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“All right, you four girls can entertain yourselves for a while,” Angela said as the elevator door opened and they entered the penthouse suite, “because us three moms have to work on getting this party organized.”
That wasn’t entirely true. She’d already spoken to the maître d’ at the hotel restaurant and given him instructions. It was all taken care of. But she did want some uninterrupted time now with Eve and Tina.
“Oh my gosh, is this… is this all one big…” Tina was astonished. It looked as if the whole floor was actually one large suite.
She didn’t want to sound too much like a hick, though, so she said, “I mean, um, it’s really beautiful. Maybe it’s not as nice as our room at the Ocean View Motel, but —”
“Mom, are you crazy?” Amanda interjected. “Our room there is tiny compared to this!”
“I know, honey, I was joking.”
“C’mon!” Bambi was tugging on Amanda’s arm. “I wanna show you my room!”
“Gwen,” Angela placed her hand on the teenager’s shoulder. “I hope you won’t mind staying with the little girls for a while. They’re so much younger than you, two 10-year-olds and an 11-year-old. You won’t be bored, will you?”
As they gazed into each other’s eyes, Gwen felt her arousal building again. Less than twenty minutes earlier, she’d brought herself to climax in the ladies restroom downstairs and she could still sense that wet stickiness between her legs. Would she be bored in a room with three sexy little girls, all wearing bathing suits, and maybe taking them off for her? Absolutely not! And she knew without a doubt that Angela knew exactly what she was thinking.
“No, I don’t mind.” Gwen shook her head, a sly smile at the corner of her lips. “I won’t be bored at all.”
“Good,” Angela nodded. “And there will be plenty of time for you to play with us too, later, I promise.” She patted the girl on the bottom, emphasizing her meaning.
Gwen giggled and trotted off, following the three children as they rushed into Bambi’s room.
“Thanks, hon,” Sheila said as they were driving home. “I guess I kinda overdid it a little on the punch today. Sorry about that.”
“Oh, it’s all right, I don’t mind,” said Bridget. “This gives the kids more time to have fun. But, you know, I have to say you kind of surprised me there, getting yourself off right in front of those people we’d barely met. It’s just … wow.”
Sheila chuckled, “Yeah, I guess that was pretty bad, wasn’t it. But god, I mean, I was already so close and then I couldn’t stop. You know how I am.”
“It’s true, I know how you are.”
Bridget thought back to when they were kids, sharing a bedroom in the small house where they grew up. Almost as early as Bridget could remember, she’d heard her big sister Sheila, four years older than her, playing with herself in bed at night, kind of moaning and sighing, and she’d sometimes seen her doing it during the day as well.
When Bridget was around 8, Sheila had tried to teach her how to rub herself the same way. It didn’t really work at first. Bridget tried her best and loved the good feelings she would get when she touched herself like her sister showed her, but it wasn’t until a couple of years later that she had her first orgasm.
By the time she was 11 or 12, however, the two of them were masturbating together almost every night. They never really did anything more, like touching or kissing, although Bridget sometimes wanted to. They just sat in their separate beds and watched each other. Even so, that was very exciting for Bridget. When she saw her sister reach climax, she almost always did too. She was still uncommitted, though, about her sexual identity back then, feeling a little unsure of herself, attracted at different times to both boys and girls.
And unlike Sheila, who was not only very pretty but also outgoing and fun-loving, Bridget was shy, plain-looking, and kept mostly to herself. They were almost complete opposites and yet still very close, at least until Sheila got knocked up and got married when she was only 19.
Bridget had finally gone on her first real date — with a boy, unfortunately — when she was 17 years old. She lost her virginity a few months later to the same boy and didn’t have sex with a girl until she was in college, when…
Now wait a minute, Bridget silently chided herself, all this reminiscing isn’t getting me any closer to that conversation I need to have with Sheila, about her and Erin. So, how am I going to bring that up? She took a deep breath. I guess the only way to do it is to do it. Okay, here goes.
“Um, Sheila? There’s something we really need to talk about.”
Angela, accompanied by Eve, gave Tina a brief tour of the suite, finishing, of course, in the sumptuous master bedroom with its stunning view of the ocean and the coastline far below. The younger woman was suitably impressed. Angela closed the double doors behind the three of them.
“Would you care for something to drink?” she asked. The bedroom had a well-stocked liquor cabinet, as did the large living area. “Wine? Scotch? Maybe a shot of some excellent tequila?”
