all means, be my guest.”
I skipped out of the kitchen, my pony tails swinging back and forth, and ran up the stairs to my room. I closed the door, and rushed to take off all my clothes. I’ve played with my coochie with my clothes on, but for some reason, it’s not the same. I don’t know why, but it feels so much nicer when I’m naked.
A little while later, when I came back downstairs, Mommy was on the couch watching television. She just smiled at me, and kept watching her show. I was frustrated, cuz when I was playing with myself, I couldn’t get that really awesome feeling that I like so much. I mean, it felt good. It always feels good when I rub my coochie. But I couldn’t get that feeling that leaves me all limp and tingly and warm inside.
I decided to take my mind off it and push her to tell me why she was so embarrassed when she caught me earlier that day. Usually when she says, “Later,” it means sometime in the next couple of weeks, but I figured it was later now than when we talked earlier, so I could at least try to get her to tell me.
“Hmm?” She was still watching her show.
“Can we talk now?” I asked. “You said earlier that you’d explain why you got embarrassed when you saw me playing with my coochie today. Will you tell me why?”
All of a sudden she looked nervous or something. She bit her bottom lip, and her hands kinda twisted together, and she looked down at her lap. “Baby, I don’t know if you’re quite ready for me to tell you about that yet.”
That just made me mad.
“But Mommy, you said that me being embarrassed about you seeing me was mostly your fault for not talking to me about that stuff. About sex stuff. And I don’t get why you were embarrassed, that’s all. I mean, you’re a girl and I’m a girl, so it’s not like you don’t know what I look like naked. And you even said that you do it too, and that I shouldn’t be embarrassed about doing it. So why were you embarrassed about seeing me? And besides, you always tell me that we should talk more, and now you won’t talk to me. It’s not fair!”
I put a pout on my face and glared at her.
She just sat there for a minute, staring at me with a really funny look on her face. Then she took a deep breath, and it sounded kinda shaky. She asked me if I wanted to go get myself some iced tea, cuz this might take a while. So I got up and went to the kitchen and poured a glass of tea. Mommy came in, too, and she opened the cupboard and took out her bottle of whiskey that she hardly ever drinks, and poured some into a glass for herself with some ice. I went back in the living room, and she followed me a minute later with her drink and her old pack of cigarettes – she hardly ever smokes, either, only when she’s really upset, mostly. Now I was getting nervous.
Mommy put her drink on a coaster on the coffee table, and pulled a cigarette from the pack she had and lit it. I don’t like cigarettes, they stink, but I decided to not say anything tonight. She took another sip of her drink, and then she looked at me for a second, and then looked back down in her lap again, like she couldn’t look me in the eye or something.
“Baby, I was more ashamed today than I was embarrassed,” she said. “I was ashamed of myself.”
I didn’t get that at all. “Ashamed? What were you ashamed of?”
She took another deep breath. “I was ashamed because of the things I was thinking and feeling, Baby.”
Now I was even more confused. “Mommy, I don’t understand. Why would you be ashamed? What were you thinking?”
“God,” she said, “How do I explain this to you? I’m afraid you’re going to hate me, Baby, and I couldn’t stand it if that happened.”
“Hate you? Mommy, I couldn’t hate you! I mean, I get mad at you when you don’t let me get my way sometimes, but I don’t hate you. I could never hate you!.”
“Okay, Baby. Let me go back a while here for you,” she said. “I just need you to listen to me for a little while, okay? Will you do that, and wait until I finish before you say anything?”
I nodded. “Okay.”
“You know that your father left me when you were just a baby. And for whatever reason, he’s decided that he doesn’t want anything to do with either one of us. Me, I understand, but I don’t understand why he hasn’t ever tried to see you. But as far as I know, you’re okay with that, at least right now.”
“You also know that I haven’t had very many boyfriends since then. Yes, I date sometimes, but not often, and I don’t want a man in my life again, at least, not for now. And maybe never, I don’t know.”
She took another deep breath. “But there’s some things that you don’t know, too.”
“You know those times when I say it’s going to be a “girl’s night out,” and there will just be a bunch of girls going out to have some fun? Well, it’s a girl’s night out, but it’s not a party. When I do that, I’m going out on a date with another girl. See, that’s why your father left me. He couldn’t accept the fact that I like men and women just as much, and in the same way.”
She didn’t say anything for a few seconds, and when I started to open my mouth, she held up her hand for me to stop.
“Let me finish, Baby. Today, when I walked into your room, you were lying on your bed with your hands between your legs. Your eyes were closed, and you had this look of pure, innocent bliss and joy on your face. You looked so beautiful it almost broke my heart watching you. I… I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I must have stood there for five minutes just watching you. I hated myself, but I stood there, watching you, and when you started to come…”
Come? I stuck that away to ask about later…
“Oh, Baby… All I wanted to do was to climb into bed with you and make love to you. I had to force myself to keep my hands out from between my legs. Seeing you like that… It excited me so much… I was ashamed of myself, and I’m still ashamed, because you’re a little girl. You’re ten years old, and I shouldn’t be thinking about you like that. I’m even more ashamed because you’re my daughter – you’re my little girl – and all I was thinking about was the fact that I wanted nothing more than to crawl up on your bed and touch you, kiss you, stroke you, and be the one to make you feel what you were feeling.”
Mommy took another deep breath. Finally, she looked up into my eyes. “I’m finished now, Jenny,” she said. “If you don’t want to talk to me about this anymore, it’s okay. And I promise, I’ll never let this happen again. I’ll never allow myself to think of you like that ever again.”
I didn’t know what to say, but I didn’t want Mommy to know that, so I decided to talk about a couple of other parts first. “Mommy? You said something about when I started to come. What does that mean?”
