A Daughter’s Seduction, Part Two

  • Posted on April 30, 2015 at 8:53 am

By JetBoy

“Mommy?” fourteen-year-old Becky called as she entered the house; dropping her school satchel to the floor with a thud, then kicking off her shoes.

“I’m in the bedroom, honey,” Connie called back.

“Hey, Mommy,” Becky chirped as she padded into her mother’s room in her stocking feet. She sat on the bed and watched as her mother, naked and still damp from her evening shower, briskly toweled her body.

“Hi, kiddo,” murmured Connie, hanging her towel on a nearby chair. “How’d the rehearsal go?”

Becky shrugged. “We worked on my big scene with Jimmy. It went okay, I guess.” She sighed, folding her arms. “Sure wish I didn’t have to kiss him, though… yuck!”

“Well, you wanted to be an actress,” Connie laughed. “That kind of thing happens when you’re the prettiest girl in the Drama Club.”

“I’m not the prettiest.” Becky muttered, embarrassed but pleased. She continued to watch her nude mother as Connie sat before the mirror, running a brush through her damp hair. “How was work?”

“I’ve had better days.” Connie placed the brush on her vanity table, flexed both elbows, then winced. “Ooof. We were down two interns today, so I had to sterilize two pallets of test tubes by myself. Now I’m all sore.”

“Want me to rub your shoulders?” piped the girl, a meaningful smile on her lips.

Connie grinned at her daughter’s reflection in the vanity mirror. “Well, I wouldn’t say no…”

Becky pushed herself up from the bed and moved over to where her mother sat, standing behind her chair. Placing both hands on Connie’s shoulders, she began to knead them gently.

“Oooooohh, that’s lovely,” Connie moaned, relaxing into the chair. “How’d you get such strong hands for a sweet little thing of fourteen, anyway?”

“Arm-wrestling boys!” retorted Becky. “I usually win, too.”

Connie opened one eye. “Please tell me that you aren’t really–” Then she laughed wearily, shaking her head. “Never mind, don’t tell me. That way I can plead ignorance when the principal calls.”

“Yeah… what you don’t know won’t get me grounded.” Becky snickered. Now she was rubbing her mother’s neck, working the tension away with her thumbs. “I don’t know if I like your new hairdo, Mommy… I think you got it cut too short.”

“I sort of need it to be short, hon… I’ve got to keep my head covered when we’re in the laboratory, and it’s just too uncomfortable for me with all that hair.” She gave a contented sigh. “Oh, man, that feels good…”

Becky glanced at the image in the mirror, feeling a rising excitement deep within as she admired her mother’s bare body.

Connie sighed once again, languidly trailing her fingertips across her belly as Becky’s massage gradually relaxed into soft caresses.

Finally Becky leaned in close to nuzzle her mother’s neck… then the eager fourteen-year-old began placing feather-light kisses and playful little bites around Connie’s ear, cheek, neck and shoulders. Then she wrapped both arms around her mother’s body to cup Connie’s firm breasts, her thumbs gliding over the stiffening nipples.

“Ohh, that’s nice… very nice,” Connie sighed. “Give me a kiss, babe.”

She turned her head and was greeted by Becky’s hungry mouth, which pressed eagerly into hers. The 32-year-old single mother whimpered as her daughter’s tongue darted between her parted lips, the young girl’s kiss filled with more passion than Connie had ever received from a lover.

“Do you want to, baby?” Connie asked as she gently broke away, gazing into her daughter’s eyes.

Becky nodded, taking her mother’s hands in her own, fondling them for a few heartbeats before placing them on her chest.

Connie palmed the budding breasts of her daughter, smiling as she felt Becky’s nipples grow taut through her clothes. Fingers made clumsy with sudden excitement, she unbuttoned the child’s top and slipped it off, quickly followed by the cotton undershirt she wore underneath.

Becky’s upper half now bare, Connie lowered her head to lick and nibble playfully at the girl’s breasts, one after the other. Becky moaned, welcoming the touch of her mother’s lips.