“I… I don’t know…” Tina was standing at the huge bay window, awed by the expansive view, and in truth overwhelmed by everything that was happening. “….I guess maybe…”
Angela chuckled to herself, and then asked, “How about you, Eve? This Don Julio tequila is as good as it gets.”
“Well, sure, I’ll give that a try.”
The statuesque blonde brought out three shot glasses and filled them. Giving two to Eve, she took her by the arm and they walked over to join Tina by the window. Eve handed her a glass.
“I propose that we drink to this…” Angela said, looking Tina straight in the eye “…to the extraordinarily special intimate love between little girls and their mommies.”
That got precisely the reaction she was expecting. Tina’s mouth dropped open. Her eyes went wide. She blushed and swallowed hard.
Angela clinked their glasses together. “What do you say, shall we drink to that?”
“You — h-how — how did you know?” Tina stammered.
Eve was puzzled. What were they talking about?
Before replying to Tina, Angela threw down her shot, then smacked her lips together, smiling.
“I’ve been watching you,” she said, “the way you and Amanda are with each other. I don’t know exactly what you’ve been doing, but it’s obvious, to me anyway, that there is a strong bond of affection between you. Much more than between most mothers and daughters.”
Tina smiled weakly. “Well, yes, I guess that’s true.” She tipped the shot glass back and took it all at once. It made her cough and her eyes watered.
Angela took her elbow. “Here, why don’t we sit down,” she chuckled, leading the women to the huge round bed.
“We need to talk about something that Fiona told me,” Bridget said.
Sheila frowned. This might be trouble. But she answered tentatively, “Okay…”
By then they were nearly home, at Sheila’s house. Bridget and her daughter Debby lived about a mile further away, in an apartment in an adjacent neighborhood. Pulling into the driveway, Bridget shut off the engine. “Let’s talk for a while inside, all right? After we bring the stuff in.”
“Yeah, um, sure.”
They took the coolers and other things inside, and then Sheila asked, “You want some coffee? I could probably use some.”
“Sure, that sounds good.”
As her sister got the coffee started, Bridget sat down at the kitchen table. They were quiet for a minute while the coffee brewed. When it was ready, Sheila poured two cups and brought one to Bridget. Sitting down at the table, she took a sip from her cup, and smiled, “So, what did she tell you?”
Bridget sipped her coffee, pondering. Then she began, “You remember a couple of nights ago, Friday night, when Fiona was supposed to be at a sleepover, only she came home because the other girl got sick?”
“Yeah, I remember.”
“Well, when she got home that night, she saw something. She saw you and Erin together.”
“Wow, she did? Oops.” Sheila stifled a grin. She knew she was probably supposed to feel ashamed or something, but she didn’t. “Um, what did she see? Like, everything?”
“Uh, she told me she didn’t watch for very long, but she saw enough to be certain what was going on. She saw her sister having sex with her mom.”
Sheila didn’t say anything. She just nodded and took another sip of coffee.
“So, I guess, first I want to ask if it’s true,” Bridget continued. “I don’t think Fiona was making it up, I’m sure she wasn’t. But I want, well, I want you to tell me yourself.”
“Yeah, it’s true.” There was no hesitation. “I was having sex with her that night, and I have been having sex with her since, uh, for about four months now I guess.”
“Wow…” In spite of herself, Bridget smiled at her sister. She knew she was not supposed to approve of such an admission. According to society, she should be horrified, outraged. But she wasn’t. Not at all.
She raised her eyebrows, leering at Sheila. “So, how is it? Good?”
“The sex?”
“It’s amazing. Totally great. I’ve had orgasms like, like you wouldn’t believe.”
“Yeah, it is. It’s great. It’s all I ever think about, having sex with her again. Well, her and also Fiona too.”
That threw Bridget a little bit. “You haven’t had sex with Fiona too, have you?”
“No,” Sheila laughed, “not yet. But I’ve certainly thought about it a lot.”
Bridget cleared her throat. “Oh, um, you know, I guess… since we’re admitting things here… I guess I need to tell you about something that happened last night. Between Fiona and me.”
It was Sheila’s turn to raise her eyebrows. “Oh, really?”
