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The Joy of Looking, Chapter 87

  • Posted on December 31, 2015 at 1:34 pm

By Naughty Mommy

Tuesday morning at breakfast, Molly asked our mother if we could go horseback riding again. It looked like another nice day for it, and since we hadn’t made any other plans, Mommy said okay. But not all of us went. Kate and I decided to stay behind, hoping Shepard and Rachel might show up again. And sure enough, they did, though not for a couple of hours.

The others walked over to the stables at a little after 11:00. They’d packed sandwiches and fruit and cookies and stuff, planning to have a picnic somewhere. My sister and I made our own lunch — or really just snacked on whatever we felt like, chips and nuts and beef jerky and candy. You know, a nutritious balanced meal.

At about 1:30, we saw the two girls coming our way, ambling along the lakeside again, seemingly in no hurry. I noticed, though, that this time both were wearing short-shorts, while the day before they’d had jeans on. Did that mean anything? I didn’t know, but I hoped it might.

They came up to us and Kate said, “Hey.”

“Hey,” they replied. I nodded at them, smiling.

“Um, so, do you guys want to go out in the canoe again?” my sister asked.

They said they did.

“So, like, my sister Julie’s gonna come along too, all right?”

I saw Rachel frown slightly. She tried to stop herself, but it was obvious that she didn’t much like the idea of having an older girl along, maybe as a chaperone or something.

“She’s totally cool, you guys,” Kate assured them, taking my arm. “I mean, like, you guys are best friends, right? And that’s what she is for me. Julie’s my BFF.”

Now both kids were frowning, looking puzzled. Apparently it was hard for them to understand how anyone could be best friends with a sibling. That didn’t matter, though. I loved Katie for saying it.

The other girls could hardly object, anyway, since it was our canoe. We walked down to the dock and climbed in. Kate said we should take life jackets along with us, even if we weren’t planning to wear them. That way, when we came back, we could slip them on shortly before we arrived, just in case Mommy was waiting for us. My sister can be pretty smart sometimes.

There wasn’t much conversation at first as we paddled away. My presence seemed to have put a damper on things. But as we left the area where most of the cabins were and got the feel of being out on our own on an adventure, they started chatting a little more, sharing opinions about school and songs and movies and how awful parents could be. Girl talk.

After a while Kate said, “Hey, uh, whaddya think? You guys wanna get out and maybe go pick some blackberries again?”

I sensed this was code for kissing, and I assumed that Rachel and Shepard got the same message. In any case, they said they’d like to. A few minutes later Kate guided the canoe into sort of a sheltered inlet where we tied up and climbed out, then started up a narrow trail into the woods.

We hiked maybe a hundred yards, mostly uphill, until we came to a sunny open spot with some big boulders and a nice view of the lake. Kate, who was leading the way, stopped there. I looked around and didn’t see any blackberry bushes — in fact, I didn’t eat a single blackberry that day. But I did do some kissing!

My sister grinned at the other two girls. She stepped toward Rachel, putting her hands on the little brunette’s shoulders, then leaning in and kissing her mouth. Nothing was said. They just started kissing.

God, I love watching girls kiss, especially younger girls. There’s almost nothing hotter than a pair of pre-teens sucking each other’s lips. It made me want to play with myself as I stood there watching them, but of course I didn’t.

After finishing with Rachel, Kate turned to Shepard. The taller girl was obviously eager for her chance, immediately grabbing my sister and wrapping her arms around her, practically humping her as they kissed. If I thought it was hot watching Kate with Rachel, it was positively incendiary seeing her with Shepard.

When they broke apart after a minute or two, their faces were flushed, both girls giggling excitedly and wiping their mouths. By that time, I was shivering with lust. My pussy was soaked and I wondered if I might be so wet it would be visible right through my tight shorts, though I didn’t check.

Kate looked at me with a wicked grin. She could easily tell how I was feeling.

“You want to try some kissing?” she asked, nodding toward the other girl. “Maybe with Rachel?”

“Uh, um, y-yeah, okay,” I stammered. I tried to smile confidently at Rachel as I went to her, but I’m sure my face showed as much nervousness as arousal.

She and I kissed. It was tentative, though, on both our parts. Don’t get me wrong. I loved kissing Rachel. Her lips were incredibly full and soft and yielding — but she was mostly passive, and so was I. Neither of us even used any tongue.

It was a very different story when I turned to Shepard. The tall freckled girl slid easily into my arms and brought her open mouth readily to mine. We made out for what seemed like an awfully long time. It was probably only a couple of minutes in reality, but it felt a lot longer. I closed my eyes and tasted her tongue and smelled her scent and wanted more, much more.

As she’d done with Kate, Shepard pressed her skinny body against me, rubbing up and down. She was obviously eager to explore the possibilities of girl-girl interaction. So would there be more, here today, out in the woods?