Mommy looked surprised. “Uhm, coming, you know? When you had an orgasm.”
I didn’t know that word, either. “Orgasm? What’s that?”
“Oh, Baby, I really have left you to fend for yourself here, haven’t I? An orgasm is… It’s… You know that feeling you get at the very end, when your whole body just goes stiff and tense, and it feels so very, very good? That feeling is called an orgasm. Or, some people call it ‘coming.’ There’s a few terms for it, actually.”
I kind of played with that word for a minute in my head, too… Orgasm… I decided I liked it, and it was nice to have a word now for something that felt so good.
I sat there for a minute, and then I looked at her again. She was smoking another cigarette, and taking a sip from her drink. “Mommy, does that mean you’re gay? I mean, cuz you like girls that way, too?”
“No, Baby. Actually, the correct term is “bisexual.” That means that I like men and women both that way.”
I was kinda scared to ask this next part, but I had to. “Mommy, they tell us at school all the time that adults who like kids that way are child molesters. Someone called them pedo… Pedo-something. And they said that they’re bad people who want to hurt kids. So, you thinking like that about me, does that mean you’re a child molester?”
“The word you’re looking for is pedophile, Baby. Honestly, I’ve never given it a thought before today. And it’s something that I have to do a lot more thinking about before I figure it out. But I can promise you this: I’m not a child molester. A child molester is someone who forces a kid to do something against their will. I could never do that. I’ve never even had sexual thoughts about kids before today. You’re the first. That’s what I’m so ashamed of. But one thing that I do know, Jenny, beyond any doubt. I love you with all my heart and all my soul. I would die for you, Baby, without a second thought. And I would never, ever do anything to hurt you in any way. I’ve tried to teach to you be honest all the time, and that’s why I decided that I needed to tell you what I felt today, and what I was thinking. I’ll always be honest with you, and I hope you know that you can do the same with me.”
I sat and thought for a minute. And I kept coming to the same idea. “Mommy, does mean that you like me? I mean, do you like me like me? Like, do you like me like you’d like a boyfriend or a girlfriend?” Even when I was saying it, it sounded stupid, but I couldn’t figure out how to ask her.
She laughed, and I smiled at her. I was glad she was little less nervous now. “Wow, Baby. That’s a lot of liking going on in that sentence.”
I felt myself blush.
“Aw, don’t be embarrassed, Sweetie. I’m just picking on you. I guess the most honest answer to that question is that I would like to like you like I would like a girlfriend.” She grinned. “Oh, God, now I’m doing it, too. But it would be completely wrong for so many reasons, Baby. You’re a little girl, and I could get in so much trouble if anyone thought that we were like girlfriends. And you’re my daughter, and parents just shouldn’t think about that kind of relationship with their children.”
“Mommy, I am not a child. I’m ten years old. And you said it yourself earlier: Sometimes you think I’m ten going on twenty. So please stop acting like I’m a little girl who can’t hear this, okay?”
I could see her trying not to laugh, but I didn’t get mad about it.
“I’m going to go take a shower and get my pajamas on and get ready for bed, okay? I’ll be down in a minute.”
The truth was I had a lot to think about, and I wanted to just kinda figure out how I felt about it all. Actually, I felt kinda good knowing that Mommy liked me that way, although I wasn’t sure why.
I stood up and went to give her a hug before I went upstairs. While I had my arms around her neck, I whispered in her ear. “I still love you, Mommy. Nothing you say could ever make me hate you.”
When I started up the stairs, I looked back at her, and she had tears on her face. I don’t know why, but I don’t think she was sad. I think she was happy.
I hurried through my shower, washed my hair, and brushed my teeth, even though I knew I’d probably have to brush them again. I was pretty sure I’d still be up for a while, and I’d want something to eat. I kept thinking about that last part Mommy had told me,, about how she’d like to like me like a girlfriend. For some reason, that made me feel kinda funny inside, and made my coochie get that warm, tingly feeling. I kept having little daydreams, like little pictures in my head, doing things that people do when they’re in love. I felt a shiver run through my body.
In a way I felt kinda weird. Lots of the kids at school made fun of people they called “dykes” or “fags.” I never did that, and I didn’t get it, either. I didn’t see what was wrong with liking someone who was the same sex you are. But now that it was me, I mean, now that another girl wanted to like me like that, even though it was Mommy, it felt kinda weird but really nice, all at the same time. I don’t know why, but I really liked the idea. I wondered if that meant that I was gay? And then I decided that it if did mean that, I didn’t care, cuz it was the nicest feeling I’d ever had.
I finished cleaning up the bathroom, and got my pajamas on. When I got downstairs, Mommy had changed into her pajamas, too, and she was sitting on the couch watching television. She still had her drink, but it was the same one, and she had put her cigarettes away. I figured that meant she had calmed down a little bit, and she wasn’t so nervous now.
I handed her my brush that I’d brought with me and grinned at her, and then sat down on the floor in front of her with my back against the couch. I told you my hair is really long, and it feels so nice to have someone else brush it for me, especially right after I wash it. I heard Mommy sigh, not a mad sigh, but kind of a happy little sigh, and then she scooped up all my hair with her hand and laid it in her lap, and started to brush it for me. It felt so nice to be sitting there, close to her, while she brushed my hair. When she got near the top, close to my head, I could feel her fingers touch my neck now and then, and it made me kind of shiver inside each time.
When she finished, I gathered up all my hair and pulled it forward over my shoulder so it was hanging down in front of me on one side, then I laid my head against her knee and just sat there with her. I felt her fingers kind of stroking the side of my head now and then. It was really nice. I felt so close to her right then, and I didn’t want it to end. I wanted to feel close to her like that all the time. I put my arms around her lower leg, and just sat there, hugging her leg lightly, with my head resting just above her knee. I closed my eyes.
