The Joy of Looking, Chapter 80

  • Posted on May 16, 2015 at 6:32 am

By Naughty Mommy

Sunday was sort of a normal day for us. I slept in late for once, almost as late my sister Kate. After we got up, we had breakfast and then Mommy asked us to do some work out in the yard with her. It was spring, the time for planting lots of flowers and vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, and squash), and some herbs too.

As we worked, I kept thinking about my phone conversation with Dana the night before. I wondered what else she and her daughter might have done together after they got in bed. It made me very excited.

Kate and my mom went to the gym that afternoon. I stayed home with Molly. I was tempted to get naughty with her, but for some reason I didn’t. She played with her Barbies and I read a novel.

After dinner that night, we all watched a movie together, another musical. This time it was Cabaret. I had never seen it before, and it was absolutely amazing. So good.

Later in bed, I masturbated, of course, as I did almost every night. Sometimes Mommy and Kate and I would do it together, but she said it was already too late that night after the movie ended, so we went to bed. I thought about Dana and Chelsea as I touched myself, and I thought about Molly too. I remembered watching her face as she kissed my pussy when we were playing Truth or Dare. That made me come really hard.

* * *

The next night after dinner, while Kate and I were cleaning up the kitchen, I heard my mom on the phone talking to Dana. She was inviting them to come to our place on Saturday night for dinner! Wow, that would definitely be interesting. I started wondering right away what might happen.

As Mommy had predicted, she wasn’t as busy that week at work as she had been the week before. She was able to come home at the normal time, and she was happy to let Kate and me masturbate with her a few times.

God, I just loved doing that. We would get naked and describe our hottest fantasies and kiss each other while we played with our pussies. Almost every night we each had several great orgasms in our mother’s bed. I also used that time to keep reminding my mom how much I wanted to get Molly involved with us too. It always excited her when I would bring that up, although she wasn’t ready yet to make a commitment about actually doing it. I was willing to wait, but I wasn’t willing to keep quiet about my desires to have sex with my little sister. Kate agreed with me, she wanted the same thing, but she let me take the lead in asking our mother about it.

On Friday, Kate’s basketball team had their last game of the season. It was at 3:30, right after school. Mommy left work early and joined me and Molly in the stands to cheer for them. Kate had a terrific game and the team won, so everyone was really happy.

That night, there was a party for the team at a pizza place near the school. All the families were invited. I had a good time checking out some of the hot moms I hadn’t seen before. I loved looking at them together with their daughters and imagining them in bed together. My mind was (and still is) constantly doing that, seeing mothers and their little girls and picturing them having sex. Sometimes I even get to see it happen in real life!

Then it was Saturday. My mom talked to me about what we should make for dinner. The weather was perfect, so we decided to get some chicken and vegetables and grill them outside in the backyard. Our house didn’t have a pool — Mommy said they were just too much trouble — but the yard was really nice. We had a brick patio with chairs and umbrellas. It was the first week of May, and a lot of the flowers were in bloom.

Dana and Chelsea arrived at 5:30. The darling 7-year-old girl was wearing tight pink short shorts and an orange tank top along with pink sneakers. Her mom was in a very cute and sexy sundress, yellow and white with a halter top. It came to just above her pretty knees.

Dana’s blonde hair was in a ponytail. She had almost no makeup on. She was wearing flat sandals with her sundress, and she was so tiny it was almost like they were two young girls coming to dinner instead of a mother and daughter.

Before they got there, I’d gone upstairs and changed from my jeans into a denim miniskirt and a sleeveless white blouse with no bra. I was barefoot. My mother was in a little red dress, very short, with a scooped neckline. She wore red heels. Kate and Molly were both wearing shorts and t-shirts. They were barefoot, like me.

Mommy and Dana sat together in the sun and sipped glasses of white wine while I watched the stuff on the grill. We were slowly cooking onions and tomatoes and mushrooms and zucchini in addition to the marinated chicken. Kate and Molly and Chelsea played on the old swing set in the back of the yard.

We ate dinner outside. My mom and Dana seemed to really get on well. They sat next to each other, talking the whole time. I sat beside Chelsea, watching her bounce happily up and down as she enjoyed her chicken. It was interesting to see her next to Molly. They were only about a year apart in age, but Chelsea was much smaller than my sister.

After dinner, my mother put Kate and Molly in charge of cleaning up. Chelsea offered to help. I supervised at first, but it seemed like Kate was handling everything just fine, so I went out to sit on the patio with Mommy and Dana as the sun went down.

“He wouldn’t leave me alone, no matter what I did,” Dana was saying, “and my mom wouldn’t do anything about it. I tried to tell her but she didn’t seem to care. So I left.”

