Wanting a Girl, Part Two

  • Posted on July 25, 2015 at 12:21 pm

By JetBoy (with Androgyne)

I lie placidly, allowing the gentle tide to carry me along the shore. My body is warmed from head to toe, as if I’m stretched beneath some unseen sun. Then suddenly the ebb and flow of the ocean solidifies into a bed — the bed, actually.

The sound of Josie’s voice summons me back to the here and now. But wait, who is she talking to…?

I raise my still-spinning head, suddenly struck stone cold sober by the sight of a woman standing in the bedroom doorway.

Oh, good Christ in heaven, I’m done for. Josie’s mum is home and has caught me in bed with her twelve year old child, both of us naked and the room reeking of rough sex.

She doesn’t look like Josie, though; this woman is darker and heavy set, with shapely hips and a generous set of breasts — and she’s grinning at us both.

Grinning? I steal a quick look at my young lover, and she looks… pleased. What the fuck is going on here?

My head swivels back to the strange woman, who is fondling her left breast. “My, my. Looks like you two been enjoyin’ yourselves…” she murmurs.

Josie tugs at my arm. “Lesley, this is Gillian. She’s Tommy’s mum.” She flashes me a bad-girl smile. “Oh… an’ she was my first lover, the one I told you about. I asked her to come by later when I took Tommy home. Mum gave her a spare key ages ago, so she can drop in to check on me and make sure I’m all right.”

Gillian slowly enters the room, moving cat-like toward the bed. “Well, Jo… are you all right, then?”

Josie purses her face in mock-concentration, touching a finger to her chin, suddenly speaking in the lilting voice of a child half her age. “Oh, Miss Gillian… I met this nice lady at the park, an’ we’ve been playing ever such lovely games together… but we could have even more fun if you joined us!” Her eyes are filled with innocent longing, as if she’d just spied a toy she wants in a window display. “Won’t you come an’ play… please?”

Fuck, she’s behaving like a little girl, hands clasped before her and an angelic expression on her face — certainly a far cry from the adolescent slut who just had her arm buried wrist-deep in my hole.

As for Gillian, she seems more amused than anything by Josie’s sweetness-and-light act. Soon as she gets within reaching distance, her arm snakes out to roughly grasp the girl’s shoulder, drawing her close. Taking a handful of Josie’s unruly blonde tresses, she tugs at it until my young lover’s head is tilted back. Gillian’s eyes meet mine; and I watch, heart thumping as she claims Josie’s mouth in a punishing kiss. Their tongues tangle lewdly, and I can see Josie’s hands groping at her neighbour’s heavy breasts through her flannel shirt.

You might think that I’d be consumed with jealousy at the sight of this strange woman, having her way with my Josie. Instead, I am on fire inside, the animal within me awakened and hungry once more. After all, I’ve never been one to behave possessively toward my lovers, and am very much into the idea of sharing my new bedmate with this dead sexy older woman.

Mere moments ago I was desperately in need of a breather from the brutal fucking I’d just taken; now I’m ready to run wild again.

Pushing myself up from the bed and onto my knees, I move to join the others. Gillian breaks away from Josie, raising her face to mine. “Well, Lesley,” she purrs, “I see you like the young stuff… Now, d’ya feel like havin’ it off with a woman?” Her gaze is cool, defiant.

By way of an answer, I take hold of her collar and yank it downward, tearing her shirt, buttons flying. Somehow I’m not surprised to see that she has gone without a bra, her heavy breasts spilling forth.

Not only is Gillian not upset by my aggression, she’s positively elated. “Randy bitch,” she hisses; then her mouth covers mine, and we kiss.

My head is reeling with excitement, and the next couple of minutes are something of a blur; but somehow Josie and I manage to strip Gillian bare, scattering her clothes about the room in the process. Naked, she’s a formidable woman; with generous breasts, a soft, full belly, and deliciously rounded buttocks.

We get Gillian spread out on the bed, then I’m on my belly and going down on her, nose buried deep in a thatch of dark pubic curls as I feast on the juicy flesh of her pussy.

Josie is bent over Gillian’s breasts, licking avidly at her nipples; raising her head when her older lover demands, “Enough of that, girl… you know what I need! I’ve been wantin’ to taste you all fuckin’ day.” Gillian licks her lips in a very lewd fashion, staring hungrily at the naked child.

With a wicked grin, Josie moves to straddle Gillian’s face. “Here y’go,” she sighs, lowering her dewy slit to the neighbour’s parted lips.

