The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 9

  • Posted on October 13, 2015 at 2:20 pm

By Cheryl Taggert

For assistance in keeping up with all the characters, you can go here.

As soon as she had hung up her phone, dropping it to the bed after her strong, self-induced orgasm, Carolyn’s bedroom door popped open. Her mom wasn’t home, so she knew it had to be her little sister, Candace.

“I could hear you all the way to my room,” Candace said. “What got you going?”

“Becca,” was all she said.

Candace, who had a crush on her sister’s best friend, was immediately interested. “What about her?” She stepped to Carolyn’s bed and sat on the edge, taking in her sister’s naked body. She was already turned on from hearing her sister come, but looking at her now and knowing it had been Becca who had gotten her so hot, she felt her little clit twinge and her pussy getting even wetter.

“We were talking on the phone is all,” Carolyn said, hoping that would end the questions, but knowing full well it wouldn’t.

“Phone sex?” Candace asked, her eyes widening.

“Not exactly. She was telling me where she was going instead of coming over here.”

The inevitable question followed. “Where’s that?”

“You have to promise not to say anything about it, especially to Becca. She would shit if she knew I’d told you.” It occurred to Carolyn she was probably worse than her sister at keeping secrets, but what the fuck. Sexual secrets usually led to fun.

“Cross my heart,” said Candace, drawing an imaginary “X” between her tiny boobs.

“She’s going to an orgy.”

“Really? You mean, like, with guys and all?”

“No, all girls. Two sisters and a friend of theirs, along with the sisters’ mom and two of their teachers.”

“Holy fuck!”

“You can’t tell anyone, okay?”

“Okay,” Candace said, swallowing. “Are the girls friends of yours?” She assumed they would be, or at least that her sister would know them. She knew what her next question would be when her sister said ‘yes.’ She’d want to know who they were.

“No. I don’t know them at all. In fact, it’s more likely you might know them.”

“Huh?” Candace hadn’t expected a ‘no,’ but the additional comment was a shock.

“They’re about your age.”

Candace now thought her sister was teasing her. “No way!”

“Way. They’re like eleven and twelve.”

“Are you sure you’re not shitting me?”

“Positive. She’s driving to some condo to meet with them all.”

“And the mother of the sisters is there, too?”

“That’s what Becca said.”

Candace stood and started taking off her clothes as fast as she could. She had to get naked and come. She was too horny to make her pussy wait for some attention. If Carolyn was willing to play with her, that would be better, but she fully intended to come, even if she had to masturbate. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time she’d done that in front of her sister. Besides, the thought of Becca having sex with girls about her age was the most exciting thing she’d heard in months. That meant Becca was like her Aunt Daphne and enjoyed sex with little girls. As she finished getting naked and joined her big sister on the bed, she wondered if she could seduce Becca the next time she came over.


Monica’s heart skipped a beat as she heard the door being unlocked. She stood in front of the condo’s door, still thinking about how it was green, the porn movie she’d thought of when she’d seen the door, what was going on in the condo, and how she’d be joining the fun within a few minutes. These thoughts were all jumbled in her mind in a flash of images that were accompanied by another shiver in her pussy. She was creaming so much she wondered if she would come without touching herself before ever entering the condo.

The door opened.

Standing before Monica was one of her teachers from school, Miss Taylor. She was naked and her eyes were nearly bursting out of their sockets as she realized this was not the girl they’d expected, but Monica, one of her students from the year that had just ended.

“You…how…?” Lisa was dumbstruck.

Lisa’s shock at seeing Monica Duncan standing at her condo door nearly caused her to faint. She was so surprised, she forgot she was totally nude. When the doorbell had sounded in the pre-arranged method — a ring, followed by a five-second interval and another ring — they had all been sure it was Becca. She wondered now how Monica knew of the signal, or was it just dumb luck that she’d rung the doorbell as she had?

And what in the world was Monica doing at the condo she shared with Jennifer?

“Uh…uh…” Lisa stammered.

Monica quickly realized she needed to come clean with her knowledge of what was happening and her desire to join in. The shock value of her sudden arrival had not fully occurred to her, and she thought her naked teacher might faint, or at the very least, slam the door.

“It’s okay!” she said. “I know what’s going on and just want to have fun too!”

At that moment, Heather rounded the corner into the small foyer, stopping dead in her tracks as she realized this wasn’t Becca, but Monica Duncan, a girl she knew from school. Like Lisa, she stood naked in front of the girl without realizing she was nude, her surprise was so complete.

