Three Girls in a Tent

  • Posted on October 29, 2015 at 11:22 am

By cs.unwin


The July sun soars high over the northern sky and beats down relentlessly on the wide sandy beach that anchors Canandaigua Lake at its southern end. The sand at midday is too hot to walk on barefoot. With the exception of a lone fisherman and a few boys playing in the water, those who are here on vacation have sought the cool of their cottages, shaded by tall pine trees towering over their expensive summer homes.

Margot and Kylie are inside a screened porch in Margot’s family cottage, packing. They are preparing what they need for a camping trip they’ve planned for that evening. They call it a camping trip, although anywhere else it would be considered a ‘backyard sleepover’. But because their cottage’s backyard consists of dense brush and a seldom used outhouse, their plan is to pitch their tent a couple of hundred yards up the beach, on a vacant cottage lot.

“You aren’t really going to bring your iPad, are you, Kylie? You won’t be able to recharge it there, and there’s no wifi signal anyway,” Margot said to her friend.

Margot is slim with dark brown shoulder-length hair and flashing black eyes. Puberty has come late to the 12-year-old, possibly as a result of her childhood dedication to ballet and gymnastics, both now a thing of the past. Her figure is still well-muscled and she has very little fat on her body, certainly none in her breasts, which to her is a huge disappointment.

“So what are we going to do there all night?” Kylie replies. “It’s going to be an even bigger snooze than staying here.”

Kylie is Margot’s best friend from school in Rochester and is staying at the cottage for two weeks. She is the same age as Margot, but taller than her friend and has thick blonde hair and coarser features, possibly a legacy of her Scottish/Irish ancestry. Kylie misses TV, the web, and hanging out at the mall. There aren’t any malls in Canandaigua, only a general store, and Margot’s cottage has no cable or Internet. Margot would rather be in the city too, but she has never had a choice in the matter and is used to it. She has spent each and every summer at the cottage for as long as she can remember.

“We’re going to build a campfire and roast marshmallows and stay up all night. It’s going to be fun. Stop bitching and finish your packing,” Margot orders, fed up with her friend’s constant complaining.

By the time they are ready to go, the sun is halfway down to the horizon and the sand has cooled enough to walk on. Margot’s parents help the two girls carry their gear the short distance along the beach to their campsite. Her father stays long enough to help put up their tent among some low bushes between the beach and the pines, and helps gather wood for their campfire. He checks to make sure everything is in order, then bids them goodnight and heads back down the beach to the cottage.

From their campsite, the girls can see anyone walking along the beach. It’s a weeknight, though, and they have chosen to camp away from most of the other dwellings, so only a couple of joggers and a neighbor walking his dog pass their way. No one even notices them because their site is partly concealed by bushes.

The sun begins to go down over the lake in an even more spectacular sunset than usual. The girls put on sweaters in preparation for the cooler night air, and Margot lights the campfire. She does it quickly and efficiently; her father has taught her well.

It’s nearly dark. Margot is watching the fire, waiting for it to burn down so they can start roasting marshmallows when she feels a hand on her arm. Kylie sits behind her, wraps her legs around her waist, and pulls her tight. Margot can feel Kylie’s small supple breasts pressing against her back, and her friend’s soft lips kissing the nape of her neck under her hair.

“You want to cook marshmallows or mess around a little first?” Kylie whispers in her ear.

Margot leans back and sighs contentedly. She has expected this, as Kylie is always the more sexually assertive of the two. It was Kylie who showed Margot how to masturbate soon after she arrived at the cottage that summer, and it was Kylie who then persuaded her that they should masturbate each other. The girls had spent many quiet hours kissing while they stroked each other’s hairless slits, though Margot had never yet reached the ecstatic peaks Kylie had enjoyed.

She doesn’t reply now, just moans softly because Kylie’s hands have found her small nipples, stroking them with her thumbs and forefingers. Margot’s nipples have become so sensitive recently she wonders if it means she soon will get her first period. Kylie’s fingers are making her nipples ache with desire. She feels a tingling between her legs too, and can tell her clit is getting stiff because the tip presses against her undies.

Margot senses she is starting to get very wet as Kylie’s hand pushes inside the waistband of her sweatpants. Her slit is still as bald as her bottom, while Kylie has a little patch of curly blonde hair at the top of her slit, like the dot on an upside down exclamation mark. Kylie’s fingers slip over Margot’s erect clit, and into the moist, fleshy folds between her plump labia.

