The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 13

  • Posted on November 21, 2015 at 10:05 am

By Cheryl Taggert

For assistance in keeping up with all the characters, you can go here.

When Susan arrived home, her mother had already left for work. She was both relieved and upset about that. Relieved because she wasn’t sure she was ready to bring up the topic she wanted to discuss with her mom, not to mention she was still unsure how to begin. Upset because she was anxious to get the conversation started. Her mom would say these opposite reactions meant Susan was just being twelve.

She puttered around the house for most of the day. Despite this being the start of the summer vacation, she didn’t want to do much outside. Her nerves wouldn’t let her.

She also knew her dad wouldn’t be home for nearly three hours after her mom, so they would have plenty of time to talk. Her dad was a vice-president of the company he worked for, and he rarely got home before 8 o’clock.

Susan found herself getting slightly horny thinking about the conversation she knew she would be having with her mom. She didn’t want to masturbate, but she was still feeling the desire to at least enjoy some erotica. She logged onto her computer and searched through several sites for some sexy stories. She liked stories about older women and young girls, often mothers and daughters or aunts with nieces. One of her favorite sites was called “Leslita” and another was called “Juicy Secrets.” There was an author on the second one she really enjoyed, Naughty Mommy. She liked the pure eroticism of the stories, along with how detailed they were. Susan had been reading one of Naughty Mommy’s series called “Serendipity,” and Susan was happy to find that two new chapters had been posted since the last time she’d logged in. She spent time reading them and found her panties soaked after she’d finished with the chapters. She was still somewhat sore, so she postponed doing anything about it until later — perhaps after her talk with Mom.


Mia’s day at work couldn’t end soon enough. When quitting time finally arrived, she hurried to her car and drove home. She needed to masturbate, and a long, hot bath would give her just the time she needed to get herself off a few times. Of course, Susan would probably be home, but she thought she might be able to avoid doing anything rash with her. She was still turned on a great deal by the dream she’d had the night before, and she was well aware that Susan — and her friend Heather — would be a part of her bath-time fantasy that had been a constant companion since that morning. The visions from the dream were still rolling around in her head when she pulled into the driveway.


Susan heard her mom’s car drive up and decided to hold off until her mom was settled in for the night before broaching the subject of sexual desires. Heather and Tina’s mom, Cheryl, had suggested she talk to her mom about sex and how she’d begun having “those” feelings “down there” and see where that led. Now that the time had arrived, she found herself reluctant to take the plunge.

Mia came in through the door, smiled at her daughter, brushed her lips against her cheek with a quick, almost dismissive, “hello” and said, “I’m going to take a hot bath,” before disappearing down the hallway that led to her bedroom and bathroom.

Susan stood in stunned silence through it all. She sat down in the den and numbly turned on the TV but watched nothing. She wondered if she’d be able to get any of her mother’s time that night after all. She’d seemed as if getting a bath was the most important thing in the world when she’d rushed down the hall, as if she smelled of garbage and perfume of skunk. She teared up a bit thinking about how her mom had practically ignored her.

She looked at the TV screen and wondered what show was playing until she realized it was an old rerun of “Who’s the Boss,” one of her mom’s favorite programs. Susan really liked watching the young girl who played the daughter when she was young like that. Hell, she liked her now that she was an adult, too. There was one movie that was about vampires where she’d appeared naked, and Susan had watched it and masturbated watching those scenes over and over, especially the scene with the lady photographer where they’d had sex.

Now that she was in her room, Mia stripped quickly while the water filled the tub, admiring her youthful figure in the antique full-length mirror that rested in one corner of the bedroom she and her husband, Dan, shared. She didn’t fully shave her pussy, but kept the style known as a “landing strip” instead. She noticed she needed shaving — waxing really — and decided she’d at least shave at some point that night.

Entering the bathroom, she closed the door behind her for added privacy and watched the water fill the Jacuzzi tub before stepping in and turning on the jets to help relax her muscles, which seemed to have been clenched all day.

She had just settled back and was allowing her imagination to roam free, in other words to think about the dream from the night before, when she heard a knock at her bathroom door.

“What is it?” she called, hoping it wasn’t anything that would interrupt her intentions.

“Mom? I kinda have to talk to you about something.”

