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Bad Like Me, Chapter 7

  • Posted on May 11, 2015 at 3:41 pm

By eloquent delinquent

“What’s that one called?”

“It’s just a robin.”

Birds are singing everywhere, and Megan knows them all. Sparrows, warblers, redstarts, yellow-headed blackbirds. The only bird Charlotte knows by sound is when the woodpecker rattles off in the distance ahead of them. But Megan seems to know everything.

Charlotte tips her head back, smiling up at the high, dappled vault of swaying yellow-green leaves above her. Every once in a while a flat cloud drifts across the sun, but otherwise light slants ambering through the canopy, and the air is sharp with green things growing. She takes deep breaths of the cool, shady air, trying to inhale the spring. And although she’s walking slowly, so she’ll be quiet and not scare the animals, she feels like skipping.

Ahead of her by a few steps, Megan leads the way, all decked out with a little pair of binoculars hanging from her neck, hair pulled back into an impossibly bouncy ponytail, her mom’s blue day pack full of seeds hanging heavily over one shoulder, a pink cap-sleeved tee shirt, faded denim skirt, and a pair of battered green rain boots with ladybugs on them. Charlotte, in her school outfit and sneakers, carrying an empty water bottle Megan gave her for some reason, feels silly and out of place. She never thinks of herself as an outdoorsy girl, and this feels really strange.

Because she knows that somewhere behind them and to the left, probably, is the yard and Amy’s house and the whole neighborhood around Whitcomb Circle, and somewhere to the right of them – again, probably – is the expanse of the catchment pond. But they are so deep in the woods now those two places may as well not exist. With the breeze in the treetops, she can’t even hear the sound of cars.

Without Megan, she’d be totally lost in this criss-crossing tangle of trails. Some of them so far have been clear and hard packed, but others are muddy and overhung with brush, and one was just a grassy rut and it seemed like maybe only animals used it. But her 8-year-old guide takes the turns with complete confidence. She says, “Here’s a shortcut,” or, “I wanna show you something.” The thing she wanted to show her turned out to be a little burbling waterfall. And it was right where she said.

“Oh, a mockingbird,” Megan says quietly.

She stops and cocks her head, eyes drifting half shut behind her glasses, savoring the sound. Charlotte listens, but can’t figure out which pretty song she should be listening to. So she watches Megan’s face until the younger girl is satisfied, and starts moving again.

She’s much quieter now. When they first set off the girl was all chatter, pleased to be showing off her favorite place. Very quickly, Charlotte learned that besides birds, the woods were home to deer and raccoons and squirrels and skunks and so, so many bunnies that only came out near dark. Once, Megan thought she found fox tracks, but later she found out that Mr Gomez’s little dog just liked to wander off sometimes. But all that talk trailed off as they got out of sight of the neighborhood, and now the little girl is careful, watchful. She seems so composed, so grownup.

They come to a little creek.

“Is this the same one as before?” Charlotte asks, glancing around, trying to get her bearings.

“No, silly. This is the creek that runs next to the baseball park,” Megan replies, and with a bounding hop she’s on the other side. “It runs all under the streets, and comes out of a tunnel at the end of Hobart Road.”

Charlotte makes a leap as graceful as she can manage in her long school skirt. “You’ve been all the way out there?”

Megan nods. “This one time, I went all the way around the lake, and saw where the forest ends. They built a cliff out of these giant rocks, and the Safeway sits on top.”

“Wow.” That’s at least a mile from here, maybe more like two. All on these little winding trails.

“Don’t tell mom, though.”

Charlotte smirks and makes a locking-key gesture. Megan says, “You need to fill the bottle now.”

The older girl bends down and unscrews the cap. “What for?”

The 8-year-old craftily replies, “You’ll see.”

They amble on through the woods, and after a ways, Megan wades into the budding bushes off the trail to where another feeder hangs from a tree. They’re all the same, made of a short black plastic pipe attached to another piece that has two openings in a T at one end, and a some clothesline tied through a couple small holes drilled in the other. Megan and her mom make them in the garage, Charlotte’s learned – Amy cuts and drills, then Megan glues the parts together and ties the line. It’s cheap, so it doesn’t matter if one disappears every once in a while.

“They disappear?”

“Yeah. Sometimes the wind blows them away. Sometimes the raccoons get to them.” Megan gives a one-shouldered shrug.

When Megan gets to her tree, she shrugs off her pack, pulls off her boots and scrambles barefoot a little ways up to a low branch. She unties the feeder, brings it down and fills it with seeds from the pack, then back up she goes, her little pale feet gripping the rough bark like a monkey. She emerges from the bushes when she’s finished, picking a twig out of her unruly hair.

“Why do you put them all so far back?”

“So I can watch from the trail. I’m quieter that way.”

A bit further on Megan leaves the path again, but this time beckons Charlotte to join her. “There’s something I wanna show you up here.” The 12-year-old follows, and after they push through some brush and gingerly skirt the edge of a huge mud puddle, Megan leads them on a climb up a steep, stony hillside. Megan might see a way, but Charlotte can hardly make out a groove in the ground. At the top, Megan ducks in a gap through some dense bushes. Charlotte, however, has to hike her skirt up to her knees and crawl through.

What she comes out to makes the crawling worth it. Opening before her lies a wide field of grass and dandelions, with a lone, skeletal tree standing on a hummock just off-center. As she stands, Charlotte can see spangles of sunlight through the screen of trees on the far side. It’s the pond! And best of all is Megan, watching Charlotte’s reaction, bouncing on her toes and giggling with unrestrained joy.

“It’s my secret place!” She cries. “I found it all by myself. I saw the light through the trees and I figured out it was here and that’s when I knew I was the Queen of the Forest!” She flings up her arms in triumph.

Charlotte takes small steps into the open, feeling somehow like an intruder. “Oh gosh, Megan, it’s sooo pretty.”

“I know! Early in the spring, there were fairy rings of mushrooms up here, and last summer it was all wildflowers,” she exclaims, sweeping her arms as if to reveal what she’s seen. “And nobody, nobody knows about it but me. I mean, nobody comes out here anyway, except people walking their dogs and those guys riding their big bikes on the weekends. But nobody’s ever been here but me,” she finishes breathlessly, and then places her hands together in front of her tummy and shyly looks at her babysitter with her deep brown eyes. “And now you.”

Charlotte understands the gift she’s just been given – another secret, but this one’s Megan’s – and this feeling blossoms in her chest. She wordlessly crosses the few steps between them, cups the smiling girl’s face in her hands, and kisses her blissfully on the mouth. Megan bounces again on her toes, clutching Charlotte’s waist, gleeful giggles buzzing against her lips.

They part and happily look into each other’s eyes and then Megan’s get kind of apologetic and she says, “There’s one more thing we need to do. Come on.”

The two of them stroll toward the gnarled gray trunk of the dead tree on its little rise.

“I always wanted to build a clubhouse up here. Like a base camp? But I can’t get the stuff up here. The hill’s too steep, there’s sticker bushes all down that side, and down closer to the lake it gets all muddy and gooshy.”

It’s cute the way she calls the pond a ‘lake.’ Charlotte’s not surprised, though; it’s pretty big, especially to a little girl.

“You could come camping,” she suggests. “Look at the stars. All you’d need is a tent. We did that when I went to Bible camp last year.” She doesn’t mention that you could see the lights of the camp buildings from their tents.

“Ooo, that sounds fun. A little scary, but fun. Would you do that with me?”

“Sure,” she replies, though she’s not sure at all. It sounds scary to her, too.

They reach the tree. Megan removes her pack with a familiar shrug and begins to work off her muddy boots. Charlotte tilts her head back and spies a feeder, high up, almost directly over her head. It looks different from the others.

“Don’t tell mom,” Megan says, cinches her skirt up almost to her childish hips, and clambers up the trunk with hands and bare feet. She scales past Charlotte and goes much higher, and again she’s struck by the little girl’s physical confidence. She seemed so mousy and shy, but out here, she’s an adventurer.

Reaching the proper height, Megan edges out onto a branch, stretching up to grip a slimmer one holding the feeder, and sidestepping gingerly out to it. Charlotte anxiously watches Megan’s little toes clutching the branch, and with each step the 12-year-old gets a stomach-fluttering glimpse of the younger girl’s satiny rounded legs, parting to reveal her blue and white striped panties. She gets all blushy and the warming tingle of the bad feeling pulses in her own panties, but she can’t look away. Or more honestly, doesn’t want to.

Carefully removing the feeder, Megan inches back along the branch, Charlotte thinking I never knew there were so many colors of underwear, and returns to the ground. This feeder is different – it’s an old glass ketchup bottle that’s been screwed into the top of what looks like a lawn sprinkler.

Megan separates the two pieces, squats down to where her pack sits on the ground and says, “I need the water now.”

Charlotte absently hands her the bottle she’s been carrying. “You know, I could see all under your skirt up there.”

The blonde girl’s eyebrows shoot up, her cheeks turn pink, but she looks up at Charlotte with a bright smile. “Naughty!” she teases, giggling.

She pulls a packet of pink powder out of her bag, tears it open, and pours it into the ketchup bottle. The water soon follows, and the mixture instantly turns ruby red. When it’s reassembled, the girl stands and nonchalantly climbs back up the tree.

While she’s tying the feeder up she purposely takes a very wide stance, rocking her hips back and forth. “Do you like the view?” She calls down, and it’s Charlotte’s turn to giggle bashfully.

When Megan’s back on the ground, she gathers her stuff together and says, “Come on,” leading Charlotte to another edge of the field, already in the shadow of the tall trees, where a few saplings are gamely growing into the open space. The two girls step into the midst of them, and Megan puts her pack down again.

Charlotte looks at her curiously, and Megan lifts her little binoculars, saying, “Now we watch.”

“For what?”

“Hummingbirds,” Megan replies, turning to observe the feeder. “I put that up last year, and I do my best to keep it full. They know it’s here now, they look for it.”

The girls go still, and it isn’t long at all before Charlotte sees tiny shapes zipping into the field, darting, hovering, and then dashing over to the bright red feeder where it glints in the late afternoon light. It seems like there’s three birds, coming and zooming off again, almost taking turns. Megan lifts her binoculars. Charlotte squints, trying to make them out.

Next to her, Megan quietly asks, “Do you want a turn?” She’s taking the strap from around her neck.

Charlotte puts the binoculars to her eyes, scanning, and occasionally she’ll catch a glimpse of green or buzzing wings, but they vanish as quickly as they show up. It’s frustrating.

“Silly,” the younger girl chuckles, “It’s like with the butterflies. Don’t chase the birds, watch the feeder.”

She does, focuses on it, and the birds dip in to feed, and they’re so delicate, so pretty, their wings a blur of blue-gray or teal and maybe a streak of pink, their throats silky and shot with brilliant colors. When one leaves and another arrives, a little astonished “Oh!” escapes Charlotte without her even knowing it was coming.

“I knew you’d like them,” Megan says, satisfied. Charlotte lowers the binoculars.

“Oh Megan, they’re so beautiful,” Charlotte gushes, feeling like she might cry. “All of it, everything, it’s so beautiful.”

Megan smiles proudly and Charlotte hugs her, the binoculars bonking between them, making them laugh. Charlotte takes them off and sets them on top of the bag.

“At first, I thought that hummingbird beaks were like straws,” Megan says when they part. “But I found out that they have really long tongues, and they sip the nectar all the way through their beaks,” and she demonstrates by pursing her lips tightly and poking her pointy pink tongue out in little darts. It’s so, so cute that Charlotte can’t help but beam. Megan giggles and continues, being a goof.

Charlotte leans in quickly and closes her lips around the little girl’s mouth, feeling Megan’s tongue kind of lick her lips. It was only supposed to be cute and funny, but the sensation sends tingles all through her body. Megan must like it too, because she keeps doing it, so they kiss like that for a minute, and Charlotte feels the 8-year-old’s tongue getting softer, less pointy and more curious, wet and soft and warm.

The older girl extends her own tongue, just a little, and their tender tongues make contact and it’s just crazy how good it feels. Megan makes a surprised, excited little noise through her closed lips and presses in, her hands clutching Charlotte’s hips. They stand there in the saplings, the birds forgotten, enthusiastically licking each other’s tongues, as Charlotte gently holds the girl’s shoulders to steady herself against the onslaught of pleasure she’s experiencing. Each can hear the other’s breathing getting deeper, faster.

Megan pulls back with a cheeky, open-mouthed smile, reaching down and pulling one side of Charlotte’s skirt up, up. Charlotte holds her gaze but doesn’t try to stop her, just to see what she’s doing. Then she feels Megan’s knees pass around her calf, and her hot, plump, panty-clad kitty snuggles up against Charlotte’s thigh just above her knee.

Still smiling, the young curly headed blonde releases the skirt, and her hand immediately comes to rest on Charlotte’s boobie, spreading knee-weakening joy through her shirt and training bra, making her realize how aroused and sensitive she already is. When Megan tilts her head up, Charlotte has no resistance to offer.

She strokes Megan’s neck as they kiss, their tongues venturing out again to lick each other, and she feels Megan’s hips start to move, her kitty rubbing against Charlotte’s leg with a need she feels herself.

But somehow knowing this, where it’s quickly leading, snaps her out of the dreamy sensual reverie she’s in, and she realizes she has no idea where she is, shadows have almost covered the field, and the sunlight is getting very slanty. She doesn’t know how long it’s going to take to get back, and she certainly doesn’t want to be out on that maze of trails in the dark.

So gently, reluctantly, she pulls back from the dizzying kisses, lifts Megan’s hand from her happy breast. Megan’s eyes open partway and meet hers, challenging, with a determination set in her jaw that reminds Charlotte of Amy, and she pumps her kitty more forcefully against Charlotte’s thigh, she can sense the damp heat building there, but the older girl draws her leg away from that insistent rhythm.

Megan’s disappointment is hard to bear. She adjusts her glasses back into place and pouts.

“We have to get back,” Charlotte explains.

“But… but I wanna.”

“You’ve got homework, and I have to make dinner. It’s getting late.”

The younger girl scowls, plucks at her massively unruly ponytail. “Don’t you wanna?”

“We can’t here. It’s almost dark.”

Megan lowers her head, quiet, then looks at Charlotte sidelong. “But you’ll touch me when we get home, right? You’ll touch me all over?”

It’s all she can do not to attack her right there, it’s so adorable. “Yes.”

“You promise?”

“Promise,” she replies with an assuring peck on the lips. “Now let’s get going.”

Megan shoulders her pack while Charlotte smooths her clothes, and then they head out of the field the way they came. On the trail back to the house, Charlotte comes to learn that Megan took her all over the woods today, showing her everything. The walk back only takes about fifteen minutes. They hold hands most of the way.

Continue on to Chapter 8


Bad Like Me, Chapter 8

  • Posted on May 11, 2015 at 2:33 pm

By eloquent delinquent

Megan’s got homework but Charlotte doesn’t. Or at least, none she can remember; at school today her bounding feelings made her lessons feel like a fuzzy distraction. It’s been like that all week.

But when they’re done with supper Charlotte gets up from the dining room table and crosses the few steps over to the kitchen counter and offers to do all the dishes, washing and drying, so that Megan can focus on her studying. It sounds very motherly and grownup when she says it, but she knows the bad part of her is calculating how much more time she’ll have to touch Megan if she divides the effort.

Oh, that’s a wicked thought, but something in her seems to just brush it aside. In this moment all the overcast of confusion and fear about the bad thing seems to clear away, burned off by her desire. She knows it’s wrong, as wrong as ever, but she wants it and Megan wants it and soon they’ll be undressed and look and touch and she will make them both so happy. Sexy stuff is a secret, and they have a secret little space, and it’s going to happen. Excitement glows warmly in her tummy, and she has to admit that right now she doesn’t feel guilt or shame, only anticipation.

Working in the sink, occasionally Charlotte casts a glance over her shoulder to Megan at the table, and she looks so lovely in profile, head down, absorbed in her work. She’s doing vocabulary, which is really easy for her, so Charlotte is kind of racing, hoping to finish first. She puts in an effort, wiping and drying and setting everything in the dish rack faster than she thought she could, getting a little flush with the effort, but then she’s twisting off the faucet and wiping her hands with a grin and turning around. “Finished.”

Megan’s sitting sideways in the chair, facing her, one arm slung over the chair’s back. Her knees are wide apart, bare feet dangling just above the floor, and her blue and white panties hang in a soft little knot from an ankle. Her other arm is extended down between those open legs, and though Charlotte can’t see the little girl’s hand up under that skirt, she can see the gentle rocking motion of her wrist.

The glow inside Charlotte’s tummy flares, melts, surges, when she sees this, and heat spreads prickly all over her skin. She sways back until she bumps against the counter, dropping the dish towel.

She watches Megan being naughty to herself and doesn’t know what to do with her hands. With a shaky sigh she breathes, “Oh Megan. Now you’re bad just like me.”

A few curls have got loose, and dangle over a face gone dreamy with pleasure. Her cheeks are pink and a sheen highlights her skin. Her glasses have slid down her little nose. When her brown eyes laze open and slowly focus on her babysitter, they widen apologetically. “I couldn’t wait any more.”

All Charlotte can do is stupidly nod.

Megan shifts uncertainly, but her wrist keeps its rhythm. “My homework’s all done, promise.”

“I know, sweetie. You’re a good girl.”

She grins and shrugs and looks down at what she’s doing to herself. “I’m naughty, too.”

“Do you like touching down there?”

Distractedly she replies, “Since you showed me how. It’s okay to do it, right? It’s okay?”

“Do you like it?”

Her face squinches into a hugely gratified smile. “It’s so yummy! I used to like the tub, having the water on it. But this is sooo much better. I wanna do it lots and lots.”

Charlotte shudders a little. “Do you do it lots and lots?”

“Mmmm. It’s fun. I never knew I could feel so good.”

Without looking up, Megan brings her arm around from the chair back and uses the free hand to lift her skirt as she raises her knees, and Charlotte can see between the girl’s flawless plump legs, see her fingers rubbing up and down the tiny pink slit of her kitty. “There’s this one spot, this little hot spot, it feels so pretty when I touch it.”

Heat radiates from Charlotte, her body’s thrumming. “I think I have the same spot. Will you show me?”

Megan obediently traces up the smooth shiny cleft until a fingertip comes to rest in that place, that same perfect naughty place, that tempted Charlotte to touch herself in front of her bedroom mirror last year. They’re the same.

“There’s a little bump,” Megan says quietly. “It’s not always there, but sometimes? But that’s the yummiest, when it is.” She demonstrates, pushing down and rubbing there, and it makes her gasp, her body jerks a bit. She whines and bites her lip.

Charlotte is entranced. Her moral compass is spinning, knowing that she did this to Megan, that she showed her all these bad things, made her do them. But no one’s forcing the little girl now, and here she sits, contentedly pleasuring herself with her skirt up at the kitchen table, her untroubled face revealing nothing but joy in sharing her new feelings. Looking at her makes Charlotte melt. She watches her body gently writhe in the chair, and wonders: Is this what she looks like, when she’s in the closet? Is this how Megan saw her, that first time? It’s beautiful and naughty and unbelievably exciting.

She remembers last week, in the tub, the words Megan used. “Do you get the pretty feeling when you do it? The really good one?”

“Uhn, mmm, yeah, I do, but it’s – mmm – not as good as when you do it,” the little girl replies, her body winding up tighter. She looks back up to her babysitter, brown eyes bottomless with delight, and holds the older girl’s gaze, “Just having you here makes it better. I don’t know, the way you look at me?”

An electrical feeling zips through Charlotte’s middle, hearing that, and she wants to please her friend so badly it’s like an ache. “How do I make it better? I’ll do whatever you like.”

Megan stares at her boldly, still rubbing down there, as if she’s waiting for her kitty to tell her what to do. Then it does. Making a sound that’s between a grunt and a giggle she says, “You should have all your clothes off.”

Charlotte fumbles with the fasteners on the skirt in her haste to undo it. As she wiggles it down past her hips, she glances to Megan, sees her watching raptly, her legs lowering, fabric hiding her little treasure again and the fingers steadily strumming it, focusing only on her babysitter undressing.

Unbuttoning her blouse more slowly, from bottom to top, she does her best to catch Megan’s eye. This circuit of wonderful excitement closes when their gaze meets, each girl thrilled to be watching the other do something so naughty just for her. But the 8-year-old’s eyes never rest on Charlotte’s face for long, hungrily roaming over all the exposed skin she can see. The blouse comes off, each sleeve pulled away with a teasing flourish, and she can’t see the impish grin she’s giving Megan.

She undoes the front clasp of her white training bra and shrugs it off, letting it flop onto the rumpled skirt around her ankles. The air is cool on her little high-riding boobies, her nipples tingle. Megan gasps, and her body shifts around her rocking hips, leaving her little feet swinging slightly.

Charlotte pushes her white panties down to her ankles, still grinning, still a little drunk on this feeling, whatever it is, that makes it feel so good to show her nakedness to Megan, to share her secrets.

And it makes Megan a little crazy too, she can tell, as the girl’s arm moves faster and her mouth falls open as if in endless surprise. Between deep breaths, she tells Charlotte, “Your hair should be down.”

That’s a little more complicated, partly because there’s four clips holding it in place, and partly because she wants to touch herself so badly, her exposed body desperately waiting for a caress. She twists a bit at the waist as she reaches up both hands to undo them, and Megan starts to go, “Uh, uh, uh,” and her touching grows firmer, her legs twitch and spread wider. She leans back, forcing her hips down against her busy hidden hand, and her free arm reaches back to grip the edge of the chair.

But her gaze never leaves Charlotte.

The clips go on the counter, and her reddish-brown hair spills over her. She smooths it down, past her collarbones to drape over the slopes of her little breasts, leaving her stiff nipples peeking through. Her deep breathing causes her tresses to slide gradually toward her shoulders.

She asks, “Should I touch myself for you?”

“You wanna?”

“So bad.”

Megan nods, and Charlotte’s palms immediately make contact with the smooth warm skin of her bare tummy, sweeping over her hips and up her sides, kind of hugging herself, and after all this waiting it feels luscious and soothes the tingly ache down between her legs, at least for now. Megan smiles, watching her eagerly, and Charlotte smiles back. She knows what the girl wants to see.

Tossing her hair back, she lightly brings her hands to cup the pert little swell of her breasts, and they’re so tender that even that slight touch sends great whooshing sensations down through her tummy. She strokes them, and those feelings get stronger and it’s almost unbearable but there’s no way she can stop. She sighs deeply and rolls her head.