“Monica, what are you doing here?” she asked, stunned.

“I overheard the conversation with the girl at the Subway.”

Now in complete confusion, it took Heather a moment to reconstruct the conversation she meant. When the pieces fell into place, her eyes grew even bigger.

Lisa found her voice. “What do you mean, you want to have fun, too?” she asked, trying to make sense of this awkward situation and hoping she wouldn’t end the day in jail.

Monica realized she would need to be blunt. “I want to fuck. I want to have sex with all of you.” She looked at Heather and spoke to her. “I heard your sister and that girl in the bathroom doing each other, and it made me want to join in. I’m sorry if I shocked everyone, but I didn’t really think it through, I guess. I overheard all of you talking about this orgy and the signal, and I…sort of…invited myself.” She glanced at Miss Taylor. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”

“Wait there,” Lisa said. “Don’t go away, okay?”

Monica nodded and Lisa closed the door and stood there, naked, trying to catch her breath as she pieced these events together. Taking Heather’s hand, she moved back into the living room, where everyone was naked and waiting for their new arrival to join them.

“It’s not Becca,” Lisa announced. The conversations that had been going on in the room ceased abruptly.

“Who is it?” asked Jennifer, realizing whoever it was had just seen Lisa and Heather both nude at the door. Her heart began to hammer in her chest as she wondered what plausible explanation could be offered to the police. Guilt prevented her from thinking of a single thing.

Heather spoke up. “It’s a girl I know from school. Monica Duncan.”

“Monica?!” Susan asked, nearly falling out of Cheryl’s lap, where she’d moved when Lisa had gone to answer the door.

“Yeah,” said Heather.

“What does she want?” Cheryl asked, completely confused.

“She wants to join us,” said Lisa with a shrug.

“How did she know about this?” Jennifer asked.

“She overheard us telling Becca about it and inviting her. That’s how she knew the signal,” Heather answered.

“Well, what should we do?” Lisa asked.

“She’s a pretty little thing,” said Jennifer. “I won’t deny having some fantasies about her.”

“And she obviously likes the idea of what we’re doing,” Lisa said. “She wants to join us badly enough she’s crashed our party. I say we let her in.”

“True,” Jennifer answered. “If we don’t, she could tell the world what’s happening here. Even if we don’t want her to join us, we sort of have to.”

“I want her to join us,” said Tina, speaking up for the first time since Lisa had announced the startling news. “The more the merrier, isn’t that what they say?”

Lisa shrugged again and returned to the door to let Monica in.

When she opened it, not only was Monica there waiting, but Becca, too.


After Miss Taylor had closed the door, Monica stood there, wondering if she should stay or not. She was sorry she had caused such fear in her teacher. That hadn’t been what she wanted to do. She began to feel like the uninvited guest she was, using a sort of blackmail to get what she wanted. She felt tears beginning to sting her eyes.

She was turning to leave, when she spotted the Subway girl coming up the walkway, approaching the door. She was stuck now, come what may, and she quickly wiped her eyes before the older girl saw she’d nearly been crying.

When Becca saw the young girl standing at the door to the condo where the orgy was, she was confused for a moment, but figured this must be a friend of the young girls who had invited her and she would be joining them. She could feel her already wet pussy begin to flood at the prospect of also getting her tongue, lips, and hands on this pretty young girl.

“Hi,” said Becca. “Are you a friend of the girls?”

“I go to school with Heather and Susan,” Monica answered, starting to blush.

Becca figured the blush was due to the reason they were there and smiled at the young girl for being embarrassed. “I’m Becca,” she said, and looked at the door. “Is this your first time?”

“Yes.” What else could she say?

“It’s gonna be fun. Don’t worry. This is my first time, too.”

“But you did it in the bathroom with Heather’s sister,” Monica blurted.

Becca looked at Monica, confusion on her face. Monica was starting to get used to that look.

“How did you know that?” Becca asked.

“Sorry. I was…well…I walked in there while you two were going at it. I sorta listened in.”

“Oh,” Becca answered, unsure of what else to say.

As she reached for the doorbell to give the signal, the door opened.


“Well, I see you are both here now. Come on in and get…comfortable,” Lisa said, standing aside so the girls could enter.

“I’m sorry, Miss Taylor. I didn’t mean to upset anyone,” Monica said as she entered.

