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Debby was standing tall, shading her eyes, peering off down the beach.
“What are you looking for, sweetie?” Bridget asked her daughter.
“Where’s the bathroom? I have to go.” She was looking for the public restroom they’d used on their earlier visits.
“Why not just go in the ocean?” Sheila giggled. “Use nature’s own toilet.”
“Eww,” the 9-year-old wrinkled her nose.
Bridget laughed and said, “No, you can just use the restroom in the hotel like I did. It’s around that corner, there’s one right inside the entrance. No one will care if you act like you belong there.”
Debby hesitated. The restrooms in the Playa del Mar were reserved for guests only, she knew. There were signs that said so. Sheila saw her reluctance and got up.
“Come on, I’ll take you,” she said, “I need to go too. How about you girls?” She looked at Erin and Fiona.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” Erin nodded, getting to her feet. Fiona just shook her head.
She looks pensive, Bridget thought, and she knew why.
It was Fiona who had informed her about Sheila and Erin, who said that two nights earlier she had discovered her mother and her sister having lesbian sex. It happened when a sleepover went awry after a friend got sick and the 12-year-old came home unexpectedly. They weren’t aware she’d seen them, though, and Fiona hadn’t said anything to them about it yet.
Fiona had revealed this to her aunt in a long talk just the night before, a steamy conversation that eventually resulted in Bridget masturbating the girl to orgasm. That would be a lot for anyone to deal with, thought Bridget, and she’s just a kid. No wonder she seems preoccupied.
Angela knew now that she could get Tina. She could have her pretty much any time she wanted. And she was sure it would be nice, very nice. As always, however, the real goal for her was to have the young girl too, in this case the 10-year-old blonde cutie Amanda. Even beyond that, the ultimate aim, Angela’s highest aspiration when seducing a woman and her little girl, was for the two of them to become sexual with each other, to discover the supreme pleasure of incest between mother and daughter.
It was starting to come together. Angela was pleased. Eve was more than ready, she’d said so herself, and Tina gave all the indications of being available too. Eve’s daughters should not be that difficult, especially with Bambi’s help, and it looked as if Amanda would follow Bambi anywhere, doing anything she asked.
She smiled to herself. So far, so good. Now then, what about that other group she’d seen earlier, two women and three girls, presumably mothers and daughters — should she try for them as well? Sure, why not? What did she have to lose?
Angela stood up and stretched, reaching her arms high over her head, feeling the ultra-thin fabric of her one-piece bathing suit glide across her skin, stimulating her nipples, making them grow even stiffer than they usually were. Her eyes were closed, but she didn’t have to look to know that Eve’s gaze would be all over her body, as would Tina’s, and probably most of the girls’ too.
She shook out her hair, smiling broadly at the two women, then went to talk to the kids. They were just finishing up their cookies and discussing what they should make next in the sand. Eve’s second daughter, Paige, was quite a talented young artist and had already impressed everyone with her remarkable sand sculptures.
Bambi enthused, “And we’ll do ours, okay? Me and Amanda?”
Amanda was nodding eagerly. Before Bambi could recruit Gwen, Angela said, “Why don’t you three go get started on whatever you’re going to do? I want to take a swim, and I was hoping Gwen would give me some tips, being such a good athlete.”
“Oh, I’m not really” — Gwen began, but Angela squeezed her hand and gave a look urging her agreement — “um, sure, I can do that if you want.”
So the younger girls gathered up plastic buckets and shovels and other tools provided by the hotel and ran off to produce another masterpiece. Still holding Gwen’s hand, Angela told Eve and Tina that she and the teen were going in for a swim, and added, with a wink, that perhaps the two of them should use the time to get better acquainted.
Bridget waited until Sheila, Erin, and Debby disappeared around the corner of the building on their way to the hotel restroom. Then she knelt on the blanket beside Fiona, gently rubbing her niece’s arm. “Hey, honey, how’re you feeling?”
The girl frowned and shrugged, looking down at her hands. “Aw, you know, just weird… it’s like I can’t say or do anything. I don’t like it.”
