The Grafton Lodge Girls, Chapter 5

  • Posted on March 5, 2025 at 3:17 pm

The story thus far: Kimberly Harcourt-Brown is a ten-year-old lesbian who has only ever had sex with her mother Arabella. As the story begins, she is being taken on a mystery getaway by her mum. Not long before their arrival, Kimmy finally gets the details of their trip. It seems that back when Arabella was at university, she and her four roommates/lovers made a vow of sorts: they would all strive to have daughters at around the same time, then teach them the ways of lesbian love when they were still little girls. And just before the girls entered their teen years, the four mothers would bring them to Grafton Lodge, a luxurious house they owned jointly, for a weekend of sexual abandon. Kimmy hasn’t seen any of her mum’s mates since she was too young to recall them, but she is still beside herself with delight.

Arabella has one more bit of information to share with Kimmy: after returning home from university, Arabella became lovers with her sister Beth.  Kimmy then wonders why Aunt Beth didn’t join them for this trip, and Arabella tells her daughter that Beth’s plan for the weekend is to attempt to entice Kimmy’s little sister Hanna bed. If she succeeds, it’s possible that the entire family will become lovers. Needless to say, Kimmy is thrilled by the idea… but of course, that will have to wait until the trip home from Grafton Lodge.

Upon their arrival, the girls spend time getting to know their mothers’ friends, as well as each other, before meeting at the swimming pool. As the day passes, they learn which mums are attracted to which daughters, and who will share whose bed. It works out quite nicely, and no one is left without a partner. Kimmy is smitten by Lily’s mum Fiona, while Arabella has eyes for Lottie’s little girl Emily. Much flirting takes place.

That evening, after supper, a wicked game of hide and seek is proposed, one in which the ultimate objective is to pair each woman and girl with the bed partner they want most. The game results in tons of fun, the kind that churns up a lot of teasing, arousal and outright lust. Eventually, everyone is paired off, but did Kimmy get the lover she hoped for?

Later, Kimmy awakens in Fiona’s arms after a delightful bout of lovemaking. Everyone comes down for hot chocolate before turning in, and the next day’s activities are planned: the eight of them will visit a delightful shopping district in the nearby village of Stowington. Their plans made, everyone goes to bed, all the girls sleeping with their mums.

The next morning, it is determined that another sexy game will be played whilst in the village… and the first rule is that everyone has to wear dresses, but without knickers. This will be a game of tag, one involving either flashing their naughty bits at each other, or engaging in  beneath their skirts. Once more, a lovely time is had by all, and Fiona gives Kimmy a beautiful necklace before they return to Grafton. The story resumes…

Cast of Characters:

Arabella (Bell) and daughter Kimberly (Kimmy) (10): Brunettes
Fiona (Fi) and daughter Lily (9): Redheads
Claire and daughter Izzy (11): Brunettes
Charlotte (Lottie) and daughter Emily (10) : Blondes

by Joe Dornish

I must have been blind not to notice it. I blame that dreamy state I was in, brought on by spending so much time with Fiona.

As Mum had predicted, the others had got back to Grafton Lodge before us. When we arrived home and got out of the car, she started to say something to me, but I was desperate for a pee so I brushed her off and ran inside. When I came out of the loo I followed the sound of voices to the living room. Everyone was there but me.

I looked for Fiona and saw her on the sofa with Lily. It was a three-seater with a space next to her, so I took a step in her direction, but then Mum said, “Kimmy, come and sit with me please.”

The first inkling I had that something special was about to happen was when I noticed that each child was sitting with their mother and everyone had gone quiet.

“Okay, now we’re all here, can we begin?” said Claire, opening a laptop.

I frowned and looked at Mum, “Begin what? Are we playing another game?”

Mum spoke in a hushed tone. “That’s what I meant to speak to you about. I was going to tell you in the car, but then Fiona gave you the bracelet and I wanted to let you enjoy the moment. Then I tried to tell you just now, but you ran off.”

“Sorry, I needed to pee. So what’s happening then? Um, is something the matter?”

“Not at all, sweetie. We’re just going to watch a film.”

This was NOT what I wanted to hear. I was hoping we could all get naked and go swimming. I knew better than to show my disappointment, though.

“Oh, okay. What’s the film?”

“It’s a lesbian sex film, one with a bit of a surprise.”

My jaw nearly hit the floor. Did I hear her right?

“Did you say…”

“Things are likely to get a bit steamy here soon. Kimmy, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, remember that, okay?”