“Hey, kids, can I join your campfire?” a feminine voice calls out from the darkness.

The girls give a high-pitched shriek of surprise, and Kylie’s hands fly out from underneath Margot’s clothing as if she had touched a hot skillet. The voice materializes into a teenager with dark blonde dreadlocks, wearing a hippy-style Indian-print cotton dress. The girl has a large, almost Roman nose, and very white teeth contrasting her deep tan. She wears a gold barbell piercing an eyebrow.

“Oh my god, you scared us, Ally! What the fuck did you do that for?” Margot nearly shouts at the newcomer.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you guys, or interrupt your love nest. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your little girlfriend, Margot?”

“Yeah, I guess. Um, Kylie, this is my cousin Ally. Well, sort of cousin I suppose, her dad is my mom’s first cousin or something. I told you everyone is related around here.”

“Hi, Ally. Cool piercing!” says Kylie, who is easily impressed and thinks the newcomer looks amazing.

Ally parks herself in front of the fire, sitting cross-legged on the sand, yoga style. She and Margot haven’t seen each other for a couple of years, and they catch up for a while on what they’ve been doing, sharing news of different family members. Margot and Kylie deliberately sit apart from each other, embarrassed by what the new arrival may have seen them doing.

After they run out of family news, Ally reaches into her dreadlocks and takes a joint out from behind her ear. “Want to get high?” she asks.

Without waiting for a reply, Ally pulls a stick of wood from the fire, lights the joint with its embers, takes a deep hit, then passes it to Margot. Her cousin takes a few shallow puffs before passing it to Kylie, who acts as if she has been smoking for years. It’s not very strong weed, but all three girls get a decent buzz, and sit for a time in silence, staring at the fire. Above them in the dark, clear, northern sky, thousands of stars twinkle brightly.

Ally is the first to break the silence. She says, “I have to pee.” Getting up and brushing the sand off her skirt, she moves over to some bushes a few feet from the fire, close enough that she is still visible in the light of the flames.

Facing the two younger girls, Ally lifts up her skirt and bunches it around her waist. She isn’t wearing any panties. The girls can clearly see the flaps of her labia which hang down from her hairy unshaven bush as she squats. A thick stream of pee gushes into the sand, where it is quickly soaked up.

After giving her bottom a couple of shakes, Ally returns to the fire. Sitting cross-legged again, she lets her skirt settle above her knees. Her hairy cunt is slightly visible in the light of the fire, as are the tufts of fine dark hair covering her legs.

Ally is neither lesbian nor heterosexual. She has spent the last winter living in an ashram in India where she was taught to meditate and to do yoga, and also explored her own sensuality. In India, Ally learned that if it feels good and doesn’t hurt another human being, then she should simply do it. Seeing the blonde girl with her hand down her cousin’s pants when she arrived, obviously stroking her young gash, had made her horny, and when Ally is horny she usually does something about it. She has few inhibitions or restraints.

Spotting an open packet of marshmallows, Ally pulls one out. These aren’t the normal square marshmallows often found at campfires, they are special marshmallow sticks about eight inches long, made by twisting two colors of marshmallow together in a wand.

“Help me eat this Kylie,” Ally says, offering one end of the stick to the girl, who opens her mouth to accept it.

Ally puts the other end in her own mouth, and slowly begins to chew towards Kylie’s lips. Kylie, slightly high, catches on and mirrors Ally’s actions. When their lips meet, Ally pushes her tongue into Kylie’s mouth, searching for any remains of the unswallowed sweet. Margot watches as the eating turns into french-kissing.

“I want to try that,” Margot says to Ally, who breaks off from Kylie, takes another marshmallow stick, and repeats the game with her cousin.

Only this time, instead of french-kissing, Ally licks Margot’s face, first smearing it with sticky marshmallow saliva, and then licking off the sweet syrup. While licking Margot’s face, Ally puts her arms around the girl and pulls her close enough that Margot can feel Ally’s boobs pressing against her chest. It’s obvious to Margot that Ally has nothing on under her dress.

“Let’s take this party into the tent,” Ally says. “We can get really cozy in there.”