There wasn’t, unfortunately. Kissing was as far as we went. It was amusing, though, what happened next. After Shepard and I finally finished and stepped apart, grinning and wiping our mouths, Kate came over to me, taking my hand.

She looked at the other girls and said, “You want to see us kiss?”

Their eyebrows shot up. “You guys?” Rachel asked.

“Uh-huh,” Kate nodded, and without further ado wrapped her arms tightly around me, bringing her lips to mine.

I was already extremely turned on, of course, and as you know, kissing my sister drives me wild. Soon I was moaning and pawing and grinding on her as I sucked her tongue. She and I must have put on quite a show for the other girls, although I wasn’t really thinking about that at the time. All I knew was I had Kate’s slim, strong body in my arms, her lips on mine, her tongue in my mouth. She wanted me, and I wanted her.

Again, though, nothing more really happened except for kissing. Well, kissing and humping and ass-grabbing and so on. But our hands stayed on the outside of our clothes.

That wasn’t the end of the kissing, I’m happy to say. After getting a taste of it, none of us wanted to stop. We stayed out there in the sun for maybe another 45 minutes, swapping partners and swapping spit. After a while, however, I felt my face burning, and not just from the heat of passion. The other girls agreed it was time to start back.

When we arrived at the dock below our cabin, life jackets donned about a minute earlier, we found that Molly and Chelsea and Dana and Mommy had returned from their ride. They were sitting outside on lawn chairs — but they weren’t alone. A woman and a teenage girl were with them, a pair we’d never seen before.

Shepard and Rachel thanked us and said goodbye, waving politely at our mom before heading off in the direction of their own cabins. My sister and I walked up the slope toward our group, wondering who these new people were.

“Hey girls,” Mommy called. “Did you have fun?”

“Yeah, we did,” I smiled, “a lot of fun.”

I was sure she got the implication. But just to emphasize it, I licked my lips, kind of wagging my tongue. If that gave our mother the impression that perhaps more had happened than just kissing, that was fine. Kate and I would be happy to tell her the real story later on.

The woman we hadn’t met got to her feet. Mommy did too.

“Loretta,” she began, “and Sage,” she added, nodding at the teenager, who was still seated, “I’d like you to meet my daughters, Julie and Kate.”

“Hello,” we said.

Loretta stepped forward to shake my hand. She had a firm, warm grip and a friendly smile. I liked her immediately. She was very tan, probably olive-skinned to begin with, and wore her glossy dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her eyes were deep brown and beautiful, tastefully highlighted with mascara, black eyeliner, and kind of a silvery-blue eye shadow. The woman was slim but full-breasted, probably in her early forties. She was dressed in boots, tight jeans, and a short-sleeved cream-colored blouse open enough to reveal a bit of cleavage. I wanted her.

While Loretta shook Kate’s hand, I glanced down at Sage, who was squinting up toward me, shading her eyes as she looked into the sun. She was somewhat heavier than her mother and also full-breasted. Her dark hair was cut very short. I couldn’t tell for sure how old she was, but older than me, maybe 15 or 16. Sage wasn’t tan like Loretta but wore a lot of dark makeup, sort of goth style. There was a piercing in one eyebrow, a gold bar. She wore Doc Martens, torn black jeans, and a black t-shirt with a Metallica logo. I smiled at her, but didn’t get a smile back.

“We met at the stables earlier today,” Mommy told us, “and went riding together. Then I asked them to come here for dinner. We’ll do some grilling later, nothing fancy, just hamburgers and hot dogs.”

“Okay,” I said. Feeling cheeky and perhaps a bit possessive, I went over to my mom and kissed her gently on the lips.

“Hi, honey,” my mother smiled, petting my hair and gazing into my eyes when we finished the short kiss.

Then she said, “Would you girls like something to drink? There are plenty of Cokes and things in the fridge. Juice too.”

I saw that Loretta, Dana, and my mom all had beers. Chelsea was drinking juice, while Molly and Sage each had Cokes. My sister and I went inside and got Cokes for ourselves too.

For the next couple of hours, the adults sat and chatted. Loretta was an attorney, like my mom, so that gave them plenty to talk about. At one point, I asked Sage if she wanted to go out in the canoe, but she said no. Kate fetched a frisbee, though, and we tossed that around for a while. Sage even joined in, however reluctantly. I wondered if her sullen demeanor was an act or if she was genuinely depressed. I was able to drag out from her, at least, that she was 15 and would be a junior in high school the next year.

We also learned that Loretta had recently been divorced. This was in fact the first vacation for her and her daughter without the dad. That might have been part of why Sage seemed so blue, I thought. Or maybe it was just her personality.

It was cute, though, because Kate appeared to take Sage’s stoniness as a challenge. She tried to show her how to throw the frisbee better, even getting the teen to laugh a couple of times. That was a major accomplishment!

