Another Good Author

  • Posted on October 24, 2015 at 8:50 am

Poppabear said… 

Here’s another good author, with another great chapter!

I know that we have splendid authors here who offer us delightful tales of incestuous sisters, daughters, and mothers as well as exciting little lovers who are devoted to their adult partners.

Well, I am here to tell you of the latest chapter from another such author about two wonderful lovers.

Way way down in the bottom right corner of this page, in the list of chapters, comments, archives and other authors, just at the foot of the list you will discover The World of Letoria.

There will be many of you who’ve been there already – great place – but you need to get back there now, or for the first time (Oh, you are lucky if it’s your first time).

Letoria has just added chapter 16 to the story of Karen and Laci.

There are great sex scenes all over this site, but Letoria is as good as any one of your favourite authors. Definitely a ‘no panties’ session, girls, and a big fluffy towel would also be a good idea, and boys, this one is guaranteed to score a big one.

Enjoy, guys.


No comments on Another Good Author

  1. MrStrut says:

    You were right Poppabear it was a great chapter!

  2. oliviasmom says:

    Great story, very romantic, very sexy

  3. Sunny says:

    HI PoppaBear

    Your were so right , this was a very exciting story, Has been awhile since was able to visit here. In fact this is my first time to this site. I went to LL and show it listed, sorry we dont have the SFB any more , but this site likes very nice.

    Sunny, Hi FTM

  4. CaptainMidnight says:

    Letoria is one of the best friends I have ever had. If you go to her site, please read her blog as well as K&L and her stories. There are some powerful essays dealing with her struggle to be accepted by people before and after she came out.

  5. JetBoy says:

    Karen and Laci is as much an entertaining thriller as it is a sex-riddled tale of lesbian lolita pleasures. Do check it out. (Dare I admit to having edited several chapters of Letoria’s saga? Consider it admitted!)

  6. Poppabear or PoppaClyde2 says:

    Hi, Sunny,

    I hope you see this but I will email.

    I didn’t notice your message about my good friend Letoria’s story, silly me. Good to hear from you again, my young friend.

    Live long and prosper.

  7. Letoria says:

    Thanks everyone for your kind comments. JetBoy, you have no idea how much I owe you for any success I may have. You are the best there is, and for me to say I’ve had you as an editor and teacher is a high honor and a source of enormous personal pride.

    Thanks again everyone. The wait for Chapter 18 won’t be as long, I promise.

  8. Moses says:

    I have patiently followed Karen and Laci from the beginning. Glad to see it added here as I think the writing is worthy of a place on this classy site.

    And I hope the author is able to feed us with more frequent episodes.

  9. Poppabear or PoppaClyde2 says:

    Letoria has told me she should have written Chapter 17, not Chapter 18 above, but both are nearing completion. In her blog, on The World of Letoria, she does explain why Chapter 16 took so long to appear.

  10. Sunny says:

    Hi PoppaBear

    Glad you saw my note, Do hope to hear from you but my email has changed is now [email protected]
    sent message to you but didnt go through


  11. Poppabear or PoppaClyde2 says:

    No idea why my email didn’t accept your message, it hasn’t changed. I did immediately send a message to your old address.

    Great to be in touch again, Sunny. I’ve emailed your new address.

  12. Poppabear or PoppaClyde2 says:

    Dear friends on JS, may I announce the very recent arrival of the latest chapter in the Karen and Laci story in Letoria’s site. See the very bottom link at the lowest part of the links on the right hand side of this site.

    Lovely new website and a really really good chapter. All you lovers of mother-daughter erotica will be delighted with this and you can drink your fill of delightful detail.

  13. Vola says:


    My name is Vola. I am 36. I work as a chef at a middle school in Massachusetts. This is my first time visiting JS.

    I have exhausted the possibilities available on literotica and nifty. I have been visiting for a very long time, but–as disorganized as it is–I didn’t find this site until today.

    There does seem to be a lot of promising material here, and I hope it comes across as uplifting and original material.

    While I look around, is anyone willing to recommend some stories where the characters don’t immediately start off as raging lesbians? That trope is so incredibly played out.

    I have my first story at nifty:

    I have already written up through Chapter 9, but as I didn’t receive a single response to that story, I haven’t gone through and edited any of the subsequent chapters. I think it pretty good for a first chapter–and first publishing–but why bother spending more time at it if nobody is appreciating my work–or, at least not telling me they do?

    Anyone can email me at vola dot novikov at gee male dot com.

    Sincerely Yours,


    • JetBoy says:

      Vola, if you’re looking for stories that depict characters struggling with lesbian desires, you’ve come to the right place. That’s a favorite theme of ours.

      I read the first chapter of “Morgan’s Exploration” when it was first posted at Nifty, saw genuine potential there, and would be interested in perusing more of it. Why don’t you send us the next couple of chapters? My partners and I are always seeking out new material for Juicy Secrets.

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