The next thing I knew, it was Sunday morning. I was in my bed, naked. It was still early, only a few minutes after 7:00 according to the clock, and the house was completely quiet.
I was lying on my stomach, with one leg drawn up. I remembered then that when I’d fallen into bed the night before, I had not masturbated as I usually would. I’d been too enraptured by the joy of being in love with my mother to do anything else but just lie there and bask in a warm happy glow.
Now, though, I was ready to give my pussy some serious attention.
I started by reaching under myself and caressing my clit for a few minutes. Soon I was humping my hands and bringing myself to a shuddering climax. After that, I turned over onto my back and rubbed myself again, but this time in addition to massaging my hard clit, I used my other hand to find that little hole in the center of my vagina and slide my finger inside.
Oh my god, it was so amazing how good that felt. After I had another powerful orgasm, I pulled my finger out and tasted myself, then put it back inside and fucked myself some more. I recalled that my mom had said if I did it a lot I would be able to stretch my hymen and get my fingers in even deeper. I thought that seemed like excellent advice.
I masturbated in my bed for another half hour or so, then got up and took a shower. I masturbated in the shower, too, enjoying two more orgasms. When I was finally done and drying myself off, I could still feeling my pussy tingling. I wondered if it would stay that way all day.
I was so turned on that morning. Even as I was getting dressed, I couldn’t help reaching between my legs and petting myself again and again. Were all 12-year-old girls as horny as I was? I wasn’t sure — but I decided, for once, not to drive myself crazy by worrying about everything.
By that time, I could hear some moving around downstairs. It sounded like Mommy and Molly were up. I guessed that Kate was still asleep.
When I came into the kitchen, my mom gave me a nice warm kiss on the lips. She’d begun to cook some breakfast sausage and was planning to make waffles. I asked if I could help. She smiled and kissed me again, giving my bottom a squeeze, then assigned me the task of watching and turning the sausage while she prepared the waffle batter.
After breakfast, we did a few chores and then just goofed around for a while.
At one point, Mommy got down on the floor with Molly to look at the Sunday comics with her. She was on her knees in a pair of tight jeans, bending over and leaning on her elbows, her rear end sticking up invitingly. I could barely restrain myself from starting to masturbate once more right there in the family room as I admired her body. Instead, I got up and sauntered over to the bookcase, making sure to take a route that would give me the best view of her.
While leafing through the encyclopedia, pretending to look something up, I stared at my mother’s bottom, wishing I could pull down her jeans and lick her. Squeezing my legs together to stimulate my pussy, I thought to myself, what was that word again? Oh, yes, insatiable. That’s me, all right!
Kate came into the room just then from the kitchen, where she’d been cleaning up the breakfast dishes. When she saw her, Mommy sat up and said, “Girls, I was thinking maybe we could go to the mall later today, after we have lunch, and do some Christmas shopping, okay?”
We all thought that sounded like a great idea.
Around noon we ate a light meal before going out, just sandwiches made with leftover grilled veggies from dinner a few nights earlier. (Our mother didn’t like to have us to eat in the food court at the mall because she said the food there was “gross.”)
As she pulled the car into a spot at the mall parking garage, Mommy said, “Okay, here’s the plan.” She shut off the engine and turned to us.
“What I think we should do is split up into two teams. First, Molly will go with me so we can look for things for you two,” she nodded at me and Kate, “and Julie, you and Kate can look for things for us.”
Looking at her watch, she continued, “Then, say at about 3:00, we’ll meet up for a snack and divide the teams again. Molly, you can go with Kate after that and look for stuff for me and Julie, and I’ll go with Julie and we’ll look for things for you two girls. All right?”
We all nodded.
She reached into her purse and took out some cash, giving me and Kate each $200 to spend. “And don’t forget, you need to think about getting something for Grandpa Ray and for Grandma June too, okay? If you need some more money later, just ask me. Are we all set?”
We were. We went into the mall together, and Mommy showed us the cafe where we would meet up at 3:00, in a little less than two hours. Then we split up into our teams.