When she touches her nipple for the first time, she’s looking right at Megan, letting the girl know she’s doing it just for her (well, mostly for her), it’s like it goes straight to her kitty. Megan doesn’t look back, though. Her gaze is focused intensely on Charlotte’s boobies, and her palms caressing them, and her fingers gently pinching them. In the chair, Megan’s hand wrist moves frantically, her mouth slack and face almost pained by its need.

“You’re right,” Charlotte says softly, still fondling, her voice coming from a place deep down that she barely controls, “it does feel better with you watching me. I like it with no clothes on.”

Megan starts to tremble, all over.

“But I like watching you be naughty, too.” Thumbs brushing her nipples.

Stiffening in the chair, Megan gasps, “It’s so pretty, so pretty… uh! Uh! Oh Charlotte oh!” and her voice squeezes into a high-pitched whimper. Her legs clamp together around her wrist and stick straight out, toes curling. Her eyes pinch shut, cheeks rosy, mouth wide open and frozen in the overwhelming delight of the shock. She seems to vibrate.

Charlotte watches, pinching her nipples hard. She’s throbbing down there, swollen and wet. Seeing Megan get the shock fills her with emotions and sensations that are so beautiful, so complicated, so much bigger than her. Looking and being seen, naked and naughty, it all adds up suddenly to a great, gleaming word.

Sexy. This is sexy, and what sexy feels like. It isn’t a thing that happens to other people. It’s what they’re doing, right now. It means something to her.

Megan gasps to catch her breath, body starting to relax. Her wrist isn’t jerking now, it seems to gently stroke. She smiles, face shiny and hot and elated, eyes closed as if dreaming. Charlotte finds her fingertips stealing into the fine hairs above her own kitty, petting.

“Oh, Megan, you’re so sexy.”

Megan comes alert, looking to Charlotte. Their eyes meet and Megan grins hugely and makes a slow, elaborate, one-shouldered shrug, trying to take on this entirely new kind of compliment.

She finally replies, with a deep, throaty giggle. “When you were washing the dishes, I kept looking at your butt, it’s so cute, and it, and it…. I don’t know, it made me all crazy down there.”

“My butt?” Charlotte says, surprised, but she turns quickly around to show that to Megan, too. It’s pale and small, just starting to round with her hips, and rides high just like her breasts. “Does it still look cute?”

“Sooo cute,” Megan says, sitting up, but not quite taking her hand out from under her skirt. “You should never be allowed to wear clothes. You’re so pretty like this.”

Charlotte looks back over her shoulder, and reaches around to rub the firm cheeks of her bottom for Megan. The effect on the girl is adorable. She smiles brightly, like she’s seeing a delightful show. Which Charlotte supposes she is.

“Show me your butt hole,” Megan says, caught up in the moment. Equally entranced, Charlotte bends at the waist, almost touching the counter with her tummy, and spreads her cheeks apart. It’s a little weird, but as her hair drifts past her face, she can see Megan leaning forward to look at her most secret place, and it thrills her.

“Touch it,” Megan whispers, and Charlotte keeps playing along, fingertips tentatively slipping into the groove of her bottom, exploring up and down that soft, sensitive crack until they settle on her little pucker. She instantly sees why Megan’s so curious about it, the feelings from there are ticklish at first, but quickly grow luscious, going deep deep into her belly. Her back seems to arch on its own as she rubs, her bottom rising, and touching here makes her kitty purr really hard, like they’re connected somehow. And it’s so dirty, so naughty, and Megan can see all of it, wants it. She shuts her eyes and gets kind of lost in the sensations for a minute.

When her eyes drift open she sees Megan with her knees apart again, soles of her feet touching together over the floor, her wrist pushing back up underneath her skirt.

“Wait,” the babysitter says, straightening and reluctantly withdrawing her touch from these strange new pleasures. “It’s my turn now.”

Megan looks a bit crestfallen as Charlotte turns and steps out of the pile of clothes at her feet. She crosses to the table, then moves a chair over so it’s facing Megan and gracefully slips into it. The vinyl seat feels cool and pebbly against her bare bottom. She settles in, hands on knees, and looks down to see her blue sneakers and white toe socks.

Lifting her legs, she wiggles her feet in front of Megan, smiling. “I forgot about these. Should I take them off?”

Megan looks at her kind of drunkenly, trying to focus on her moving shoes but still taking in the rest of the naked girl sitting just across from her. “No,” she says, “leave them on. It’s kind of cuter that way.”

Charlotte giggles delightedly and perches her heels on the edge of the seat, right at the corners, and parts her legs. Her hands start to glide down her thighs, opening her legs wider as they get closer to where they meet. She can smell herself, she’s so excited now. Megan’s reaction amuses her – the girl goes completely still, a thunderstruck look on her face, looking right at Charlotte’s exposed puffy slit.

“Okay, now you,” Charlotte says softly.

Megan looks like she’s been unexpectedly called on in class. “What?”

Charlotte cups one hand over herself down there, and even this mild touch sends surges through her overheated body, making her gasp. She settles into the feelings like a warm bath. “I get to watch you take all your clothes off.”

The 8-year-old gives a cheeky grin, and kicks off her dangling panties in her babysitter’s direction, where they flop to the floor under her chair. Charlotte giggles.

Megan doesn’t make much of a show – she mostly seems interested in getting undressed quickly, pulling her shirt up over her head even as she stands. It must be a little tight, though, because she has to wrestle it a bit to get it off. Charlotte has a moment to admire the little girl’s round tummy, the soft pads on her chest topped with tiny, pointy nipples that are so hard. The fingers between Charlotte’s legs stroke slowly, lightly, along her very slick, very tender kitty, as all that satiny, pale golden skin is uncovered, so innocent and perfect, and the shirt pops off and Megan’s curls swing all around and there’s nothing left but her faded denim skirt.

Dropping the shirt carelessly on the floor, she twists her skirt around to get at the zip, head down, hair curtaining her face, focused. Charlotte lazily touches herself, enjoying the building pleasure, a little surprised at herself because she knows how aroused she is, can feel the tightness in her tummy and the thumping of her heart and the heat in her cheeks, but she’s not tempted to attack herself the way she does in the closet. She’s content to wait, and watch, and kind of tease herself down there, until Megan is ready to watch her do it. Until she can share it with her.

The skirt drops and Megan playfully kicks it away, her pouty bottom and chubby hips and that smooth little V and the hint of lips so pink and wet between her legs all revealed to Charlotte’s hungry gaze.

“Should I take off my glasses, too?”

“No,” Charlotte replies, “It’s kind of cuter that way.

They smile at each other, both delighting in their near nudity. The younger girl sighs, stroking her flanks absently, just enjoying the feel of herself. She looks so comfortable.

“You like having no clothes on, don’t you?”

Megan nods, glancing down at her bare body. “It’s better. More natural? Animals don’t wear clothes, and they do all right.”

“Do you go around naked a lot?”

“Maybe…” she replies coyly. “Mom says when I was little, she couldn’t keep me in my clothes. She’d put them on, I’d take them off. I don’t remember that, really. But I do remember when I was four or five, she drove me out to the country, just us, way out. And she drove off the road across a big rolling grassy hill to some trees and when she stopped she said, ‘Now it’s okay. Go ahead and run around.’ And I knew just what she meant and I just threw off everything and just ran everywhere, so happy.

“She watched from the car, and that’s when I learned what private meant. And since then, Mom doesn’t mind,” Megan says, then she tips her head back and shuts her eyes. “And it feels so good to have the sun on you, all of you. We were meant to be like that.”

And she pictures Megan frolicking completely naked in the sunshine, and pictures Amy watching her, seeing her the way Charlotte is now, and not being mad, but accepting. Understanding. And now she finds herself rubbing her kitty more firmly, testing her hot little button, without even thinking. It’s hard to catch her breath.

Megan looks at her, first at the hand moving between her legs, then up her quivering body to her face, and she sees Charlotte’s expression and smiles knowingly at her. “You like it too, don’t you? You were scared at first, but now you like it.”

“I do,” she admits in a halting breath, just managing to hold her gaze.

“That’s okay,” Megan says, sidling closer. “When you first touched me there I was really scared. I didn’t know what you wanted, what you were doing. But then you kept doing it, and I got those pretty pretty feelings and I knew you were doing it because you liked me.”

The 8-year-old gets as close as she can and stands there, and some kind of crazy mysterious signal goes off deep in Charlotte’s mind, seeing her poised between her parted legs, and suddenly she’s so excited she can’t see straight. She can feel the warmth coming off the girl’s bare body. Megan looks solemnly down at Charlotte’s busy, increasingly urgent stroking, and lifts a hand to her mouth, gently touching her lower lip.

“So it’s okay to be scared, sometimes,” Megan says very softly, wrapping an arm around Charlotte’s slim thigh, and Charlotte feels Megan’s hot sweaty cheek lean against the inside of her knee, kind of hugging her leg. “Because now…”

She trails off, and through heavily lidded eyes, Charlotte sees Megan alternating between looking down at her naughty hand rubbing at her kitty, and up to her blushing, pleasured face. Down, then up. Down, then up. Watching, encouraging, sharing. She knows Megan is excited, too, and more than the shock now, Charlotte wants this, this secret time, these secret glances and touches, this secret she’s willing to keep all the others to have.

Megan looks up again, her eyes big and nervous this time, and in a little voice she asks, “Will you let me help you? I know how to do it now.”

Charlotte’s hand shivers to a stop, and she looks at Megan wide-eyed and panting as she draws that hand shyly away. She nods slightly.

Gingerly extending her arm, Megan doesn’t break eye contact with Charlotte until her hand is almost there. She glances down, and there is this wonderful, awful moment of anticipation as the little girl works up her courage. Then she murmurs, “So pretty,” and gently touches Charlotte’s kitty.

The sensation is so electrifying Charlotte actually jumps in the seat and groans a little. Megan glances back up to Charlotte’s face, alarmed, but Charlotte takes her wrist and holds it where it is, trying to assure her. Megan gets a little grin and keeps touching, still watching Charlotte’s response, and oh, oh, her fingers are so tiny and their touch is so light and she’s timidly exploring the slick, tender surfaces of Charlotte’s little lips and mound, and it’s not like she’s teasing but it feels just the same and the 12-year-old’s tummy is flipping in frustration and joy.

So she lets go of Megan’s wrist, goes “Ooo,” and opens her knees wider, tipping her hips up into the younger girl’s hand.

And Megan starts a stroking rhythm, up and down her eager kitty, so dreamy slow. Charlotte’s mouth drops open and her eyes roll shut and all of her is focused on what’s happening between her legs. She never thought about what this would be like, having someone else touch her the bad way, and it’s so much more intense than her own touch, so exciting. She can feel Megan growing more confident, certain that she’s pleasuring her babysitter, her little fingertips adding more pressure, sinking into the delicious slippery flesh in her cleft, rubbing around the entrance to that still-mysterious soft hole she knows is her vagina, and then gliding up, up, to her swollen hot spot, where she begins to rub.

Charlotte’s legs tremble, her chest heaves, and these little whimpering noises are coming out of her mouth and she can’t help any of it. She’s helpless, defenseless in the face of the bad thing, and it’s kind of exhilarating to be free of being the one doing it. The feelings erupting up through her are so strong and wonderful, and it’s someone else doing it to her, so she can’t predict it or control it. All she can do is surrender to Megan’s delightful touch, which she gratefully does. Her tummy tightens, closer to the shock.

Perspiration breaks out all over her skin.

Megan sees this and her naughty fondling fingers move more quickly, harder, more insistent. “Like this?” the little girl asks, and Charlotte tries to answer but every short breath escapes with a girlish cry attached to it, and Megan’s grin gets bigger. And her hand is rubbing over her entire kitty now, thrilling this place then that one, but then her small nimble fingers turn somehow and she’s touching her hot spot, tickling it as if from underneath now, steadily pressing it against its little fleshy cover, over and over.

Her pleasure doesn’t so much build as suddenly multiply, she’s never touched this part of herself, and it’s like she’s turned to liquid and all of her is running toward this little pink morsel, filling it more and more and getting better and better. Gripping the edges of the seat, her knuckles whiten.

Then Megan gives her the shock, cute little Megan, naughty little Megan, and it’s so tremendous and agonizingly blissful, it’s never felt like this, never, never. Her breath gets caught, her chest turns as pink as her cheeks, and her hips jerk and buck wildly at first but then roll firmly against Megan’s little hand. Every spasm sends another blazing wave of ecstasy through her head like white light, and she’s taken by the pleasure, tossed by it. She vaguely senses Megan’s hand withdrawing and the shock begins to subside.

Taking in air in huge gasps, she looks dazedly at the little girl between her legs. Megan is sniffing the fingers that stroked her kitty, and as Charlotte watches she slips them into her mouth, eyebrows arching over her glasses as she contentedly sucks on them.

She reaches out and pulls Megan to her, pressing her lean quivering body against the girl’s smaller, softer one, slim legs closing around her, heels settling onto her plump bottom. Charlotte holds her tight, but still feels Megan’s hands stealing up to her tender little breasts which she starts to caress and kiss, and Charlotte feels her body loosening and she just dissolves into it, sighing. Megan’s attention to her body leaves her in this floaty place, where she’s drifting down from the shock but not really landing, the sensations from Megan’s lips and hands on her boobies arousing her all over again. A swell of affection rises in her, for this free little girl who’s doing things with her she never dared imagine.

And when she ducks her chin down, Megan’s soft little mouth is there for her.

When they touch tongues this time, they’re both breathing heavy, mouths open. The wet tips slip delicately together, but Charlotte wants her closer, sinking her hand into those curls brings her in until their parted lips meet. Their tongues continue to play, their breath mixes, and Charlotte feels Megan’s tongue slip into her mouth and she slides hers into Megan’s, and the feelings are delicious and crazy and they push their lips together harder, kind of chewing on each other, and their tongues dance and dance.

They can’t get enough, and they kiss like that, naked against each other, and quickly they’re as excited as ever. Megan’s little moans buzz all over Charlotte’s mouth, and her hands squeeze her babysitter’s boobies, the rubbery stiff nipples brushing beneath her palms. Charlotte’s hands run all over the girl’s silky back, and her heels push her butt as she raises her hips, pressing her wet kitty against the yummy smoothness of Megan’s belly and beginning that sweet rub.

Megan feels the same urge and thrusts her hips too, but there’s nothing to please her and she starts pulling at Charlotte’s waist, making plaintive, “Mmmf, mmf,” sounds between their locked lips. Soon these two motions conspire to throw both girls off balance, Charlotte’s legs quickly and awkwardly unwrap from her willing little prisoner in an effort to keep from falling, and they both slowly tumble to the carpet, still clutching each other, their kissing finally breaking apart.

They giggle heartily, but Megan wastes no time, gently forcing Charlotte onto her back and straddling her soft thigh, cuddling her hot hairless kitty right back where she had it this afternoon. She looks down triumphantly at the older girl, then starts her yummy slippery humping and bites her lip.

Charlotte sits up on her elbows and simply observes Megan for a bit, feeling the sweaty heat rising where the little girl’s privates grind against her leg, as she leans forward and rests her hands on Charlotte’s hips, bracing herself so she can please her kitty more, head drooping, eyes shut in concentration, seeking out more of the bad thing without hesitation, shamelessly naughty. It’s so exciting.

She’s also excited by the way Megan’s knee bumps against her own kitty as she thrusts away, riding her leg. Each bump is like a gentle little rub down there, but like before it’s only enough to excite, not satisfy. So she reaches down and slips her hand between knee and kitty and touches herself, with Megan’s knee adding a little unpredictable force to her own strokes. The feelings grow for both of them, their sighs and grunts fill the little dining area, and then Megan opens her eyes and sees Charlotte’s hand down there.

“It’s so yummy,” Megan pants.


“I’ll touch you whenever you want. I liked it.”

This makes Charlotte roll her hips, her fingers play more quickly in the wet folds. Her thighs lift a little, putting more pressure on Megan’s kitty, and the little girl groans.

“I liked it too, sweetie. I want you to touch me more. I want to touch together, both at the same time, you touch my kitty and I touch yours.” Picturing this sends sizzles through her.

“Ooo, I want that. But first I wanna, I wanna…” she trails off, captured by her feelings, her humping thoughtless and totally carnal.

“You can do whatever you want with me, Megan. I’m your secret.”

The girl nods, damp curls swishing past a face that turns to surprised, overwhelmed delight. “Oh, ooh, uh-huh, uh-huh! Uh-Huh!”

And Megan’s hips start to jerk against Charlotte, her head lolling as if she didn’t control anything below her waist. Charlotte increases her own pace to match Megan’s peaking excitement. Then Megan stiffens, shivering, grabbing fiercely at Charlotte’s hips as the shock takes her, and Charlotte rubs hard at her own little hot button and it only takes a few seconds of feeling this and watching Megan’s face in delirious ecstasy before the shock sweeps over her, too. Her hips push down against Megan’s knee and the rushes of pleasure strengthen. It’s still gentler than before, but so much sweeter because they’re both having it at the same time, they’re sharing it.

Charlotte lies down on her back, catching her breath, and Megan sort of wilts on top of her. They lie still for a few minutes, recovering, Megan kissing Charlotte’s tummy while the older girl tangles her fingers in the sweaty 8-year-old’s hair. Somewhere in the house a clock ticks. It’s gotten dark outside and there’s no lights on, the house is filled with this soft purple gloom.

She senses Megan smiling against her belly. “I knew I could do that. I wanted to so bad.”

Charlotte chuckles softly. She’s so wonderfully naughty.

“I love how it feels,” Megan murmurs against her skin, “I feel like I’m made out of birds, all bunched together, and they sing louder and louder, and then they all fly away at once.”

“It’s like my favorite food,” Charlotte finds herself confessing. “I can eat it and eat it, and even though I’m full I still want more.”

Megan giggles and Charlotte feels her little hand dip between her legs again, and her kitty purrs, insatiable. Megan turns her head to face Charlotte, eyes wide and playful. “You can have more.”

Charlotte sits up, breaking the contact and mildly surprising Megan. She looks at the glowing clock on the microwave. Her heart starts to thump, and she feels a little wild. “We’ve got an hour and a half. I say we stay all undressed till then, looking and touching and kissing and being naughty all we want.”


“Just remember, you can’t tell anyone what we do.”

“Sexy stuff is a secret. I know.”

Charlotte nods, mollified. “Now, I think it’s bath time.”

Megan’s eyes sparkle. “For both of us?!”

“For both of us.”

The girl clambers to her feet, bouncing impatiently as Charlotte gets up, then taking her by the hand and practically dragging her naked into the bathroom.

To be continued…


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 57

  • Posted on May 11, 2015 at 12:15 pm

By Naughty Mommy

“So, now, Kate, there’s something I need to tell you,” our mother said. “Something you don’t know, and that might shock you.”

My sister frowned. “What is it?”

We were all three sitting in Mommy’s king-size bed, naked, with Mommy in the middle. There was only one light on in the room, a lamp on a bedside table, on its lowest setting, bathing us in a soft, comforting glow.

“Well,” she began, “it’s something I told Julie about earlier this week. And, uh, it’s a little embarrassing for me to talk about this, but I want to be honest with you. There are, well, things are going to change a bit with us. I mean, pretty soon we’re going to start doing a lot more things together, sexual things, and I want us to really be honest with each other, to always tell each other everything if we can.”

Kate was smiling. “A lot more sexual things? Like what?”

Our mother grinned and chucked her chin. “Everything, sweetie. Anything you want. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and I think we’re all ready for it.”


“Do you think so too?”

“Think what?”

“That we’re ready for more?”

“Yeah, definitely!” Kate giggled.

“Good.” Mommy leaned over and gave my 10-year-old sister a kiss on the lips.

Then, with a more serious look, she continued, “But what I want to tell you about tonight is something I’ve already been doing with Molly. As I said, it’s kind of embarrassing, but I want you to know about it.”

“With Molly? What is it?”

Taking a deep breath, she said, “Sometimes at night, when I feel the need to have some extra closeness, I’ll go into her room, or maybe bring her in here with me, and then I let her suck on my nipples. Like she’s a baby.”

Kate’s eyes were wide. It was obvious she’d had no clue as to what was going on.

“And while she’s doing that, sometimes I masturbate. No, not sometimes, I always masturbate while she sucks my nipples. I masturbate and I have a climax, an orgasm.”

I noticed that my mother’s hand was moving under the covers, between her legs. It looked like she was touching herself.

“There’s more too,” she said in a soft voice. “Sometimes I touch Molly. When she’s sucking my nipples, I put my hand on, uh, on her little pussy, over the outside of her panties, and I rub her. She seems to like it, and I like it too, a lot.”

“Mommy, that’s… wow…” sighed Kate.

“How do you feel about that, honey? Does it bother you?”

My sister shook her head, grinning, “No, it’s, I really like it. It sounds fun.”

“Good, I’m glad.” Our mother seemed relieved. “And there’s even more, sweetie.”

“There is?”

“You see, last night I let Julie suck my nipples too. It was the first time she and I have done that. Well, the first time, anyway, since she was just a little girl. You remember, don’t you, when you were little, when you were only 4 or 5 years old, and sometimes I would come into your room at night and hold you on my lap and put my nipple in your mouth? Do you remember that?”

Kate nodded. “Uh-huh, I do. And now we can do that again?”

“Yes, baby,” Mommy smiled, “we can do that again, if you want to.”

“Oh, man!” She looked at our mother’s bare breasts, actually licking her lips.

“Do you want to?”


So, my sister sucked on my mom’s nipples while I watched them, and they both masturbated, and I masturbated as well. Unlike me, Kate kept going back and forth from nipple to nipple, hungrily sucking at them, actually making little ‘nom-nom’ sounds. It was really cute and totally sexy.

I scooted up close, putting one arm around my mom’s neck while I continued rubbing myself, kissing her cheek and her mouth as I watched my sister suck her nipples. Mommy climaxed pretty quickly that way, but Kate didn’t stop. She continued sucking, sometimes even biting the wet brown nipples, and soon our mother was having a second climax. Kate came herself just after that, and then I did too.

As we recovered from our orgasms, Kate crawled on top of Mommy. They kissed as I watched, then my sister kissed me, and then we all three kissed each other. I felt their lips on mine, their tongues in my mouth, my sister’s tongue and lips, my mother’s tongue and lips — and I looked down to see my hand on one of my mother’s breasts and my sister’s hand on the other breast. Kate and I were fondling our mother’s erect nipples at the same time. So very hot.

