Mommy’s Lip Gloss

  • Posted on May 2, 2015 at 4:17 pm

By Kelly Ann

This is my first story and without the encouragement of a close friend it never would have been written. She’s an accomplished writer herself and her friendship and mentoring has meant so very much to me! Thank you so much for being my muse!

It started off innocently enough, except for the fact that I love reading erotica and I’m a chronic masturbator. My life partner Stephanie and I made sure that someone was always home to take care of our 8-year-old daughter Kelly. I worked the morning shift being a floral broker and had to start at 4:00 AM. So Stephanie, who was an IT consultant and often had to work late, would get Kelly up in the morning and fed and dressed and off to school, and then I would be home in the afternoon to greet our little girl and make dinner for all of us. Usually about 2:00 o’clock, I would hear Kelly’s bus rumbling down the street to stop and let the school children out a few houses down from ours. And then my sweet little princess would come bounding through the door to give me a big hug and kiss.

On this particular day I had gotten home and was feeling even more randy than I usually do. As I warmed up the PC I changed my clothes into a light sundress with only panties on underneath. I went to my favorite site, Lesbian Lolita, and found there was a new chapter from my favorite author, Naughty Mommy. As I leaned back and started to read more of the fictional exploits of Suzanne and her three daughters, I could feel that familiar coolness as the air hit my moistened panties, so I slid them off and hiked my sundress up to my waist.

I’m embarrassed to say that during sex and my solo masturbation sessions my vaginal secretions flow like a river! As part of my routine beforehand I grab a towel to sit on so as to not stain the furniture. I usually cum easily as my hand is my most frequent lover. But this day, as exciting as the story unfolded before me was, and as furiously as I was finger-fucking myself, I just could not fall off that familiar blissful precipice of orgasm. I had tried all of my favorite tricks, slipping my hand under the elastic bodice of my sundress and pinching my nipples, alternating hands as my fingers slid easily into my wetness so I could suck on the other hand’s fingers at the same time. I had even taken a wetted finger and tapped at the puckered pink hole that most women think should only be an exit. I was simply a mess, my pussy juice all over my hands and on my lips, in my mouth, on my cheeks, on my breasts and on my anus.

And so there I was in that condition when I heard the familiar singsong of Kelly yelling out “Mo-omm, I’m ho-ome!” Being in my slut mode, I had totally lost track of time and was about to be exposed to my little girl as the filthy slut I like to pretend I am — only this was no pretend, this was an emergency! I quickly pulled my dress down and clicked the tab to show a different page on the monitor, and as I started to try to straighten my hair and act like a normal human being, Princess Kelly came running into the den where we keep the computer!

I turned in my swivel chair, my arms outstretched as usual to pull her against me and hug and kiss her since I hadn’t seen her all day. I held her against me tight as I tried to regain a sense of normalcy, then leaned my face down to hers and lightly kissed her on the lips in our standard greeting. But right away she pushed back against me, still within my arms, her hands on my arms and looked at me curiously.

“Are you okay, Mommy?” she asked with a seriousness that a child can.

It was then that I realized I must look out of this world to her right now with my glazed eyes, my heavy breathing, and the smell that was all over me as if I had bathed in a new fragrance of perfume. I had bathed in it, my own pussy perfume!

“Of course I am, Princess,” I responded, trying to be as casual and convincing as I could. She pulled herself tightly against me again, looked up at me with those big doe eyes of hers and indicated she wanted another kiss. Suddenly the thought struck me! My own daughter was tasting my pussy on her lips! Still not quite exiting my slut mode, I leaned down once more and kissed her, perhaps lingering a bit longer than normal.

This time as she pulled away she was smiling and said, “Mommy, that lip gloss you’re wearing sure tastes different!”

Suddenly my world changed and I knew that somehow my daughter would become my next lover.

The rest of that day went by in a wink. Stephanie came home, I made dinner, we sat down and ate and later that night I made love with Stephanie with a voracious appetite. But all the while I was formulating a plan in my head that soon would be implemented but might take years to fruition.

