The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 3

  • Posted on July 22, 2015 at 5:21 am

By Cheryl Taggert

The sun was shining in the window when Heather awoke the next morning. She was starting to get over her jealousy of her little sister Tina’s relationship with Susan, her best friend. After all, there was plenty of fun for them all. She looked over at the twin bed that Tina now lay in, smiling at a dream she was having. Heather got up from her bed and eased over to Tina’s, but not before checking to make sure the bedroom door was locked. She also checked to be sure it had closed tightly because sometimes the door would swell ever so slightly and would appear to be closed when it was not.

Heather knelt by the bed and watched her baby sister sleep. She could understand Susan’s infatuation with her. She was very pretty. Her soft blonde hair was down to the middle of her back, and she had little dimples in her cheeks that made her look so cute. Unlike many sisters, Heather was happy her little sister was so pretty. That made the fun they had all the better.

As Heather watched Tina sleep, she noticed that Tina’s breathing was becoming a bit faster than was usual for sleeping. The covers were over her to mid tummy, and she lay on her left side facing Heather. Her right arm was out of the covers, but her left was still under them, out of sight. It was in noticing this that Heather saw that there were little movements beneath the covers in the area where Tina’s hips flared ever so gently beneath the covers. Heather wondered if Tina was having a sex dream and was masturbating in her sleep. Tina was eleven now, the same age Heather was when she began having such delightful dreams. The thought that Tina might be dreaming and masturbating at the same time caused Heather’s pussy to begin to tingle a bit. She decided to find out without waking Tina, who slept like the dead anyway.

Raising the covers, Heather saw exactly what she thought she would. Tina’s left hand was rubbing her little pussy over her panties, gently squeezing the mound in drowsy but obvious enjoyment. Heather could smell her juices as they dampened her panties. She knew Tina wouldn’t want Mom to notice the stains, so she decided to help her little sister out of her cotton panties.

Gently, she took the elastic band of the panties and began to nudge them down over the small flare of Tina’s hips. Tina was completely unaware that anything out of the ordinary was happening. Heather had learned from experience that something as mild as undressing Tina would not wake her. She remembered her father holding Tina by her ankles as she slept without waking her. She had wet the bed until she was seven because of her inability to wake up. Mom had finally forbidden her to drink anything for three hours before bedtime. Anyway, that deep sleep of hers was an advantage now. Heather suddenly imagined that it would be an advantage for her for years to come.

Still pulling, Heather managed to slip the panties off of her little sister. Tina’s left hand had never stopped its squeezing. Once the panties had been taken out of the way, she simply continued to rub and squeeze her soft, swollen mound. In fact, Tina let out a little moan in her sleep. Obviously, the skin-to-skin contact was much better, even in her sleep.

Mesmerized, Heather continued to watch her little sister masturbating for a moment. She wondered what dream she could be having. Maybe it was about her? Or perhaps it concerned Susan, Tina’s newest lover? Maybe it was about all three of them together the way they had been yesterday afternoon? All Heather knew for sure was that she was getting very turned on watching Tina play with her little mound. She watched as her index and middle fingers separated the folds of her pussy, easing between the lips and beginning direct rubbing of the small, hooded clitoris that was now peeking out of its hiding place.

Heather eased Tina onto her back with a tiny nudge. As she drifted onto her back, her legs spread, making her wet pussy more accessible. Tina began to increase the tempo of her actions, rubbing her moist lips with more of a rhythm to match her building excitement. Reaching down to her own pussy, Heather eased her hand into her panties and began to rub and finger herself. She was surprised at how truly wet her little slit had become.

With her hand still kneading the flesh of her small clit and surrounding area, Heather moved between Tina’s spread legs, placing her mouth directly over the mound where Tina’s fingers were now having a field day. Leaning down, she placed her lips onto the moistened slit. She licked it, darting her tongue here and there, making Tina moan with increased passion. She dipped her tongue into the tiny hole that was her vagina. Her hymen had been taken in a bicycle accident, so Heather did not need to worry about any resistance from that. Heather pressed a bit harder into the soft, swollen mound of her little sister’s pussy.