My mouth is fastened to this woman’s vagina, drinking down the thick, syrupy fluids that flow freely from her; staring at Josie’s pert little backside as Gillian’s tongue flickers, flame-like, between her boyish thighs. “Mmmmyeah,” Josie pants, rocking atop her older lover’s face, “lick me, Gilly… get me off!”

I’m going down on Gillian with everything I have, licking and sucking at her cunt like the same ravenous she-beast I’d already been with Josie. No restraint is wanted now — my intention is to make this woman come and come hard. I fuck her with my tongue, then press deep open-mouthed kisses into the rosy flesh.

Her clitoris protrudes like a tiny pink spear, practically begging to be sucked. I heed its call, taking the inflamed nubbin between my lips, teasing its tip with a fluttering tongue.

Gillian’s frame seizes up as she gets slammed by the first orgasm. A choked cry is torn from her throat, muffled by Josie’s vulva. As for my adolescent lover, she moans in delight, swaying atop the licking mouth of “Gilly,” and groping at her flat chest. Josie’s eyes are closed, head tilted to one side and a dreamy smile on her lips.

Gillian’s legs begin to tremble as soon as she starts to come, almost imperceptibly at first. But soon enough she is bucking violently as her pleasure continues to climb. Josie is watching me as I work on her lover’s clit.

I want to take this incredible woman through at least one more climax, to reduce her to babbling lunacy, but she suddenly reaches down to push my face away from her glistening sex. Not in a hostile way, mind you — she’s simply overcome, at least for now.

Josie slowly raises herself from Gillian’s flushed, moist face to kneel next to her, then bends to kiss the panting woman, her tongue circling Gillian’s mouth. “Mmmmyummy-yum…” the child purrs, tasting her own cunt and loving it. Finally she flops onto her back, still savouring the rich essence on her lips.

“Bloody hell,” croaks Gillian, still straining for breath, turning to gape at me, “that’s a wild mouth you got, er — what was your name, love?”

“Her name’s Lesley,” chirps Josie before I can answer, rolling her eyes. “Wow, she made you come so hard that you can’t ‘member stuff anymore, huh?” She’s grinning.

“Quiet, child,” Gillian scowls at Josie, then breaks into a smile as she glances back at me. “Pleased to meet you an’ all, Les… now, how about letting me watch you an’ Jo goin’ at it, hmmm?”

Yes, that’s what I want. By rights I should be utterly drained, left exhausted and limp after this crazed bout of sapphic sex. It’s not enough, though — not nearly enough. Not for Josie, not for me either. We need more, and the harder and faster the better.

I see my lewd appetite reflected in young Josie’s eyes as she crawls over to me and into my arms. We kiss hotly, facing one another on our knees.

From there it’s easy enough to get my little-girl lover onto her back, raising one of her thin legs to prepare Josie for what I want to do next. My eyes never leaving hers, I fork my own legs wide apart and move into the child until my cunt, hot and dripping with juice, is plastered against her smooth vulva.

Josie looks confused for a moment but gets the idea immediately, grinding against me even before I start to work my sex into hers.

It takes us a moment for me to adjust to her movements, and then we are coupling like animals, hips churning wildly as our pussies slide and press together in a hot, slippery lesbian fuck.

Young Josie seems almost possessed by lust, her body arching and flexing, teeth bared and her breath hissing with each thrust of her slim hips. She clutches my bent leg, crushing it to her chest, then gasps, digging into the soft flesh of my thigh with gnawed fingernails as she reacts to an instant of heavenly contact between her sex and mine. I know what she feels, experiencing a similar jolt of pleasure every time her cunt brushes my throbbing clitoris.

I steal a glance at Gillian, who is watching us intently, breathing hard as she rubs wantonly at her minge; then I crush my mound into Josie’s with a renewed energy, the two of us pumping in our crazed mutual rhythm like a machine gone mad.

Suddenly a howl explodes from Josie as her climax kicks in, the girl’s supple body bowed backwards in helpless pleasure. I keep grinding against her, fucking the living hell out of this preteen minx — and then I’m coming too, sucked into my own maelstrom of rapture.

It’s the beginning and the end at once; a death that feels like being born — my soul an infant expelled bawling from the slippery cunt of the goddess.

When the whirling in my head — wheels within wheels within wheels — slows down to a manageable speed, I allow my eyes to flutter open — only to see Gillian’s grinning face inches from mine.

“Fuckin’ hell, that was a lovely sight!” she exclaims, bending down to kiss me roughly, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. My tongue emerges to spar playfully with hers, then I give her lower lip a sharp little bite.

