Loving Lisa, Chapter 7

  • Posted on February 3, 2017 at 3:03 pm

By JetBoy

A single word abruptly wrenched me from my slumber.


My eyes flew open, and I saw a small silhouetted form in the doorway. Vanessa. Oh, no.

I fought to conceal my jangling nerves, to seem convincingly drowsy. “What, honey?”

“I — I can’t find Lisa. I thought maybe she was in the bathroom, but she’s not.”

Stay calm. Oh, God, this whole room must reek of sex. “C’mere, sweetie.” My daughter drew close to the bed, the gold of her hair shimmering in the moonlight. “Lisa’s here with me.”

A pause. Vanessa peered at the barely-lit shape of the girl’s head, resting on the pillow next to mine. “Um, is she okay?”

I took a calming breath. It appeared that I’d just dodged a bullet — Nessa was blissfully ignorant of what I’d been up to with her little friend. Still, I needed a good reason for Lisa being in bed with me…

I grasped at straws, managed to snatch one. “Oh, she came in a little while ago and said her bottom was still sore. I put some more lotion on it, and she just…” I glanced back over my shoulder at the dozing girl, “just fell asleep.”

“Mmm. Okay.” Another pause.

Then I understood what she really wanted, but was too embarrassed to ask for. “Nessa? You want to lie here with me for awhile?”

She gave me a pleased smile. “Can I?”

“Sure.” I lifted the covers to the side of me. “Here you go, honey — come on in.”

And Vanessa crept into bed beside me. I reached for her, and she snuggled into my arms. I felt her warm breath on my shoulder.

“You haven’t gotten in bed with me in ages, kiddo,” I said, patting her back. “Did you have a bad dream?”

“No. no… I dunno, I just kinda feel like — like bein’ close to you right now.”

I smiled. So precious. “That’s more than fine with me. I know you’re a big girl — almost a grown-up, huh?”

ALmost,” she said. “I’m gettin’ there!”

“Be that as it may, you’re still always welcome to come sleep with me if you want to — or need to. Don’t ever get so grown up that you’re too old for Mom time… okay?”

“Okay. Thanks.” She gave my shoulder a kiss.

We lay quietly for a bit, then she lifted her head. “Mom?”


“Are you naked?”

“Uh-huh,” I replied, trying to take a casual tone. “That’s how I usually sleep, at least until the nights get cold.”

“Mmmm.” She laid her head down. “You feel nice.”

Another long silence. Then her little voice against my neck: “Um, Mom?”

“What is it, honey?”

“Umm… I had gymnastics yesterday.”

“I know. Ms. Perkins tells me you’re one of her best students.”

“Uh-huh.” Pause. “Well, we did splits.”

“Mmm, those are tough.”

“Yeah, I know. And, umm… I’m still pretty sore, too.”

“Are you?” What’s she getting at? I wondered.

“Yeah,” I felt her body shift slightly. “Thing is, my… my bottom, it’s really sore.”


“Yeah. Well, I was kinda wondering — um, could you maybe rub me there, like, the same way we did for Lisa…?”

My heart went from idle to sixty in a matter of seconds. “You — you want me to give you a massage? Rub your bottom for you?”

I felt her nod. “Uh-huh. Could you, please?”

Oh, my little Nessa. Right then, I had a vision of that time I’d spied on my daughter as she danced naked. That luscious bare bottom, shaking to music I couldn’t hear. And I felt my cunt flowing all over again.

Could I do this, after the thoughts I’d been having about my daughter? After Lisa and I had become lovers for real?

I didn’t know how I could refuse. The very idea of saying no seemed impossible, even ridiculous.

“Sure, hon,” I kissed her head, then sat up. “Let’s… let’s get you ready here. Want to take off your top for me?”

She sat up and pulled the extra-large t-shirt — which Nessa preferred to girly nightgowns — over her head.

I glanced back at Lisa — she was still snoozing peacefully. “Let’s try not to wake Lisa up.”

“You don’t gotta worry ‘bout that,” Vanessa snickered. “Once Lisa’s asleep, nothin’ bugs her. You can turn on the light, play the radio, anything!”

