The Lost Girl Game, Chapter 3

  • Posted on April 29, 2015 at 6:19 pm

By Naughty Mommy

The two young girls exchanged position, so that Bambi was standing closer to me and Kelly closer to Angela.

The tall, sexy seductress waited a moment for the room to calm down. Then she slowly reached out a hand to caress my daughter’s cheek. “You are such a perfect, beautiful girl,” she said softly, almost in a whisper.

Kelly’s breath caught and her cheeks grew even rosier than usual.

Angela let her hand drift slowly down, softly, along the neck, across the shoulder, and down the arm. Kelly shivered.

Taking my daughter’s hand and lifting it to her mouth as though to kiss it, she paused, and said, “Thank you for giving me this gift, of allowing me to undress you.” Then she kissed the back of Kelly’s hand, still looking into her eyes.

“It’s okay. Um, I mean, you’re welcome.”

“Thank you, my sweet. Now, let’s start like this.” Angela shifted her legs apart, making room between her thighs where she was seated on the edge of the bed. “Sit down here and let me take off your shoes.”

Kelly turned around and sat between the woman’s legs.

Angela put her hands on my daughter’s shoulders and, arching her own back, rubbed her breasts against Kelly’s back, closing her eyes and licking her lips. Then she opened her eyes again and said, “Okay, lift up your little leg so I can take off your shoe.” She patted Kelly’s right leg, which was obediently raised.

It seemed an awkward position, but Angela obviously had experience at this. She quickly untied the knot, loosened the laces, and flipped the little pink shoe off. After briefly caressing Kelly’s foot through her sock, she slipped two fingers inside the sock and it came off easily too. Again she caressed my daughter’s little foot for a moment, then raised it until Kelly’s slender leg was pointing almost straight up.

“So beautiful,” I heard the woman say, almost to herself.

Angela’s caress now moved down very slowly, over the tight jeans, from ankle to lower leg to calf to back of knee to lower thigh to upper thigh…

A thin high-soprano sigh came from Kelly as Angela’s hand found her bottom and squeezed. I began to wonder to myself, why hadn’t I tried that trick?

Angela’s hand kept moving, but now it was going up her own side to her breast, which she squeezed tightly, almost cruelly, giving it a shake before pinching the nipple hard and moving away. But still moving. I watched her hand slide down, between her own belly and Kelly’s back, and disappear between her legs. Whether her fingers were inside her panties or not, I couldn’t tell, but she definitely seemed to be stroking her pussy for a few seconds before bringing the hand back out again.

She kissed Kelly gently on the neck and said, “That’s a good girl. Now the other foot.”

Nearly the same process was repeated, except this time when Angela’s hand reached my daughter’s bottom, it lingered there a moment or two longer, and whatever she did caused Kelly to squeal much louder than before. And this time Angela did not further stimulate herself, but just gave Kelly a hug and said, “Okay, get up now so I can get those jeans off.”

They both stood up, but Angela immediately knelt at Kelly’s waist. After pausing just long enough to gently kiss my daughter’s smooth, flat stomach, she opened the top button on her tight, low-rise jeans, then pulled down the zipper.

As she started tugging them over the hips, Kelly turned around, making it easier for Angela to get the jeans down, and this left Kelly facing away from the three of us. We all enjoyed the sight of my daughter’s firm young bottom coming into view, covered only by her skimpy panties.

The jeans went easily down from there, and Kelly stepped out of them. As I looked at her, I wanted to touch myself, and following Angela’s example, I did. I slid my hand between my legs and gently stroked my pussy, over the top of my panties.

Bambi saw what I was doing and gave me a little smile.

“You are so beautiful, such a beautiful, perfect young girl,” complimented Angela as Kelly turned around the face us again.

Kelly blushed and murmured her thanks.

Still kneeling, Angela kissed my daughter’s tummy again, while at the same time she slipped her fingers into the waistband of the hot pink panties.