“Mommy?” I heard myself say. “Just so you know, it’s okay. I mean, what you told me about what you were thinking and feeling today. I don’t mind it. I mean, I like that you thought that and felt that way about me. It makes me feel good. And it’s not like you’d ever do anything to hurt me, I know that. So don’t worry, okay?”
I heard her take a deep breath. She didn’t say anything for a minute. When she did, she sounded almost sad. “Oh, Baby. Where did you get so much wisdom at such a young age?”
I didn’t say anything. I just stayed there, enjoying being close to Mommy like this. I had all these thoughts and pictures kinda flashing through my head, and I started to get really curious.
“Yes, Baby?”
Her fingers were still kinda absently stroking my hair. A couple of times, they brushed the side of my neck, and for some reason, that sent this really nice, shivery kinda feeling through me.
“What’s it like?” I asked her.
“What’s what like, Baby?”
“What’s it like doing it with another girl? I mean, is it different than with a boy?”
Her fingers stopped moving for a minute, and then she started stroking my hair again. I felt her take a deep breath. “Uhm, well, yes, it is different. It’s… I don’t know, nicer, I think. Girls are gentler, and they’re softer than guys.” She kinda giggled. “And girls are prettier, too.”
I didn’t move, I just stayed right where I was, cuz I didn’t want her to stop touching my hair and my neck.
“But, how do you do it with a girl? I mean, I know how you do it with a guy. Well, I understand how to do it, anyway, even if it is pretty gross. But girls don’t have a wiener, so I mean, how can you do it?”
“Well, there’s lots of ways. Girls can touch each other the same way you touch yourself when you masturbate. They can use their mouths and tongues on each other. And they can use toys.”
I was shocked! Girls use their mouths? And I didn’t understand what she meant by using toys, either.
“Mommy, that’s disgusting! They use their mouths on each other? You mean, you put your mouth on a girl’s coochie?”
Mommy laughed quietly. “Yes, Baby, that’s exactly what they do. But believe me, it’s not in the least bit disgusting. It’s very nice, and it feels very, very good.”
She was still stroking the side of my head, touching my hair and my neck and giving me that shivery feeling. But now her hand was shaking a little bit, and I heard her sigh really deep. I got up off the floor, even though I didn’t want it to stop, and sat next to her on the couch. She was sitting at one end of the couch, and I turned so my back was to her, then I lay down with my head in her lap, the back of my neck resting on her thigh. I felt one hand come around the top of my head, and she started touching my hair again, stroking it lightly. I sighed.
“Mommy, what did you mean that girls use toys? What toys do you use?” I was mystified, trying to picture some way that you could use a Barbie to touch your coochie.
“Well, have you ever touched yourself with anything besides your hand, Baby?” I shook my head, still confused. “No? Well, you can use things to touch yourself, you know. You can lay on your tummy and have a pillow or a stuffed animal between your legs and rub up against it. Also, you can buy special toys that are made to help with having sex.”
I felt her take another one of those shaky breaths, and I noticed that her hand was still kinda shaking, too.
I just lay there, kinda trying to digest this. I was starting to feel kinda tingly between my legs, and I had a familiar flutter in my tummy. Mommy’s hand touching my hair felt so nice, and I closed my eyes, just enjoying her touch.
“Mommy, do you have any of those special toys?”
“Uhm, yes, Baby, I have a few of them.”
She sounded funny, so I opened my eyes and looked up. Mommy was blushing! She looked so pretty, but I thought it was kind of funny, too. I closed my eyes again so she wouldn’t see me staring.
“Will you show them to me, Mommy? Please?”
“Jenny, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I… I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Please, Mommy? I just want to see them. Please, please, please, please, please?” Now that I’d heard about this, I was so curious. I couldn’t imagine what a toy for having sex would even look like.
“Jennifer Leigh, no. That’s not a good place for me to go with you right now.” Mommy’s voice got very quiet. “Not until I sort all of this out in my head.”
When Mommy calls me “Jennifer Leigh,” I know to stop pushing her. So I didn’t say anything else, I just laid there for a minute. Then I reached up and touched her hand, the one that was stroking my hair. I heard her suck in a deep breath and I could feel that her hand was shaking.
It was still early, only about 9:00 o’clock, and since it was Friday, I could stay up as late as I wanted to. Mommy lets me stay up late on Friday, even until I fall asleep in the living room if I want. So I knew I could lay like this with her all night if I wanted to. And I wanted to.
There were so many things whirling around in my head. All the things that we had talked about were kinda making me feel dizzy inside. But I kept coming back to the idea that Mommy wanted to like me “that” way, like a girlfriend. I kept thinking about that, about having a girlfriend, then about what it would be like to have Mommy be my girlfriend. The idea made that tingly, warm fluttery feeling come back in my coochie and my belly. I could feel it, and I could also feel myself getting kinda damp between my legs. That usually only happened when I was playing with my coochie, never from just thinking about something. I pulled my legs up so my feet were close to my butt, and then I couldn’t help it, I kinda squirmed my butt down into the cushion. I wanted to touch myself, but I knew if I did, Mommy would make me go to my room to do it. I didn’t want to go to my room, I wanted to stay here with her.
The more I thought about the idea of being Mommy’s girlfriend, the more I liked it, and the more I could feel that tingle. I kept thinking about it, and finally, I looked up at Mommy. She was still stroking my hair, but she wasn’t looking at me. She was kinda looking off at nothing, like she was lost in her own thoughts.
