Short Ride

  • Posted on July 14, 2015 at 12:55 pm

By Karen Cypher

Fall was just around the corner… finally!

Samantha got up in the morning looking forward to her new life, the new ‘Samantha’. She wasn’t exactly anxious to go to work, far from it. But she felt confident in a desire to put more into her vocation. She would try to be there more for her coworkers, and really start exerting her knowledge and ability. She’d try harder to rekindle a relationship with her old friends, and stop looking at every picture her friends put up in their cubicles as a potential lover. Yes, she would free herself from the confinements of her sexual desire.

She was certain.

That was her resolution… almost a mantra she chanted in her head every morning, and she had been able to live up to it for three days in a row.

As she left her house and walked the short distance to the light-rail station, the air was crisp and clear. Soft footfalls padded behind her, but she wasn’t worried. The sun was just coming up, slightly softening the barren, gray, mist-shrouded environment of the city.

God, summer is almost over; when will it cool off?

She arrived at the platform with the other early morning rushers. There were a smattering of cleaning service people, loads of business men and women in tailored outfits and light coats, and the girls riding the train to St. Mary’s Preparatory School. She had counted many times… 23 this year.

The platform was crowded as the train pulled up. She saw that it was going to be one of those days when she had to cram herself into the car.

This would be the hardest part, the thing her resolution would make her miss the most. But as before, Samantha felt her resolve firming and purposely selected a car away from the teeming, laughing gaggle of teens and smartly dressed women. She squeezed through the throng and pushed her way to the area by the door that separates the cars, leaning her back against the closed door for support.

As the car started moving, Samantha noticed a very beautiful young woman standing near to her. She was slightly taller than average, with a soft, full face, gorgeously long straight brown hair, and a presence that positively owned the space she occupied. She guessed the girl’s age at 12 or 13.

Younger? Older? It was hard to tell.

Even under the skirt, even through the brilliant white blouse showing through the unbuttoned sweater, the girl was a beauty.

Stop checking her out! Samantha screamed silently.

She knew she was transfixed. The girl had gorgeous legs encased in grey stockings, with just the hint of boots peeking. She couldn’t see much lower than the girl’s knees because of the angle and the way the girl held her bag, but…

Wow! Samantha thought.

Instantly, she shook her wayward thoughts, shoring her resolve once again as she recognized her mental slip.

The car moved hypnotically and bodies swayed. Still, I can’t help looking. Samantha mused, her eyes once again caressing the girl. I mean, she’s right in front of me. That’s not so bad, is it?

Soon the train slowed and stopped to let out a few people; taking in even more as the remaining bodies shuffled to accommodate. Samantha saw that her young friend got pushed in closer, and was standing with her lovely but small chest crushed up against her arm. She stiffened with embarrassment, but also secretly felt delighted.

The train moved on.

She was immediately aware as the girl’s breast started rubbing up and down against her with the bouncing of the train. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, feeling her newfound will to suppress her mental thoughts slipping further.

The girl smelled fresh from a morning shower. Her hair radiated a flowery-shampoo fragrance, and Samantha found herself wanting the girl to move against her as she listened to the click-uh–click-uh–click-uh of the train.

She recognized the feeling… she was getting warm.

While absorbing these sensations, she imagined that the girl had adjusted her position. Opening her eyes, Samantha saw that what she felt had been true; the girl was facing her squarely… bodies shoved together, front to front. The girl smiled knowingly, commandingly, and Samantha felt her face redden deeply, sure that the girl sensed every wayward thought.

Then she felt something on her outer thigh. She’s touching me with her hand, Samantha thought. Oh, glorious, wonderful life! Resolve forgotten, she knew then that the girl probably did know her depraved little mind… and maybe had one like it?

Brazenly, she put her own hand over the girl’s to stop the flirtatious behavior. She looked around and noticed for the first time that a loose semi-circle of about five young girls was standing around them; facing Samantha and this bold youngster.

Samantha caught her breath. She inhaled long and deeply as the strange girl made her intentions known. The two hands snaked over her hip and began to move up and down the front of her jeans, dipping in between her legs. Still leaning against the door, she spread her legs a little wider.

They bounced with the movement of the train.

Looking each other in the eye, Samantha… giggled. She couldn’t help it.

The noise of the train clattering down the tracks seemed to be getting louder.

Samantha felt giddy as the girl pressed her body hard against her and continued to rub her crotch. Her clit was titillated and extremely sensitive and she began to rock against the motion, bodies grinding together quietly.

Fuck resolve, she thought as a sudden pang of arousal made itself known.

She felt her underpants getting wet… her ‘wanted’ self slipping away with the intensity of her needs as her normal submissive side took over.