Dana too did her best to involve Sage in conversation, talking with her about music and clothes and stuff. The two didn’t really seem to have much in common, but it was nice that Dana made the effort.

After dinner was over, we all went inside. Loretta had made noises about going back to their small rented cabin, which was located a little further around the lake, but Mommy insisted they stay longer. I had a pretty good idea what was on her mind, at least eventually.

The adults sat down in the living area and Sage sat with them. Molly and Chelsea immediately trotted up the stairs and disappeared into a bedroom to play with dolls and things, or maybe to play with each other. I thought about asking Sage if she wanted to come upstairs with me and Kate, but then decided not to. I was formulating another plan.

I led Kate into the master bedroom and then out onto a small balcony that had a nice view of the lake. We weren’t there for the view, however. A set of wooden stairs led down the outside of the cabin to the grassy area where we’d been sitting earlier. From there we could quietly sneak through a side door into the kitchen. And from there, we could spy on the others, or at a minimum eavesdrop on them.

That’s what we did — although for the longest time it seemed like my plan would be a total bust. The talk was mostly pretty boring, a lot of lawyer stuff at first, comparing cases and so on, and then they chatted for a while about neighborhoods and schools, and then Mommy got Dana to tell Loretta and Sage all about what she was studying at the fashion institute. Kate was clearly getting bored, if not downright irritated, and I was almost ready to give up too.

But then, after a short lull in the conversation, Loretta said, “I realize it probably isn’t my place to ask this, but I’m just wondering… um, are you two, you know, a couple?”

She obviously meant Mommy and Dana. I carefully pushed the swinging door from the kitchen open a tiny bit so I could peek through the crack. Kate was on her hands and knees below me, looking through too.

We could see that our mother was holding Dana’s hand. They were sitting close together on the room’s only sofa. Sage and Loretta were in separate armchairs, facing them.

Before answering, Mommy lifted Dana’s hand to her lips, tenderly kissing her fingers. Then she smiled and replied, “No, we’re not. Or at least not in the way I think you’re asking. It’s true that we do have a relationship, a sexual relationship. But Dana and I are both free to pursue our interests with other women… or girls.”

It was clever the way she added that tag at the end. The way she’d said it, ‘girls’ could be taken as referring to young women, like in their twenties, or possibly to mature teenagers — but it also could be taken to mean actual girls, like me and Kate!

“Oh, uh, um, all right.” Loretta seemed startled. Sage was wide-eyed.

It wasn’t entirely clear what they were thinking, but there was no doubt that they were thinking, wondering… probably even more curious now than before. Our mother had played it perfectly.

She didn’t push her advantage, though. She waited. We waited. What would happen next?

After what seemed like forever, Loretta glanced at Sage, then slowly uncrossed her legs.

“Well,” she began, clearing her throat, “it’s pretty late. We should be getting back.”

Again there was a pause. Finally, Mommy said, “All right. I’m so glad you could come tonight. I do hope we’ll see you again.”

They all stood up. I suddenly realized what we had to do. Grabbing Kate’s hand, I pulled her with me toward the side door. Trying to be quiet, we slipped out, then quickly climbed the stairs back up to the balcony. We could dimly hear our mother’s voice calling, “Molly? Chelsea? Girls? Come on down and say goodnight!”

* * *

We did see them again — the very next night, in fact.

We’d spent the day on a long hike, following one of Kate’s prized trails. She took us up beside a swift-flowing stream, and we eventually came to a small waterfall. It was quite lovely. We enjoyed a leisurely picnic lunch there before returning.

Arriving back at the cabin around 4:00, we had some cool drinks and then relaxed outside, feeling happy and comfortable in the soft breeze off the lake. At about 5:30, who should come along but Sage and Loretta! They were walking to the restaurant for supper, or so they said, and their route just happened to take them past our cabin. They asked if we’d like to join them, and we said we would.

Sage seemed like a different person that evening. Her makeup was less severe and she was talking a lot more, even smiling sometimes. She was still dressed all in black, but at least she didn’t appear so depressed. Loretta, on the other hand, was much more reserved than she had been the day before. She was polite enough but not nearly as outgoing. It gave me a lot to think about.

When we were finished with dinner and dessert, Mommy invited them back to our cabin again. It looked to me like Loretta was about to decline, but before she could open her mouth, Sage jumped in, “Yeah, sure, that sounds great!” Her mother was pretty much forced to agree.

What had changed, of course, was that both Sage and Loretta knew for a fact, after the night before, that my mom and Dana were lesbian lovers — and maybe more important, that they were not exclusive, that they had an open relationship. In essence, my mother had offered both herself and Dana as sex partners for Loretta, or even for Sage!