Tina began to move her hips in a rocking motion, meeting the tongue in reality that was probably also performing the same dance in her dream. Heather was so hot that she was making her own fingers dance across the slippery inner labia of her hot little twat. Tina’s hand had dropped away once Heather’s tongue had taken its place, so Heather had full access to every fold and crease in the tiny love box. Heather’s tongue began to match the rhythm of Tina’s thrusts. As she tongued the pussy of her sister who was only a year younger than she was, Heather realized that they were both speeding toward mind-crashing orgasms. She, for one, couldn’t wait. She glanced up at Tina, who was still asleep, still dreaming of her dream lover, whoever that was. Her head tossed from side to side. Whatever her brain was telling her, her body was screaming about the approaching orgasm.

Heather devoured Tina’s ripe pussy, slobbering over the labia, adding her spit to the flow of Tina’s vagina. Just a few more seconds and they would both be tossed over the brink of the waterfall that would signal the start of their orgasm. Right there…right THERE… yes… YES…”AAAHHHHH!” her mouth moaned into the dripping pussy. She felt the waves of contraction and orgasm flood Tina as well. . . .

In her mind, Tina knew she was dreaming. These things just didn’t happen in real life, and she was somehow aware that they didn’t and was thus aware of the dream. Her mind, of course, accepted the dream. It was a very sexy one.

She lay on a bed, which was covered with a completely black sheet. She was naked and as she looked down at her nakedness, she saw that she was also tied down. Her legs were spread, her arms outstretched, and her ankles and wrists were tied so that she couldn’t move, at least not to get away. And she didn’t want to get away. Standing around her were perhaps a dozen women and girls, all equally naked. They ranged in age from around six up to perhaps forty. And all of them, every one of them, was masturbating wildly as they looked at her nude body tied to the black-clad bed.

She was horny watching them. And they were equally horny watching her. Power seemed to surge throughout her body. She noticed a girl who was maybe 15 or 16 standing nearby, both hands busy at her hair-covered pussy. She was pistoning her fingers in and out of her drenched vagina. No, she was pushing her entire HAND into herself. She was fucking herself with one hand while the other was a blur on her clitoris, which protruded into easy view.

Tina then saw a little girl about 6 or 7 who was the youngest. Her pussy was totally bare, but she had tiny breasts, with nipples puckering out toward Tina. Suddenly the little girl was on top of Tina, her mouth seemingly glued to her breast, sucking the flesh into her hungry mouth. Her hand went to Tina’s waiting pussy, rubbing it softly.

It was at this point that Tina’s hand found her own pussy in bed. She imitated the strokes that were being pressed into her pussy in her dream.

Tina noticed the girl with her hand inside her own vagina. She had leaned over and was sucking and licking the little girl’s pussy. She was slobbering all over it in her need for the little girl’s pussy cream.

Then as suddenly as she had appeared over her, the little girl was gone, replaced by the older girl that Tina had come to call the hand girl in her dream. The hand girl kissed her passionately on the lips, exploring the inside of her mouth with her desperate tongue. Somehow she had now put her other hand into Tina’s little pussy. At first she wanted to protest in the dream, but the sensation felt no different than simply touching her pussy. The hand girl was fist-fucking herself and Tina at the same time.

Then she was gone. The woman now making love to her looked a lot like her mother. Then Tina realized that it was her mother. Her mother was lying on her and making love to her eleven-year-old daughter! Tina was more turned on in her dream than she had ever been before. The idea of making love with her mother seemed to open some sort of flood gates. The idea had never occurred to her in real life, but it was terribly erotic in her dream. Vaguely, she wondered in the part of her mind that knew it was a dream whether or not the idea when she was fully awake would be as hot as it was in the dream. Then that aware portion of her brain faded again, and she was back in the dream.

Her mother was suddenly licking her pussy. All the other women of various ages, moved closer to watch.

