Nanny for a Night, Chapter 3

  • Posted on May 20, 2015 at 2:38 am

Another Overnighter Begins!

By Cheryl Taggert

That afternoon, after seeing Terri, Christy, and Trish off with a promise to hook up again in a few days, I went back to bed to rest and catch up on some lost sleep. The three of us had spent most of the day in bed, certainly, but we hadn’t gotten much sleep. Terri had gotten to know her little girls in ways she’d always hoped to know them, and I was glad for how it turned out.

The next day, I got a call from another hotel. There was another couple wanting an overnight sitter! I was thrilled for the job, but even happier that it was, once again, two sisters. One was eleven and the other eight. I hoped they would be as adventurous as Christy and Trish had been.

When I arrived at the hotel, I was directed to the room where the family was staying. I knocked and heard, “Just a sec!” from the other side of the door. I heard a man’s voice and the woman saying, “You can’t let the sitter see you like that!” The man laughed and I heard a door close. Seconds later, the door opened and the wife was standing there, smiling at me and inviting me in.

“Sorry, my husband wasn’t dressed yet,” she said. “He’s in the bathroom finishing up.”

“Not dressed?! He was naked!” giggled the daughter who was obviously the eight-year-old.

“I’m Gina, and the tattle-tale is Lori,” said Gina. “And that one pouting on the bed is Lynnette. Lynn for short.”

“I’m not pouting!” said Lynn.

I took in the situation immediately. Lori, at eight, didn’t mind having a sitter for the night, but Lynn, being ‘nearly grown’ at eleven, resented my presence. I turned my attention to the happy one first.

“Hi, Lori! That’s a pretty name! Just like you!” I wasn’t lying either. She was absolutely gorgeous. She could have been a child model, she was so pretty. Lynn, I could see, was just as beautiful, though her sour features at the moment detracted from what I could see was an amazingly beautiful pre-teen.

Each girl had wavy chestnut hair, but Lynn had added blond highlights recently that created two thick bands of light golden hair that gave her the appearance of being like a wild animal, like some jungle cat as yet undiscovered by anyone. She already had the appearance of someone who would be a strikingly beautiful woman who would be able to demand the attentions of any man who wasn’t gay, or any woman who was, or at least partially so. Both girls’ eyes were dark brown, like rich, dark chocolate. Lori had a button nose like her mother’s. Lynn’s was narrower, probably like her father’s. At the moment, it was buried in her I-phone, either texting or playing a game.

Of course, it also hadn’t escaped me that the dad had been naked in front of the two girls, who seemed to take it in stride. The openness that the family had about nudity was a good sign, just as Christy’s noticing her father’s rising penis at the beach had been a good omen for my fun with her and Trish. She’d obviously seen it before and had just smiled at what was a natural occurrence.

I noticed Lynn roll her eyes when I’d commented on Lori’s name and beauty. For a moment I thought she might definitely be a difficult one to handle, but I thought I knew how to handle that.

I went to the bed and sat beside her, giving Gina a look that said I knew the score and could handle it. Gina smiled and shrugged as if to say, Go ahead. Give it your best shot.

“Hi,” I said.

Lynn darted her eyes at me without turning her head in my direction, meaning she knew she had to acknowledge me but wasn’t going to be my best friend or anything. I hoped I could change that.

I stood up. “Let’s go out on the balcony for a second. I want to talk to you woman to woman.”

That peaked her interest a bit. Her eyebrows scrunched together in puzzlement at my referring to her as another woman. She closed the program on her phone and followed me through the sliding-glass doors to the balcony that overlooked the pristine blue ocean that beckoned to all who saw it with the whispering of its waves bathing the shore.

I sat in a lounge chair and indicated she should take the other, but she crossed her arms and considered me warily from where she stood. Okay. I could deal with that.

I remained silent, deciding to make her speak first. She was eleven, so of course it worked.

“What?” she said, petulance dripping from her tone.

I looked at her and smiled. “I know you resent having to be with me tonight.”


“Well, I just wanted you to know first off that I understand.”

“I don’t need a baby-sitter.”

“I know you don’t, and I agree.”

“You do?” Ah, the first surprise had landed just as I’d hoped. She had obviously thought I would go into how she’s only eleven and couldn’t stay alone. Agreement with her was something she wasn’t prepared for.

“I do. Let me explain something. When I was nearly thirteen, my parents went away for a weekend. Like you, I loathed the idea of being with a baby-sitter. I wasn’t a baby; I was nearly a teenager, and I had managed to be by myself on countless occasions without setting fire to the house or getting myself kidnapped. But I’d never been alone for an entire weekend, or even an entire night.”