I held my breath as the panties begin to slip down. Lower and lower they went, showing more and more white skin. And then a small tuft of auburn curls appeared, but it was a tiny patch, and just below it, my daughter’s vulva was revealed. Her outer labia were puffy and white, but tinged with pink. I wondered — and I wanted to see! — what she looked like inside.

Angela lowered the panties to the floor, put her hands on Kelly’s hips, and leaned in to kiss her again. But this time, not on the belly. It was flush on the lips, just below the scant growth of pubic hair.

Kelly gasped and I was afraid for a moment that she might faint. But Angela held her firmly and after a few deep breaths, Kelly seemed fine. She was visibly trembling, though, and not because she was cold — it was pleasantly warm in the room — but because she was so aroused.

Getting to her feet, the tall blonde reached behind my daughter’s back and unhooked her bra. She pulled it away, and as Kelly’s pert young breasts with rosy nipples came into view, Bambi and Angela responded in unison, a mother-daughter chorus, extolling with oohs and ahhs how beautiful she was.

“Those — those nipples!” exclaimed Angela.

“Like lollipops!” cried Bambi.

“Yes, like little cherry lollipops,” agreed her mother.

Angela began to reach out and touch one nipple, but then paused. “May I… may I kiss them?” she asked.

I wasn’t sure if the question was for me or Kelly or both. But I had no objection, and Kelly just nodded eagerly.

“Come here, closer,” she said, drawing my daughter over to the bed, nearer to Bambi and me.

Angela sat down again, placing Kelly in front of her. She leaned forward and softly kissed one nipple, then the other. She kissed them both, repeatedly, and we watched them grow stiff and hard, turning an even redder color. Finally, Angela finished by giving each young nipple a gentle lick with the tongue, right at the tip.

Kelly moaned and one hand moved to her crotch. She covered her vulva, not in modesty, but pressed her hand inward, stimulating herself.

Angela turned to me. “Okay, Sharon, now we have one naked girl in the room. Would you like to help Bambi make it two?”

“All right.”

“And you sit here by me so we can watch,” Angela said to Kelly, as she took her free hand and sat her on the bed, their bare thighs touching.

As I got up, I saw Kelly lower her head to rest on Angela’s much taller shoulder. I also noticed that my daughter still had a hand between her legs, gently stroking.

I had no idea how many minutes or hours had passed (I didn’t wear a watch, and my phone was in my purse in the other room), but I marveled that so much had happened in the short time since I had seen an extremely sexy young girl in the mall wearing little black boots with heels, opaque red tights, and a gray and white blouse with a wide black belt cinched around the waist.

Now that same girl was standing in front of me, and I was going to undress her.

I put my hand on her thin shoulder, the same way I had in the mall. But this time, instead of asking her if she was lost, I said, “Is it okay for me to take your clothes off?”

“Yes, please do, Miss Sharon. I want you to see me naked.”

That made my heart race again. I caught my breath, cleared my head, and knelt in front of her. I looked closely at her face.

She was a beautiful child, with a wide mouth, lovely full lips, a tiny nose, and huge blue eyes with long lashes. Her skin was not milky white like Kelly’s, but had more of a peachy glow.

“You’re so lovely,” I told her. “Sometimes I tell my little girl that her skin looks like strawberries and cream, and I think yours looks like peaches and cream.”

“Mmm, I like that,” said Angela from behind me. “It gives me some interesting ideas for later.”

I started with her belt, unhooking it from her tiny waist, and setting it aside. Then I reached down for the little boots. They had short zippers by the ankle, and were easy to remove. Without the boots and the cinching belt, Bambi seemed even smaller, slighter, younger than before. Just a little girl dressing up in big girl clothes. But a little girl with a great deal of carnal experience, of that I was sure.

Next I reached under her blouse for her tights. I felt Bambi’s stomach muscles flutter as my fingers slipped inside the waistband of her red tights. I slowly peeled them down over her legs and let her step out of them. Taking a cue from Angela, I put my hands around Bambi’s ankles and slowly drew them up her legs. She was still so young and slender that I could wrap my hands completely around her legs until I was halfway up her thighs.