“Get up here, honeybunch,” Connie crooned, raising her face to Becky’s as she patted the nearby bed.

The half-naked fourteen-year old clambered onto the bed and stood, gazing down at her mother as Connie unzipped Becky’s skirt and pulled it, together with a tiny pair of light blue panties, down to her ankles.

Becky stepped out of the clothes pooled at her feet and posed, proudly nude. Her lightly-downed slit tingled and her nipples throbbed in anticipation of the pleasures she would soon share with her sexy mother.

“You’re so beautiful, Becky,” Connie whispered, reaching out to stroke the soft belly of her little-girl lover with trembling fingers. “A wonder to behold… a dream come to life. Do you know how important you are to me? And why?”

Becky hugged herself as she gazed adoringly at her mother. “Tell me why, Mommy.”

Drawing her little girl near, Connie allowed her parted lips to lightly brush her daughter’s nipples, then placed a trail of kisses that led, one after the other, down to Becky’s tummy. “Because you came to me, honey.” she whispered. “Because two marvelous weeks ago you offered yourself to me, without any coaxing or urging on my part. Because you knew that I wanted us to be lovers. Without me saying a word.” She pressed her cheek against her daughter’s angel-soft pudenda as Becky swayed to and fro, her face alight with rapture. “That was the most wonderful day of my life, baby.”

“Mine too, Mommy,” sighed Becky.

Connie briefly touched her lips to the girl’s mound, then wrapped both arms around her waist. Staring up at the dreamy-eyed girl, she smiled. “Want to lie down with me and get comfy?”

“Okay,” Becky giggled.

Soon mother and daughter were nestled together on the bed. Her arms wrapped around Becky, Connie placed a few soft kisses on the child’s neck. “Tell me something, honey… you mentioned it after we made love for the first time, but now I want to hear the whole story. Tell me about — well, how you knew for sure that I wanted you.”

Becky’s eyes fluttered open. “Right now, Mommy? Aren’t we gonna fool around?”

“We are, honeybunch, but first I’d like to hear about how you decided that you wanted us to be lovers. Pretty please?” Her hands wandered over the young teen’s silky-smooth frame.

“Mmmm… this feels so nice, though. Sure you don’t wanna have sex first, an’ then I tell the story?”

“Do it for me, honey. I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.” She teased her daughter’s moist slit with a stroke of the index finger, and Becky moaned. “There. That’s a down payment.”

“Okay,” the girl murmured, taking a deep breath. “Well, we were in the kitchen, cleaning up after breakfast… an’ all I had on was my underpants and a t-shirt. I was washing the dishes when I kinda noticed that, well, you were sort of looking at my butt.”

“Mmmmyeah,” Connie murmured dreamily. “That’s what made me start having sexy thoughts about you in the first place — this cute little bottom.” She ran a hand over Becky’s firm rump.

“Well, I thought it was strange… ‘specially the way you were looking at my butt. It wasn’t like, y’know, I had a rip in my panties or something — it felt more like you were checking me out. Like a couple of weeks before then, when I wore my bikini to the beach for the first time?”

“Oh, yes, that day. You were quite the star, I recall — strutting around like the Queen of Sheba!”

“I never had boys looking at me that way before, an’ it was kind of cool… even if I already knew I liked girls better. Well, anyhow, the way you were acting that morning made me think of what it was like on the beach, being watched by guys.”

“Uh-huh… but you didn’t know why I was checking out your butt, did you?”

“Not yet, but I was kinda wondering. So the next morning, I wore panties and a t-shirt — but this time, I picked a littler shirt, one that didn’t go down so far. And you were looking at my butt again!”

Connie grinned sheepishly. “Oh, I’m sure I was…”

So then I started thinking, maybe Mommy likes girls too… an’ you were only checking my bottom out ’cause it’s cute!” She giggled. “I couldn’t even imagine you wanting to, to actually do sex stuff with me!”

“I wanted to, though,” Connie sighed. “You’d be surprised at how many times I was stretched out in this bed, touching my pussy and dreaming of you.” She placed a gentle kiss upon Becky’s mouth. “Anyhow, go on with your story. What happened then?”