Gillian gasps, then draws back to study me. “Quite the firework you are, ain’tcha?” She moves in again, this time nibbling at my ear for a few seconds, then she whispers, “Jo told me you was a real find… she weren’t far wrong, I’d say!”

I blink, and her face vanishes from my view. So I raise myself up onto unsteady elbows, just in time to see her climb on top of Josie, their mouths coming together. Josie mewls into their kiss, tilting her pelvis to wrap both legs around Gillian.

My eyes widen as I see Josie’s hips move. Fuck me, that little tart is grinding her slit against Gillian’s belly! In my life, I’ve hooked up with some sexually driven women, but never one as insatiable as this twelve-year-old baby dyke.

Winded as I am, the sight of my hungry little lover somehow renews me, rouses the beast to life once more. I roll onto all fours, then begin a slow, catlike crawl toward the woman and her little-girl partner, feeling the heat rising inside as I draw closer.

Now I’m kneeling behind Gillian, staring appreciatively at her generous buttocks. Though nothing can fire my lust like the pert bottom of a young girl, I must admit that the full, apple-shaped arse of a woman — a real woman, not some scrawny, weight-obsessed twat — gets my juices flowing as well. And Gillian’s is a beauty; built for comfort, made to be groped by a lesbian slut like me.

So I do exactly that, my hands exploring the contours of her bum. I can hear Gillian humming appreciatively into Josie’s mouth when I seek out the opening between her legs, easing two fingers inside the slippery canal. That leaves my thumb perfectly positioned to enter her anal pucker. So, with a quick swipe of the tongue between the buttocks to get her moist there, I probe my way into Gillian’s arse.

Now buried deep in both holes, I start in on fucking her, working my fingers about inside that juicy cunt. Gillian’s honey flows freely, soon coating most of my hand… and she relaxes her arsehole enough for me to move my thumb around in circles, massaging the walls of her rectum. She and Josie are still kissing, interrupted by the occasional moan.

Then Gillian twists about to stare appreciatively at me over her shoulder. “Oi, Lesley… you’re not one of them dykes that has an objection to wearin’ a cock, are ya?”

Puzzled, I pause in my lewd fingering to shake my head.

“Good,” she sighs. “I had a lover once who… well, she an’ her mates din’t approve of women who liked to get rogered with a rubber prick. Women like me.” She rolls her eyes heavenward. “Too much like sex with a man, they says. Well, now… see that bag by the door?” She gestures in that direction with her head, and I peer across the room to see a black leather satchel on the floor that hadn’t been there earlier. She grins wickedly. “Not that your fingers don’t feel damn good in there… but if you want somethin’ that’ll really fill me up, have a look inside the bag.”

“Oooh! You gonna get her to fuck you with the Black Beast, Gilly?” squeals Josie, peeping at me from beneath Gillian’s womanly form, her cheek touching a pendulous breast.

“That’s the idea, love,” replies Gillian, also watching me.

Extracting my slippery fingers from her cunt and arse, I climb from the bed and pad over to where the satchel rests. Picking it up and placing it in a nearby chair, I unbuckle the clasp that holds it shut.

My eyes widen as I take in the generous collection of sex toys that fill Gillian’s bag. And right on top of the lot is an enormous latex cock with a harness attached, dark as ebony and at least ten inches long — obviously, the Black Beast.

I gingerly extract the massive prick from the satchel as if it might explode; then cradle it in my hands, feeling its weight.

“That’s the one,” Gillian purrs, now seated on the bed’s edge. Josie lies on her belly, chin resting on crossed arms. “Wanna do me with it?”

I stare at her incredulously. “You can… take this? The whole thing?”

“Every bit,” she grins. “Put it on, Les, an’ see just how deep you can get inside me.”

“Yeah!” Josie chimes in. “I tried to fuck Gilly with it, but it didn’t work.” She sighs resignedly. “I’m still too little.”

Gillian got up on all fours, presenting her buttocks to me, peering expectantly over her shoulder. “C’mon, love — put it to me! I’ve been all hot an’ bothered for a good poundin’.”

Well, that was an invitation I wasn’t about to refuse. Stepping into, then adjusting the harness, I reach behind my back to fasten it, while Josie rises from the bed, luxuriously stretches herself, then wanders over to Gillian’s bag and begins to root around inside.

“Look, Lesley!” she says, pulling another strap-on from the satchel, this one a bright pink four-inch model. “This is Pink Boy. Gilly uses it on me sometimes.”

I pause in the middle of tightening my harness, dazed by an image of twelve-year-old Josie, on her back with thighs spread wide as she gets fucked by the mother next door.

