Nanny for a Night, Chapter 10

  • Posted on July 27, 2015 at 7:12 am

Kay and Lisa Provide Different Surprises

By Cheryl Taggert

We entered the bedroom, and I told Kay to lie on Lisa’s bed. Lisa lay beside Kay. I grinned down at them both. I had masturbated with Lisa that afternoon, but we had not yet so much as touched each other. I wondered if I had died and gone to heaven. First, young Kay was very willing to have sex with her babysitters, and second, Lisa was just as interested in girls Kay’s age as I was. I began to wonder how young was okay with her as I stared at the beautiful girls before me, one only ten and the other sixteen. A very sexy sixteen, but that conversation could wait until we were alone. I knew it went at least as low as ten.

As I watched, Lisa moved toward Kay and kissed her, lightly at first, then her tongue darted out and into Kay’s mouth. They devoured each other’s lips and tongues for a few minutes before I moved into a position between their lower bodies to have access to their boobs.

Kay, of course, had nothing more than small bumps that weren’t even bee stings yet but looked ripe for growing into real boobs. They were no longer the tiny nipples of a small child but had begun to expand a bit in preparation for growth. Lisa, on the other hand, was just like me. We had even commented on this when we’d seen each other naked that afternoon. We could have had a doctor remove our boobs and put them on the other and there would have been nearly no change in appearance — our breasts were that identical.

All three of us were also totally bald in our pubic areas. Kay, of course, had not yet started to grow any hair down there; Lisa and I both shaved and waxed to keep it as smooth as possible.

Moving toward Lisa, I began to kiss, lick, and suck her right boob, the one nearest me. Lisa’s moan told me she liked it, as I knew she would. Meanwhile, my left hand sought Kay’s right nipple, which I began to playfully pinch, but only lightly so as not to hurt her. I remembered how sensitive and sore nipples could be at that age.

Lisa pulled back from Kay’s mouth. “You like that?” she asked, wanting to continue to make sure everything was okay with her. I found myself loving that about her.

“I’m really glad you taught me about grown-up kissing,” said Kay, obviously referring to something that happened before my arrival.

“I’m glad you wanted to learn,” said Lisa before shifting her position to be able to get to my lower body while I moved to pleasure Kay.

I began to kiss, lick, and gently suck Kay’s nipples, first one then the other, and she sighed, showing she enjoyed what I was doing. My hand began to wander down to her belly, which I caressed and massaged. I felt Kay’s hips move, as if urging my hand lower. Who am I to deny such a beautiful child? I thought to myself and obliged her by moving my hand to her small, bare pussy. Neither Lisa nor Kay needed much foreplay because they’d been involved with each other before my arrival, for how long I didn’t know, but they were both already in high gear, it seemed.

Lisa, meanwhile, had moved to my ass and pussy and was busy licking and kissing my butt cheeks while toying playfully with my pussy, mostly rubbing along the inner labia and teasing the opening of my vagina while avoiding direct contact with my clit for now. Like Kay, I sighed and moved to allow her better access. Lisa was chewing my butt cheeks gently, just enough to feel the pressure of her teeth sinking into the pliable flesh. I love that. It was almost as if she knew exactly what would turn my thermostat up a notch.

I continued to play with Kay’s small pussy. I love the feel of a young girl’s most tender area. It’s like touching the world’s softest material. Her labia, both outer and inner, were much smaller than mine, of course, but they seemed to be equally as sensitive. I could picture Kay growing up to be a very sexual girl, indeed. She was clearly loving every movement of my hand. Her slit was growing wetter, but girls that age don’t gush fluids the way older girls do, so I took my hand from her to wet it with my saliva. She grunted in protest when I removed my hand, which made me smile.

“Why’d you stop?” she asked, impatience in her voice. “I was almost there.”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m just going to make things more comfortable for you down there.” With that, I stuck the fingers that had only seconds before been playing with her pussy into my mouth. The juices that were on them tasted delicious, of course, and I savored the flavor as I coated my fingers with my spit. Moving back to her center, I placed the lubricated fingers on her pussy and moved them around, making sure to make contact with her tiny clit as I did.

She gasped when I touched her clit, and her eyes popped open. Kay had masturbated to orgasm before, but she’d discovered the difference of having another touch her there while in the tub with Lisa. Because her horniness was at a peak and I was doing the touching, the intensity that was now heightened because I had lubricated her there may have surprised her.

“Surprised it feels so good when I do it?”