My Mommy is so pretty. Her hair is kinda like mine – it’s red, too, but it’s more the orange kinda red than mine is. And it’s really long, too, but not as long as mine. Mine comes down to my butt, but hers only comes down to her waist. She was wearing her pajamas, but I could still see her boobies under her top. Her boobies aren’t really huge, but they’re really round, and I could see her nipples kinda poking through her pajamas. Her waist is really small, and her hips come out in really nice curves. And she has a bubble butt, although I couldn’t see that, cuz she was sitting on it. It had been like forever since I saw her with no clothes on, but all of a sudden, I wanted more than anything to see her naked. I don’t why, I just did, but I knew I shouldn’t ask her. I couldn’t figure out how to ask her, really.
Compared to Mommy, I look like a boy, even though I have really, really long hair. I don’t have any boobies, and my hips just go straight down from my waist to my legs. I guess my butt is okay, but it’s kinda small. It’s not nice and round like Mommy’s is. All of a sudden I felt embarrassed again that Mommy had been watching me, cuz I know I don’t have a pretty body. How could she want to like me like a girlfriend when I’m built like a boy?
I rolled over on my side, so I was facing Mommy’s stomach, and kinda curled up. All of a sudden I realized that my face was just a few inches away from her coochie. I froze for a minute, afraid she was gonna make me move or something. But she didn’t, she just kept stroking my hair, so I relaxed. Even though I couldn’t see anything cuz she had her pajamas on, I laid there staring at her coochie, and that tingle in my tummy kept getting stronger. I kinda sighed, and when I did, I caught a smell. Not a bad smell, it was nice, but I wasn’t sure what it was. It was almost like an animal smell, but nice. It took me a minute to figure out that it was coming from Mommy, and then I figured out that it was coming from between her legs.
Oh my God! It was her coochie I could smell! It smelled kinda like mine, but it was stronger. I’ve smelled my own on my fingers after I play with myself, but it was always just a faint smell. This was strong, and it made me feel kinda dizzy when I took a deep breath. I liked it – I felt a sharp little feeling stab through my coochie and into my belly, and I shivered all over one time. I tried to make myself relax, cuz I didn’t want Mommy to make me move. I wanted to lay here and breathe in the way she smelled all night long.
The more I thought about it, the more I knew I had to try and convince Mommy to let me be her girlfriend. I mean, she loves me, right? And I love her. And I already knew that you should make love the most important thing when you have sex with someone. I knew Mommy was never gonna leave me, and I knew I wasn’t gonna leave her, either. I knew we’d be together always. Besides, she had told me earlier that I’m the one who gets to choose who I share my body with. And I wanted to share it with Mommy.
Then I had a moment of doubt. “Lesbian” is a dirty word at school. I wondered if wanting to share my body with Mommy made me a lesbian.
“Mommy? If I want to share my body with another girl, does that make me a lesbian?”
“Well, that depends, Baby. If you only ever want to have sex with other girls, then yes, I guess that would make you a lesbian. If you decide you want sex with boys or girls, then that would make you bisexual, like me. But you know what? It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter who you choose to share yourself with. If it turns out that you’re a lesbian, you’re also still Jenny. Being a lesbian would only be a small part of who you are as a person.”
Satisfied, I snuggled down and relaxed, and kinda snuck my face a little closer to her coochie, so I could keep breathing in the way she smelled.
I kept thinking about the idea of Mommy being my girlfriend, and me being hers. The more I thought about it, the warmer I felt inside, and the more I felt that tingle in my coochie. My tummy was doing little flip-flops. Finally I couldn’t stand it anymore, I had to talk to her about it. I sat up and turned around, and sat next to her, right up against her side, and I pulled her arm around me. Her hand was hanging down in front of me now, and I took it in both my hands and held it while I snuggled up against her side. She was so soft and warm, and I didn’t ever want to let her stop holding me.
I was scared, really scared, but I had to ask her. I had to talk to her about it or I was gonna go crazy.
“Do you remember earlier when we were talking, and you said that what was bothering you was that you think you want to like me like your girlfriend?”
She sighed. “Yes, Baby, I remember.”
“Well, why can’t we be like that? I mean, what’s so wrong if we want to be each other’s girlfriends? We love each other, right? So what’s so wrong about us being girlfriends that way?”
“Well, we are girlfriends, Baby. We’re the best friends in the world.”
I pretended to get mad. “Mommy! I asked you not to treat me like a child! You know what I mean. Why can’t we be like real girlfriends? Like, kiss each other, and hold hands and just be together, and have… I mean, make love? What’s so wrong about that?”
She pulled her hand out from mine, and held it against the side of my head, stroking my hair again. I shivered, it felt so nice when she touched me like that. “Baby…”
I heard the clink of the ice in her glass when she took another sip of her drink, and I heard her digging into her purse for her cigarettes again. Three cigarettes in one night was a lot for Mommy to smoke. But I still didn’t say anything about it. I felt her take a deep breath as she slid her arm around me again, and held me up close to her side. I could feel her booby against the top of my arm. It felt so nice, soft and warm, and I started wanting to touch it with my hands. I didn’t though. I just sat there waiting for her to start talking again.
“Jenny, it would be wrong because I’m your mother, and you’re my daughter. If we had that kind of relationship, it would be what’s called “incest,” and it’s a crime. It’s even more of a crime because you’re only ten years old, and I’m not trying to treat you like a child. That’s just the law. The law says that you aren’t old enough to make the decision to have sex with a grown up yet. If anyone were to ever find out, Mommy could go to prison for a very long time. And I don’t think I could stand to be away from you for that long, Baby.”
