Michelle’s Tickling Game, Part Two

  • Posted on May 1, 2015 at 7:27 am

By Cheryl Taggert

The next Friday, Michelle’s mother Jen did not go to work. She had asked for a Friday night off to spend with her eleven-year-old daughter. Michelle was actually half-disappointed, though she didn’t let her mom know that. She had looked forward to seeing her babysitter, Cheryl. She was hoping they would play the tickle game again. In fact she knew they would have since Cheryl had promised they could play it any time she wanted. And that Friday, Michelle definitely wanted to play it.

She had begun to experiment with touching herself since that Tuesday a few days before, when Cheryl had not only explained what was happening, but had shown her the wonderful feelings that could be experienced if she kept it up long enough. She had achieved an orgasm, but it just wasn’t the same as when Cheryl put her lips on her pussy and licked her on what Cheryl had called her clit. Yes, she was disappointed, but she thought she might be able to visit Cheryl in mid-week again.

Jen had called Cheryl to tell her that Michelle wouldn’t be there tonight. Michelle hoped she had been able to hide her disappointment enough not to make her mother jealous. If Mom found out, both she and Cheryl would be in a lot of trouble.


Jen watched her lovely daughter eating her spaghetti as they sat in near silence. Jen was finishing her glass of wine, a delicious Merlot she had discovered when she had gone for a long lunch with her boss Karen. Jen’s thoughts returned to that lunch. She had gone with Karen to Largo’s, an upscale restaurant at the local Hilton. They had finished two bottles of this wonderful elixir before Karen had asked if she wanted to see what it was like to visit a room in the nice hotel.

Oddly, Jen had not really understood what she meant. Visit a room? Could they do that? It wasn’t until Karen had taken out the electronic room key and lifted an eyebrow to make the seduction clear to her that Jen understood where this was heading. She had experimented with girls in high school and college. She had even attended one drunken frat party where she and her roommate ended up being the party’s entertainment. She had lived life to the fullest back then.

She looked at Michelle and sighed inwardly. Back then. She realized that “back then” was not that long ago. She was only 32 now. She had gotten pregnant by a guy her junior year of college, and her parents had stopped paying for her education. “You can get pregnant; you can pay for your college” had been her father’s angry edict. They were Catholics, so an abortion was out of the question. Her parents had wanted her to give the baby up for adoption, but she had refused. The boy had refused to help at all, and rather than force him to pay, she had decided it would be better just to raise her child on her own. She had been delighted that her baby was a girl since she knew next to nothing about boys and felt raising a girl would be easier since she could rely on her own experiences to help with parental decisions.

Again, her thoughts returned to Tuesday afternoon and her tryst with Karen. It had reawakened that part of her. Her love of girl-girl love had been rekindled, and she had thought of all the girls in her office she would love to take to bed. That was where she worked from nine to five each weekday. The Friday night work was as a cocktail waitress at a local strip club. Michelle had no idea that’s what she did. She thought Jen was working a phone solicitor job for some extra money. She wanted to quit the Friday night job, but she needed the extra money it gave her. Soon, though, she would figure a way out of that job.

She finished her wine and poured another glass. She could feel the warmth spread through her body as each sip of wine brought on a fresh glow. She looked again at Michelle. She was turning into such a beauty. Her hips were just beginning to hint that they would be spreading out some soon, giving her a very cute figure, Jen was sure. Her nipples were starting to crown, getting that puffiness that would lead to what Jen hoped was a very attractive pair of breasts that would be the envy of Michelle’s friends. She wished these things for her daughter and suddenly ached to be eleven again to be able to take note of each emotion and each desire.

Eleven. Yes, that was the age when her desires started to stand up and more or less take over her body. It was the year she had discovered masturbation and orgasms. She had noticed good feelings down there of course, but when her best friend, who was a year older, told her about how great things could feel, she had attempted what Lisa had suggested. “Be sure to keep going, even if your hand feels so tired it wants to fall off,” Lisa had said. The joy that hand brought had changed her forever. From age 11 to 15 she had been in love with that hand. She had humped pillows and other things, but her hand had always been her favorite. It was more intimate being skin to skin contact.