“Kinda. It feels different than when I touch it.” She looked over to Lisa, who had moved into position to lick my pussy. I saw her notice Lisa moving to my pussy with her mouth. She stared in surprise when Lisa kissed me there, even though she couldn’t see what exactly was happening down there because my body was mostly in the way, but she must have been able to tell that’s what was happeneing.

“Is she kissing your pussy?” she asked me.

“Yes,” I said. “And it feels wonderful, to say the least.”

“I’ve seen that online.” Was she hinting?

“Do you want me to kiss you down there?” I asked.

“Do you want to?” she asked. Hopefully? Yes, I think her tone was very hopeful.

“More than anything,” I said. “Lisa, I’m going to have to move around so I can get to Kay’s pussy.”

Lisa disengaged from my honeypot and moved herself as I moved to where I could get to Kay’s pussy and lick it. Soon we were in a daisy chain of sorts, with Lisa licking my pussy while I devoured Kay.

I moved closer and inhaled the delicate aroma of her ten-year-old pussy. It smelled as sweet as I knew it would taste. My finger was still massaging her slit, and her body spasmed slightly with each touch of her tiny clit. She had been telling the truth: she was close to coming already, and I wondered again how long the two had been playing around before my arrival.

When my lips touched her pussy, she sighed then moaned as my tongue began its assault of her tender slit with its button of extreme pleasure situated so daintily at its top. Within seconds, she was entering her first orgasm of the night.

This girl was definitely after my heart. Her pussy was a live wire that sparked with every touch of my fingers or tongue. Lisa had even stopped her licking of my pussy just to watch this lovely Lolita as she came so quickly.

Her hips bucked into my mouth and her hands instinctively grabbed my head to make sure I didn’t go anywhere. I could feel her pinhole vagina contract with each spasm while I did my best to fuck her tiny hole with my tongue, even though it would not plunge through the tight virgin opening. Still, I was pushing against it and could feel its rippling tremors as waves of orgasm spread through this little girl’s body.

When she finished coming, she lay back and sighed the world’s most contented sigh. I looked at Lisa, who looked back at me. Both our faces showed how surprised we were that Kay could come that strongly and that quickly. That surprise, however, was also tinged with a great deal of joy. Our first shared experience with a little girl and we’d hit the jackpot. This little one’s body was seemingly assembled for sex. She obviously loved it and when turned on, her clit was highly sensitive for one so young. I thought about my most recent times with young girls, and so far nobody had come that quickly or with that much intensity. It was true that a partner almost certainly changed the level of eroticism for her, but that alone did not explain the intensity with which the little girl had come.

“Did you like that?” asked Lisa, who was now smiling at Kay in envy.

“Uh-huh,” she said. “Do you want to lick me now?”

I looked at Lisa, who looked at me almost in disbelief. “When I was her age, I needed at least a few minutes before diving in again,” she said.

“We may have just met the luckiest little girl in the world,” I answered before indicating with my hand that she should dive in while she could and we’d see how long it took Kay to come again.

Lisa moved into position so she could put her face to the small pussy that was wet with a mingling of Kay’s juices and my spit, but not before stopping to kiss me passionately, tasting what awaited her on my lips.

“I want to come again,” Kay protested, breaking up our kiss.

Lisa smiled. “Coming, your highness.” Then she began to lick, kiss, and suck the offered pussy.

Kay responded immediately. It must have taken only ten seconds before she was coming again, straining her hips to meet the assault of Lisa’s tongue and lips. I was amazed. I thought when I was her age that I was precocious sexually, having started coming at an extremely young age, but this girl was the all-time champion in that department. Ten years old and already having multiple orgasms? I could tell she was what I call “riding the wave” where one orgasm moves directly into another.

After a few minutes, Lisa sat back to allow Kay to catch her breath after Kay indicated her tiny clit was becoming too sensitive for Lisa to continue.

Lisa and I took the opportunity to make out some and move into a sixty-nine. Lisa’s pussy was delicious, as I knew it would be, and so smooth it would make satin jealous. She must have waxed quite recently.