After a minute or two, Kate asked, “Mommy, can I do that with Molly now? What she does with you?”

“You mean, have her……”

“You know, suck on my nipples. That would be awesome!”

My mother opened her mouth, but no words came out. Then she turned to me, almost as if asking for permission.

I shrugged and said, “I guess if it’s okay for you to do it with Molly and if it’s okay for me and Kate to do it with you, well, then…”

“Ergo…” Mommy grinned. “Julie, you’re going to make a great attorney someday. Or maybe even a law professor.”

I wasn’t so sure about that. I didn’t think I had any interest in being a lawyer. But I was flattered that my mom thought I might.

“All right, Kate. Your petition is granted. You should thank your counsel.”

My sister frowned. I’d read some legal novels and knew the jargon, but she didn’t. “So, does this mean we can do it?” she asked.

“Yes, that’s what it means,” my mother chuckled. She got up out of bed and went to Molly’s room, bringing the girl to join us.

Little Molly had been sleeping for a couple of hours. When they came through the door, she was cradled in our mother’s arms, blinking and rubbing her eyes. Wearing pink pajamas with feet, her curly blonde hair encircling her head, she looked very young, almost like a toddler, an innocent child, so sweet and pure and so desirable.

Mommy set her down on the bed between me and Kate. Then she got in, climbing over me so she could cuddle with Molly for a few minutes, letting her wake up. She held the child close, murmuring to her, kissing her forehead and her cheeks and her lips, gently caressing her. It wasn’t really sexual, not quite, but it was definitely turning me on.

“Tonight, little baby,” our mother whispered, as she continued kissing Molly, “I’m going to have Julie and Kate watch you and me, okay? The way sometimes, you know, we’ve let other girls or women watch us too. Is that all right?”

Our little sister nodded. She seemed happy and content to be nestled in her mommy’s arms.

“I want to take off your jammies first. Okay?”

Molly nodded again. She sat up, letting our mom unzip her pajamas and take them off. Now she was wearing only a pair of yellow cotton undies with cartoon bluebirds on them.

They cuddled again for a minute or so, Mommy petting her blonde hair, Molly’s head resting on her chest. Finally my mother took a breast in her hand and held the long nipple just in front of our sister’s mouth.

Before she began to suck, Molly glanced at me and Kate. “I like doing this,” she grinned, and then latched her mouth over the big nipple, sucking just like a baby.

Mommy groaned in pleasure. “Mmm, god yes, that’s my sweet little girl, good little Molly girl, suck Mommy’s nipples.” As she said this, she stroked her, rubbing her back, sliding her hand down to caress her bottom on the outside of the yellow undies.

Molly was sitting on our mother’s lap, holding the breast in both her hands, her eyes contentedly closed, her mouth eagerly sucking. I started masturbating again as I watched them.

Continuing to rub Molly’s bottom and stroke her thigh with one hand, Mommy caressed her cheek and her neck with the other, soon letting her hand slide down to her bare shoulder and then up under the girl’s arm to touch her chest. I watched my mother fondle my baby sister’s nipples, playing with them. She hadn’t told me about doing that, but it seemed perfectly natural, and also extremely arousing. I rubbed my clit faster.

Kate was masturbating too as she took in the scene. Her face was flushed, her lips parted, her breath coming fast. It looked like she was already getting close.

Mommy kissed the top of Molly’s head, whispering to her, encouraging her, “Such a good little girl, my sweet baby girl, ooh you suck my nipples so nice, you make me feel so good.” Then her hand began to move slowly down from the girl’s chest to her belly, and then even lower, onto the top of her panties. Molly opened her legs, spreading them apart, giving our mother access to her crotch.

I stared in wonder as our mother gently caressed my 8-year-old sister’s pussy through her undies, and then I heard Kate starting to come. I looked over at her.

“God! Unh! UNH!!” She was fucking herself with a finger, shoving it in deep, her own legs spread wide. Mommy watched her too. We could see her young vulva, almost hairless, her middle finger plunging in and out, shiny with her juices. She kept fucking her pussy, harder and faster, bringing herself again and again.

Molly paid no attention. Apparently she was used to all this. Her eyes were still closed, her small hands clutching our mother’s tit, her mouth working on the nipple. She seemed perfectly at ease, as if she never wanted to be anywhere else in the world or do anything else.

“Mommy, I want to suck your nipple too,” I said. I hadn’t planned to say that, but I did. It just came out.

“All right, darling,” my mom smiled. I lowered my mouth to her other breast, taking the long brown nipple into my mouth, looking over at my sister Molly, who opened her eyes now, just for a second, smiling at me and giggling a little before she sighed and closed her eyes again and continued sucking.

I closed my own eyes, savoring the feel of my mommy’s nipple in my mouth. I had one hand still working between my legs, rubbing my clit. I was close, but I wasn’t quite ready to come yet. I put the other hand on Molly’s chest, fondling her small nipples the way my mother had, feeling them stiffen slightly under my touch. It was amazing, just as I’d dreamed. I was touching my baby sister, touching her little nipples.

But I wanted more.

As I continued sucking my mom’s nipple, I moved my hand from Molly’s chest to between her legs, and I felt my mother’s hand already there, her fingers pressing in, stroking the girl’s puffy labia through her panties. I followed her movements, thrilling at the realization of what we were doing, the forbidden but incredibly hot excitement of incestuous lesbian sex.

Then I slid my hand even further down, reaching between my mother’s parted thighs, finding her wet pussy. I stroked her, feeling her respond as she opened her legs wider, trying to raise herself to my touch. I was still rubbing myself too, and still sucking her tit, my eyes closed, my senses filled with smells and sounds, the delicious taste of her nipple, the feel of her hot pussy lips under my fingers, the feel of my own hard clit, the swirling pulsing delirious pressure inside me that told me an orgasm was near.

My fingers were moving faster over my mother’s labia, sliding up and down, getting coated with her slippery wetness now, and it was easy to push them between her pussy lips, into her hot center. Moaning, I sucked her nipple harder as my fingers explored her sex, rubbing her clit, then slipping down to her vagina, probing inside. I heard her groaning, panting, as I masturbated her, and I could tell that she was getting close too.

Kate was still masturbating, and moaning, but the sound of her voice was coming from somewhere else. Briefly I opened my eyes, just enough to see that she was lying on her side, her head resting on our mother’s thigh, close to her crotch. She was staring at my hand, watching as I fingered Mommy’s cunt. That made me even more aroused, knowing she could see everything I was doing. I pushed a finger deep inside Mommy’s moist vagina, then two fingers. I began fucking her rapidly, forcefully.

Almost immediately my mother started to come.

“Fuck YES!” she cried. “Fuck me harder!”

I did.

“Oh FUCK! Fucking GOD!!” she screamed.

I could actually feel the walls of her cunt clamping down around my fingers. I jammed them in as deep as I could, and deeper still.

Kate was coming too, and I was rubbing my own clit and sucking Mommy’s nipple and fucking her wet fucking cunt fucking Mommy’s cunt fucking her pussy fucking her fucking her — and I exploded into orgasm.

Several minutes later, after we had recovered, we cuddled warmly in Mommy’s bed, all four of us nestled together. Molly was on top of our mother, her little blonde head resting between her breasts, no longer sucking, just smiling peacefully. Kate was snuggled up on one side of Mommy and I was on the other, hugging, softly touching, breathing easily.

“That was so nice,” our mother sighed. She kissed the top of Molly’s head. “Thank you, baby girl.”

“You’re welcome.”

More minutes passed… quiet warmth… tender caresses… family closeness…

I was starting to feel sleepy. But Mommy wasn’t finished yet.

“Molly girl,” she whispered, “I want to try something else tonight, something new, okay?”

“Okay,” Molly nodded.

“You know how sometimes, with some of the other girls — like Danni and Katrina, you remember? — how I asked you to be with them the same way you are with me?”

Molly nodded again. Mommy took her little face in her hands, softly kissing her nose, then her lips. I loved watching her kiss Molly that way. It was so erotic.

“So, tonight, baby,” she continued, “if it’s okay with you, I want to see you do it with Katie too, and then with Julie. Would you like to do that?”

She nodded eagerly, showing no hesitation at all. My nipples began to throb as I imagined having Molly’s mouth on them. I was quickly getting aroused again.

“We’ll start with Katie,” Mommy told her, “because she was asking if she could do it with you. She’s very excited about it. Okay?”

Our mother propped up some pillows for Kate to lean against and soon Molly was sitting on her lap. Immediately I began rubbing my pussy as I watched Molly study Kate’s nipples, looking at them, touching them with her fingers, seeing them grow hard. Our baby sister smiled, “They look nice.”

Kate’s breasts weren’t very big yet, of course. Her nipples were brown like our mom’s, but smaller, with tight dark little areola. I could see that she was trembling as she held Molly in her arms, petting her hair and watching her play with her nipples.

“Go ahead, baby girl,” Mommy encouraged in a gentle voice, “suck Katie’s nipples now.”

Molly giggled and squirmed a bit in Kate’s lap, clearly delighted to have this tasty new treat in front of her, and then she closed her eyes and put her mouth over a nipple, sighing as she began to suck. One hand held the little titty she was sucking, the other fondled Kate’s other nipple.

“Oh my god,” Katie moaned. She put a hand on Molly’s leg, tenderly stroking her smooth young thigh. Molly raised her knee, opening herself up for Kate’s touch. Kate obliged, putting her hand on Molly’s crotch, caressing her immature pussy through the cartoon bluebird undies.

I rubbed my clit fast. This was more exciting than almost anything I’d even seen. My two little sisters having sex with each other!

My mother was masturbating too. We looked at each other, grinning lustfully. It was all starting to happen. Soon, as my mom had told us, we would be doing everything together.

Kate didn’t climax with Molly sucking her nipples. I’m not sure if she was shy about doing that, or if she felt no need for it, or what. She just laid her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes, sometimes squeezing her thighs together and then shuddering slightly. She put her hand over Molly’s hand on her breast, pressing it to her, and stroked Molly’s hair. They looked very happy together.

Kate didn’t come, but Mommy did.

Her orgasm this time was not as loud as before, but I’m sure it was no less pleasurable. Fucking her pussy with one hand, squeezing a tit and pinching her nipple with the other, getting red in the face, she groaned and panted, “Yes, yes, yes!” Her sexual smell was strong, that oily musky scent of her hot wet cunt that I loved so much, that I craved.

I wanted to taste her.

I got down between her legs, watching her climax, inhaling her heady aroma. As soon as it appeared that she was finished coming, after the final spasms had shaken her body, I took her wrist, drew her fingers slowly out of her vagina, and raised them dripping to my mouth. I sucked on them, savoring her delicious flavor.

“Oh, Julie,” I heard her breathe. I got up on my knees and brought my lips to hers, kissing her, putting my arms around her, pulling us together, feeling her breasts on mine.

We kissed and kissed, using our tongues, sighing and moaning, running our hands over each other’s naked bodies. When we finally pulled away, giggling, wiping our mouths, we looked over to find that Molly and Kate were watching us.

Kate had seen me kiss my mom that way before, of course, and she had done it as well, but this was a first for little Molly. She may have seen our mother kissing other women, probably she had, but never me, her own big sister, doing that. We were all being introduced to new things.
To complete the magical evening, I had Molly sitting on my lap, my precious blonde baby sister, so smooth and soft and touchable. She was almost naked, wearing nothing but those cute little girl undies, and now she was sucking my nipples.

Oh my god, it was about the best thing I had ever felt. I couldn’t have imagined it would be as good as it was. No wonder my mother couldn’t give it up! I petted my sister’s hair and cooed to her and played with her little nipples as she sucked my tit. Before I even moved a hand down there, she was opening her legs, inviting me to touch her, almost begging me. I couldn’t resist, of course. I put my hand over her yellow cotton panties and rubbed her little pussy and felt my own pussy getting very wet.

Kate was on one side of me, sitting very close, watching us and masturbating. Mommy was on the other side, also watching. She was stroking Molly’s back, whispering to her, sometimes kissing me. A few times she leaned down to lick my other nipple, taking it briefly into her mouth and sucking it as well. I thought for sure I must have died and gone to heaven — lesbian incest heaven, that is.

And then something even better happened. I felt a hand between my legs, touching me, fingering me. It was my mom. She was masturbating me as Molly sucked my nipples. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, just feeling everything… my sister’s sweet little mouth on my tit, my mother’s fingers caressing and teasing my pussy, my own hand rubbing Molly’s puffy lips through her undies.

And I wanted more.

Keeping my eyes shut, I slipped my hand inside Molly’s underwear, inside her panties, onto her bare pussy. I was feeling her, touching her, just as I’d dreamed about so many times. She was soft and smooth and very warm down there. I rubbed her gently. She didn’t resist, didn’t complain, didn’t seem to mind at all.

Part of me knew I was taking a big risk. I feared my mom might get angry if she saw what I was doing, and maybe that was why I kept my eyes closed, because if I couldn’t see it, it was as if no one else could.

I don’t know if Mommy saw me touching Molly that way or not. She didn’t say anything and I didn’t open my eyes. I never asked her about it. Soon enough, of course, we would all be doing a lot more, but this was a first. It was the first time I had touched my little sister that way, maybe the first time anyone had ever touched her that way. My fingers were right on her tender little pussy, sliding up and down, moving faster.

And my mom’s fingers were touching me the same way, moving faster, sliding up and down, getting me very hot and wet, playing with my clit, sometimes tickling at the opening to my vagina.

I heard Katie squealing. She was climaxing as she watched what I was doing.

I was getting close too. My mother continued masturbating me, and now she put her mouth over my breast again, sucking on my nipple. She had to be able to see where my hand was, I thought, but she didn’t say a thing. She just sucked my tit, sucking it hard, sucking my erect nipple so hard it almost hurt and yet was intensely arousing at the same time. She sucked and Molly sucked and Mommy rubbed me and I rubbed Molly — and then I was coming.

“Ohh!!!” I groaned, my legs clamping together around my mom’s hand.

I shuddered, gasping, holding Molly’s head against my breast with one hand while the other pressed in on her little pussy, pressing in enough that my middle finger actually slipped between her lips, inside her slit, and when I realized this, I came even harder.

“God!!” I cried, feeling my mom’s fingers still stroking my clit, her mouth and tongue on my nipple, Molly’s mouth on my other nipple, my finger inside my baby sister’s slit, touching the hot little pussy of an 8-year-old girl. I climaxed again and again.

We were a very, very happy family that night.

I finally finished my extended series of orgasms. I don’t know how many I had in a row as Mommy masturbated me and I fingered Molly, but it was a lot. Eventually it ended. I took my hand from Molly’s panties and slowly opened my eyes. My mother was smiling at me. She kissed me. Molly released my nipple from her mouth and grinned up at me. I leaned down and kissed her too, kissed her lips. Kate cuddled in close to me. I had them all around me, my wonderful lesbian family, my two sisters and my mom, as close as we could be.

We stayed that way for a while, just resting and breathing comfortably, until Mommy told us it was time for everyone to go to bed. She lifted Molly into her arms and carried her to her room. Kate and I got out of our mother’s bed, gathered up our clothes, and walked hand in hand down the hall, sharing a sweet goodnight kiss before going to our separate rooms.

I fell asleep right away.

Later, something woke me. I’d heard a sound, out in the hall. It was my little sister’s voice. Molly’s voice. I looked at the clock. I’d already been asleep for more than an hour, but apparently my mom had needed something more before she went to sleep. She was taking Molly from her room for a little extra fun, or perhaps returning her after the fun was over.

Either way, it didn’t matter. I knew what it was. My curiosity was satisfied, and I was very pleased with what I’d learned. I turned onto my other side and smiled to myself as I began to fall back to sleep: I wasn’t the only one who was insatiable.

Continue on to Chapter 58


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 56

  • Posted on May 11, 2015 at 12:04 pm

By Naughty Mommy

How fast things were changing!

In only the last few days, so much had happened. My mother had confessed to me what was going on with Molly, and she’d told me and my sister Kate that we could touch each other as much as we wanted, and Mommy had actually put her finger inside my pussy, and she’d put my finger inside her pussy too, and then she’d told me she was making special plans for us, for me and her, to do everything we wanted to do with each other!

You can just imagine how excited I was, so full of anticipation and wonder. It was hard to concentrate on things at school, but I did my best. My mom always emphasized that schoolwork came first and I never wanted to let her down. So I kept paying attention, forcing myself to listen and do the work, even though my mind kept wanting to think about all those other things — about my mother taking my hand and rubbing it on her crotch, or how it felt to push my finger into Kate’s vagina, how incredibly hot she was inside, or when my mother kissed my pussy in Carla’s bed and how her face looked when she finished, all wet and shiny with my juices — these images and so many more kept whirling around in my head. I was constantly having to push them away so I could try to focus on what my teachers were saying.

There was one other thing too, nagging at the back of my mind. It concerned Molly, and what my mother had told me she did with her. I kept thinking about it and finally I decided I had to say something to my mom.

On Thursday night that week, I went to her room and knocked on her door. It was about 10:00 o’clock. Molly was asleep and Kate was in her own room getting ready for bed.

Mommy was getting ready for bed too. She was in her undies, pale blue panties with a matching bra. She was standing in her closet, hanging up the dress she’d worn that day, a lovely aqua blue wrap-around with swirls of green, like the ocean.

“Hi, sweetie, what’s up?” she asked.

As I watched, she stepped out of her panties and unhooked her bra, dropping them into a hamper. Then she walked naked to her dresser where she took a long white nightie out of a drawer and pulled it over her head. The gown was lacy, mostly sheer, and very feminine. I loved it.

I sat down on her bed. “There’s something I want to talk with you about.”


She leaned close to the mirror on her vanity for a minute, examining her face. I could see that she had already washed, taking off all her makeup. “I’m getting so old,” she sighed.

“Oh, Mommy, that’s not true. You look beautiful. You’re way hotter than any of the other moms at school.”

That made her chuckle. “Thank you, sweetie. Now what was it you wanted to talk about?” She came over and sat next to me on the bed.

“Well, um, can we get inside?”

“Sure we can.”

We got into her bed together, propping up some pillows, sitting side by side. I was wearing a pair of plain white cotton panties with a thin white tank top and no bra. I wanted to seem young and appealing to her.

“So, I’ve been thinking a lot,” I began, “about all the stuff that’s happened lately. It’s all been totally great. Like that night with Carla and, um, and what we did with those new girls, the sisters, and everyone else on Saturday. That was awesome. And Mommy, I am just so excited about whatever it is, I mean, those special plans you said you’re making for us.”

I looked up at her. She took my hand in hers and smiled warmly.

“But then I’ve also been thinking a lot about the things you said you do with Molly. And I was wondering, if you do all that with her, then why wouldn’t you do it with me too? You know?”

She raised her eyebrows. “Do what with you?”

“You know, let me suck on your nipples while you masturbate and stuff. I mean, if you do it with her and it’s okay, why can’t you do the same things with me? And with Kate?”

“Well…” she frowned, thinking hard. “Hm, that’s a good question. I’ve never looked at it quite that way before.”

“Doesn’t that seem logical? If it’s okay to do that with one kid, and I think it is okay, then there’s no reason why it wouldn’t be okay with another kid, right?”

She grinned at me. “What are you, the daughter of a lawyer or something? You make a compelling argument, counselor.”

I giggled, squeezing her hand.

My mother took a deep breath, slowly letting it out. “There’s no reason it wouldn’t be okay…”

“So you’ll do it?” I asked eagerly.


“What do you mean, maybe? Why not for sure?”

“Well, it’s just…”

“I think you should. I really really really think you should. With both me and Kate.”

“Oh, you do?” she grinned at me again. “You have been thinking about this a lot, haven’t you?”


“All right,” she nodded. “As I said, you make a compelling argument. I can’t see any reason why we shouldn’t.”

“Oh goodie!” I started grabbing at her breast through her nightgown.

“But wait now,” she laughed, “I didn’t say tonight!”

“Why not tonight?” I was squeezing her breast, pinching the nipple between my thumb and forefinger, feeling it stiffen.

“Well, because —”

“It’s not that late. It won’t take that long. I promise I’ll go to bed as soon as we’re done, and I’ll go right to sleep. I promise.”


“Please, Mommy? Please? You can’t imagine how much I’ve been thinking about this. How much I really wanna do it.”

I leaned down and kissed her erect nipple through the sheer gown. My mother sighed and put her hand behind my head, pulling me closer to her. I parted my lips, letting the hard nipple slip between them. I took it gently between my teeth, biting down just a bit like I’d seen girls do in the porno movies.

She shuddered. “Oh, that feels so good. How can I possibly say no?”

Sitting up in the bed, she tugged the bottom of the white nightgown out from under herself, and then lifted it over her head and off. Now she was nude. My mom took her breasts in her hands, holding them and kneading them. She looked into my eyes.

“You like your mommy’s tits, little girl? You want to suck on her titties?”

I nodded, licking my lips.

“That’s what I want, too. Mommy wants her little girl to suck her nipples.” Holding her breast in one hand, squeezing it and pointing the nipple, she put her other hand behind my head and drew my face slowly toward her.

I opened my mouth. I watched the big nipple coming closer. I waited, and then… it was there, it was in my mouth. I closed my eyes and closed my lips and began sucking.

This was something I had wanted for so long, something I’d dreamt about at night and fantasized about in bed as I masturbated — to have my mother’s long brown nipples in my mouth, to lick them and suck them and bite them and squeeze them with my fingers and then suck them again, suck them more and more, harder and harder, until she came.

That’s what was happening, it was really finally happening. I had my mommy’s nipple in my mouth and I was sucking on it, feeling the thickness of it on my tongue and between my lips. I sighed and snuggled closer to her, feeling so intimate with my mother, so happy and content and excited all at the same time as I sucked and sucked on her big nipple.

And there was more. She was touching herself, just as I’d hoped she would. My eyes were closed, but I could hear the familiar sounds and I could definitely smell her arousal, the wonderful intoxicating fragrance of her pussy juice. I held her breast in my hands and sucked hard at the nipple, hearing her moan. I loved the way it felt, the way it tasted in my mouth, and I loved the way she stroked my hair and pulled me even closer to her as I sucked and she masturbated.

“Yes, baby, yes, baby,” she whispered, “that’s Mommy’s good little girl.”

I reached over to feel her other nipple while I kept sucking the first one. It was fully erect, long and stiff and warm. I pinched it, feeling her shudder in response. I pinched it even harder. She groaned and kissed the top of my head. “Mmm, yes, baby, that’s right, make Mommy feel good.”