I knew why Mum felt obliged to keep saying the words, but I was getting a bit tired of constantly being told I didn’t have to do sex stuff if I didn’t want to. “Yeah, of course, but, did you say… a lesbian porn film…?”

So many questions were flying about in my head and fighting to get heard, but none of them managed to actually get spoken. It was like some silly cartoon where the characters all try to get through the door at once and get stuck. Given a minute, I’d have managed to ask one – but Claire, who was playing with the laptop, spoke again. “Ah, here we are. Okay, now I’ve managed to sort the tech out, we can begin.”

“Well done for digitising this, Claire. Was it difficult?” asked Fiona.

Claire laughed. “Oh, it was quite traumatic, likely to cost me a bloody fortune in therapy. Anyway, ladies, girls… we are about to see the first-ever public screening of a very special film. I hope you enjoy it.”

She pressed a button on her laptop, then placed it on the floor by her feet as the television burst into life. Looking around the room the kids were all like me, a bit perplexed, but there was a definite air of excitement amongst the adults. I settled in to watch.

The opening shot was of a living room. There were two big sofas, some bean bags and cushions and a large glass coffee table, as well as a TV in the corner, along with bookshelves and stuff. The picture was a bit grainy but not too bad. I noticed there were no opening credits. In fact, it looked like a home movie.

As I studied the screen I could see some stuff on the coffee table… okay, it was a collection of sex toys. I’d never used any myself, as Mum said I was too young, but she told me about them one time and said when I get a bit older we could try some together.

A woman’s voice came blaring out, someone speaking off-camera.

‘Welcome to the first-ever filming of the Cambridge Lesbian Quartet, featuring…’

Then people off-camera started clapping and cheering. I was just thinking that the voice speaking sounded a bit familiar when someone burst onto the screen, whirling around with her arms flying about wildly.

‘…featuring… Luscious Lottie!’

She looked younger than she did now, but there was no mistaking it, it was Lottie. Besides the shock of seeing her on the TV, I was speechless at the fact she was wearing nothing but a pair of white stockings. I looked across at her on the sofa with Emily. She was hiding her face behind her hands and giggling.

“Mummy, is that you?” Said Emily with a mix of excitement and confusion.

“Yes, darling, that’s me.”

The voice behind the camera then said, ‘…aaaannnnd Foxy Fiona!”

Then Fiona came into view, wearing red stockings but otherwise naked. Like Lottie, she arrived with a little dance, then turned to face the camera.

“Oh my god, Fi… you look scrumptious,” said Mum.

“We all did back then. Look how young and slim we were.”

‘…And the Commando Queen herself… Arabella!”

“Mum, oh my… Mum, that’s you!” I exclaimed.

“Yup, that’s me, baby.”

A very young-looking Mum came sashaying gracefully onto the screen with a twirl and stood facing the camera with Lottie and Fiona. She was wearing black fishnet stockings, but was otherwise naked. I was beginning to see the theme here and guessed Claire could be next, probably wearing stockings.

‘…and last, but not least… Kinky Claire!’

“Kinky Claire!” yelled Izzy, laughing and clapping while her mum hid her face, not enough to conceal her blushing cheeks.

The younger version of Claire danced onto the screen to join the others, wearing black stockings, but they were shiny, like plastic or something. She looked amazing.

“What’s she wearing?” I whispered to Mum.

“Latex stockings. She used to love those things.”

“Have you still got those stockings?” asked Lottie.

“Not those, but I’ve got a couple of pairs tucked away at home somewhere.”

“Pity, you should have brought them with you,” said Fiona.

“Next time, darling, next time,” said Claire.

“I haven’t seen this since we filmed it,” said Lottie, “I can’t quite remember exactly what we did.”

“It’s a bit hazy, but some of it’s coming back to me,” said Fiona.

“Do you remember this?” I asked Mum.

“Bits of it, but not much. You’re going to see me doing things that might surprise you.”

“Like what?”

“Wait and see.”

Other than a few whispers here and there between mums and their daughters the room largely fell silent. I’m not sure about the other kids, but I’ve never seen a porn movie before. Actually, that’s not true. A girl in the year above me had one on her phone once in the playground. A man and a woman were having sex and everyone was crowded around her trying to see the film. I caught a brief glimpse, but didn’t want to look at a naked man, so I walked away. Which was smart of me, cause a moment later a teacher caught them, and those girls got in loads of trouble.

“Are you all going to have sex, Mummy?” I heard Lily ask her mum.