I shoved my tongue into her vagina, which opened easily for me. Her hymen was gone, so any barriers to that soft sleeve of tender flesh were not there to block or hinder my tongue’s exploration. I drank her juices like a wino with her first bottle in a month. During my feast, Lisa was tonguing my clit and gently tickling my butthole with a finger, something else that drove me crazy with desire. It was as if Lisa had read some sort of manual titled, “How to Make Cheryl Have the Best Orgasms.” First the butt-biting, and now this. She was an expert on the subject of me and my sexual cravings, it seemed. Of course, many girls love to have their buttholes played with, but many don’t as well, not to mention I didn’t enjoy insertion, just that tickling of the area around my anus, which was precisely what Lisa was doing. I felt not only were we boob twins, but we were also sexual twins as well. I decided to test that theory.

Moving my finger to her butthole, I began tickling it as well, playing it softly the way I would play a pianissimo minuet on the piano. Lisa began to moan, then said “Oh, God, yesss” before returning to my pussy. I delved further, starting to insert my finger into her there. She wriggled her butt. A quick, “I like it better just on the outside” before going back to licking and touching me.

I had my answer.

It was as if I had won the sexual lottery or something. The gods of sexual satisfaction seemed to be saying to me, “Here she is, your perfect match. Now, don’t let her get away.” At that moment I wasn’t in love with her yet, but I could see it could definitely happen if given enough time and effort. We just seemed so much alike!

Soon we were both bucking against each other, willing ourselves to mutual orgasm. We each seemed to want it without ever saying we did. It seemed to be just a given. I had a momentary image of doctors discussing identical twins and the uncanny things they would do, think, and say that were alike, even if they had been separated at birth.

Then it happened. Our moans and squeals echoed off the walls of the bedroom as we reached our simultaneous climax. My entire being was focused on two things: my own body’s reaction to this intense sexual encounter and making sure Lisa would never forget it either. Her fluids flooded my mouth as I sucked and licked her pussy while I spread her butt cheeks wide to allow my finger easier access to her sensitive butthole.

When we finished, we looked over at Kay, who was now taking ragged breaths as her hand moved in a blur between her legs. She started to come the instant we looked at her, as if she were waiting for just that moment.

I began to wish Kay were my daughter, or at least my little sister, just so we could have more access to her beyond tonight.

After our orgy we went to the bathroom and took turns under the shower. The tub wasn’t big enough for all three of us to sit in it, but it was plenty large enough for us to shower together, though some physical contact was necessary, but nobody complained.

We dressed and I looked at the clock. It was nearly time to take Kay back to her parents, but I wanted to talk to them both, particularly Kay, before this figurative carriage that was our orgy turned into a pumpkin.

We sat in the formal living room and chatted.

“Tell me something, Kay,” I said. “Have you ever had multiple orgasms before?”

“You mean the ones where I keep having them over and over?”

I nodded.

“Yeah. They’re almost always like that, but just not that good.”

I wondered for a moment if she knew how lucky she was and realized of course she didn’t. She was only ten and an orgasm machine already. This girl was in for a very happy life. I had read about a woman who had the ability to think herself into having an orgasm, and it had been documented by doctors. I wondered if Kay would ever get to that point.

“How often do you masturbate?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe five or six times a week. Is that normal?”

“Anything is normal, honey. Some people only do it a few times a month, and others every day. Normal is what’s normal for you, even if it’s five or six times a day, though I don’t know where you’d find the time for that.” I smiled at her. I didn’t want this girl to get any hangups about sex. She should learn to enjoy what nature had provided her, which was an extremely strong libido, stronger than mine, even, which was saying something.

“Don’t ever worry about how often you do it, no matter what anyone else says. Have as many orgasms as you want and enjoy them all,” I said. Then I looked at Lisa.

“So, how long have you known you were attracted to little girls?”

She blushed. “You remember when I told you I have a little sister?”

“You mean you and your little sister…”

She nodded, her blush intensifying. I couldn’t believe it. I had always longed for a little sister to play around with in bed. Lisa had done what I had always wanted to do.

“How old is she?” Kay asked, also curious.

“She’s twelve.” Lisa’s sister played soccer and was out-of-town at a tournament with their parents.

“How long has this been going on?” I asked.

“Since she was seven.”

“That means you were eleven,” I said.

“Wow, that’s only a year older than me,” said Kay, bouncing her butt on the sofa with glee, a smile on her lovely face.

“Yeah. Does that bother you?” Lisa asked.

I realized she was nervous and scared to admit this, and I rushed to put her at ease. “You mean other than I’m jealous? No way! I would have killed for a younger sister to play around with when I was eleven!”

Lisa beamed at me, her gorgeous brown eyes misting over. I realized suddenly that she was going to cry. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks and she began crying, though I wasn’t sure why.