“And this,” my little lover continues, hauling out a long double-headed latex dildo, “is Elastic Man. We call him that ‘cos he’s all bendy!” She demonstrates, flexing the toy into different positions; then placing it to one side before plunging into the bag again, emerging with a string of anal beads. “Now, these–”

“Jo,” interrupts Gillian, arching an eyebrow, “you can show Lesley the toys later, right? For now, why don’tcha ferret out the lube an’ get the Beast all nice and slippery for me.”

“Righto!” an unfazed Josie chirps, reaching into the satchel to poke and paw about. Finding what she wants, her hand emerges with a slightly crumpled white tube. Flipping the top open, she squirts a dollop of transparent gel into her hand, then turns to me and begins to lovingly anoint the jet-black cock that jutted, almost defiantly, from my pelvis.

“Nice an’ slip-per-y,” she chants, her little hands gliding up and down its impressive length. Finally, the grinning nymphet draws away, wiping both hands on her thighs as she cheerfully announces, “All done!”

“Good,” nods Gillian, then wiggles her bottom enticingly. “Get behind me, Les — we’ll let Jo do the honours.” I get into position, the Black Beast bobbing up and down beneath my belly as Gillian leers at the eager child. “C’mon, love,” she demands, “put your new friend’s cock in me.”

Josie is on the bed in a flash, grasping the thick phallus, carefully lining its head up with the portal to Gilly’s cunt. I press forward, and the fat head slips through the vaginal opening with a slurping sound.

She’s so wet and ready to be penetrated that all ten inches of the Beast slide into her body with a single smooth stroke — like a fork into pudding.

“Ohhhhhh…” Gillian moans, shivers of rapture rippling through her womanly form. She breathes heavily for a few seconds, unable to speak, but finally manages to pant, “Oh, yeah… that f-feels good, Lesley.”

Ready and eager to take this to the next level, I start to withdraw, but Gillian stops me with a shake of her head. “Ooooh, no, don’t move just yet — stay inside me.” She shifts her gaze to the girl. “Now, Josie-pie… I want you to t-take Elastic Man an’ get one end lubed up. You get to f-fuck my arse while Lesley does my cunt.” She is quivering slightly, sensitive to the tiniest movements of the monstrous prick buried inside her.

Josie picks up the flesh-toned two-headed cock and the white tube. Nibbling her lower lip, she drizzles some of the slick stuff on the bulbous tip of the dildo, then smears it all around with her free hand, thoroughly coating one half of the toy.

“Good… now push that end into my bumhole,” pants Gillian. “You’ll have to bend it, love, so you don’t get in Lesley’s way while she’s fuckin’ me.”

“Mmmkay,” Josie replies, furrowing her brow as she deftly positions the cock at a forty-five-degree angle, leaving about four lubricated inches for Gillian’s rectum. Then with a saucy grin, she dips down to place a messy tongue kiss between her grownup lover’s spread buttocks.

Jesus, what an erotic sight that is — this girl of twelve, mouthing the anus of a woman old enough to be her mother. And so willingly, as if there was nothing in the whole world she’d rather be doing.

After a moment or two she pops up with a giggle, then carefully places the blunt nose of the dildo against Gillian’s rosebud… letting it rest there for a couple of heartbeats before pressing inward.

Gillian throws her head back, emitting an impassioned cry that fills the bedroom as the cock head slips past the tight anal ring. She pants like a rutting dog for a few heartbeats, then gasps, “All right, Les… let me have it. Fuck me. You too, Jo.”

With that, I begin to slowly pump my hips, working the Black Beast around inside her. Just a little motion to start with; letting those ten inches do the job for me. Josie is pumping her arm steadily, brow knitted in concentration as the slippery sex toy glides in and out of her Gilly’s rectum.

As my strokes slowly become larger, more of the ebony shaft appearing with each one, Josie and I fall into a shared rhythm where we take turns penetrating Gillian — my cock plunging into her just as Josie’s withdraws. I’m clutching Gilly’s hips, leaning back slightly so as to give my little-girl lover room to work. And work she does, driving into her lover’s rectum with short, staccato thrusts.

Harder, faster — I’m fucking Gillian with everything I have now, pelvis churning frantically and my body gleaming with sweat. Her cunt squishes with each stroke, like boots trudging through heavy mud. I steal a quick glance at Josie, thrilling at the excitement I see in the little girl’s dancing eyes. Then I look at Gillian, her head now pressed into the pillow, face distorted in what might be agony — but I know that agony is only a small part of what she is feeling at this instant.