“I know, I’m sure it must be hard. So awkward for you. I guess we need to do something about it, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, but what?”
“Well, we need to talk about it. Talk with them, I mean, or at least with your mom first.”
“Okay,” Fiona replied with a sigh.
“Do you… do you want me just to talk to her about it myself? Without you? Would you be more comfortable that way?”
The girl nodded, “Yeah, I guess I would.”
Just then two women passed by quite near their spot. The two paused a moment, their eyes shaded, looking toward the sea. On closer inspection, Bridget saw that it was actually a woman and a teenager — and the woman was the statuesque blonde she had seen earlier! It was the one with whom she had made such significant eye contact, sharing illicit thoughts almost telepathically. Bridget’s heart beat faster.
The two conversed briefly, then started down the sand toward the water, but not before the woman glanced behind her, looking directly at Bridget, making an implicit invitation for her to join them.
“Hey, you want to take a dip with me when your mom and the others get back?” Bridget asked Fiona. “I’d like some exercise.”
“Yeah, all right.”
After choosing cards to decide who would sleep where that night in the condo, everyone took their bags into their rooms to change into bathing suits. Carol and Jordan went with Kelly and Veronica to the room that had two beds. This will be interesting, Carol thought to herself as they began removing their clothes. I haven’t seen my sister naked since we were teenagers. She still looks awfully good at 41, so slim and sexy.
Veronica felt a bit self-conscious. The game of Musical Beds, as they’d deemed it, struck her at first like a fun but sort of silly idea. Now, however, as she unbuttoned the front of her light cotton dress and then dropped it down and stepped out of it, she sensed a sexual charge in the room. She was sure she wasn’t imagining it.
What an incredible few days this has been, thought Kelly. Two nights in a row, I’ve heard sounds of sex between moms and daughters, and last night I was kissing and hugging a 7-year-old girl who was grabbing my boobs. Now tonight I get to sleep in the same bed with Mom. Not only that, but in the same room with Jordan and Carol, and who knows what might happen with the two of them. It’s awesome! The teenager was jittery with arousal as she opened her tight denim short-shorts and pushed them down her legs.
Okay, I’m getting naked, Veronica told herself, and why should that bother me? It’s just my sister and my daughter and my grandniece. No big deal, right? But when she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, letting it fall away, she was certain she could feel eyes on her. Not only Carol’s and Kelly’s but the child’s too!
It turned out that the twins’ things were all packed in one bag, so Stacie and Stephanie and Holly and Hailey all ended up changing together in the big bedroom. Stacie tried to hide her growing excitement. Over the past few weeks she had become sexually intimate with her daughter, but she wasn’t sure if it would only be Jordan who would appeal to her that way. Now she was certain it wasn’t. Through the corner of her eye, she watched the 8-year-old twins stripping out of their matching outfits and felt a surge of lust. She wanted them very badly.
Uh-oh, Stacie thought, I really better slow down. If I’m not careful, I might just… oops, too late. Before pulling her underwear down, she’d turned away from the others. If she hadn’t, they might have been able to see the dark wet stain in the center of her baby blue satin panties. She quickly stepped out of them and stuffed them into her bag, then pulled on the bottom of her bikini. God, I hope they can’t smell it. I sure can!
Kelly didn’t know where to look first. Jordan was naked now, and Kelly totally loved little girls, their perfect smooth young bodies. But she also wanted to look at her Aunt Carol, who had those great legs and a really nice figure. More than anything, though, she wanted to look at her own mom. Kelly was obsessed with the idea of mother-daughter incest. She often pictured her mother nude when she masturbated, imagining the two of them in bed together, holding each other and kissing. She’d always thought that would be just a fantasy for her, but after the last two nights almost anything seemed possible.
Carol made sure to get completely nude before reaching into her bag, which she’d left on the floor, to take out her two-piece suit. Standing with her feet apart, she bent at the waist, long legs held straight, and pretended to have trouble finding the suit. I can’t believe how much I love this, she thought, being an exhibitionist. It really turns me on. The view she offered did not go unnoticed by either Kelly or Veronica.