I thought about this for a minute. “Okay, but if it wasn’t against the law, would you want to? I mean, do you like me the way you’d like a girlfriend, but you can’t do anything cuz it’s against the law?”
Mommy sighed again. “Baby… If it was legal, I can’t think of any girl in the world that I’d rather have for my girlfriend. You are such a beautiful, sexy little girl. And if I could, I would be proud to call you my girlfriend.”
I felt another shiver run through my body. Mommy does like me that way!! She’d like me to be her girlfriend, and she’d like to be mine! My whole body felt warm, and I knew I was probably blushing, but I didn’t care. It wasn’t cuz I was embarrassed, it was cuz I felt so happy.
I was still holding her hand in both of mine, in front of my chest, and she leaned down and kissed the top of my head three times.
“I think the law is just stupid, Mommy,” I said. “You said it yourself. I’m the one who gets to choose who I share my body with. And it’s not like you’re trying to make me do something I don’t want to do. I want to do it. I want to share my body with you, not anyone else. It’s just stupid, and it’s not fair.” I was pouting, and I knew it, but I didn’t care.
Mommy sighed, and moved her hand up to stroke my hair again, pulling my head against her booby. “I guess maybe it is stupid, Baby. But it’s still the law.”
She didn’t say anything for a minute, and I could feel her breathing lifting my head slowly up and down. “I love you so very much, Baby. Just always remember that, okay?”
Neither one of us said anything for a few minutes. It was driving me crazy cuz it just wasn’t fair! Finally, I moved again. I got up on my knees, and I moved so that I could put my forehead against hers. We do that sometimes. We put our foreheads together, and then the tips of our noses just barely touch, and we stare at each other’s eyes until one of us starts to giggle. I’m usually the one who giggles first. This time, though, I just stared into her eyes for a minute, and then I kissed her.
It wasn’t like a little pecking kinda kiss, either. I tried to make it a romantic kiss, but I don’t think I was doing very good, cuz, well, I’ve never kissed anyone that way before. I just pressed my lips to hers, really softly, and then I closed my eyes. I felt her take a really fast, deep breath, and I felt her body go tense for a minute, and then she kinda relaxed. I took that to mean it was okay, so I brought my hand up and touched the side of her face, like I’ve seen people do in movies.
I got a surprise when I felt the tip of her tongue touch my lips. I’d forgotten that people kiss with their mouths open sometimes. I always thought that was kinda gross, but now, feeling Mommy’s tongue on my lips, I was surprised at how nice it was. I sighed, and I felt myself shiver.
Suddenly, Mommy pulled away from me. I could see she was breathing fast, and her mouth was open. She looked at me for a second, and then she stroked the side of my face. “Baby, we can’t. I know you want to, and God knows I want it, too. But we can’t. We can’t take the risk, Baby.”
I sat back so my butt was on my heels. “Mommy, I am not stupid. I would never tell anyone, not even Mindy. No one would ever know. When we go places, no one would think it’s weird cuz you’re holding my hand. You’re my Mommy, why would they think anything? And when we’re home, then we can act the way we want to.” I knew I sounded whiny, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted this so much.
I cut her off. “Mommy, I love you, don’t you see? I want to be your girlfriend, and I want you to be my girlfriend. When we go to the movies, I want it to be a date. We can hold hands there, and only we hafta know what it really means. I want us to be able to come home after a date like that and go upstairs and have… Go upstairs and make love with each other. I want us to sleep in the same bed. Please, Mommy. Won’t you please be my girlfriend?”
She sat and stared at me for a long, long time. I could see that she was thinking really hard, trying to decide what she should do. Finally she opened her mouth, and spoke really softly. “Baby, are you sure about this? Are you sure you know what you’re asking me for?”
“Yes.” I nodded. “I know what I’m asking for, Mommy. I think I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I want us…” It felt weird, but it felt so right, too, to say it. “I want us to be lovers, Mommy.”
She stared at me for another few seconds, and then all of a sudden, she was kissing me on the mouth, gently, with her lips open a little bit. I could feel her tongue again, and this time I opened my mouth, cuz I figured that’s what I was supposed to do. Right away, I felt Mommy’s tongue slip into my mouth, exploring and licking my teeth, touching my tongue. I pushed my own tongue forward, into her mouth, and I felt her close her lips around it, sucking on it. I drew a sharp breath in through my nose when I felt a shock stab through my coochie and into my tummy, then even further. My whole body was tingling now.
Mommy broke the kiss. We were both breathing really hard now, and she stared into my eyes for a minute, and then she smiled kinda nervously. “Well, then,” she said, “let’s do this properly, shall we?”
Mommy got up from the couch, and moved in front of me, then knelt down so she was right in front of my knees. She took both of my hands, and held them between her hands while she stared straight into my eyes. “Jennifer Leigh Barnes, you know how very much I love you. You know how happy you make me, and how very exciting I think you are. So… Jenny, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”
My breath was coming so fast. It was for real!! I threw my arms around Mommy’s neck and hugged her so tight I thought I might break her, but she just wrapped her arms around me and held me. I buried my face against her neck. “Oh, yes, Mommy. Of course I will. I love you so much!”
Mommy kinda backed up a little and looked in my eyes again. “Tomorrow, we’ll go and get ourselves matching rings, so it’ll be really official, okay? Would you like that?”
I gasped. “You mean like wedding rings?”
“Mmm, sort of, Baby. Not actually wedding rings, but it’s the same idea, yes. Even though no one else will know what they mean, you and I will know. They’ll be a sign that we love each other and belong to each other.”