“Shhh, watch and you’ll find out,” Fiona replied.

I was pretty sure I knew the answer to THAT question! My eyes were glued to the TV as the four younger versions of our mums started kissing. It got very hot, very quickly. There was none of the slow teasing foreplay that Mum and I usually do. Almost straight away Claire pushed Mum onto the sofa and started licking her pussy while Fiona stayed standing in front of the camera as Lottie knelt between her legs.

“Wow, COOL,” said Izzy.

I couldn’t agree more. I watched as my on-screen mum spread her stocking-clad legs wide apart, then Claire began finger fucking her while licking her pussy.

“Are there any close-ups?” asked Izzy.

“No, baby,” said Claire, “Nobody was operating the camera, it was on a tripod.”

“Pity,” said Izzy.

She was right, it was a pity, I’d have loved a close-up view of what Claire was doing to my mum. On the screen, Claire pushed my mum flat on the sofa and grabbed something from the coffee table, then swung around and planted her pussy on Mum’s face so they were in a sixty-nine.

“What’s Claire got in her hand?” I asked Mum.

“A vibrator.”

I watched as the long purple thing made a buzzing noise and then Claire pushed it inside my mum. Meanwhile, Fiona had turned around and bent over and Lottie was licking her pussy and bumhole from behind. It was a crazy thing to see, all four of our mums having sex like this. I was getting massively turned on. And by the look of it, I wasn’t the only one.

Movement on the other side of the room caught my eye, and I looked over to see that Izzy had lifted her skirt above her waist and was masturbating. Like, right there, on the sofa next to her mum, completely out in the open. Then I glanced around the room and saw that Emily was sitting on Lottie’s lap. I had been so engrossed in the film that I hadn’t even noticed her move. Lottie had her hand under Emily’s skirt, and there was movement between the girl’s legs. If that wasn’t enough of a hint at what Lottie was doing to her daughter, the glazed look in Emily’s eyes told me all I needed to know.

I didn’t know where to look. I didn’t want to miss the action on the screen, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from what was happening in the room. Then Fiona pulled her denim mini up around her waist, spread her legs and began masturbating in full view of all of us. I nearly came on the spot.

My head was moving from the TV to Fiona to Izzy to Emily and back again, like I was watching three tennis games at once.

As if she could read my mind, Mum said, “It’s okay, you can play with your kitty if you want. I will too in a little bit, but I’m waiting for a particular part of the film.”

“Are you sure?”

“Uh-huh. Or you can sit on my lap and I’ll do it for you. How about that?”

I didn’t need to be asked twice! I climbed into Mum’s lap, throwing my legs on either side of hers and leaning back on her. I thought she was just going to slip her hand under my dress but instead, she lifted it right up so everyone could see me. I went bright red and felt a bit too exposed but as some of the others were doing the same thing I felt it was okay and let Mum carry on. This caught Fiona’s attention, she looked across and blew me a kiss with one hand while masturbating with the other. I blew her a kiss back as Mum’s fingers slipped between my legs.

I turned my attention to the screen when I heard Lottie say, “Fuck me, we didn’t waste any time in those days, did we?”

Things had changed on the TV while my attention had been elsewhere. Claire and Mum were still doing their sixty-nine on the sofa but now Lottie was messing with some sort of leather belt thingy with a dildo on the front. She stepped into it and pulled it up around her waist, then Fiona was helping with some sort of fastening on the side.

“What’s that?” I asked Mum.

“Didn’t I tell you about those? Guess not. It’s called a strap-on harness. Watch, you’ll see what it’s for.”

It soon became very obvious what it was for. Fiona bent over the coffee table with her back to the camera, but Lottie said something that I couldn’t make out and pointed at the camera, then Fiona turned sideways so we could see her. Lottie got behind her and pushed the dildo into Fiona and started to fuck her like a man would.

This was totally confusing to me. I’m a lesbian, after all, and this was very much like the sex straight people have. So why was it turning me on so much? Then I remembered Mum’s words to me yesterday when we were talking about boys. ‘Embrace who you are, don’t try to fit yourself into a box’.

So I just went with it, embracing this new way for women to have sex… new to me, at least. And Mum’s fingers were having a lovely effect on my kitty, so much that I was dripping wet. She wasn’t trying to make me come though, she was just lightly massaging me. It felt wonderful.

“Oh fuck, yeah,” said Claire.