“Really? Well, then, let’s… have a little light, okay?” I reached over and clicked the bedside lamp on to its lowest setting, which was still enough to give me what I wanted — a good view of my half-naked daughter.

There she sat, waiting patiently with a bunched-up t-shirt in her lap, gazing at me with eyes that seemed to hold some small awareness of an awakening desire — or was that all in my mind? At that moment, anything seemed possible.

Nessa’s tiny nipples stood, pink and erect. And her attention had been captured by my own breasts, the tips of them visibly swollen as well.

I glanced down. “My nipples are happy, looks like.” Our eyes met, and we exchanged amused smiles.

Tilting her head, Vanessa studied her own chest. “Mine are too… I think.”

The impulse I felt was too powerful to deny. I reached out and touched a finger to Vanessa’s nipple, trying to make it seem playful. “Yes, they are. You’ve got adorable little breasts, honey.”

She made a face. “Yeah, little is right.”

I lightly trailed the tips of my fingers over her nipples, then let my hand fall. Careful, I told myself. “Oh, Nessa, you’re growing up exactly like you should. I was built just the same when I was your age.”

“Really? ‘Cause your boobs are so big and… and beautiful now.” She blushed, kneading the bunched-up t-shirt in her lap.

I felt my own cheeks getting a little warm. “Awww, thank you, sweetie.”

She thrust her chest out a bit. “It felt really good when you touched my, um, nipples like that, Mom…”

“Mmmm, I’ll bet it did.” Reaching out, I began to caress her again.

Her eyes drifted shut for a few heartbeats. Then she opened them and looked at my breasts again, her mouth slightly open, then raised her eyes to mine and whispered, “Mom? C-can I…?”

My heart was throbbing so hard it seemed ready to explode. I could read it clear as day in Nessa’s longing gaze, and knew what she wanted from me.

“Yes, honeybunch. You can.”

Vanessa hesitantly reached out to brush a nipple, and it rose visibly. “Wow… it feels like it’s alive!”

I laughed. “It is… and I think it likes you.” Vanessa giggled, covering her mouth with her free hand. “Go ahead and squeeze it, that feels nice too.”

She did, and I felt a tremor run right through me, right down to my toes. Then Vanessa brought her other hand up to grasp the other nipple. And as I stared down at my daughter’s hands, they slowly opened like flowers, her fingers spreading out to cup my breasts.

Oh, my God. It was such a perfect, once-in-a-lifetime moment that I felt like crying when Nessa began to fondle me, her face a portrait of wide-eyed awe.

“Does this feel nice, Mom?” she whispered — cheeks flushed, her breathing quickened with excitement.

“Uh-huh, that’s… it’s so wonderful, honey…” I gazed at my diligent, loving child, and leaned in to kiss her. Nessa’s eyes drifted shut as I pressed my lips to hers, our mouths brushing together just a second or two longer than mother and daughter kisses usually did.

NO. Take a deep breath, damn it — get a grip on yourself!

The temptation was there to give into my madness, to let my tongue slip between Vanessa’s parted lips, to take my daughter right then and there. I still possessed a measure of self control, barely enough to stop me from giving in and kissing my daughter like a lover.

But I wanted to. Merciful heavens, how desperately I wanted to!

Somehow I managed to pull away, “Mmm, okay, sweetie,” I said, gently plucking her hands from my chest, “that’s enough for now.” She was obviously disappointed by my stopping her fun, but I couldn’t let myself weaken. Not yet, anyhow, my perverted mind added.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself. “So, hon — if I’m going to massage your bottom, let’s get that done. It’s late, we should both be asleep.”

She went from glum to elated in a heartbeat. “Cool!”

I patted the bed next to Lisa, who was still dead to the world. “Lay down on your tummy here.” She did so, her little panty-clad bottom flexing in anticipation.

“Actually,” and my voice shook just slightly, “p-perhaps we should take off your underpants first?”

“Okay. Umm… can you take ‘em off for me?” She twitched her butt to and fro in a most enticing way.

With my heart pounding explosively, I hooked a finger on each side of the waistband. “Lift up.”

She raised her hips, and I slid the cotton undies down her legs and off. Oh, my, such a beautifully formed, baby-smooth bottom! She had very light tan lines, and there was a tiny line along the bottom of each soft buttock where her panties had held.

