Serendipity, Chapter 9

  • Posted on July 19, 2015 at 11:58 am

By Naughty Mommy

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“Oh my god,” Bridget groaned, her powerful orgasm at last beginning to subside. “Jesus Christ, that was good.”

It occurred to her that she’d just brought herself to climax in the kitchen, which was a first for her, and not even her own kitchen at that! This was turning out to be a very sexy day, and it was still only halfway through.

As she opened her eyes, the final spasms fading away, she looked down at her hand. It was dripping wet. She licked her fingers, tasting herself. Then she smiled at Sheila, who was doing almost the same thing — only she was dipping her fingers into her vagina repeatedly and bringing them up to her mouth over and over again, in effect eating herself.

The sisters giggled as they watched each other, and soon were laughing out loud.


“You know, I’m really feeling the need for a shower,” Angela said as she got to her feet, taking off the crocheted vest she’d been wearing over her suit. “All that sand and salt water…”

She started peeling the suit off, exposing her magnificent body to the other women. “Anyone care to join me?”


Gwen turned Paige slowly around until they were facing each other. She looked down at her little sister, five years younger than her, and seven inches shorter. In many ways she was still just a little girl, and yet — and yet Gwen wanted her, she wanted her so much. Angela was exactly right. She really did want to fuck her sister.

But she didn’t want to scare her or overwhelm her. Grabbing her the way she had, that wasn’t right. If anything was going to happen between them, it had to be what Paige wanted, when and how she wanted it, and only if she wanted it as much as Gwen did.

“Let’s get dried off, okay?”

“Okay,” answered Paige in a small voice, feeling dazed.

Her insides, her middle, that place in there — was it her vagina? — it was kind of throbbing or buzzing, like a million bees were flying around inside her, but not those mean stinging bees that would hurt you, no, not that kind, these were honeybees, ‘cuz that’s how she felt right then, all full of warm sweet honey ready to drip right out of her.


Eve got up from the bed. Reaching behind her back, she undid the clasp on her bikini. The top fell away, revealing a pair of medium-size rounded breasts that sagged only a little. Her nipples were dark and firm. Smiling at Tina, she pushed the bikini bottoms down over her hips and let them drop to the floor, stepping out of them. She was nude.

Tina stood up too, a bit unsteadily. She was still dizzy with arousal and everything else. “Can you get this for me?” she asked, turning around.

“Sure.” Eve unhooked the top of the two-piece suit, and Tina shrugged it from her shoulders. Then she pushed the bottoms down, and in a moment she was nude too.

Angela and Eve gazed at the younger woman. They had seen each other naked the night before, and made love. But this was their first good look at Tina.

The 32-year-old brunette had long slender legs, a flat stomach and a trim waist, with girlishly small breasts set high on her chest. Her skin was fair, with faint tan lines, her dark pubic hair closely trimmed but not shaved. All in all, she was extremely lovely and desirable.

“My, my, my,” sighed Angela, “has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?”

“Well, um, yeah, I guess… but I like it better when you say it.” She gave them a big smile, showing those adorable dimples.

Feeling like a very lucky woman, Angela took the other two by the hand, leading them toward the bathroom and the shower.


The three little girls and the teenager turned off the water and left the shower. They dried each other off, giggling happily, and then went naked into the bedroom.

“Do we have to get dressed?” Bambi asked, immediately shaking her head. “Cuz I don’t want to.”

“No, we don’t have to,” Gwen chuckled. “But, um, sit down for a minute, okay?”

Amanda, Paige, and Bambi all sat on the king-size bed that Bambi hadn’t yet slept in (their first night there she’d slept with her mother, and then last night with Gwen and Paige). They looked up at Gwen.

She took a deep breath. It was really hard for her to concentrate, to stay focused — I mean, my god, just look at those three sexy little bodies, they — okay, okay, get a grip now, girl.

“Um, I think, I mean, I’m the oldest, right? And so I’m kind of responsible, you know?”

The girls all nodded. That seemed obvious.

“So, what I think is, it’s fun for us to play, and we can kind of fool around and stuff. Bambi says she wants to do more kissing, and I’d like that too, I really would. But, um, maybe we better go slow on doing anything else except kissing. Okay?”