It was two days later when my plan commenced. I timed the day so that the occurrences of my almost being caught were identical. I had masturbated myself to a sloppy mess once again. My pussy juices were running freely, like a river, with my fingers scooping the sticky liquid out of my pussy and up and into my mouth, over my lips, on my cheeks. I looked at the clock and it was very close to the time that my princess would be home and I’d be greeting her not only as her mom but as her future lover. That thought put me over the edge and I came hard! This day though as I heard the bus and put my panties back on, I was smiling and humming when Kelly came bounding through the door, into the den, hugging me like she had never seen me before.

As anxious as I was to touch her lips with my juicy lips, I tried to keep the routine normal. I held her close to me, and as I felt her head turn up I knew it was time. I closed my eyes and tilted my head and I kissed my daughter with the mouth that had been sucking on fingers that just moments before had been fucking my pussy. I held the kiss for a second longer than usual. Her lips were soft and full against mine. As we broke the embrace this time I was smiling at her, my hands on her shoulders waiting to see her reaction. As she raised her head, her nose scrunched up, her little tongue came out of her mouth, and she licked her lips and looked at me curiously.

“Mommy, you’re wearing that funny tasting lip gloss.”

I laughed out loud. “Well it might be funny tasting to you, but I think it tastes good when I lick my lips.”

I thought I had died and gone to heaven when the next thing out of her mouth was her asking if she could put some on! As much as I would have liked to have showed her right then exactly what the source was, I knew my plan would need to slowly take root, so I simply replied, “Maybe in a few years, honey, this gloss is more for adults.”

Then, just to make sure that her senses would now be fully aware of what pussy juice tastes and smells like, I took my fingers and lightly stroked her cheek, just to the side of her nose, my fingers lingering there.

* * * * *

The days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months, the seasons came, and all the while I was too! Two or three times a week, I would make sure I was a sponge of pussy juice when my little Princess Kelly came home. She grew from prepubescent to pubescent, and then my dear Stephanie and I sat down to have the talk with her, that awkward talk lesbian mothers must have with their daughters about sex. Stephanie reinforced that whatever sexual orientation Kelly grew up with would be fine with us as long as she was happy. And funny thing, I emphasized the fact that masturbation was not only normal but very, very healthy.

Never having thought of myself as a patient person, my plan that had been years in the making was now finally coming to a fork in the road… and I knew that if the princess turned a certain way my sexual gratification would be complete.

My anticipation rose as Kelly reached her 11th birthday. I waited anxiously for her to enter puberty and discover that a vagina isn’t only for peeing but is the center of a woman’s existence. I watched as her little breasts began a barely perceptible movement outwards, her nipples and areola gradually becoming cone shaped and larger as the fat glands underneath started to develop and mature. Stephanie and I took her shopping for a number of different camisoles to wear, telling her that in becoming a young woman she would need to start covering her breasts and supporting their weight as they grew heavier.

However, growing up in our household where I rarely wear a bra and Stephanie never has around the house, Princess Kelly would have none of that. To my delight, she opted to just keep wearing her colorful tight t-shirts with nothing underneath.

My lovemaking with Stephanie was at an all-time peak not only in frequency but intensity. Unbeknownst to my grownup partner, as I licked and probed her wet pussy with my tongue, I would wonder what the young pink open folds of my daughter would taste like when I would have my first opportunity to lick that young pussy. When Stephanie would bathe her face in my juices and I would be close to an orgasm, I would wonder what it would feel like for my hands to comb through Kelly’s hair the first time she went to the source of the special fragrance of Mommy’s lip gloss.

I had stopped being so embarrassed about the flow of my vaginal secretions and I started to luxuriate in the flow of my discharge. I found that my need for stimulation to get to such a point had become stronger. I was constantly reading the erotic stories at my new favorite site, Juicy Secrets. I also had met a few friends online who shared my interest in young girls and incestuous pedophile behavior, and we often traded pictures back and forth of preteen and young teen girls dressed in provocative, sexy clothing, or in what I particularly liked, lingerie.