The girls squeeze into the tent, which is a new pop-up model designed to sleep two adults. Inside there is enough room for all three to be quite comfortable. Margot turns on a small battery-powered lamp, then closes the zipper on the tent flap. She is very conscious of Ally’s smell, a strong mix of oil of patchouli and sweat; it’s not unpleasant, she thinks. Although the night is cool, the heat of their three bodies quickly warms the inside of the tent.

Ally lies down on a pair of sleeping bags which have been zipped together and languidly stretches out into some yoga type poses. Then, without warning, she removes all her clothes. Her skin is colored deep brown by the sun, and there are no tan lines anywhere on her body. Her breasts are like lemons, not large and slightly sagging, but with big brown nipples.

“It feels so good to be naked. In India, I used to do yoga and meditate nude all the time. Here, I’ll show you a couple of poses I learned.”

She begins with a classic yoga position, legs crossed and ankles on top of each knee. The pose opens her legs wide, and even in the dim light of the tent, the younger girls can see a flash of pink under the nest of curly hair between her legs.

Ally loves being naked and is a natural exhibitionist. She easily moves into another pose, this time opening her legs wide and touching her forehead to each knee in turn. She follows this by lying on her back and pushing up with her hands and feet into an arc.

“I love yoga,” she says, in a soft, flat, stoned voice. “I love it because my body feels so aware. Sometimes it makes me really horny,” she says, as she moves into her next pose in which she lies flat on her back and locks her ankles behind her head.

Ally’s sex is wide open now, the heavy flaps of her labia parted to reveal the pink bits inside. Her puckered anus is also clearly visible, covered as it is with tufts of dark hair. Using both hands, she strokes her exposed sex, one hand rubbing her clitoris and the other toying with her wrinkled flaps.

“I love to touch myself,” Ally says, fingers exploring the inner surface of her wide open cunt. “I can already feel how wet I’m getting.”

Margot and Kylie are frozen on the spot, their eyes riveted to the sight of this girl much older than they, whom they admire, naked and playing with herself. The two are high but self-conscious, horny but unsure what to do next. Sensing their discomfort and wanting to put them at ease, Ally brings her legs from behind her head and resumes her cross-legged position.

“Why don’t you try it,” she says in her languid, husky voice. “Take off your clothes and I’ll show you some naked yoga exercises. Come on, I dare you, who’s going to be first? How about you, Kylie?” she says as she leans over and begins to tug at Kylie’s clothes.

Ally has chosen well — Kylie is the more adventurous of the two. She quickly lifts her sweater and t-shirt over her head, revealing budding little breasts with pink puffy nipples. But when she tries to pull off her pants inside the small tent, she falls over and lands on top of Ally, giggling.

As Ally helps the girl shed her jeans and undies, her hands linger on Kylie’s shapely bottom. Then she eases her into the standard meditation position, helping the 12-year-old cross her legs. Kylie’s back is straight, her buds point outward, and she tries to pull in the small band of baby fat around her belly. Ally’s hands are all over her, guiding her, and stroking her gently.

Margot watches all this carefully. She has seen her friend naked before, of course, but here in the faint glow of the lamp, she looks different, even more appealing. Her eyes are drawn to the delicate fold between her legs crested by a small tuft of curly blonde hair.

“Try this,” Ally instructs, “it’s called the Flying Raven.” She untangles Kylie’s legs and pulls them apart as far as she is able. With one hand on Kylie’s chest and the other on her lower back, she says, “Lean your head back as far as you can.”

The nude young girl follows her instructions, long thick blonde hair cascading down her back as she holds the position with some difficulty.

“Do you feel good and tingly now?” Ally asks.

“Yeah, I guess, but also kind of stiff and painful,” Kylie replies.

Ally grins, showing straight white teeth, and says, “Great. So now I’m gonna do something that’ll make you feel really good.”

With her hand placed firmly on Kylie’s chest, Ally pushes her down so her back is flat on the floor of the tent. She slips one hand behind each of her calves and raises them until her legs are up and over her head. Kylie’s legs are spread, her young cunt wide open, pink and moist in the dim light.

“Hold on to your ankles, Kylie,” Ally says as she moves around to crouch in front of the girl, bending down and placing a soft kiss on Kylie’s belly. Her hands gently slide up and down the backs of Kylie’s thighs, each stroke bringing them closer to the folds of her sex which are parted, open, beckoning. Kylie holds her breath in anticipation of being touched.