I hadn’t seen my girl’s ass since witnessing her little naked bedroom dance. But honestly, I’d never seen Vanessa’s butt, really seen it, ever. Not like this — up close and intimate, through the eyes of a lesbian.

I reached over her to retrieve a tube of lotion from my bedside drawer — not as sweet-smelling as the stuff we’d used on Lisa, but it would do quite nicely. Squeezing a dollop into my palm, I briskly rubbed my hands together. “Gotta warm this up,” I murmured. “Don’t want that pretty butt of yours getting cold.”

Vanessa giggled, her pale buttocks contracting just a bit.

Trying to keep my hands from shaking, I gently placed them on my daughter’s bottom, one on each cheek. It felt exactly like I’d expected, but still, the softness thrilled me to the liquid core. “Is that okay?”

“Mmm-hmm…” came her voice, somewhat muffled by the pillow.

I began moving my fingers in long, slow circles. Outward to her hips, down her sides, then thumbs taking a path back up her crack — without slipping inside, though — and around again.

“Ohhhh, that feels sooo goooood…” the little voice murmured.

Despite my nervousness, I had to smile, pleased that Nessa liked what I was doing. “It’s supposed to, honey. You tell me if anything else hurts, so I can work on that too.”

“Sure,” she sighed happily.

We fell silent for a moment, and the only sound in the room was the soft glide of my lotioned hands on Vanessa’s skin. At least, until our reverie was interrupted by a small snore from Lisa.

Nessa chuckled. “See what I mean? She’s out cold!”

“Yeah, I suppose… Lisa pretty much fell asleep right after I massaged her bottom again.”

“So, um… was her butt still red?”

“A little.”

A pause. “I prob’ly shouldn’t have done that dare, I guess…”

“Oh, Nessa, it was only in fun. No harm done.” My thumbs were on the upward glide, and her bottom was relaxed enough that her tiny, perfect rosebud was revealed. Mmm, it looked luscious. “She’s just fine, hon. Really.”

“Okay.” A pause. “Uh, Mom?” Her bottom shifted as her legs parted slightly.

“What, honey?”

“I… I’m kinda sore in the middle, too…”

The middle. Oh, my goodness. “You are?”

“Yeah…” she murmured, and her legs opened further, revealing the sweet pink crease of her pussy. She kept her face turned from me, speaking to the pillow. “I dunno, I guess doin’ those dumb splits made me sore there, too.”

“Uh-huh…” Oh God, my daughter was opening herself to me, for me. I felt my cunt throb at the exquisite sight of her smooth slit. “So by ‘in the middle’, sweetheart, you mean… between your legs?”

“Kinda… yeah.”

I continued to stroke her bottom, a silent war going on inside me. Nessa was asking me to touch her pussy, as if it was the most natural thing for a mother to do.

No way in the world to sugarcoat that — if I gave in, I’d be masturbating my daughter.

How could I say yes? How could I say no? After all, it had been her suggestion. But it was incest, damn it, incest with a minor! Then again, Nessa seemed so… so casual about the whole thing, making the act of fondling her sex seem perfectly innocent.

Was it, though? There was certainly nothing innocent about the sex fantasies I’d been having about my little girl. And what about Vanessa — was she really “sore in the middle”? Or was she trying to trick me into touching her in a sexual way? Could my eleven-year-old actually be having those kinds of thoughts about her own mother?

This wild whirl of questions raced through my mind in a matter of seconds, leaving me beyond perplexed. Meanwhile, my daughter was waiting for me to respond.

My lips parted, and the single word fell out as if I’d been programmed to say it.

“Okay.” I paused in my stroking, resting my hand on her rump. “Tell you what, though. Let’s… let’s put a pillow under your hips. It’ll make it easier.”

“Sure!” Vanessa chirped, lifted her pelvis so I could slide my other pillow beneath her. Now her hips were elevated slightly, that beautiful bottom raised up and open.

“That’s better. Now spread your legs apart just a little bit more, hon, so I can see what I’m doing.”

My little gymnast did just that, fully revealing the treasure between her thighs. Now there was no mistaking it — Nessa’s sex was glistening with wetness. She was extremely turned on, that much was certain.