I hadn’t noticed that she was masturbating under her dress, and now she was having an orgasm. Then Emily started whimpering and wriggling about on her mummy’s lap while Lottie touched her, and soon she was coming, too. Fiona wasn’t far behind, and I saw her smile at Lily when she hitched her own dress up and started playing with her kitty. Then Izzy started coming. It was a crazy sight, all these women and girls masturbating and random orgasms breaking out as we watched our mums on the TV having really naughty sex.

My eyes were then drawn to Mum and Claire on the screen. I think they’d both had an orgasm, because Claire had got to her feet and was fiddling with something on the coffee table. I couldn’t see what, though, because Lottie was blocking the view of the camera while she fucked Fiona. Then Claire stepped back into view, another strap-on in her hands.

A surge of excitement raced through me. “Is she going to…?”

“Yes, baby, she is.”

“Oh, wow.”

Once Claire had the harness on, she got on the sofa with Mum, who was on her back. She lifted Mum’s ankles high and wide, pushed the dildo in and started fucking her really hard.

I didn’t question what I was watching, I couldn’t, I was coming. It hit me out of nowhere. One second I’m enjoying a bit of light pussy rubbing from Mum, and the next I’m shivering and moaning as she worked my clit while I watched her getting fucked by her friend who, in real life, was sitting just a few feet away having an orgasm of her own.

My climax was as short-lived as it was intense. A moment later I was properly with it again and ready for more.

Things had continued to heat up in the living room. Izzy was now naked, as was her mother, both of them seated on the sofa frigging themselves silly. Fiona had finished her own orgasm and was now using her fingers to bring her daughter off while they both watched the movie. It was little Emily that surprised me the most, though. She was naked and kneeling on the floor between her mother’s legs, licking her pussy.

“Wow,” I whispered to Mum, “Look at Emily and Lottie!”

She smiled. “I know. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”


“Um, baby girl? Do you fancy doing that to me?”

“Sure, I’d love to,” I said, then looked over at the TV, where Claire was still pounding Mum with her strap-on. “Is the right bit of the film for you, then?”

“Yes, it is.”

“What’s going to happen?”

“Watch,” was all she said.

I got out of Mum’s lap, and as I did she lifted her bum off the sofa and pulled her dress over her head, leaving her sitting there in just her bra. I scanned the room and looked at everyone else going totally naked, then thought Oh, the heck with it! and whipped my own dress off.

Mum smiled. “Good girl, Kimmy,” she said.

I knelt between her legs and quickly glanced up at the TV. All four of the younger versions of our mums had stood up and were moving about. It took me a while to realise what was happening. Lottie lay down on the sofa and Mum had got on top of her with the strap-on thingy in her pussy. Fiona was sitting on the arm of the sofa just above Lottie’s head with her legs open, so Mum was in a perfect position to lick her when she leaned forward.

Then Claire positioned herself behind Mum. I couldn’t think what she was going to do at first, then it struck me: she was going to put her strap-on in Mum’s bum! Oh my GOD, Mum’s got one toy in her pussy and one in her bum, both at the same time!

“Kimmy…” whispered Mum, bringing my attention back to her.

Her fingers were working her clit. I remembered why I was kneeling down there. “Oh, yeah, sorry,” I said and leaned in to taste her.

“We can watch this again at home, I’ve got a copy and we can… oh, shit… yes, Kimmy, that’s it, right there, baby.”

Mum was soaking wet and already very close to coming, so I went straight for her clit. At the same time, I slipped two fingers inside and felt around for her G-spot.

“God, we were such a bunch of sluts,” said Fiona. “Not for boys, though,” she added, as if her words  needed an explanation.

But nobody answered. Everyone was too busy getting off while watching the film. Well, I assumed they were. I couldn’t see the others, I was occupied licking Mum. In less than a minute she was holding my head in place and raising her knees up as she came bucket loads. I lapped up most of it, but some dribbled off my face and onto the floor. If I’d looked up I would’ve seen Mum biting her lower lip, like she always did when getting off. Wish I had a picture of her doing that; I’d never get tired of looking at it.

Mum reached the peak of her climax and was coming down, so I started giving her pussy soft kisses instead. She released my head from her grip and relaxed her legs, sinking back into the sofa with a happy sigh.

Suddenly I was aware of movement close behind me. I turned to see Fiona and Lily, both naked, kneeling close by.

“Hi, Kimmy,” said Fiona, “you guys having fun there?”

“Yeah, loads. How about you two?” I said.

