The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 7

  • Posted on September 14, 2015 at 1:23 pm

By Cheryl Taggert

For assistance in keeping up with all the characters, you can go here.

As Tina sat down beside her mom, she noticed Heather and Susan stared at her with what looked like disbelief. Had they guessed what had happened in the girls’ bathroom? Tina wondered.

Keeping an eye on Tina, Heather said to Cheryl, “Mom, is it okay if we buy a cookie?”

“Sure. Do you need any money?” Cheryl was fine with the girls going off for a few minutes so she and the two teachers could talk more about the planned orgy that afternoon.

“No, I have my allowance and I’ll treat Tina.”

“Okay. Just stay within sight,” said Cheryl, and Heather and the girls rose. As soon as they were away from the table, Heather looked at Tina.

“You and Mom had sex?”

Tina smiled. “Jealous?”

Heather paused at that. Maybe that was what bothered her about it.

“Oh, my God! That is so cool!” said Susan, who was already feeling her pussy moisten at the image of Tina and her mom in a hot sixty-nine. Susan had been hot for Heather and Tina’s mom, Cheryl, for some time.

“How did it happen?” Heather asked.

She walked in on me after you left, and…well…she saw me.”

“Saw you what?” asked Susan, grinning with the knowledge of what the answer had to be.

“Coming,” said Tina, and Susan’s jaw dropped. She’d expected to hear Tina had been caught rubbing herself, but actually coming? In front of her mother?

Heather, too, was surprised. “She saw you coming, as in, like, actually having an orgasm?”

“So how did it end up with you two doing it?” asked Susan.

“At first I was scared cuz I didn’t know what she might do, but then she told me she does it too and I shouldn’t be ashamed.”

“Wow!” Susan said, amazed.

“So that led to you two doing it?” asked Heather. She was trying to connect the dots between Tina being caught and her having sex with Mom. “How exactly did it happen? I mean, did she say ‘scoot over and let me have sex with you’ or something?”

“Of course not,” Tina laughed.

“Well, tell us!” Heather insisted, so Tina told them how she’d ended up having sex with her and Heather’s mom.

By the time she’d finished telling them, Heather and Susan were practically drooling.

“Was it good?” asked Susan.

“Oh, yeah,” Tina said, smiling. “But that’s not all.”

“What else happened?” asked Heather.

“I just had sex with the girl who’s working at the counter at Subway.”

Now both girls’ jaws dropped.

“You’re shitting us, right?” asked Heather.

“Nope. I followed her into the girls’ restroom and we went in a stall and did it together.”

“Nuh-uh,” said Susan. She knew this had to be just a sexy story Tina wanted to tell.

“Did so. She saw my camel toe and was about to drool all over her shirt, so when she went in there, I followed her. I told her I’d seen her looking at my pussy and I liked it that she was enjoying what she saw.”

The girls had already noticed the clear outline of Tina’s pussy on the crotch of her shorts. Now, Heather was staring at Tina in disbelief, but mostly it was disbelief that her little sister was such a slut.

And she couldn’t have been happier.

She looked over at Subway and saw the girl looking at them while she appeared to be intent on wiping the counter down, but she was rubbing the same spot without moving on to another area. When she saw Heather notice her looking, she looked down at the counter quickly, as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

“Oh, my God. You did, didn’t you?” she said to her sister, amazed beyond belief.

“So let’s go up there and get our cookie,” Tina said, leading the way toward the Subway and her latest lover.

“Why not?” said Heather. “You’ve already had hers.” Susan laughed.

“You think she really did it with that girl?” Susan asked after allowing Tina to get a few feet ahead of them.

“Yep,” said Heather.

As they approached the counter, Susan could see the girl, who looked seventeen or eighteen, was blushing a bright red. “Holy shit,” Susan said calmly.

“Becca, this is my sister, Heather, and her best friend, Susan,” Tina said.