One bright spring day as I was waiting for my little girl to arrive home, our usual routine of greeting was interrupted. I was still licking the tips of my fingers and dipping them into the wetness of my pussy only to bring them up and apply my special lip gloss, still waiting for the door to open and my little princess to come running in to get another application of my pussy juice on her lips. I was just pulling up my panties when the front door opened. As expected it was Princess Kelly, except this time she ran in crying.

“Mommy Mommy!” she cried out.

I ran to meet her halfway and getting down on one knee grabbed her arms, looking to see what was broken or bleeding.

“What is it, my darling Kelly, what’s wrong?” I asked, trying to stay calm and reassuring.

“Mommy,” she exclaimed, “something is terribly wrong!”

Still trying to remain poised, I repeated, “Kelly, what is wrong?” My plans for her involuntary afternoon pussy juice tasting had all but disappeared from my mind.

The princess answered, “Mommy something’s coming out of my special place and it’s not pee!”

Relieved to hear that nothing was broken, I lightly admonished her, “Now, Kelly, you’re getting to be a big girl now. We don’t call it our special place, remember, it’s our vagina, or between you and me, our pussy. Now let’s get those shorts off and pull your panties down and we’ll take a look and you tell me what happened.”

I was starting to feel guilty, thinking she must have started her very first period and I hadn’t even given her a pad to keep with her in case it happened when she was out of the house. Then I smiled to myself, thinking of the absurdity of feeling guilty for that but not for the years-long seduction of my little princess.

As Kelly pulled down and stepped out of her yellow shorts, I hooked my thumbs inside the waistband of her white cotton panties (thinking how much I looked forward to doing this but for an entirely different reason) and tugged them down.

“I had to go potty Mommy before I caught the bus and when I pulled my panties down I saw I had something inside them,” she said all in one breath.

As her delicate little panties pooled at her ankles I immediately was relieved to see it wasn’t her first period.

“Oh, honey, it’s okay, it’s nothing to get so excited about. Don’t you remember? Stephanie and I told you this might happen when we sat down for our little chat about such things.”

“W-w-what did you say about this?”

“Remember we said before your first period there might be just a little bit of a discharge that comes out of your pussy to signal that you are getting very close?”

“I, I kind of do, you two told me so much!”

“I know we did,” I said, while thinking this might be a good chance to not only reinforce a few things from our talk but also introduce Princess to a few more wonderful ideas.

“Well,” I started to explain again, “you’re growing into a young woman and so is your body. You can’t see them or really even feel them, but your hormones are racing through your body right now to all of the special places they need to go. This is just a sign that your period will be starting soon. It’s just a little bit of a discharge and nothing to worry about.”

As I was enjoying the sight of a panty-less little girl in front of me, I picked up her undies before she could feel embarrassed and held them so that the gusset was flat in my palm, with the white milky substance that had almost dried openly displayed. Taking my finger and wiping it across the small amount of fluid, I brought it up for both of us to look at.

“Now this is just a little vaginal discharge to signal that your ovaries are maturing. The next step will be when you actually develop an egg in your uterus, and then it will be discharged if it’s not fertilized every month.”

I took my finger that we were both looking at and brought it under my nose and sniffed at it while looking into her eyes.

“This is a way to make sure that you’re good and healthy. It should have an odor, musky and pungent but not a bad odor like smelly fish.”

I could feel my own discharge starting again as I sniffed my finger then brought the hand holding the panties up and sniffed the gusset. I was in heaven! I was sniffing my little Princess Kelly’s pussy juice! Stay under control, I was thinking, you’ve gone much too far just to scare her away now. But I couldn’t help myself, I had to take one more step for my own immediate gratification. I lowered the panties several inches below my nose, stuck out my tongue and tasted her first vaginal discharge.

“Ewwwww, Mommy, what are you doing?” she exclaimed.

“Well, along with odor, it should have a certain taste.”

There really wasn’t a taste to it that I could discern since it was already pretty much dried. But having smelled and then licked my daughter’s dirty panties while she looked on almost gave me an orgasm right then as I knelt before her.