Kate and I spent about half our time shopping and half our time looking around at the other girls in the mall, poking each other and giggling when we saw someone we liked. Now that we’d each openly confirmed our sexual orientation, we had a lot of fun comparing our tastes and teasing each other about what we might do with the hot females we saw if we could be alone with them.
“That one, Julie,” said Kate, grabbing my arm.
We were in the lingerie department at Lord & Taylor. She was looking at a young woman, probably in her mid-twenties, browsing through the bras and panties. A tall blue-eyed blonde with a stunning figure, the woman looked even taller in the high heels she was wearing. Her legs were long and shapely and smooth. Even in winter, they were beautifully tanned.
I wondered for a moment what it would be like to see that body naked in a tanning booth, and then I began to picture the woman touching herself, masturbating for me as I watched her and as she looked at me watching her. I felt a flood of excitement and I actually had to turn away so I wouldn’t be too overwhelmed by the sensations.
“Are you okay?” asked my sister.
“Yeah,” I said, fanning myself with my hand while trying to not be too obvious about it. “I’m okay. It’s just, um… why don’t we go look over there now? Maybe I’ll get Mommy some slippers.”
It seemed that no matter where I looked that day, I found more fuel for my fiery sexual fantasies. In the section with slippers and pajamas and robes, we came upon a very pretty brunette, about 35 years old, with two daughters, equally pretty. They all had long lustrous hair, flowing over their shoulders. The older girl was about 14, the younger one only 9 or 10. Kate didn’t seem as interested in them as I did — she had a preference for blondes — but I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. Immediately I started to imagine the pretty mom and her daughters in bed together, all of them naked, kissing and touching each other.
A little later, my sister and I stopped in at the Victoria’s Secret store. It was totally crowded, since it was less than two weeks before Christmas, and we checked out a lot of really nice-looking girls in there. Unfortunately, though, I couldn’t see either Melissa or Tracy. Maybe they had the day off or something. That was a little disappointing.
When 3:00 o’clock came, Kate and I each had picked out a few things to get for Mommy and Molly, and we both had about half our money left. We were careful about our spending, good at managing our money thanks to our mother’s diligent training.
We made our way back to the cafe and found them waiting for us. As we were sitting down, a cute young girl at the table next to us caught my eye. She was maybe 8 or 9 years old, accompanied by an older woman, most likely her grandmother.
The reason the girl grabbed my attention was not only because she was very attractive, but also because of the way she looked at me. From the moment Kate and I walked in, she seemed to have spotted me. I’d noticed her right away too, and as I was taking my seat, I glanced over at her again. She smiled prettily and my heart skipped a beat.
The little beauty had dark shoulder-length hair with auburn highlights, gorgeous brown eyes, pink lips, and delicate pale skin scattered with a few freckles. Her face was lovely and what I could see of her body was excellent too. She had a big jacket on, but her slender legs were nicely displayed in white tights under a very short tartan plaid skirt.
After all the other sexy girls I’d been ogling that day, I was already very aroused, and now seeing this one made me that much more excited.
Mom was drinking coffee and Molly had hot chocolate with whipped cream. That looked good to me, so I decided to order one, and so did Kate. But even before my cocoa arrived, I was definitely feeling a warm glow inside — right between my legs.
From where I was sitting, I had a perfect view of the young brunette. God, she was delicious-looking. The grandmother had her nose in a paperback book and wasn’t paying much attention to her.
As I watched, the girl turned in her seat toward me and opened her legs. Yes, she really did!
She didn’t open them all the way or anything, just sat with her knees well apart, the way little girls will do. It appeared innocent enough to others, perhaps, but to me this was an intensely erotic pose and quite deliberate. Maybe I was imagining it, given how sexually fixated I was that day, but I could swear I saw a gleam in the child’s eye as she saw me staring between her legs.
I was wearing a red dress with white buttons up the front. It came to just above my knees when I was standing. Sitting down, of course, the dress rode up a bit, and as I shifted in my chair, I was able to make it show even more of my thighs. I was wearing flat black shoes and my legs were bare. I turned a little toward the girl, letting her get a good look at me.
