The Joy of Looking, Chapter 78

  • Posted on May 15, 2015 at 2:04 pm

By Naughty Mommy

As it turned out, we didn’t have a dinner table conversation that night about sex, about the four of us — our whole family including Molly — joining together in a feast of lesbian incest. We didn’t talk about that with her until almost two weeks later, in fact. But when we finally did, it was so awesome…

First, though, there is something else I have to tell you about.

Friday night at 7:00, my mom dropped me off at the Frederiksen’s. She waited as she would always do while I went up to the door, and then smiled and waved at Dana before driving away.

When I went inside, I was delighted to discover that Dana and Chelsea, mother and daughter, were dressed in identical outfits. It was so cute! As the months went by, I would learn that this was something they often did, but this was my first time seeing them that way.

Both were in short white canvas skirts along with blue and white striped tank tops and white tennis shoes. The outfits had the effect of emphasizing how flat Dana’s chest was, nearly as flat as Chelsea’s. She wasn’t wearing a bra, which she really didn’t need anyway, of course. The woman’s breasts were nothing more than slight mounds, although her nipples were quite long and pointed out stiffly through the thin material of her top.

Chelsea jumped into my arms, giving me a big kiss on the lips.

Dana laughed happily. “She loves you so much. She talks about you all the time, Julie, when you’re not here. Did you know that I have to tell her a story now every night before she goes to bed? I can’t read her a story, I have to tell her one… and she always wants them to be naughty stories too, like the ones you’ve told her.”

I blushed, wondering just how much Chelsea had said to her mother about the stories I’d invented for her — including things like a little girl kissing her mom’s pussy! Dana wasn’t scolding me at all, though. If she knew about the kinds of racy stories I’d told her daughter, it didn’t seem to bother her one bit.

As I put Chelsea down and she started dragging me to her room to play with her, Dana said, “I won’t be gone very long tonight. I’m just meeting a friend for a drink or two.”

“Okay,” I called behind me as we went through Chelsea’s door.

Following us into the room, Dana added, “Chelsea and I already had our dinner. You can give her a snack later, if she wants one, and you can have whatever you want, of course.”

She crouched beside us as Chelsea and I sat on the floor to play with her dolls. Dana’s slim legs were wide apart. I could easily see her powder blue underwear. She knew very well that I was looking up her skirt. She smiled warmly at me, that dazzling smile I loved. I felt a stirring in my crotch as my gaze went from her pretty face to her panty-covered pussy.

I was in a skirt too. The previous times when I’d babysat for them I’d had jeans on, but this time I’d decided to wear a little skirt. That way, if I wanted to masturbate later, it would be easy. Just pull up my skirt and take off my undies.

Except now it seemed Dana would only be out for a little while and I wouldn’t have any time alone to play with myself. Of course, there might be even more exciting things to do after Dana got home. In anticipation of that, I shifted my position on the floor, leaning on an elbow and pulling up a knee so Chelsea’s mom — and Chelsea too — could get a good look at my pink panties.

The little girl didn’t seem to notice, but Dana did. She stared between my legs, licking her lips. I let my hand slide onto my chest, casually fingering my erect nipple through my t-shirt. I was braless.

“Like I said, I’ll be back early, maybe around 9:00 or so,” Dana said slowly, her eyes never leaving my crotch. “Don’t worry about putting her to bed tonight. You and I will do that together when I get home, all right?”

“Okay,” I nodded, becoming even more aroused. I was sure that when Dana suggested we could put her daughter to bed together, she meant much more than that.

A few minutes later, she left, giving both of us, Chelsea and me, nice long kisses on the lips as she departed. Then the little girl and I went back to her bedroom to play with her dolls some more. After a half-hour or so, Chelsea had another idea.

“Can we do dress-up again?” she asked me, her big blue eyes shining.

“Is that what you want to do?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded eagerly.


We got up and put all the dolls away, then went to her mother’s bedroom. This time Chelsea said she wanted to try on underwear only, maybe some sexy pairs of panties or her mom’s little bras. And she wanted me to do the same.

God, I was getting so turned on. I was really looking forward to when Dana returned, of course, but now I also was excited about seeing her daughter take off her clothes and put on naughty grownup lingerie.