On impulse, I pause in my effort for a half-second, waiting for Josie to penetrate Gilly’s arsehole… then quickly drive my cock into her at the same time. This slight shift in tempo now has us entering her simultaneously with every thrust. I hear Josie giggle with delight. Gillian gasps in disbelief, her eyes wide open for a heartbeat before squeezing shut once more.

It takes only five strokes before Gillian’s body stiffens, a hoarse scream wrenched from her throat as she seizes up in a wall-shaker of an orgasm. Deep shudders convulse her womanly frame; so intense that it’s all I can do to hang on. She is pressing back into us, trying to drive our cocks even deeper into her ravaged holes.

“Ohhhhh!” she howls, her body bowed backwards and gone steel-rigid for the space of a heartbeat, “oh God, oh God, oh God, oh, oh GOD — FUCK ME!”

That’s when another climax smashes into her, and Gillian begins to shake so convulsively that I’m not certain that she isn’t having some kind of seizure. She is moving around too much for me to keep fucking her, but that hardly matters while she’s impaled to the hilt on ten inches of the Black Beast. As for Josie, she’s doing the best she can to keep her toy buried in Gilly’s bum.

By this point, I have no earthly idea how many times Gillian has come, only that she seems to be battered by one orgasm after the next; so overwhelmed by pleasure that she can barely groan. Finally, she freezes in mid-shudder, a strangled cry escapes her lips, and she pauses for a small eternity before her upper half relaxes, sinking into the sheets. Absurdly, she seems to be deflating, like a punctured beach ball, a few inches of the jet-black prick emerging from her minge.

Still cradling Gillian’s hips, I carefully withdraw the remaining length of the Beast from her body, while Josie relaxes her grip on Elastic Man, allowing Gilly’s anus to do the work of pushing the greasy dildo out.

Fairly spent, I collapse next to Gillian, breathing heavily and every inch of my frame bathed in sweat. Slowly rolling onto my side, I fumble for the harness buckle, somehow managing to unfasten the pitch-black cock from my waist. That done, I bring the toy to my mouth, contentedly tasting what is now a cunt-flavoured lolly.

I feel Josie nestling into me. “Can I have some?”

So I hold the glistening strap-on between us while my twelve-year-old lover joins me in licking it clean. Naturally, our lips graze now and again… and I finally let the Black Beast drop to the bed, wrapping my arms around the child as we engage in a passionate kiss.

As our tongues lustfully engage, I sense Josie’s body falling into a gentle, steady motion. Pausing to glance down, I see that she is masturbating, two fingers pressed into her vulva.

Gazing deep into her lust-glazed face, I murmur, “Such a greedy little baby you are.” My hand slips between her quivering thighs. “Is baby’s pussy all hot and wet?” It is, needless to say. “Does she need Mummy to make that wicked heat go away?”

Josie’s head lolls back, an thrilled gasp escaping her parted lips. “Yes, Mummy!” she demands. “Baby wants her pussy licked… do it now, do it now!”

I smile to myself. Even while playing the toddler, Josie wouldn’t say “please,” to get what she wanted. Well, I wouldn’t make her beg — not this time, anyhow.

Rolling my insistent nymph onto her back, I give Josie one last flickering tongue kiss before nuzzling a moist path down her body, pausing to lick each nipple in turn. I trail my lips along the terrace of the ribcage and onto the baby-soft belly, savouring the sweet scent of her skin. My God — how could I have resisted this hunger for little girls, even for a few months?

The adorable dimple of her belly button seems to wink invitingly at me. I respond, moving to penetrate the tiny opening with the tip of my tongue. Josie squeals in mixed surprise and delight, a shiver coursing through her slender form as she moves beneath me.

Flawless as it is, though, Josie’s navel is only a detour from my ultimate goal; so downward I proceed, lips straying over the slight rise of her mound.

Now I lie between the spread legs of my preteen enchantress, gazing at her rosy slit — ripe and syrupy as a fresh mango. Moistening my lips, I breathe deeply of the heady aroma, already as familiar to me as if I’d known it in a previous life.

Josie is practically squirming, desperate for release. “My pussy, Mummy,” she pants, a hint of desperation colouring her voice. “M-my pussy!”

Taking pity on the trembling child, I place a tiny kiss upon the dewy cleft — then press in deeper to lick, bathing Josie’s sex with the flat of my tongue.

“Oh,” she whimpers, the child’s twitching fingers tangling in my hair as she clutches me to her. “Oh, oh, oh!”

I feast greedily on her honeyed opening, realizing that, for all the sexual games we’ve indulged in this afternoon, I’ve yet to really go down on her, the way I’ve dreamed of doing to a young girl ever since this mad craving first consumed me. So now I’m making up for it with a vengeance, exploring every inch of her vulva with my mouth.