Later I learned the whole story. Dana’s mother was an alcoholic and a drug addict. They lived in a ratty trailer, perpetually on the edge of poverty and homelessness. Her mom brought in a series of unpleasant men to live with them temporarily, and more than one of the men had molested Dana when she was still a little girl. It continued happening.

By the time she was 14 years old, she’d had enough. Dana started trying to fight back, but her mother always took the side of the men. Finally, at 15, she left home for good. She ran away, got hold of a fake ID, and began earning money as a cocktail waitress and then as a topless dancer.

“Right after I turned 17,” she told us, “I made my first video, you know, porn.”

“Wow, what was that like?” my mom asked.

“I didn’t mind it that much,” Dana giggled. “My specialty was girl-girl, and I liked the sex a lot, a whole lot. I looked really young, you know — well, I was young, but I looked even younger — and so my videos were popular. I made some nice money from that. But it wasn’t always easy.”

Dana said the lifestyle could be pretty rough sometimes. She managed to stay away from drugs, which was a major problem for some of the girls she knew. She traveled around the country, danced at different clubs, made videos, and wondered how she would ever break out of that cycle.

At 19, she discovered she was pregnant. She wasn’t sure who the father was, and she seriously considered having an abortion, but eventually decided to have the child. That was Chelsea, of course. Then Dana got a break. When she was dancing, she’d met a man in Atlanta who owned a car dealership. He had always been very nice to her, acting more like a father or a mentor than as a sex partner, although he did enjoy having her fellate him. The man offered to support her while she was raising her little girl. Dana accepted the arrangement, at least until she could get firmly on her feet.

By the time Chelsea was 3 years old, Dana had earned her GED and was starting to work for herself, to earn a regular living. At first it was only retail, clerking in a department store. She wasn’t making much money, but she told the man, her benefactor, that she really wanted to be on her own.

After breaking it off with him, she moved to our city, found a better job, and had not had sex with a man since then. Dana worked hard, scrimped and saved, kept trying to improve her situation and make the best possible life for herself and her daughter.

“And that’s where I am now,” she sighed. “Sometimes I feel like I’ve already lived so much, like I’m older than I should be.”

It was funny to hear her say that, since she still looked like a teenager. But I guess she must have felt different inside.

My mother took her hand. “You should be very proud, Dana. You’ve done extremely well. Not many people could overcome all the things you’ve had to face.”

“Thank you,” Dana grinned at us, that gorgeous smile that melted my heart.

The kids came out to see us then. They were done cleaning up the dishes. It was getting dark, so we soon went inside the house. Earlier in the day, we’d baked brownies, and now my mom served them for dessert. Mommy and Dana sat beside each other on the sofa.

After eating a brownie apiece, Molly and Chelsea trotted upstairs to play with Molly’s dollhouse. Dana started talking with Kate about basketball and swimming and her other athletic activities.

“I never got to do any of that stuff when I was in school,” she said, “but I wish I had. I might not be any good, but it seems like a lot of fun, playing sports with girls.”

“Yeah, it really is,” Kate nodded. She was sitting on the floor, looking up at Dana, smiling at her. I was sitting in an armchair.

“Which sport do you like best?” Dana asked. In addition to basketball and the swim team, Kate played softball and soccer.

“Um, I think maybe basketball,” my sister replied, “because it’s such a total team thing. You really have to work together, practice a lot, you know, working on plays and stuff. It’s fun.”

“They just had their final game of the basketball season last night,” our mother added. “My little girl was the team captain.”

Kate blushed, but she looked proud.

We talked for another few minutes. At one point, Mommy leaned toward Dana, tenderly brushing the back of her fingers on the young woman’s cheek. It looked like she might be getting ready to kiss her. Kate caught my eye. She was obviously as excited about that possibility as I was.

They didn’t quite kiss. They gazed steadily into each other’s eyes, and my mom licked her lips. Dana was breathing hard. You could really feel the sexual tension in the room. But then Mommy leaned back and sighed. She glanced at Kate and at me, winking at us.

“While you were inside earlier cleaning things up, Kate,” our mother said, “Dana told Julie and me that at one time she made some porno videos, girl on girl, the kind we like to watch.”

“She did?” Kate stared at the diminutive blonde, her eyes wide.

Mommy turned back to Dana. “I hope you don’t mind me telling Kate about that. I share just about everything with my girls. In fact, we enjoy watching porn and masturbating together.”

“No, I, I don’t mind.” Dana blinked. She seemed a little flustered, not angry at all, just surprised at what she was hearing. “That’s, wow, that’s… wow…”

“Have you told Chelsea about your past?” our mother asked.