She looked again at Michelle. She was eleven. She wondered if she had started experimenting in earnest or if she was still in the “certain touches and pressures feel nice down there” phase.

Jen suddenly realized she was horny. She’d felt the glow earlier, but now she realized she was very wet. Sodden in fact. She could feel the slipperiness in her panties. She looked again at Michelle. The image that presented itself jolted her back to reality. Uh-uh. No way. She simply wouldn’t go there. The image, though, was now permanently imbedded in her memory, like a photograph — images of focused light — imbeds itself on the negative of a film camera. Still she pushed away the image of herself between her daughter’s legs, her mouth glued to the hairless pussy.

But she couldn’t ignore the pang of pleasure it had afforded her.


Michelle finished eating her dinner. Spaghetti was one of her favorites, and she knew her mom had made it for that reason. She looked at her mom. She was very pretty. Since her time with Cheryl, she had noticed that more and more. She and her mom thought nothing of being naked in front of each other, but lately the sight of her mom naked had aroused her unexpectedly. She wasn’t seeing her mom as a mom, but as a woman. A very sexy woman. She wondered if her mom had orgasms. She had never been married, but now she realized that really made no difference. She had a sudden image of her mom lying in her bed with her fingers in her pussy. Michelle liked the image. It made her own pussy tingle.

Then Michelle had an idea. An awful, wonderful idea. A naughty idea. A sexy idea.

What if she challenged her mother to a tickle game? It was obvious mom wanted to spend some “quality” time with her. Weekdays were days of homework and the daily household chores. Weekends were times for the bigger chores, like mopping and vacuuming, laundry, and things like that. They were usually too tired to play any games.

She wondered how far she could take it.


“Mom, you wanna play a game tonight?”

“What kind of game? Clue? Life?”

“No, not that kind of game. It’s a special game I made up.”

Jen smiled to herself. Always resourceful, that was her Michelle. “How do you play?”

“Well, it’s called the Tickle Game.”

Jen grinned. The idea was obvious, and it would give them some silly play time together. She thought of deciding on a different game, given her current state of sexual readiness, but then realized that Michelle would be far too old for such games all too soon. Another year, and the idea of a tickling game would sound childish to Michelle.

“Well, how do you play?”

Michelle realized this was the tricky part. She knew they wouldn’t play the game until after she had her bath, so she would be wearing panties and a t-shirt. She had to get her mom to agree to the BIG rule.

“Well, it’s a little different from the usual tickle games because it makes sure both players are on a level playing field.”

Jen thought that was an odd response. Level playing field? “What do you mean?”

“Well, each player can’t be wearing more than the other player. Like if I’m in my panties and t-shirt like I wear after my bath, you have to be in your panties and a t-shirt too.”

“Oh,” Jen said. She realized this could get dangerous. Still, she could see Michelle wanted to play it. Wanted it badly in fact. “Well, okay. You go get your bath and I’ll get in my panties and a t-shirt.”

Michelle giggled. “You’re already wearing panties!”

“Yes, I am,” Jen answered, but she knew she would have to wear different panties for this game. The ones she was wearing were soaked with her juices brought on by her recent reverie.

Michelle got up and rinsed her dishes before putting them in the dishwasher and headed for the bathroom. When she got there, she started making her plans to get her mom naked. The shirt would be easy enough. She could say she was hot (and boy, was she!) and wanted to take off her shirt. The panties would be trickier. Well, maybe she could say she was hot and remove those too. It made sense to her.