Then I feel strong hands cupping my arse, spreading both buttocks apart.

Fuck me, I marvel. I thought Gillian was down for the count after the shagging we gave her…

But now I can feel her breath caress my bum as she draws closer, sniffing at the crack like a dog.

I’ve got my head tilted to one side as I French kiss Josie’s slit as if it were a tiny mouth, pushing my tongue as far inside her vagina as it can go. That’s when I feel Gillian burrow between my cheeks, giving me one long, slow lick that seems to begin at the tip of the clitoris and glide slowly over my vulva, finally slipping through the crease of my anus.

There’s no way she’ll make me come again, not after the trio of orgasms I’ve already been gobsmacked by… but Gillian’s tongue does feel exquisite as it soothes my vagina, which still throbs dully from the fisting I received earlier.

Josie shifts about restlessly, unable to remain still while I ravish her with my mouth. Her sticky essence is positively ambrosial, and my lips are dripping with the thick fluids. I’m amazed, frankly, that a girl of twelve can possess a cunt so fucking juicy.

I could lie here forever, drinking from her fleshy chalice. But Josie’s need to come has grown acute, even painful. She’s panting like a marathon runner, her taloned fingers clawing at the bedsheets. So I withdraw my probing tongue from her vagina, trailing the tip along the line of the girl’s barely-there labia until I reach the button of her clitoris.

Taking the tiny nub into my mouth, I apply the cunnilingus technique that I’ve always called the Triple Threat: sucking at the clit while gently squeezing it with my lips, then teasing it with quick little flicks of the tongue. It’s a move that can drive a woman to the verge of insanity, so how will this nymphomaniac of twelve respond?

Just as I’d hoped, it turns out. Josie inhales sharply, then an involuntary jolt races through her boyish form, giving her a hard shake as if she were a rag doll in the grasp of a furious toddler. A soft gurgling sound issues from her mouth, then quickly builds into a rising moan. The child begins to tremble — almost imperceptibly at first, just enough to be felt in her legs. But as Josie’s orgasm kicks in, that trembling mounts higher with her ecstasy until she is bucking wildly, squeezing my head between clutching thighs. Somehow, I manage to hang on to her lower half, my mouth still fastened to the girl’s sex.

She is wailing now, lost in boundless pleasure. “MmmmmMMMMnnngoooOHHH Mummy, God yes, ooohhhhhh lick me, LICK ME!”

My tongue toys with Josie’s clit in every way imaginable; circling it, lashing it, pressing it against my teeth. I want this climax to be one she’ll remember for the rest of her days.

Gillian is clutching my hips, her nose buried between both cheeks while she eats me. I can feel her warm, wet tongue swirling around and round the opening to my vagina, and it feels divine. Still, my attention is centered on Josie, carrying her through the peaks and troughs of her climax.

All at once her voice rises to a strangled scream — and the girl wrenches away, twisting her body to one side to escape my mouth. She rolls over to lie on her belly, motionless but for the rise and fall of her back as she gulps lungfuls of air.

I stare, enthralled, at the twinned moons of her buttocks, a hint of rosy slit still visible just below. And even now, in the aftermath of pleasure, I find myself dreaming of future bouts of sexual abandon with Josie; hungering for more of her, much more.

The lid of Pandora’s box has been wrenched off, the perverse demon inside freed to make its dwelling place in my soul. Are you a pedophile, then? a stray fragment of conscience inquires. Well, yes, I calmly reply. So it would seem. Then again, it’s really just a word. Means fuck all in the scheme of things, doesn’t it?

Of course, I still love grown women as well — and there’s one servicing me from behind right now, her tongue gliding moistly through my arsehole. Gillian is rimming me with such tenderness that I’m suddenly overwhelmed with a surge of affection for her.

Raising myself, I turn around and draw Gillian up to her knees, embracing her warmly as our mouths meet. The urgency of before is now gone, our kissing soft and sensual. We gently break apart, and I smile, then whisper, “Thank you… that was lovely.”

Without a word, we lie down on either side of Josie, cuddling the flushed, damp girl between us. She wriggles onto her back, flashing us a toothy grin apiece before settling in, turning her head to gaze warmly at me. “That was so wild, Lesley,” she chirps, “how you was pretendin’ to be my mum…”

“Really?” I reply, instantly curious. “So, thinking about your mother gets you… excited?”