“No, I, um, well, she knows that I like girls, that I’m, you know, a lesbian. But she doesn’t know yet about my stripping, or the, uh, the movies I made.”

This was the first time I’d heard her state that she was a lesbian. It made me wonder what sort of clubs she went to when she went out.

It was quiet for a minute. Dana fidgeted, uncrossing and then recrossing her legs. Kate continued staring at her, apparently trying to picture her naked, making love on camera with other sexy women.

Finally I said, “When I, um, when I’m over at your place and Chelsea and I play dress-up, it seems like she already knows how to, I mean, that she really likes to pose and everything. And she’s good at it too.”

“Yeah, I know,” Dana giggled. “I just started doing that with her a few months ago, putting on sexy outfits and looking at ourselves in the mirror and stuff. It’s sort of bad, I guess, but we have fun with it.”

“Have you let her watch you masturbate?” Mommy asked. I knew that she already knew the answer. But maybe she just wanted to hear Dana say it.

The young mother paused, looking down at her hands in her lap. Then she looked up again. “Yeah, I have. Do you think that’s bad?”

“No, not at all,” Mommy said quickly. “My daughters like watching me masturbate. Don’t you, girls?”

“Yeah, totally, it’s hot,” Kate responded. I nodded my agreement.

Our mother went on, “I think it’s only natural for a woman to want to give her daughters an education in sexual matters, to give them a good start. I know a lot of other moms who have done that, who have shared their sexuality with their girls. If you do it with love and tenderness, it can be a truly beautiful thing.” As she said that, she slowly pulled up the hem of her dress, showing off her beautiful legs.

“Maybe you’re right,” Dana muttered nervously, as she glanced at our mother’s legs.

“That doesn’t mean it’s for everyone,” Mommy added, “but it works for me, with my daughters. We’re very happy that way.”

No one spoke again for another few moments.

Mommy rested her hand gently on Dana’s shoulder, then brushed her cheek again with her fingers. “We can help you, if you’d like that,” she said softly.

Dana licked her lips. Her body was trembling. I suddenly noticed that her eyes were filling with tears. She turned to my mom, looking at her. Then she whispered, “I want to do what’s best for her. For Chelsea. You know?”

“Yes, of course you do,” Mommy said. “You love her very much.”

“Yeah, I do. I really do. So much.” Dana took a deep breath and swallowed before continuing. “But I, like, I mean… I kind of want her too, you know? Is that bad?”

“No, it’s not bad,” Mommy shook her head. “It’s natural. She’s a very cute girl, very appealing, and you’re a young woman with a healthy sex drive. Of course you would want her, just like I want my girls, all three of them.”

I was getting so turned on. Looking at my mom’s long gorgeous legs and Dana’s cute little legs and imagining the two of them in bed together — with me and Kate between them, and maybe Molly and Chelsea too! — god, I could hardly stand it. I squeezed my thighs together, stimulating my clit.

The young blonde wiped a tear from her eye. “I, well, maybe you could, you know, give me some advice. You seem so much, I mean, like you’ve really got it together and everything.”

Mommy smiled, caressing the woman’s neck. “I’d be happy to help in any way I can. You can ask me about anything, anything at all. Call me any time you need to talk. Or more than talk, if you want that.”

Dana returned her smile, then turned to me. “Julie is such an angel. I, I feel so close to her.” She looked at my sister. “And Kate, and Molly too.” We could hear the little girls laughing together upstairs. “I feel so lucky that we met you.”

“I’m glad you did too.” Mommy leaned in and gave her a kiss then, a soft kiss, not very long, but right on the lips. As our mother began to draw away, Dana put her hand on her cheek, bringing her back for another kiss, a little longer this time.

Kate glanced at me again, raising her eyebrows as if to ask, ‘Are they gonna do it now, right in front of us?’

They finished the second kiss. For a moment the two women gazed into each other’s eyes. Then Dana cleared her throat and looked at her watch. “Okay, um, I guess I need to get Chelsea home and in bed.”

I wanted Mommy to stop her, to suggest they stay later or something, maybe even spend the night. But she didn’t. I guess she figured that things would happen when and if they were supposed to happened.

Dana stood up. “Chelsea?” she called.

“Yeah, Mommy?”

We heard running little girl feet and looked up to see Molly and Chelsea leaning over the second floor railing, beaming down at us. Their faces were flushed with excitement. It struck me that they may have been doing something more than just playing with dolls up there.

“We have to go home now, honey.”

“Oh, Mommy, do we have to?”

“Yes, baby, we do. It’s getting late, and we don’t want to overstay our welcome.”

Again I was hoping our mother would contradict her. It wasn’t really that late, not quite 9:30, and I really wanted them to stay. I wanted to have sex with them!