We picked out some underthings, a hot pink thong for Chelsea along with a tiny pink bra. For me, the little girl selected a transparent white bra, a white garter belt, and a pair of sheer white stockings.

“What about undies?” I asked.

“Uh-uh. When my mom wears that for me, she never has any undies on.”

Wow, I thought to myself, picturing the scene in my mind. This was some hot mother and daughter!

Chelsea sat on the floor, pulling off her tennis shoes and her little white socks. She tugged the tank top over her head and tossed it away. I knelt beside the young blonde, watching her get naked. She stood up and I helped her unzip the canvas skirt. She let it drop to the floor and stepped out of it, then quickly pulled down her panties, and she was nude.

As she picked up the pink thong from the floor, I stopped her for a moment.

“Just… just let me look at you.” I put my hands on her hips, turning her toward me.

I was sitting on the floor, my eyes at a level with Chelsea’s waist. I held her there in front of me, staring at her naked little girl vulva. Her labia were puffy and smooth, not a trace of hair anywhere.

“Do you remember,” I began, my voice trembling slightly, “the story I told you, where there was, they had a magic kiss on the… on the pussy lips?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded, apparently not embarrassed in the least by having me look at her that way.

Without saying anything else, I leaned slowly in, bringing my lips to her vulva. I kissed her very gently, very softly. Her skin was smooth and warm, lightly scented with — I don’t know, not with perfume, but with the scent of a little girl, and maybe, possibly, also a hint of pussy juice? Perhaps I was only imagining it, probably that’s all it was. But as I kissed her puffy labia, I could swear I smelled something that made me think she was getting wet inside. I know I was wet, that’s for sure.

I held the kiss for just a moment, keeping my lips on her lips, breathing in, before pulling away and looking up at her. She was smiling.

“Not quite magic,” I giggled, “but very nice.”

“Yeah,” she agreed.

“Would you, um, would you like to kiss me the same way?”


After quickly removing my shoes, I stood and unzipped my skirt, taking it off and laying it on Dana’s bed. Then I pulled down my panties and stepped out of them. Because I continued shaving my pubic hair every few days, my crotch was as smooth and bare as Chelsea’s. Mine, however, was definitely wet. It had showed inside my pink panties, and I could also see a glimmer of moisture on my pussy lips. I wondered what the little girl would think about that.

She looked at me. I pulled off my t-shirt, and now I was naked too. Chelsea’s eyes went up to my breasts. My nipples were hard.

I sat on the bed, spreading my legs. I tried to recall the exact words I had used when I told her the story. Then I remembered.

“Chelsea, will you please kiss my lips?”

The lovely child nodded to me, grinning as she recognized the wording. Looking back down at my vulva, she giggled, then moved closer, placing her hands on my knees. She leaned forward. Her mouth was approaching my pussy lips. I held my breath.

She kissed me. Chelsea kissed my pussy. It wasn’t a long kiss, and her mouth was closed, but it gave me an electric thrill. A tremor rippled through my body. “Yes,” I whispered, more to myself than to her.

Chelsea stepped back. She licked her lips. Was she tasting my pussy juice?

I shivered again with excitement. God, I wanted this little girl so much. But it was still too soon for me to make that kind of move. What we had done so far was plenty, for now anyway.

“Thank you,” I smiled.

Then I retrieved the white bra she’d chosen for me and began putting it on. Chelsea picked up the hot pink thong from the floor. She stepped into it and pulled it snugly up. It clung to her little pussy lips, leaving a clear outline of her tempting cleft.

“Can you do this for me, Miss Julie?” she asked as she slipped the straps of the stretchy pink bra over her shoulders.


She turned around and I fastened the clasp on the back of the bra. Then she watched as I slowly pulled the sheer white stockings on, one at a time, smoothing them over my legs. I loved the way they made me look so grownup and sexy.

Standing up, I put the garter belt around my waist, hooking it, and then attached the straps to the top of the stockings. When I was done, I asked, “Do you want to find shoes?”