She actually blushes. “Yeah, sort of. Mum’s still totally sexy, an’ I know it’s pervy an’ all, but I love to think about fuckin’ her.” She gives a wistful sigh. “I’d never try to, though — she’d freak out!”

“Hells bells, Jo,” Gilly exclaims, astonished. “I never knew you wanted your mum that way!” She nibbles thoughtfully at a fingernail. “Mind you, I’d like to give her a tumble, too. That arse of hers…” Her voice trails off.

I lightly brush Josie’s cheek with my fingertips. “Never mind, love… you’ve already got two grown women to romp with. Not many girls of twelve can say the same.”

“Guess so,” giggles Josie, relaxing against me. Then she sits up again. “Um… does that mean you wanna fuck me again sometime? An’ Gilly too?”

I roll my eyes. “Try to keep me away, girl… just try!” My hand strays onto the child’s flat chest, and she hums with satisfaction as I tease her nipples. “You’re an incredible lover, Josie.” I pause to wink affectionately at Gillian. “Actually, you both are.”

“Thanks, Lesley,” the girl coos, covering my hand with hers.

“Yeah,” Gillian adds with a nod. “You were fuckin’ incredible yourself, Les.”

That resolved, we lie quietly for awhile, basking in the afterglow of good sex. Our mouths occasionally drift together to share soft kisses; hands lazily explore the curves and planes of each other’s bodies. The mood is easy, mellow.

Eventually Josie sits up and stretches with a yawn, then casually announces, “We better get up now.”

Gillian opens one eye. “In’t your mum on the closin’ shift tonight?”

“Well, yeah,” the girl replies, “but I have to wash these sheets before she gets home.” She glances at me, sees puzzlement in my eyes, then grins sheepishly. “Er… this is Mum’s bed,” she confesses.

I peer about, noticing for the first time that this looks nothing like a young girl’s room. Mind you, I was so dazzled by Josie when she led me in here that we could have been entering a bloody bear cage and I’d have been none the wiser.

Meanwhile, Josie rises to her feet, sweeping her hair back with a toss of the head. “I’ll go get our clothes out the dryer,” she tells me, pausing to yawn again. “Be right back!” And she pads through the doorway, still gloriously bare.

Gillian props herself up on one elbow, studying me. “So, Les — I’m glad you’re not cheesed off ’bout me joinin’ your little party…”

I laugh. “Oh, no, not at all… I think it took both of us to satisfy Josie. Quite the appetite that girl’s got!”

“She’s a right animal, ain’t she?” grins the brunette, then transfixes me with a smouldering look. “Tell me — what’re you up to this Thursday night, Les?”

Something in Gilly’s eyes sets my pulse to racing, and it’s all I can do to seem casual as I reply, “Oh… nothing in particular.”

Her smile deepens. “Well, I was thinkin’ that we three might hook up at my place for a repeat session.” She arches a questioning eyebrow. “Sound like a plan?”

I slowly nod, transfixed by Gillian’s hungry gaze. “Yes,” I whisper, “I’d love to.”

“Good,” she purrs. Reaching down for the Black Beast, still lying where I dropped it on the bed, she displays the ten-inch toy to me. “I’m dyin’ to do you with this… an’ I’d love to watch you fuck Jo with the smaller one.”

As you might imagine, both scenarios sound wonderful. I’m just about to tell her as much when Josie marches back into the room; laden with dry clothes, hers and mine.

“Oi, Jo,” Gillian announces. “I need you to babysit for me on Thursday night… ’bout seven o’clock, I’d say.”

Josie ponders this as she dumps our jumbled clothing on the bed, frowning slightly. “D’ya really want me to watch Tommy, or–”

“Don’t be daft, girl,” retorts Gillian, smirking wryly. “I mean you, me an’ Lesley here, havin’ ourselves a lesbo orgy. You game?”

“Yes!” Josie squeals, bouncing up and down where she stands. “That’s… that’s great! Oh, Lesley, we’ll have so much fun, we will…”

She seems so adorable to me at this moment that I can’t help but enfold Josie’s slender frame in my arms, hugging her close. Then, extending a hand to Gillian, I invite her into our naked embrace.

We three hold one another for a long while, breathing in the mingled fragrance of sweat and sex.

Eventually, Josie breaks away. “I guess we ought to… get dressed.” She sorts through the clothes, taking out my blouse, skirt and underthings; handing them to me with a sweet smile. “There y’go.”

I’m not exactly fresh at the moment, but my clothes are clean enough to get me home without too much embarrassment. I’d definitely need a wash later, though!

The mood is contented but subdued as we slip into our clothes. I pause for one last tantalizing glimpse of Josie’s nakedness before she steps into her knickers, tugging them up and over her flawless bottom. All too soon, the three of us are dressed.