Lily nodded and Fiona said, “Uh-huh, we’re having a great time. So… would you mind if we gatecrashed your little party?”

“There’s always room for more,” said Mum with a smile.

Fiona got up and sat next to Mum on the sofa, while Lily budged up next to me. “Can I kiss you?” she asked. She was shy, unable to meet my eyes for very long.

She looked so sweet and so beautiful I couldn’t help but say, “Sure!”

We came together in a gentle kiss, but within a minute or so we were snogging away like crazy. From the corner of my eye, I could see Mum and Fiona kissing and touching each other.

I’d never had sex with a young girl before – just my Mum, and now Fiona. But kissing Lily and running my hands over her smooth skin got me hot as a poker. I wanted to do a LOT more with her.

I was about to test the water and reach between Lily’s legs, but she beat me to it and I felt her slim fingers slide along my kitty. I wasn’t far behind, though. As I put my hand between her legs I glanced at our Mums, and they were doing much the same, kissing and touching each other’s pussies.

Then they broke off and looked at us, smiling in that adoring way mummies do.

“Aw, look at our two girls, don’t they look great together Fi?”

“Uh-huh, like a couple of mini-versions of us. Only a lot cuter and sexier.”

I looked at Lily, whose eyes were fixed between Mum’s legs.

“Would you like to taste my mum?” I asked her.

“Yes, please,” she replied.

I put my hand on her leg. “Would it be okay if I tasted you too? Like, at the same time?”

“Yeah, that would be great!” Then Lily looked a little confused. “How would that work, then?”

I already knew how. I moved Lily in front of Mum, then lay down on the floor and slid underneath her, so she was kneeling over my face as she went down on Mum.

“Oh, my,” I heard Fiona say, resting her hand on my leg. “Look at this sweet child’s pussy, just waiting to be licked.”

I got my first taste of a little girl’s kitty as Fiona spread my legs, then I felt her hair brush my tummy. Lily’s kitty was delicious, small and tight with plump outer lips and just a hint of bright pink peeking through. Much like mine, which Fiona was now teasing with her tongue.

The whole thing felt really, really wicked, which turned me on even more. I mean, there I was, licking a nine-year-old girl who was licking my mum, while her mother was going down on me, all at the same time!

I lost track of what was happening on the TV, I could hear the noise of people coming, some from the TV, some from around the room. One of them was Mum; I’d always recognise the sounds she made when having an orgasm. Lily was obviously hitting the right buttons.

Guess I was too, because pretty soon Lily was grinding down on my face hard as I ate her smooth slit until she began to climax. As for me, I was close to having my own orgasm when I heard Claire say, “Hey, mind if I have a taste?”

Fiona raised her head from my pussy. “Sure,” she said.

A moment later, there was a different mouth between my legs again, which I presumed belonged to Claire. Then Lily got off my face and I was able to make eye contact with Claire, who smiled and said, “Mmmm, you taste great… just like a little girl should.”

Before I could form a reply, Fiona looked down at me and said, “Um, mind if I take the spot my daughter just vacated?”

As if I’d pass up the chance to taste Fiona again! I grinned and said, “I’d love that.”

It was then I noticed that my mother wasn’t up on the sofa anymore. She must have moved, but where to, I had no idea. Anyhow, Izzy quickly jumped into the seat Mum had been in as Fiona straddled my face with that beautiful orange-haired pussy I loved so much. I couldn’t see it, but I knew that she’d be licking Izzy while riding my face.

It turns out that Claire is very good with her tongue, not that I was surprised. She brought me to a climax with her mouth and fingers while I had Fiona’s delicious pussy in my face. I’d have liked to do more to Fiona, maybe put a finger in her bum or work her clit a bit better, but it was hard to concentrate with Claire bringing me off. Still, I made a pretty good job of it, giving her an orgasm.

By the time Fiona got off me, I was a complete mess. I’d lost count of how many times I’d come, and my face was covered with juices from my mum, Fiona and Lily. Looking around the room, it looked like  everyone was taking a breather. I stayed where I was, stretched out on the floor, gently stroking Izzy’s leg while she slouched on the sofa. Mum was on the sofa opposite me with Emily on top of her. Bet they just fucked, I thought.

“Did the film end?” Lottie asked.

“Yeah, a few minutes ago,” said Claire, “I think we all missed quite a bit of it.”

“Good job you sent us all a copy, then,” said Mum.

“Oh, bother. I wanted to see the ending. I have wet dreams about that daisy chain to this day,” said Fiona.