The girl trembled as my fingers moved ever so gradually upward, higher and higher, closer to her little pubis, clad now only in a pair of thin white undies. When I reached the top of her thighs, I gently squeezed her legs, then moved my hands around to her waist, pulling her to me and holding her close, letting my hands move to her bottom, where I caressed her tender little cheeks.

“I — I like the way you touch me, Miss Sharon.”

“I’m glad you do, darling, because once you are naked, I want to touch you and kiss you everywhere, all over.”

The 9-year-old girl smiled down at me and licked her lips.

Still on my knees, I reached up and began to unbutton her blouse. Underneath, I found a thin white cotton undershirt that matched her little panties. As I set the blouse aside and looked at her, I thought, This is a child, a little girl — but an incredibly sexy and desirable little girl!

After a short pause to appreciate and be thankful for the incredible opportunity that Angela and Bambi were giving me, I began to lift up the child’s undershirt. She raised her arms for me, and as her sweet, young chest was revealed, I saw that she had only the smallest little bumps, the merest beginnings of breasts.

I was thrilled. I couldn’t believe my luck. I smiled at her, reaching up to caress her cheek, saying, “My little peaches and cream.” I briefly got to my feet and took her face in my hands, kissing her deeply on the mouth. As I did, I reached down and rubbed her little nipples, feeling them start to stiffen under my touch.

I leaned down to her chest, licking her nipples, kissing them, trying to suck them, though they were still not developed enough for that.

Bambi panted and clutched my head, pulling me close to her. I heard her mewling like a kitten, and I wanted to do everything with this little girl, fuck her in every way possible.

Trying to restrain my passion for the moment, however, I finally left off with her tempting nipples and turned my attention to her panties. Now, finally, I would see her — see all of her — see this hot sexy girl naked!

I was hoping, as I very slowly began to pull down her panties, that Bambi’s vulva would still be pre-pubescent. And it was, completely bare, hairless and smooth. I felt my face flush and my pulse racing as I stared at her little slit. No even any peach fuzz yet. I wanted to kiss her there, wanted to pull her lips apart and slide my tongue inside, but I wasn’t sure the time was right for that yet.

Instead, I stood, took the child in my arms, pulled her to me, and kissed her once more on the mouth. As I did, she jumped up, wrapping her bare legs around my waist, and we kissed for a long time that way, tongues exploring. I could feel the heat of her young body against mine.

“Wow…” I heard Kelly sigh as she took in the sight of her mother aggressively kissing a naked 9-year-old girl.

Finally, I set the child down and let her take her place on the bed, sitting next to my daughter. Two naked girls in the room, I thought. I sat down next to Bambi.

I expected that the next thing would be Kelly taking off Angela’s bra and panties, and then Bambi doing the same to me, but again they surprised me.

“Mommy, I want to get you naked now,” said Bambi.

“Okay, baby, go ahead.” Angela slid off the bed and stood in front of her daughter, between Kelly and me.

Bambi reached out and expertly opened the front clasp on her mother’s bra. The bra fell away, letting us see Angela’s beautiful breasts in all their naked glory.

I mentioned before that I think my legs are my strongest point, and I also think my own breasts are one of my weakest. They’re not bad or anything, but nothing special. Just ordinary B-cup breasts with small brown nipples.

Angela’s breasts definitely were something special. Even in her late 30s, which I assumed her to be, they were firm and round, with an upward tilt. The long brown nipples were stiffly erect. I saw no flaws in her gorgeous body, and what’s more, I was nearly certain her breasts were natural, nothing fake or silicone there. Just good genes and an excellent fitness regime, I expected.

Bambi touched her mother’s breasts, one in each hand. She cupped them, squeezing them gently, fondling and caressing them, finally squeezing the long nipples between her little fingers.

Angela, her lips moist and her eyes hooded, was petting her daughter’s shiny blonde hair, murmuring to her, arching her back and offering herself to her child.