There isn’t much to tell after that. Josie strips the sodden bed linen, then we follow her out into the hallway. I retrieve my shoes and handbag from where I’d abandoned them, and Josie throws the sheets into the washer, followed by a dash of soap.

Gillian and I say our goodbyes to Josie by the front door, each of us sharing a passionate tongue kiss and a hug with her before we exit into the street. She holds onto the door, a half-smile on her lips as we descend the short flight of stairs; then with one final wave, vanishes inside.

I walk Gillian over to her doorstep. We don’t kiss, but a warm gaze and a quick squeeze of the hand between us says all that is necessary. She opens the door, turns to me to whisper, “See ya Thursday, love,” then is gone.

I scarcely remember the journey home — too busy reliving the experience I’d just had, overwhelmed by the realization that my taboo fantasy had been made real. I’d engaged in lewd, slutty, unimaginable sex with a girl of twelve. Furthermore, I’d shared that girl with a grown woman who was every bit as twisted as me. And a few days from now we three would meet, shed our clothes and do it all over again.

Later, I’m sprawled luxuriously across my bed, naked and pink from a much-needed shower. A glass of fine Cabernet — one I’d been saving for some undetermined special occasion — rests on the bedside table. My laptop is open before me, and I’m busily typing out the intimate details of today’s adventure, shaping them into a story.

This story.


Afterword from JetBoy

When I stumbled upon Androgyne’s treasure trove of lesbian fiction at the Stories Online site (where she goes by the name Paladin), there was a story I very much wanted to redo in my own version, entitled “Paedophile.” She generously gave permission to do so, with only one demand on her part: the final result had to be nasty, not romantic; lewd rather than loving. I wholeheartedly agreed and got to work. A few weeks later, this story emerged, fleshed out to three times its original length. (This second half, including the character of Gillian, is my own creation.) After seeing my completed draft, Androgyne offered suggestions that made the final result stronger. Years later, this remains one of the stories I take special pride in.

Thanks, Les, for letting me have my wicked way with your writing, for being an eager partner throughout the process, and a true friend; both of me and our new site. I wish you every joy imaginable.

Afterword from Androgyne

My original story, which Danny has enlarged and enhanced, was one of my early attempts at writing erotic tales. I may not have been as experienced as an author back then, but my story got massive feedback from guys and gals along the lines of “Sheer raw sex… got me wet/hard [depending on the writer’s gender] and I came like a wildcat!”

Having read the re-written version, I’d say Danny’s captured the fevered lust and added to it — so I hope you all enjoy the wild ride!


11 Comments on Wanting a Girl, Part Two

  1. Nathan Riches says:

    Soooo, one glaring inconsistency is this line from near the start of this chapter:

    “She doesn’t look like Josie, though; not slim and blonde, but darker and heavy set”

    The problem with this line is that in the first chapter, Josie is described as a brunette, so unless somehow in the period between meeting at the park and Gillian showing up, Josie had time to dye her hair, Jatboy done goofed 😛 Just thought Id point that out.

    • sue says:

      Other than that error which we noticed also a great story.

      Kim & Sue

      • JetBoy says:

        Fixed. Continuity is my glaring weakness… luckily, Juicy Secrets readers are on the job, ferreting out these little blunders. Thanks.

  2. Jay Denton says:

    Very hot story. I know someone who will love this a lot.

  3. Carol Anne says:

    Wow is all I can say right now, I am so worn out and trying to catch my breath after reading the second part of this story. Like I said I am new to Juicy Secrets but I know I will be coming back for more and more. I am looking forward to many more mine blowing orgasms. Thanks JetBoy and to Androgyne for letting you rewrite her story. It was a very erotic story.

    • JetBoy says:

      Aw, thank you, Carol Anne… and a hearty welcome to Juicy Secrets! May your time here be both fruitful and ecstatic.

  4. Powertenor says:

    Very Nice story. Here’s an idea for part three: Josie goes to school and finds a 10 year old blonde girl named Stephanie with just sprouting nips who corners her in the girls room just at the beginning of lunch on Tuesday noon and Josie invites her to the event on Thursday, given that she has confessed to having been watching Josie for at least a month and wanting her badly. They are interrupted but Josie being the quick witted young one she is gives Stephanie the invite. Adventure and heat ensues. What thinkest thou? Can you guys do something with it?

  5. dee dee says:

    lovly story jet boy, got me hot and bothered he he

  6. Bryan says:

    Oh God the graphic sex 8n this was amazing great story

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