She put her hands on each side of my face then, and she got a very serious look. She stood up, and pulled me to my feet, then she reached down and scooped me up so she was carrying me with one arm under my thighs, the other around my waist. I wrapped my arms around her neck, and snuggled into her shoulder as she started to carry me upstairs. Suddenly, it sank in – she was taking me to her bed. Mommy – my girlfriend – was going to take me to bed and make love with me. I shivered, and I felt myself get really damp between my legs.
I was happy and warm and all tingly and scared and nervous, all at the same time. I didn’t know what to expect, what was gonna happen, but I knew I wanted it. I just let her carry me upstairs with my head on her shoulder, and a couple of times, I kissed the side of her neck. She squeezed me tighter when I did that, and made a little gasping sound. I could feel her heartbeat, pounding fast against my chest.
We went into Mommy’s room, and she turned the lights on, then used the dimmer switch to turn them down low, so the room was kinda dim, but still light enough to see everything. She sat down on the edge of her bed, and settled me into her lap, and then she lifted my head from her shoulder and stared into my eyes for a minute. “Baby, are you absolutely sure this is what you want?”
Her hand came up, and she stroked the side of my face. “You’re really, really sure you want this?”
I couldn’t talk. It was like my breath was stuck in my throat, and I couldn’t get any words out. So I just looked at her for a minute, and then I nodded. Then I leaned close to her, and I kissed her again, but this time, I kept my eyes open. She kept hers open, too, then I opened my mouth up and slid my tongue into her mouth as far as I could reach. It slid over and across hers, and her mouth tasted so nice, kinda like a mixture of tobacco, whiskey, and her warm breath. I put my arms around her neck and pulled her closer, cuz I didn’t want to stop, I didn’t want the kiss to ever end. I think it was right then that I knew I was in love with Mommy. That she was my girlfriend, for real, and I was in love with her.
Finally she broke away from me. We were both still staring at each other, and we were both breathing really hard, like we’d been running for a long time. I must have looked nervous or something, cuz she started to talk to me again.
“Baby, if anything that happens makes you feel uncomfortable, if you want me to stop at any time, you just tell me, okay? This might be kind of overwhelming for you, because it’s your first time. So, if you want me to stop, you just tell me, and I’ll stop. This isn’t just about sex. It’s about loving you, and showing you that I love you, and making you feel as loved and as good as I can make you feel, okay?”
She looked so worried about me, so scared that she might make me uncomfortable, I just couldn’t help it. I had to try to make her relax. I remembered a line from a song that she really likes. “Mommy,” I whispered, grinning, “shut up and kiss me.”
This big smile broke across her face, and she grabbed me under my arms and threw me across her bed. Then she jumped up and put her knees on each side of me and started to tickle my ribs. “Little imp! You want to be that way with me, do you? Tell me to shut up, will you?”
She kept tickling me for another minute, then she stopped, and leaned down, her face close to mine. I watched her eyes close slowly as she whispered, “I love you, my little girlfriend,” and then she was kissing me again, and my whole body got all hot and tingly. I squirmed my hips down against the bed. My coochie felt like there were weird electric shocks going through it, and I could feel my pajamas getting wet there.
When she lifted her face again, I looked up at her. She looked so beautiful. Her face was kinda flushed, like she was blushing, but I knew it wasn’t a blush. Her body was feeling the same way mine was. “Mommy, show me how. Show me how to make love.”
Mommy helped me move so we were both kneeling in front of each other. She reached up and fiddled with my hair for a minute, first one side, then the other, then she ran her fingers through my hair. I felt her fingertips brush my cheeks, and then she leaned close to me again and kissed me, softly this time. She had her hands on my cheeks, lightly, and I shivered. I felt that warm tingle all over again, and I also felt a rush of love for Mommy. For my girlfriend.
I closed my eyes and felt her start to kiss my face. Her lips touched my cheeks, the tip of my nose, my eyelids, my eyebrows… She was kissing me all over my face, and I was shivering each time I felt her lips touch a new place. I felt her lips touch my ear, and then the tip of her tongue, and I sucked in a deep breath cuz it sent a shock straight through my body. She had one hand on the back of my neck, and the other around my waist and pressed flat against my back. I felt her lips brush the side of my neck, and when she closed them over my skin and sucked gently, my hands flew to the back of her head, pulling her tight to my neck. My head fell back and I shivered again, and I moaned softly. I couldn’t help it, it felt so nice.
I felt her lips bush softly over my skin, moving lower on my neck, to my shoulder. Her hands moved again, and I felt her start to unbutton my pajama top. When all the buttons were unfastened, her hands slid up my front until her fingertips were brushing lightly over my nipples. I felt myself blush – I don’t have any boobies, and I got embarrassed about that – but at the same time, Mommy’s fingers rubbing and pinching my nipples felt so good. I felt little jolts rush through my body as she played with them, and I moaned again, sucking air into my lungs hard and fast when she pinched a little harder.
I leaned back, and Mommy put one hand on my back again, helping to hold me up. My pajama top opened up more, and she bent her head and brought her mouth to one of my nipples. I felt her tongue on it, flicking it really fast, and I tangled my fingers in her hair and pulled her tight to my chest. It felt so good! She moved her head and did the same thing to my other nipple. I felt them getting hard and sensitive; each time she touched them or sucked them, or did anything to one of them my body trembled a little. I wasn’t sure what was happening to me, but I liked it. I could feel my pajama bottoms getting wet between my legs – my coochie was getting wetter than it had ever been when I touched myself, and Mommy hadn’t even touched me there.