Jen finished putting the remaining dishes in the dishwasher and went to her bedroom. She stripped and went to her dresser to get a new pair of panties. The only kind she wore were thongs — she hated panty lines — and she chose a pair. They were white and had a bit of lace in the front. Pulling them on, she realized they might get soaked too. For some reason, the horniness wouldn’t leave her, and that unwanted image of her and Michelle wasn’t helping a bit. She decided to wait to put them on and shrugged into her bathrobe while she waited for Michelle to finish her bath. She would get into her t-shirt and panties when she arrived ready for play.

She looked down at her pussy and wondered if she could get herself off before Michelle got in there. She reached down and began to play with it. Looking at the open door, she realized that wasn’t a good idea so she went over and closed it. Stepping to her bed, she sat down and started in on herself. She wanted to take the edge off. The tub had finished filling some time before, and she kept her ears tuned to the sounds of Michelle as she bathed. She was getting close… so close….

Then the phone rang. Shit! she thought. According to caller ID, it was Karen. She didn’t want to answer but she knew Michelle could hear the phone ringing and would wonder why she didn’t answer it.


“Jen, hi. I was wondering about something. Would you be able to attend the conference in Las Vegas with me next month from the 20th to the 23rd?”

Jen knew what that meant. A lot of fun and a lot of sex. Karen was a stunning woman. Pretty enough to be a model. The fact she preferred women would have made every man she met shake their heads in disbelief and regret if they knew. She went to her purse and took out her calendar. It would be a Tuesday through Thursday, meaning she could still get her Friday night work in. Perhaps she could get Cheryl to keep Michelle.

“I’ll say yes for right now, but I have to make sure Michelle’s sitter can keep her for a few days. I don’t think it will be a problem.”

“Great. You won’t regret it.” Her voice was so seductive Jen trembled. She looked down at her open robe and saw her pink nipples pucker at the thought. Her pussy, which had been wet, was now threatening to drip down onto the bedspread.

They hung up after discussing a few more things about business and the trip, and Jen strained her ears to hear Michelle in the bathroom. The tub was draining, but there was no other sound.

Suddenly, her bedroom door opened, and Michelle was standing there in her panties and t-shirt, ready for their tickling game, a smile seemingly painted permanently on her beautiful face. Then the smile turned into a wide, open-mouthed grin of surprise.

“Wow! Cool! Sure, we can do it naked!” she said. Michelle was happy her mom had solved the problem of getting naked, but she wondered why she had thought of it.

Jen sat transfixed and unable now to change the situation. Her attempt at masturbation and the phone call had delayed her from getting dressed. And, LORD was she horny! She watched as Michelle nearly tore her clothes off and leapt onto her bed. Jen, still a bit stunned and wondering if she could get through this without coming, sat there in her open robe.

“You gotta take the robe off, Mom. Otherwise, you have an advantage.”

Jen stood on wobbly legs and dropped the robe. It certainly wasn’t the first time her daughter had seen her naked, but it was the first time she’d seen her naked when she was on the verge of a massive orgasm brought on by a sexy phone call from her boss. And that wasn’t all, Jen thought to herself. She was also horny because of this game and the image of herself between her daughter’s spread legs, licking and loving her bare pubes while her daughter lay in an ecstasy that was beyond her eleven years. Jen looked down at the naked girl lying in her bed. Her little nipples were puckered and seeming to scream for attention. It occurred to her that maybe her daughter was mature beyond her years and the ecstasy might not be so far beyond her as she thought.

After all, she was that age the first time, she thought to herself for the second time that night.

She lay beside Michelle and her daughter attacked immediately. She was tickling Jen everywhere she could reach, and she got into the game herself. She wasn’t sure when the tickling had grown bold. Suddenly, she was aware that her daughter’s small hands had taken to pinching her nipples and tweaking her pussy. Michelle would laugh with obvious glee when she managed to touch one of her mother’s intimate areas. Just as suddenly, she was sure this was not the first time Michelle had played this particular brand of the tickling game. She’d done this before, and it had involved intimate touching. She wondered which of her little friends had been her playmate for this.