Jordan, on the other hand, had seen her Nanna naked many times. Right now the little girl was staring intently at Veronica who had frozen in position — just as she began taking her panties off — when Carol bent over. The woman had the top of her bikini on but not the bottoms yet, and her panties were held at mid-thigh. Jordan could see that she was shaved bare, just like her Mommy was. She was about to say something when there was a knock on the door.
Stephanie poked her head inside. “Aren’t you guys ready yet? Come on, we’re —”
Then she stopped, blushing deeply when she realized she’d caught Carol in the altogether. “Oh, sorry, I mean, we’re getting hungry.” She backed out of the door, giggling.
The interruption defused some of the sexual tension. The two women and two girls quickly finished changing and went to join the others for lunch.
Eve could feel perspiration forming on her upper lip. She picked up a napkin to blot it away as she took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Am I really going to do this? Me, an inexperienced conservative single mom, getting ready to seduce a woman I’ve just met? With the aim of having sex with both her and her 10-year-old daughter?? Her heart pounded. It was hard to believe, and yet — and yet she was going to do it!
She took another drink of wine, bracing herself. Smiling at the other woman, hoping her voice wouldn’t shake, she said, “What kind of work do you do, Tina?”
“I’m a social worker. Or, actually, an administrator of social workers, a bureaucrat, I guess you could say. I work in Sacramento, the state capital. That’s where we live. How about you?”
“I’m a legal secretary in a big law firm in Phoenix. We’re here for a week on vacation.”
“Yeah, us too. I mean, we’re here for the week. We’re not staying in the hotel, though, too pricy for us. We have a room in a motel a few blocks away. It’s called Ocean View, but I think the only way you could see the ocean is to stand on the roof,” she chuckled.
“Is your husband with you?”
“No, I…” Tina looked down at her hands. “I don’t have a husband. I never married. It’s just me and Amanda. We’re… I mean, it’s just the two of us.”
Something in the way she said this made Eve think there might be an unusual closeness between Tina and her daughter, a special kind of intimacy. Perhaps that’s what Angela picked up on earlier, why she invited them to join us for lunch. Eve knew that Angela’s instincts were almost never wrong.
“I’m glad your daughter met ours. They all seem to get along great,” said Eve. “She’s such a pretty girl. Tall for her age, isn’t she?”
“Yes,” Tina smiled, showing her dimples. “Tallest one in her class, in fact. Or she was this year. She just finished 4th grade. What grade are your kids in?”
“Paige will be in 6th next year. And Gwen will be a junior in high school. Jeez, it’s amazing how fast they grow up. Makes me feel like an old lady.”
They both laughed, and as they did, Tina appraised the other woman. She was a bit older than Tina, who was 32. Probably close to 40, she thought, but very attractive, a tall slender brunette with gorgeous legs and beautiful hazel eyes. I wonder… she and Angela behave as if they are a couple, so if I give in to Angela’s overture, does that mean we’ll have a three-way thing? She pictured herself lying in bed with two lovely naked women kissing her, one on either side, and felt a tingle in her center.
“Well, you certainly don’t look like an old lady,” said Tina, sending Eve what she hoped was a flirtatious look. Lifting her wine glass, she took a deep swig. Then she licked her lips, keeping her gaze locked on Eve’s.
Both women were breathing deeply as they stared into each other’s eyes. Sexual electricity seemed to crackle in the air. Tina slid her hand over to cover Eve’s. Their fingers knitted together.
Wow, thought Eve, I don’t even have to do the seducing — she’s doing it for me! But does this mean she’ll be willing to go as far as Angela and I really want her to go? Will she let us involve her daughter too?
It wasn’t a swimming lesson at all. Not that Gwen had expected it to be. She knew Angela well enough by now to know that sex was nearly always the first thing on her mind. Which was fine with Gwen. She already knew she was a lesbian, although she hadn’t announced that to anyone yet. But Angela seemed to sense it right away somehow. And Gwen was ready and willing to accept the woman’s erotic advances, even if she didn’t quite realize how overt they would be.
