In Today’s Headlines

  • Posted on September 5, 2015 at 2:11 pm

Wonderful news!

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  1. kim says:

    Uh?! well that is great news. Wonder where those clubs are?

  2. angie says:

    I am doing all I can to raise those numbers

  3. Ha-ha, me too, Angie! 😀 I wonder, though, if you masturbate all day long, do they count that as one time or many times??

  4. angie says:

    I think every orgasm should be counted

  5. Lynn says:

    I’ve definitely contributed to those numbers lol:)

  6. Debbie says:

    Well that’s three from me so far today 🙂

  7. Poppabear or PoppaClyde2 says:

    Once upon a time I hear about something called the Mother Daughter Exchange Club. I know that led to a lot of orgasms, and I am not talking about mine. Great idea, and it could even be true.

  8. m pick says:

    this site is getting to be a bit of a laugh

  9. JetBoy says:

    I love you Ladies of Juicy Secrets much too much to get into the intimate details of it… but let’s just say that women aren’t the only ones whose appreciation of the “one-handed prayer” has skyrocketed, thanks to this site. 😉

  10. Poppabear or PoppaClyde2 says:

    “Well that’s three from me so far today ;-)”

    Boasting again, Debbie? Lots of love, Babe, you enjoy everyone of them.

  11. Debbie says:

    Loving each and every one of them!!

  12. Julie Van says:

    Thanks for sharing this. I’m sure my group will be glad to hear about this.

  13. Kathy says:

    Mom of one who loves the site and am helping the numbers too. Julie, tell me about your group.

  14. Ronda DiNapoli says:

    Perhaps we should be asking ourselves, “*Why* are we resorting to ‘self-love’ more frequently: out of choice; or out of *necessity*?” (I’m certain plenty of us have *people* we can turn to, who love us and want us to be happy, *without* resorting to “replacements”; or our fingers, for that matter.)

    Just something to think about…

    (If the email address doesn’t match the name, it’s because I’m using a friend’s account.)

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