“It’s okay, honey. We’ve decided if you want to join in, you may. You just can never tell anyone what happens here. Otherwise, a lot of people will go to jail, and all the young girls, like you, could end up in reform school,” Lisa said. She didn’t like making her comment sound like a threat, but it was the truth.

Monica moved to Lisa and wrapped her arms around her teacher’s naked waist and hugged her tightly. She suddenly realized she could smell the fragrance of the woman’s pussy. “I won’t tell anyone, Miss Taylor. I swear!”

“Well, first, you can just call me Lisa from now on, unless we’re at school. After all, we’re going to get to know each other very intimately in the next hour or so.”

Monica looked into Lisa’s eyes and smiled. “Okay, Lisa.”

“And Miss Simmons is Jennifer, okay?”


“Uh, sorry, but what’s going on?” Becca asked, wondering why there seemed to be a problem that had somehow been resolved before she got there.

“Come into the living room and get comfortable, and we’ll tell you,” Lisa said.

As they entered the living room, the wonderful sight of two more naked women and three naked girls greeted the newcomers.

Seeing the naked Heather and Susan, Monica spoke to them. “I’m really sorry, Heather…Susan. I didn’t mean to cause a problem. I’m just…well…”


Monica looked at the girl who’d said that. It was Tina, who was smiling a welcome to the newcomer.

“Yeah,” Monica said, laughing slightly to break the tension. “I guess I am.”

Lisa briefly explained to Becca how Monica came to be at the orgy. Becca smiled at the young girl and inadvertently echoed Tina’s earlier comment. “Hey, the more the merrier, right?”

Jennifer stepped over to Monica and grasped the hem of the t-shirt she was wearing. Monica, realizing what the teacher wanted to do, raised her arms like a small child being prepared for a bath and allowed Jennifer to remove the shirt to expose her small breasts tipped with what looked like light brown chocolate drops. Monica removed her flip-flops with a small motion of her feet.

Jennifer then knelt in front of the young girl and began to unbuckle the belt at the waist of Monica’s denim shorts. She looked up at the excited young girl and said, “I’ve wanted to do this from the first time I saw you.”

Monica took a shuddering breath as she felt the small spasm in her pussy from hearing those words. Jennifer continued to unsnap and unzip the shorts before working them over the girl’s slender flare of her hips to fall in a puddle around Monica’s feet. Monica stood before her former teacher with nothing on but panties, pink cotton bikinis. Hooking her fingers into the elastic waistband, Jennifer tugged slightly, and the panties joined the shorts on the floor. Monica stepped out of the heap of clothing around her ankles as Jennifer took the naked, young girl in her arms and kissed her.

Her tongue urged Monica’s lips open and she leisurely probed the inside of the twelve-year-old’s mouth, seeking her tongue and relishing the feel of this first kiss from a girl she’d longed to seduce.

Heather, Susan, and Tina all converged on Becca while Jennifer removed Monica’s clothes. The three pubescent girls worked together to get Becca naked. When they’d completed this task, they took turns kissing her.

Becca, meanwhile, felt as if she’d died and gone to heaven. Or if this were hell, she didn’t mind. Three girls, aged eleven and twelve, were making love to her. She glanced around the room at one point and noticed Heather and Tina’s mother and the teacher who had let her in sitting together and watching the show being put on by the other teacher and the four little girls. She cast a look to the other teacher and the girl whom she’d met outside the condo. The young girl now had her lips on the teacher’s right nipple and was sucking it like a starving baby.

Heather and Tina, the sisters, were now doing the same to her, one at each breast, while Susan moved down to her middle and was on her knees and poking her tongue into Becca’s navel while toying lightly with Becca’s pussy, occasionally moving a finger to tickle her butthole for a second before returning to her pussy. Becca was so wet she could hear the slick sounds of the girl’s fingers moving through the tender folds of her labia and sliding across her sensitive clit. Each touch brought a bolt of pleasure that cascaded throughout her body.

Cheryl lay back and began to lightly rub her pussy as she watched her daughters and Susan strip and enjoy Becca. Becca herself was very pretty. Cheryl realized she reminded her of her best friend when she was in high school, and just the memory of their sleepovers was enough to get her wet. Watching this beauty being licked and sucked by her little girls and twelve-year-old Susan was sending her into orbit.

She watched as the girls, entranced by the high school girl, moved Becca to the sofa, where they lay her across the cushions to make access to her charms easier.

Susan reached down to the older girl’s slit and began to tickle her clit, concentrating on that small button. Just touching a high school girl was making her own pussy throb with need.