This revelation apparently had made Loretta feel cautious about getting too close to us, or perhaps it was more that she felt the need to be protective of her 15-year-old daughter. That’s understandable, I suppose, but it was interesting that the news seemed to have the opposite effect on Sage. As I said, she was much more friendly and talkative during dinner. While we were eating, I saw her put her hand on Dana’s arm a couple of times, something she never would have done the day before. I was certain now that it was Sage, not her mom, who’d suggested they go to dinner at the restaurant, and who made sure they would stroll right past our cabin.

Anyway, my mom and Loretta paid the bill, and then we headed back. As we were walking, I kind of pulled Sage aside a little bit, making sure we were out of earshot of her mother, and said, “Hey, um, when we get there, I have something I want to show you, up in my room, okay? I think you’ll really like it.”

She looked at me quizzically. “What is it?”

“I can’t tell you now, ‘cause they might hear,” I said, using a low voice and nodding toward the adults, who were ahead of us.

I’m sure she must have been wondering what a dumb kid like me might have that an older girl like her could possibly be interested in — but on the other hand, she was wondering.

Sage didn’t reply right away. She searched my eyes, looking for a clue, and finally just said, “Okay.”

The sun still hadn’t set when we reached the cabin, so the adults decided to sit outside a while. Molly and Chelsea immediately went in and trotted upstairs to their bedroom. I’d noticed that the two little girls were spending as much time alone together as they could now, enjoying some fun games, no doubt.

Sage came along with me and Kate to the master bedroom, which I shared with my mom. As I closed the door behind us, I asked, “Do you like porn?”

“Porn?!” I don’t think Sage was expecting that from a 12-year-old. She didn’t say anything else, just stared at me. Kate giggled.

“Uh-huh,” I nodded. “Kate and me both like porn. We watch it a lot. Sometimes with our mom too.”

“With your mom??”

I really had her going now. Sage was wide-eyed, her mouth hanging open. But she wasn’t shocked or appalled. There was a look of desire on her face, too, of sexual arousal. I could see it in her eyes.

Unzipping a pouch in my suitcase, I reached in and pulled out a DVD, handing it to her. “Lesbian porn. That’s what we like best.”

The DVD I gave her was called Chick Licks. I pointed to a name on the cover: Desiree. “Do you know who that is?”


“Desiree. See her picture, here? You recognize her?”

Sage held the cover closer to her face, studying the photo of a slender blonde teenaged girl, fully nude, of course. She shook her head, “No.”

“That’s my sister, Dana. From like ten years ago, when she was 17.”

“Your sister?? Wait…” She looked even more closely at the DVD. “Omigod, that is her. But, but — your sister? I thought she was your mom’s girlfriend?”

“She is,” I nodded. “She’s our sister and she’s our mother’s girlfriend.”

Kate giggled again.

“What are you talking about??” demanded Sage. “I, I don’t — that doesn’t make any sense.”

“I know,” I chuckled. “Dana’s not really our sister, not in real life, I mean. See, we sort of adopted her in a way, and Chelsea too. Now they’re both our sisters. They don’t live with us, but that’s how we think of them.”

Sage examined the DVD cover again. She seemed to be having a hard time connecting the photo of the sexy porn actress with that nice young woman sitting outside the cabin, even though it was pretty obvious they were the same person.

Finally she handed the DVD back to me, slowly shaking her head. “That’s… pretty amazing. But, I mean, I don’t… how can you say she’s your sister, and like… wait, um…”

A lightbulb went on. Sage began to see the truth. “I think, I mean, did I hear, um, Dana — did I hear her call your mom Mommy? Instead of, like, Suzanne?”

“Uh-huh,” I nodded. “Like I said, we think of her as our sister now. And our mom thinks of her as a daughter. And also as her lover. One of them, anyway.”

“Oh my god, that is some wild kinky shit.”

“Kinky shit, yeah!” Kate laughed.

“So, do you wanna watch this?” I asked Sage, holding up the DVD.

“Um… sure, okay.”

I got out my mom’s laptop and booted it up. We sat together on the bed, leaning back against pillows. The bed wasn’t very wide, which meant we were squeezed in fairly close together. Sage was in the middle. I’d set up that tray of my mom’s to hold the laptop in front of her. We were all three still dressed at that point, but I was hoping that might change before too long.

The DVD started. I leaned over and selected the chapter that had Dana in it. We watched as she and an older woman who was supposed to be her neighbor flirted for a bit and then started kissing and stuff. The other woman was around 35, probably, and very hot. The scene was in the backyard of her house. Dana/Desiree was wearing sort of a little girl dress and had her hair in pigtails, making her look like she was only about 10 or something. They took off each other’s clothes and soon were having acrobatic sex on a lounge chair.

After a couple of minutes, Kate caught my eye. She was breathing hard, and her face was flushed. It was clear what she wanted. I nodded to her, licking my lips. We both unzipped our shorts and stuck our hands down inside our undies.

Sage saw what we were doing. She looked back and forth between my sister and me. She kept glancing at one of us, then the other, as if trying to make up her mind.