The train came to another stop, shuffling people slightly about as it did. The girl had been pushed away with the deceleration, but as everyone regained their balance, she was back in her original position. Samantha felt abandonment course through her… felt desire at this unexpected yet immediate encounter of her fantasies. She felt slutty as she spread her legs a little wider and the girl’s fingers explored the waistband of her pants. Several people were now looking over the shoulders of the girls trying to shield their actions. It was a silly notion to think that any privacy would be had. With one movement, while pushing up against her, she felt those deft fingers slide underneath the elastic band of her panties. They were now flesh on flesh. The girl made a slight noise, exhaling air quickly as her fingers found the ring, and Samantha began to sweat and tingle all over.

The train started with a jolt, and those fingers continued to press hard against her sex.

She jerked with the shot of pure pleasure that ran through her. The girl’s index (?) finger was through the ring piercing her labia. She imagined her jewelry sliding onto the girl’s finger in a perfect fit; tugging and pulling as the train moved jerkily again. And those same fingers kept twisting to maintain their hold against her clit, with the rest of the hand cupping her smooth mound.

Samantha felt the pain, let it course inside her until she held it in a tight ball at her center. The girl’s finger through the ring hurt, and the fingernails on her clit were rough, but she was already slipping away; sliding outside her body until the discomfort mixed in a phantom collage of pressure and need. As the train rocked, hand and body moved up and down; pressing and relaxing in rhythm to her desires.

She felt her body respond, felt her pussy throbbing; betraying her. Above all, she felt the demanding rush coming on.

Oh God, please don’t stop! Samantha thought, so damn close. She began to tremble; her knees growing weak.

She wanted to pull the girl… tightly… forcing more contact… jump up and down on her hand.

Grunting noises escaped her throat, only to be drowned out by the ambient noise around her as water dripped from her armpits and brow.

Samantha knew her thrusting movements were becoming more pronounced, and people looked away in disgust, but she didn’t care. She trusted this girl. She had no idea why, but she trusted her. She held on to the door of the car with her hands; the noise of the moving train and the screaming of her stimulated cunt seemed to pound into her skull with unrelenting force.

Suddenly, the train screeched to a halt. At that moment, the girl pushed hard… expertly knowing and pinching. She was moving her hand with unabated rapidity and force against the saturated groin at her fingertips.

Samantha exploded. A flash went through her and she just… exploded; shuddering all over, her legs and cunt twitching with the exertion of her climax. The hot sensation of mounting pleasure drained her as she clenched her teeth and groaned softly. Shivering, she somehow managed to use the girl’s hand against her cunt as leverage, and caught herself from sliding to the floor of the dirty car.

As the train resumed its journey, she felt the girl slowly pull her wet, shaking hand from her center. The girl brought it first to her own lips. Then those same fingers, now delicate in their motion, traced a circular pattern across Samantha’s own.

“Taste yourself.” The girl said in a monotone. “Taste yourself while it’s fresh, because all my friends will.”

She lost herself for a moment as she imagined her pink tongue peeking out, licking those delicately cruel fingers, but sanity returned.

Regaining her composure, Samantha moved back as far as the space allowed and looked around nonchalantly. She tried to determine from people’s faces whether they had noticed anything. But she didn’t really care. Although a few surely did notice, everyone seemed to be looking away or downward, and gave no indication of interest in her or her friend.

But she still knew that some might have seen it all.

The rational part of her mind knew that she’d probably never see any of them again.

Maybe that would be true.

She hoped.

The cynical part of her brain knew that the young girl who just fucked her might very well be her boss in a few short years. The thought warmed her anew as she gazed into her mystery-lover’s eyes. Those brown eyes were dancing as she smiled and blushed.

Samantha wanted to say something, wanted to tell the girl… something.

But she was still trying to find the words when the train lurched again; her stop.

“Thank you.” Samantha said; realizing these were the first words she had spoken.

“Have fun in school.” she finished lamely… wanting to say more.

The girl turned her head, smiled fully before stepping off the train with her friends and walking away.

“Any time.”


6 Comments on Short Ride

  1. Bmack says:

    Very hot!

  2. okami1061 says:

    That is the problem with creating subs.

    When you’re done with them, the world just chews them up and spits them out.

    Very cruel.

    Only a pure narcissist could do that to someone.

  3. Abigail's Passion says:

    So delicately told, such pent-up passion. I love that the young girl took control. All the sizzle my slit could handle!

  4. Mystery Mouse says:

    Sometimes a short story is all you need.

    This is a really nice concept and it’s nicely told. A perfect erotic aperitif, if you will.

    And such a lovely picture to go with it! That’s something that’s going to stick in my mind for a while!

    • Karen Cypher says:

      Thank you for your kind words! That particular piece was written many years ago and I was in a very different headspace, trying different ways to express myself. It felt really good to read it once again and brought a smile to my face when I realized that someone else liked my work! So thank you 😊

  5. lee says:

    very enjoyable

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