“What’s a daisy chain?” asked Lily.

Fiona smiled at her daughter, “It’s where…”

“Er, Fi? Instead of telling her, why don’t we show them?” said Mum.

“Ooh, yeah! But let the kids experience it themselves. That would be a lovely sight!” said Lottie.

I was confused. Wasn’t a daisy chain a bunch of flowers woven into a necklace or bracelet? “Um, how do you ‘experience’ a daisy chain?” I said with a frown.

“We’ll show you,” said Mum. “Right, all you girls come into the middle of the room.”

As we all made our way to the centre of the living room, the adults sat around us on the sofas.

“Okay, so a daisy chain is where you all lie in a circle, licking each other. Here, Kimmy, sweetie, lie on the floor on your side.”

I did as Mum asked and then she said, “Good, now, um, Kimmy, is there a girl you haven’t licked yet?”

“Yeah, Emily and Izzy.”

“Okay, so Emily, you lie here…” she said, placing Emily on her side by my head. “Good. Now Izzy, we’ll put you here.” Now Izzy was down by my feet. “Perfect. Lily, sweetie, you lie between Izzy and Emily.” Once Lily was in place, Mum continued, “Now everyone budge up so you’re facing the pussy of the girl in front of you.”

“Oh, I get it now!” exclaimed Lily with a giggle.

“Me, too. This is a great idea,” I said.

I’d never even imagined such a thing, four of us in one big circle licking each other. Not only did I get to taste Emily’s yummy kitty, but I got to have Izzy lick mine too, and she was almost as good at it as her mum. Having come so many times already, I was able to just enjoy the feeling of a warm, wet mouth on my pussy and concentrate on what I was doing with Emily.

With the angle I was in I had easy access to both her kitty and her bum, and I made good use of both. It was lovely licking her kitty then being naughty and slipping my tongue inside her bottom. I even fingered her a bit too, which she seemed to like. That was when she came. In the other direction, Izzy was coming too, her action on me had slowed to a trickle and she was moaning loudly. The adults were not idle either, they were all sitting around us on the sofas and masturbating while they watched the show.

After I don’t know how long, Mum clapped her hands and said, “Okay, now let’s switch! Everyone change direction, turn around so you’re facing the girl who just licked you.”

Oh, cool, now I could taste Izzy, the only girl I’d not had yet, and Emily could go down on me. Izzy was soaking wet, so I used my fingers on her while I licked her clit, slipping in and out of her pussy with no trouble. Then I got very naughty and slipped a finger into her bum as well.

“Oh Christ, yes, fuck YES!” Fiona cried.

I was just thinking that this daisy chain was about the best thing in the world and couldn’t possibly be any more fun, when Mum said, “Okay ladies, that’s enough voyeurism. Shall we join in?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” said Claire.

As you might imagine, we girls were way into that idea. We broke the chain apart, then arranged it so the order went girl, adult, girl, adult and so on. I had my head between Lottie’s legs, with Claire between mine.

Okay, this was now officially the best thing ever. Before long, orgasms were breaking out everywhere, with yelling and swearing and moans and whimpers. Claire worked her magic and brought me off yet again. I was glad when Mum called out, “Now switch!” and we changed direction again, mainly because it gave me a minute to recover. But soon enough Lottie was licking away at me like mad and I was brought straight back to the edge.

Part of me wished I could have been out of the circle for a moment, watching four mums and four young girls in one big incestuous lesbian chain. I suppose if I wanted to sit it out and just watch I could have done, but there was no way I’d miss out on being a part of this. It would have been really cool if we could have filmed it, then we could watch it back whenever we wanted. But I think I know what Mum would say to that idea.

I’m not sure how it happened, but at some point the chain broke down and turned into a kind of massive pile-on. We became a writhing mass of naked bodies in the middle of the room, all clambering to get at each other. I was licking Izzy’s pussy, I’m not sure who she was licking and I had no idea who was between my legs, but there were at least two people, I think. I had tongues exploring my kitty and bum that would be replaced by fingers and then tongues again. At one point I had both my hands playing with two different pussies – one was Mum, I’m not sure who the other one was. I came yet again in that frantic melee.

It wasn’t possible to keep going at that pace for very long though, it was far too intense and soon people began peeling off and slouching on the sofas until it was just Izzy and Claire left on the floor. In our slightly heady, dazed state the rest of us watched as mother and daughter went from frantically pawing at each other to relaxed lovemaking. It was a beautiful sight. Eventually, even they settled down into cuddle mode like the rest of us.