Mommy took a deep breath, and lifted her head. She looked into my eyes for a second, and then she straightened up. Never taking her eyes off mine, she started to unbutton her pajama top. When all the buttons were undone, she reached out and slid my top back and down off my shoulders. I let it fall on the bed, and then Mommy reached up and slid hers off, too. I stared at her boobies – I couldn’t help it, they were so beautiful. Her nipples were bigger than mine, and a little darker, and I could see them standing up straight. I started to reach out to touch them with both hands, and then stopped. I didn’t know if I was supposed to or not. I didn’t say anything, I just looked at Mommy for a second, asking her with my eyes if I could touch them. She smiled at me, and nodded her head.
“Oh, yes, Baby,” she said, “please touch them. I want you to.”
“They’re so pretty, Mommy,” I sighed. “I wish I had boobies like yours.”
“Yours will grow, Baby,” she said, “and besides, you don’t need them to be beautiful. I think you’re perfect just the way you are right now.” Mommy reached out and started to touch my nipples again, making me shiver all over.
I ran my hands over Mommy’s boobies, kinda petting them with my fingers, and then I tried to copy what she was doing to my nipples. I rubbed my thumbs over her nipples, watching how they got even harder, then I pinched them lightly. I heard her moan softly.
“Oh, my pretty Baby,” she said, “that feels so nice.”
She leaned close to me again and kissed me, really lightly. I felt her hands slide up to my shoulders, and she then she was gently pushing me backwards, still kissing me lightly, until I was lying on my back and she was on her hands and knees above me. My whole body felt all warm and tingly, and when she pulled away and looked in my eyes, I saw so much love there. It was almost like she was reading my mind.
“I love you so very much, Baby,” she whispered. “I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you, you know.”
I smiled at Mommy as she raised herself up so she was kneeling with her knees on each side of my thighs. I watched her move back down towards my feet, and then very slowly, her hands went to the waistband of my pajama bottoms and she began to slide them down my legs. She helped me to move so that she could take them off, and she dropped them over the edge of the bed to the floor. I guess I blushed, cuz I got that hot feeling in my face, and Mommy smiled at me. “Oh, Baby, do you have any idea how very beautiful you are?”
I saw her eyes moving over my body, and a little smile on her face. “I could just sit and stare at you for hours,” she breathed.
I felt Mommy’s hands start to slide up and down my legs, very lightly. I could feel goose bumps as her fingers almost tickled my skin, and I couldn’t stop shivering. I watched her for a minute, and then I just closed my eyes and let myself feel what she was doing to me. It felt so amazing! When her hands slid up my sides and over my tummy, and then to my nipples again, I started to breathe faster, like I’d been walking really fast or something. I felt her shift on the bed, and then I felt her hair brush my skin as she leaned down to kiss me again.
I kept my eyes closed, but when I felt her tongue touch my lips, I opened my mouth and let her slide it in, touching and licking at my tongue. I didn’t even know my hands had moved until I felt myself pulling her harder against my mouth, and my lips and tongue started to move all by themselves, kissing her back. She was still kneeling over me, one knee on each side of my hips. She was holding herself up with one hand while her other hand played with my nipples. Every time she pinched one of them, a little jolt shot straight down to my coochie, and my hips started to jump up and down a little. She hadn’t even touched me there yet, and already she was making it feel better than I had ever done by myself.
I felt Mommy shift her weight again, and all of a sudden she wasn’t kissing my lips anymore. Her lips and tongue were moving over my neck and my chest, and then she closed her mouth on my left nipple. I felt her tongue on it, and then her teeth as she gently bit it. Her hand was still pinching my right nipple, and I moaned loudly when I felt that shooting kind of shock in my coochie. I could feel that I was all wet down there. My hands moved on their own, and I tangled my fingers in her hair, pulling her against my chest. I didn’t want her to ever stop, it felt so good!
She changed sides, and moved her mouth to my other nipple, doing the same thing to it that she’d done to my left one. Her hand, though, slid down along my belly. I felt her move again, so that she was kneeling on one side of me, and then her hand slid over my hip and down my thigh. When she slid it back up, her fingertips brushed over my coochie, and my hips bounced right up off the bed. I opened my legs a little bit, and I felt her sliding her fingers up and down over it, making my whole private area all wet with the stuff that was leaking out of my coochie. That’s when it just hit me.
My whole body went stiff. I pulled my feet towards my butt and went all stiff and shaking. My shoulders and my feet were the only parts of me still on the bed, the rest was lifted up, trying to press against Mommy’s mouth and hand. My mouth was hanging open, and I moaned really loud and long, and I couldn’t catch my breath at all. This hot, tingly wave just shot out from my coochie and filled me up, and right between my legs it felt so good that I could never explain it. When it finally stopped, and I collapsed back down on the bed panting, Mommy lifted her head away from my nipple. Her hand came up and touched my cheek, and I opened my eyes to look at her.
“Oh, my pretty Baby,” she whispered, “You came really fast!”
I was still out of breath, but I looked at her and said, “Came? What does that mean?”
She leaned down and brushed her lips against mine. “It means that you had an orgasm, Baby. That’s what that really strong, nice feeling is. Remember, I told you that earlier? It’s an orgasm. But, people also call it “coming,” so after you’ve had an orgasm, you can say you came.”
“I’ve never felt that good, Mommy. I mean, when I do it myself, it feels really nice, but it’s never been like that before!”
Mommy smiled. “It’s always better when someone helps you come, Baby. Playing with yourself is nice, but it’s nothing like having someone make love to you.” She smiled again. “Now just relax. Mommy’s not done yet. I have more to show you, Baby.”
“More?” I thought. How could there possibly be more?
Mommy moved again, so that she was kneeling between my legs. I was sorta embarrassed cuz she could see my coochie all spread open, but she just smiled as her hands lightly stroked my skin. She touched my nipples again, which were really sensitive now, and made me gasp. As she looked at me, I heard her whisper.