The girl leaned in and kissed one of the nipples, licked it all over, top and bottom, coating it with her saliva, then gently bit it with her little teeth.

Her mother groaned in response, arching her back even more, aiming the nipple for her daughter’s waiting mouth.

My own nipples were straining and erect beneath my bra, aching to be touched. I looked at Kelly, and saw that she was holding one of her young breasts in her hands, gently pinching the pink nipple. Her other hand was still between her legs, working faster.

I knew my pussy was soaking wet — it had been ever since Bambi started kissing my neck in the other room — and now I slipped my hand inside my panties to touch myself. I was so aroused by the spectacle of seeing this little girl biting her mother’s nipples that I knew I could make myself come almost immediately.

But I definitely wanted to wait. I was sure — I hoped! — there would be many, many orgasms in the hours ahead of us.

Bambi was teasing her mother, squeezing and kissing and licking her breasts, and almost but not quite sucking on the stiff nipples. I could tell that was what Angela was craving. She did everything she could short of force to guide the long brown nipples between her daughter’s lips. But still Bambi resisted.

“Suck them, baby, suck them…”

“What, Mommy?”

“Suck my nipples!” hissed Angela, almost angrily.

The girl giggled as she took one of her mother’s large, round breasts in both her little hands, gently squeezing, making the nipple stretch out even longer than before. She opened her mouth wide and closed it around her mother’s teat, sucking like a baby on a bottle.

Angela groaned with pleasure and something like relief. “That’s my good girl. Suck Mommy’s nipple. Suck Mommy’s nipple, baby. Suck Mommy’s nipple.” Angela was cradling her daughter’s head in one hand, and the other hand was between her own legs, inside her white panties, obviously rubbing her clit.

On the other side of Bambi, Kelly was making little mewling sounds, like a kitten. I could see that her hand was moving fast between her spread legs. Was she getting close to a climax, I wondered?

Bambi eagerly, hungrily sucked each of her mother’s long brown nipples, going back and forth between them, as Angela continued stroking her hair and masturbating.

Then Bambi drew her face away from Angela’s breasts, squeezed them one last time in her little hands and pinched the wet nipples, then hopped down off the bed and began tugging down her mother’s panties.

As the woman’s vulva came into view, I was surprised to discover that it was completely free of hair. It had either been closely shaved or, more likely, waxed very recently. Not only that, but her taut body was completely bronzed, every inch. There was not a tan line in sight, on her back, her bottom, her breasts, or her crotch. Again, I concluded that Angela (or her husband?) must be quite wealthy, able to afford the finest salons and personal care.

I glanced over at my daughter, and saw that her eyes had gone wide at the sight of Angela’s hairless pussy and all-over tan.

As Bambi pulled Angela’s panties down to the floor, and her mother stepped out of them, the little blonde child, still kneeling, gazed up at her. “Mommy, I love you,” she said.

Angela smiled, “I love you too, darling, very much.”

Bambi’s hands were on the back of Angela’s smooth, toned calves. She was gently stroking them up and down. She continued smiling up at her mother, and then, very slowly, ran her little hands up her legs, starting at her calves, then past her knees, up the back of her thighs, until she reached her ass. She clutched the woman’s tanned buttocks and squeezed, kneading the warm flesh.

Angela smiled down at the little girl, her face only inches away from her vulva. The woman took her large breasts in her hands and massaged them, pinching the nipples.

Kelly was whimpering more loudly now, and I was certain that she was close to an orgasm. My own pussy was very wet, but I was so mesmerized by the sight of this child sensually caressing her mother’s naked body that I had almost stopped masturbating.

As Bambi continued squeezing Angela’s buttocks, I could see that she was staring at the woman’s pussy and licking her lips. Was she actually going to kiss her there? Or lick her?

The answer to the first question was yes, but to the second question, no, at least not yet anyway. She raised up on one knee and softly kissed her mother’s bare vulva, the child’s lips meeting her mother’s pussy lips. She kissed her there again and again.