“Fuck your baby,” they began to chant. They repeated it in a staccato rhythm that her hips began to match in the real world. “Fuck your baby! Fuck your baby!” they continued. The volume of their chant was rising. They were all masturbating, rubbing their pussies. Then they were pairing off. Tina could see them in spite of the fact that she was tied to the bed. The hand girl and another girl her age were now finger-fucking the little girl. Other girls and women were kissing, fondling, sucking tongues, breasts, and pussies. She suddenly recognized Susan and Heather as they paired off, kissing and fondling each other while keeping one eye on Tina. Her mind reeled with the eroticism of the images that undulated and throbbed before her young eyes. Being on display in her dream turned her on incredibly.

Although their mouths were occupied with sex, Tina could still hear the chant as it echoed throughout the room. Her pussy seemed to be on fire as her mother went down on her, sucking all the juices from her tasty cunt. She could feel the approaching orgasm as it built up to a point that was like water bursting over the dam and flooding the countryside. She was almost there. Almost. Just a little more. And. And. THERE! She was cumming in her dream. Her mother’s mouth was bringing her off. It was absolutely incredible in its force.

Tina woke to the sounds of her own cries of pleasure to find her big sister Heather licking her pussy like a starving dog. Tina just lay back and enjoyed the waves that washed over her, a tidal flood of lust that was released into her older sister’s mouth. She reached for her pillow and thrust it over her mouth to muffle the cries of intense pleasure. She wouldn’t want her mother to hear and come to investigate. Then the image of the dream leapt into her mind, and the thought caused another wave of orgasm to pound her young body. She convulsed with the cresting waves. It was the best orgasmic experience of her life. She was only eleven, and already she had achieved multiple orgasms. The beat of cumming continued for several minutes.

Finally, Heather lay back, aware that her baby sister had awakened at some point while she was cumming. She looked up at the lucky young girl. Heather knew that Tina had been cumming for over a minute. Heather could have multiple orgasms as well, but not this time since masturbation usually did not result in more than one, maybe two climaxes.

Whatever that dream was, it was awfully good, Heather thought to herself. She would try to find out.

“Good morning,” she said with a knowing smile.

“Yeah,” was all Tina could muster.

“You sure had fun. What was the dream about?”

“How do you know I was dreaming?” asked Tina nervously. She didn’t want to discuss the dream and its contents. She was embarrassed that she’d had a sexual dream about her mother making love to her. Even more embarrassing was the fact that it had turned her on so much.

“Because I could tell. You were breathing rapidly; you were moaning; and most of all, you were masturbating under the covers.”

“Well, I don’t remember it,” Tina said, not looking at Heather. Heather could tell she was lying. She remembered. She just didn’t want Heather to know about it. Why not? What could be so personal she couldn’t share it with her older sister? She decided to prod her for answers.

“Yes, you do. I can tell that too. You’re lying. Why?”

“Listen, I just don’t want to talk about it, okay?”

“Fine. But I am the one who helped you with that mind-blowing orgasm. And I AM family, so I can’t see where telling me about it would be so bad. I mean, whatever it was, it really had you going.”

Heather’s comment about being family touched a nerve. She began to think that maybe she could tell Heather. They were already in an incestuous relationship. How could she put her down for what happened in a dream?

“If I tell you, do you promise you won’t make fun of me or something? It’s really personal.”

Heather could see she was serious. It may have brought on a tremendous orgasm, but the dream also managed to upset Tina in some way. Heather could see the questions that hung just below the surface of Tina’s expression. “I won’t,” she assured her.

Tina looked at the floor. “We’re already in an incest type relationship, aren’t we?”

“Yes,” Heather answered. “Why?”

“Does that ever bother you?”

“No, why should it?”

Tina was still looking at the floor. “I dreamed Mom had sex with me while a bunch of other women and girls watched and masturbated, including you and Susan.”

Heather was shocked. Not because Tina had dreamed what she did, but that she herself had both dreamed about sex with her mom AND fantasized about it. Their mother was a very pretty woman with a great figure. She had turned down numerous offers to model when she was younger because she had wanted to start a family instead. It had never occurred to Heather that her sister might end up having the same dreams and fantasies. (Well, she assumed Tina would have the fantasies. The idea had certainly turned her on enough, much as it had done for herself.)