Becca looked at the two girls, who were cute and sexy beyond belief, and knew instantly that Tina had told them what they’d done in the bathroom. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure her manager was busy and wouldn’t hear her. Her manager was back in the office with the door closed, so it was safe.

“You told them?” Becca asked. Tina nodded. “Why? Why would you do that?”

“It’s okay. The three of us do more than you and I did in the bathroom. Lots more.”

Becca glanced at the other girls, who now looked as if they wanted to jump over the counter and have sex with her right there. Her sister? Tina has sex with her sister? She felt her pussy starting to ooze more cream into her panties as she pictured them together. Suddenly, she wanted nothing more than to take the rest of the day off and have an orgy with these three girls. Her time in the bathroom stall had convinced her she loved sex with young girls, and now she could see that the possibility existed for her to be able to do that more often than she ever thought she would.

She suddenly pictured her friend Carolyn, who had initiated her into lesbian sex recently, and her little sister, Candace, together — with herself in the bed with them, urging their lovemaking and rubbing them all over as they ate each other’s pussy.

Tina interrupted her thoughts. “We came over for a cookie. I’ll have a peanut butter.”

“Same here,” said Heather.

“Make it three,” Susan added.

“You’re not going to, like, try to blackmail me into giving you a free cookie, are you?” Becca asked, looking at Tina. “I’d get fired.”

The three younger girls looked at each other, shocked. “No,” said Heather, “we’ve got money. We’d never do anything like that.”

“Okay, sorry. It just seemed like, ‘we want a cookie’ or something, like you didn’t mean to pay or something. Sorry. I’m kinda shaken a bit. I’ve never done anything with girls as young as you, and I guess I’m kinda, you know, nervous. I never knew I would enjoy something like that. That’s all.”

“That’s cool. I understand, I guess. What time do you get off?” asked Heather, then, realizing the possible double meaning, added, “work, I mean,” and giggled.

For the first time since the girls had walked up to the counter, Becca smiled. That question always meant a desire to get together later, and Becca was willing to do that. More than willing, in fact.

“I get off…work…in about an hour,” she said, her smile becoming a grin.

“Hang on a sec’,” said Heather and ran over to where her mother, and her young teachers Jennifer and Lisa sat, chatting.

“What’s she doing?” Becca asked, suspicious of the fact Heather had gone to talk to her mom.

“Probably asking if you can come to the orgy,” said Tina.

Becca, shocked, looked at Tina, her blush moving up her throat to her face. She felt as though she might faint. “What?! They’ll have me arrested!” said Becca.

She looked back at the table where Heather was having an animated conversation with her mother and the two younger women. The three women looked at her and smiled. Becca wondered if that was how lions smiled when they came upon a zebra that had been cut away from the herd.

“They won’t do that,” said Tina. “They’re saying yes.”

Sure enough, Heather was heading back to them, smiling broadly. She asked for a pen and a napkin. “They think it’s way cool you two did it in the bathroom, but Mom’s upset because you could have been caught,” she said to Tina while she wrote something on the napkin.

Handing it to Becca, she said, “Here, if you want to you can come to this address when you leave here. Ring the doorbell, wait five seconds, then ring it again. That way we’ll know it’s you and can answer the door.”

Becca looked at the table of women. They were looking at her, smiling, and one of the younger ones winked at her. It reminded her of Tina, who had winked at her earlier before seducing her. She was supposed to go over to Carolyn’s, but she figured she could postpone that.

“Please join us,” said Susan, who’d been quiet for most of this encounter. “I promise you’ll have a lot of fun.”

“Okay, I’ll be there after I get off,” she said. “Work that is,” she added with a smile.

The three girls giggled and said their good-byes before running over to join the women at their table. Becca caught the eye of the younger woman who’d winked at her and winked back. Two could play this flirtation game.