Tina moved to Becca’s breasts once again, alternating now between the two small globes of pliable flesh, while her older sister moved to sit on Becca’s face.

From her vantage point, Cheryl could see the girl’s impatience to feel the young pussy on her mouth. Cheryl was momentarily envious of the teenager, who was even now tasting her daughter’s flowing pussy, but she realized she would have the rest of her life to enjoy her daughter’s pussy, not to mention Tina’s slit. And Susan as well. She’d not had any contact with her except for some light touching and kissing while Lisa was answering the door earlier. The thought of her future with her daughters and Susan, not to mention any other girls they managed to seduce, both calmed and excited her. Time and opportunity were on her side, and she intended to take full advantage, as long as the young girls were willing to make love with her. That, Cheryl realized, was the most important thing. She could not see herself doing anything to a young girl that wasn’t mutually desired.

Becca moaned into Heather’s pussy as Susan began to kiss and lick the older girl’s clit and labia. She redoubled her efforts to bring Heather to an orgasm.

Cheryl wondered if the girl was trying to bring about a simultaneous orgasm. Becca’s own hands were free and apparently wanted something to do, so she tapped Tina’s shoulder and indicated with hand movements that she wanted Cheryl’s younger daughter to twist her body in such a way as to allow her to play with Tina’s pussy while she was busy giving and receiving oral love.

The sweet sounds of ecstasy filled the room as the girls increased the urgency of their lovemaking as the desired orgasms began to build. Cheryl’s hand was moving much faster as she rubbed her sopping pussy. The wet sounds of her fingers were clearly audible.

Lisa, meanwhile, was sitting on the sofa beside the chair where Cheryl sat and was masturbating as well. She was watching her lover make love to the young surprise, Monica, whose slender body was now being lavished with touches and licks. Lisa watched as Jennifer’s fingers explored the wetness of her former student’s hairless pussy.

The natural baldness of Monica’s mound was one of the first things Lisa (and Jennifer) had noticed about the young girl. The girl’s titties were barely more than bumps capped with puffy nipples that made Lisa drool. Lisa also noticed that whenever Jennifer removed her hand from that hairless mound, Monica’s hand would instantly take its place until Jennifer returned to rubbing her. Lisa began to fantasize about how often Monica must have rubbed herself to orgasm at night in her own bed since she was obviously practiced at self-pleasure.

Lisa watched again as Monica’s hand was replaced at the fountain of her nectar by Jennifer’s hand. Monica immediately removed her own hand to give Jennifer room to work in the small pussy, and brought the sticky fingers to her own mouth to lick her own juices off.

Seeing the young girl enjoy her pussy’s fluids, Lisa stood and went to Jennifer and Monica and crouched over Monica’s face, lowering her pussy that felt seconds away from orgasm to Monica’s lips, which gratefully accepted her teacher’s pussy with a moan of sheer delight. Jennifer now moved to lick Monica’s pussy and twisted around so Lisa could lay her body over and complete the circle of the daisy chain.

Within seconds, the two teachers and Monica were writhing on the floor of the condo, seeking the orgasms that were building with amazing speed and intensity.

Cheryl noticed Lisa rise from the sofa and join Jennifer and Monica on the floor and realized she needed to taste some pussy as well. She moved to where Susan was licking Becca’s pussy. Fastening her lips onto Susan’s little-girl cunt, she continued to rub herself wildly as her orgasm seemed about to slam into her. Slight pre-orgasmic tremors were already coursing through her body, and she knew it wouldn’t be long now, especially with her mouth glued to the pussy of her daughter’s best friend for the first time.

Later, they were each fascinated that all eight of them slid into their orgasms within seconds of each other, but that’s what happened. Lisa claimed it was the sexually charged atmosphere of the room. Whatever it was, they each crashed headlong into their climaxes and rode them until the last moan turned to a whimper of satisfied delight. Even Cheryl, who was the only one rubbing herself to orgasm rather than having another girl or woman licking or touching her, felt it had been one of the most powerful orgasms she’d ever had. She realized this new situation with her daughters and other young girls was making such intense orgasms more the norm. Lately, each one seemed to compete for the best ever.

They all lay where they finished their climaxes, unable to move for several minutes, as they allowed their breathing to return to normal, and gave the air conditioning a chance to cool their heated bodies. All of them were coated with sweat. The lips of those who had been licking another’s pussy shone with the juices that were drying on their faces. Tina had pulled her mother’s fingers to her mouth and was licking them clean, savoring the flavor of the sticky fluids.