Lynn looked at me with the “okay-here-comes-the-how-I’m-too-young-to-be-by-myself talk” evident all over her face.

“But I’d been alone before in the house plenty of times,” I continued, “but I’d also been rather lonely at times when I was alone, too.”

I was looking directly into her eyes and I could see she understood that one.

“So I don’t want you to view me as a baby-sitter. I want you to see me as your companion. Someone to keep you company and hang out with while your parents do their thing.”

“Do I have a choice?” she asked, knowing the answer.

“Well, you do have a choice about some things. You have a choice about whether or not you’re going to enjoy our time together or be miserable.” I paused. “And besides, I’m a lot like the girl who stayed with me that weekend, and we had a blast. You see, I don’t necessarily view a girl your age as so much of a child as a budding adult. In other words, I will treat you more like a grown-up than your parents would. And that means this could be a great time for us all. But I have to tell you that being miserable is what a child would do. An adult would see the endless possibilities of the night ahead of us.”

For the first time, she smiled. It was a mischievous smile. I know what she was thinking was not what I was thinking, but the seed had been planted that we could act more like girls who were closer to the same age, not a baby-sitter and a child.

“Okay…” she was still wary, but willing to see if I meant what I said.

“So have a seat,” I said, and this time she did. I noticed her slender butt in the tight shorts she was wearing as she sat and I tried to keep from drooling. Her hips had not quite started to flare, but I could see the hint of it.

“So, tell me something. I’m curious. Does your father often run around naked in front of you and your sister?”

She must have thought I might turn him in to the authorities or something. “It’s not like he does sex things to us or anything,” she said, defending her father.

“I didn’t think he did. I was just wondering. It’s fairly uncommon for moms to be okay with that sort of thing, especially around a daughter who is becoming an adult.”

“Can I tell you something and you won’t like freak out or anything?”

My mind reeled with the possibilities of what she might say. “It’s hard to make me freak,” I said.

“We usually go to a nudist resort instead of coming here for vacation.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Really?”

“Yeah, we’re nudists. Big whoop.”

“So am I,” I answered her, and it was her turn to raise her eyebrows in surprise. “But don’t tell your mom or dad, okay? I wouldn’t want them deciding not to hire me because I go naked most of the time and I’m taking their daughters to my apartment for an overnight stay.”

“They wouldn’t do that,” she said, but I knew better.

“Honey, parents can get kind of weird about stuff like that, even if they’re nudists too. Take my word for it.”

“Okay, I won’t say anything,” she said, sealing our friendship with the shared secret.

“Can I ask something else?” I said. She looked at me with a “go ahead” look on her face. “Do you like going naked?”

She smiled again. “Yeah. I like how free it makes me feel.”

“If you want, we can go naked at my place. I won’t mind a bit. That is, if Lori doesn’t mind going naked, of course.”

“Are you kidding? I’m surprised she’s dressed right now,” she said with a laugh. It was a beautiful laugh. It sounded like the waves bathing the shore.

We stood up and went back inside, both of us laughing. “Wow! What did you do with my daughter? This is obviously an impostor,” said Gina.

“We just made friends, that’s all,” I said, smiling at Lynn.

“You wouldn’t want to come work for us full-time, would you?” she joked.

Gina and I exchanged contact information and her husband came out of the bathroom to meet me. We shook hands and I smiled at him. I may be a lesbian, but I could appreciate a handsome man. I know a gay man who tells me just because he’s gay doesn’t mean he’s blind, and that he knows a beautiful woman when he sees one.

The girls and I left the hotel room and went down to my car, Lori holding her Barbie doll and carrying her overnight bag because she insisted she could. I carried Lynn’s overnight bag, which I knew had sleepwear she would never don.

As we got in the car and started it, I asked Lynn, “What are your parents planning to do tonight?” It was just to make conversation, but her answer surprised me more than a little.

“Probably rent an X-rated movie on the hotel’s pay-per-view and screw all night,” Lynn said and Lori giggled. I looked around at her in the backseat and she giggled some more. Apparently, these girls knew more about their parents’ personal habits than most young girls. I wondered if it was purely due to the fact they were nudists, but I doubted that. I had started to put the car in gear and drive but thought better of it for the moment.

Smiling a little so as not to urge them to move off the subject, I asked, “Why would you say that?”

“Okay,” said Lynn. Her eyes concentrated out the front windshield as if she was coming to an important decision. “Did you mean what you said about not treating me like a baby?” She looked back at me, the need to trust me in her gaze.