I continued sucking her nipple, loving how it felt. But I also began thinking maybe I should switch to the other one — except then I would have to let this one out of my mouth, and I never wanted to do that! I moaned and sucked it even more greedily.

From the way she was breathing and the sounds she was making, I could tell my mom was quickly getting close. She was almost ready to have an orgasm.

“Uh-huh, uh-huh, that’s a good girl. Suck Mommy’s nipple, little baby, suck it hard, make Mommy feel nice.”

The wet squishy slapping sounds were louder now. She was fucking herself, fast and hard. Her potent aroma filled the room. “Such a good little girl. Goddamn, yes, Mommy loves it so fucking much!”

I took her breast in both my hands again and held it, held onto it like I would never let it go. I sucked and sucked and sucked her nipple, hearing her groan with pleasure, tasting her skin, smelling her sex — and then she came.

“OH, GOD!!”

She cried out, one hand fucking her cunt, harder and deeper, while the other clutched my head, pulling me to her breast, mashing my face against her. She cried and groaned, her body heaving as wave after wave of climactic passion coursed through her.

“GOD! FUCK!! GOD!!!”

After a long time, she began to settle down, panting and moaning, trying to catch her breath, shuddering occasionally as residual spasms emanated from her pussy. “Oh my god…”

I released her nipple from my mouth, lifting my eyes to look up at her. Her face was covered with sweat, strands of blonde hair clinging to her. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted, moist and pink. I looked down at her pussy. She still had two fingers pressed deep inside herself. As I watched, she slowly began to draw them out. They were shiny with her juices.

“Oh my god,” she repeated. Her wet fingers gently patted her vulva, as if comforting it.

My mother opened her eyes to look at me, shaking her head. “That was unbelievable. Why did I ever wait so long to do this?”

“I’m glad you finally did.”

“So am I, lover,” she smiled.

She took me in her arms, bringing me to her. We kissed, our mouths open, our tongues making love. She held me, stroking me, kissing me deeply.

When she ended the kiss, she took my face in her hands. Her fingers were wet with her juices. I could smell her. Mommy gazed into my eyes and kissed me once more, whispering, “Thank you, darling.”

Then she looked over at the clock. “I wish — darn, it’s too late now. I wish it wasn’t so late. But maybe, uh, maybe tomorrow we can do it with Katie too. Would you like that? Do you want to watch her sucking my nipples the way you just did?”

I nodded, grinning at her as I took her fingers into my mouth, sucking them and licking them, tasting her.

My mother sighed happily as she watched me enjoying the flavor of her pussy. “Good. We’ll do that with your sister tomorrow night. But now you get to bed, okay?”


I began to get up, but she stopped me. “Mm, come here, darling, and give Mommy one more big kiss.”

We kissed again, a few more times, and then finally I left her bed and went back to my own room. I didn’t masturbate that night, as I usually would. I just lay in the dark, staring up at the ceiling, remembering how perfect it was to have her nipple in my mouth, to be sucking on it, feeling how excited she became, experiencing her orgasm with her. I was so content, so thrilled, so in love. My world was everything I wanted it to be. And soon there would be even more.

I felt tears come to my eyes, I was so happy. I turned onto my side, closing my eyes, actually putting my thumb in my mouth. I hadn’t done that since I was a very little girl, but at this moment it just felt right. I sucked my thumb, imagining it was my mommy’s big nipple, and soon fell fast asleep.

* * *

The next day was Friday. Mom called me from work at about 4:00, letting me know that she’d arranged to have a babysitter, Bethany, come in to stay with Kate and Molly that night while she and I went out to dinner. She spoke with Molly too, telling her that tomorrow they could go horseback riding together again, as they’d done a few weeks previously. Molly was thrilled.

Our mother had also recently purchased a membership at her gym for Kate and they’d starting going there sometimes on Saturday or Sunday afternoons, working out together. Kate was thrilled by that. Mommy carefully chose special things to do with each of her children, activities that would match our personalities and interests. We were about the luckiest kids ever.

When she got home, she fixed a quick supper for my sisters and then went up to her room to change for our ‘date’.

My mom hadn’t said anything to me about how I should dress for dinner that night, but I wanted to look my best for her, of course. Opting for an attractive but modest look this time, as opposed to overtly sexy, I chose a pleated brown and tan skirt that came to just above my knees, along with a sleeveless white blouse, a little white bra, white panties, and my wonderful Gucci shoes. I topped it off with the black cardigan sweater my mom had bought for me. Looking in my mirror, turning this way and that, I was very pleased with the effect. The only other thing I thought I might want to do is put on some eye makeup. I didn’t really know how to do that, though.

Deciding to ask for help, I walked down the hall to my mother’s bedroom. She was sitting at the vanity, putting on some pearl earrings. She was also wearing a pearl necklace along with a black scoop neck dress, black nylons and high heels. She looked great, as always.

“Wow, Mommy, you are so beautiful,” I gushed. As she turned to me, smiling, I studied her face. I could see that she was wearing eye shadow and eyeliner and some other makeup too. “I, um, can you help me with something?”

“Sure, sweetie, what is it?”

“Well, I was, I was thinking I’d kind of like to try maybe wearing some eye stuff, you know, like you do, a little makeup, I mean. But I don’t know how to put it on.”

Before answering, she sat back and looked at me, beaming as she admired my outfit. “What an adorable young woman you are. Like a picture from a magazine.”

“Aww,” I grinned, “you’re just saying that.”

“No, I’m not just saying that, I really mean it. I don’t think you realize what a very pretty girl you are.”

“Thanks, Mom. I appreciate that. But, um, could you maybe help me with some eye makeup now?”

“Sure, of course I could. Let’s go in the bathroom.”

She helped me choose a color of eye shadow that would go well with my brown eyes, and she put on some eye liner and some mascara too, then added a lip tint and a little blush. When we finished I couldn’t believe how amazing I looked. Like a model!

“Wow, Mom, you are really good at doing that. I mean, I look incredible.”

“Yes, you do. But it’s not the makeup. It’s you, honey, my beautiful young lover who looks so incredible.”

I felt a shiver of excitement run up my spine when she said that. I was her lover.
We went to a restaurant I hadn’t been to before. It was downtown, near her office, a small, intimate, quiet place with only a few tables. They were almost full when we got there, but my mother had reserved a booth for us in the back. We sat across from each other, holding hands.

We enjoyed a nice dinner, chatting pleasantly about school and work and family stuff, a normal mom and daughter on a special evening out together. Well, maybe not quite normal. A couple of times she reached under the table to caress my knee suggestively. I could feel my pussy tingle when she touched me that way.

As we were finishing our dessert, she leaned toward me, speaking in a soft voice. “Julie, honey, there are some things I want to say to you tonight. Things I haven’t said before. I may have hinted at them, and certainly I’ve been feeling them inside for a long time, but I haven’t really come out and expressed them yet, and I think it’s time I did.”

My mother beamed at me and then looked down, clearing her throat. She seemed sort of shy and embarrassed, almost like a schoolgirl, a girl much closer to my age than her own. I felt a swelling of affection for her. I took her hand and held it tightly.

“I’m so very glad I have you, sweetheart,” she went on as she looked back up at me. “It means everything to me to have someone I can share all these special feelings with, someone I trust and admire, someone I can talk to who understands me and who can help me better understand myself. You’re such a good person, so caring and so honest and so warm. I know you’re still only 12 years old, but in some ways you’re very grown up, very mature.”

“I am?”

She nodded, smiling. “Yes, you are. You’re able to feel things deeply but you think about them too, carefully and thoroughly. You use both your heart and your head. That’s a rare combination, and I feel so lucky to know you. And not just to know you, but to have… a relationship with you.”

Chuckling to herself, she squeezed my hand and looked down again. “I know I’m jabbering a lot, and I really appreciate your just listening to me, letting me babble on.”

“It’s okay.”

She took a deep breath, then raised her eyes. “What I want to say to you tonight, honey, is that I have… well, of course I love you as your mom, but I have other deeper feelings for you too, stronger feelings that go well beyond that. Not only, um, not just sexual attraction, you know, but, well, romantic. I love you, Julie.”

She was blushing in the candlelight. My mom almost never blushed.

“Do you understand what I’m saying?” she whispered, her beautiful blue eyes looking intently into mine.

“Uh-huh,” I nodded.

I couldn’t say anything else just then. I was too choked up with emotion. I simply gazed back at her, feeling all her love for me. I looked at my mother’s beautiful mouth, wanting to kiss her and hold her and be with her forever. I felt her warm hand cradling mine, gently squeezing it.

“Oh, Mommy,” I managed to whisper, feeling tears crowd my eyes. She smiled at me, her eyes glistening too. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.

* * *

After dinner, we drove for a while along the waterfront of the city, past the harbor with the fishing boats, past the marina with the yachts and the sailboats, then on further, out of the city and up into the hills, until we came to an overlook, a spot that looked down onto the bay.

My mother turned off the engine and we sat together in the dark, holding hands, admiring the scene before us. We could see the lights of the city, the stars in the sky, the moon reflecting on the water.

We stayed that way for several minutes, sitting quietly, not speaking. Then she said, “Let’s get out and walk a little, okay?”


It was early March and the weather was starting to get warmer. The air had a slight chill, but we were both in sweaters and that was all we needed. Holding hands, we walked slowly to the far edge of the overlook, following a path around a corner, taking us behind some bushes. There were a couple of other cars parked near ours, but they were out of our view now.

We stood close together, her arm on my shoulder, my arm around her waist. The night was soft and still with almost no wind at all. I leaned nearer to her, closing my eyes, resting my head on her chest, inhaling the familiar sweet smell of her perfume, my favorite perfume. I put my other arm around her waist, hugging her, pressing my cheek against her breasts. I could feel that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

She held me, caressing me, stroking my back, kissing the top of my head, whispering, “Julie, Julie, my sweet love, my darling girl.”

I raised my face, bringing my lips to hers. We kissed.

We kissed for a long time, standing on a bluff overlooking the bay, moonlight and stars above, the city below, my mother in my arms, her mouth making love to mine.

* * *

When we got home, Mommy first went up to check on Molly, who was in bed asleep, then left to drive Bethany to her house. Kate was in the family room watching a movie, a comedy we’d both seen before. I sat down beside her.

“Did you guys have a good time?” she asked.

“Yeah, it was great. Perfect.” I was floating in the clouds, exalted.

“Did she kiss you?”

I turned to my sister. She was grinning broadly. She looked at my lips, which were no doubt smeared. “Mommy and Julie, sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”

I giggled, playfully punching her shoulder. “Stupid.”

We held each other’s hands, happy together, laughing at Jim Carrey, waiting for our mother to get back.

When she came in a few minutes later, she swooped over to the sofa, leaning over the back and hugging Kate from behind, kissing her cheek again and again. “Oh, Katie girl, I missed you so much tonight! You’re so cute and so sexy!” She grabbed my sister’s little titty through her shirt, squeezing it.

“Mom! God!” Kate squealed, giggling and squirming. They wrestled that way for several seconds. It was really turning me on.

Finally our mother stood back up, brushing her hair from her face. She was glowing with happiness. “Now,” she said, “do you want to keep watching this movie, little one? Or would you like to come up to my bedroom with me and Julie and have a different kind of fun?”

That was an easy decision to make.

Continue on to Chapter 57


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 55

  • Posted on May 11, 2015 at 11:55 am

By Naughty Mommy

So, I’d made it my mission to find out exactly what was happening between my mom and Molly. But how would I go about doing that? I wasn’t sure. I figured, though, that I should start by simply talking with my mother. I didn’t think I would have the courage to ask her about it directly, but if we just began talking, maybe something would happen.

And I was right, something did happen. But it was not what I expected.

The very next night, Monday night, I went to her room after everyone else was in bed. It was a little past 10:00. She was propped up one some pillows, wearing her reading glasses, going through folders of legal stuff she’d brought home from the office.

When I came in, she smiled and took off her glasses. I got on the bed next to her and gave her a hug. She hugged me back, squeezing me tightly, kissing the top of my head. We stayed like that for a minute, not saying anything, just rocking gently, warmly, happily.

Finally she said, “Is there something you wanted, sweetheart? Something you need to talk about?”

“No, there’s nothing special,” I lied. “I just wanted to come in and be with you for a few minutes before I went to sleep. I love you so much.” That was certainly true, of course. I hugged her more tightly.

She held me close. “I’m glad you did, darling girl. I love you too. So very very much.” She kissed the top of my head again.

After another minute of tender hugging, gentle breathing, quiet intimacy, I raised my face to look at her. My mother gazed into my eyes for a moment. Then she looked down at my mouth. Slowly she brought her lips to mine.

She kissed me so softly, so sweetly, and so romantically, I almost thought I would die from the pure pleasure of it. I sighed and melted against her. The kiss lasted a long time, no tongues, just lips, her warm full lips on mine, caressing them, loving them.

At last she pulled away, exhaling deeply.

“Whew, it’s getting hot in here,” she joked. She fanned her face and tugged at the edge of the little negligee she was wearing. It was peach-colored, pastel, partly sheer, trimmed with white lace. There were ties down the front, but they were open. As she played at being overheated, the side of the negligee fell away, revealing her breast. Was that deliberate?

I looked at her lovely full breast, soft and white and beautifully rounded. I stared at the nipple, so different from mine. My nipples are sort of pink and plump while my mom’s are brown, and when erect they become very long. I love my mother’s nipples. Without even thinking about it, I reached out my hand to touch her.

At first, I touched just the very end of it, running my fingertip gently over it. I felt my mother stir, but she didn’t try to stop me. Then I played with the nipple, taking it between my fingers, pinching it lightly, watching it grow long and stiff under my touch. My mom was breathing hard.

I caressed her nipple, turning it, stroking it, pulling it. I felt my mouth begin to water. I wanted to kiss her nipple, but even more, I wanted to take it into my mouth and suck it like a baby.

My mother seemed to know what I was thinking. She leaned down and kissed my forehead, and then she whispered, “Do you remember when you were a little girl, still very young, and sometimes I would come to your bed at night and ask you to suck on my nipples?”

I did remember that. Or at least I thought I did. It was long ago, and it seemed almost dreamlike to me. Sometimes I wondered if it had really happened. Evidently it had.

“Yeah, I do remember…” I whispered.

She kissed my forehead again. “I loved doing that with you, little baby.”

“I think, um, I think the last time you did that was when I was like 5 or something, around when I started kindergarten.”

“That’s right.”

I was still fondling her nipple, stroking it and squeezing it. I waited to see what would happen next. My mom didn’t say anything else, so finally I asked, “Did, um, did you, like, do the same thing with Kate, when she was little? And with Molly too?”

“Yes, I did,” she nodded.

She paused. I thought she would go on, but just as she began to say something more, she stopped. She took a deep breath, as if trying to decide. And then, in a soft voice, she said, “Don’t tell anyone, but sometimes, honey, I still do that. With Molly. I can’t help it, it just feels so very good.”

I looked up at her. “Really?”

My mother nodded. She seemed embarrassed, but she added, “I, uh, well, just every once in a while, I still like doing it. It’s like I have to. So I go to her room and wake her up and hold her in my arms and put my nipple in her little mouth, and oh my god it’s just so nice…”

The way she looked when she said that last part convinced me there was definitely something sexual about it, for her anyway if not for Molly. I pictured them together, my mom holding my little sister, gazing down at her as Molly sucked on her nipple. It was so hot, so arousing to me. And it appeared to be to her too. Should I try to find out even more? My heart was pounding.

I decided to go ahead. “Mommy, um… can I ask you something else?”

“I suppose,” she whispered, gently squeezing me.

“Well, when you do that with Molly, and I guess when you did it with me and with Kate too, did it get you excited? I mean, like, did it turn you on and stuff?”

My mother looked into my eyes. Again it seemed as if she was uncertain what to say. Finally she nodded and slowly said, “Yes, it did, and it does. I don’t like to admit that, not even to myself, but it’s true.”

I was starting to figure out what was going on, what it was I’d heard outside her door the other night. “So, then, do you play with yourself when, um, when Molly is sucking on your nipples?”

She nodded, taking another deep breath before whispering, “Yes…”

“And, like, do you ever come?”

“No,” she shook her head, casting her eyes down. “Not when I’m with her… I, it’s true that sometimes I rub myself on the outside of my panties while she’s sucking at my breast, just because it feels so good. But I always put her back in bed and then return to my own room before, you know, before I finish.”

“But —” I began.

She interrupted, “Sweetie, it’s getting late now. You have school tomorrow and you need to get to bed.” She took my hand away from her breast.

“But I want to ask you about —”

“Not now, it’s getting late,” she said sternly. “You go on now, back to your own bed. Give your mother a goodnight kiss and go to bed.”

“But —”

“Go on now, I mean it. Go!” She seemed angry. That wasn’t like her at all.


She kissed me and sent me away.
By the time I got back to my room I was crying. Why was my mother mad at me? What had I done? I was crying but at the same time I was angry too. I hadn’t done anything wrong. All I did was ask a question, and she had lied to me. Why wouldn’t she tell me the truth?!

I fell into my bed, burying my face in the pillow, cursing and sobbing. I felt awful.

After ten minutes or so, I raised my head. I was finished crying. My pillow was a soggy mess, and so was my face. I got up and went into the bathroom. I blew my nose, splashed cold water on my face, took a few deep breaths, and dried off, trying to settle down.

My reflection in the mirror was hideous. Swollen red nose, pasty skin, bloodshot eyes. Not a pretty sight. I grinned at myself anyway, taking a final deep breath and letting it out. I would be okay. All I had to do was wait, cool off a little. I was sure that if I gave it some time and then asked again, I would be able to find out the truth. Mommy would eventually tell me everything, I promised myself. I just had to be patient with her.

I went back to my bed, feeling better. I switched off the lamp and prepared for sleep. Then my door opened.

It was my mom. She closed the door behind her and came to my bed. Without saying a word, she got inside. She took me in her arms and hugged me. She was naked.

For a long time, she just held me. I felt her body shaking a little and I realized that she was crying. I hugged her.

At last she whispered, “Julie, I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me.”

“Mommy, of course…”

“I was wrong to send you away like that. I’m so sorry.”

“I know, Mommy, but…”

She squeezed me again, her arms pulling me tightly against her. “You are —” her voice caught “— you are the one person, more than anyone in the world, that I never want to, that I never want to hurt. I’m just so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I petted her back, her soft skin, trying to reassure her. “It’s okay.”

“Oh, Julie, my dear Julie,” she whispered as she hugged me, “I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll never do that to you again.”

“I know.” I held her, gently caressing her. I stroked her hair and kissed her cheek.

We stayed that way for a while. She seemed really upset, so I just hugged her, not knowing anything else to do.

After several more minutes, my mom took a deep breath and let it out. “Whew… all right, it’s very late now, and you really do need to get some sleep. Thank you for forgiving me.”

She kissed my lips in the darkness of my bed. Then she continued, “And, uh, tomorrow, tomorrow night, we’ll talk more about it. About everything. Okay?”


She kissed me once more and got up, softly petting my cheek before she left the room.

* * *

The next night, Tuesday, Kate and I were in the family room watching an action movie when Mommy came down to get me. It was about 9:30.

“Julie, honey, I need to talk to you about a few things. Do you mind missing the rest of the movie?” She held her hand out to me.

“No, Mommy, I don’t mind.” I took her hand and got up. The movie was one I’d already seen anyway.

We went upstairs to my room. She shut the door and we sat down on my bed, the big double bed I’d got just before Christmas. We propped up some pillows and leaned back, side by side, holding hands. She was barefoot, wearing jeans and a sweater. I was wearing gray sweats and white socks and a t-shirt with no bra.

“Now,” she began, “I’d like to start over again. You can ask me whatever you want to ask about, uh, the things we were talking about last night, and I promise I will answer you honestly, okay? And tonight we have plenty of time, at least, you know, until around 10:30 or so. All right?”

I nodded happily.

She lifted my hand and kissed it. “What did you want to ask?”

“Well, um, I guess…” It was a little hard for me to know where to start. I hadn’t expected her to be quite so open about everything so soon.

“I guess when, like, when you’re doing that with Molly, I mean, you told me you sometimes touch yourself, right?”

“Yes, I do.”

“And, um, well, see, the other night, um, Friday night, I couldn’t sleep and I heard something out in the hall. I heard Molly’s voice and I was curious, so I got up and I went out, and I, I mean, I listened outside your door. And I heard stuff.”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded, looking down at her lap. “What did you hear?”

“Like, I think I heard, I’m almost sure I heard you, um, having an orgasm.”

My mother took a very deep breath and slowly let it out. I saw tears in her eyes.

I squeezed her hand. “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, Mommy. I’m sorry.”

“No, no, it’s all right. We really should talk about it. I, I want to tell you.” She took another deep breath. “It’s just… it’s hard.”

“Okay.” I waited for her.

She lifted my hand, the one she was holding. Taking it in both her hands, she turned it over, studying it, softly caressing it with her fingers. She raised my hand to her mouth and gently kissed the palm.

I continued waiting.

Finally she said, “When I told you last night that I, uh, that I don’t ever finish when I’m with Molly, well, that’s not true. I lied to you, and I’m sorry.”

Mommy looked at me, and I gave her a smile.

She went on, “You’re right about what you heard. You did hear me having an orgasm. That’s, well, that’s something that happens a lot, quite often, when she’s sucking my nipples and I’m rubbing myself.”

She seemed to be waiting for a reaction. I just said, “Okay.”

When she didn’t say anything else, I asked, “Um, how come you didn’t want to tell me?”

“Well, it’s embarrassing. I mean, a mother doing that with a child as old as your sister is. And not only having her suck my nipples like a baby, but what I… the other things I do with her…”

After another pause, she said, “There’s more.”

“There is?”

“Yes, I, you see, it’s…”

She turned to me, taking my face in her hands, looking very seriously into my eyes. “Julie, I’m telling you this because I trust you. Because I love you and I, well, because I want to be closer to you than to anyone. Do you remember when you said that to me?”

I nodded and she gently kissed my lips. I knew exactly what she meant. She was saying she was in love with me the way I was in love with her. I felt very happy at that moment.

After kissing me again, she said, in a barely audible whisper, “I touch Molly too.”

“You do?”

My mother nodded, appearing to be deeply embarrassed. I actually wasn’t that surprised by what she told me. I’d imagined things like that plenty of times.

“When she’s sucking on my nipples, I sometimes rub her a little bit, between her legs, just on the outside of her undies.”