“Well, like I said, I already kinda knew that I was gay, ‘cos me and Cheryl had kissed and made out… after that, boys just seemed boring. So when I started thinking that you might be the same way, I was dying to know if it was true or not! So, um… I sorta started watching you when we went places, like to a restaurant or the mall, to see if you looked at the girls there.”

“My goodness, you were quite the little detective, weren’t you?” Connie replied. “So how’d your… investigation turn out?”

“God, Mom — you were totally watching. You tried to be all sneaky about it, but once I figured out what to look for…” Becky giggled. “I remember when we were at the Cinnabon, an’ there were these two cute girls in line ahead of us — ’bout my age, wearing these tight little shorts… you couldn’t stop looking at ’em!”

“Oh yeah… I remember those two,” marveled Connie. “I made myself come that night, thinking about them.”

Becky giggled. “I thought they were hot, too. Anyhow… that’s when I figured I oughta check out your computer, to see if you had lesbian stuff hidden there. So I waited till that Saturday when you went to the flea market.”

“Oh, okay,” Connie nodded. “God, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why you didn’t want to come along. You were planning a little freelance espionage…”

Becky gave a snort of laughter. “Yep, that’s what it was, all right. Anyhow… I logged on your computer soon as you left, an’ sure enough, I found the files with all your lesbo pictures and stories in, like, a couple of minutes!”

“It took me hours just to learn how to set up files. I never knew you needed to hide them, too!” Connie shook her head, grinning wryly. “I’m afraid that your poor mother is definitely not a child of the digital age.”

“That’s for sure. So anyhow… I was looking through your photos, an’ I saw that all of ’em were of teenage girls. No women!”

“Well, you’d already figured out that I was attracted to young girls, right? Because of that day at the mall.”

“Yeah, Mommy — but I figured you liked grownup women too. You didn’t have any naked pictures of them, though…”

Connie shrugged. “It’s the way I am, honey. I’ve always been aroused more by girls… ever since I began to develop. Mmmm, s’pose I just never grew out of it.” She was stroking her breasts, teasing the swollen nipples with her fingertips.

“Okay, so… I started going through the stories, and guess what I noticed then!

Connie’s voice was thickening with desire. “Don’t tease me, child… tell me.”

Becky edged closer, her lips brushing Connie’s ear. “What I saw, Mommy,” she whispered, “was how you had lots and lots of stories about mommies and their little girls… doing sex stuff together.” She dipped down to place a moist kiss on her mother’s neck.

“Oooh, nice,” purred the young mother, a dreamy expression on her face. “So, I guess that must have been a shock to you…”

“Yeah, at first I was totally surprised… ‘cos I never even knew mommies even did things like that! But I thought it was way hot. Then, I kinda wondered what it would be like if you, um, did stuff like that to me. And that was when I understood what was going on!” Becky sat up, eyes flashing with excitement. “The — the way you’d been looking at me, the pictures an’ all those stories… Somehow I just knew that — that you wanted us to b-be girlfriends!”

“Oh, honey,” moaned Connie, cupping her breasts. “H-how did that make you feel?”

“Sorta scared… at first, anyhow,” admitted the fourteen-year-old. “But the more an’ more I thought about it, the better I liked it. I do love you lots, Mommy. And you’re, like, the sexiest lady I know!” A lovely pink tinge appeared in the girl’s cheeks. “Wanna know what I did then?” she shyly murmured.

Connie ran both hands down her body to stroke the insides of her thighs. The air was thick with the smell of womanly heat, and her sex was so wet that it glistened. “What, Becky? What d-d-did you do?”

Becky lay down alongside her mother, throwing a leg over Connie’s. “I touched myself, Mommy. I took off my panties, an’ put my hands under my dress, an’ touched my pussy ’til I came, thinking about us doing sex stuff.”

“Precious child,” gasped Connie. “Oh, baby, I adore you…”

“And then, Mommy,” the girl continued, climbing on top of her writhing mother, “I licked off my fingers, thinking ’bout how to make it happen for real… what I could do to make you love me that way.”