We went to the closet. Dana’s feet were actually a smaller size than mine, so I couldn’t fit into her regular shoes. But she did have some backless white high-heeled sandals that went perfectly with my outfit. For Chelsea, we selected a shiny pair of red pumps with spike heels. The little girl slipped them on, and again I was surprised how easily she walked in them.

Holding hands, we admired our reflections in the full-length mirror. It was kind of amusing to see that little bra on Chelsea’s flat chest. But what really excited me was how the garter belt and the stockings framed my shaved pussy. God, it was so hot. My clit was tingling.

Then I heard the front door open. I looked at the clock beside the bed. It was not yet 8:30, and Dana was already home!

“Chelsea?” she called.

“We’re in here, Mommy!”

I didn’t know what to do. I was standing with a 7-year-old girl in her mother’s bedroom, both of us in skimpy, sexy underwear. There was no way I could change back into my other clothes before Dana saw us. Would she be angry? Maybe not, but you never know.

Her footsteps came down the hall. My heart was pounding. Chelsea and I were holding hands, looking toward the door. Dana came in.

“Hi, Mommy,” Chelsea grinned.

“Hi, honey.” Dana put her purse on the bed, gazing at the two of us. “Don’t you look cute!”

“We were playing dress-up,” the child announced.

“Yes, I can see that.” Dana’s eyes were on my exposed crotch.

I still felt terribly nervous. So far, everything seemed to be fine. Dana was taking it all in stride, acting as though there was nothing unusual about finding the 12-year-old babysitter half-naked in her bedroom with her young daughter. But was that only for Chelsea’s sake? Once we were alone, would Dana tell me off?

She was smiling at us, her hands on her hips. “Can I play the game too?”

“Yeah!” Chelsea enthused. “Whadda you wanna wear?”

“Well,” she began slowly, “since you two are wearing grownup clothes, maybe I should dress like a little girl.”

“Okay!” Chelsea giggled. I smiled too, starting to relax just a bit.

We followed Dana to her daughter’s room. Opening the chest of drawers, she took out a pair of plain white cotton panties and a white cotton bralette. She also found some frilly white ankle socks.

Without saying anything, but giving us a wink, she returned to her own bedroom. Chelsea and I trailed along behind, holding hands. In the closet, Dana got up on a stool, reaching for a box on a high shelf and taking it down.

She put the box on the bed and opened it. There was a dress inside. She took it out and held it up. The dress was short and frilly, with princess sleeves. It was white with blue polka dots and had a blue satin ribbon around the waist. It looked like the kind of dress a 4-year-old girl might wear, except it was sized for a woman, a tiny woman, that is, like Dana.

“Wow, that’s pretty,” Chelsea said. “I haven’t seen that one before, Mommy.”

“I haven’t worn this in a long time…” Dana mused. She looked at it for several moments, seeming to be lost in a memory. Then she let out a sigh, laid the dress over the box, and began to take off her clothes.

Chelsea and I watched as Dana pulled off her tank top, then unzipped and removed her skirt. Sitting on the bed, she took off her shoes and socks. All she was wearing now was a pair of light blue hipster panties. She stood and slipped them down.

As Chelsea had said, the woman’s pussy was shaved completely smooth. Her golden blonde hair was up in a ponytail. With her flat chest and her slender hips, she looked extremely young, like a girl my age, or even younger.

I suddenly realized that I was touching myself. My hand was between my legs, lightly stroking my pussy. If either Chelsea or Dana had noticed what I was doing, neither of them said anything. I tried to pretend I was only scratching an itch (which I was, of course, ha-ha), and quickly took my hand away from my crotch.

Dana pulled her daughter’s little bralette over her head. It was a snug fit, but it worked. Then she stepped into the white cotton undies. Sitting on the bed again, she put on the white ankle socks.

Under the dress inside the box was a pair of Mary Jane shoes, black patent leather with round toes, low heels, and a strap over the instep. They were the kind a schoolgirl might wear. Dana put on the shoes, doing the straps, then stood and picked up the dress, stepping into it. She pulled it up, slipping her arms into the princess sleeves.

I noticed then that the back of the dress was split to the waist and had only one fastener, a simple snap at the top. That would make it very easy to remove if, for example, you were doing a strip-tease for someone. I wondered what that could mean.