Trying to mold her in my image, I had one more point to make. “Remember, honey, when we talked about masturbation? About rubbing your little pussy and making yourself feel good?”

Turning a shade of red, she shyly whispered, “Yes.”

“Well,” I continued, “some women when they masturbate like to taste their own pussy juice.”

Not giving her a chance to let that bomb soak in, I asked, “Have you tried masturbating yet? Have you rubbed your little pussy to see how good it can make you feel?”


“It’s okay to talk about, Kelly. Remember we all do it and it’s nothing to be shy about. When I was your age, I had a special little teddy bear that I kept on my bed at all times, and whenever I wanted my pussy to feel good I put it between my legs and I rubbed real hard on it. Little teddy bear was my favorite toy!”

Actually I had no such teddy bear when I was younger. As I do today, I preferred my fingers right from the very beginning of my masturbation sessions. I had only said that knowing Kelly kept a teddy bear on her bed in hopes that if she hadn’t already, she might try sometime to fuck the little teddy bear senseless.

Taking in the sight of the nearly naked and barely pubescent girl standing in front of me, I licked my lips, smiled, and said, “Now you run off and put on some clean undies and play for a bit before dinner.”

As she turned and ran, I couldn’t help but admire her flawless little butt running down the hall. Still holding her panties, I brought them up to my nose one more time and inhaled, then walked over to the door of the den and closed it. I pulled up my skirt, pulled down my panties, sat back down in the chair, and with the princess’s soiled panties held close to my nose, I finger-fucked my pussy to one of the most gratifying orgasms I had ever had.

A while later, making sure I had a fresh pasting of pussy juice on my hands and face and especially on my lips, I straightened myself up a bit and went into the bathroom to get Kelly some panty-liners. Walking out of the bathroom and down the hall, I noticed her bedroom door was closed, which was unusual. Without pausing, I eased opened the door — and there sitting on the bed with her eyes closed, was my little princess, her legs splayed open and still without any panties. Between her slender legs sat her teddy bear. I could see one of his legs under her left knee, while her right leg was wrapped around the big fuzzy bear, and with both of her arms wrapped tightly around him pulling him against her, my little girl was tribbing with Mr. Teddy Bear!

I stood motionless, gazing at one of the most beautiful images I had ever seen. Kelly’s eyes opened suddenly, and the realization that one of her moms was watching hit her like a ton of bricks. She scrambled to get untangled from the lustful plush bear, but was hurrying so much she only seemed to get more tangled up in his furry legs and arms. I couldn’t help but start laughing.

“MOM!” she exclaimed for the second time within thirty minutes, “Why don’t you knock!”

“Well, this being my house I didn’t think I needed to. The question is what are you doing?” I said as I sat on her bed.

It was so cute watching her stutter and stammer and try to find an explanation, when none was actually needed as it was very plain what was going on.

“I, I, I,” was all she could get out at first. “I was just playing with Teddy a little before I was going to get dressed.”

I stroked her hair and pulled her close to me hoping she could smell my fresh aroma. I kissed her cheek and murmured to her, “It’s alright, Princess, I know what you were doing and it’s fine. Now that you’re becoming a young lady, though, I probably should knock on your door so you can have some privacy to masturbate and rub your little pussy.”

I held her close, her bare legs warm against mine. As I held her close and stroked her, I marveled at the perfection of her skin. Her mons was smooth and plump like squeezing two marshmallows together, and at the very top of the slit was a little nub of flesh, excited and swollen by her lover bear.

“Now then, what I came in here to tell you is that I have some panty-liners for you. We talked about this before, you simply attach them to the gusset of your panties and at the end of the day you take them and roll them up in a little bit of toilet paper and throw them away. I also have some pads to give you. You take these and put a few in your drawer in your bathroom, and maybe one or two in the locker at your school so that if your period does start when you’re away from the house, you’re protected. Now I’ll leave, so you and bear can have some privacy. I’ll close the door and try to remember to knock from now on. Any questions, Princess?”

She looked at me with her big blue eyes and with a pleading expression.