She smiled again, swinging her legs, which didn’t quite reach the floor, and spreading her knees further apart. This had the action of pulling her short skirt up high enough that I could see all the way to her crotch. My mouth was watering at the sight of her.
Just then, unfortunately, the girl’s grandmother decided it was time for them to go. She gathered up her things, took the child’s hand, and they left. The young seductress glanced over her shoulder one more time as they walked away, giving me a last flirtatious wink.
By now, my pussy was positively dripping. I wanted to come so bad. I took a big gulp of my hot chocolate, finishing it, and then excused myself to go to the restroom.
One other person was in the ladies room, a heavyset woman standing at the mirror, touching up her lipstick. As I entered a stall and closed the door behind me, she completed the job and walked out, leaving me alone.
I sat down on the seat and spread my legs apart, pulling up my dress. Peering down at my red panties, I could clearly see a dark spot, right in the middle. That’s how wet I was. I put my hand inside the panties and touched myself. It took only a few strokes of my clit, maybe half a minute or so, and then I was coming. This may have been the quickest orgasm of my life, but it was a good one! I was glad there was no one else in the restroom, because they definitely would have heard me.
After I finished, panting and licking my lips, I lifted my hand to my mouth and tasted myself. Then I stood up and pulled the panties down and off. I tucked them into the pocket of my coat and left the stall. I purposely did not wash my hands.
Returning to our table, I saw that my mom was watching me closely. Her smile made me think she knew what I’d been up to. I gave her a saucy grin that I hoped would convey my heightened state of arousal.
My sisters were done with their cocoa, so my mother got the check and paid it. Then we split up once more. Mom gave Molly some money to spend (actually she gave it to Kate to hold on to for Molly), and we agreed to meet up again in two hours, at about 5:30.
As we watched Kate and Molly walk away, chatting excitedly, my mother pulled me to the side of the cafe entrance, into kind of a secluded spot. She lifted both of my hands to her face, sniffing them.
“Were you doing what I think you were doing in the ladies room, honey?” she asked.
I nodded, smiling. “Uh-huh.”
“That’s nice.” Looking around to make sure no one else would see, my mom took two of my fingers into her mouth, briefly sucking on them. She’d picked the correct hand. Then she gave me a tender kiss on the lips.
“Mom?” I said, after the kiss.
“I took off my panties. Now I’m not wearing any.” I drew them out of my pocket partway so she could see them.
She smiled. “That’s my good girl, my hot sexy Julie. Is your pussy still wet?”
“Uh-huh,” I nodded again.
“Was it that pretty little thing in the plaid skirt?” She must have noticed the brunette too, and probably observed our mutual flirtation.
“Yeah, it was her,” I confirmed, and added, giggling, “plus about a hundred other girls I saw today.”
My mom squeezed my hand and gave me another quick kiss. Then we started off to do our Christmas shopping, just an ordinary mother and daughter, ha-ha!
We actually did do some shopping, but we did a lot of other things besides. Like looking at attractive girls and women and commenting on them and teasing each other sexually.
Often when we were inside a store, my mother would press up close to me, rubbing her breasts against my arm through her thin blouse (she wasn’t wearing a bra), or reaching down to squeeze my bottom. I’d taken off my coat, and my dress had short sleeves, so I could easily feel her erect nipples brushing over my skin. A couple of times as she was caressing my ass, my mom whispered something in my ear about wanting to reach under my dress to feel my naked pussy.
If I’d been wet before, now I was getting really wet!
And so was she, as I soon discovered.
We were in a little fashion boutique looking at some fun jewelry to get for Kate when we spotted a pair of twin sisters. They were around my age, or maybe a year younger, and they were incredibly cute and fit, with slim athletic bodies like gymnasts. The girls had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes and they couldn’t seem to keep their hands off each other, constantly touching and stroking as they looked at earrings together.
“Do you see what I see?” asked my mom.
“God, they’re hot.”
“They sure are.”