“Oh, Baby Girl, you have such a beautiful little pussy.”
I blushed. I’d heard other girls at school use that word, and others, too, but I was embarrassed hearing my Mommy say it. She saw me blush, and smiled again. “Baby, when you and I are alone, you can use those naughty words. It’s much more exciting to use them than to use baby words, or the proper words.”
I felt her fingertips brush over my coo… over my pussy again. “This is your pussy, Baby. Or if you feel really naughty, you can call it your cunt.”
Her fingers slid up to my nipples again. “These you can call your titties or your tits. All those words that you shouldn’t use when you’re in public, you can use when we’re in a private place, okay?”
She moved again, and I felt her begin to kiss and lick me all over my chest and my tummy, down my sides, and over my hips. She kept moving down, kissing my legs, first one, then the other, up and down. My breathing was getting funny again, and I was getting tingly all over again, too. Then I got the biggest surprise I’ve ever had.
Mommy was lying down now, between my legs, and kissing and licking the insides of my thighs. As her fingertips slid over my… pussy… again, I felt her hands move until they were underneath my butt, lifting me up. Then she started to lightly kiss my pussy. I gasped – I hadn’t expected this, but it felt so nice! My hips kinda twitched up again, and my pussy bumped against Mommy’s mouth.
Then I sucked in a long deep breath as I felt her tongue lick me there, all the way up along my pussy. My hands shot down to her head and my fingers twisted in her hair. I pulled her tight to my pussy. This felt amazing!! I heard Mommy giggle, but she didn’t stop what she was doing to me.
I could feel her jaw open wider, and then she had my whole pussy in her mouth. Her tongue slid into the slit, and then upwards, until she hit… Something. I didn’t know what she touched, but whatever it was, it sent a shock through me, like I got hit with lightning or something. I cried out, and tightened my fingers in her hair, pulling her mouth against my pussy as tight as I could. My hips were sorta grinding around in circles, mashing my pussy against her mouth. I didn’t want this feeling to ever stop!
I moaned when I felt her tongue move again, cuz I didn’t want her to take it from that spot. But she moved it down, and then I felt it get kinda stiff, and then I felt her start to poke it up inside me. She was making little slurping sounds, and sliding her tongue in and out of my pussy. Then she moved one hand up around my hip, and her fingers found that same spot again that she was licking before. As soon as she touched it, I almost screamed. My legs just kinda flew by themselves and wrapped around Mommy’s neck, holding her head there. My hips were bouncing up and down, really hard, I just couldn’t stop them. I thought there was nothing in the world that could ever be this good.
Then she did it. I felt her hand that was still under my butt move. Her fingertips kinda traced a line down my butt crack, and then her fingertip started to tickle at my butt hole. I was making all kinds of weird sounds now, I couldn’t stop them, and I was panting so hard I thought I might die from not getting enough air. When the tip of her finger slid just a tiny bit inside my butt, I felt something starting to build inside me, like the sound of a glass filling up with water, but really slow. I wasn’t even thinking anything, really, all I could do was just feel this. It kept getting stronger and stronger, and then I heard Mommy moaning quietly.
She took her mouth from my pussy just long enough to say, “Yes, my Baby, come for Mommy. Come in my mouth, Baby.”
She went right back to sliding her tongue in and out of me.
I felt it coming. I knew it was coming, but I wasn’t ready for just how good it was gonna be. When it washed over me, I was bouncing all over the bed, and pulling Mommy’s face into my pussy as hard as I could. This time, I did scream, and it was a long and loud scream, too. I’d never felt anything like this before. It just kept washing over me, wave after wave, and I felt my pussy tightening up as a gush of warm liquid poured out of me. Mommy moaned again, and started licking it all up, her tongue all over me down there, even licking my butt hole. Finally, it started to slow down, and I felt myself slowly relax on the bed. Mommy stayed between my legs, just lightly kissing me, petting me with her fingers for a few minutes.
Finally, I felt her move. She slid up the bed until she was next to me, and then she wrapped me up in her arms and held me close to her… Her tits. All of a sudden, I noticed that I was crying. Not sobbing or anything, just tears on my face. Nothing had ever felt so good in my life. No one had ever made me feel so special and so loved before. Mommy just held me close, kinda murmuring to me, until my tears stopped.
“I love you so much, Baby,” she whispered.
That made my tears start again. “Oh, Mommy, I love you too. I always knew you love me, but I never knew how much until just now.”
She shushed me again, and held me close, her hands stroking my back. I started to shiver a little, so she had us get under the covers. I snuggled up close to her, and she held me that way as I felt myself getting sleepy.
“You sleep, Baby Girl.” There was a smile in her voice. “There’s time to continue with your exploring later. We have all the time in the world, you and I.”
That’s the last thing I remember until I woke up the next morning, still in Mommy’s arms as she slept quietly next to me. I knew that today, I would want to learn how to make Mommy feel as good as she’d made me feel. I wanted her to feel my love for her the way she made me feel her love for me. And sure enough, later that day, she showed me what to do.
Continue on to Part Two
I loved hearing it from the girl’s perspective, and oh, so erotic and hot! Good and hard with a nice cum 🙂
So incredible! I love this story and how she told it!
What a romantic and sensual tale of a mother and daughter taking their close relationship to another more intimate level. What a perfect story to read on Mothers’Day.
That was amazing! I’ve read ALOT of mother/daughter stories, and not once have i ever read one where they actually establish a relationship b4 sex. It made it very interesting and unique. Absolutely loved it, bravo. And my god, when she was lying in her lap, smelling her arousel, i dont think ive ever read something so hot lol. Keep up the excellent work!!