When Michelle reached down and squeezed her pussy with a panting giggle, Jen put her arms out and held her by the shoulders. Michelle stopped, her breath coming in gasps of excitement. Jen looked Michelle in the eyes. She could see that Michelle was turned on. Very turned on. She noticed the child’s legs were in turmoil, squeezing together at the juncture where pleasure was king. Either she was trying not to pee, or she was masturbating by squeezing her thighs together. The motions seemed involuntary, as if her body had simply taken over her brain and was doing what it needed to do.

Michelle could stand it no more. Her pussy seemed to be on fire. She had managed to touch her mom’s pussy a few times, but her mom wasn’t touching hers. Finally, she grabbed her mom’s pussy and squeezed it gently before releasing it. She had felt the wetness there. Her mom’s pussy was a flood of juices, even wetter than Cheryl’s had been. Then her mom had stopped the game and was looking at her. Her pussy was still on fire, and her legs seemed to have a life of their own. They were squeezing together in such a way that transmitted great pleasure to her own pussy. She was near an orgasm, she knew, and she wanted her mom to touch her there. One touch and she would be there. Just one.

Suddenly, Jen was near the edge of the most powerful orgasm of her life. She could feel it building. The entire evening had been steaming to this one moment, and she realized she was a goner before she moved in and kissed Michelle. It wasn’t a mother’s kiss. It was a lover’s kiss, complete with her tongue finding Michelle’s. She realized that this type of kiss was not unusual to Michelle. She had french kissed before. Once again, she wondered which of her friends had been there before. Which one had touched her angel until she had screamed out an orgasm, or gotten so close Michelle had wondered what was next? As they kissed, she felt Michelle’s hand moving to her mound, and she did the same. Her hand snaked down her tummy to the soft, hairless mound of her daughter. As she put her finger into the slit and separated the folds of delicious skin, she was amazed at the wetness there. Michelle was horny, maybe as horny as she was.

Michelle began to buck against the intruding fingers. Three of her mother’s fingers now lay inside the outer lips of her pussy, pressing against the clit and all the wetness there. The orgasm had built for over an hour, from the time she had first thought of getting her mom to play the tickling game. It washed over the dam that was the mental barrier between feeling wonderful and the orgasm. It flooded her being, sending shock waves out from the center — her little clit — to every cell in her body. She hunched against the hand that had brought her such pleasure in spasms that wracked her tiny body.

At that moment, her mom began to do the same thing against her own hand, which was awash in the flood that had bathed her mother’s pussy. They were both moaning now, welcoming the rapturous waves that broke over them like thunder in a silent cave, taking all their senses to heights never imagined, or at least if imagined, never as good as they thought it could possibly be. Their orgasms had crested and were now moving along like a tide that had come in roaring with power but was now settling into a rhythm of small waves. A trembling that was barely noticed except in the deepest parts of their bodies.

Jen looked at Michelle. This was not her first orgasm. She wanted to know who had taught her these things. She prayed it wasn’t a man.

“Honey,” she asked breathlessly, “who taught you about this?”

“You won’t be mad?”

“No, sweetie. I won’t be mad…” (Unless it was a man, she thought…) “I just want to know.”

“Promise? She said you’d be mad if you knew.”

Jen breathed a sigh of relief. “She.” It was a girl, at least.

“Who, honey? I promise.”

Michelle looked down. “Are you mad at me because I wanted to play this with you? You liked it didn’t you?”

Jen knew she was avoiding the question, but answered her anyway because she needed her to know. “No, honey, I’m not mad at you, not at all. And yes, I did like it.” Stating it made it more real somehow. She had liked it. And in her heart she knew she didn’t want this to be the last time they played like this. The image of herself between Michelle’s legs and licking her was not so repulsive now. In fact it was beautiful. “I loved it, in fact. I loved it very much and I’m happy you got me to play. Next time it will be even better. I promise. It will be better because I will want to from the start and not hesitate. I can…do things I want to do without worrying that you don’t want me to do them.”