After proudly showing Amanda the view from her window and all her dolls and toys and clothes and stuff (the other two girls had seen everything the night before), Bambi turned to Gwen. “Can you maybe teach us more about, you know, how big girls kiss each other? Like you showed us last night?”
If Gwen had been feeling aroused out in the foyer talking with Angela, now she was really turned on! Would she do some ‘practice’ kissing with these three enticing young girls? Of course she would! But then she had an even better idea.
“Yeah, we can do that, but, um, my suit is kind of itchy from the sand and the salt water and everything. Do you guys want to get your suits off and take a shower in Bambi’s bathroom first?”
The kids all looked at each other. Paige and Amanda shrugged, allowing Bambi to take the lead.
“Okay, but can we do some kissing after?” Bambi asked Gwen.
“Sure,” Gwen nodded, “or maybe we can even start in the shower if you want to.”
Bambi grinned, “I like that. This morning in the shower my mommy was kissing me.”
And that confession prompted Amanda, “My mom kisses me too, but usually in bed, not in the shower. Sometimes in the shower though.”
Gwen could hardly believe what she was hearing. From Bambi it wasn’t all that surprising, but could Amanda actually be saying that she and her mom…? Wow!!
Paige was wide-eyed. This was all new to her. At 11 years old, sex hadn’t made much of an impression on her yet. She was curious, though, and she liked the way it felt when she rubbed herself in a certain way while she was taking a bath and washing her privates, but she wasn’t really sure if that was the same thing as sex. Was it? Maybe she would find out now!
“Come on!” Bambi urged. “Let’s all get in and take a shower together!”
The three women were sitting on the bed, shots consumed and glasses set aside. Tina was in the middle. Angela patted her hand.
“Now first, dear,” she began, “I want you to know that anything you tell us is just between us. It’s completely private and confidential. All right?”
Tina nodded. Eve did too.
“Second, you don’t have to worry at all about our reaction to whatever you might say. We’re not going to be offended or shocked or anything, and likely not even surprised. I promise we won’t judge you.” That made her chuckle. “I certainly won’t judge you, because I’ve already done more with my little girl Bambi than you’ve probably ever imagined doing with Amanda.”
The younger woman’s eyes went wide. She looked first at Angela, then at Eve, and then back again at Angela.
“Yes, I’ve had sex with my daughter,” Angela nodded, “many, many times. The last time was just this morning, in fact. We love doing it, we both do. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, Bambi is about the happiest, most cheerful little girl there ever could be.”
“She—” Tina cleared her throat. “You’re right, she does seem awfully happy.”
“She is, and so am I.”
“Uh, Tina,” added Eve, “you, um, when you and I were talking outside about things, I told you I’m not really very experienced. That’s true, and, and I mean, I’ve never had sex with either of my daughters. Honestly I’d never even thought about it until I met Angela, but now I’m definitely ready for that. I want to, I really do. Anyway, I guess what I’m saying is, whatever you might want, or whatever it is you’ve already done, it’s certainly fine with me.”
Tina smiled at her.
“And there’s one more thing,” Angela went on. “You don’t have to tell us anything if you don’t want to. It’s completely up to you. No one will force you to say or do anything you don’t want to do. Of course, I hope you will share your juicy secrets with us.”
They all three grinned at that remark.
“And I also hope you’ll do more than just talk with us about sex, about the yummy things mothers can do with their pretty daughters…” Angela leaned in close “…I really hope you’ll do more with us, much more…” their lips were almost together “…would you like that too?” she purred.
“Yes,” whispered Tina, and then her mouth was covered by Angela’s.
“Something happened between you and Fiona?” Sheila asked with a leer.
“Yes, well, um…” Bridget felt unaccountably embarrassed. After all, Sheila had just admitted to doing much more with Erin than the little she’d done with Fiona last night. Or maybe it wasn’t so little. In any case, she had to tell her.
“We, uh, she came into my bedroom after I got home from my date because she wanted to talk. That’s when she told me about, you know, about you and Erin. What she’d seen. And so we started talking, and then one thing led to another, and—”
“Did you have sex with her?” Sheila’s eyes were bright with anticipation.
“No,” Bridget chuckled, looking down at her hands. “Well, not exactly. I mean, she, uh, she sucked my nipples and I rubbed her, uh, her pussy, and she did have an orgasm.”
“God that is so hot.” Leaning back in her chair and spreading her legs, Sheila began to masturbate.