Turning back to her work, Becca realized she hadn’t collected any money for the cookies. Reaching under the counter, she got her purse and paid for them. Cameras recorded everything other than the sound, and she didn’t want anyone thinking she’d given the cookies away. Besides, this was a small price to pay for the fun she knew she’d be having that afternoon. She was also planning to see if she could feel out Carolyn on the subject of sex with young girls. Maybe that fantasy could become a reality as well.


When Monica had come out of the bathroom a few minutes after the Subway girl and what appeared to be her classmate Heather’s sister had left, she walked slowly to where her mother was sitting, enjoying an iced tea and a bagel.

“I was hungry for a small snack. You want something?” her mom asked her.

Monica wanted to answer, “Yes, sex with Heather, Susan, Heather’s sister, and the Subway girl,” but of course she didn’t. She just shook her head and watched the three girls get up from the table and move away from it, talking.

From Heather’s and Susan’s reactions, she figured out what was going on. Heather’s sister was telling them about what happened in the bathroom stall. It was obvious from their shocked reactions and the fact that Heather’s sister led them over to the girl at Subway and the four of them got into a conversation. She could see the Subway girl’s blush as the girls approached from all the way across the food court. Thinking about Subway and her mother’s offer gave her an idea.

“I think I want a cookie from Subway,” she told her mother, who reached into her purse, produced a few dollars for Monica, and continued eating her bagel.

Monica stood and walked around the food court the long way, wanting to approach Subway from the side in the hopes she wouldn’t be seen. She wanted to do some more eavesdropping if she could.

As she approached the Subway from as close to the wall as she could get while pretending to consider buying something from the Burger King that was next to Subway, she heard the Subway girl say, “I’m kinda shaken a bit. I’ve never done anything with girls as young as you, and I guess I’m kinda, you know, nervous. I never knew I would enjoy something like that. That’s all.”

Yes, Monica thought. The girl was openly admitting she’d had sex with the youngest of the three girls. She stood there, listening.

When Heather had gone to talk to her mom and her teachers, Ms. Simmons and Ms. Taylor, Monica turned and moved toward the counter at Burger King to avoid being seen by Heather when she returned from her conversation.

“Can I help you?” the server asked.

“Just deciding,” said Monica, continuing to keep her back to where Heather was. When she heard Heather’s footsteps running across the food court to Subway again, she moved away from the server at Burger King and continued her eavesdropping.

She listened to the rest of the conversation and smiled. Apparently, Heather’s mom, Ms. Simmons, and Ms. Taylor were into sex with young girls too. She was shocked so much her eyes bulged with the news, but she was also getting very horny again just thinking about it.

This could be fun.

After she got control of herself, she stepped to the counter at Subway. The Subway girl, as she had started referring to her, was paying for something. She saw the napkin on the counter and easily read the address printed there. She knew the location, a condominium about three blocks from her house. She knew from the conversation she’d heard that this girl would be going there when she got off work in an hour. For an orgy.

Monica had never been to any orgies, of course, but she knew one thing: She loved to masturbate, and she fantasized every time about having sex with someone else… anyone else really. She longed to have someone else touch her pussy. She had been online and read stories and masturbated to them. She’d gone to places like pornhub and xhamster to watch porn and masturbate. She found she loved watching girls together most of all, and the stories she read were mostly lesbian-themed, as well as those that involved older women and younger girls, sometimes girls even younger than she was. Her favorite places for stories like that were a new one called Juicy Secrets, and an older site called Leslita. She would rub her pussy and imagine older girls and women doing things to her. She always came hard when she did that.

She thought about the orgy while the Subway girl got her a cookie. Monica also knew the signal, ring the doorbell, wait five seconds, ring again. She’d eavesdropped and found that out as well.

Suddenly, Monica wondered if she would have the courage to crash their little party. If she went to that condo, rang the bell, waited five seconds, and rang again, the door would open because they would be expecting their invited guest. She could announce she knew what was going on and invite herself to the orgy. What could they say? No? When she knew what they were doing and people could go to jail if she left without being invited to join them?