“Come on, sweetie.”

“Okay,” Chelsea sighed dramatically. She and Molly came slowly down the stairs.

We said goodbye, getting nice big hugs and kisses all the way around. Then we walked them out to their car. Mommy told Dana, “Remember what I said, now. You can call me anytime you want to talk, okay?”

“Okay, thanks, I will.” Dana flashed that amazing smile. We watched them get in and drive away.

As we went back into the house, closing the door behind us, Mommy said, “You know what I want to do now, girls? I want to go get in bed and cuddle with my three beautiful daughters. Can we do that?”

“Sure!” we eagerly agreed.

Soon we were nestled snuggly inside her bed, all of us naked, a single lamp on a bedside table casting a soft glow on our nude bodies. Molly was lying on top of our mom, my sister and I on either side of her. It was warm in the room, and we had the sheets pushed down around our knees.

Mommy held Molly’s face in her hands, tenderly kissing her lips as Kate and I watched.

“Molly, honey?” our mother whispered.

“Yes, Mommy?”

“Would you like to suck my nipples tonight? And suck your sisters’ nipples too?”

“Yeah, I would,” she giggled.

Mommy kissed her again. But this time she parted her lips, letting her tongue slip out and tease Molly’s lips. Molly squeaked in delight. For a moment her eyes went wide, but then she closed them again and opened her mouth. Mommy pulled her close and the two of them began kissing deeply and wetly, like lesbian lovers.

I had never seen them kiss that way before. I’m not sure if it was the first time for them to do it, but I think it was. Anyway, it was totally exciting for me. I put a hand between my legs and started playing with myself as I watched my mother sensually kissing my 8-year-old baby sister. I glanced over at Kate and saw that she was masturbating too.

Molly had her little hands on our mom’s breasts. She was squeezing them and pinching the erect nipples as they kissed. They were both breathing hard. My pussy was getting very wet. And then I saw something else I hadn’t ever seen. I knew my mom had touched Molly’s pussy before, but I thought she’d said it was always over the outside of my baby sister’s undies.

Not this time.

As they went on kissing, Mommy reached a hand down between Molly’s legs, caressing her puffy labia. Molly instinctively responded by pulling her knees forward and raising her bottom, giving our mother easier access to her pussy.

I shifted a little lower on the bed so I could see exactly how Mommy was touching her. As I watched, my mother used her fingers to spread Molly’s pussy lips apart and then slid her long middle finger inside the crack. I heard Molly gasp when our mother touched her clit. Once she’d located the little button, Mommy played with it, her middle finger rubbing gently up and down.

Molly was trembling with excitement now. Suddenly ending their kiss, she turned her head and moved down to find Mommy’s breast. Before she began sucking, though, Molly paused, fingering the hard nipple, gazing at it. She extended her tongue and licked it once, teasing the very tip.

Our mother groaned in pleasure. “Yes, baby, yes,” she whispered, petting her daughter’s silky blonde curls while she continued masturbating her.

Molly glanced up at my mom, catching her eye. They smiled at each other. Then the little girl returned her attention to Mommy’s breast, opening her mouth wide and taking it in, sucking hard at the erect nipple.

I heard Kate begin to squeal. She was coming, already bringing herself to climax as she watched our mother and our little sister making love.

My pussy was very wet. I was almost ready to come as well.

But I wanted more. I wanted more than just to masturbate again as Molly sucked on Mommy’s nipples. We’d done that before, on several occasions. I was determined that tonight we would go further, much further.

Continue on to Chapter 81


5 Comments on The Joy of Looking, Chapter 80

  1. Jake says:

    I was hoping when Molly raised her bottom to get her Mom better access, that Mom would slide her wet finger over Molly’s anus.

  2. Litka says:

    So thrilled that finally Kate and Julie see that their mom has started masturbating Molly ! Little Molly is seemingly very receptive and she wants to join her mom and sisters in their loving playtime. I am sure that Chelsea and Molly did a some “sexploration” of their own

    Can’t wait to continue on !

  3. Nathan Riches says:

    Just in the interests of continuity, Suzanne has admitted to playing with molly’s pussy inside her panties, when she was telling Julie the truth about what she had been doing with Molly.

  4. David says:

    Wow I thought for sure Suzanne and Dana were going to do something, but I am for sure it is coming. I love how you build us up and get us excited and then turn the corner. Such a tease! lol Molly and her mom are so hot together. On to the next chapter for more excitement.

  5. radio973 says:

    NM I love this story. I’m low key addicted to it. I can’t stop reading even though I should be working. It’s fantastic. My question for you is how many keyboards did you go through. I have to believe you must have been typing with extremely wet fingers. Bravo 👏🏾

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