I tried not to dwell on what that meant, forcing my fears and reservations to one side to be dealt with later. Right then, I had a job to do.

“First,” I breathed, “let’s get your legs relaxed, honey.” I slid both hands down to the tops of her slender thighs and began to massage them.

“Ooh, yeah, that’s pretty sore, too…”

“I’m not surprised — you work these a lot when you do splits.” My hands pressed in, gliding along my girl’s upper thighs, easing the tense muscles.

I spent a minute or two loosening Nessa up, because she really was tight down there — her blissful sighs made that obvious. Then, once she began to relax for real, I allowed my thumb to lightly graze her slit.

“Oh!” she gasped. “Oh, that’s… that’s where I really… mmm yes, right there, Mom!”

My cunt was dripping wet, flowing like a leaky faucet. I had one hand rubbing Vanessa’s ass, while the other was cupping her pretty pussy. I ran two fingers up and down the moist, smooth flesh, feeling it grow increasingly juicy to the touch, breathing in deeply to drink in the scent of my daughter‘s excitement. “Is this where it hurts, honey?”

Vanessa’s breath was coming in ragged bursts. “A… a little, yeah. It f-feels, um, kinda weird…”

Give her a chance to end this if she wants to, I told myself. “Should I stop?”

“No, no, Mom!” she cried. “Keep…d-doing that, just like you are… it’s… um, it’s really good.”

Well, that settled that. So I continued to fondle her, my hand growing bolder as I groped Nessa’s bare butt, my fingers tickling her cunt. I’d never thought of using that word to describe her sex — but at that moment, nothing else would do.

I felt Vanessa’s wetness, the warm ooze of her excitement as I masturbated her. She’d started to moan soft and low, almost humming. And I was moaning, too.

All at once, my finger just… slipped in. Right inside my daughter.

We both froze. Vanessa’s sex had been opening up to me gradually, so with one stroke, I’d penetrated her without intending to. I was paralyzed, uncertain of what to do — and then I felt and saw my daughter push herself back against me, trying to take my finger even deeper!

Needing no further encouragement, I sank my finger deeper, more fully inside her vagina. My God, she felt incredible — so hot, so tight, so slippery!

I began to move in and out of her, and Vanessa was now openly fucking herself against me, her buttocks spreading open with each thrust. The sight of her pink star was too tempting to resist — I trailed my index finger down the smooth crack of Nessa’s pumping ass, pressing the tip against her anus. Still lubricated by lotion, it slid into my daughter’s rectum with ease.

Feeling like a goddess of all things sexual, I began a rhythmic penetration of my sweet Nessa’s holes, both fingers moving in opposition — one finger in and one out, then the other way around.

“Mmmmm, ohhh, Mom… ohhhh, it feels so good, so good, mmmMMMMMmmyes…!”

I was drunk on it all — Vanessa’s heat, her ecstatic moans, the rich, thick aroma of her pussy, the sight of my daughter as she rode my fingers like a woman possessed.

Knowing that we’d gone past the point of no return, I leaned down and began kissing Nessa’s bottom, hot open-mouthed kisses that surely made it clear to my daughter that I was no longer giving massage therapy — I was making love to her.

She wailed, “Oh, MOM!” and began thrusting her hips against my face. Overwhelmed with lust, wanting to get even dirtier with her, I pulled my finger out of Nessa’s asshole and began licking her crack.

This put my baby over the edge. She cried out, “OhhHHHHHhh Mom, I c-can’t — oh God, I love you s-so much — oohHHHHhh Mommy, Nnngggghaaahhh!”

My daughter came hard — shuddering, panting, her body seizing up again and again — finally crumpling into the sheets, her body glazed with perspiration, gasping for breath. I carefully extracted my finger from her cunt, bringing it to my lips to taste.

I felt a hand on my shoulder — and turned to see Lisa, still gloriously naked, kneeling next to me. Her eyes were wide and she was grinning with barely contained excitement at the sight of me fucking my daughter.

“Wow…” she breathed into my ear,” “That was so hot!” She reached out to caress Nessa’s bottom.