The little ones shrugged, almost in unison. Whatever Gwen said was fine with them. Bambi knew that before long they would all be doing much more than kissing. There was no need to hurry. Amanda would go along with whatever Bambi wanted. And Paige wasn’t really sure what her sister was talking about. But her head was starting to clear now, the buzzing in her middle had receded somewhat, and she was getting curious…

“What do you mean besides kissing?” she asked.


“All right, well,” said Bridget, when the sisters finally finished laughing, “I have to go get the girls pretty quick. You want to come with me, so you can drive your car back? Are you up to that now?”

“Yeah, sure, I’m fine,” Sheila smiled. “Between the coffee and the climax and the giggles, I’m all sobered up.”


Bridget got to her feet, picking up her bathing suit from the floor. “I’m gonna change into my shorts and top. I brought them with me somewhere. I forgot to bring any panties, but, oh well, who cares about that.”

“Now that’s the kind of attitude I like,” said her sister with a chuckle.

“And you know, Shiel, we really do have to talk some more,” Bridget said, as she rummaged through the gym bags she’d brought in from the car, “about Fiona, I mean. She was pretty upset. Not damaged or anything like that, but just confused and unsure of how to feel.”

“You’re right,” Sheila nodded. “Maybe we all three should talk about it together. Probably with Erin too. And maybe even Debby, I guess, if you think that’s right.”

“Hmm, well…” Bridget took a long, deep breath, pondering, and finally said, “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. No reason to hide it from her. She’d find out soon enough anyway. And I’ve always tried to be open with her about sexual stuff.”

“Okay, then, we’ll do that, I guess, with everyone,” replied Sheila. “Talk to them about it after we get back, before we go to the party.”

“Oh, right, the party. I almost forgot about that. Are you sure you still want — oh, wait, what am I saying — I really want to go to that party. My god, that woman, and… yeah, I definitely don’t want to miss that.”

Bridget found what she was looking for, taking out her shorts and her top. They were wrinkled but certainly wearable for the brief trip. She pulled them on, with no bra and no panties. Stepping into her sandals, she was ready to go.

Sheila smiled at her little sister. Then she stood up and gave her a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“What’s that for?” asked Bridget.

“For being so understanding and so helpful and so damn sexy too. Just for being the best sister ever.”

“Aw, you’re sweet.”

They kissed on the lips, twice, and then Bridget helped Sheila tie her skimpy bikini back on.


“What do you mean besides kissing?” asked Paige.

Gwen wasn’t sure how to answer that. “Um, well, you know, like more stuff, I mean.”

“What more stuff?” Paige persisted.


“You mean masturbating?” offered Amanda, trying to be helpful.

“Well, yeah,” Gwen laughed nervously, “I guess that would be one thing.”

“You like to masturbate?” Bambi asked Amanda.

“Uh-huh, except my mom always helps me. I like it better than when I try it myself.”

Gwen’s eyes went wide. “You — your mom helps you?”

“Uh-huh,” Amanda started to nod but then put her hand over her mouth, grinning sheepishly. “Oops, she says I’m not s’posed to tell anybody.”

Frowning, Gwen asked, “Why can’t you tell anyone?”

“I don’t know,” Amanda shrugged. “She’s only helping me.”

“Yeah, but I mean, how does she help you?”

“You know, she puts her hand where my hand is supposed to go and she rubs me and stuff. Or sometimes she puts her finger in me. I do it for her too. We help each other,” the girl smiled. “It’s nice, I like it. But I can’t tell you about it.”

“Okay,” Gwen nodded, with a grin. “You didn’t tell us anything.”

“My mom taught me how when I was 8,” Bambi announced.

“Wow, really? That’s… pretty cool,” said Gwen as she squeezed her thighs together.

Paige felt left out. These two girls who were younger than her knew something she didn’t. Although she had a fairly good idea of what masturbation was, for whatever reason she hadn’t tried it yet herself and didn’t really know where to start. But if Bambi’s mom taught her to do it, and Amanda’s mom helped her do it, why hadn’t someone shown her?

It seemed embarrassing, though, to be a grade ahead of these other girls and have them know so much more than her, so she didn’t want to say anything about it. She just waited and listened. And luckily the conversation changed direction again.

Bambi looked up at Gwen. “Can we do more kissing now?”


The oversized glass stall had double shower heads, the same as in Bambi’s bathroom. Three naked 30-something moms gathered under the warm water, rinsing the sand and salt from their bodies and then washing their hair.