After closing the dress behind her neck, Dana posed for us, standing with her feet apart, her toes pointed out, like a little girl. She giggled once and then turned around, hands on her hips, looking back at us over her shoulder. The polka dot dress was very short, barely covering her bottom.

Turning to face us again, she asked, “What do you think?”

“You look great, Mommy!” Chelsea told her.

Dana was smiling that glorious smile that always made me melt. And seeing her dressed that way, imitating a young child, well, it was just too much for me. I started rubbing my clit again.

This time, Dana definitely noticed what I was doing. She nodded and giggled as she looked at my crotch. That made Chelsea glance over at me too, and she smiled at what she saw.

Dana slowly lifted the hem of her dress, letting us see her underwear. She slipped a hand down inside the white panties and began masturbating. In a soft voice, she said, “I want to see you guys kiss.”

It suddenly occurred to me how similar this was to Molly’s slumber party — little girls getting a thrill from watching each other kiss. In that case, of course, it really was a group of young girls, 8 and 9 years old. With us, it was a 7-year-old, a 12-year-old, and a grownup! But Dana was dressed like a child, and even more than that, she resembled a child in many ways, both physically and emotionally.

“Sit on the bed, okay?”

Removing her hand from her panties, Dana took the box and set it on the floor. I sat down on the bed and Chelsea got on my lap. Dana pulled the little dress up once more, shoving the panties to her knees. I could see that her pussy was very wet. She started masturbating again. Chelsea watched her mom rubbing her pussy. She didn’t seem surprised or alarmed by it. I was certain she had seen it before, perhaps often.

The little blonde turned to me. She had a big grin on her face. I took her hand in mine and placed it over my breast, on the outside of the bra. Then I kissed her.

We kissed wetly, our mouths open, tongues teasing. Chelsea squeezed my breast. I pulled her close, my hand gripping her tiny bottom. She was so small, so young, so soft and warm. I moaned with desire for her as we kissed.

Someone else was moaning too. It was the little girl’s mother.

I’d closed my eyes when Chelsea and I started kissing, but now I opened them so I could see Dana. Her face was flushed and shiny with sweat. Her fingers moved rapidly between her legs. It looked like she was already getting close. I continued kissing Chelsea, but kept my eyes on Dana, watching her rub her clit. She saw me looking at her. Our eyes met. She nodded, licking her lips, and then she came.

“Ooh-ahh!!!” the woman squealed. Now her eyes were tightly shut, her face in a grimace. Her slim body shuddered with each spasm of her climax.

Chelsea broke the kiss when she heard the sound of her mother’s orgasm. She turned to see. Dana was still moving her fingers between her legs, making herself come again and again. I slipped my hand under the little bra Chelsea was wearing, finding her nipples and playing with them as we sat and watched.

Finally Dana was finished. She lifted her hand to her mouth, licking her wet fingers. She looked at us, smiling shyly, giggling as she tasted herself.

“Can, I, um —” I began hoarsely. I was really turned on, as you might expect. Clearing my throat, I started again, “Can I see you guys kiss now?”

“Me and Chelsea?” Dana asked, her blue eyes twinkling.



Dana pulled the white cotton panties back up as Chelsea slid off my lap. Then they sat side by side on the bed, and I stood up, facing them.

What an arousing sight that was: a grownup woman, 27 years old, dressed like a little girl, sitting next to a child, her daughter, who was wearing an adult bra and thong. I put a hand between my legs and fingered my clit as I watched them starting to kiss.

This was the second time I’d seen them kissing that way. It was obviously something they did a lot, something they both enjoyed very much. Chelsea was sitting half on Dana’s lap, her small legs hooked over her mother’s thigh. Dana pulled the girl close to her and kissed her wetly, her lips apart, sucking and playing with her tongue. Chelsea was just as aggressive, pressing her body against her mom’s, shoving her tongue into her mouth. They moaned as they kissed, and I moaned as I watched them.

It didn’t take me very long. Within only a minute or two I was almost ready to come. Still rubbing my clit, I stepped closer to them. I leaned in, bringing my face right next to their sexy mouths.