My dazed daughter raised her head and looked back, her mouth falling open, her eyes widening at the sight of me and her best friend, side by side and completely naked. Lisa winked sexily at Nessa as she began to fondle my breasts. She turned her head to lick at my ear, and I shivered deliciously.

I reached for my daughter’s hand and drew her to me. “I adore you, honey,” I say softly.

“Oh, Mom…” Nessa whispered.

I kissed her. Not like a mother, but as a lover, my tongue gently parting her lips, She was surprised, but got over it right away, her own tongue surging forth to meet mine.

We came together in a passionate clutch, our arms entwining around one another’s bare bodies. I couldn’t believe my good fortune. My darling daughter was in my arms, holding me, kissing me deeply, thrusting her tongue inside my mouth as I caressed her. Then I felt her hands palming my breasts, brushing my nipples, ohhh my goodness!

Then a shift, and I was kissing another sweet sweet mouth, my lover Lisa. Vanessa lowered her face to my breasts and took a nipple into the heat of her mouth, eagerly sucking.

I was tongue-kissing Lisa hotly, holding her close with one arm. Suddenly she pushed me onto my back and, grinning wickedly, climbed between my thighs, her eyes never leaving mine as she lowered her face to my dripping pussy and began to lick me. Oooooohhhhhh, SO wonderful!

I saw Vanessa’s face above mine, giving me a smile of love that almost brought tears to my eyes. Her lips parted as she leaned in close to kiss me passionately. As our mouths feasted hungrily, I felt my daughter’s hand fondling my breasts. Lisa’s mouth and tongue seemed to be everywhere between my legs as she ate my pussy.

Their hands ran all over my body, caressing my bottom, my belly, my legs, my pubes, my slit. Then somehow I was on my back, knees up, Lisa licking my cunt, Nessa kissing me, whispering words of love, stroking my hungry nipples. They were loving me, every inch of my body… and oh, yes, Lisa, suck my clit, it’s so wonderful, oh GOD, OHHH!!

Hold on for dear life, my sweet young lovers, as I bucked and thrashed helplessly, crying out loud as the sky came crashing down and everything went bright white for an instant, then faded to a soothing, cozy black.

I’d never come like that before. Never.

Both my adorable ones were resting in my arms. We kissed and hugged and murmured words of adoration, and I was happy to cuddle them both as we quickly drifted off to sleep.

Continue on to Chapter 8


11 Comments on Loving Lisa, Chapter 7

  1. Jennifer says:

    Oh so incredliby sweet and arousing, a mother been seduced by her daughter, i love it, Jetboy! <3

  2. Sally says:

    really hot story jetboy god I love this site

  3. MarkusWo says:

    Hi JetBoy,
    one of the best stories here! So fucking good!

    Thanks so much

  4. revelnit says:

    Yes very well done, quite a romance the three of them have going. Thanks

  5. JetBoy says:

    Lovely comments, lovely readers. Thanks so much to you all!

    • Dagon_666 says:

      Hey JetBoy, love your stories. I was wondering if you have ever heard of the websites: whiteshadow.pornopartners.com, blackspectre.pornopartners.com or mrdouble.com? They were story sites that aren’t around anymore but I’m curious if you’ve ever heard of them?

      • JetBoy says:

        I remember Mr. Double; not sure about the others. White Shadow sounds familiar.

        • Dagon_666 says:

          Well the reason I am asking is I came across an old hard drive where I had stored pretty much every story that was posted to those sites. It amounts to 1.4GB. Now I know that most of the stories are going to be M/f but there should be some F/F F/f and f/f and I know I have seen some of the stories that were on Lesbian Lolita on those sites and vice versa. If I happen to come across any stories that would fit here on Juicy secrets would you like me to send them to you so you can maybe post them or maybe I can just send you a bunch of the so you and peruse them. Basically I’m asking you if you’d be interested in any of the stories? Let me know

  6. Jake says:

    As alway love the sensual ass play.
    Keeps me reading your stories JetBoy.

  7. Leigh says:

    Well that’s exciting mom, Roxanne, Vanessa and Lisa all together having sex. Wish i could be there with them, all I’ve got is the words and the thoughts. Thank you

  8. Mike says:

    That was so hot Jetboy that my iPad nearly melted, fabulously written & incredibly descriptive scenes

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