“Oh well, what the fuck,” she eventually said, opening her own jeans and pushing a hand inside.

We masturbated together as we watched Dana sucking the woman’s nipples, then fingering her, then eating her pussy. Kate came first. I came a few seconds after her. When the woman had an orgasm in Dana’s mouth, Sage climaxed.

Continue on to Chapter 88


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 86

  • Posted on December 28, 2015 at 3:08 pm

By Naughty Mommy

Okay, so now we shift forward a couple of months.

Dana and her daughter didn’t relocate right away. The adults thought they should let Chelsea finish first grade in her current school, which I suppose made sense. And anyway, it took a few weeks to find a suitable apartment for them.

When we did find one, it was perfect, bright and clean with two big bedrooms, about half a mile from our house and only three blocks from Chelsea’s new school. We helped them move in there at the end of June. Mommy purchased some new furniture for them too, nothing fancy, but good quality. Dana tried to refuse this, naturally, but our mom said if she wanted to buy some things for her daughters, why shouldn’t she? Dana couldn’t very well argue with that reasoning.

Meanwhile, we were all busy with our lives. Mommy spent long hours every week at the office, Kate was playing softball now, Molly was reading about horses and dreaming of owning one, and I was scheming for new seductions.

Even though we’d consummated our relationships as a family, all of us fully sexual with each other — on the weekends, anyway — I still hadn’t forgotten how it all started, how I discovered our mother having sex with the babysitter one night when I was only 10 years old. After that, Mommy and I had begun playing what we called ‘our game’. She would bring home women or sometimes teenage girls and then seduce them in the family room while I would watch from upstairs, masturbating my little pussy. Gradually I became more and more involved, until… well, you know the story as well as I do.

Anyway, what I’m getting at is I really wanted to play that game again. It was fun, not to mention super sexy. At the time, though, in the spring and summer of 2010, Mommy wasn’t going out very often looking for new partners. Why should she, when she was already getting all the action she could ever want at home from her own daughters — both real and adopted!

However, she was (and is) a woman with an almost unquenchable appetite for variety in the women and girls she sleeps with. For my mom, it’s always the more, the better. I remember she and Dana did go out dancing a few times that summer with Carla and a couple of times with Rita too, while I stayed home with my sisters, Katie, Molly, and Chelsea. We girls had our own fun, of course, and then when the grownups came back later, we had even more fun.

One night Mommy and Dana brought home Melissa from Victoria’s Secret, whom they’d run into at one of the clubs they liked. I was happy to see her again, and I can just imagine how exciting it must have been for her having sex with all of us at once. I mean, just think about it — four girls from age 7 to 12 together with two beautiful women, all of them crawling all over you, licking and sucking and fucking. Pretty awesome, right?

And yet, even with all that, I had this hunger for the special naughty thrill of voyeurism. Maybe that makes me a kinky pervert, I don’t know, but there’s a part of me that totally loves watching someone — or two or three someones — from a hidden place while I play with myself. It’s funny, as I write that, it does sound kind of twisted. Whatever, though, I can’t deny it. That’s just who I am.

So, I talked with my mom about it, and she admitted that she missed playing our game too. Of course, it would have to be different now, since it wasn’t just me any more. How would it work if we tried to involve Chelsea along with Molly and Kate and me?

We got the chance to find out when we went away on a trip to celebrate Kate’s 11th birthday, which would be on July 23rd. She badly wanted to go camping, somewhere up in the mountains. Our mother wasn’t really the type for tent camping, however, so she and Kate compromised. They went online and found a private cabin by a lake that we reserved for a week. It was fairly large, with three bedrooms, fully furnished, of course, and even had a dock with canoes and stuff. Very nice.

Dana was still working part-time at the insurance agency, but they agreed to give her the week off so she could go with us. It was about a four-hour drive from our house, and we decided to take two cars. Kate and I were with Mommy in her Mercedes, while Molly rode with Dana and Chelsea in their Honda Civic. We started out early on a Saturday morning and arrived just before noon.

“Wow, Mom, this looks great,” said Kate from the back seat. She was leaning forward between Mommy and me as we drove slowly into the area where our rented cabin was supposed to be located. We could see a big placid lake and lots of tall evergreen trees, with higher mountains off in the distance. There were several other vacation cabins nearby, and a general store, and a laundromat, and also a small restaurant advertising ‘home-style food’.

“See? There’s the hiking trails!” My sister pointed. “See the sign?”

“Yes, I see,” Mommy grinned, winking at me. “It looks like fun.”

That wink, I believe, was partly from our mother’s amusement at Kate’s enthusiasm about the trails — but also from her enthusiasm about something else we saw. Strolling beside the road just ahead of us then were a pair of girls, perhaps 12 or 13 years old, wearing very short denim cutoffs along with tank tops and sneakers. I returned her wink and her grin.