Connie stared at her daughter with lust-glazed eyes. “And you did, honeybunch — that wonderful day when we… we sunbathed in the back yard. You made it happen. And then… we became lovers.”

“Yeah,” Becky breathed, gazing hungrily at Connie. “And we will be, too, Mommy. For ever an’ ever!”

“Oh, baby… kiss me.”

Becky obliged, crushing her open mouth to Connie’s, her tongue darting between the woman’s lips.

“Mmmmm,” the older woman moaned into their kiss, her hands sliding down Becky’s back until she was cradling her daughter’s firm bottom with both hands. She parted her thighs, opening herself up to Becky’s lusty assault as the eager fourteen-year-old pumped her hips, frantically grinding the rise of her mound against Connie’s vulva while tongue-fucking her mouth.

Suddenly the panting teenager was pulling away, scrambling up to kneel beside Connie, reaching out to explore her mother with busy hands. “Oh, Mommy,” she gasped, “I wanna feel every bit of you. I wanna touch you — everywhere! You’re so beautiful, Mommy. So beautiful…” Her fingers traced lightly over the older woman’s breasts, grazed her belly, then dipped between Connie’s thighs to touch the moist flesh, warmed and waiting.

“Ohhh, baby… you can feel what you’ve done t-to me, you sweet, wicked child — c-can’t you?” Connie stammered as Becky’s fingers squished in her dripping cunt. “Oh yes, oh GOD that feels s-so good. Now lick me, baby, please…

Becky knelt between her mother’s legs, sweeping her blonde hair back with a regal sweep of the head, then bent to her work.

Connie watched in dazed delight as her adolescent daughter kissed her left knee… then the right. The left thigh. Right thigh, moving higher. Becky’s warm lips shifted from one leg to the other, now nuzzling her mother’s soft inner thighs, steadily moving toward her pussy.

Even though she was expecting it, Connie jerked as Becky’s mouth pressed into the curly triangle of her pubes, tenderly kissing the warm, moist flesh. Placing trembling hands on either side of her daughter’s head, Connie whimpered as Becky’s tongue emerged to lick at her labia. “Oh, yes… eat Mommy’s pussy, sweetheart.”

Becky nuzzled the glistening pinkness before her, nose buried in her mother’s bush, lips and tongue eagerly seeking wetness.

The sight of the fourteen-year-old face of Becky nestled between her thighs had Connie’s heat soaring… and when the girl’s tongue brushed her clit, she came convulsively, almost screaming from the intensity of it.

Oh, wow, thought Becky as her mother’s wild cry filled the room. Oh, yeah. Me too. I want it, too!

Trembling with a fierce need to be pleasured herself, the tenth grader twisted her body about to straddle Connie’s face, her lightly-downed cunt now millimeters from her mother’s lips.

As soon as she could catch her breath, Connie grasped her daughter’s hips, drew Becky down to her open, eager mouth and began to service her child lover. Her tongue probed and bathed every inch of Becky’s vagina, driving the girl to panting abandon.

Then Connie shifted her attention to her daughter’s pert buttocks, spreading them apart and licking hotly at the crack of her ass. While she bathed Becky’s rosebud with long, deep strokes of the tongue, Connie allowed her right hand to steal between the girl’s thighs, gently teasing the inflamed clitoris with her fingers.

Suddenly Becky was gasping in a full blown, frenzied orgasm, fingernails digging into the tangled sheets as her ecstasy rose to an unimaginable peak. Connie didn’t stop, though. She held her daughter’s pelvis firmly against her face, showering light kisses on her vagina to prolong the youngster’s pleasure.

Becky’s climax eased slowly. Her body continued to twitch for some time before it finally ended, and the young girl relaxed with a happy sigh.

Temporarily sated and completely exhausted, Becky crawled into her mother’s arms and snuggled against a round, full breast.

“You always know how to make me feel good, Mommy,” she breathed. Her warm mouth claimed one of Connie’s nipples… and she began to lazily suckle the pink tip.

