The Joy of Looking, Chapter 22

  • Posted on May 3, 2015 at 3:18 pm

By Naughty Mommy

I looked at the clock. It was just past 11:00. I hadn’t expected my mother and Katrina to be home that early, but maybe that meant we would have lots of extra time for sexy games. I got out of bed, still naked, and went to my bedroom door, opening it slightly. As I waited for them to come inside, I licked my fingers, tasting myself.

When they came in, it sounded like they were arguing.

“You know she wants it,” I heard Katrina say, “and if you were honest, you’d admit that you want it too.”

“Maybe so, but I have to do things my own way, at my own pace,” my mother responded.

“I wish you’d change your mind. Will you at least think about it?”

“I have thought about it. I’ve thought about it a lot. You know that.”

“Okay, whatever…” sighed Katrina. Then she added, “Come here now.”

After that it got quiet for a minute. I crept just outside the door so I could see down into the family room. As I’d suspected, they were kissing. Katrina had her hands under my mom’s purple dress and was caressing her bottom.

When they ended the kiss, my mother said, “Why don’t we do it down here tonight, on the sofa, instead of in bed. I’ll get Julie and she can watch us, all right?”

“All right. But can I go get her instead?”


“Because I was really hoping you’d offer to fix me a drink.”

“Another? After all you’ve had tonight?”

“Sure, why not? One more can’t hurt,” laughed Katrina as she slapped my mother’s bottom.

“Okay, I suppose you’re right. What would you like?”

“You know, my usual.”

“Very well, Miss Sexy. I’ll be right back.”

“And I’ll go get Julie.”

After they kissed one more time, my mom headed for the kitchen to make the drinks and Katrina turned to come upstairs. I slipped back into my room and into bed. I wondered, should I pretend to be asleep? I’m not sure what made me decide, but as the door began to open, I closed my eyes and tried to look like I was sleeping.

Katrina didn’t turn on the light, and she didn’t speak. I listened to her shut the door behind her, and then I felt her sitting on my bed. I could smell her tropical perfume.

I expected that she would say something, or try to wake me, but instead I heard a zipper and then a rustling sound. Was she taking off her dress? She must have been, because a moment later she was getting into bed with me naked!

I was laying on my side, and suddenly she was on top of me. She was rubbing her crotch against my hip and groping for my tits. She was kissing my face.

“What?! What are you—??” I gasped.

“Don’t say anything,” she hissed, “just kiss me!”

I kissed her, once, and she tried putting her tongue inside my mouth. I turned away. “Katrina, don’t!”

She squeezed my little breast very hard, hurting me, while at the same time pulling roughly at my legs, trying to turn me over onto my back.

“No, please!” I objected.

Suddenly the overhead light went on. The door slammed shut. “What the hell are you doing?”

It was my mom. Katrina turned to look up at her. “Nothing. Just a little kissing, that’s all.”

“Get out of that bed, now!”

Katrina sat up, looking defiant. “But Julie said she wanted me to.”

Catching my mother’s eye, I shook my head.

“I think you need to leave,” my mom said. “Pick up your dress and put it on, right now, then go downstairs. I’ll call you a cab so you won’t have to drive.”

“Oh, come on, it was nothing,” protested the younger woman. Then she turned to me. “Tell her, Julie. You didn’t mind, did you?”

I didn’t say anything, just pulled the sheet up higher, trying to cover myself.

“Tell your mother the truth. I came in here and you said you wanted me to get in bed with you.”

Now I was angry. How could she lie that way?

“That’s not true. I was asleep and you tried to force yourself on me. I didn’t like it at all.”

“Well, fine,” Katrina said, getting to her feet unsteadily. I think she must have been very drunk. My mom picked up her dress from the floor and handed it to her.

Then suddenly Katrina shifted gears. She arched her back, posing seductively. “Okay, I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do it again. But we can still have some fun tonight, can’t we?”

She stepped toward my mother, leaning in for a kiss. But my mom stopped her. “No, we can’t. I’m sorry, but it’s over. If I can’t trust you with my girls, that’s it.”

“But — but what about us?”

“There is no more us. That’s all. We’re through.”

Katrina walked slowly to my bedroom door, weaving a little. As she opened it, she turned and asked, “What about Molly?”

“No, definitely not. I’m sorry, Katrina, we can’t do that, or anything else, any more.”

That puzzled me. What did Molly have to do with it? Then they went out, my mother switching off the light and closing the door behind her.

I stayed in bed and waited to see what would happen. I could hear them talking, but I couldn’t really tell what they were saying.

After about fifteen minutes, a car pulled up and honked. That must have been the cab. I heard the front door open and close, and shortly after that, I heard my mother’s footsteps coming up the stairs.