Ally kneels between Kylie’s legs, soft kisses moving lower now, across her tummy and on to her mons. Her lips gather up the small patch of hair while her fingers slide up and down the young girl’s smooth hairless labia.

Margot is mesmerized by the sight and can’t take her eyes off Kylie’s open cunt. She feels a strong tingle between her legs and knows she is getting wet and squishy down there. Although naturally shy, Margot doesn’t want to be left out, so she decides to shed her own clothes. It’s a bold move for her, but she can’t just watch her cousin groping her girlfriend without attempting to join in.

Ally is too busy beginning to lick pussy to notice what Margot is doing, but Kylie sees her friend taking off her clothes, and feels a slight twinge of guilt. Kylie’s nervous system is on edge, her lower body tingling with the feel of Ally’s tongue between her legs. At some level, Kylie realizes that Margot wishes she were the one kissing her slit, but now she is beyond caring. She is overwhelmed by the smell of patchouli oil, sweat, and weed that permeates the confines of the tent, combined with the aroma of her own sexual arousal. She closes her eyes and concentrates on that hot wet tongue circling her clitoris.

Margot, now naked and beginning to perspire in the close air which has become heated by their bodies, has lost her inhibitions along with her clothing. The 12-year-old puts her hand between her legs, feeling the slippery wetness on her hairless lips. As her palm slides over her swollen clitoris, she shudders with a pulsing throb in her center. She’s only a couple of feet away from Ally’s head, and clearly sees every detail of her friend’s wide open pussy and her cousin’s wet tongue circling Kylie’s clit. Margot watches Ally crook her finger slightly, preparing it to gain entrance to Kylie’s young vagina.

Kneeling as she is, Ally’s boobs hang down, and to Margot they look larger and very appealing. Margot is struck with an overwhelming desire to touch the plump orbs. She kneels beside Ally, placing one hand on her back, which is slick with a fine sheen of sweat, while her other hand encloses a soft breast. It’s the first full breast Margot has ever fondled — Kylie’s are so small they don’t really count. Ally’s boobs feel just like she had expected them to, but she is nevertheless thrilled at the texture, familiar in a way, but new and exciting as well. Ally’s nipple is erect and stiffens even further as the girl’s eager fingers explore the rounded tip.

Ally’s lips are occupied with the area around Kylie’s clit, and her finger has managed to penetrate the young girl’s tight vagina. It is plunging in and out of her wet little cunt. Pausing just a moment, Ally says, “Margot, go ahead and suck on my boobs. Please… suck them.”

Margot lies down on her back under her cousin, who lowers one dangling breast into her mouth. The young girl seizes a proffered nipple with her lips, sucking hard and delighting in the sensation of a mouth full of warm flesh. Her hands grasp both breasts and she squeezes them possessively. Margot feels her vagina and anus begin to throb, so she moves one hand to touch her pussy to give herself some relief. Her fingers slide across her smooth wet lips, and the tingling between her legs becomes more intense.

As she is rubbing her own pussy, Margot realizes her other hand can easily reach Ally’s crotch. She places her hand on the damp hairy triangle, and is thrilled at the feel of her soft but wiry pubic hair. Her fingers reach lower and discover the wet and rubbery surface of the teen’s thick labia.

“Oh yeah, Margot! Touch me. Use your fingers to fuck me, cuz!” Ally moans and swivels her hips to give the young girl better access.

Margot easily pushes two fingers into Ally’s moist hole while at the same time endeavoring to finger herself. When she and Kylie had masturbated each other, Margot had pushed a finger into Kylie’s vagina without much difficulty. But when her friend tried to do the same with her, the pain was too intense and she had to ask her to stop.

This time, when she tries to insert her own finger, she is extremely horny and wet and it slides right in. It feels so good that Margot abandons Ally’s hairy crotch and uses both her hands to pleasure herself, one hand rubbing her swollen clit and the other fingering her tight juicy vagina while she continues sucking her cousin’s boobs.

Margot discovers she gets so much additional stimulation from fingering her cunt that she is quickly reaching a peak of excitement. She adds to the intensity by pressing her hand firmly against her clit while forcing her finger as deeply inside herself as she can. The girl soon crosses the point of no return as her spasms of pleasure turn into a steady and incredibly powerful throbbing in her lower abdomen. She gasps, the wet nipple dropping from her mouth.