The last person I had sex with was Fiona. The two of us fucked on the sofa, and when we’d finished we just stayed where we were, our bodies nestled together. She was lying flat with her head on the armrest, and I was between her legs with my head on her tummy, just a few inches from the pussy I’d just showered with affection. I was running my fingers through her lovely orange pubic hair and twiddling it about as our group casually chatted. After a while I crawled into Fiona’s arms to cuddle.

The others were in much the same sort of state as Fiona and I were, nestled into whoever they were with after making love. The conversation had ebbed and flowed, but I hadn’t been paying much attention – too busy daydreaming again.

I was jolted back to reality when the conversation turned to going home. “What time is everyone leaving tomorrow?” Lottie asked.

“We’ll be going straight after breakfast,” said Claire.

Leaving Grafton Lodge was a depressing thought. I tried to banish it from my mind, but with little success.

“Can we come back soon?” Asked Emily, who was lying on my mum.

“Oh, I’m sure we’ll be back here as soon as we can all manage it,” said Lottie. “It’s our place, after all.”

“Can we bring James next time?” asked Izzy.

“We can,” said Claire, “but we’ll have to be mindful that not everyone is comfortable doing this sort of thing around boys. Maybe we’ll have our own special little weekend, just you, your brother and me.”

“I’d like that,” said Izzy.

“Speaking of bringing others to Grafton, I know someone who I suspect would fit in very nicely here,,” said Lottie.

“Oh, who is that?” asked Fiona.

“Her name is Kiki, and she’s the chair of the board of governors at Emily’s school. She has a daughter called Henri, she’s around twenty-nine or thirty I think, and Henri has a gorgeous little girl named Antoinette who is nine. She’s in the year below Emily.”

Emily spoke up. “Everyone calls her Toni, though. She’s very pretty, she’s got blonde hair like me.”

“When they’re together, you’d think they were sisters,” said Lottie.

“And you think they might be interested in the same things we are?” said Mum, being her usual cautious self. I totally get why we have to think that way, though.

“I’m not a hundred percent certain, mind you… but yes, I think they are. Kiki is very forward when she wants to be. The other day we were watching the girls play hockey, and I remarked on how beautiful they looked on the field. ‘You should see them in the showers’ was her reply.”

“That’s not much to go on,” said Mum.

“True, but it’s only one of the hints she’s dropped. Her interest in the girls is sexual, I’d bet my life on it. But there’s more. Last week we invited Toni over to our house for a play date with Emily, they spent most of their time in her room making out. Toni told Emily that her mother taught her to kiss, and I quote, ‘a lot more’. They’ve got another sleepover arranged next weekend.”

“Okay, that does sound like we’re on the same page,” said Claire, “if all goes well at that sleepover, then maybe they can join us the next time we come down here.”

“I’ll keep you posted,” said Lottie, then she did a big yawn. “Gosh, I’m tired, I think it’s bedtime for me.”

Lily and Izzy, who were cuddling, whispered something back and forth to each other, then Lily said, “Mum, can I sleep in with Izzy and Claire tonight please?”

Fiona looked at Claire, who nodded, so she said, “Yes sweetie, you can.”

“You can stay in with me and Mum if you want,” I said to Fiona.

Mum was about to agree when Lottie said, “Actually, Bell, why don’t you stay in with me and Emily. I know she’d like that… and then the two lovebirds over there can be alone.”

I was grinning like mad and hugging Fiona tightly, thrilled to be called “lovebirds.”

“That’s a wonderful idea,” said Mum, “if that’s okay with you, Fi?”

Fiona placed a tender kiss on my cheek, then said, “I’d love that.”

With the sleeping arrangements decided, we all said goodnight and went up to bed. After I’d brushed my teeth and given Mum a big hug goodnight I went to Fiona’s room. I was still naked; the nightie I’d packed for the trip hadn’t even been unpacked.

“Ah, there you are,” Fiona said when I entered. “How would you like to share a bath with me?”

“That would be lovely, thank you.”

Soon we were both soaking in a hot bath with this lovely citrus scent Fiona added. We were both at the same end, and I was lying back against Fiona with my head nestled between her breasts. She wrapped both arms around me and we cuddled like that for ages in the dim moody lighting.

“Did you have a nice time this weekend?” she asked me.

“Yeah, the best time ever,” I sighed. “I don’t want it to end.”

“Me neither, but we can come back soon.”