She went down the hall first, apparently to check on my sisters, and then she came back to my room. She opened the door but didn’t turn on the light.

“Are you still awake, honey?” I heard her say.


“Can I talk to you for a minute?”


She switched on the little lamp by my bed and sat down beside me. “I’m sorry about all that, sweetie. It never should have happened. I’m sorry for — well, I’m sorry that I ever got involved that way with Katrina. It was a mistake, obviously. But what happened to you tonight, that was my fault, and I’m very, very sorry.”

“It’s okay, Mom.”

She brushed some hair back from my face. “No, it’s not okay. I have a responsibility to you, to protect you, and I let you down. It was a big mistake. But I promise I won’t ever let anything like that happen again.”

“I know.”

“You, I mean you and your sisters, the three of you, you mean more to me than anything else in the world. You know that, don’t you?”


“And I, well, I was thinking about this downstairs, while we were waiting for the cab to come. I decided that from now on, I’m not ever going to let myself become interested in anything more with any of the women I meet than just having fun. Anyone I bring home, you know, to play our little game” — she grinned and I grinned — “that’s all it will be, just a game, just playing around. Nothing more serious. No emotional involvement.”


“Are you glad to hear that?”

I nodded.

“I thought you might be,” she smiled. “You know, honey, I made a big mistake with Katrina, but I won’t do that again, I promise.”

Then she leaned down and gave me a big hug. I hugged her back. She kissed me softly on the lips, once, twice.

“Okay,” she whispered, “think you can get to sleep now?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.”

My mother hesitated for a moment, and then she said, “Why don’t you come and sleep in my bed tonight? Then you’ll know you’re safe and I’ll take care of you. All right?”


“Sure,” she nodded, patting my thigh. “Come on.”

I started to sit up, still completely naked. “Um, should I… put on some jammies or something?”

“You don’t have to put them on now,” she smiled, “but bring something with you that you can wear in the morning.”


I went quickly to my bottom drawer and grabbed the first pair of pajamas I found. Then my mother and I walked down the hall to her room. She was barefoot but still wearing her beautiful purple dress, and I was wearing nothing.

A few minutes later, we were in bed together, with the lights out. We were both naked, and my mother was holding me. She was on her back and I was on my side, pressed up against her. She was stroking my hair.

“Mommy?” I said.

“Yes, honey?”

“Do you think I’m pretty?”

“Of course I do, baby. I think you’re a very beautiful girl.” She kissed my forehead.

“I know, but, um…” My head was resting on her chest. It was dark and I couldn’t see her nipples, but I knew they were very close to my face. I wanted to touch them. I wanted to kiss them.

“I mean, do you think I’m pretty the way you think, or thought, anyway, that Katrina was pretty? I mean, so that it would make you think, um…”

“Think what, sweetie?”

“You know, think that, um, that, like, I was pretty enough that you wanted to kiss me?”

“Oh. Well, sure, you know how much I like to kiss you. And part of the reason is because you’re such a pretty girl. Mostly it’s just because I love you so much, of course.” She kissed my forehead again.

“I love you too, Mommy.”

We laying like that for a while, just feeling close and holding each other. I wasn’t really ready to fall asleep yet. It was late, but I was very excited about being in my mother’s bed with her.

I guess she must have been excited about something too, because pretty soon I could tell that her other hand, the one that wasn’t holding me, was moving between her legs. She was masturbating!

Not long after I’d realized that she was touching herself, she whispered, “Julie?”


“Are you still awake?”


“I think I want to kiss you now.”


She turned on her side, facing me, and her mouth found mine. Her lips were soft and moist and warm. Her tongue teased mine. My mother kissed me for several minutes, and she seemed to be getting more and more excited. She was breathing hard, her kisses increasingly urgent.

I wasn’t surprised when she rolled on top of me. I expected her to masturbate then, to rub herself while she kissed me, or possibly to straddle my chest as she had done before, using her fingers to make herself come right in front of my face. But she didn’t do either of those things. Instead, she kept kissing me, deeply and wetly, and she also began moving her pussy against me.

She was on top of me, her pussy very near mine, her breasts on my breasts. She was rocking herself up and down, up and down on me, like she was fucking me!

I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tightly, as I thrust my tongue into her mouth. I could feel her hot, wet pussy on my belly, just above my slit. She was moving faster and faster now, breathing hard and moaning as we kissed. I could tell she was getting close.

When she broke the kiss for a moment, I said, “Fuck me, Mommy! Fuck me hard!”

“Oh, god, Julie, you get me so —” She kissed me again and immediately after that she started coming.

My mother groaned and panted as she climaxed on top of me. We kept kissing through most of it, although sometimes she had to pull away as her body convulsed with passion.