Those two weren’t the only cute girls we’d noticed walking around, either. I was happy to find that our location wasn’t entirely isolated, as I’d feared it might be. It gave me hope for the possibility of arousing erotic adventures. Would those young girls have pretty moms? Could they be interested in having some sexy fun with us?

Before we could get to any of that, however, we had to get ourselves settled in. We soon found our cabin and parked in front of it. Immediately Molly leaped out of Dana’s car and came running over to us.

“Mommy, did you see the stables? It said horses, horseback riding, trail riding!” My little sister was breathless with excitement.

“Yes, I did see that, sweetie. We’ll definitely have to do some riding.”

As our mom knelt down beside Molly to give her a hug and a kiss, the short summer dress she was wearing slid high up her shapely thigh. God, I love my mother’s gorgeous legs. I can never get enough of looking at her — or having sex with her!

She caught my stare and gave me a lascivious smile, licking her lips. I could feel my pussy getting damp as I stood there by the cars, hearing the cooling engines tick, smelling the aromatic pines, gazing at my mom and dreaming of eating her cunt.

“Come on, let’s go inside!” Kate grabbed my arm, breaking the moment. Which was fine, of course — there would be plenty of time for lovemaking later on.

We took all our stuff into the cabin and made some quick decisions on who would sleep where, at least nominally: Mommy and I would share the master bedroom while Dana and Kate would be in the second bedroom and Molly and Chelsea in the third. Each room had only one double bed, but obviously that was fine with us.

After that, we went for a short walk together, stopping in for lunch at the restaurant first, and then sort of scoping out the area. I counted eleven other vacation homes within maybe a half mile of ours, and I also knew there was a place a little further away for tent camping and RVs and stuff.

As we walked around that afternoon, we did see more than a few attractive girls, both pre-teens and teenagers, but unfortunately they all seemed to have brothers and/or fathers with them along with their moms and sisters. That was a bummer.

Kate was eager to take the canoe out for a spin, so I went with her. Our mother insisted we put on the life jackets that were provided — although of course we took them off as soon as we were out of sight. My sister and I were both good swimmers, especially her. We paddled slowly around the lake, chatting pleasantly. It was a beautiful afternoon, warm and sunny, absolutely ideal. Katie was thrilled, about as happy as I’d ever seen her. I was glad. I love her very much.

We had dinner at the same restaurant that first evening, Saturday, and although the food was not too bad, we all agreed we wouldn’t want to have all our meals there. We’d make sure to get some things at the general store so at least half the time we could eat at the cabin. It had a nice kitchen and everything, why not make use of it?

Nothing much happened the next day, Sunday. Oh, we did your basic vacation stuff: hiking, canoeing, horseback riding. We tried swimming too, although the lake bottom was pretty muddy, not sandy, so it wasn’t that agreeable. Mommy and Dana lay in the sun together, topless, working on their tans while us kids romped around.

That evening, as we’d done the night before, we had dinner then played board games for a while before watching a movie. There was no cable TV, of course, and no Internet, and there were certainly no movie theaters anywhere close by. But the cabin did have a DVD player and a big-screen TV, and we’d brought along lots of our own favorite movies — including porn — so we had plenty of entertainment.

We also had plenty of sex, mixing and matching in every possible variation. It was wonderful, delectable, supreme. Except you know what? I still wanted more. I wanted fresh pussy. I kept thinking about the girls we saw as we made our way around the area. So many hot young things, from sexy teenagers down to adorable 8- or 9-year-olds. Why couldn’t we hook up with one of them, or better yet, with several of them, and their moms too!

I remember lying in bed that night with my mother, cuddling in the dark, whispering to her about all the things I wanted. Her libidinous desires were the equal of mine, of course, if not stronger. As she explained to me, though, it was matter of finding the right opportunity, and so far we hadn’t had any luck. There were just too many men and boys everywhere.

But at least we could compare notes about the cutest girls we’d seen so far and share our fantasies as we masturbated together, telling each other all the naughty stuff we’d like to do with them until we we both climaxed once more… and then kissed and snuggled and slowly drifted off to sleep.

On Monday, our third day there, Kate disappeared for a couple of hours in the afternoon. We’d seen her approach and quickly make friends with a pair of girls about her age, 10 or 11. It was just after lunch, and we were all sitting in the sun outside our cabin, relaxing. The two came walking slowly along by the lake and paused near our dock, looking at the canoes. Kate strolled down there, chatted with the kids for a minute or so, then brought them over to us.

Their names were Rachel and Shepard. Both were brunettes, skinny and tan and cute, with short haircuts, kind of sporty looking. That’s probably what attracted Kate to them. Rachel, I noticed, had the beginnings of breasts under her tight t-shirt, tempting poky buds, while Shepard, who was taller and heavily freckled, appeared to still be flat-chested.

We learned that the two were best friends and that their families came to the lake together every summer. Neither had sisters, but alas, both had older brothers and their dads were on vacation with them too, in addition to their moms.