Suddenly Mia was self-conscious, though her daughter had seen her naked as recently as a few days ago. She hadn’t been so horny she wanted to scream then, however. Also, the fact that this was Susan, the recent object of her desires, caused some slight panic. What might happen if she let her in to chat with her pussy demanding attention because of the dream of Susan and Heather?

“Is it really important?” she asked, hoping for an out. She prided herself in putting anything aside to give her daughter time, but her need for an orgasm or two was becoming urgent.

Susan, outside the bathroom door almost said it could wait, but decided that was just avoiding the situation. “Yeah, it is,” she said, hoping this wouldn’t blow up in her face.

“Okay, come in,” Mia said. Susan could hear the reluctance in her mother’s voice and immediately wondered if maybe this was a very bad time for this.

Susan entered the room slowly and sat in the small chair that faced the tub. The sound of the water jets was a constant hum in the background, and the swirling of the water hid any clear view of her mom’s pussy, which Susan had been hoping she’d get to look at while in the bathroom with her mom. It was one of the reasons she had decided to bite the bullet and get started with this conversation while her mom was taking her bath. She also needed some attention after being practically ignored earlier.

Susan just sat there until Mia said, “Well?”

“Oh, um… Yeah. There’s somethin’ I wanted to talk to you about.”

More silence.

“And that would be…?” Mia asked, hoping her impatience wasn’t as obvious to Susan as it sounded to her.

Susan swallowed. Her mouth dried instantly as her nerves took over.

Mia could see something was bothering her daughter. Susan never interrupted her bath to talk about anything, which is why she’d agreed to this little chat in the first place. She would obviously need some prompting.

Taking a deep breath, she decided her pussy could wait — it had waited this long, after all — and said, “Honey? Is something wrong?”

“Not really. I mean there is but there isn’t. It’s just. Well, I don’t quite know how to talk to you about this.”

“Just say it. I won’t bite, you know.” Unless you want me to nearly followed those words automatically, and Mia had clamped her mouth shut on the words to prevent them from escaping and embarrassing them both.

“Well, it’s about…sex.”

“You’re not pregnant, are you?” Mia asked, only half seriously, while a part of her began to wonder where in the world this conversation would lead. She’d been thinking of nothing BUT sex all day. Sex with the same young girl who now sat here in her bathroom while her mother was naked in the tub and dying to touch herself and fantasize about this same daughter who wanted to talk about sex! It seemed to Mia like some crazy round robin that swirled through the room like a tornado, consuming everything.

“No, of course not. It’s just…well…”

“C’mon, Honey. If it’s about sex, it’s certainly nothing I’ve never heard before, okay?” Mia wondered if perhaps she should have tried to end this conversation instead of encouraging it, but it was too late now.

“Well, you see…I kinda sometimes get these feelings. You know. Down there. And I was sorta wondering if that’s okay. Some girls say their moms would flip out if they knew, and I don’t want to do anything you’d be ashamed of me for.”

“Knew what?” Mia asked.

“Huh?” Susan wasn’t following her mom’s meaning.

“You said your friends’ moms would flip out if they knew. Knew what?”

“Oh. You know. That their daughters…you know…had those types of feelings.”

Maybe it was the topic mixed with her own emotional and sexual state, or perhaps it was just that Susan was beating about the bush — no pun intended — but she decided to try to move this along to the point her daughter was obviously attempting to make.

“You mean, getting horny?” Mia said, hoping she wasn’t crossing a bridge she shouldn’t.

Susan’s eyes widened at the word that had unexpectedly come from her mother’s mouth. She felt as if her mother had just said fuck, which she never said, at least not where Susan could hear it. She was so dumbstruck, she simply nodded.

“Honey, it’s perfectly natural for you to get horny. You’re twelve. It’s what twelve-year-old girls do. As well as twelve-year-old boys. It’s normal. I’m fine with it. As long as you don’t go having sex with some boy. I was joking with the pregnant question, but I wouldn’t be happy at all if you ended up like that. Not at all.”

“I don’t want to have sex with a boy,” Susan said. She was careful not to put emphasis on boy. She didn’t want her mom to know about that yet.

“Well, that’s good. Was there anything else you wanted to ask me or talk about?” Mia was hoping to finish with Susan and get to the reason she’d settled into the tub in the first place, which of course had nothing to do with bathing.

“I just don’t want you to be ashamed of me, that’s all.”

