In case you haven’t heard the fabulous news yet, our own wonderful Cheryl, co-founder and major author at Juicy Secrets, just got married to her long-time lover Lisa!!
Please add your good wishes for them in the comments below… ? ? ?
In case you haven’t heard the fabulous news yet, our own wonderful Cheryl, co-founder and major author at Juicy Secrets, just got married to her long-time lover Lisa!!
Please add your good wishes for them in the comments below… ? ? ?
Magnificent! May the peace and love of this day be with you two always!
Great news! Hope you two have a great life together!
Congratulations!!! Here’s to many loving, joyful and wonderful years together for the both of you!
Another brilliant idea to have an Ecard for the happy couple. I hope all dreams come true in a lifetime of contentment for the newlyweds!
Cheryl & Lisa,
Congrats and much happiness to you both…Love always finds a way!!!
All of my love, Terri
Congratulations and may your paths be smooth and filled with love.
Congratulations Cheryl and Lisa on your special day and a long and happy life together. XXX
As George Costanza so memorably put it once, “I’m busting, Jerry! I’m busting!!”
I wish you and Lisa boundless joy and contentment in your new life together, Cheryl. May your every road rise with you.
I try to say it in understandable words, as i am german, but may your love last for ever and always, i can’t tell how excited i am about every same-sex marriage, it tells that (finally) the world happens to come out of the middle ages! *smiles*
All my very best wishes and congratulations to both of you! <3 <3 <3
Cheryl and Lisa, may your love grow every day you’re together.
“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another is essential to your own.” Make each other happy and you’ll both be happy together. Take care, and live well.
May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live.
love Kim & Sue
Just be happy, and love each other|||||
Happy wedding day! Wishing you both many happy fantasies and realities!!!
Congratulations! May your lives be filled with love and passion.
Joy Joy Love Sex – a little hard work – Love Sex Joy – a little more work – Joy Joy Love – and a LOT more Sex!
…AND a good meal or two in there amidst all the Joy, Love and Sex. (NOTE: Please keep in mind that pussy, while both tasty and satisfying, does not qualify as one of the five major food groups!)
Congratulations hope you guys have a long and healthy life together
What?! I wasn’t invited? Congrats to both of you Cheryl and Lisa!!
Have a glorious life together full of sex and fantasies, with other entertainment, ups and downs, and everything else. Cheers, Evan.
Thank you all very much. We are just lying in bed right now after a long, luxurious “good morning!” Lisa says she is overwhelmed, as am I. Going to have some breakfast and continue our journey. Love you all!!
Cheryl and Lisa
Congratulations….Hoping for many years of happiness. I very much enjoy reading all the awesome stories. As a mother too, of a wonderful daughter, these stories have a special meaning to me.
Best wishes to the both of you. Hope you both enjoy many very happy years together.
Julie V.
Congratulations! I wish both of you all the best, with joy and prosperity for all the wonderful years to come.
Congratulations to the both of you wishing you the very best
I just want to wish you both the best and hope you both have a very happy life together.
This is so beautiful!
Best wishes to all of you!…
The best of everything forever…
I love you both…
Darling girl, much love to you and yours. I lost access to this site for several weeks, due to a virus wiping out all my files on all my computers, drives, etc. Okay – enough with the maudlin, I am back. Years of happiness (and don’t forget the naughtiness) to the pair of you.
Delighted for both of you lovely people, and repeat what I’ve said here before, may you have all the happiness in the world.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! To Cheryl and Lisa. May you have many more wonderful years.
big hugs,Kim and Sue
Ooh, you’re right, Kim — I didn’t realize that was coming up so fast! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, CHERYL AND LISA!!!
Lots of love,
Naughty Mommy
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to both of you! I guess “Jeannie and the Bottle” was published just in time.
I didn’t know. I wish you the best. Many years of excitement and joy.
Okay, I noticed these the day after our anniversary (a bit *ahem* busy), but I was unable to reply because of a glitch in the kinky-blogging host that was keeping us from being able to log in as admins.
Lisa and I are SO THANKFUL for people like you!! We are, indeed, very happy. The anniversary was celebrated, but we tend to celebrate our lives together every day. Thank you, Kim, Naughty Mommy, Amanda Lynn, and Sarah for your wonderful wishes of continued joy and love!
Belated congratulations to you both.
I hope you are still wonderfully happy 3 years later, Cheryl your writing is highly erotic and very addictive even to a straight guy.
NorthernFox, we are very happy, thank you! We just hope the new Supreme Court doesn’t void our marriage!! (Yes, it is a problem for us! We would still be together, but there are legal/financial ramifications involved.)