Their eyes were closed. Dana must have sensed that I was there, though. She turned and saw me. Without saying a word, she put her lips on mine and kissed me, sliding her tongue into my mouth. I was right on the edge of a climax. The moment that Dana pulled away, Chelsea was there, kissing me the same way. Soon we were all three kissing at once as I masturbated. And then I came.

God, it was incredibly hot — such a great orgasm! Of course, they’re all great, but I always love my first time with someone new. Somehow I managed to keep kissing them both while I climaxed, and I also was able to remain standing up, even though my legs were very shaky. But Dana had a hand on my hip, steadying me.

As my orgasm ended, I started to giggle. I’m not sure why, but I did. And then it caught on. Dana began laughing too, and so did Chelsea. They fell back onto the bed and I fell on top of them. We kissed and giggled and hugged for another few minutes. We were all three sweaty and happy and excited.

I thought something else might happen, something more than just kissing and masturbating. But it didn’t. As we finished kissing, all of us still breathing heavily, Dana smiled at her daughter. “So, what do you think?” she chuckled. “Do you like your new babysitter?”

“Yeah, I do,” Chelsea giggled.

Dana’s beautiful blue eyes looked up into mine. “I do too,” she said softly. “I like you very much, Julie.”

The way she said that made me melt inside. Impulsively, I kissed her again, hard and full on the mouth. I wanted to do so much more with her right then and with Chelsea too. I wanted to do everything. But Dana wasn’t quite ready for that yet.

I could tell that we’d gone as far as she was willing to go, at least for the time being. As I lifted my lips from Dana’s, I slid slowly off the bed and got to my feet. Chelsea and her mom sat up. We grinned at each other for a minute. Then Dana said, “Okay, so, can you come back again next Friday?”

“Sure,” I nodded.

It struck me how odd this situation was, what a surprising scene it would be for someone who didn’t know anything about us. A woman dressed like a pre-schooler, a second-grader dressed like a grownup, and a 12-year-old girl wearing stockings and a garter belt but no undies, her pussy exposed. It looked like a freaky underage lesbian orgy, and it almost was that. Almost, but not quite. Maybe next time, I hoped.

My clothes were scattered on the floor. I picked them up and took them into Chelsea’s bedroom to change. After returning the lingerie to Dana’s room, putting it back where I’d found it, I went out to the living room.

Chelsea and her mom were waiting for me. Dana was still wearing the blue and white polka dot dress, very short, with the frilly ankle socks and the Mary Jane shoes. I was in my skirt and t-shirt and tennis shoes again. Chelsea had removed the little bra. All she had on now was her mother’s hot pink thong. It made my clit tingle to see her that way.

The two of them acted almost as if nothing at all had happened that night, like this was a normal Friday evening with the babysitter. What an amazing pair they were.

“I’ll drive you home, okay?” Dana proposed. “Since Chelsea’s still up. That way your mom won’t have to go out.”

“Um, okay, sure. Thank you.”

I was certain that Dana would go in and change out of her sexy costume before we left, but she didn’t. She did tell Chelsea to put on a t-shirt, but that was all. The little blonde ran to her room, coming back half a minute later in a tight-fitting shirt that didn’t come close to covering her bottom. She was also wearing flip-flops. Dana just smiled and shrugged, and we walked out of the apartment that way.

Continue on to Chapter 79


3 Comments on The Joy of Looking, Chapter 78

  1. MrStrut says:

    What and exciting night Julie had with Dana and her daughter, looking forward to next Friday!

  2. Tim and Litka says:

    Yet another wonderful erotic chapter Naughty Mommy, Dana and Julie opening their legs to each other revealing their pantie covered pussies, Julie and Chelsea dressing up as adults, Dana joining them dressing as a little girl and masturbating as Julie kisses her daughter, then Julie coming while Chelsea and her mom kiss, a wonderful passionate incestuous kiss……
    We both found this so arousing as we shared the delights of your wonderful writing. Thank you from us both!

  3. David says:

    Another erotic chapter as expected from you NM. You attention to detail is so good I can actually see them. I am always so excited after each chapter.

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