“Only on the outside?” I asked.

“Yes,” she grinned, “and this time I really am telling you the truth. It’s only on the outside, although I’ve been tempted to do more, believe me, a whole lot more.”

I smiled and squeezed her hand. “I’d like to do more with her too.”

“Would you?”

“Uh-huh. Sometimes I like to think about that when, you know, when I’m masturbating in bed at night. I, um, I fantasize about doing things with her, with Molly.”

“Mmm…” She smiled and kissed me again. “So I guess it runs in the family.”

“Yeah,” I chuckled. “You could say that.”

That made her laugh. We scrunched down in my bed together, facing each other, giggling and kissing.

After a few minutes of playful kissing and touching, both of us still clothed, she took a deep breath and said, “All of this is really hard for me to talk about. I’m so glad I have you to share these things with, darling girl. You can’t imagine how much that means to me.”

“I’m glad too, Mommy.”

“It’s funny, though, because you know how I am about rules and everything, so strict, like a fanatic sometimes.”

“I know, you really are,” I giggled, kissing her.

“But, but what makes it so difficult for me is that I’ve insisted on that rule for you, you know, the no touching rule?”


“And yet, with Molly, I was doing things I wouldn’t let you do. Or let Kate do. I had one set of rules for you and another set for myself. I’ve been a hypocrite.”

“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. That’s what you always tell me.”

“Yes, I guess that’s true. But I hate this part of myself. This part that tries to pretend she’s so good and noble and yet, behind closed doors, when no one is watching, she goes ahead and does the very things she tells other people not to do. I hate that.”

I waited, just being quiet, letting her think about what she was telling me.

After another minute, she went on, “I keep telling myself that what I’m doing with her, with Molly, that it isn’t really sexual, it’s just being affectionate. But of course I know that’s not true. I mean, I love her and I’m often affectionate with her, just like I am you and Katie, but some of the ways I touch her, well, it’s beyond affection, even though that’s still a part of it, of course, but it’s also sexual, because, uh, when I touch her that way, rubbing her little pussy, I mean, I really do want to arouse her, and… oh, I don’t know, maybe I’m not making any sense. Please stop me.”

I pulled her to me and kissed her. We hugged. She squeezed me tightly.

“I’m so sorry I lied to you, Julie. I’m so sorry,” she whispered. It sounded like she might be on the verge of crying again. When she pulled away slightly and I could look into her eyes, I saw tears.



“You know, everyone does bad things. Everyone. Even you.”

She laughed and grabbed me, hugging me again. “You’re right. You’re so right.”

When we finished the hug, and after we’d kissed each other a few more times, I said, “Except I don’t really know if it’s bad, what you’re doing with Molly, I mean. Remember how you said for me and Kate that, like, since we love each other so much, it’s okay for us to, you know, touch each other and everything? To make each other feel good? So if it’s okay for sisters, wouldn’t it be okay too for a mom and her daughter, or her daughters?”

My mother nodded, “Yes, I suppose it would. That makes sense.”

She looked into my eyes and then down at my mouth. She placed her finger on my lower lip, gently caressing it as she licked her own lips.

“I want you so much,” she whispered.

“Maybe it’s not wrong,” I told her.

“No, maybe it’s not.” She put her mouth over mine, kissing me deeply, probing with her tongue.

For the next several minutes, we hugged and kissed, pressing our bodies together, our hands running up and down. She reached under my shirt, stroking my back, pulling me close. I squeezed her bottom through her tight jeans, and grabbed at her breasts through her sweater and bra. I wanted to get her naked, touch her everywhere. I wanted to fuck her.

She took my wrist, holding my hand that was on her breast and drawing it away. I thought she might tell me then that I was going too far or that it was time for bed or something, but she didn’t. Instead she moved my hand down between her legs. She pressed my fingers into her crotch, through her jeans, using her hand to move my hand up and down over her pussy.

“Goddamn, I want you so much,” Mommy hissed as she rolled on top of me.

Leaving my fingers where they were, letting me continue to caress her, she took my face in her hands and held it, looking at me for a moment before shoving her tongue deeply into my mouth, pressing her lips hard against mine.

I rubbed her pussy through her jeans, feeling the shape of her labia and the heat from her center. I wanted her to touch me too, the same way, and I started to reach up and take her hand to move it between my legs, but then she ended the kiss and sat up on her haunches.

She threw her head back, shaking it, running her fingers through her blonde hair. Her eyes were closed. My hand was still on her crotch. I rubbed her some more and squeezed, trying to press my fingers in as much as I could through the tight jeans.

“Wow,” she exclaimed, seemingly to herself. She shook her head again, then put her hands on her tits, squeezing them. “Wow,” she repeated.

My mother opened her eyes and looked down at me. I continued groping her. She didn’t try to stop me.

“Julie, I think you should know that I’ve, uh, I’ve started to make some plans. For us. For you and me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I just, I want our first time together, when we are really together, doing everything I know you want to do and that I want to do too, I want that first time to be something very special, for both of us.”

I smiled. She smiled back at me. I kept rubbing her pussy through her jeans.

“So I’m making some plans for us. In just, in just a few weeks, okay?”

“Okay,” I nodded.

“Good.” She leaned down and kissed me, then glanced at the clock. “But right now I think it’s time for my beautiful daughter to get ready for bed. All right?”

I nodded again, and also gave her pussy a hard squeeze.

“Mmm, that feels good, you naughty little thing. How dare you touch your mommy that way!” She feigned shock and we both laughed. Then she gave me a last kiss, said goodnight, and left the room.

Continue on to Chapter 56


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 54

  • Posted on May 11, 2015 at 11:45 am

By Naughty Mommy

The next day was Sunday, March 7. It was our mother’s 32nd birthday. My sisters and I had talked with each other about doing a lot of special things for her that day, like bringing her breakfast in bed and stuff. But due to our very late night on Saturday, she was actually up before any of us (or before me and Kate anyway), and when I finally went downstairs, she was making a special breakfast for us!

It was almost 10:00. My mom and Molly were in the kitchen, both wearing frilly aprons (Molly looked so cute). They were cutting up vegetables and sausages and things.

“Oh, Mommy, you shouldn’t be doing any work today,” I frowned, hands on my hips. “It’s your birthday. I wanted to do everything for you!”

She gave me a nice hug and kiss. “You’re sweet, darling, but this isn’t work. I love doing this. I’m teaching your little sister how to make a frittata.”

“I’m doing the mushrooms,” Molly announced. She was standing on a stool, carefully slicing fresh portobello mushrooms with a sharp knife.

I sat down and sulked for a minute. Then I got up and asked if I could help. There really wasn’t much more to be done. Mommy had already cooked the sausage and prepared all the rest of the fillings. She whipped up the eggs and other ingredients and poured them into a large pan on the stove and we watched as the concoction slowly cooked. Then she popped the pan into the oven for a final bit of baking.

At the moment our mother was pulling the finished masterpiece out of the oven, Kate strolled into the kitchen, as if on cue. “Ta-da!” Mommy declared. It smelled divine.

We enjoyed our delicious breakfast, and then I insisted, of course, that we girls do the cleaning up while our mom relaxed. For the rest of the day, we tried to do as many little things for her as we could, bringing her anything she wanted and so on. In the afternoon, she went to the gym for a workout, and that gave my sisters and me time to plan what we would do for dinner.

The three of us cooked for her that night, not making anything too fancy, just lasagna with a nice salad. But we set the table with the good silver and served the meal under candlelight. I’d planned ahead and placed an order with a nearby bakery for a decorated cake, which we went and picked up while she was at the gym. We got some streamers and balloons and stuff from the store next to the bakery too, and each of us picked out a nice birthday card for her. After dinner we did all the dishes while Mommy had another glass of wine, and pretty soon after that it was time for bed.

Kate and Molly and I all got big hugs and kisses and warm thank-you’s from our mother “for making my special day so special,” she said, even though I wished we could have done more for her.

* * *

Just after 10:00 that night, while I was in bed reading a mystery novel, I heard a knock on my door. It was my mom. She came in, pulling Kate behind her. They were holding hands.

Mommy was in a black negligee, transparent. Kate was wearing boxers and a tank top. I looked at my sister with raised eyebrows, but she just shrugged. She didn’t know what was going on.

They stood by my bed. My mother had a look on her face I had come to know, a look of unrestrained lust and desire. I loved that look.

She gazed down at me, licking her lips. “Julie, honey, would you do something very special for me tonight, for my birthday?”

“Of course, anything. What is it?”

She put her hands on Kate’s shoulders, sliding her fingers down her arms and then back up again. “Look at your sister. Isn’t she beautiful? Isn’t she sexy?”

“Yeah…” I nodded.

My mom took the hem of the tank top in her hands and slowly pulled it up. Kate raised her arms and the top came off. Mommy dropped it on the floor.

“Look at her little body,” she said, as she fondled my sister’s breasts. “She’s so hot, isn’t she? Doesn’t it make you want to touch her?”

“I guess…” I felt like an idiot responding that way, but I didn’t know what else to say.

She took my hand. “Get up out of bed, honey.”

I did. I was wearing a big blue t-shirt with plain cotton panties, pink, and a pair of old white socks. I didn’t think I looked very sexy or hot, but my mom apparently did.

“Katie, look at Julie. Isn’t she pretty?”


“Look at her beautiful face, at her eyes, her lips. Wouldn’t you like to kiss her?”

“Well… yeah.”

“Katie, take off her shirt,” our mother requested.


In a moment we were both topless.

“Now, you two, get in Julie’s bed.”

We complied.

Mommy sat down next to us. She said, “Today is my birthday, and you have both been so sweet all day long, doing so many nice things for me. But there is one more thing I would love for you to do.”

She paused and we waited. She raised a hand to her breast, fondling her erect nipple through the sheer fabric. “I want to watch you masturbate together tonight. But not just together. I want to see you masturbate each other. Have you ever done that?”

“No,” I replied.

My sister shook her head.

“That’s what I want to see,” our mother breathed. “That’s what I want to watch tonight.”

“But, um,” Kate began, “is it really okay, Mommy? I mean, for me and Julie to do that stuff, since, you know, since we’re related?”

Mommy smiled at her. “Yes, precious, it’s okay. It’s perfectly okay. You love her, don’t you?”

Kate nodded.

“Of course you do. I know how much you love each other, how deeply you care for each other. So why wouldn’t you want to help each other feel very good? What could possibly be wrong with that?”

My sister looked at me and I looked at her. The question she’d asked me a few weeks ago, when we’d been waiting in our mother’s bed to surprise her, was being answered tonight, in the affirmative. It really was okay. We smiled at each other.

“Take off the rest of your clothes now,” Mommy instructed, and we both did.

We began then by kissing, holding each other close, letting our tongues and lips and mouths get us very aroused. Soon we were lying on our sides in my bed, facing each other, still kissing, running our hands up and down our naked bodies, touching everywhere.

Our pace, however, wasn’t quite fast enough for our mom. She took my hand in hers and placed it firmly between Kate’s legs, and she took Kate’s hand and put it between my legs.

“Please, girls, touch each other for me. I really want to see that,” she urged. By now, she was naked too, her black negligee on the floor, and she was fucking herself with her fingers as she watched us.

Rolling onto by back, I pulled my sister on top of me. I knew I could come more easily that way. I rubbed Kate’s pussy, feeling her hot wetness. I had never touched her there before, at least not like that, and I certainly had never brought her to orgasm. This was another thrilling new experience for me.

I could feel my sister’s fingers reaching between my legs too, thoroughly exploring me, tenderly but insistently. She caressed the length of my pussy lips, up and down, from the top of my mound to my anus, familiarizing herself with my sex. Now that she’d been given permission, Kate was eager to move forward.

We continued kissing, her tongue working wonders in my mouth. That allowed me to disregard everything else, forget all my doubts and fears, put aside my nervousness, and just focus on how great it felt to kiss her. And to feel what her fingers were doing to my clit — oh my god! She was really good at this!

I was surprised to find that I was already starting to get close. I’d been worried at first, not sure I could perform in a way that would satisfy Mommy, uncertain I could give her everything she wanted for her birthday. But it was happening. I could feel that special happy swirling in my middle and I knew an orgasm soon would follow.

But what about Kate? I wanted to make her come too! My eyes had been closed, and now I opened them to look at her. My sister’s eyes were shut. She was concentrating on kissing me and touching me, on making me feel very good. At that moment I loved her more than ever. She was so sweet, so honest, so giving, she would do absolutely anything for me. And I wanted to do everything for her.

I decided to fuck her. I knew her best climaxes seemed to happen when she was fucking herself with her finger. So that’s what I would do.

I had to feel carefully, reach down further. I’d been mainly rubbing the skin around her clit, but now I was sliding my fingers between her lips, searching for the opening to her little vagina. And then I found it. A slight depression. As I pressed in, I felt it give. I pushed my middle finger into the depression and entered her.

She was so hot inside. Unbelievably hot, like a boiling furnace, and tight too. My eyes went wide as I felt the inside of my sister’s vagina for the first time.

Kate ended the kiss and pulled slightly away. She opened her eyes and looked into mine. I pushed my finger further inside her. She groaned and leaned down, resting her forehead on mine. “God yes, Julie, fuck me,” she whispered.

We kissed. I shoved my finger into her as deep as it would go and then tried to press it in even deeper. Kate gasped. I heard my mother starting to come. I felt my sister’s fingers on my clit. I was so close. Sliding my finger out just a little, I pushed it back in, as deep as I could. I did it again and then again. She was slippery and wet and so very hot inside. I could hear my mommy climaxing, I could feel Katie’s fingers on my clit and now she was kissing me once more, her lips on mine, her tongue in my mouth. I fucked her, I was fucking her cunt. She kissed me — she kissed me, and we both came.

My sister was on top of me in my bed. We were both panting, sweating, trying to regain our breath after the wonderful orgasms we’d given each other. Our mother was hugging us now, squeezing us, kissing us, thanking us for doing as she’d asked, for giving her a very special birthday gift.

Kate rolled off of me and Mommy knelt between us, kissing us again and again, profusely thanking us. Finally she got up, taking Kate with her. They both said goodnight, gave me a last kiss, and left the room.

I was alone. I turned onto my side and thought about what had just happened. I’d masturbated with my sister — no, more than that, I had masturbated my sister, I’d touched her and made her come. I’d fucked her with my finger!

I’d really had sex with her, with Kate, or at least the beginnings of sex. And my mom had been right there with us, watching us, encouraging us. Oh my god. Things were definitely changing. What would happen next?

The night before, my mom had fucked me with her finger while she was eating Melissa’s pussy. And now I had fucked Kate the same way. Would we soon be doing even more? And what about my other sister, Molly? Where did she fit in with all this?

Just two nights earlier, on Friday, I’d heard my mom in the hall with Molly, and then I’d listened outside her bedroom door, and it had sounded exactly as if she was having an orgasm with her, with my baby sister. But what were they actually doing in there? Were they masturbating together, as she did with me and Kate sometimes? Or were they doing more? What could it possibly be? I had to find out.

I realized, as I lay in bed that night, that I’d been receiving clues for a long time, little things that should have told me something was going on between my mother and Molly. I’d mostly just ignored them, perhaps not wanting to face the truth. Maybe I wasn’t ready to face it before, but now I was. It was definitely arousing to me, although it was kind of shocking at the same time. Molly was so young! On the other hand, I was still only 12 and Kate was only 10 so we were very young too, and I knew Mommy was strongly attracted to both of us. Maybe it wasn’t that surprising that she would be sexually attracted to an 8-year-old as well.

As I thought about that, I had to admit that I was also very attracted to young girls the same age as Molly, or even younger than her. Not to mention my feelings for Molly herself. I had masturbated in my bed many times while I fantasized about having sex with my baby sister.

So much to think about.

I turned from my side onto my back and let my hands start roaming over my naked body. This week I would make it my mission to find out once and for all what was happening with Molly and my mom. But for now, for tonight, I was just going to enjoy myself once more, enjoy touching my own body as I allowed my erotic imagination to run wild.

I closed my eyes and pictured my youngest sister, her curly blonde hair, her big blue eyes, her perfect white skin… so very tempting.

I decided to pretend that she and I had a special night all to ourselves. We were alone in the house together, just Molly and me, and I could do anything and everything with her that I wanted. It was a night when only she and I would know what happened, just one night when I could live out the naughtiest, hottest things I wanted to do with her.

In my fantasy, I began by running a bath for her with lots of sweet scented bubbles and oils. I took off her little clothes, her little girl clothes, gradually unveiling her naked little girl body. I placed her in the tub and knelt beside her, getting my hands all soapy, working up a nice lather, and then I began bathing her.

I ran my hands all over her body, her smooth, soft, unblemished skin. I washed her little chest, feeling her tiny nipples beneath my fingers. I played with her nipples, rubbing them with my fingertips, and I heard her gasp. She was beginning to tremble. I kept playing with them, teasing her, feeling her little nipples stiffen under my touch even though she is still just a young girl.

Finally I slid my hand further down. I washed her little belly, her hairless mound, I ran my hands around her sides, under her legs, up the insides of her smooth thighs. I washed extra carefully at the joint just between her thighs and her crotch, where her skin is the most sensitive. I heard my sister moaning, breathing hard. She’s not used to this much touching from me, not this kind of touching. But she likes it.

At last I let my fingers drift over to her pussy lips, her smooth, soft, white, perfect puffy labia. I whispered to her that I want to make very very clean tonight, I want to wash her very thoroughly, because I love her so much. My wet soapy hands ran up and down over her labia, again and again, up and down, more and more — and then inside, between her lips, into her sexual center — my fingers gliding up and down inside my sister’s pussy, rubbing her, masturbating her until she was panting, whimpering, almost sobbing with arousal. I looked at her face, her beautiful sweet little face, now coated with beads of sweat. I saw that she was flushed, her cheeks aflame, her eyes hooded, her lips moist and parted. She was ready for me. I brought my face close to hers and I kissed her.

Then I helped her out of the bath, gently drying her with a soft towel, being sure to rub extra briskly on her sensitive nipples and between her legs. I put lotion on her, all over her, rubbing it in, making her smell even sweeter and more desirable, her skin now even softer and more touchable. And then I took her in my arms and carried her to my bed.

As I visualized all this, in my room in the dark on a Sunday night, I turned over onto my tummy. I was in my bed, alone, but in my fantasy I was not alone. I had Molly with me, under me.

I was on top of her, we were both naked, and I was kissing her, putting my tongue in her mouth, and then more… I was reaching between her legs and rubbing her pussy, sliding my fingers between her lips, feeling how hot and juicy and slippery she was inside, and then more… I pushed her little legs wide apart and opened my own pussy lips with my fingers and I placed my wet cunt over hers and I began fucking my baby sister. I fucked her with my cunt until she came, and then I came on top of her.

I came in bed, of course, as I was imagining all this. I came and then I tasted myself.

As I lay in the dark that night licking my juicy fingers, feeling the tingly residue of a hot orgasm just completed, I imagined it was not just my own sweet nectar I was tasting, but Molly’s too.

Continue on to Chapter 55


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 53

  • Posted on May 11, 2015 at 11:37 am

By Naughty Mommy

Melissa kissed me softly, whispering, “You want me to pretend I’m your little sister, just 8 years old? And you’re going to take my clothes off?”

“Uh-huh,” I nodded.

“That’s so naughty,” she giggled. “I love it!”

“Goddamn, this is fucking hot!” My mom sat down in a chair next to us, quickly pulled off her black thong, and started masturbating.

“So, um, I’m gonna call you, um, I’ll call you Melanie, all right?”

“Melanie? That’s my name?” Melissa smiled. “Okay. And what’s your name?”

“I’ll just be Julie.” I grinned at her and then looked down at my mother. She was watching us closely, licking her lips as she rubbed her pussy.

I turned back to ‘Melanie’. “Okay, honey, let me take your pretty dress off now.”

Melissa’s babydoll dress was loose-fitting and easy to pull off over her head. But what surprised me was what I found underneath it. I’d already caught a glimpse of her white cotton little girl panties, and now I was happy to discover that she was wearing a matching white bralette as well, exactly the kind a girl of 8 or 9 years old might wear. The kind my sister Molly sometimes wore.

This was great. It worked perfectly with the game I wanted to play. “Look at this cute little bra,” I said to her. “Except you don’t even need to wear a bra yet. You’re too young to have any boobies.”

I placed my hands on her chest, over the bralette. In reality, Melissa did have breasts, of course, but not much. She was quite flat.

“I know I am,” said ‘Melanie’, “but I want to have them. I want to get big, like you.” She raised her hands to my breasts, feeling them. I heard my mother groaning behind us as she masturbated.

“Okay, now let’s take off your little bra, honey.” It was flimsy and elastic, without a hook, and slipped right off.

“What a pretty girl you are, my lovely little sister.” I ran my hands up and down her body, from her shoulders to her hips and back up to her tits. I fingered her nipples, which were hard and pointed. “You’re so pretty, I just have to kiss you.”

I leaned in and kissed her erect nipples, one at a time, not only kissing but licking them too, and even nibbling at them. Melissa — I mean ‘Melanie’ — sighed and petted my hair as she held my head to her chest. I loved the feel of her skin, her warmth and softness, her tender caress. I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of her perfume as I licked her nipples, running my tongue all around them, feeling them stiffen even further.

Finally, I pulled back and looked up at her face. She smiled and bent down to kiss me. It seemed kind of weird that the girl playing the role of my baby sister was almost a foot taller than me, but oh well.

Before going on to the next step, I turned to my mother, who was sliding two fingers slowly in and out of her cunt as she watched our little game.

“Mommy, is it okay if, um… if I put my hand in her panties and feel her? Is that all right?”

“Yes, baby, it’s fine,” she answered in a husky voice. “I want to see you do that. I want you to touch her.”

Melissa’s eyes went wide. I hadn’t ever touched her quite that way before. She seemed eager for it now though.

I didn’t put my hand inside at first. Instead I started rubbing on the outside of her panties, sliding my fingers slowly down between her legs and then back up, feeling the shape of her labia, gently pressing in, sensing the heat and dampness within her cleft.

“I love your little undies, Melanie,” I whispered. “They’re so soft.”

“Thank you,” she breathed. She was trembling with excitement.

“Do you like it when I touch you this way? You don’t mind, do you?”

“No, I don’t mind. I like it. I, um… you’re my big sister, and I want you to touch me everywhere.”

“Oh fuck yes!” I heard my mom panting and moaning. It sounded like she was almost ready to come.