They would have to invite her in. Monica realized that would be blackmail, but she also realized she wasn’t above that crime. Anyway, she wouldn’t be demanding money; she’d be offering herself to the girls and the adults for sex. They would benefit, too.

And she could finally have someone else touch her pussy. She could have someone lick her there as well. She’d longed for that, wondering what it would feel like while knowing that it would feel spectacular. The idea of someone’s soft, wet tongue sliding along her slit could make her get wet in seconds, and right now was no exception.

As she walked back to her mom while eating her cookie, Monica made her decision. She and her mom were leaving the mall in a few minutes to go home. She would change clothes, wearing no panties or bra — as if she really needed one with her tangerine-sized boobs — and bike over to the condo where she knew the party would be taking place. She knew the Subway girl wouldn’t arrive for a little more than an hour, which gave her plenty of time to get there first and give the signal to get her inside the wonderful party that would be going on.


Heather and Susan rode with Heather’s mom and Tina to go to the orgy at Jennifer’s and Lisa’s condo. As they got in the car, Heather said to her mom, “So you’re not mad we all have sex together?”

“Of course not, Honey,” Cheryl said, starting the car. “I’m glad, in fact.”

“Tina and me were planning to seduce you tonight.”

“I know,” Cheryl said and smiled at the puzzled look on Heather’s face. She had no idea how her mom knew that. “Tina told me.”

“Oh,” said Heather, and the girls sat back and thought about the orgy that would be happening in just a few more minutes.

Then Cheryl turned to her younger daughter, Tina. “And you, young lady, are not to go waltzing off for casual sex with someone you don’t know. That could cause a lot of trouble. You could get caught, or even kidnapped.”

“Okay, Mom.  I’m sorry. But she was kinda obvious about wanting me.”

“Yes, I saw that, too, but you still need to talk to me about doing something like that to avoid problems.”

That was good, Tina thought. She hadn’t said she couldn’t do it anymore. She just needed to get her mom’s permission. At least, that’s what it sounded like to her.

Both Heather and Susan were looking at Cheryl and thinking about making love with her. Tina, meanwhile, began thinking of the two teachers, Jennifer and Lisa. She was already looking forward to being at their school next year. She would be so lucky to get them as teachers.

When they arrived, just behind the two teachers, Jennifer and Lisa, they all piled out and followed the teachers to the elevator.

“It’s nice of you to be here, too,” Jennifer said to Cheryl. “Lisa and I were worried about someone seeing us bringing two such lovely girls into our place to be alone for several hours. This way there won’t be any questions about it. You are, after all, the mother of two of them.”

“I see what you mean. I’m lucky that I have these two girls. Now when Susan wants to come over and spend the night, she can COME and spend the night with me too!”

They all laughed at the joke, even if it was rather lame. Susan blushed.

They entered the condo and sat in the living room to relax and get in the mood with some wine for the women and soft drinks for the girls.

“I’m surprised you want to do this,” Cheryl said to Tina. “After making love with me this morning, you sneaked off and seduced the girl from Subway. Not to mention how you masturbated this morning. Are you sure you’re not too sore?”

“I’m fine,” said Tina. “I also had sex with Heather this morning. I think I’m a nimbo.”

The adults laughed at this mispronunciation. “It’s called nympho, and yes, I believe you might be one at that,” said Tina’s mother, who was not upset in the least that her young daughter might be addicted to sex.

Tina blushed and plopped backwards onto the comfortable couch, her camel toe now prominently displayed for all to see.

All eyes were now on Tina. Or at least on her pussy that was so clearly outlined in the material of the too-small shorts. Susan looked over at Cheryl and then at the two teachers. She wanted to touch Tina’s pussy through the material, but was shy about doing so in front of the adults. She’d had sex the day before with Heather and Jennifer, but that was the extent of her having sex in front of an adult.