“What is it, baby? I can see by your face that you do have a question. You know you can ask me anything you want.”

“Well, Mommy, I do wonder one thing… when I matterbate —”

Chuckling, I corrected, “It’s not matterbate, honey, it’s masturbate. Or if it’s easier for you to remember, just say rubbing your pussy.”

“Okay, Mommy. When I ma, rub my pussy, can I like hurt myself if I rub too hard or too much?”

“Well, I don’t know about hurting it, but if you do it for too long or too much your body will tell you. Your pussy will get irritated, like scratching an itch for too long and then the irritation will outweigh any pleasure you might be feeling.”

Still holding her in my arms, I gazed at my little princess. I looked into her innocent eyes and then I leaned down and kissed her. Actually it wasn’t a kiss, my breath was just kissing her breath, our lips not even touching yet. But I needed more, so I pressed harder, my lips enveloping her lips, my mouth open and hungry. When I released her mouth from mine she was smiling at me. It was a smile I’m not sure I had ever seen on her face before. A smile as if she knew a secret.

A few days passed. From my intimate talk with the princess and keeping her soiled panties close at hand and knowing my plan was coming to a head, I was in a state of constant arousal, having to change my own panties three or four times a day. I had thought of going to party-liners myself! But I enjoyed the feeling too much of reaching my hand under my skirt or into my jeans and rubbing my swollen clit with my sodden panties.

I had not had a chance since our little encounter in Kelly’s bedroom to give her another involuntary pussy tasting experience. But one afternoon while chatting with friends on the Internet and looking at pictures and reading erotic stories and furiously finger-fucking myself to lesbian pedophile fantasies, I had forgotten altogether that it was a teacher-in-service day at her school and she would be coming home at noon.

So it was that Kelly came running into the house only to find one of her mothers leaning back in a chair, sitting on a towel and wearing no panties, her dress hiked high above her waist, her legs splayed wide open, breasts supported only by the elastic bodice of her sundress, fingers buried deep inside her love channel, with her other hand sucking her fingers in and out of her mouth.

“MOM!” I heard what was now becoming a familiar exclamation. There was nothing else for her to say. It was rather obvious that I was in a state of masturbatory bliss.

As I continued to slowly slide two fingers in and out of my pussy while my thumb strummed my clitoris, I dreamily opened my eyes to see my little princess there. Even as I looked at her, another giant wave of orgasm washed over me. My hips bucked, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head as I felt my inner being contracting.

All the while my daughter stood and gazed in awe of what it actually looks like when a woman masturbates and pussy fucks herself.

As the orgasmic wave crashed and then started to recede I realized there was no turning back now. There was no reason to hide. So I slowly slid out the two fingers that had been exploring my deepest folds and as I said, “Hello Princess,” I inserted them into my mouth and began to suck them like a sweet popsicle. I slowly withdrew them and licked each fingertip as if not a remnant should be lost.

“I’m sorry, baby, I lost track of the time. I was just enjoying myself so much as I’m sure you could see!”

Wide-eyed she looked at me, and took the first tentative steps towards me.

“Were you making yourself feel good, Mommy?”

“I was, my darling Princess. It felt very, very good! Now come give your Mommy a hug and kiss.”

I was very pleased when without delay she began to walk toward me. It certainly wasn’t the run at me that she usually does for her after school hug and kiss, but nonetheless she didn’t hesitate and all the while she was looking at me, into my eyes, at my mouth, at my smoldering pussy, and at my hands, still shiny with the liquid of my love hole.

As she neared, I stretched out my arms as I normally do and her little steps brought her into my embrace. I hugged her close and told her how much I missed her. It felt so wonderful to bask in the glow of a wonderful orgasm while holding my little darling! I savored the feelings as I squeezed her for a long while. Then a movement disrupted my meditation.

She pushed back and asked sweetly, “No kiss today?”

“Well of course, Princess. In fact I just finished putting some of my special lip gloss on,” I smiled. “Come and taste it, I put it on just for you.”