“Mmm, one of the twins sitting on my face and the other between my legs, licking me…” my mother breathed as she rubbed her tits against my arm.
“I’d love to see that,” I told her.
“And when they finished with me, then they could start on you.”
I shivered with desire, squeezing my legs together. I wasn’t really going to come that way, but I wasn’t very far from it, either.
We bought a few things for Kate and went to the store next door. It was a doll shop. I wanted to look in there for Molly, since I knew how much she enjoyed playing with her Barbies. I thought I might find something she would really like.
What I found was something I really liked — an adorable young girl with curly red hair, wearing a tiny black dress that barely came down below her bottom. She was only about 6 or 7 years old, really cute and full of energy. She had frilly little white socks on her feet, along with black patent leather shoes. As the girl bounced around the store looking at stuff, bending over at the waist or reaching up high and standing on her tiptoes, I got several good looks at her tight white panties and her perfect pink butt cheeks that peeked out at me.
My mom noticed me watching the child.
She came up and stood directly behind me, wrapping one arm around my waist and pressing herself against me while pretending to reach out with the other arm to point at a doll on a shelf. But instead of commenting on the doll, she asked, in a quiet voice, “How would you like to get that as a gift on Christmas morning? Wouldn’t it be fun opening it up and looking inside?”
I knew what she was saying, and my pussy tingled as I thought about it.
When the sexy redhead in the short dress trotted around to a different aisle, out of our lustful view for the moment, I turned to my mother, looking into her eyes.
“She’s… but she’s so young, though…” I whispered. I could feel my face reddening. “Is that really okay?”
Glancing around to make sure that no one else was close enough to hear, my mom said, “Yes, of course it’s okay, honey. It’s more than okay.”
She smiled at me and licked her lips. “When I see you looking at little girls that way, Julie, it drives me insane. It makes me want to… well, um… wait just a minute.”
My mom walked quickly to the sales counter and asked one of the attendants something. Then she headed for the rear of the store, stepping through a closed door.
A minute later, she came out and returned to me. She took my hand in hers and led me behind a rack of doll accessories where nobody could see us. Then she opened her other hand and held it out. I saw a dark blue thong that apparently she’d been wearing under her tight jeans.
“Look at it, baby,” she said. “Look at how wet it is.”
I took the thong from her and examined it. The crotch was very wet with her juices and still even a little warm. I looked up into my mother’s eyes. As she watched, I raised the thong to my lips and kissed the wet spot.
“Mmm…” she moaned.
“Did you masturbate?” I whispered.
“No, not yet. I really want to, though.”
She didn’t do it then, but she certainly would, a little later that day, in a most surprising place!
Continue on to Chapter 34
Oh God, Naughty Mommy, your story, ‘The Joy of Looking’ is fucking awesome. Moms and daughters, especially underage daughters – my favourite topic, – is here brought to perfection. I’m on chapter 34 at the moment, but can’t wait to tell you how much I’m enjoying it. I’m totally turned on by it, your story telling is perfect, and I can’t wait to get to the next chapter…… and the next……. I love the language you have them use, especially when you put it into Julie’s mouth, and I hope into the mouths of the other daughters as well.
Thankyou for the gift of pleasure and excitement you have given me.
Thanks, Frank. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story, and welcome to Juicy Secrets. 😀 Feel free to leave more comments whenever you feel moved.
I also hope you’ll check out our other talented authors — there is so much good stuff here to read!
NM I am so enjoying the reread of this story, I seem to think I must not of got to all the chapters cause I don’t remember much of it. Which by the way makes it even more enjoyable. Like reading a whole new story.
I have to say I think Julie’s mom is just as insatiable as Julie is. lol
Hopefully Julie will meet up with the little cutie she liked in the food court. On to the next chapter.
A hot teasing chapter. Love the mother daughter chat about young girls while they do some ‘window’ shopping. The thought of mother daughter both without panties in public and flirting with each other is awesome.
Joy 🥲 f 👀 king .I enjoyed it And all of the chapters.Thankyou Naughty Mother