With our mother’s permission, the three of them, Kate and Shepard and Rachel, went out in a canoe, girded in life jackets. They were supposed to return in no more than half an hour, but didn’t. After an hour had passed, my mom got up and started pacing around, muttering angrily. I don’t think she was really worried at that point, but she didn’t like being disobeyed. With Kate, however, that wasn’t exactly uncommon.

When they finally did come back, almost two hours after they’d left, Mommy loudly scolded my sister, right in front of the other girls as they were getting out of the canoe. I didn’t like that very much, and I know Kate didn’t like it, but I guess it just showed how worried our mother really had been.

Rachel and Shepard said goodbye then, promising to come and see us again the next day, before heading back to their own cabins. Our mother decided that as punishment for her disobedience Kate would have to prepare dinner for us that night, all by herself, and that she also would be responsible for doing the dishes on her own. That wasn’t really too onerous, though, and I’m pretty sure Kate felt like she was getting off lightly.

Later, while we were enjoying the ham and cheese sandwiches and canned tomato soup that my sister “cooked” for us, Mommy complimented her on how delicious it all was, praising her efforts. Kate smiled proudly.

Then Mommy took her hand and said, “Honey, I want to apologize. It was wrong for me to fly off the way I did. I’m very sorry. I’m sure it was embarrassing for you, and I shouldn’t have done that. I should have waited until later to talk with you. I apologize.”

“That’s okay, Mom, I understand,” Kate replied, lowering her head somewhat shyly.

“You know it’s only because I love you so much. I realize you’re getting big enough to take care of yourself now, and I know you’re a good swimmer and everything — but I don’t know that about those other girls. Something might have happened to them, and I would be responsible. That’s why I was so upset.”

“I know.”

“It doesn’t excuse what I did, of course, not one bit, but can you see how I felt?”

“Yeah, of course I can.”

“Good.” Mommy got up and stepped over to Kate, wrapping her arms around her from behind, squeezing her tightly and kissing her cheek again and again. “I just love you love you love you so much!!”

“Mom! Stop!!” Katie laughed, her cute face turning red.

“Aww, that’s sweet,” smiled Dana.

After our mother sat down again, she asked my sister, “So, what kind of mischief did you kids get into? Do you want to tell us what you did while you were off on your own with them?”

“Yeah, well,” Kate began, “we actually did find a place kind of far away from everything, a place where we could tie up the canoe and then walk up this trail into the woods. I wanted, you know, I wanted to see if I could kiss them or something.”

“Oh, you did?” Mommy winked.

“Yeah,” Kate grinned, “especially Rachel. But Shepard too. I like ‘em both, a lot.”

I was eager to hear all the details, wanting to vicariously experience the thrill of kissing a young girl you’d just recently met. It was so hot. It made me wish I’d gone along with them. Maybe the next time I would.

“So did you get to kiss them?” I asked.

“Uh-huh,” my sister nodded. “We walked along for a while, and then we found this big blackberry bush, and even though some of the berries weren’t ripe yet, most of ‘em were, so we ate some. They were good, really sweet. We were laughing and smiling at each other, our faces kind of sticky and stuff, you know? And that’s when I kissed Rachel.”

“Wow…” sighed Dana.

“That’s pretty hot, Katie.” My mother reached over and took her hand. “You’re turning me on. Tell us more.”

“Well, I kissed Rachel for a minute, and then, like, Shepard was kind of pressing in on us, like she wanted to do it too, and so I kissed her. They kissed each other after that, and then we just sort of stood there going back and forth kissing each other for maybe ten minutes or something. I don’t really know how long it was. And then we walked back.”

“Awesome,” I said. “Did you guys do anything else?”

“No, just kissing. It’s not the first time they kissed, though. They told me they kiss each other sometimes, and also, like, some other girls too where they live. But I don’t think they do anything more than that, not yet anyway. We didn’t talk about it, but that’s just what I think.”

“Nice,” Mommy smiled, slowly licking her lips, her eyes hooded. Her chin was resting in her hand as she gazed at Kate, sending her a smoldering look of lust. My sister returned the smile. They sat that way for several moments, just looking at each other. The room crackled with sexual electricity.

“You know what?” our mother finally said in a hoarse whisper.

“What,” replied Kate.

“I don’t want to watch any movies tonight, or play Monopoly, or do anything like that. You know what I want to do instead?”


“I want to help you do the dishes and clean up the kitchen, and then I want to take off all your clothes and lay you down on this table, naked, and lick every inch of your sexy little body. That’s what I want to do.”

“Oh my god, Mom,” Kate swallowed, her eyes wide.

“Oh my god,” echoed Dana.

So, that’s what we did.

There were no games played that night — unless you want to count games like ’69’ or ‘daisy chain’ or ‘hide the finger in the pussy’ — but there were plenty of orgasms spread around among four young girls and two hot women.