Now I did put my hand inside ‘Melanie’s’ panties. Her mound was smooth and bald, like a little girl’s. I eased my fingers down just a bit, reaching the skin over her clit. She inhaled sharply, whimpering, as I pressed in with my fingertips.

I turned again to look at my mother. She was sitting low in the chair, her face flushed and shiny with sweat, her fingers moving rapidly between her legs.

“Mommy, I’m touching her,” I said, “I’m touching my little sister’s pussy.”

I slid my fingers down further, letting them part the swollen labia, feeling inside, finding wetness, smooth and soft and hot.

“I’m touching her. I have my hand inside her tiny pussy. She’s very, very wet.”

“Fuck yeah FUCK!!” cried my mother as she reached her climax.

Melissa and I watched my mom for a moment as she came. I kept my hand inside the panties, inside her lips, sliding slowly up and down. I was so excited, so thrilled to finally be touching her that way, to be touching Melissa’s wet pussy. I turned to her, lifting my face to hers and we kissed. I moved my fingers faster.

I knew I was breaking the rules by touching her that way, but my mother knew exactly what I was doing and she’d made no objection. Just the opposite, in fact. She’d encouraged me, watched me, and now she was climaxing as a result. Maybe the rules were changing.

As we finished kissing, I began to draw my fingers out of Melissa’s undies, but she quickly put her hand over mine, on the outside of her panties, urging, “Don’t stop. Rub my clit. Make me come!”

She pressed my fingers tightly to her. I almost turned to my mom to ask permission, but then I decided not to bother. I kissed Melissa again, shoving my tongue inside her mouth, forgetting for the moment that she was ‘Melanie’ — now she was Melissa, my friend, a sexy 20-year-old girl, and I was rubbing her pussy.

I had an arm around her waist, pulling her close to me. I kissed her wetly, playing with her tongue, nibbling at her lips, sharing her hot breath as I rubbed her hard clit faster and faster. It took a few minutes, but then I could tell, as she held my wrist in her hand, guiding me, as her body began to shudder, and as she stopped breathing for a second, stopped kissing me and went rigid — I could tell I had her.

She exhaled suddenly, a gasp, a violent tremor, a sharp squeal, almost a scream. Melissa was having an orgasm under my touch! I’d done it!

Behind me in the chair, I heard my mother climaxing again, loudly. Apparently I was right about the rules having changed, in this instance anyway.

Melissa shuddered and trembled, her eyes tightly shut, her pale skin flushed red. “Ohh God!!” she groaned as another spasm jolted her slender body. When she was finally finished, she opened her eyes, smiling happily as she tried to regain her breath.

I gazed up at her, sliding my fingers between her pussy lips one more time, feeling how hot and wet she was. Then I drew my hand out of her panties and lifted it to my mouth, tasting her. We kissed and shared her sweet flavor.

After the kiss, I paused for a moment to look around the room.

During all the excitement with Melissa/Melanie, I’d lost track of what everyone else was doing — except for my mom, of course, who was masturbating beside us. Now I saw that the groupings had switched around again. Carla was still sitting in the chair with her legs spread wide, but now it was Casey licking her in place of Danni. Carla’s pussy was getting plenty of attention.

Danni was on the sofa with Kate. They were at opposite ends, their backs against the padded arms, both rubbing themselves as they looked at each other and at the pair of girls between them. Candy was seated in the middle, naked, her feet up on the sofa, her fingers holding her labia apart. Between her legs was Tracy, who was kneeling on the floor, eating Candy’s pussy. Tracy was still wearing her black fishnet stockings, but they were crotchless, as I mentioned, and she had a hand between her own legs, fingering herself.

A drop of sweat ran down my nose. It was warm in the room, since Mommy had turned up the thermostat before she left, but there was a sexual heat surrounding us as well, a carnal energy driving us and feeding us at the same time. I wasn’t the only one sweating. Our family room was filled with the heady aromas of feminine perspiration, perfume, and pussy juice.

I smiled, soaking it all in. Then I turned back to my mother. I had another naughty idea.

She was looking up at me, still breathing heavily after her last orgasm, her body covered in a sheen of sweat.

“Did you like seeing me touch my baby sister, Mommy? Did you like watching when I made her come that way?”

She nodded, licking her lips.

Looking into her eyes, I raised my hand to my mouth, licking the fingers. “Mmm, she tastes so good. Just a little 8-year-old girl, but her pussy tastes so good.”

My mother was starting to masturbate again as she listened to me.

“Look at these cute white panties,” I continued, “her little girl undies. I’m going to take them off her now, Mommy, so you can see your daughter’s baby pussy. Her smooth, hairless pussy.”

Standing behind Melissa, I slowly pulled the white cotton panties down. She was shaved bald, of course, and I saw my mother’s eyes widen as Melissa’s mound came into view. My mom had seen her naked before, she’d eaten that pussy, but now I was making her believe it was the vulva of an 8-year-old child in front of her.

When Melissa was naked, I eased her forward, helping her straddle the chair my mother was in, stretching her long legs over the arms of the chair and under my mother’s arms, sliding in closer and closer until her crotch was no more than two inches from her face.

“Look at her, Mommy, look at your little girl.” I put my hand on Melissa’s labia, using my fingers to slowly spread her lips. “Look at her pretty pussy. Look how wet she is.”

I slid my fingers down between her labia, into her moist slit, down to her vagina. I stretched it open. “Look inside her, Mommy. Look how pink and hot and ready this little girl is. She wants you to lick her, Mommy. Your youngest daughter needs to feel your tongue inside her. Molly wants you to lick her, Mommy. She wants to come in your mouth.”

“Oh god…” my mom was shivering with lust, her eyes wide as she stared at the open cunt in front of her.

I put my hand behind my mother’s head, bringing her toward Melissa. “Lick her, Mommy. This is Molly. This is her sweet little girl pussy. Lick her and make her come!”

That was all the encouragement she needed. I heard her sigh, “Molly,” and then her mouth was on Melissa’s cunt, eagerly licking and sucking and moaning and swallowing.

“Oh, yes, yes…” Melissa breathed. She was definitely into the game, “Yes, please lick me! Lick me, Mommy, lick my little girl pussy! It feels so good!”

I had one hand behind my mom’s head and the other on Melissa’s bottom, pulling the two of them together. But then I felt something, another hand, a warm hand reaching between my legs, caressing me, sliding slowly up my thigh, touching my sex.

It was my mom. She was fondling my pussy while she continued eating Melissa. I moved my hand from behind her head and gripped her wrist, guiding her, helping her find the opening of my vagina. Would she do it? Yes, she did! She inserted a fingertip into my opening and started easing it inside, a little further, and then a little further.

My other hand was on my clit now, rubbing myself. My eyes were closed. I wanted to keep watching my mom lick Melissa, but even more, I wanted to feel her finger sliding up inside my wet vagina. I couldn’t believe. My mommy had her finger in my pussy, she was moving it in and out, she was actually doing it. My mother was fucking me with her finger!!

As you might guess, I came very quickly that way. I rubbed my little clit, my eyes tightly closed, my mommy’s finger pressing up inside my cunt. I had one perfect orgasm, but I didn’t stop then, and neither did she. I kept rubbing myself and she pushed her finger in even deeper, probing inside me, reaching, touching, until I came a second time, almost explosively — crying out, sobbing with passion, feeling hot wetness ooze out of my pussy, dripping onto her hand.

I was actually leaning against Melissa as I climaxed. She had an arm around me, supporting me. I’m not sure I could have remained standing otherwise. And just as I began to recover, when I was able to open my eyes again, Melissa started to come in my mother’s mouth.

There were many, many more orgasms that night, in almost any combination you can imagine. As I stated in my sexual diary the next day, “the women all had sex with each other.” I had to finally summarize it that way, because it would have been impossible for me or anyone else to keep tabs on what everyone was doing all the time.

Among the highlights were when Tracy decided to take off her fishnet stockings and also take off the remaining underthings Carla was wearing, and then mounted the brunette on the loveseat, placing their cunts together in a scissors position and fucking her energetically until Carla climaxed beneath her at least twice. Then Tracy climbed up on Carla’s face and held her head in her hands and shoved her pussy into her mouth, staring down at her as she rocked her pelvis back and forth, rubbing her clit against the woman’s lips and tongue faster and faster before coming all over her. I remember watching them, standing close, fingering my own pussy and timing my climax to match with Tracy’s.

Some time after that, there was a four-way ‘daisy chain’ (I later learned that’s what it was called) in the middle of the floor, with my mom licking Candy, and Candy licking Danni, and Danni licking Casey, and Casey licking my mom. Kate and I were kneeling beside them, masturbating as we watched. I don’t know what Tracy and Melissa and Carla were doing then, maybe having sex with each other or possibly taking a break, who knows.

A still greater highlight, near the end of the evening, was when Mommy got the two sisters together and sat them on the sofa and told them we all wanted to see them kiss and touch each other. They were happy to oblige. It turned out this wasn’t the first time for them. They grinned and told us that they’d been having sex for more than four years, since they were 14 and 16.

But even though it wasn’t new for them, it certainly was new for me, watching two hot sisters put their arms around each other, kissing and caressing their naked bodies. Of course, Kate and I had already done similar things together, but it was different seeing another pair of sisters. Different and very arousing.

Everyone gathered close to watch.

When they got in a ‘69’ position, with Candy underneath and Casey on top, when I saw Casey using her fingers to open her younger sister’s pussy lips, and then when she started licking her clit, I totally lost control. I had an orgasm right then. I ended up plopping down on the coffee table, facing the sofa, my legs clenched together around my hands, trying desperately to keep my eyes open, to keep watching them. My mom sat next to me, pulling me close, stroking my back as she whispered in my ear, “You like that, honey? You like watching a pretty girl lick her sister?”

Within a few minutes, Casey and Candy both came, and I had another orgasm too. Most of the other women and girls did as well, including Kate. It was fitting ‘climax’, ha-ha, to an amazing night.

The clock on the mantel struck 1:30 AM. The room got sort of quiet, for the first time in a while. Nothing but a lot of heavy breathing. I closed my eyes and inhaled slowly and deeply, savoring the pungent fragrance of lesbian sex all around me.

My mother stood, stretching languorously. I looked up at her, marveling once more, as I so often did, at what a beautiful womanly body she had. “Well…” she began, apparently suggesting it was time for the evening to end.

“Yeah, I guess it is pretty late,” Melissa nodded, getting up from where she’d been seated beside me on the floor. She bent and kissed the top of my head. “These girls probably need to get some sleep.”

But Kate had other plans. “Um, Mommy?”

“Yes, honey?”

My sister was standing behind the sofa, between Tracy and Carla. Grinning at our mother, she said, “I want to do something before they go.”

“And what’s that, precious?”

“Well, you know how sometimes you let me and Julie give your pussy a goodnight kiss before we go to bed?”

I heard a few murmurs of surprise and perhaps appreciation from around the room.

“So, what I want,” Kate went on, “is to, like, give everybody here a goodnight kiss too. The same way.”

“Oh, you do?” Mommy may have been surprised, but she certainly didn’t look upset. She leered, “You want to give all their pussies a goodnight kiss?”

Kate nodded, “Uh-huh.”

“All right.” Then she looked down at me. “Julie, do you want to do that too?”


“Fine. Let’s have you sit on the sofa next to your sister.” My mom helped Candy and Casey get up and then she sat me and Kate side by side. “Okay, now who would like to go first?”

“I would!” called Danni, raising her hand.

She came quickly toward us, rubbing her pussy the whole way. By the time she was positioned in front of Kate it was obvious that she was already on the verge of yet another orgasm.

“Ooh, yes, that might be even better,” said our mother, as she looked around at the naked women in the room. “If you don’t mind, and if you think you can do it, how about if everyone lines up and we’ll all start masturbating, and right after we come we’ll let each of the girls give our pussies a goodnight kiss. Okay?”

And so they did. Wow, what a great idea my little sister had!

They got in a line, with Danni leading off, then Tracy, then Melissa, then the sisters, Casey and Candy, then Carla and finally our mom. One by one, they stood in front of us, rubbing themselves until they were ready to come. As soon as they did, usually while they were still in the middle of their orgasms, they grabbed our faces, Kate’s first and then mine, pulling us against them so we could kiss their wet pussies. It was so awesome.

By the time we were not even halfway done, after I’d kissed Melissa’s heated vulva, using my tongue so I could taste her a little, I was totally ready to have an orgasm myself. I was rubbing my clit and as Casey pulled my face against her wet pussy lips, I climaxed. I kept rubbing myself and when Candy came and had my sister kiss her and then me, I came again. I was in a frenzy. Usually I couldn’t climax that many times in a row, but there was no stopping me on this incredible night.

Our mother was the last in line. As all the other women and girls gathered close around to watch, many of them masturbating again, or still masturbating, Mommy took her position in front of us. She didn’t rub herself right away, though. I’m sure she had been doing that while the others were having us kiss their pussies, and maybe she’d come a few times too, but now she just used her fingers to spread her pussy lips apart, letting us gaze into her pink center.

“Look at your mommy’s pussy, your mommy’s vagina. Look at me, girls. Look at your mommy. I’m gonna come now, I’m gonna make myself come, and then I want you to kiss me, kiss my pussy, kiss your mommy’s fucking cunt!”

“Oh God! Fuck!!” Danni was coming again as she listened to this.

“So fucking fucking hot!” Tracy was right on the edge too.

I could hear moans and sighs and gasps and wet slippery sounds all around me, but I didn’t take my eyes from my mother’s pussy. She began rubbing her clit and it didn’t take long at all. Within a few seconds, she was ready. She started climaxing.

“Mommy! Mommy! I’m co— UNH!” That was Kate, next to me, coming at the same time as our mom.

I was rubbing myself too, but I managed to wait, to hold on a moment longer, to watch as my mother pulled my little sister’s mouth against her sex and held it there while she climaxed — but then she quickly grabbed me too, pulling me in, pulling us in together, our cheeks side my side, our mouths almost joined, our faces getting soaked with our wonderful mommy’s pussy juice as she climaxed for us, climaxed on us.

And I came as well. I came for the last time that night as my mother held my head, pressing me tightly to her. It seemed to go on and on, my orgasm and hers, but finally it was all over. She shuddered one last time and then let us go, stumbling backwards, almost in a faint. Carla was behind her, though, and caught her, holding her and gently easing her into a chair.

Melissa sat down next to me, hugging me and kissing me. Tracy and Danni joined Kate, hugging and kissing her the same way. Soon Candy and Casey were there too, squeezing in beside us or on top of us on the sofa, and we all shared a happy round of warm kisses and hugs along with lots of laughter.

It was right then that I saw something, or thought I saw it anyway, out of the corner of my eye.

Up above, on the second floor, where the open railing ended and the enclosed part of the hall began, it seemed for just a moment that I could see a little face peeking around the edge of the wall, looking down at us. My sister’s face, Molly’s. Was it really her, though? Or did I only imagine it? I’m still not sure, and I’ve never asked her.

Soon after that, everyone started getting dressed again, although not necessarily all the way. I noticed some bras and panties just being shoved into purses or pockets. Kate and I stayed naked, as did our mom, and we went to the door with them that way, saying goodnight, giving and receiving a few more kisses, and then we were alone.

Mommy hugged us both, saying we would leave the cleanup until next morning, and we went upstairs to bed. I fell almost immediately to sleep, completely exhausted after who knows how many orgasms. What a night!

Continue on to Chapter 54


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 52

  • Posted on May 11, 2015 at 11:29 am

By Naughty Mommy

I could scarcely believe my luck. Here I was, just a 12-year-old girl in a room full of beautiful women… and they were all about to start having sex with each other and let me and my even younger sister watch them! It still takes my breath away to think about it. Of course, this was only the start of even greater adventures to come for me and my mom and both of my sisters. We’ll get to all of that soon enough.

Anyway, I’m going to take a minute now and tell you what everyone was wearing that evening (before they started taking their clothes off) and how they looked to me at the time. I can tell you this because I wrote it all down the next day so I would always remember it. That was when I officially began this memoir, in fact, although I had no idea then how extensive it would eventually become. Most of the things I’ve told you about before are only from memory, but starting from here, just about everything is exactly as it happened.

Would you like me to share with you how my memoir actually begins? Here is what I wrote the next day:

This is the start of my sexual diary. Julie’s SeXual Diary. [Yes, I made a capital X, silly me.] Begin date: March 9, 2010. In here, I will tell as much as I can about what has happened to me and what will happen to me, starting from 2 years ago when I was 10 until _____. [I left that space blank, not knowing how long I would continue the diary, and it’s still blank. I’m 18 now, as I’m writing this, but the diary was maintained only for about a year.] This is all about how I learned about sex, about being a grownup sexual adult woman person. [For the first couple of months, my diary was written out in longhand, not on a computer, and the cross-outs are that way in the original.]

All right, I guess that’s enough of the diary. Let me go ahead and tell you what they were wearing.

We’ll begin with Melissa, since I liked her so much. She was in a super short minidress with princess sleeves. It was lavender and blue, in a paisley pattern, with an empire waist and a scoop neckline. Around the high waist was a white ribbon, tied in a bow. She was wearing a matching white ribbon in her hair too, tied in a bow, along with flat black shoes. You have to imagine this: she was the tallest woman in the room, about 5’10”, with very long legs and in a tiny dress. But with her almost totally flat chest, and her cute cherubic face, and the way she was dressed, she looked just like a little girl, an extremely tall, extremely sexy little girl. So yummy and delicious!

Tracy was wearing a leather mini-skirt, black, along with a sort of spangly gold tank top that was tucked in to the skirt, and black fishnet stockings. She had a bra on, but it was thin enough that you could easily see her nipples poking through the top. When I saw her for the first time that night, she already had her shoes off, but she had been wearing black pumps with four-inch heels.

Danni was in a skirt too. In fact, every girl in the room was wearing either a skirt or a dress (except for me and Kate, that is), so there was plenty of leg on display, which I love to see. Danni’s skirt was dark brown and split on one side way up high. It came down to about her knees, but every time she moved she showed off her smooth tanned thigh. On top she wore a thin sleeveless v-neck sweater that buttoned down the front. It was white, and the buttons were open far enough to clearly reveal that she was not wearing a bra. Of course, her dark pokey nipples made that pretty obvious too. Her shoes were wedge sandals. It was the wrong season for sandals, but I don’t think Danni worried too much about that kind of stuff.

The dress Carla was wearing was absolutely gorgeous. It was luscious satin silk, royal blue, with a deeply plunging neckline. It flowed over her body like someone poured paint on her or something. It actually came to below her knees, but with her beautiful legs, her sheer white stockings, and her high heels (color-matched with the dress, naturally), she looked spectacular.

My mom, I already told you about, her hot red party dress.

And finally, the two new girls. Casey was in a bronze-colored dress with cap sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. The dress was really tight and really short. She had superb legs and was obviously happy to show them off. Her stiletto heels, which she wore without nylons, made her legs look even longer and sleeker. Very, very nice. Candy was wearing a gray dress with a halter top, extremely low-cut on the sides and in the front. It was quite revealing. The jagged hemline came to, well, parts of it were about knee-length, but other parts were a lot higher. It was a super sexy dress. Oh, and it had sequins sewn on it too, so it was really glittery and pretty. Her shoes were dark gray ankle boots. She looked great.

Now let’s get back to the action…

My mother had moved onto her knees in front of the chair where Casey was sitting. They both had their shoes off. As I watched, my mom ran her hands up and down the girl’s long bare legs, slowly pushing them apart. I was crouching at the side of the chair and slightly back. In her new position, Mommy could easily see me, and I knew she had, but she hadn’t done anything to give me away. The girl, Casey, could have seen me too if she’d turned her head far enough, but she was entirely focused on my mom and on what they were doing. A lot of the time they were kissing, anyway, and her eyes were closed. I scooted in even further.

On the sofa, not far from me, Melissa was finger-fucking Danni from behind. She was staring at the girl’s cunt and sometimes leaning in for a lick, possibly tonguing her asshole, although I couldn’t see that from where I was. Danni had a hand down inside Candy’s panties, but she seemed too distracted by what Melissa was doing to really rub Candy at all. She was trembling and sweating, her eyes shut, her face red, saying, “Yeah, yeah, oh god yes, fuck me harder, harder!”

Within just a few more seconds, our favorite babysitter exploded into orgasm. She was the first to come that night, not surprisingly.

Casey and my mother both looked over at Danni as she cried out in ecstasy. I heard Casey breathe, “Oh my god…”

I could see Kate from where I was, but luckily she was outside Casey’s line of vision. My sister’s eyes were wide as she took in the teenager’s noisy climax. The expression on her face made me think Kate was masturbating while she watched, as I was doing too.

My mom reached behind her back to open the zipper on her dress, letting the straps fall from her shoulders, unveiling her beautiful breasts to Casey. They were held in a black satin bra that pushed them up, accentuating their delectable fullness. The girl sighed as she saw them, “So nice,” and placed her hands over them. My mother put her hands on top of Casey’s, squeezing them tightly as she gazed into the young brunette’s eyes. She leaned forward and they kissed. I rubbed my clit faster.

As soon as she finished her first climax, Danni flipped over on the sofa, leaning back against Candy. Hiking up her skirt and opening her legs, revealing a hot pink thong that she pulled to the side, she begged Melissa to lick her, “Make me come again! Please! I want to come again!”

Melissa grinned at her, nodding, but decided to tease her a bit by making her wait. “Let me get these out of way first,” she said, as she started undoing the straps on one of Danni’s wedge sandals.

“Okay, but hurry!” Danni pleaded.

After both sandals were off, Melissa hooked her fingers inside the pink thong and pulled it down Danni’s legs. She held the undies up to her nose, sniffing them and then kissing the crotch. Danni moaned. She was rubbing her clit, so intent on having another orgasm that she would get it any way she could. Melissa looked at the girl’s shaved pussy and licked her lips. Candy, who was watching all this from behind Danni, had her hands on the teen’s breasts and was playing with her nipples. Melissa was still fully clothed at this point, wearing her babydoll dress, but as she bent down to begin licking, the tiny dress pulled up far enough over her bottom that I could see she was wearing white cotton little girl panties. Ooh, how adorable!

From where I was, I couldn’t see what was happening on the loveseat, but I could hear gasps and groans and wet sounds, and it was obvious that Tracy and Carla were having a very good time together. I noticed that Kate kept looking back and forth, from the sofa to the loveseat and back again, trying to watch everything at once.