Angela sighed in satisfaction and smiled down at her daughter, as she continued squeezing her own breasts. After several more kisses, Bambi stood up and stepped away.

Looking toward my daughter, she said, “Okay, your turn now.”

“With — with your mother?” Kelly asked.

Bambi laughed, “No, not with my mother. With your mother. Get her naked the way I did with my mommy.”

Now my pussy juices were really flowing. My face felt flushed and my heart was beating madly. Was this all a dream? A wild sexual fantasy I’d concocted in my sleep after seeing my nubile daughter half-naked in the dressing room at Victoria’s Secret?

But no, it was not a dream. It was real. It was actually happening.

“Go on,” instructed Bambi.

Kelly swallowed, then meekly nodded, “Okay.”

My 12-year-old child came to stand in front of me. I reached out for her, pulling her close, hugging her.

“Oh my baby, my darling, I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Mommy,” she whispered in my ear. “Is it — is it okay for me to do this?”

I held her at arm’s length, my hands on her bare shoulders. She was naked in front of me.

“Yes, it’s okay, it’s perfectly fine, if it is what you want to do,” I assured her, looking into her beautiful green eyes.

“Um, is it what you want?” she asked.

I smiled and nodded, “Yes, my darling girl, it is what I want. I want it very much.”

“Okay, good,” she grinned, “because so do I!”

We ended the hug, and I stood, turning around to let her unhook my bra. She had a little trouble at first, but then got it.

I turned back around, facing her and the others, letting the bra fall away.

Kelly stared at my breasts. “Mommy…” she whispered, reaching out and touching one of my stiff nipples.

I groaned with pleasure as I felt her touch me.

She tenderly caressed my breast, then reached for my other breast with her other hand. She had both hands on my breasts. She held them, fondled them.

My nipples were achingly erect. “Kiss — kiss them!” I begged.

My daughter leaned in and gave the softest, gentlest kiss to my left breast.

“Suck on it,” I whispered.

She began sucking, and I moaned as my knees went weak. I wasn’t sure for a moment if I could remain standing.

Continue on to Chapter 4


15 Comments on The Lost Girl Game, Chapter 3

  1. John says:

    Sooo very hot am glad I had the towel. Like your hot storys good writing on your blog.

  2. Tammy says:

    typng w 1 hand nasty little sis loves ur story me too mommy

  3. Tammy, thank you for telling me that you and your sister are enjoying this story together. I really love it when I hear that two women (or girls) are reading them side by side, and hopefully playing with each other too! 😛

  4. Mac says:

    Beautiful story!

    • Poppabear says:

      I should have mentioned, Nikolette, that the seductive mother and daughter, Angela and Bambi, reappear on the beach in San Diego in Serendipity, and, if this is good that story is superb.

  5. Poppabear says:

    Don’t you think “Good ” is a wee bit understated, Nikolette?
    This is the first NM story I read and it is still a favourite, after many years.
    Welcome to the JS community.

  6. Tim says:

    There’s always something special in all your stories NM that really gets me going (or coming!!!) And with this one it was the idea of young Kelly masturbating, her mother watching her while the other daughter and mom were undressing.

    Wonderfully arousing scenario thanks!

  7. drew says:

    re reading this story again! how hot and sexy and delicious! Cock in hand I’m going on to the next chapter!

  8. SJ says:

    Mmm love your stories. Each of them have me masterbating or eating some pussy!

  9. sue says:

    Yes, same here. So hot.

    Kim and Sue

  10. Washington says:

    Fuuuuuck if only I could watch an actual video of this your writing is so fuck hot

  11. SensualBliss says:

    Anyone who hasn’t read The Lost Girl Game, especially chapter 3, really should. So well written, with just the right level of description and suspense. Beautiful, arousing. Gets me every time.

  12. Gabriel says:

    Fuuuck, you are such a great writer, you have a new fan here, what I appreciate is it’s fiction, but you are sharing and entertaining OUR darkest fantasies, I’ll be honest I wish would become a reality.

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