I leaned my head down as she rose to meet my wet lips. Our mouths joined and instead of the usual after school greeting kiss, our lips pressed together and the kiss was one of passion. I made sure her lips were fully coated with my special pussy juice lip gloss, freshly applied just for her.

When we finally pulled away from the kiss, my arms still holding her tightly, my daughter looked up to me and gave me that smile I had seen only once before. A smile of knowing. My body involuntarily trembled for a second as the unspoken long held secret was shared by our senses.

As we broke our embrace, I was trying to stay calm and act like it was the most natural thing in the world for a girl to catch one of her mothers openly masturbating in her pedophile slut mode.? “Now you go change out of your school clothes while I finish up here.”

“You mean finish rubbing your pussy, Mommy?”

“Yes Princess,” I replied. “I told you we all do it and I’m certainly one who practices what she preaches.”

As we both laughed and the tension in the room relaxed, she turned and ran from the den. I watched her scamper down the hall and I wondered how soon it would be until she’d come back for another sampling of my pussy juice lip gloss.

I finished a bit of correspondence I had been working on during my masturbation session and transferred a set of photos that another friend had asked for. It was maybe thirty minutes since Princess Kelly left for her bedroom.

Just as I was thinking of taking a shower and then getting dinner together, in she came looking as cute — no, as beautiful — as I had ever seen her. Her long blonde curly hair fell over her shoulders and framed her face which highlighted those electric blue eyes of hers. She was wearing nothing but a pair of yellow cotton panties and one of the camisoles that Stephanie and I had bought for her, white with lace straps and trim. It startled me a bit because lately she had been a little shy to show much of her body, nothing unusual for girls her age.

I suddenly realized I was leering. I looked at her face and realized she had the expression of the cat that ate the canary.

“Okay, Princess, what happened now?”

Smiling broadly, she said, “Nothing, Mommy. I just wanted another kiss.”

I thought that I had died and gone to heaven! My little princess wanted more of Mommy’s special pussy juice lip gloss!

“Well of course, Princess! You know I’ll never turn down that request.”

She rushed the remaining few feet between us and quickly grabbed hold of my arms before I did the same to her. Without the usual hug, she looked me as if she wasn’t sure how I would accept a change in our routine, and then in one motion pressed her lips hard against mine. She didn’t just linger, she really took her time and made sure our lips stayed locked together.

As I was wondering about this odd behavior while savoring once again the rich fullness of her lips, something in my memory stirred. Was it a touch I had felt once? No, more of a taste, a smell.

I leaned back away from her kiss to gain my bearings and try to process what was nagging at my threshold. Just as I was thinking how adorable she was and how my love for her was never stronger, I smiled so wide I thought my face would break.

“I see you’re starting to wear that special lip gloss,” I said as my memory finished putting together the smell and taste of Princess Kelly’s panties and her latest kiss.

She just stood smiling at me, waiting for my reaction.

Of course I didn’t want to disappoint her so I said, “I think I need another taste if that’s okay?”

She giggled and tilted her face up toward me again. My lips met hers and we kissed not as mother and daughter but as lovers sharing something special between us. My tongue came out of my mouth and with it I parted her lips and found her teeth. She responded by opening her mouth wider and accepting my tongue into her mouth. It didn’t take long for her to realize that her tongue should be sword fighting with mine. I released my lips slightly as my tongue retreated from her mouth and with my tongue I licked her lips, tasting an 11-year-old’s pussy juice.

I pulled myself away from her and looked deep into her eyes as I searched for the answer to my next question. “I’d love to see where you got that special lip gloss from, Princess.”

She looked at me coyly, then took my hand and pulled as if to lead me somewhere. I let her. I stood up and she started to take me down the hallway.

The seduced was becoming the seducer. The seducer was becoming the seduced. I was about to leave the realm of pedophilia fantasy and enter the world of pedophile reality. I was about to give the greatest gift a mother could give her daughter, the gift of orgasm. My daughter was about to give me the greatest gift she had ever given, herself. I was about to become a true pedophile — and I couldn’t have been happier.