As they moved into deeper water, beyond the first set of waves, Angela immediately began groping her. She stroked the girl’s firm thighs and squeezed her ass under the water, and when a swell covered their chests, her hands went to Gwen’s breasts, caressing and pinching the erect nipples. Gwen was shaking with excitement. She loved the feel of the older woman’s experienced hands on her body.
There were other bathers fairly close by, so they couldn’t be too obvious about it, but the two were able to sneak in a few open-mouthed kisses. Angela wanted even more, though. She took Gwen’s hand in hers and pressed it between her legs, thrusting her barely-covered pussy against the teenager’s palm, urging her to masturbate her.
“I want you, Gwen. I want to fuck you and I want you to fuck me.”
“You — I mean, like, right here?” The girl was dizzy with arousal, but not quite sure she was ready for actual sex out there in public.
“No, darling,” Angela chuckled as she released Gwen’s hand, “not here. I’m just giving you a taste. You and I will have a lot more fun later. You and I, and your mother too.”
“My mother? What do you mean?” Her eyes were wide.
“You know what I mean.” Now Angela’s hand was reaching beneath the water to Gwen’s crotch, cupping and squeezing her mound. “Your mom and I made love last night. And we talked about you while we were doing it. I want all three of us to be together. And that’s what your mother wants too.”
“She — I — I don’t —” Gwen stammered. The combination of such a startling suggestion along with Angela’s skillful stroking of her pussy was almost too much for her. She couldn’t think straight, could barely even stand up.
Angela pulled the girl close, an arm wrapped around her waist, her hand still between Gwen’s legs, though moving less insistently now, more slowly and suggestively. They looked into each other’s eyes, their faces almost touching.
“I want you, Gwen. I want you and your mother. I want you together, and I also want you to be together. Do you understand?”
The teenager nodded. She certainly understood all right, even if the idea was mind-blowing. Sex with her mom??
Sheila, Erin, and Debby finally returned from inside the hotel. Erin was eating an ice cream sandwich. Debby was munching on a bag of peanut M&M’s.
“You want some?” The 9-year-old held out the bright yellow bag to her cousin Fiona, who took a few.
“Thanks,” she nodded.
“Hey, we’re going in for a swim,” Bridget told the others as she got to her feet, pulling Fiona up with her. “Anyone want to come with us?”
“Yeah, I will,” Debby chirped, as she gobbled the last of her candy.
“No, not me,” Sheila said, refilling her tall glass of rum punch. “I’m happy here.”
Erin shook her head, taking her place once again in the shade. The redhead’s skin was so fair that she had to be very careful about getting too much sun.
“Okay, we’ll be back in a little while.”
The woman and the two girls headed down toward the ocean, Bridget scanning the water for the alluring pair she’d seen several minutes earlier.
“And you know what else?” Angela continued. “There’s more. We’re going to do more than that, Gwen, much more. I’ve seen how you look at Bambi. I know you want her. You know I know you want her, and it’s fine with me. I want you to have my daughter. She wants it too, I can assure you of that.”
“Me, Bambi?”
“Yes, of course. I saw it right from the beginning, when I first met you yesterday afternoon. You want her. You like little girls. And it’s fine with me, it’s perfectly fine. In fact, I like little girls just as much as you do.”
“You do?”
“Yes, absolutely. I love girls that age. You know, about 9, or 10, or 11… like Paige.”
“Like Paige?” Gwen felt like an idiot, simply repeating phrases, but she had no idea what else to say.
“Yes, like Paige. I want her too. And so do you. I’ve seen the way you look at your sister. You want to fuck her, don’t you?”
“Well, I mean, I…”
The other swimmers in the area had moved further away, providing them a bit more privacy, so Angela took the opportunity to give Gwen a long, deep, wet kiss, which the girl eagerly returned. She may be flustered, Angela thought, but she certainly is not resisting any of this.