My mother reached back to unhook her bra. The straps slid down her arms, baring her breasts, her large brown nipples fully erect. She took her tits in her hands, pressing them together, squeezing the nipples so hard I thought it must hurt her. Perhaps it did, and perhaps she enjoyed that kind of pain, because I saw her shudder and take in a sharp breath as she did it. Sighing hungrily and smiling, Mommy leaned in close, pointing one of her long nipples at Casey’s mouth. The girl closed her eyes and began to suck.

I couldn’t wait any longer. I couldn’t stand it. I had to be part of what was happening. I quickly crawled the remaining distance between me and my mother. She saw me coming and turned her face toward mine. We kissed.

I had one hand on Mommy’s warm back and my other on her cheek, petting her face as we kissed wetly and warmly. Casey was so involved in sucking my mother’s tit that at first she didn’t realize I was there. Candy had seen me, though, from her spot on the sofa. She didn’t say anything, but when I glanced over that way while still kissing my mom, I found Candy staring at me, open-mouthed. I almost started to laugh.

Just then Casey opened her eyes and saw me too. My mom and I ended the kiss and looked at the girl. She let Mommy’s big nipple come out of her mouth with an almost audible pop and also just stared. Now I did start to giggle.

“What — who — who’s this?” Casey babbled, wide-eyed. She didn’t seem upset, just very surprised.

My mother smiled and kissed my cheek. “This is my daughter.”

I grinned at Casey. She looked at my face and then down at my immature little boobies, apparently comprehending how young I was. She shook her head in amazement.

My mother took my face in her hands, turning me to her. She kissed me deeply, shoving her tongue into my mouth, clearly putting on a show for the two new girls. I loved it. I wrapped my arms around her — well, actually only one arm, because with the other hand I grabbed her tit and squeezed her nipple, thinking that would be even more of a spectacle for them.

And it was. As my mom and I kissed, our tongues deeply probing, my hand on her breasts — and her hand now on my breasts — I could hear plenty of oohs and aahs, sighs of pleasure from the rest of the room. We certainly had their attention now.

We finished the kiss and she got to her feet, bringing me with her. She was still wearing a black thong, but that was all, and I was nude, of course. We stood side by side, her arm around my shoulder, mine around her waist, and she introduced me.

“Casey and Candy, I would like to present my daughter, Julie. She’s 12 years old, and I’m very proud of her. Julie, please say hello to our guests.”

I smiled, “Hello, Casey. Hello, Candy. It’s nice to meet you.”

As said this, I spied my sister’s little chipmunk face peeking out from behind the sofa. Neither of the new girls had noticed her yet.

Carla and Tracy were standing across the room, having arisen from the love seat. They were both dressed, sort of. That is, they had their clothes on but they looked disheveled and their makeup was badly smeared. They’d been having fun over there.

Melissa lifted her face from Danni’s crotch, wiping her chin as she smiled at me. I felt a little bad for Danni, because I was almost sure we must have interrupted her on the verge of another orgasm. On the other hand, Danni was nearly always on the verge of an orgasm, so maybe that didn’t matter much.

My mom went on, “And there is someone else I would like you to meet, too. Kate, will you stand up, please?”

She did, smiling hugely and blushing at the same time. As Mommy made her humorous formal introduction of my sister, specifically mentioning her age, I heard more oohs and aahs, although this time mostly just from the newcomers, Casey and Candy, since the others already knew Kate. It was plain that we had succeeded in surprising and delighting our guests.

There was a short pause, as no one seemed to know quite what to do next. But then Tracy approached Kate, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and Melissa came rushing over to me, grabbing me and squeezing me.

“Julie, I’m so happy to see you again!” She held me at arm’s length, her eyes running up and down my body. “You are such a beautiful girl.”

“Thanks,” I blushed. “Um, I really like your dress a lot.”

“Oh, thank you!” Melissa did a cute little curtsy for me, which was perfect for what she was wearing.

I felt a tap on my arm. It was Casey.

“Uh, hi, I’m Casey,” she began, a little awkwardly. She actually held out her hand to shake mine, and I took it. I think we both recognized the absurdity of a handshake at a time like that, but people do strange things.

“It’s, uh, it’s very nice to meet you,” Casey added. Then she laughed, “Your mother has told me nothing about you!”

I laughed too, and the ice was broken. We hugged.

Across the room, I saw that Danni had actually leaped over the back of the sofa and was giving Kate a bear hug, picking her right up off the ground. Candy greeted Kate while kneeling on the sofa, and then she turned and came over to meet me.

Casey said, “This is my little sister, Candy.”

So they were sisters! Awesome!!

“Hi,” I smiled and nodded. The girl kissed my cheek and I kissed hers. Casey left us to go say hello to Kate, Mommy going with her.

As I chatted with Candy, Carla came over and gave me a nice hug. That was when I got the chance to really appreciate her sensational dress. Candy and I both complimented her on it, as did Melissa, who was with us.

“That’s so nice of you to say,” Carla smiled, “but for my money, the two girls here with the prettiest outfits are definitely Julie and Kate!” We had a good laugh about that.

For the next few minutes, everyone mingled, briefly talking, loosening up a bit, letting go of the tension that had come into the room when our secret presence was revealed. But things soon settled down again. Or maybe I should say they heated up again.

The pairings were a little different this time. In fact, they ended up being trios instead of pairs.

First, Danni decided that she just had to see what was under Carla’s dress. She got it off her, being careful to lay the dress gently over a chair off to the side, and then she actually walked in a circle around Carla, admiring her lovely underthings. The woman was wearing a delicate white demi-cup bra with matching lace panties, along with sheer white stockings and a white garter belt. She still had her high heels on, and she looked, well, the Victoria’s Secret models would have been ashamed to stand next to her. She was stunning.

Danni, who was naked, kept rubbing her own pussy as she circled Carla. She was practically drooling. I heard her ask if she could take off the white panties next, and Carla told her sure, go ahead. The panties were on the outside of the garter belt, so after they were removed, Carla’s pussy was left beautifully framed by the remaining garments. Danni’s eyes seemed to get even bigger when she saw Carla’s thick labia. She was masturbating vigorously as she sat Carla in a chair, pushed her legs apart, and leaned in to start eating her.

A moment later, Casey, who was still wearing her bronze mini-dress, got on the floor behind Danni. She reached between Danni’s legs and began rubbing her pussy, then bent down and put her face there too, licking her. It took no more than half a minute for Danni to have another orgasm.

Casey’s sister, Candy, was sitting on the sofa now with Tracy. They were starting to kiss and touch, quite enthusiastically. Tracy appeared eager to get Candy’s dress off and Candy seemed equally eager to get her hands on Tracy’s tits. She kept grabbing at Tracy’s boobs through her spangly gold top, and soon pulled the tank top up and off. Tracy’s sheer black bra, which hid nothing, had a front closure. Candy spotted that and the bra was gone in no time.

As Candy was about to push Tracy down and begin licking her boobs, Tracy gently stopped her. She turned to Kate, who was leaning over the back of the sofa, watching them intently. I couldn’t hear what was said, but in response, my sister came around to the front of the sofa where the two older girls let her nestle in between them. Kate looked ecstatic.

After the three of them talked for a moment, Candy leaned down to take off her ankle boots, then got up and stood with her back to them so Kate could unzip her dress. Underneath she was wearing only a gray thong, nearly the same color as the pretty dress. Her long slim legs were bare, and of course with that dress she couldn’t have worn a bra. Candy also let Kate pull down her thong, and then she was naked. She did a dainty pirouette for them, and we could see that her pussy was smooth and bald like a little girl’s.

Tracy stood up then and unzipped her black leather skirt, stepping out of it and laying it over the back of the sofa. Her top and her bra were already off, and she’d left her heels over by the loveseat, so all she had on was a pair of crotchless black fishnet stockings with no undies. Candy had remained standing, and now the two girls faced each other and kissed, using plenty of tongue, their hands roaming over each other’s trim bodies. They kissed that way for only a few seconds, though, before asking Kate to get up and join them. It was amazing to see my 10-year-old sister being kissed and caressed by a sexy pair of 18-year-old girls. I’m sure she thought she was in heaven.

I was able to see what happened with Kate and Candy and Tracy, and also with Danni and Carla and Casey, because I’d been standing with my mom and Melissa and we were content for a while to observe the others. But as Kate became absorbed in her three-way kiss with Tracy and Candy, my mother turned to me and gave me a nice wet kiss too. Then she kissed Melissa the same way, and Melissa kissed me, and we began enjoying our own lovely version of the three-way kiss.

Now I was in heaven. Two of the females I most liked and admired in the world were both kissing me at the same time! I could smell my mom’s familiar perfume, which always made me amorous, and I could smell Melissa’s sweet perfume too. I tasted their lips, played with their tongues, and felt their hands on my naked body.

We continued kissing that way for several minutes. I shivered in pleasure as Melissa’s fingers and my mother’s fingers caressed me everywhere, stroking my thighs, fondling my nipples, rubbing my back and my bottom, even reaching between my legs to brush over my pussy lips. It was so intoxicating to have their hands on me that way that I did very little touching of them in return. I just stood and let everything happen, my eyes closed, my lips apart, my breath coming faster, my little pussy definitely getting very wet.

At some point, they stopped touching me and stepped back a bit, whether preparing to take the next step or waiting for me to tell them what I wanted, I wasn’t certain. I opened my eyes and saw them both smiling at me and at each other. My mom was holding her breasts and squeezing her own nipples, as she so often did.

I took a moment to glance around. Katie was seated on the sofa, slumped down in the center, with her legs spread wide and a finger inside herself, sliding rapidly in and out. Tracy and Candy were kneeling above her, facing toward each other and kissing. Each had a hand between the other girl’s legs, rubbing excitedly. It seemed like there might be three orgasms coming soon there.

On the other side of the room, I could hear Danni climaxing (of course). I wasn’t sure what Casey or Carla might be doing, but I didn’t bother to look, because my mother asked me, “What do you want to do next, baby girl?”

I turned to her, smiling shyly, and then looked at Melissa. “Um, can I, can I tell you something?”

“Sure, you can, sweetie,” Melissa said, caressing my cheek, “anything.”

“Well, it’s just, um, in that dress and stuff, you look almost like you could be just a child. Like maybe, you know, a little girl I might babysit for or something. I hope you don’t mind my saying that.”

“Of course I don’t mind,” she giggled. “That’s sort of the effect I was going for.”

I continued, “So, uh, I wondered if it would be okay if I, like, maybe pretended something.”

“Pretended what?” She cocked her head. “Do you want to take off my dress and imagine I’m a little girl you’re babysitting? We could pretend that.”

“Yeah, but, um, maybe instead of babysitting, how about if we pretend you’re my sister… so, like, I’m 12, and maybe you’re only, I don’t know, 8 or something…”

“Ooh, yes, I like that,” my mom said. She was masturbating as she listened to us.

“You want me to be your little sister?” Melissa grinned. “Your 8-year-old little sister?”

“Uh-huh,” I nodded. This was getting me intensely aroused. I knew it was risky, revealing to them my fantasy of having sex with my baby sister, but I couldn’t help myself.

“What a naughty idea,” whispered Melissa, as she leaned in to kiss my lips. “Let’s do it!”

Continue on to Chapter 53


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 51

  • Posted on May 11, 2015 at 11:16 am

By Naughty Mommy

The next morning I slept in until almost 10:30, which was unusual for me. Kate was even up before me. I felt a little sleepy that day, but when the night came around, and Mommy started getting ready to leave, I was wide awake and very excited.

I couldn’t stop thinking, of course, about what I’d heard outside my mother’s door the night before, and now, as she put Molly to bed before she went out, I wondered what they might be doing up in her bedroom.

Kate and I were playing a video game on the sofa when Mommy came downstairs looking like she was all set for a party. She was in a sleeveless red dress that came to just above the knee. It had a flared skirt, a banded waist, and a square neckline that showed off her cleavage. She wore red earrings to match the dress, and red heels too. Her long legs were bare and smooth and beautiful.

She sat on the sofa next to us. We paused the game and put down our controllers.

“Okay, girls, now I won’t be gone very long. I should be back within an hour, maybe less. But listen, I want to do this a little differently tonight instead of just having you both up there.” She pointed at the second floor railing that looked down into the family room.

We eagerly awaited the special instructions she had for us.

“When I come back, there will be several girls with me. Some of them you will know, but some of them you won’t.”

Several girls?? This was going to be great!

“And I want to make this kind of a surprise for them, for the ones you haven’t met, I mean. They don’t know about you, that I have daughters. All they know is that I’ve invited them to come to my house tonight for a little party.”

Not such a little party, I thought to myself. Not with several girls! I could feel my pussy getting wet already.

“So, what I want is for you to be down here, downstairs, but hiding. Maybe one of you in the kitchen and one in the dining room or something. Not in the bathroom, because someone might need to use it. But somewhere you can stay out of sight for a while. Okay?”

We both nodded.

“I think you should be naked, at least when you finally come out. If you’re cold, you can wear a robe or something, but take it off before they see you.”

“Wow, Mommy,” breathed Kate, her face aglow, “this is awesome.”

Our mother smiled at her and patted her knee. “Anyway, like I said, you will know most of the girls, but the other two will be new to you. And it’s those two I want to surprise. What I’d like you to do is sort of sneak up on us, all right? Like you’re spying on us.”

She looked closely at us to make sure we understood.

“Okay,” I nodded. Kate nodded too.

“Come out slowly, but not until after we’ve, you know, after we’ve started really having sex. We might have a drink first and talk a little or something. But once we get started, come sneaking out like you’re spying on us. The other girls, of course, the ones you already know, won’t be that surprised. But I’m looking forward to seeing the reaction of the new girls.”

She beamed at us, obviously pleased with herself at the careful plans she’d made. “So, what do you think? Does it sound good?”

“Yeah, it’s super!” I told her.

Kate said, “Oh, man, it’s, it’s — oh, man, I can’t wait!”

“Good,” our mother laughed. She gave us each a hug and a kiss and got up to leave. We followed her to the door.

“All right, it’s a little before 10:00 now,” she said, looking at her watch. “We’ll be back before 11:00, maybe around 10:45, okay? Make sure you’re ready.”

“We will!” we promised.

She kissed us once more, and then she was gone.

Kate and I were beside ourselves with excitement. We jumped up and down, holding hands, giggling like fools. We decided right away that we wouldn’t try any of our usual antics that night, playing around with each other and finding creative new ways to masturbate together, because we absolutely wanted to be in place when they got back. We had to get ready!

Laughing insanely, we raced upstairs to take off our clothes. Halfway up, though, at the landing, Kate decided we should put the video game away first, and so we bounded back down and quickly took care of that. Then we charged back up to our bedrooms and got naked. Two minutes later we were standing in the hall facing each other, a pair of sisters, 12 and 10 years old, nude, excited, panting with exhilaration.

I looked at Kate, trying to catch my breath. Then I asked, “What about robes? Do you think we need ‘em?”

“Nah, fuck it.”

“Yeah, fuck it!” I agreed, laughing and hugging her.

Back downstairs, we deliberated about the best hiding places. We finally agreed that Kate would get under the dining room table and I would use the kitchen pantry. Those seemed like safe bets. The only thing we couldn’t figure out was how we would both know when to come out. Then she suggested that since I had more experience at this, I should listen carefully to what was happening, and when I thought the time was right, I could sneak around through the other passage into the dining room, the one from the kitchen, and signal to her. Then I’d go back to the kitchen and we would begin our little underage voyeur game, with her coming from one place into the family room and me from another.

It was so great! We couldn’t stop giggling as we stood and looked into each other’s eyes, holding hands, making plans. Even though it wasn’t cold — before she’d left, Mommy had turned the thermostat up a few degrees to make it more comfortable for us, she’d said — it wasn’t cold at all, but still I found myself shivering, trembling with anticipation. My palms were sweaty, and my sister’s were too.

“What do you want to do until they get here?” she asked. We were standing in the darkened dining room. It was not quite 10:30.

“Um, I don’t know, maybe… do you want to just, like, go sit on the sofa and kiss or something?”

“No, because — I mean, yeah, I’d like to — but I want to make sure we don’t get, you know, too far into it and then not be where we’re supposed to be.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I nodded. “Good thinking.”

Kate looked at me for a moment and then she kissed me, keeping her mouth closed. I kissed her back. We wrapped our arms around each other, pulling our young bodies together. When the kiss ended, she put her forehead against mine. We breathed softly, enjoying our closeness.

After a few seconds, she kissed me again, parting her lips this time and pressing her tongue into my mouth. God, I loved kissing her. I loved it then and I still love it now. She is such a great kisser.

We were both breathing harder when the second kiss was over.

“Man, this is exciting, isn’t it?” she whispered.

“Yeah, it is. Mommy is just, like, so amazing.”

“I know, she really is.”

“We are so lucky, Kate, you and me. How many other girls have moms who do stuff like this with them? None, I bet!”

“I know. None.”

We started giggling. We kissed again, gently. Several more times.

“I’m getting so turned on,” I whispered to her at the end of the last kiss. “I really want to masturbate right now, but I know we can’t.”

“Are you wet?”

“Uh-huh, very.”

“Can I taste it?”


I took my arms from around her neck and put them between my legs, using one hand to open my pussy lips and the other to scoop up some of my sweet juices for her. I brought my dripping fingers to her mouth. She smiled at me as she sucked and licked my fingers.

Then we heard cars pulling into the driveway.

“This is it,” I said to her.

“Uh-huh,” she nodded, giving me one more quick kiss. “Go hide!”


Kate started crawling under the table. I scurried back to the kitchen and into the walk-in pantry, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Soon they were coming inside. I could hear a lot of voices, all female, of course, and all sounding very excited. Among the voices, I quickly recognized Carla’s, and Danni’s, and, yes, Melissa’s! And Tracy’s too! Wow! This would be fantastic!

But who were the other ones, the two we didn’t know?

I could tell that coats were being removed and put somewhere, and people were moving around to find seats, and then I heard my mom asking what everyone wanted to drink. A few seconds later, she came into the kitchen. I was peeking out through the door and I could see that she was alone.

“Mommy!” I whispered, waving to her. She grinned and winked at me, while indicating that I should stay hidden. I knew that, of course, but I’d just been too keyed up not to let her know I was there.

She got all the drinks prepared and put them on a tray and then left the kitchen, after blowing me a little kiss. I waited and listened, hearing them accept the drinks, clinking glasses, proposing various obscene toasts to the pleasures of lesbian love. That made me smile. It made me want to rub my clit too, and so I did as I continued to listen.

Several more minutes passed. More conversation. Ice tinkling in glasses. Less conversation. Drinks being set down. A few giggles. Soft moans. A shoe dropping to the floor. The rustle of clothing, maybe being removed. Louder moans. Wet smacking kisses.

It was time.

I crept out of the pantry, daring a brief peek around the corner into the family room before going to signal Kate.

I saw a room full of women. I didn’t wait long enough then to do an actual count, but I knew there should be around seven, based on the voices I’d heard. I recognized Carla right away, because of her lustrous dark hair. I saw our mother too, standing out as the only real blonde. (Tracy was a blonde as well, but her hair was darker.) From what I could see, they were mostly still dressed, but it looked like they might have begun pairing off into kissing couples. I pulled my head back and waited and listened. My heart was pounding. After a minute or so, I decided to take another look.

Carefully, slowly, I leaned around the corner. I allowed myself to view the scene long enough this time to really see all the women, at least the five who were in my field of vision. They weren’t all kissing yet as much as I’d expected, mostly just talking quietly, but smiling into each other’s eyes and sharing tender touches.

I could see Melissa, in a pretty dress, and sexy Danni in a skirt, and my mom, of course. There were two other girls facing away from me that I didn’t think I recognized. Could they be the newcomers? Perhaps they were.

As I watched, Danni began to kiss the girl she was standing beside, a brunette wearing a sparkly party dress. She raised her hand to the girl’s breast. I was eager to see what would happen next but I really needed to go get Kate now and let her join the fun. Stepping back into the kitchen, I moved silently across to the doorway that led to the dining room.

My sister was looking up at me from under the table. She looked so cute! Like a little chipmunk hiding under there. I smiled at her and nodded, letting her know it was time. I watched as she carefully began to crawl out, and then I tiptoed back into the kitchen.

Peering around the corner again, I looked at my mom, who was facing toward me, wearing her red dress. She was leaning over a stuffed chair now, her hands on the arms, talking to a brunette who was sitting down. Or flirting with her, to be more precise. I couldn’t quite hear what she was saying, it was in low tones, but her sly smile and the look in her eyes made it obvious what was on her mind. Not to mention the way she was practically shoving her cleavage in the girl’s face.

But who was the girl? From behind, I was pretty sure I didn’t recognize her. I eased my head a little further out so I could see more of the room. Sitting on the sofa, also facing away from me, was the other girl I didn’t recognize, the one in the party dress. These two had to be the new ones, I figured. In the middle of the sofa, facing toward that girl, and toward me, was Danni. They were kissing, and Danni was touching the girl, stroking her cheek, then her neck, then her breast through the dress.

Behind Danni on the sofa, also sitting down, was Melissa. She was watching Danni and the other girl. Melissa must have caught my movement, because a second after I saw her, she looked up and saw me peeking out from the kitchen. She smiled and winked. I thought she might wave or say ‘Hi’ and give me away, but she didn’t. Maybe my mother had told her what we were up to. Probably that’s what it was.

I knew there should be at least a couple of other women in the room, but I couldn’t see them without leaving the kitchen. I got down in a low crouch and sort of crept into the room, secreting myself behind an empty armchair. No one reacted. No one had seen me, apparently, other than Melissa and maybe my mom.

Very carefully I started to poke my head around the side of the chair. As I was doing that, I discovered that Kate was nearby. She had taken a position behind a matching armchair a little further along the wall. Good, we were both in place and ready to play our game. Kate saw me and grinned, nearly giggling, her face alive with joy. I smiled back at her, but putting a finger to my lips. Try to stay quiet.

From my new hiding place, I was able to see the remaining two women, Carla and Tracy. They were the ones most quickly getting into action. Carla was reclining on a loveseat and Tracy was on top of her. They were kissing wetly, their arms around each other, hands reaching and petting aggressively. I watched them for several moments, taking in their attractiveness, feeling my excitement grow. What a night this would be!

Now I knew where everyone was. Most important, I knew where the two girls were that we were supposed to surprise. By listening to the conversation before and catching the names that were unfamiliar, I’d determined that one of the newcomers was named Candy and the other Casey, although I still didn’t know who was who. Maybe if I got closer I could learn more.