Ally stops licking Kylie to watch her cousin cum. She smiles as she sees the young girl pummeling her hairless pussy in the dim light, oblivious to everything but her self-induced pleasure. Kylie too sits up to watch, mesmerized by the sight of her friend’s frenzied masturbation.

As each deep throb gets stronger and stronger, Margot begins to feel sharp but wonderful contractions inside. She pants and moans loudly as the pleasure pushes her over the edge, then squeals with the delight of her very first real orgasm.

Eventually her panting subsides and Margot opens her eyes, smiling sheepishly at the two who are watching her so intently.

“Wow that was incredible!” she says as she sits up, her slim ballet-formed body covered with a film of sweat. “Open the tent so we can let in some fresh air.”

“Yes,” Ally agrees, opening the tent flap. “It really smells of cunt in here,” she adds with a laugh, before staggering outside.

Their campfire has died down to glowing embers. Ally stands on the sand and lets the cool air dry the sweat from her nude body. Kylie and Margot follow her out, also naked. Their bodies are visible to each other in the faint light of the burning coals.

“I have to pee,” Kylie says as she edges toward the bushes.

She squats, resting her hands on her knees, her hairless young slit perched a few inches above the sand. The silence of the night is broken by a hissing gurgle as her thick stream pours out on the ground.

“Wow!” Ally exclaims. “I love watching you pee. It looks so naughty and natural at the same time. And your pussy is so pretty, Kylie. Margot, do you need to go? I’d love to watch you pee.”

Margot squats nearer the fire, her hairless young pussy clearly visible to the other two girls. Her cunt is still tingling from the orgasm she just experienced, and even though her bladder is full, her pee won’t come out easily.

Ally and Kylie watch in anticipation. After a few moments, Margot succeeds in pushing out a small squirt, then pauses, and follows up with another, and another.

Kylie kneels in front of the smaller girl, placing her open hand between her legs. A spurt of hot urine covers her palm which is pressed against the smooth open vulva.

Margot puts her arm around her friend’s neck and kisses her lips. “That feels so nasty, Kylie, but I love it,” she says. “I love it when you touch my pussy.”

Ally, meanwhile, has gone into the tent and fetched the sleeping bags. She places them behind Margot and eases the girl from a squatting position to lie on her back.

“Come and lie next to Margot,” Ally says to Kylie. “I want to fuck both of you at the same time.”

Ally places herself between the two pre-teens, now lying on their backs under the stars, naked. Her hands slide between their open legs and she starts rubbing their cunts. Ally is able to push her fingers deep inside their juicy holes while rubbing their clits with her thumb and sometimes licking the girls. Her own pussy straddles her cousin’s thigh, and she slides herself up and down on the soft skin to increase her pleasure.

As her lust increases, Ally’s fingers begin to fly in and out of the girls’ slick cunts. The stillness of the night is broken by the wet sucking noises of fingers stabbing well-lubricated vaginas, and the excited moans of three girls nearing the peak of arousal. Both Margot and Kylie reach down to rub their own clits as they lie side by side and kiss each other.

They orgasm one after another almost as if synchronized, first Kylie, then Margot, then Ally, humping her cousin’s leg.

When they finish, Ally offer the girls her fingers to lick, alternating hands so each may taste the other’s cum as well as her own, and then she lies between them. They rest for a while as the cool air dries the sweat off their bodies.

“I’m getting cold and tired,” Margot says after a time. “Let’s get back in the tent and go to sleep. Are you going to stay with us, cousin?”

“Absolutely,” Ally replies. “This party isn’t over yet!”

Back inside the tent, they close the flap against the cold night air and bury themselves inside the combined sleeping bags.

“What are we going to do now?” Kylie says, stifling a yawn.

It has been an eventful evening for Margot and Kylie — they had gotten high and had their pussies licked for the first time — a big day for any 12-year-old girl! The three snuggle up together, naked bodies keeping each other warm.

Tired though they are, they still manage to stay awake until well past midnight. Ally describes to them in detail what it had been like for her in India, and the two young girls are very curious about the body hair under her arms, on her legs, and covering her pussy. This talk leads to another round of fondling and stroking each other. Eventually, worn out by the day’s exertions, they curl up in one another’s arms and fall asleep.