“Oh, honey,” Connie murmured as she stroked her young lover’s back. “That’s because you inspire me… I’ve never made love with anyone who makes me happier than my own little girl.”

“We gonna do it again?” asked Becky drowsily, “or should we take a nap?”

Connie thought for a moment. “Let’s take a nap, honey,” she said, running her fingers through Becky’s hair. “We’ve got all night to play… long as you don’t have homework, that is.”

“Mmmm, did it in study hall,” Becky mumbled. Then she lifted her head. “Will you lick my butt some more after we wake up? I really like when you do that.”

“Of course I will,” purred Connie, playfully fondling her daughter’s rump, slipping a finger between the soft cheeks.

“I’ll lick yours too, Mommy…”

“C’mon, now,” Connie chided. “Let’s stop talking about licking bottoms, or we’ll get too worked up to fall asleep.”

Becky yawned, stretching languidly, then settled into Connie’s arms. “Mmm-kay.” Her eyes drifted open, just long enough to give her mother a sleepy smile. “Love you, Mommy.”

“Love you too, honeybunch,” Connie replied, burying her nose in Becky’s sweet-scented hair.

They nestled together, cozy and contented. Within minutes the woman and the girl were dozing peacefully, the room silent but for their steady breathing.

Later, just as they had planned, Connie and Becky would awaken and come together to make love again — mother and daughter sharing a joyful intimacy.


13 Comments on A Daughter’s Seduction, Part Two

  1. Poppabear or PoppaClyde2 says:

    I hadn’t noticed this story before, JB, until I saw Brenda’s comment on chapter one, but I’ve just read both chapters, and really enjoyed both of them.

    One technical question; you use the first person in chapter one and switch to the second in two, but I can’t see a reason for that. A whim? An error (surely not)? A time lag? Do tell an old and curious editor.

  2. JetBoy says:

    As it happens, Chapter Two was originally a completely different story, a much shorter one. It occurred to me in a colossal flash of insight that it would make a great sequel to Part One, the original “A Daughter’s Seduction” — one of the first pieces of lesbian erotica I ever wrote, by the way. I tried to convert this much-later story into first person, but didn’t think it worked as well.

    Oh, and thanks for the praise, Herr Bear. These old stories of mine don’t seem to attract many comments, perhaps because they’re, er, old.

  3. Myka says:

    A Lovely story … loved all of it! Ticked every box in my turn on list lol

  4. Steve says:

    Very Hot story ! I Hope Cheryl will be added into the story at some point ! That would be a Hot twist !!

  5. robt66 says:

    I loved the story but how can she be a “preteen” in one paragraph then a 14 yr old in another and a 7th grader in another? 14 yr olds are usually in 9th or 10th grade.

    • JetBoy says:

      Things like this will happen when you take two different stories and Scotch tape them together into one… like I did with this. Anyhow, those foolish errors have been done away with. Thanks for the catch, noble sir!

  6. Jay Denton says:

    Omg, loved this one too. I seduced my mum too. But I was 18 when that happened. Maybe I should write a story about that day

  7. Myka says:

    Forgot we had read this in April 17, but I enjoyed it again JB … yummie 🙂

  8. JetBoy says:

    Thanks by the barrow-load for the lovely praise. You folks are better than pizza… and I do love my pizza!

  9. MrStrut says:

    Chapter 2 was very erotic too JB, although I was surprised at the time line since the first chapter mentioned they continued for several years afterwards. Anyway it was very erotic hearing about her daughters plans for her mom.

  10. Amanda Lynn says:

    Loved this story JB. Especially this chapter. So hot and erotic. Got me all tingly.

  11. Leigh says:

    Connie and Becky so lovely, I just love young girls but slightly older ones have more to give and with their own mom its really neat. Just love these stories, wouldn’t mind seeing one in person. Thank you.

  12. Eliza says:

    Oh Jetboy you have my pussy so wet, hope Cheryl can join them in a chapter soon. Eliza xx

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