“Yes, of course.”

“And we can have secrets that you won’t tell, like how I won’t tell about going naked tonight?”

“We’re going naked?!” shouted Lori from the backseat. Her grin and tone of excitement told me all I needed to know about how right Lynn had been about Lori agreeing to being nudists that night.

“Yes,” said Lynn. “But you can’t tell Mommy or Daddy, like with the movies.”

“Okay, I won’t tell anyone!” said Lori and sat back, happy with the world. “We’re going naked tonight,” she said to her Barbie and began to undress her. I was momentarily reminded how my friends and I would have our Barbies engage in sex with Ken and her friends and wondered if Lori did the same.

“So we can have secrets?” asked Lynn again, bringing me back to the moment.

I already suspected what this secret was, based on her comment to Lori, but felt I should let her tell it. “Yes, Lynn. Of course.”

“My parents have like an entire library of X-rated videos.”

“How do you know that?”

Lynn looked at me. “You better be telling the truth about keeping secrets.”

“I am. How do you know they have a library of X-rated videos?”

“Because I’ve seen them.”

“Me too!” piped up Lori from the back.

I looked from Lynn to Lori. Lori had a huge grin on her face, very happy finally to share the naughty secret. Lynn was more suspicious, waiting to see how I reacted to this news.

“You mean as in you’ve seen the library of movies on a shelf or something, or you’ve actually watched the movies themselves?” I asked, hoping it was the latter and not believing my good fortune.

“I’ve just seen the library of movies.”

“Nuh-uh! We’ve watched them!” said Lori. I looked at her. “We’ve watched the movies of people doing it!” She giggled.

“Lori!” said Lynn. “You weren’t supposed to ever tell that!”

Lori was suddenly much less excited, having been chastised by her sister. “Well, we do,” she said, much more quietly than she’d done before.

“It’s okay. I won’t tell. I said I wouldn’t and I won’t,” I said, causing Lynn to relax visibly.

“I wasn’t going to tell you that, but blabber-mouth back there had to tell.”

“It’s okay,” I said. “I watch them too.”

“You do?” asked Lynn, her eyebrows arched in surprise.

“Let’s just say I have my own library.” I smiled at Lynn, who smiled back shyly.

Lori spoke up from the back seat.  “When Lynn watches them, she plays with her–“.

“Hush, Lori!” Lynn was turning red with embarrassment, guessing I could figure out what Lori was about to say.

I reached out and touched Lynn’s arm, caressing it lightly. “It’s okay, Honey. So do I.”

“So do you…what?” I guess she wanted to be sure what I was talking about.

“I play with myself. I masturbate. I mean, how can you watch that stuff and not play with your pussy?” I smiled at her as my heart did its best to slow down. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world, and perhaps I was.

Glancing back at Lori, I asked Lynn, “Does she touch herself too?”

Lynn leaned over the seat and looked accusingly at Lori. “Yes, Lori plays with her pussy too!”

“Nuh-uh!” said Lori. “I never do that!”

“Yes, you do. At least as much as I do.”

“No I don’t. Anyway, if I do it’s ’cause you showed me how.”

“Don’t worry about it, you two. We all do it, so it doesn’t matter,” I said, ending the argument.

I finally put the car in gear and drove toward my apartment. I could feel the sexual tension already building inside my car. My confession that I had my own X-rated library and the talk of how we all masturbated had more or less sealed the deal that we might just do that when we got to my place, but I wanted to be sure. At a stoplight, I asked them, “So do you guys want to watch an X-rated movie at my place tonight? I’m okay with it if you are.”

The girls grinned at each other, and I had my answer even before they said “Sure!” in unison.

After I pulled into the complex where I lived, we got out and I led the way to my apartment. The girls lingered behind me and I could tell they were having a brief conversation, the only part that I could make out being Lori saying, “But she won’t mind if we do,” followed by a shushing from Lynn.

As we entered the apartment, I turned to them as I began to pull my shirt over my head. “Last one naked is a rotten egg!” I said, and the girls went into a flurry of disrobing.

When we were each naked, we took a few moments to look at each other. Well, I looked at them and they looked at me, having seen each other naked probably every day of their lives.

Lynn began to chew the side of her upper lip, a habit I later recognized as showing she was nervous about something. She had done the same in the car during our confessions.

“Umm…” she began.

“What?” I asked, truly not knowing what was making her nervous.

“You mentioned movies?” She blushed a deep red.

I chuckled and said, “Oh, yes. Of course.” I went to my bedroom and returned with a couple of movies. I had only two that included hetero sex, so I had brought them.