The sounds of sighs melted throughout the room.

It was Tina, the youngest in the room, who spoke first, echoing the thoughts of the others, with a most adult word. “Fuck!” she breathed.

Everyone laughed, and began to stir, getting drinks to satisfy their need for fluids that would replace the sweat, and chatting before beginning again, this time in a large heap of female bodies, aged eleven to thirty-two. Each of them groping, kissing, licking, and sucking the nearest body part. Often nobody knew whose pussy, butthole, or breast they were enjoying, other than it was an adult’s or a young girl’s. Only when two of them kissed did the two have any idea whose pleasure they were sharing.

Finally, the time came to end the fun for now. Before leaving the party, they all managed to exchange contact information, and Monica promised to arrange for a night she could enjoy a sleepover with Heather and Tina. At that, Tina made Susan promise to join them, which was an easy promise for Susan to make. Becca made a date to come over as well one evening soon. She left the condo thinking of how much her life had changed since that afternoon. To think it was all because of a sexy little girl with a camel toe, she thought to herself.

Meanwhile, the two hostesses were happy it had all turned out well. They made a promise to have another orgy soon. Everyone left happy and satisfied.


While Becca was traveling to the orgy earlier that day, Candace was joining her sister, Carolyn, on the bed, intent on coming either by her own hand or Carolyn’s hands or lips….

Continue on to Chapter 10



13 Comments on The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 9

  1. Lily says:

    Omg, Cheryl! I love-love-loved it! The slow undressing of Monica was just…yea! And of course, I enjoyed the image of being loved by three sexy girls 😀 I’d tell you how many times I came while reading, but I intend to read again after I’ve caught my breath 😉

  2. Cheryl says:

    Lily, I am SOOOO glad you are loving this story that features a character named after you!!

    So…how many times did it happen?? 🙂

    NOTE: This character’s name has been changed to “Becca.” It was Lily’s request that I no longer use her name for a character in my stories.

  3. Susan says:

    Wonderful, thanks for 3 more orgasms, cant wait for chapter 10!

  4. Lily says:

    Oh my, Miss Cheryl, wouldn’t you like to know? 😉

    I tease tho, cuz I actually like telling you…5 times if you total up both reading sessions.

  5. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Susan and Lily. I’ve not started on chapter 10 as yet, but I will this weekend. I’m allowing it to “ferment” a bit to see where I want it to go since there are so many directions to take it. That said, if you’ve read my blog entry on how I go about writing, it could start going one place and end up in an entirely different spot from what I intended.

  6. JetBoy says:

    Damn, I love this story. Of course, I adored the earlier chapters when they were first made public, back when we were all quite a bit younger. Now the author has brought this delightful saga back to life in a big way, and it’s like getting your Christmas present months early. Thanks from a grateful reader, Cheryl.

  7. Yeah, this is blazing hot. I told Cheryl privately, but I also want to say it publicly — Chapter 9 of this story is the best one yet! I loved the build-up, and then the orgy scene was perfectly written. Fantastic!!

  8. Evan says:

    I agree – perfect and blazing hot! I only came once (a common problem for us guys..) but Mmm can’t wait for chapter 10!!! It’s getting hard to keep track of the characters… Thanks teach!

  9. Cheryl says:

    My thoughts about chapter 10 do not involve so many characters. I should be able to start it this weekend. It’s the end of a grading period at school, so I won’t be able to finish it until next weekend at least. Look for it to post in early November.

  10. kim says:

    mhh if it’s the sisters Candice and Carolyn getting each other off and talking about sex I will be happy, I will be happy with whatever cums my way. thanks for keeping on with this one.

  11. Cheryl says:

    Kim, You’ll have to “come” around and read it when it posts to find out. In any case, I hope it aids you in achieving another orgasm or six! 😉


  12. Saapho69 says:

    Cheryl, Naughty Mommy. I had to do laundry today because every one of my sheets for my bed are dirty, I mean covered in pussy cum from reading and masturbating. Now I would go ahead and sleep on them like the dirty whore I am :P, but Im not that dirty lol (notice I didn’t say im not a whore 😉 ). Btw yes I have to stay hydrated, honestly I think those 2 women are trying to kill me. Im so thirsty lately lol and I don’t know why 😛

  13. Bryan says:

    Absolutely scorching hot this story is 1 giant orgasm

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