“Go ahead,” said her teacher Lisa. “You know you want to.” She looked around the room. “And apparently everyone here wants you to as well.”

Still looking at her daughter’s camel toe, Cheryl stood up and removed her top in one quick motion, followed by her bra. Susan stared for a moment, wondering if she’d rather have those boobs than Tina’s camel toe — after all, she’d touched Tina’s pussy before — but Heather beat her to the punch and rose to walk to her mom. She fell on her and took one nipple into her mouth and began to suck on it.

Susan put her hand on Tina’s mound and began to rub her gently before leaning over to kiss her softly on the lips. Tina’s mouth opened and her tongue began exploring Susan’s mouth and tongue. She thought again about how she loved attention from others, especially sexual attention. And she had a special crush on Susan, so to have Susan touch her was wonderful.

Lisa moved to Susan and Tina while Jennifer made her way over to Cheryl and Heather, who was blissfully sucking her mom’s titties, her eyes closed she was enjoying it so much.

Lisa stripped before leaning down to remove Susan’s clothing. Susan had already pushed Tina’s shorts down to mid-thigh and her hand was now inside Tina’s panties, rubbing her lover’s slit and enjoying the slick feel of the inner lips of Tina’s rapidly moistening pussy. Susan felt her teacher pulling on her shorts, so she lifted her hips enough to make it easier to remove them. Susan had to stop masturbating Tina for a moment while Lisa pulled her shirt off. Lisa then removed Tina’s panties, and the three were naked on the sofa. Lisa moved to where she could lick Susan, and her hand joined Susan’s so she could help finger and rub Tina’s pussy.

Jennifer had done the same as Lisa, stripping all her clothes off before removing Cheryl’s and Heather’s. Once Cheryl’s panties were off, Heather moved down her mother’s tummy and began to make oral love to her mother’s pussy. It occurred to her that she’d entered the world by way of this beautiful mound, and she put her fingers inside her mother and marveled at this lovely canal that had supplied her first journey in life. She seemed to mold her lips to her mother’s clit. She never wanted this to end.

Jennifer moved to where she could lick Heather while the twelve-year-old made love to her mother. As she moved to this wonderful task, she looked at Cheryl, who seemed to be in some sort of heaven. She could only be described as looking blissful. She seemed as though her life had been fulfilled. Jennifer was happy to be witnessing such happiness.

Soon, Jennifer heard sounds from the sofa, where Susan was licking Tina and Lisa was licking twelve-year-old Susan, and she glanced to where that part of the orgy was taking place. Susan was obviously on the edge of an orgasm. She was thrusting her ass back to mash her pussy and clit against Lisa’s mouth and tongue. Her delicious body was straining to improve the contact.

Susan began to groan and grunt as the orgasm started to ripple through her, causing vibrations to penetrate Tina’s pussy to make her clit shudder and spasm as the resulting orgasm overtook her. Lisa was playing with her own pussy but wasn’t ready to come just yet. She just enjoyed what was happening on her sofa.

Heather and Cheryl, too, were near their first orgasms of the orgy. Cheryl began to buck into the mouth of her daughter as Heather moved to stay with her. Heather’s fingers continued to plunge in and out of her mother’s pussy, and Cheryl’s bucking was causing wonderful contact between Heather’s fingers and her G-spot. Cheryl knew that the G-spot was the area behind the pubic bone where a woman’s clitoris grew and extended back into the woman’s body. It was a very sensitive area of her pussy, and without realizing it, Heather was stimulating it beautifully.

Cheryl’s orgasmic screams echoed off the walls as she crashed through her climax. She felt as if she were on a wild amusement park ride, the best one in the world, and was careening along a track that was the journey the orgasm was taking through her body. Her entire body was clenching now and spasms racked her body with sheer pleasure.