“I know, and that will be nice, but I meant… oh, it doesn’t matter.”

“It’s okay, Kimmy, you can tell me.”

I was suddenly very bashful, which was completely stupid. “Can you wash my hair for me, please?” I said, changing the subject.

“Of course, sweetie.”

We washed each other and cuddled some more then got out and dried off and got into bed – still naked, of course. I cuddled up to Fiona under the covers, it was lovely and snuggly and just what I wanted, it felt so nice. But I couldn’t shake that hint of sadness, knowing it would all end the next morning.

“I’m going to miss you like crazy,” she said.

“Do you mean that?”

“Of course I do, I’d never lie about such a thing.”

“I’m going to miss you too, lots and lots. I don’t mind leaving here, because I know we’ll come back. It’s you I don’t want to leave, though.”

“But I’ll be here when we come back and we can see each other again then.”

“I know but… but…”

“Are you worried it’ll be different?”


“Hmmm, I wasn’t going to say anything to you until I’d spoken to your mum, but to hell with it, I’m going to ask you anyway. How would you like it if we saw a lot more of each other?”

“I’d love that, you know I would… but how?”

“I’m not sure yet, but we’ll find a way to make it happen, you don’t live that far, it’s a couple of hours at most. Maybe you could come and stay with Lily and me, or we could come and visit you.”

“Oooh, I’d love that so much.”

“Me too. Okay, I’ll speak to your mum tomorrow.”

I yawned then, which made Fiona yawn too.

“Time for some sleep I think,” she said and turned the light out.

We cuddled in spoons. I was the little spoon of course. She had her arms around me, holding me tight against her naked body. It was sexy, obviously, but that’s not really what I was feeling. It was more like…


“Yes, sweetie.”

“I love you, Fiona. I mean, I’m in love with you. Um, I wanted to tell you that in the bath.”

I heard a quiver in her voice when she spoke. “That’s so sweet, Kimmy.” Kissing my cheek, she said, “I love you too, dearest. With all my heart. And we will be together, as often as we can.”

With a blissful sigh, I drifted off to sleep in the arms of my new lover.


“Are you okay, sweetie?” said Mum.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

I blew my nose on the tissue and wiped a tear from my eye as I watched the world pass by the car window. The goodbyes were hard for all of us, but especially so for me and Fiona. Of course, Mum had agreed we could see more of each other, but that still didn’t ease the pain of leaving her.

I don’t know how I did it, but I managed to hold back my tears until we’d got in the car. Then the floodgates opened. For at least half an hour I sobbed, going through a pile of tissues that now littered the footwell in the front seat.

Finally I spoke. “When do you think I’ll be able to see her again?”

“I need to check my diary when we get home… but soon, sweetie, I promise.”


“Hmmmm,” she muttered a minute later.


“You’ve been so distracted with Fiona, I think there’s something you might have forgotten.”

“What have I forgotten?”

“Fancy playing the courtroom game?”

“Not really. Please, just tell me.”

“I think you’ve done a lot of growing up this weekend. Okay, I’ll just tell you then. We’ve only been away for three days.”

“Yes, I know. Oh, hang on…you said we’d be having sex for four days!”

“Spot on.”

“Mum, just tell me, I’m not in the mood for – oh my God, Hanna! Hanna and Aunt Beth. How could I have forgotten them?”

“Love will do that to you.”

“Are they, I mean, did they… make love?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“What do you mean you don’t know? Haven’t you spoken to them?”


“What, not at all? Not even a message?”

“Nope, not a word.”

“So you don’t know if they had sex or not.”

“No, but I’m hoping no news is good news. If events played out as they should have done, your aunt and your younger sister spent most of the last couple of days naked and in bed.”

“So that’s what the fourth day is for?”

“Just so. We’ll know in a couple of hours if it’s going to happen. The plan is for you, me, Hanna and Aunt Beth to fuck each other silly.”

Hearing my mother use that word gave me a delicious shiver. “Mum?”

“Yes, sweetie.”

“Does this car go any faster?”

The End


3 Comments on The Grafton Lodge Girls, Chapter 5

  1. Stu says:

    A shame it’s ended, there was room for so much more. Kimmi and her sister, a blossoming love with Fiona and the brother James getting in on the action and a bit of boy/girl and boy / woman action.I hope the author adds to this story. So much potential.

  2. Radio973 says:

    Beautiful. Sad that it id over.

  3. Zmann1964 says:

    Loved this one hope there is a part 2?

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