Michelle smiled. “Good. Can I sleep with you tonight?”

“Not until you answer my question.”

Michelle looked down at her mother’s breasts, her mouth a firm line. She had hoped her mom would forget that question, but she could see now it wouldn’t go away.

“So you promise you won’t be mad…”

“I promise. I just need to know.”

Michelle heaved a deep sigh of defeat. “Cheryl.”

Cheryl? Her babysitter? Cheryl had touched her daughter there? Had taught her these things? Had brought her to orgasm? Cheryl, who was about the sexiest nineteen-year-old in town? She had finally admitted it to herself. She had been hot for Cheryl since they’d first met at the apartment’s pool.

“Cheryl?” she asked in disbelief. Michelle nodded.

“Please don’t fire her, Mommy! Please!” Michelle begged. “She’s really nice to me! We love each other!”

“I won’t fire her, baby. But she and I have to have a talk.”

“So, can I sleep with you tonight?”


They cuddled together and sometime in the night, Jen awoke to the feeling of someone between her legs. Michelle had awakened and was now between her legs. She was licking her clit, and her body was already responding with a flow of juices to lubricate her for more sex. They hadn’t really had much sex, actually, since they had both cum so quickly.

“Spin around, sweetie, and let me get at your pussy too.”

Michelle complied without a word. The clock said 5:00 AM. She had an hour before she had to get up. Yes, that should be enough time.


16 Comments on Michelle’s Tickling Game, Part Two

  1. Rita says:

    Love this series so far. Can’t wait to see where those ride goes next

  2. MrStrut says:

    Great story Cheryl, I can see this going in so many directions. Thanks for a great orgasm!

  3. kim says:

    If you liked this story, and I sure did, check out Nanny for a Night.

  4. Cheryl says:

    I’m not sure when I will continue this, or if I will at all. If I do, it will be only a chapter or two to complete it. I am so happy you enjoyed it!

  5. Frank says:

    Love the story. Would love another chapter with the three of them together, Jen, Michelle and Cheryl.


  6. Cheryl says:

    Sorry, Frank. I’ve decided this one is complete as is. However, there are plenty of other stories on here I’m sure you would enjoy!

  7. Oh wow! Wonderful story. I’m the oldest sister but I never have had to make my younger sisters do anything they didn’t want to do.Our birth “mother we know nothing about. And dpn’t want to know.

  8. hludens says:

    wotta tease…….

  9. Phil Douglass says:

    Thank you for a great story. Definitely leaves me wanting more.

  10. dalene says:

    Ohhhhhh yesssss. Finally Michelle gets to start having sex with mommy, and vice versa. I have no little girl to get a babysitter for; I wonder if I could find one that wants to babysit me? How would I put an ad out? Maybe on Craigslist? I wonder what kind of horny young girl I could find who would love to have sex with a 30 year old ex stripper with 38DDs and a hot dripping cunt? I definitely need one who would eat my cunt as I ate hers, and love it as much as I do. Please cuntinue this story and get Cheryl involved in maybe a threesome with you and Michelle. mmmm

    XOXo dalene

  11. Tim says:

    Oh my, it was that seduction that did it again between mom and daughter.

    Just lovely. And so ready for a third and possibly last chapter.

    You leave us wanting more as always Cheryl!!!

  12. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Tim. 🙂

    I may one day add a chapter.

  13. jay says:

    I hope you do Cheryl, I’ve i only just seen this. I loved it. It would be a shame not to read the whole story. It could go in so many directions and permutations. I’m sure I don’t have to spell them out.

  14. Gabriel Cabrera says:

    Wouldn’t mind a an encounter with younger girl, I wonder how many are willing or is this fictitious.

    • Lisa Taggert says:

      Since nobody ever replied to you, I will. You might have already found out that Cheryl passed away almost four years ago from cancer. I am her widow. This was entirely fictional.

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