Tina felt woozy, lightheaded, dizzy with lust, as Angela finished kissing her and drew back. She had certainly never been kissed like that before, and positively never by a woman! It was fantastic!
“Now I want to see you two kiss,” Angela said in a soft voice.
Tina turned toward Eve.
The other woman was smiling, blushing. But she slowly leaned forward, bringing her mouth close to Tina’s… and then she hesitated, their lips almost touching… almost, not quite, so close, close enough that Tina could feel warm breath on her lips… and then, a touch of the tongue, just the lightest lick… another tender lick, so exciting Tina was afraid she might faint… and then suddenly their mouths were together, soft lips sliding, tongues licking, both women reaching out, hands on bodies, grasping, touching, breath hot, panting, mouths wet, licking, sucking —
And then Eve pulled away, a broad grin on her face.
“Oh wow!” Tina gasped. She leaned back on the bed, supported by her elbows. “Oh wow!” was all she could say.
“Tell me more,” Sheila urged, “about what you did with my daughter.”
She’d untied one of the strings on the side of her bikini bottom. The top was loose too, almost off. One hand was busy between her legs, and with the other she caressed her large breasts, pulling and squeezing the nipples.
It made Bridget very excited. She hadn’t been this close to her sister, watching her masturbate, since they were girls. Oh, she knew very well that Sheila did it all the time, often when Bridget was around, but usually it was kept at least partially concealed.
As she gazed into Bridget’s eyes, Sheila loosened the other string and the bikini bottom fell away. Putting one leg up on the table, she spread her thighs wide apart, exposing her sex to her sister. Now that our secret is out, she figured, why worry about hiding anything?
Bridget began masturbating too.
The shower in the bathroom attached to Bambi’s bedroom in the penthouse suite was quite large, offering plenty of room for four naked girls. It was six feet wide, complete with double massage-style shower heads, not to mention jets of water that shot out from the wall at various levels. The kids laughed and shrieked, splashing each other, their emerging sexual excitement at least temporarily diverted into glee and playfulness.
Gwen was in heaven. She’d never told anyone (though Angela seemed to know somehow) about her deepest darkest desires, the intoxicating fantasies that always gave her the hottest orgasms when she masturbated. These were invariably about pre-pubescent girls, sexy little things only 9 or 10 or 11 years old.
And now as the tall teenager stood in the shower, gazing at the scene before her, she positively reeled with lust. Just look at them! Three smooth young bodies with deliciously slim arms and legs, their breasts barely starting to develop, and oh my god those tempting hairless slits — after quickly lathering up her hands, Gwen immediately began ‘washing’ her own pussy.
“She was sucking my nipple, and it was so nice, it felt so good, so nice…” Bridget was rubbing herself over the top of her one-piece suit, but it wasn’t enough. She needed more. On impulse she stood and yanked the shoulder straps down, revealing her breasts, then quickly pulled the suit all the way off, stepping out of it and leaving it on the floor. She sat down again, spreading her legs, showing her wet pussy to her sister.
“That’s right, let me look at you,” Sheila cooed. “I want to watch you come. But tell me more about Fiona, about what you did with my daughter.”
Bridget massaged her clit and continued, “She sucked my nipple. She was naked. We both were. And I was touching her legs, her bottom, and then I, I put my hand on her pussy.”
“Uh-huh…” Sheila’s fingers were moving fast between her legs. “Tell me more.”
Continue on to Chapter 8
mmmmmm….so naughty!
Just so good each time, loved the juicy secrets line you put in there, OK I had another good cum, thanks.
yes as Sheila said tell us more! 🙂
Daaaaaaamn! You know what would be awesome at some point is an orgy with just the girls — meaning Gwen and all those younger than her — including the twins. Twins make everything hotter.
Hmm, an orgy with just the girls… I wonder if that might happen at some point?! 😉
I just had to read this hot chapter again before I go to chapter 8 for the 1st time.
Your writing is so erotic NM, I love reading every line. The build up is amazing. It makes me want to sit here and read everything you write cause it is HARD to stop!
Loved reading about the moms masturbating while talking about what they do with their daughters! Very hot!
Thanks, Phil — glad you liked it! 😀
It was Bridget telling Sheila what she was doing with Sheila’s daughter that really got to me, and the two masturbating in front of each other.
Brilliant thanks Naughty Mommy!!
I love the pace. Moving between storylines keeps the excitement building