The next morning Margot’s mother wakes up early, deciding to walk up the beach and check on the girls. She arrives to find their campsite quiet, and no sign the kids are awake. She notices the tent flap is slightly open and quietly peeks inside.

The sight takes her breath away: three naked girls asleep, arms around each other. One girl, the older one, has her hand resting on Margot’s hairless slit. She immediately recognizes Ally and wonders how she came to join her daughter and her friend. She also notices her own nipples have stiffened, and feels a distinct tingling sensation between her legs.

Shame on you! she thinks to herself. They are just young girls, and one is your own daughter! She can’t help wondering, though, what they might have been doing in the tent the night before, and these thoughts arouse her even more as she continues gazing at the nude girls.

Soon, without a sound, the woman steps away and begins walking slowly back to their cottage. She believes her presence has gone unnoticed, but it hasn’t. Ally was awake, and was aware her aunt had been watching them and for how long — certainly much longer than she needed to confirm that they were safe and well.

Ally smiles to herself and files away that piece of information for later use. She snuggles up against Margot’s lithe young body and goes back to sleep.


15 Comments on Three Girls in a Tent

  1. Poppabear or PoppaClyde2 says:

    An enjoyable story, if a wee bit unemotional, but intriguing, with hints of aunt-niece and mother-daughter about it.

    (Just re-reading before posting, and I think this is like one of those pretentious little reviews that decorate the wine sections of the posh comics.)

  2. Julie Van says:

    Splendid story that offers a window to what happens on a typical all girls overnight camping trip. It also appears the author has plans to continue this story and I for one can’t wait to see how Ally gets her aunt and possibly others involved in the girl’s fun and games.

  3. Evan says:

    This is a hot little story… hope there’s a chapter 2 with Margot’s mom. I admit I love the pee play… hope to read more about that.

  4. Cheryl says:


    I am a member of your yahoo group. I received update emails recently regarding new stories posted there. I was very surprised to see this one and wondered if Carole had given permission to post it. We don’t exactly hold a copyright except to our own stories, but the authors are aware we wish for this to be the only site at which stories are posted, at least for a little while.

    We ARE, however, the owners of our own stories. I was surprised to see that on this past Wednesday you posted a chapter of one of my stories, “Waltz of Desires.” I ask that you please remove this from your your yahoo site, along with the chapters of “When the Past Meets the Present” and any other stories I have written. I appreciate your enjoyment of my stories, but I would rather my own website be the exclusive location for them, other than where I have posted them before we started this site. I no longer post stories on other sites, including Leslita and nifty, though, like yours, they are certainly wonderful websites.

    Thank you for complying with my request. If Carole gave permission to post this at your website, there’s nothing we can do about it, but I would rather not see my stories posted elsewhere, even with my name as author included, without my written permission to do so.

    Thanks! 🙂

  5. @ Julie Van

    I also saw at least one story of my own that had been posted without my permission at your site. I do not like that at all, Julie. Please immediately remove any stories of mine. Obviously you may tell your group members about our stories and you may direct them to our site, but DO NOT post stories from here without express written permission.

    Thank you.

  6. Cheryl says:

    Would everyone please note the changes on the main page of Juicy Secrets? Thanks!

  7. Julie Van says:

    Please forgive me for not checking with the both of you concerning this. I’ll remove all trace of your stories immediately.

  8. Lisa Olsson says:

    I like this story with two young girls and one a little bit older and I hope that you continue the story with more pee play

  9. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Julie. We don’t mind anyone providing a link or other information on getting to our site, but posting stories we’ve written is different. I’m sure you had the best intentions. I’ve had a story of mine stolen and another person claim authorship before. You, of course, were not attempting that, but I am just a bit touchy about allowing my work to appear anywhere else because of getting burned that time.

    Thanks again, and I hope you continue to enjoy our stories! 🙂

  10. LittleLover says:

    What is Julie Van’s site?

  11. FriendofAlice says:

    In my opinion nothing ruins good prose more than the present tense.

  12. Nathan Riches says:

    Would also like to see any followup to this story.

  13. Matt McHenry says:

    Thanks for the story revealing the scenes of lust that were acted out by our three characters.

  14. kim says:

    We enjoyed this story very much. Less pee play would be better for us, but that’s just us. More chapters would also have been welcome as we liked the characters and this could have gone on.

    Kim & Sue

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