“You only have two?” asked Lynn, clearly disappointed in my “library” of movies.

“How many do your parents have,” I asked, more curious than anything.

“About a hundred,” she said, still looking disappointed.

Now it was confession time for me. “Well, honey, you see–umm–well.”

“What?” Lynn asked.

“Most of my movies are, well, they’re just girls.”

Lynn’s jaw dropped before turning into a grin. “You mean you’re a–”

“Yes, honey. I’m a lesbian.”

“That is so cool!” Lynn said.

“What?” asked Lori, not fully understanding.

“She likes sex with girls,” said Lynn.

Lori began to jump up and down with excitement. “I told you she wouldn’t mind if we do it!”

Lynn was suddenly embarrassed again and chewing her lip. “Uh…uh…” she stammered. She clearly hadn’t wanted that particular cat out of the bag. She and Lori had incestuous sex together.

I was definitely in heaven.

“It’s fine, sweetie. I used to wish so hard I had a sister to have fun with when I was your age. You are SO lucky!” I said, and took the naked and horny eleven-year-old into my arms and hugged her against me, relishing the feel of her arms as they encircled my waist and hugged me back.

As we hugged, I allowed one hand to slip down her back to her butt, which I caressed openly, savoring the feel of the twin globes of taut flesh beneath my hand. Lynn’s hands, too, moved down to my ass and returned the caresses. I peeked at Lori, and she was grinning at our actions, knowing we were enjoying the feel of each other’s body and understanding that we would be doing more than just touching our pussies while we watched the videos.

I broke the embrace and went to my bedroom to collect several of my lesbian-themed movies. Returning to the living room, I found the two sisters on the sofa, each with a hand on the other’s pussy and rubbing lightly. When I entered, Lynn blushed.

“We’ve been doing it for a few years now,” Lynn said, as if that explained it all, and it did.

I put the first movie into the DVD player and joined the girls on the couch, making them spread apart so I could sit between them.

“Let’s pretend you are the sisters I longed for all my life, okay?” I asked, placing a hand on each pussy and smiling as the movie began to play.

Continue on to Chapter 4


12 Comments on Nanny for a Night, Chapter 3

  1. MeganGirlNextDoor says:

    Oh my. I can’t wait for chapter 4! I love your writing style, and how you handle sex; erotic without being crass.

  2. drew says:

    my my my – this will be interesting. I wonder if mom will be involved at some point?

  3. Cheryl says:

    I am working on it right now, in fact, because I can’t wait to find out what these sexy girls do with “me” as well. I know the basics of where I want the plot to go, but sometimes I am surprised as well. My initial idea was to make this three or four chapters, with an ending I already have in mind. I intend to get to that ending sooner or later, but I found myself enjoying the plot idea of being a nanny for a night to young girls, and my imagination is thriving with what could happen in between my beginning and the end. I really don’t know what will happen, but I’m considering having “my” business branch out to include an older teenage girl to assist me with the seductions. This will end up working perfectly with my idea on how to end this tale. Thank you so much for your compliments! I really needed that!! (I admit to having a rather fragile psyche when it comes to my writing. I do work hard on these stories, and lukewarm praise is as bad as panning my work, I’m afraid.)

  4. Erin says:

    ARGH! You tease! I can’t wait for chapter 4 😉 <3

  5. drew says:

    Oh My yes an older teenage girl would be scrumptious – by the way all 3 of you writers are the best I have found by a long shot!

  6. Cheryl says:

    Tease, you say? Me? My dear Erin, what on earth do you mean? 😉

    And Drew, thank you!

  7. DaughterLover says:

    Yes! Personally, I’ve been waiting all my life for a wonderful site like this, so I can wait a little longer for the next chapter 🙂 My goodness, the thought of a horny 11-year old girl wanting to watch lesbian videos with me… I need to go lay down (again)!

  8. kimberly says:

    Just so hot and well done as always, just this part made me cum. When the next chapter comes, I will too again.

  9. Evan says:

    nooooo don’t stop there Cheryl!! This is a heavenly chapter that will definitely need to be revisited. And I love when the young girls seduce their mother… Perhaps twist that into one of your stories 🙂

  10. Jen Lee says:

    Darling girl, you need never worry about your writing skills – just try not to force anything and successive chapters will be equal to this one. Props to you & lix from me!

  11. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Jen! I have finished chapter four already, and there’s a cliffhanger of sorts to lead to chapter five. It should post sometime soon. Just waiting for a good time to post it.

    Hugs to you!

  12. Bryan says:

    Such a hot fucking story

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