“Why would I be ashamed? Like I said, you’re twelve. There’s nothing wrong with having those feelings.”

“Well, sometimes… I mean, sometimes…Sometimes I, well, I….”

Mia suddenly understood what this conversation was all about. Masturbation. She felt like an idiot for not getting it until now. She supposed it was because the subject was on her own mind and she was doing her best to hide that fact. She decided to end the statement Susan seemed unable to finish.

“Touch yourself?”

Susan nodded, turning beet red as she did. The conversation was going exactly where she’d dreaded it would…and exactly where she’d hoped it would.

“That’s okay, too, baby. Nearly every girl does it, and many start doing that when they’re your age. Some even younger.”

Susan knew that, of course. “Do you?”

Mia was suddenly blushing too. Her daughter was openly asking if she masturbated.

“Do I…masturbate?” Mia said, barely believing her daughter had asked her that.

“Yeah. You said most girls do it. Do you?”

Now Mia was the uncomfortable one. She looked at Susan and wondered if she’d manipulated this situation to get her to confess about doing that. Still, she had always believed a parent should answer any question posed by a child honestly. “Um, well, yes, honey, I do. In fact, I was just about–” She couldn’t help it, so it seemed. The truth of her intentions in taking her bath was now out there. She hadn’t meant to bring it up. It was a slip of the tongue.

Or was it? Mia wondered. Had she meant to tell Susan her plans? She wondered again just exactly what was happening here.

Her pussy was alive with desires, and the source of those desires was sitting there discussing masturbation, and she suddenly realized she wanted to masturbate in front of her. To spread her legs and rub herself for her daughter. She knew it was crazy. She realized it could land her in jail for a long time. But she couldn’t deny the image that had played in her mind all day and was still stoking the fires of her lust: She and her daughter engaging in sexual contact. Any sort of sexual contact. Given all the possibilities, masturbation in front of Susan seemed tame by comparison.

Susan’s eyes widened again. “You were just about to…what? You mean you came in here to masturbate?” Susan couldn’t believe her good fortune! Her mom was admitting to being horny right then! She was confessing that she was intending to masturbate in the tub. Right now!

Blushing madly, Mia decided Fuck it and decided to be totally honest with her daughter. “Yes, Susan. You see, a lot has happened in the past twenty-four hours that has made me, well, very horny. I was in a bit of a hurry when I got home to come in here and, well, get some relief. So you see, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with masturbation. No matter who’s doing it.”

Susan stared at her mother’s midsection, which was still hidden slightly by the swish of the water as the jets propelled it in circles around the tub. It was a large tub. Big enough for two.

“Susan?” Susan’s eyes darted from her mother’s hips to her eyes then back to her hips once again, as if she couldn’t allow her vision to stray from there for too long. “Susan?” Mia said again, and this time Susan’s gaze remained on her mother’s face, although reluctantly. Mia could see the questions there. She could see the desire that seemed to be forming a bridge between them. Susan wanted to watch her. That much was obvious, but she asked her just the same to be sure.

“Would you like to watch me?”

Susan’s stare held for a second on her mother’s face before glancing down where her mother’s pussy was beneath the water. Even through the swirling water, she could see her mother’s hand was now cupping her own vulva.

“Would you?” her mother repeated.

“Are you saying I can?”

“If you want to,” said Mia, knowing full well what the answer was. Susan just nodded. “You can never tell anyone about this, though. I’d end up in jail.”

“I’ll never tell,” Susan said, not believing where this had led. It had gone far beyond where she’d hoped it would, at least this first time talking to her mom about sex and masturbation. Of course, she would tell, but only Cheryl, Heather, and Tina, who would not only understand, but love the story. Still…

She was actually going to watch her mom masturbate.

Mia turned off the jets and the water calmed. Her pussy was now visible beneath the surface of the water. Mia’s hand was rubbing her slit gently, urging the fluids from deep within her to the surface. She watched as Susan stared at her center, taking in each small movement of her hand as she caressed herself.

Mia decided to lie back and close her eyes while allowing her daughter to watch her masturbate to climax. Her left hand rose from the water and began to pinch her nipples, first one, then the other, caressing her breasts lovingly. She would show her daughter what it was to love yourself fully.