Based on the way Melissa had acted when she saw me, I guessed that Mommy might have let the others know what she was planning. If that was true, then my sister and I should be able to move in and watch and listen without giving ourselves away as long as Casey or Candy didn’t see us too soon. I was ready to try.

As I looked around to the other side, I saw that my mother was sitting on the arm of the chair. She was leaning down, apparently kissing the new girl, although I couldn’t tell for sure.

On the sofa, meanwhile, things had progressed very quickly. There was a leg sticking up now, a long shapely leg wearing an ankle boot, stretched high over the back of the sofa. That leg belonged to the other new girl. Danni was poised above her, on her hands and knees. She seemed to be kissing the girl or something, although from where I was I couldn’t really see what they were doing. What I could see, however, was what Melissa was doing behind Danni. She had pushed the teenager’s skirt all the way up and she was licking and kissing her bare bottom!

Ooh, now I really did want to get a better look at everything. I decided that my next hiding place would be behind a small cabinet on the other side of the kitchen doorway from where I was. It was closer to the chair my mother and the girl were in. From there, I should be able to see a lot more. I caught Kate’s eye and indicated that we both should sneak a little farther into the room.

It was easy getting to my new spot. No one seemed to notice at all. They were pretty heavily into what they were doing. My mom was definitely kissing the girl in the chair, either Casey or Candy, and it looked like she was fondling her breasts through her dress as well. The girl was stroking my mother’s back, and as I watched, one hand slid down to caress her bottom.

I crawled slowly forward on my hands and knees. Now I was within two feet or so of the chair. I could easily hear my mom and the girl kissing and sighing. I could see the sofa much better too. Danni had a hand under the dress of the girl she was kissing, sliding it up her thigh, toward her crotch. And it looked like Melissa was actually licking Danni’s pussy from behind, maybe even fingering her.

I wasn’t sure where Kate had gone to, but — but then a little face peeked around the end of the sofa, right behind the new girl’s head. From where Kate was now, she would be able to see all the action on the sofa in addition to having a great view of Tracy and Carla on the loveseat. Good job!

I took a chance on moving closer myself, shifting around so I could begin to see the face of the girl my mom was kissing. I could see the new one on the sofa that way a lot better too. Both girls were sitting, or almost lying down, but they appeared to be about medium height, very slim, with great legs, and quite pretty. They were both brunettes, as I said, and they were both wearing a lot of makeup, heavy eye shadow, dark mascara, and bright red lipstick. It was hard at first to tell how old they were, although later I learned that they were 18 and 20.

But what startled me as I got my first good look at them was how very much alike they looked — so much alike that I thought they might even be sisters. Could they be? That would make it extra exciting!

I could hear my mother murmuring to the girl whose breasts she was squeezing through the dress. She called her Casey. So if that was Casey with her on the chair, it would have to be Candy on the sofa, the one being pawed by Danni.

And speaking of Danni, just then she reached a hand behind her head, grabbed the neck of the tight sweater she was wearing, and briskly pulled it off. She was braless. She took a breast in her hand and held it in front of Candy’s mouth. The girl eagerly began sucking on Danni’s erect nipple.

I sat back for a moment and thought to myself, how incredibly amazing this is. There are seven great-looking girls and women in this room, along with me and Kate, and they’re kissing and touching and soon they’ll all be naked — and we get to sneak around and watch everything, getting as close as we want. What an awesome idea my mother had!

As I thought about that, I felt my own nipples getting full and stiff. I slid a hand down to caress my pussy. It was already wet. This was going to be a very arousing night.

Continue on to Chapter 52


Nanna Comes to Help, Chapter 4

  • Posted on May 10, 2015 at 1:56 pm

By Naughty Mommy

Not long after we arrived home from our wonderful dinner, my mother went to the kitchen phone to call her sister. Apparently the answering machine picked up, because I heard her starting to leave a message.

Just then, Jordan came racing out from her bedroom. She’d already taken off the pretty dress she wore to the restaurant and now was in nothing but a tiny pair of panties. She jumped into my arms.

“Mommy, are we gonna take a bath? Is Nanna gonna take it with us? Can we all fit in the tub?” She was breathless with anticipation.

I laughed, “Well, I don’t know if we could all fit at once, honey. Probably not, it’s not a very big tub. But I’m sure we’ll think of something.”

My mother finished the message, then came and sat on the sofa, squeezing in beside me. “I’ll call them again tomorrow and make sure everything’s set. I know she and Stephanie are excited about the trip.”

“I am too,” I told her. “I really am. It should be fun.”

“Speaking of fun…” Nanna reached out to fondle her granddaughter’s nipple, making Jordan giggle excitedly.

“She wants to know if the three of us can take a bath together,” I chuckled. “That could be a tight squeeze.”

“Hm, well, maybe.” My mother laid her hand on my thigh, sliding it up between my legs under the short leather skirt I was wearing. “I kind of like the idea of a tight squeeze with you. With both of you.”

I opened my bare legs, allowing her hand to move up even farther, until it reached my crotch. Jordan was watching closely. My mother started rubbing my pussy through my thin panties, then leaned toward me, parting her lips and bringing her mouth to mine.

We kissed wetly, my mother’s tongue in my mouth, her hand groping between my legs. Then I felt other hands on my breasts, small hands. It was my little girl. I opened my eyes and looked at Jordan. She was straddling my thigh, humping my leg, her face becoming flushed with erotic arousal as she fumbled to unbutton my blouse. My mother was kissing my neck now, licking and sucking. She pulled roughly on my panties, tugging them aside, eager to get at my sex.

“Wait a minute, you two,” I laughed. “Are we… shouldn’t we go in the bedroom or something?”

“What’s wrong with right here?” My mother murmured as she slipped her fingers between my labia. I was already very juicy, very turned on.

“Yeah, Mommy, Nanna and me played Pony-Pony on the sofa before. Didn’t we, Nanna?”


“Pony-Pony? What’s that?” I managed to ask as I felt a finger enter my vagina.

My mother sat up now, grinning at me. With one hand she pushed her hair back from her face. The other hand she left where it was, between my legs, her finger sliding slowly in and out. “You don’t know what Pony-Pony is?”

“No, I don’t,” I replied, licking my lips. I was watching my daughter. Jordan had managed to get my blouse open and she’d discovered the front clasp on my bra, which she was unhooking. “It’s not the same as Pony?”

“Uh-uh,” my little girl shook her head, “it’s different.” She put her hands over my breasts, squeezing the nipples. I gasped in pleasure.

“Do you want to show your Mommy how we play Pony-Pony?” Nanna asked.

“In a minute. First I wanna do this.” Jordan took one of my long nipples into her mouth and began sucking. I laid my head back, closing my eyes. It felt so good.

My mother was kissing my neck, my daughter was sucking my nipple, my mother was fucking my pussy, my daughter was humping my leg, and I was almost instantaneously on the verge of an orgasm.

As I felt Jordan’s hand grabbing my other tit, pinching the nipple very hard while she sucked and bit the nipple in her mouth — she somehow knew exactly what I liked best, what would please me the most — and as I felt my mother slide a second finger inside of me, while also massaging my clit with her thumb, I felt my whole body begin to tremble and quake. But not quite there yet, not quite, almost. Just two or three more deep plunges of my mom’s long fingers, reaching up inside me, a few more strokes of her thumb on my clit, another squeeze of my nipple from my little girl, my hot sexy 7-year-old daughter who was sucking my tit, and —

I came very hard and very wetly.

Later I thought to myself, it’s a good thing we have such an old sofa, already worn and stained, because I really left a gooey mess on it. But at the time I wasn’t thinking about that, or about much of anything at all. I was just letting myself enjoy the unrestrained pleasure of an incestuous lesbian orgasm, my daughter sucking me, my mother fucking me, and me climaxing with them and for them. It was sheer delight.

It took me a minute or so to recover, and when I did, I found my mom and my daughter directly in front of my eyes, leaning across from either side, kissing, using their tongues, both sort of moaning and sighing as they enjoyed each other’s mouths. I watched them for a bit, just taking in the wondrous sight, before saying, softly, “Hey, you two, shall we go take a bath now?”

They ended the kiss, both smiling at me. Then Jordan said, “Not yet, Mommy. We have to show you Pony-Pony, remember?”

“Oh, that’s right, I forgot. What’s Pony-Pony?”

“You have to get up so we can do it.”

As I stood, somewhat unsteadily, my little girl skinned out of her undies, leaving herself totally nude. She lay down on the sofa on her back, with one foot on the floor and the other high on the back of the sofa.

Nanna smiled at her. “So you want me on top?”

“Yeah,” Jordan nodded.

“Okay. Let me get out of these clothes.”

My mother was still completely dressed, except for her shoes. I was about half-dressed myself, with my blouse and bra hanging open, my leather skirt bunched around my waist, and my panties askew. Jordan, of course, was sprawled naked on the couch, her little pussy in plain sight. It would have made an interesting tableau for someone coming in and finding us that way.

A minute later we were all three undressed.

“Why don’t you tell your Mommy how we play Pony-Pony,” my mother suggested, as she began to position herself on top of my daughter.

“Okay, um, instead of riding Pony on the tongue, like before, now we just ride Pony on the Pony. See?”

“Okay,” I nodded. The explanation didn’t make a lot of sense to me, but it was pretty clear what they were doing once they started.

My mother straddled Jordan’s leg, the leg facing the floor, while putting her knee under her other thigh. As she slid in close, bringing their vulvas almost together, she whispered, “Open it up for me, baby.”

I saw my little girl reach down to separate her pussy lips, pulling her labia back to expose her clit. Her Nanna did the same thing, pulling back her own labia with her fingers and then carefully lowering herself until they were joined, clit to clit, pussies kissing.

Jordan smiled up at me. “I like this. It feels really good.”

“Yes, I’ll bet it does.”

“You can do it with me too, Mommy, later.”


But for now all the attention was focused on a sexy 44-year-old woman and her granddaughter, only 7, and on their two pussies. My mother began to move very slowly on top of Jordan, and it was obvious to me that with such exact positioning even the slightest motion would have a powerful impact.

Jordan groaned, her body flinching involuntarily, when her clitoris was stimulated. I had seen how wet my mother’s cunt already was, so there was really no question of lubrication. They had plenty. It was a matter of finding the right spot, the perfect spot, and then holding it and moving only a little, just a little bit, letting the pressure start to build, clits becoming even more erect, juices flowing, bodies heating up. From above it may have looked as though almost nothing was happening, just a barely perceptible movement. But I could sense, as a woman, what it must have felt like — and I wanted to try it myself!

I rubbed my pussy with my fingers as I watched them, but I wasn’t really trying to come. I was too fascinated by what I was seeing.

After only a minute or so, they were both breathing very hard. Jordan’s eyes were closed, her face pinched in concentration. I could see my mother trembling, trying to hold herself back, not let loose yet, just maintain that position, keep up the little sliding motion, wet clit on wet clit, get them both right on edge so that at the very same time they could reach the pinnacle.

Then all of a sudden Jordan was kind of huffing and puffing, her face turning red, her hands clenching the sofa cushions. Nanna saw this, heard it, moved a little faster, a little faster, she was almost ready, both almost ready, and then, and then — and then they were coming together. Wow!!

I felt as happy then as I would if I had been in the middle of it with them. Just seeing the two of them, my two lovers, seeing them experience such joy, such elation, such release, was something I will never forget. Seeing their triumph, knowing how great they both must have felt at that moment made me happier than I had ever been in my life.

I let them have their climax, their mutual simultaneous orgasms, I let them feel it all for themselves, and then, finally, as they started to come down from the summit, I just had to hold them, squeeze them, tell them both how much I loved them. We hugged and kissed and laughed together, three lesbian lovers, three generations, three united in lust and love.

And then it was bath time.

We walked hand in hand in hand into our little bathroom, a single bath in a small two-bedroom house. We crowded in together, naked and giggling, not all at once in the tub, mind you, that wouldn’t quite work. But as the tub filled up with suds and bubbles, Jordan got in first and then I joined her. Nanna started washing us, sitting or kneeling at the side of the tub, washing us both all over, everywhere. When that was done, I sat on the edge of the tub and shaved my legs and my pussy while they watched.

After I rinsed, Nanna got in the tub with Jordan, and my daughter and I washed her all over, everywhere. As I was rinsing her breasts, paying special attention to her nipples, loving how they felt under the touch of my wet fingers, playing with them, squeezing them and pulling on them, my mother started breathing hard again. I couldn’t quite see under the soapy water, but it looked as if she might be masturbating. Maybe Jordan was helping too, they both had their hands down there. Then my mother said to me, “Suck my nipples, Stacie. Suck mommy’s nipples.”

And so I did. For the first time since I was just a baby I took a woman’s nipples into my mouth — my own mother’s nipples, my sweet mommy, the woman I have loved all my life, loved and worshipped, the woman I missed so much when she was away for so long, and now she was back, my wonderful mother, my own mommy, and I was sucking her nipples. I held her other breast in my hand as I sucked, feeling its weight, its softness, lightly squeezing the breast, pinching the nipple. I shifted back and forth between her breasts, squeezing and sucking, touching and kissing, and soon my mother was climaxing. Oh what joy!

When my mom finished coming, we all three kissed again, and then we dried each other off, brushed our teeth, and headed for the bedroom.


“Yes, honey?”

“Want me to do Pony-Pony on you now?” Jordan asked as I was pulling down the covers.

“Ooh, that sounds nice!”

So I lay back on the bed, completely naked, lifting one leg up high, offering myself to my daughter. We both used our fingers to open our labia, and then Jordan mounted me, carefully placing her pussy over mine. She started rocking back and forth on top of me, a little girl fucking her mother, clit to clit, and while she wasn’t nearly as skilled with this technique as Nanna, it felt absolutely wonderful to me.

I loved watching her that way, seeing this beautiful pre-pubescent child, all smooth soft skin, rubbing her sexy body against mine. Her movements had the effect of getting her stimulated faster than me, though, and it wasn’t very long until she was almost ready to come while I was still getting there. It actually amazed me how sexually responsive she was, how quickly she could approach orgasm — at only 7 years old!

Her eyes were shut and I could hear her whispering, “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy,” as she repeatedly slid her little clit up and down over mine. I was beginning to get close too, but it wouldn’t be soon enough to catch up with her. My daughter had both hands on my leg, the one I was holding up in the air, and now she pulled it closer to her, leaning her warm body against my thigh as she moved faster and faster and faster — and then as she started to come she wrapped both arms tightly around my leg, hugging me, thrusting her pussy against mine, crying out in passion.

Seeing her climax was nearly enough to bring me at the same time, but not quite. I just watched her, marveling at the spectacle of a young girl fucking her mom, my own little girl fucking me!

Lying beside me, my mother was watching too, and she’d been masturbating the whole time. Now, as Jordan came, so did her Nanna. I found myself surrounded by orgasms, one on top of me and another next to me, a girl and a woman coming at the same time, the intoxicating aroma of juicy female sex filling my bedroom.

At the end, when they both were fully spent, my little girl slumped into my arms and my mom curled up next to me, hugging me. We rested together, their heavy breathing slowly beginning to calm.

After a time, I reached over and switched off the bedside lamp then pulled the covers over us. Jordan had fallen asleep, her body a warm blanket on top of me. The clock said it was almost 10:00, well past her bedtime, so it was no wonder she was snoozing so soundly.

I was almost asleep too, when my mother whispered, “Stacie, I love you.”

“I love you too, Mother, very much.”

It was quiet for another minute or two, and then she asked, “How are you feeling? Are you okay with everything?”

“Uh-huh, sure, I’m fine.”

“No regrets?”

I turned toward her. “No, none at all. I feel wonderful,” I smiled.

It was dark in the room, but enough light filtered in through the curtains that I could see my mother’s face. Her eyes were open. She shifted closer to me, bringing her lips to mine, giving me a tender kiss.

“I just want to make sure you’re okay,” she said.

I took her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Yes, I really am. I’m fine.”

“Because I know I sprung an awful lot on you today, a lot of surprises.”

“You sure did,” I chuckled.

“Maybe it wasn’t right for me to… well, to do all those things I did with Jordan while you were away. It really wasn’t right. I should have talked with you about it first.”

“Mother, don’t worry.”

“I… you know, I just couldn’t help it. That’s my only excuse.”

After another soft kiss, she whispered, “I haven’t ever told you this but, do you remember when you were little, when your father was away, and I would let you spend the night in my bed? Do you remember?”

“Yes, of course I do. I loved that.”

“I did too. And, well, it’s… there’s just something about a little girl, having a little girl in bed with me… I used to become very excited then, and that’s what I’ve never told you. It excited me sexually to be so close to you, holding you and kissing you the way we did.”

“Wow, I never knew.”

“Yes, and, well, obviously I never did anything about it then. But it’s funny, isn’t it, that all these years later…”

My mother paused for a minute, then went on. “After your father and I moved to Seattle, I was very lonely. He was never there, and when he was, well, he never touched me at all. It’s like he wasn’t there even when he was. And I missed you, Stacie, so much.”

“I know, I missed you too.”

“I… I actually thought about experimenting with a woman then, after we moved. When I masturbated, that’s what I would think about, it’s what really got me hot. I thought about it all the time, but I never did anything, with a woman or with a girl, not until now.”

She went quiet again for a long while, before adding, “I’m so glad I finally did it, honey. With you, and with Jordan.”

I raised her hand to my mouth and kissed it. “I love you, Mother.”

I love you too, darling.”

And we fell asleep.

*   *   *

I was the first to wake in the morning. I lay quietly for a while, just thinking. There I was, snuggled in bed with my mother and my daughter, one on either side. These were the two people dearest to me, the people I loved most in the world — and they were also now my lovers! So much had changed in only one day. It was amazing, and it made me very happy.

But then I started to wonder, what would happen when we were on our vacation in San Diego in a few weeks with Veronica and her family, staying in the same place with them? Would they know, would they be able to tell? Would we have to try somehow to hide our newfound intimacy?

I thought some more about it.

Veronica and Stephanie were a lesbian couple. They’d been living together for four or five years now and had three kids. Was it possible that they too, like us… no, it couldn’t be. The things we’d started doing together, that kind of sexual activity between mothers and daughters, people just didn’t do such things in real life, did they? Of course, it was really happening between me and Jordan and my mom, so… who knows?

My mother yawned and stretched. She turned onto her side, facing me. “Good morning, sexy girl.”

“Good morning, Mother,” I smiled.

Pushing herself up on an elbow, she leaned over me to check on Jordan. “The little one is still asleep, huh?”

“Yep. She’s all worn out.”

“Mmm, just look at her, what a beautiful girl.”

“I know, she really is.”

My mother kissed my lips, warmly, then said, “I have a beautiful daughter and a beautiful granddaughter. What a lucky woman I am.”

She kissed me again, and now I felt her hand move to my breast, gently fondling the nipple, bringing it erect. Our lips parted, and we kissed more deeply. Her hand slid down further, between my legs. She caressed my vulva, rubbing me insistently. I felt her tongue in my mouth, her fingers opening my pussy, finding my wetness, and then she was easing down on the bed, pushing the covers away, spreading my legs.

As my daughter slept beside me, my mother put her mouth on my sex. She licked me, sucked me, tasted me, teased my clit with her tongue, slid a finger inside me. I groaned in pleasure. My own mom was eating my pussy, going down on me, and it was unbelievably satisfying, so hot and delicious, so perfect.

She made me come, and when she did, my little girl awoke. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, then gazed at the sight before her, her Nanna’s face between her Mommy’s legs, still sucking and nuzzling and kissing and licking. My daughter smiled at what she saw.

After that we got up and made breakfast, but not before sharing a nice three-way round of wet kisses, my mother’s lips still coated with my juices. It was sloppy and sweet, a wonderful way to start the day.

We had bacon and eggs and toast, along with orange juice and coffee, refueling ourselves after a day and a night of energetic lovemaking. As my mother and I cleaned up the dishes, Jordan asked what we were going to do that day.

“Nothing special that I know of,” I said. “Is there something you’d like to do?”

“Well, I didn’t get to ride Pony on you yet, Mommy, so I wanna do that. Nanna can watch I guess. And, um, and you have to do Pony-Pony on me too. We didn’t do that yet either. I wanna do all of it with you, everything we can do.”

“I don’t have to just watch, you know,” Nanna said, drying her hands on a towel.

“What do you mean?”

“Now that there are three of us, we can sort of mix things up, play both games at once.”

Jordan frowned, not understanding.

“Don’t you see?” Nanna smiled. “We can do them both together. While you’re riding Pony on your Mommy’s tongue, I can do Pony-Pony on her at the same time. Or when she does Pony-Pony on you, I can ride Pony on your tongue. See? We can do them all together, at once.”

“Wow…” My daughter’s eyes went wide, her face aglow with the possibilities.

She grabbed my hand. “C’mon, let’s go do it now!!”

“Yeah, let’s!” I agreed, sweeping her up in my arms and kissing her.

My mother laughed. She kissed us too, but then she said, “Before I forget, though, I want to call Veronica again. It’ll just take a minute, and then we can play our nice games all day long if you want to.”

Jordan and I went out to the living room while Nanna got on the phone. We sat on the sofa, holding hands, my little girl describing all the different variations she could think of for our sexual acrobatics with each other.

A few minutes later, my mother ended the call and then joined us.

“Veronica sends her love,” she said with a smile. “They all do. And they’re really looking forward to going on the trip with us.”


Far away, in San Francisco, Veronica hung up the phone and went to find Stephanie to tell her about the conversation with her sister. She found her in the bedroom, looking at something on the computer.

“So, it looks like we’re all set,” Veronica announced. “Isn’t it great? A whole week on the beach in San Diego — Carol’s already paid for the condo, all we have to do is get down there, and I assume pay for our own food and stuff. What do you think, should we drive or fly?”

“I’m not sure, we’ll have to think about it. This should be a lot of fun, though. I’ve just been looking at some information on the condo.”

“Oh, so that’s what you’re up to.” Veronica leaned over Stephanie’s shoulder, peering at the screen. “I figured you were looking at porn, as usual.”

“No, not this time,” Stephanie chuckled, “or not yet anyway. But check this out, it says the condo is connected with a big fancy hotel, the Playa del Mar. It looks like there are some really nice restaurants there too, a health club, massages, the whole bit. We should have a ball.”

“Wow, that’s awesome.” Veronica tapped on the keyboard, enlarging a picture of the hotel complex. “I can’t wait. Shall we go tell the girls?”

“Yeah, let’s!”

The story continues… HERE