“What’s the matter?” asked Kay, voicing my own thoughts.

“I thought you might hate me if I told you about Heather and me,” she sobbed. “That’s why I wasn’t totally honest with you this afternoon out by the pool.”

I wondered why it would matter that I hated her other than her losing this job, but there are other jobs, and in all honesty, she sort of had this job as long as she wanted it because of what we’d just done together. Then I realized if she hated me it would hurt — more than I cared to admit. Was I falling in love? Had she started falling in love with me? Perhaps we had more to talk about than I thought, but we’d have to do that talking alone as well, after I’d had time to think about it and make my own decisions on how I felt about her. The sudden realization that my feelings had escalated to this point so quickly was a bit disturbing, and I needed time to think.

“It’s okay, hon. I understand why you weren’t honest about it today. Hell, I wouldn’t have told you that either.”

She gradually stopped crying as I held her to me, shushing her and wondering at the same time if we were indeed falling in love with each other. Would that work? I didn’t know, but I knew we would be talking about it soon. I just wasn’t ready right then, and I don’t think she was either.

I looked at the clock and it was time to take Kay back to her hotel. Lisa and I had planned on having sex when she returned, but that was no longer necessary. We gathered Kay’s things and Lisa got her into her car to take her back. I got into my own car and left as well, turning in the direction of my place while Lisa turned the opposite direction toward Kay’s hotel.

When I got home, I stripped and lay in bed, thinking about Lisa. Lisa and me, rather. I’d never been in love before other than small crushes that I knew were temporary at the time. This felt different. This felt real. Scary real, in fact.

At some point I drifted off to sleep and had dreams in which I was lost and having trouble finding my home. I would ask people for help, but they would change the subject, never responding to my plea for assistance. I woke the next morning with a headache and the feeling of not having rested well. Looking around my bedroom, I realized I felt alone. I thought about that for nearly thirty minutes, just lying there in my bed and wondering. My phone rang and when I saw it was Lisa, I smiled brightly as my heart swelled.

Then I couldn’t answer the call. I had started to cry with the realization of why my heart had swelled at the thought Lisa was calling. Yes, I was definitely falling in love. And as luck would have it, or perhaps it was always meant to be this way due to my particular desires, she was still a child legally. I was only nineteen, and she was sixteen, only three years separating us, but she was still legally a minor and I was legally an adult. Great. Now what do I do?

Continue to Chapter 11, and the end of this story!

A quick note from the author: As you all know, the REAL Lisa is my wife. While she’d love to be three years younger than I am, she isn’t (she’s two years younger). Some may think I am telling everyone how we met in this story, that I really had such a sitting service (nope), I hired her to help me with it, and voila, we fell in love. Not so. We met in college. I was a junior and she a freshman. We met at a party, hit it off, and began dating. Things happened along the way and we split up for a while, only getting back together last autumn. There are true elements in this story, but they are emotional ones for the most part. Other than that, it is purely fiction. Also, the part about the woman who could think herself to orgasm is true. I saw it in the TED TALKS on orgasms that at least used to be on Netflix; don’t know if it’s still there. Gee, I wish I knew how she did it….



6 Comments on Nanny for a Night, Chapter 10

  1. Omigod, Cheryl, this one tops them all. I can’t believe how hot and how real the sex is! When I read this — “I continued to play with Kay’s small pussy. I love the feel of a young girl’s most tender area. It’s like touching the world’s softest material.” — you broke Mommy’s thermometer!!

  2. JetBoy says:

    Thumbs up from me too, Cheryl. You mentioned being less than satisfied with how this chapter was going in a recent letter… but I guess you must have resolved that state of affairs, ‘cos this is pure erotic gold.

  3. kim says:

    great chapter, I expected to cum hard and I did, like I almost always do.
    I didn’t expect to cry though from the love and sweetness at the end, thanks for an all round great chapter.
    //Then I couldn’t answer the call. I had started to cry with the realization of why my heart had swelled at the thought Lisa was calling. Yes, I was definitely falling in love.//

  4. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, kim! I will be continuing this sometime next week. I am working on it and will publish sometime then. Keep reading and cumming!!

  5. Evan says:

    Cheryl – wow, this is an awesome chapter!! I’ve been away for a week… what a great read to come back to 🙂

  6. Dagon666 says:

    Great story, beautifully written. Also I do believe you can find that TED TALKS about orgasms on youtube.

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