As they finished the kiss, Angela glanced toward the beach. Wading into the surf, heading in their direction, were a woman and two girls. She released Gwen from her grip, gave her one last quick kiss on the lips, and said, “Come on. There’s someone else we need to meet.”
The two families walked out, locking the front door of the condominium behind them, and then stood for a moment gazing at the view. Carol smiled as she breathed in the salt air, feeling quite proud.
The weather was perfect, pleasantly warm with a light breeze, the ocean sparkling with sunlight. To the south, on their left, the land curved around and out to sea, creating a rocky point perhaps a mile away. On their right, the beach stretched far to the north, brilliant white sand now crowded with bathers and sun worshipers. Adjacent to the condo they’d rented were four more, all to the south. Five other condos were opposite that group, facing toward the street. Theirs was the northernmost of the ten, the one closest to the big hotel, the Playa del Mar.
“Hurry up, I’m hungry,” urged Jordan, tugging on her mom’s hand.
“All right,” laughed Stacie. “I know what you mean, I’m getting hungry too.”
So, the four women and four girls set off to find a place for a late lunch.
Continue on to Chapter 5
so so naughty and sexy and hot! I love the conversation between Gwen and Angela!!!
I need more!!! lol
this is a master(bation)piece. the way you brought these three already super hot series all together in ‘Serendipity’ is just fantastic. I love how it’s building, and I hope you won’t go too fast, but then again I see some fast inter-cutting of some more good buildups, and maybe a few fulfillments coming. pun not intended. thanks for doing this Naughty Mommy, I love it.
Thanks, Kim, you’re very sweet. Thanks also to Alicia and Drew. Don’t worry, Alicia, more is on the way, much more.
And Kim, if you know my stories, you know I’m not likely to go too fast — more likely too slow for some people.
You’re on Chapter 4 now, right? Well, I just finished writing my first draft of Chapter 28 today and Angela and her group still haven’t met Carol and her group, so… there is a long way to go!
That’s fine,I like to go back sometimes and refresh my memories and come like it’s the first time again, I like to reread a lot of Cheryl’s and Jet Boys works also.
Whew! Some hot stuff, but it’s also a really slow build, which is hard to take when it’s parceled out a chapter at a time. Case in point, that hot scene with Angela and Gwen just now. NO PAYOFF! I realize it’s coming a few days or weeks down the road, but that doesn’t help me now; I’m so horny, I have to go find something else to help me finish.
Oh, Lex, I am sorry to leave you hanging like that, unfulfilled. I actually try to have at least one climax in each chapter, but sometimes it just doesn’t work that way; it doesn’t fit the narrative, and I don’t want to put something in that doesn’t belong.
I promise, though, I’m not trying to be a cock tease, and you will find that most chapters include a ‘payoff’, as you call it.
I’ll survive. I just like it better when I find a story whose chapters have all been posted already. Then I can read ’em all at once…or until I’m too sore to continue.
I literally can’t touch myself when I read your stories (as much as I’d like to lol) because they’ll make me cum almost instantly! Well done!
Ha-ha, thanks, Gene! That’s exactly the reaction I’m hoping to get!
Oh! Naughty Mommy! How could you? You want poor Gene to masturbate to your story? That is just, just, so …. Oh, so naughty!
Now I wish I hadn’t made that stupid promise to wait till you are finished to read any more of your wonderful story.
But don’t rush it.Take your time, Get it right. Lots, n, lots of soft gentle seductions and stupendous orgasms involving beautiful mothers and lissome daughters. I can wait.
In the words of the great (and terribly missed, Frank Zappa)…great googely moogely! This is SO fucking hot! And funny. And hot!
Thank you, Joker. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and I’m especially pleased to hear that you found it amusing. I don’t know about anyone else, but I often like a little humor along with my sex.
Don’t worry about the lack of climaxes Mommy.
As I’ve agreed with Cheryl before, anticipation, seduction, and a gradual build up to the inevitable sex can be every bit as arousing……
Especially when we’re all sure there’ll be at least one in the next chapter, and probably a lot more!!!
This is the best story ever. I mean there are so many great stories on this site, but this is a masterpiece.