“Ding-Dong, the Bells are Gonna Chime”

  • Posted on June 17, 2015 at 3:47 am

By Cheryl Taggert

I just wanted to share something with my readers, and if you recognize the allusion in the title of this, you can probably guess what it is.

When I was in college, I met a girl named Lisa. She and I hit it off very well and eventually became lovers. Actually, we each wanted to devour the other upon meeting, but it took some time before we admitted it to each other. We moved in together, and she did her job and I did mine. (She manages a restaurant; I teach seventh grade English/Language Arts.) She is also the other girl in my story, Midnight Awakening in Amherst, and she has lent her name to several of my characters over the years.

I decided one day to confess to her about my most secret desires. I was so nervous I was shaking; she was flabbergasted. Not because she was upset, but because she shares my secret desires. She had actually read some of my stories at the Nifty site, but since my last name isn’t really Taggert (not even close), she was unaware she was reading stories by someone she actually knew in real life — intimately. I know. Small world, right? It is truly rare that two people with that particular sexual taste meet like that, and I considered it a blessing I had someone to whom I could be completely honest, as did she. My guess is that I probably run into people all the time who’ve read my stories, but with the world being what it is, neither of us would ever be able to say anything about it. I’m sure it’s true of my partners in erotica, Naughty Mommy and JetBoy as well. Lisa was the love of my life, and it has always been about more than sex.

Sadly though, a few years later we split up. I won’t go into the details about that, but we were apart for a few more years until she contacted me when I was undergoing treatment for my cervical cancer and told me she missed me, still loved me, and wanted to get back together. I was skeptical at first, but I let her back into my life.

Within a few weeks, I realized I was still in love with her. Actually, I knew that all the time, but our breakup was painful for me and I was afraid of being hurt. There was barely a day when we were apart that I wouldn’t think of her, even when I was living with someone else for a while.

Anyway, we continued to date, and a few weeks ago she moved back in with me, once the lease on her old apartment was up.

But you see, that’s not what I am writing this to tell you. Ho-Hum. We moved in together. No, the reason I am writing this is to announce my upcoming wedding!!!! πŸ™‚

We are getting married next week, and we are taking a three-week vacation. I have the summer off, and she has a lot of vacation time built up. I will try to keep up with story postings here while gone. I know I have readers, even fans, who are always checking back for the next episode of whatever I am working on at that time.

I have the next two chapters of the Nanny series completed, and one will post this Thursday. By the end of the weekend, I will have the next two chapters of Waltz of Desires ready to post as well. This will keep things going on my end for the time I am gone, and I will do my best to put up a few more chapters for one or the other since I will take my laptop, and I am sure I will find myself ready to write at times while we are on our extended honeymoon.

Please wish me well in my new life with the greatest and most beautiful girl I have ever known. She’s actually done some modeling, but not for anything major, just some regional ads.

And finally, if you haven’t read Naughty Mommy’s post,Β Sex Work, on how she goes about writing these stories, shame on you! You MUST read it; it is fantastic. Naughty Mommy, whom I call my big sister, writes essays that are as good as her stories when it comes to sheer good writing.

Oh, and if you missed the allusion in the title of this blog entry, it is a line from the song, “Get Me to the Church on Time,” fromΒ My Fair Lady, one of my favorite musicals: “I’m gettin’ married in the morning / Ding-dong the bells are gonna chime…”




No comments on “Ding-Dong, the Bells are Gonna Chime”

  1. Kelly Ann says:

    With tears of happiness on my cheeks, I wish you a world of contentment and happiness!

  2. β™« A great musical β™« A great song β™« A great girl β™« And great news!!

    Kisses of love and joy from your big sister to my sweet Cheryl. All the happiness and more that you deserve is what I wish for you and your beautiful, lucky bride.

    Chime away, bells!

  3. JetBoy says:

    Aw, my baby sister is tying the knot! I’m feeling all warm and marshmallowy inside… ain’t love grand?

    Cheryl and Lisa, may blessings innumerable cascade upon you both. I hope your life as wife and wife is filled with every happiness. I’m only sorry I can’t be there to hug the blushing brides…

  4. LisaMT says:

    I am so excited about this. Thanks for the good vibes!

  5. PJ says:

    From an old straight guy, who demographically isn’t suppose to think this way, Congratulations! Love should never be judged or be put into a one-size-fits-all box. Love demands delicate cultivation and is always to be treasured!

  6. MeganGirlNextDoor says:

    Cheryl, that is wonderful news! I’m very happy for you and your fiancee, and wish you a long life full of joy and lots of orgasms! Be happy and care for each other.

    I’ll leave you with a quote: “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” Remember that and you’ll be fine.

  7. eloquent delinquent says:

    This is marvelous, wherever you find it! Congratulations to you and Lisa ~ may your lives be filled with love and adventure!