29 Comments on Mommy’s Lip Gloss

  1. Wow, Kelly Ann, that is a very hot story. It definitely made this woman juicy!! 😉

  2. JetBoy says:

    An amazing first effort! I owe you for a lovely orgasm, Kelly Ann. Dare we hope for another chapter?

  3. Kelly Ann, what a great story! I came twice while reading it. You may submit another story if you like!! (Hint! Hint!)

  4. Jeri says:

    Wow, wet does not describe it. I love your writing.

  5. Kelly Ann says:

    Thank you so much for your kind response, Jeri! Please though, tell us what would describe it?? Think of it as your first public writing exercise!

  6. Evan in Hiding says:

    Kelly – I read this on Leslita – loved it soo much – I didn’t read it here, assuming it’s the same? And yes, as Cheryl says – keep writing!!

  7. Grandpa says:

    Wonderful story..enjoyed it immensely…so hot…I hope you add many more stories on here..thanks for posting that one….for what it’s worth I had a great cum to it.

  8. FamilyGuy says:

    Wow Kelly Ann. What an amazingly sexy story. It had me aroused from the get go, but I loved the slow build up over the years with Kelly. And the final paragraph – perfect! If that’s your first story, I cant wait to read your next one.

  9. Kelly Ann says:

    Even though I’ve been very busy lately I want to thank Evan, FamilyGuy, and Grandpa for such nice, positive comments! I do hope to write again in the future but for now life just has too many priorities. Sorry for being so tardy with my gratitude.

  10. Anne Jones says:

    OMGG….wow……that was a great story… was good I was sitting on a towel while reading it……….

  11. Kelly Ann says:

    Thank you so much, Ms.Jones! I can’t receive a higher compliment. I go through a lot of towels as well…

  12. Lynn says:

    Anne Jones:

    I should have followed that idea myself!

  13. Lynn says:

    Anyone on here knows where to get that princess lip gloss 😉 my gosh what a story !!

  14. Kelly Ann says:

    I had my own “lip gloss” on after reading the first installment of Serendipity! I’m sure, Lynn, that your lip gloss is as delicious!

  15. Lynn says:

    Mine is pretty nice, but as good as Kelly’s? I’d at least like to compare 😉 lol

  16. Hmm, I wonder, should Juicy Secrets organize a Taste Test?? 😀

  17. Kelly Ann says:

    Has a wedding gift been given yet to the newlyweds…..?

  18. Lynn says:

    Well for safety concerns we should taste test first simply to make sure before we give out a gift 😉

  19. Daddy_Luvs says:

    I’ve been waiting for more Kelly Ann. For a first effort it was terrific. I loved how sex wasn’t really involved. Just seduction and anticipation!

  20. hannah says:

    Loved that kelly Ann you really got me excited and my pussy juice flowing look forward to your next one

  21. Kelly Ann says:

    I’ve been away for a bit, busy with other things but it’s so nice to come back and see such nice comments! Thank you Daddy Luvs and Hannah!

  22. mike says:

    Well it was all said in 2015.
    For a first story, that was fabulous.

  23. Jay Denton says:

    Awesome story, I remember clearly the taste of my own mother’s lip gloss, un-forgettable

  24. Katie says:

    This is probably one of my all time favorites. Almost a timeless story with all the amazing praise. I love the feeling and taste of lipgloss too!

  25. Jack says:

    I always LOVE reading this story!! Exquisite! And I am always hopeful that someday we will get to read more! ❤

  26. Myka& Sophia says:

    Brilliant and beautiful … we loved it. A bit late to say thank you but, thank you.

  27. Ed says:

    Wonderful idea, offering her that subtle flavor that only her mommy can create. Lovely sexual education and exploration.

  28. Moldwarp says:

    This is awesome! Brilliant writing. I am going to have to read all your other stories once I have sorted myself out ….
    I do hope you find the time and space to write more.

  29. Elab says:

    Oh my, just the fantasy of seeing Kelly Ann, smiling and licking her lips from your Gloss, was very rewarding. Please, let’s move on with the next step or this little mynx and mommy! Well done.

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