Finally she finished and went almost limp. She was still breathing hard, her skin hot and wet with sweat, but she was just laying on me, not moving otherwise.

I caressed her warm, slick back and kissed her neck. I was thrilled that my beautiful sexy mother would let me be so close with her and share so many exciting things with her. I loved her dearly.

“Mommy, Mommy, Mommy…” I whispered, between kisses. I was highly aroused too, of course, and I wanted to make myself come, but I couldn’t possibly reach my pussy with her on top of me, and anyway I really wanted to just savor the special post-orgasmic intimacy we were sharing at that moment.

Eventually she heaved a deep sigh and rolled off me, onto her back. She found my hand and squeezed it. “Thank you, baby, I really needed that,” she said softly.

“You’re welcome.”

We were quiet for a few moments, until I said, “Mommy?”

“Yes, baby?”

“Is it okay if I, um, if I can, you know, have an orgasm too?”

“Of course it is, darling,” she chuckled. “How would you like to do it? Do you want me to kiss you while you’re touching yourself?”

“Well, I, um… is it all right if I do it, like, the way you just did it?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know, on top of you, like you did.”

She paused for a moment, as if unsure how to respond. Then she said, “Sure, honey, if that’s what you want, I would love to have you come that way.”

“Good,” I said, and I positioned myself on top of my mom, pressing myself against her. It felt wonderful to have her under me like that, to feel her warm skin on the inside of my thighs and especially on my wet pussy. Suddenly, though, I wasn’t so sure I would be able to make myself come that way.

“I hope, um, I hope I can actually do it like you did. Well enough, I mean.”

“Of course you can,” my mother assured me, as she put her hands on my bottom. “You’re the hottest, prettiest, sexiest little girl, Mommy’s secret lover, and now I want you to come, little girl. Rub your pussy on me and make yourself come for me.”

Just hearing her say that was nearly enough to make me come, all by itself. She called me her lover! I began rubbing myself on her, rocking my pelvis up and down the way she had done. It took me a minute or two to find the best angle and the best speed, but pretty soon I was beginning to feel that special momentum building up inside of me.

“Mmm, yeah,” I sighed.

“That’s Mommy’s pretty girl, do it now, rub your little pussy on me and make yourself come.”

“Mommy?” I asked, as I started moving faster. “Am I your lover?”

“Yes, baby, you’re Mommy’s hot, sexy little lover.”

“I like it — when you — when you say that.” I was panting with exertion and arousal.

“Do you want to kiss me? Or… or if you want, you can touch my tits.”

“Can I? Really?”

“Sure you can, honey.” She took one of my hands and placed it over her breast. “Play with Mommy’s tits, baby, play with my nipples.”

And as she said that, she reached up and began to fondle my breasts! Oh my god, it was so amazing. It was like we were really having sex. We were touching each other’s tits and I was rubbing my wet pussy against her body. I could feel an orgasm coming very near. I leaned down to kiss her.

As our lips came together, and as I felt her tongue inside my mouth, and her hand on my breasts, and as I felt her hard nipple between my fingers, and as I pinched it and my mommy pulled down on my bottom with her other hand, forcing me against her — I started to come.

I had a long, wonderful, powerful, incredible climax, maybe the best I’d ever had up until then. The more I came, the slipperier my pussy was on her belly, and all that wetness made me come even more. I don’t know how long it lasted, but it was like being in heaven — at least, if there was a kind of heaven for girls who love having sex with their moms, that’s where I was.

When I finally was done, as the last shuddering spasm faded away, I collapsed on top of her. She held me, rubbing her hands on me, kissing me, calling me her hot little lover, and that’s the last I can remember of that night.

I must have fallen asleep that way, still lying on top of my mother.

Continue on to Chapter 23


6 Comments on The Joy of Looking, Chapter 22

  1. MrStrut says:

    That was so hot NM, mom and daughter finally making love to each other. Rubbing their bodies together and fondling each other breasts. Looking forward to what comes next. Mother with daughter or the two sisters!

  2. kraM says:

    Great chapter

  3. David says:

    OMG, this keeps getting hotter and hotter I am loving this!

  4. Heidi says:

    This is so hot, especially after having been involved in a similar situation. Yeah, same kind of outcome, yet with some different details . My name is Heidi, at the time I was 9) my older cousin/sister who my mom adopted ,her name is Rachel ( 11 months older). My little sister is 6 1/2, Her name is McKenzie,

    This amazing beautifully sexy story, makes me want to write my story. It’s very uncommon although it does happen mothers having sex with their preteen daughters.

  5. Mike says:

    That was so hot with the mother & daughter, I hope it progresses to actual licking each other’s pussy’s

  6. Chris says:

    I agree it is hot chapter.It is also beautiful expression of close and loving connection between Mother and daughter.

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