Heather came as soon as Cheryl’s orgasm was subsiding. Jennifer was amazed at the amount of honey the girl’s pussy produced. She wondered if she could hold a glass there and fill it full. Jennifer licked the pubescent pussy and rubbed herself just up to the point of orgasm before backing off to allow Heather to finish her own. She didn’t want to come yet. Like Lisa, she preferred to wait until someone was busy making love to her to reach her first orgasm of the party.

Just as Cheryl and Heather were finished coming, the doorbell rang. Five seconds later, it rang again.

“There she is,” said Lisa, getting up to let Becca in. Tina had told them her name so they could stop referring to her as the Subway girl. Glancing at the clock on the living room wall, she commented, “A little early. I guess she was able to get away from work early.”


As Cheryl was entering her orgasm, Monica approached the door to the condo. She had a moment where she was certain she’d read the number of the condo wrong, or had gotten the address wrong, but she figured if that were the case, she could just say she had the wrong condo, which would be the truth.

Her heart hammered behind her tiny boobs, and then she noticed something that made her smile, wondering if the teachers had done it on purpose or if it were an accident.

As she looked now, she noticed all the doors of the condos were different colors. Some were blue, some yellow, some white, and so on. This condo had a green door. It made her think of an old porn film she’d found online one night after her parents had gone to sleep. She had masturbated to five or six orgasms that night, staying up until after two o’clock enjoying the unbelievable sex on her computer screen. The movie was called “Behind the Green Door.” She later learned it was a classic, but she’d started watching it because she was intrigued by the title. Later still, she heard a song on the oldies station her mom listened to that had the same title. She listened and the words, “Green door, what’s that secret you’re keeping?” made perfect sense and gave the movie a new meaning. It was one of her favorite movies, and she even secretly liked the song, something she’d never admit to friends since it was so old.

Monica smiled as she thought of that. She knew what secret the door was keeping. It was hiding a secret club. A secret society. She looked down the sidewalk that served as an outdoor, elevated walkway to get to each condo on the fifth floor where she was and saw a calico cat licking herself. Ahh, she’s licking pussy too, Monica thought to herself, and she looked back at the door.

Yes, this green door hid a secret society, alright. The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club.

Taking a deep breath, she reached out and pressed the doorbell, hearing a chime within. She counted to five and pressed it again.

Stepping back, she hoped once again she had the right place.

Continue on to Chapter 8



8 Comments on The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 7

  1. Evan says:

    Beautifully erotic as usual! Love the buildup at the end. Wish I was a neighbour who could hear it all 🙂

  2. hludens says:

    ” Lily wondered if that was how lions smiled when they came upon a zebra that had been cut away from the herd.”

    Best line I’ve read in this site.

  3. Lily says:

    I really did blush reading this 🙂 Though I gotta say, I’m gonna kick…or maybe pinch Monica’s butt for beating me to the punch, so to speak. Still, I loved it!

  4. kim says:

    OHHH, yes, great job Cheryl. thanks.

  5. Cheryl says:

    Thank you all! And Lily, I am glad you are enjoying this tribute to you, a wonderful online friend. To hludens, thank you SO much for that nice comment!! I try my best to actually WRITE something more than just erotica. Good writing belongs everywhere, not just mainstream fiction, and my partners Naughty Mommy and JetBoy inspire me to do my best.

    NOTE: The name of the character known as “Lily” was changed at the real Lily’s request. Her name is now “Becca.”

  6. DH says:

    Great chapter. I think with 3F and 5f in the orgy will allow for some great pairings.
    I can imagine more couplings/positions on couches and arm-chairs.

  7. Saapho69 says:

    Im a nimbo too lol

  8. ian love says:

    So wish it was legal to film this!!! I’d like to see some hot young teens that had been playing soccer or tennis, 8 or 9 of them, under a shower getting interrupted by teachers & moms!!! Girls leaning on walls being licked! Moms on the floor of the shower with their daughter slipping a hand inside! The scene moves to a car where a mom has her daughter up front & is rubbing the teen pussy as another mom with twins in the back have their legs spread

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