Eve fully expected Angela to turn this into an erotic encounter and was mildly surprised, even a little disappointed, that she never did. Oh, there were a few playful touches with soapy hands, but that was all, nothing more.

As they got out and were patting their hair with big fluffy towels, Angela said, “You girls want some lotion? My skin dries out rather quickly, so after a shower I always douse myself in the stuff.”

The other two agreed that would be a good idea, and soon they were applying generous amounts of a delicately fragranced and delightfully smooth product that Angela said was French, rubbing the silky lotion all over each other. Happy sighs and purrs of pleasure were heard as arms and legs and bellies and breasts were gently caressed, but again, nothing overtly sexual took place.

They took turns using a pair of blow dryers to brush and fluff their hair, and then Angela led the women naked into the master bedroom. She pulled back the sheets on the bed and suggested that Eve and Tina get in, which they did. Then she went to the double doors and opened one, calling, “Gwen?”

Continue on to Chapter 10


No comments on Serendipity, Chapter 9

  1. kim says:

    so hot, I am still just loving this slow ride, doors opening, and I loved Paige’s feelings, that was so me when I was young, I mean I was masturbating, but there were girls younger than me who I knew were hooking up sexually and I had so wanted to get in on that but was clueless. Had wished I had a older sister to show me things.

  2. Thanks, Kim, for saying what you did about Paige. I sometimes like trying to include characters in my stories who aren’t as experienced as others or as sure of themselves. When I was young, I was shy and also very confused about my sexuality. I had all sorts of conflicting feelings going on inside, so I can really relate to someone like Paige.

  3. Ms May says:

    To begin with, You’re an Awesome Writer & are doing a Fantastic job with interweaving All of these many characters. However, in each of the previous chapters, of everything that You’ve Written and that I’ve read, this one seemed kind of Dull & Rushed.

    Almost, like You really didn’t have Your Heart into it, or should I Say “Clitty” 🙂

    Anyway, one suggestion that I might make, which possibly could help You, would be to take one or two of the separate Interest Groups, and make them Your Main Focus, for that particular Chapter or Posting.

    So instead of trying to give “Equal Time” to each of Your Sexy Groups, give each one a shorter update blurb, while You really get into a much more Detailed Description for the one or two “Featured Players” of that particular Chapter or Posting’s.

    Anyhow, with or without my suggestion, I know that You’ll make me “WET & WETTER”, so keep it Cumming 🙂 Btw, my comments were only meant to be helpful, and certainly Not any Criticism of Your Superb Writing Skills or Talents, which I’m Envious of. Thanks, Ms May

  4. Swan says:

    As others have commented, I am impressed with your organizational skills as you keep all these parallel groups moving towards the story’s climax (or maybe I should say towards a continuous string of climaxes). Keep up the excellent work.

  5. Euphorsyne, Thalia & Aglia says:

    Hello Naughty Mommy!
    first time commentor, lifelong lesbian erotica devotee…
    just wanted to say how much I LOVE your writings, I have just begun to read “Serendipity” and it is so good! the story arc is compelling and the way you have used the neat “blurbs” as you continue from scene to scene helps so much to promote vivid imagery! short & sweet is very effective in keeping the action flowing and piqueing one’s imagination, in a sense, bringing the reader (myself especially) into the world of this amazing tale! I adore the Motherly love, tenderness, lingering self doubt of some of the characters, wonderment of sexual experimentation, the strong, vibrant conviction & assuredness of “Angela” (and the smoldering lusty sex, of course!) you have induced in this story…
    I can’t wait to read further!
    Thank You and your compatriots for giving life to these beautiful, sexually wonderful & dare I say delicious, fantasies that so many of us can relate to & enjoy!
    E, T & A

  6. Thank you very much, E T & A, and welcome to Juicy Secrets. I’m not sure how long you’ve been reading stories here, but you did say this is your first comment. I only hope it won’t be your last — we love hearing from our readers!

  7. Tim says:

    Funnily enough, I do find myself agreeing a little with Ms May, since no sooner do I get aroused and excited (and very very hard!!) with one of the little groups than the story moves on to another grouping leaving me wanting more detail, especially of course, intimate detail, of the development of the sexual liaisons.

    Having said that, I love the way the story is developing, I always love your writing, and no doubt eventually we will be having one huge, pussy dripping, clit tingling, incestuous orgy with all the mums and their lovely masturbation mad daughters….

    I can’t wait!!!

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