Susan seemed unable to catch her breath. Her heart was pounding. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach…and the lust in her pussy. She couldn’t believe it. Her mother masturbating for her right there in the bathtub. This realization kept running through her brain, as if she were stumbling into it at every turn as she ran around a room in the dark. She was afraid to close her eyes for even a second, fearing she might miss something, or that it would all disappear as she awoke from a dream.

But this was no dream.

Her mother’s hand began moving faster over her slit and began to concentrate more on her clit. She was obviously getting turned on because her own daughter was watching her do this…this most private thing.

Susan decided to take a big chance. A huge one. She made that decision because she was afraid this might be the only time. That her mother might feel ashamed for letting her watch like this. She didn’t want that to go to waste.

She wanted to come too.

“Mommy?” she asked, nearly a whisper it was so soft.

Mia opened her eyes, her breath growing ragged. “What, baby?” For a moment she feared Susan would leave the bathroom. Run out in shame and fear.

“Can I get in there with you?”

Oh, dear God. With me? Mia thought. She wants to get in here with me? Why? But she knew why, of course. Her daughter wanted to engage in a ritual Mia had shared with friends when she was Susan’s age and even older. Mutual masturbation. A let’s-get-off-together party.

“Um…if you want to, I suppose you can.” It was all Mia could think to say.

Susan stood and stripped her clothes off as quickly as she could. She couldn’t wait to be in the tub with her mom so they could masturbate together. Maybe even come together.

As she watched Susan getting naked, Mia wondered what was happening to her. Just one day ago she would have freaked out at the very idea of what she was now encouraging to take place. She imagined they would both reach orgasm. Mia knew she herself would and figured Susan wouldn’t be wanting to join her if she wasn’t able to come herself. Just last night she was lying in Susan’s bed masturbating and imagining her daughter doing the same thing many times in the same bed.

Now, she would be experiencing it first hand. She could watch her daughter bring herself to orgasm.

She nearly came just thinking about it. And that realization more than any other sealed the deal for her, forcing her to admit she was turned on by her own daughter to the point that they would be masturbating in the same tub together. Maybe even more, she thought, and a small pre-orgasmic spasm seized her.

Her naked daughter stepped into the tub and sat where they could watch each other. Hands began their explorations, and soon they were both writhing in the tub, making waves that splashed from one edge to the other. Moans and squeals filled the spacious bathroom, as they approached their orgasms while their eyes feasted shamelessly on the other.

Mia was first to get to her climax, nearly screaming it was so intense. Seconds later, Susan joined her, their voices mixing in a cacophony of sexual frenzy, echoing off the walls and feeding their desire for more.

When it was over, the two looked into each other’s eyes.



“I love you!”

“I love you, too!”

“And, Mom?”

“Yes?” Mia asked, wondering what could possibly come next.

“I’m perfectly okay with what we did. I know you might feel bad about it, but I’m fine. Don’t think I didn’t want to.”

“You wanted this to happen?”

“Yes. For a while now, actually.” Susan figured she better go ahead and confess her desires to her mom, especially considering what had just happened.

“Well. For me it’s only been since last night.”

“Huh?” Susan didn’t understand what her mother meant by that.

“I’ve wanted to do this with you since last night.”

“Why last night?”

Mia hesitated for a moment, wondering exactly how far this would go while secretly hoping it would go further than she ever hoped it would. Then she told her daughter all about the dream she’d had.

Continue on to Chapter 14


No comments on The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 13

  1. kim says:

    well if I were a teacher , and you were my student turning in this paper to me ,Cheryl , I would have to give you


    and I can’t wait till chap 15 but I know Naughty Mommy will be of help while I do wait.

    thank you all.

  2. kim says:

    lol ok i had guess I had such a good cum i had lost count waiting for chap 14

  3. Cheryl says:

    Chapter 14 should come out sometime this week, kim, so STAY TUNED! 🙂

  4. Lily says:

    Mmm, no wonder you asked about masturbation, Cheryl.

    Loved the chapter. I liked how it led in gradually, then ended with the mutual masturbation. An amazing, orgasm-filled story as always, Cheryl.

  5. JetBoy says:

    Even in the process of proofreading this chapter, it sent me into an erotic fervor. (And you know what THAT leads to…) Can’t wait for the next sizzling installment!

  6. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, JetBoy, for your suggestions! I emailed you back on them. 🙂

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