Heather just stared at Tina. Tina’s cheeks turned crimson. She still couldn’t look Heather in the face.

“You think I’m sick, don’t you? You think I need some time in a loony bin or something, huh?” Tears had begun to well up in Tina’s frightened eyes.

Suddenly, the spell broke and Heather was able to move. She pulled her little sister to her and hugged her tight. “No, I don’t think you’re sick, and I don’t think you belong in a loony bin. I’ve had the same kinds of dreams. I’ve even fantasized about having sex with Mom while I masturbated.”

There. The truth was out now. They could now go on with whatever came next.

Tina drew back from the embrace and looked at Heather for the first time since telling her about the dream. This was unreal.

“You’re joking, aren’t you? You’re just saying that to make me feel better, aren’t you?”

“No, Tina. It’s true. I rub myself off at least once a week thinking about doing it with Mom. She’s gorgeous. I dreamed she came into our bedroom one night and made love to me. It was about as good an orgasm as you had.”

Tina looked at Heather. This was too fucking much. This was purely amazing. She was very turned on, but more than that, she had decided that she and Heather were going to seduce their own mother. It seemed almost pre-ordained or something. They would have to find a way to satisfy their lust for their mother.


At the same time that Tina was having her incredible multiple orgasm, Jennifer and Lisa were walking out the door of their apartment for work. It was a day they looked forward to with much anticipation. Susan and Heather were going to meet with them today. They would be able to renew an activity that had long been dormant.

It hadn’t been dormant because of these two beautiful women in their early twenties and their desire to find someone willing to fulfill their lust for young girls. It had been dormant because of the risks involved in having sex with a minor. That had changed yesterday, however. They now knew two young girls who were more than willing to have fun with them while maintaining the secret of their times together.

They had spent the morning preparing for their tête á tête with glee while also spending a few moments fondling the right places, both on each other and themselves. They hoped this would be a day to remember, and for all the right reasons.

Just as Tina was telling Heather the truth about her dream, Susan was waking in her own bed a couple of blocks away with a familiar tingling sensation growing in her lower belly. She didn’t want to masturbate, though, as she and Heather were planning to have numerous orgasms later that day with Miss Simmons and Miss Taylor.

They had already had fun with Jennifer in the woods near the school yesterday at the end-of-the-year party. Now Susan was looking forward to enjoying sex with Miss Taylor as well. She wondered if she would taste anything like Miss Simmons, or would she be different? One thing she knew was she could hardly wait until they met later that day. It was going to be a wonderful day.

Little did any of them know that it would be an even better day than any of them thought!

Continue on to Chapter 4


7 Comments on The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 3

  1. kim says:

    couldn’t get to far in this chapter before I couldn’t get any farther, just so good, will be back to read more later. just gonna have a long sex weekend catching up on my reading. great story.

  2. Saapho69 says:

    NOT GOING TO MASTURBATE MUST RESIST lol. Im going prowling later at the local lez bar. As I told Poppabear. I plan on the first one in the parking lot or street in my car, the next one in the bathroom and then find one to take home ;).

  3. Saapho69 says:

    I think I’ll wear a butt plug too when I go out 😛

  4. Saapho69 says:

    If anyone’s curious, not that this is a forum for this info but… Thanks to Cheryl and a few other (you know who you are). I was so turned on last night I set a new personal record. I fucked a women in my car on the public street 3o. Then went back in and found a couple who where interested so we fucked in the bathroom (twice)3 or 4o. Then I took home a young thing in her 20’s. She turned out to be a curious straight girl and after I made her cum many times. Decided she didn’t want to eat my pussy :(. Fucking straight girl lol. So I talked her into tribbing (since its like fucking) and got off that way (not as much fun since she was already spent lol) 1o = 8o woohoo

  5. Cheryl says:

    Sounds as though you had a great time!

  6. Saapho69 says:

    Yes it was and TY Cheryl and Naughty Mommy for making me so horny, I was bold and aggressive lol

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