  8. Cheryl says:

    Thank you all so much! We are definitely happier with the other in our lives. Lisa isn’t the chatty one (I’m betting you all knew that already) so I will say thank you to PJ, Megan, and eloquent delinquent for us both.

    And Lisa, I will say this publicly: See? I told the world I’m the one who talks too much, and you are the quiet one. I LOVE YOU!!! XXXXXOOOOO Okay, I’ll also say this: Lisa has some places and situations in which she is definitely NOT quiet, but neither am I. You folks can figure that one out yourselves, I’m sure. πŸ™‚

  9. PoppaBear says:

    Cheryl, my darling, you didn’t need to ask; “Please wish me well in my new life with the greatest and most beautiful girl I have ever known,” but in a lovely way it is so good that you did, that you took us all into your confidence and told us about your long history with your dear friend, lover and partner.

    May you both live long and happy lives together and as those lovely people say, who live just across the sea from me and who make such wonderful use of the English language; “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the rain fall soft upon your fields, and, until we meet again [Oh the joy of meeting for the first time] may the god of your prayers hold you in the palm of her hand.”
    ‘Tis adapted a little, but they would not mind, not after voting for same sex marriage few weeks ago.

    Have a wonderful wedding, a glorious honeymoon and many many many long and happy years together.

    PS Your stories are wonderful, too.

  10. Aliciamom says:

    Congratulations Cheryl! Very happy for you!

  11. Cheryl says:

    Poppabear and Aliciamom,

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Earlier this year, same-sex marriage became legal in Florida, and we decided to take advantage of this and become a legally married couple. I have long enjoyed knowing you both online. Monday can’t get here fast enough.

    Take care, and continue visiting the site. We can never have enough readers at Juicy Secrets.

  12. PoppaBear says:

    Have a wonderful day on Monday, Cheryl and Lisa, and a wonderful life.

  13. Terri says:

    Cheryl and Lisa,

    Congrats on your nuptials!!!…may you be happy and healthy always!!!…all of my love!!!

    Terri xoxoxo

  14. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Poppabear and Terri! Just two more days and I’ll be MARRIED!! I never thought this would happen (for obvious reasons). My life is so…FULL now!!

  15. kimberly says:

    congratulations, I always cry at weddings for some reason,I cry for joy I guess, as to me a wedding is the most wonderful declaration of true love for another person. I guess at some point I will cry for your wedding.I wish you both all the joy and happiness of life. love, KIm

  16. Cheryl says:

    Thank you so much, Kim! The funny thing is that I posted this blog entry because I didn’t want people wondering what happened to me in case I don’t get any writing done on our honeymoon, and now people are being so nice and congratulatory about our upcoming nuptials. It will be a simple ceremony, performed by a notary public who is a friend of ours. (A Notary Public can perform marriage ceremonies in Florida.) We are writing our own vows, and I will eventually post them here to share with everyone, but not until we get back from our three weeks together. (I knew that money I’d been saving would go for something wonderful!!) πŸ™‚

  17. kimberly says:

    and so glad you shared the good news, and yes so many of us would have wondered if something had happened to you, so really glad you told us what was going on. kisses and hugs to you both. happy marriage and honeymoon.

  18. mrandmrs sandsbartel says:

    It is truly wonderful when you meet someone that you can share your most intimate interests with and have them be of a like mind. I met Mrs. Sandsbartel the old fashion way drinking in a bar in a small town of less than 1000 people. To be lucky enough to just meet her, and then find out that we both share the same desires and fantasies is incredible. I only hope you and Lisa are as happy as we are.

  19. Lynn says:

    I envy you mrandmrs sandsbartel,

    For most of us this is as far as we get to sharing with someone .

  20. Teri Westin says:

    best wishes to both and happiness in your future.. the news is so exciting….gosh you’ll have a wonderful life together

  21. Ironic990 says:

    Congratulations! The commitment is wonderful, isn’t it? Falling over that precipice and truly belonging to someone else, but together. So much joy! Show it every day and remember it is not a 50-50 deal…it is a 100%-100% deal; each of you, giving everything, over and over again. I realize you probably won’t read this for a while, (at least I hope that whole “honeymoon thing” is now in full swing), but know that the best wishes for you both forever are coming from me, and many others today and every day!

  22. Evan says:

    Congrats Cheryl πŸ™‚ glad to have been in a few of the details here and there. Have a good summer honeymoon. Where are you going?

  23. paigephilips says:

    Cheryl — I was fascinated reading this, because my experience was very similar in several ways, especially the college years. I was shocked to read about your bout with cervical cancer and VERY happy that you got through it. Just discovered you, so you’ll be hearing more from me — BTW, I am writing this the day after the Supreme Court’s HUGE decision — your timing is great! Take care, Paige.

  24. Deanna says:

    You will always be my favorite author…

  25. Martin says:

    Well done you two!!! That Supreme Court decision couldn’t have come at a better time!!! <3 πŸ˜€

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