Continue on to Chapter 87


The Joy of Looking, Chapter 85

  • Posted on December 25, 2015 at 1:29 pm

By Naughty Mommy

AUTHOR’S NOTE:  This is, of course, the continuation of a long story that I began writing quite a while ago. Because it has been more than two and a half years (!) since I posted the last installment of the series at Lesbian Lolita, I might recommend that you go back and re-read some of the more recent chapters, maybe starting around #69 or #70, before going on to this one. That way you’ll be familiar again with all the characters and the situations.



I guess the first thing I should do, for whoever might be reading this someday, is tell you guys I’m sorry.

See, what happened is, around that time when we got so involved with Dana and Chelsea, I stopped updating my sexual diary as regularly. I’d maintained the diary for more than a year by then, writing almost daily about my experiences, and to be honest I was getting kind of burned out on that. I still picked it up from time to time and wrote a few pages, but maybe only once a week or even once a month. What that means for you is I won’t have quite as much detail, all the day-to-day stuff, in this next part as I did before.

Also, I was starting to work a lot more diligently then on what I considered really serious writing, you know, short stories and stuff I hoped I might be able to submit for publication. Most of my early writing of that sort was not very good, but after a lot of practice and effort, and some excellent coaching from a couple of teachers at school, I was gradually getting better.

I’m proud to say now, at age 18, that I recently sold two of my short stories to a small literary magazine. Yes! Of course, I was paid only a few hundred dollars for each of the stories, but you have to start somewhere, right?

My eventual goal is to become a professional author, someone who can make a living that way, publishing novels and short story collections. I don’t know if that will ever happen, but I’m determined to give it a try. I’ve just finished my first year of college, attending a private university near our home so I can keep living with my mom and my sisters. My major is English, and I’m planning to get a Masters in Education. That way I can teach if absolutely necessary.

Anyway, it’s summer now, and I have some time off, so I decided to get this account of my sexual adventures up to date. So, where did I leave off?

Oh, yes, that’s right. It was around 8:30 on a Sunday morning. The date was May 9, 2010… Mother’s Day!

* * *

The large table in our formal dining room was set with only two places. We’d used our best silver and china, reserved for the most special occasions, and I’d decorated the table with several small but fragrant flower arrangements. I’d also purchased a brand-new white tablecloth edged with lace — not too expensive, however, because I knew it was likely to get dirty and possibly ruined.

A pair of captain’s chairs were next to one another on the long side of the table facing the passage where Mommy and Dana came in from the family room. At each of the two place settings was a steaming mug of rich hot coffee. A plate of cinnamon rolls, warm from the oven and dripping with gooey sugary frosting, was in the center of the table. But the most enticing thing the women beheld as they entered the room was not the rolls, or the coffee, or the flowers… it was the little girls, Molly and Chelsea.

The kids were lying back on the table stark naked, feet resting on the arms of the chairs, knees up and legs wide apart. Both were up on their elbows, grinning madly, calling, “Happy Mother’s Day!” Each of the girls had frosting on their hairless vulvas in the shape of a heart, surrounding their pussies.

Kate and I were naked as well, standing at either end of the table, arms held out like game-show presenters on TV displaying a prize. We joined the cry, “Happy Mother’s Day!”

When our mothers got over their surprise and joy at what they’d found, after they’d hugged and kissed Kate and me and leaned over the table to kiss the younger girls’ mouths, we sat them in the chairs. They each had a few sips of coffee, enjoyed a bite or two of the cinnamon rolls — and then ate their daughters.

This was the first time Dana had ever licked Chelsea’s pussy. I made sure to stand right next to them and witness the exciting event, while also masturbating. I’d had sex with Chelsea the night before, along with Kate and Molly in my bed, and I knew the child was capable of reaching orgasm although she was still only 7 years old. But oh my god, it was so thrilling to be there and watch it happen this way, to see the little girl about to climax in her mother’s mouth.

I saw her big blue eyes grow wide as Dana’s tongue and lips worked on her, licking and sucking her tiny pussy. Chelsea was still pushed up on her elbows, staring down between her spread legs at her mommy’s lips fastened there, eating her. She was breathing fast, pretty face turning red. I heard little whimpers from her, like a kitten mewing. These soon got louder, and then her whole body began to tremble. She was squirming around on the table, as if the feelings were too intense and she wanted to get away, but her mother had a firm grip, holding her tight, keeping her mouth right where it was.

“Eat your little girl, make her come!” I urged, as I feverishly rubbed my swollen clit. I was quickly getting very close.

Dana glanced up then, briefly raising her face from her daughter’s crotch, licking her lips and smiling at me. I could see that she had the tip of one finger inside the opening to Chelsea’s vagina, gently fucking the child.

“She tastes really good,” Dana chuckled. “I shoulda done this a long time ago!”

Then she put her mouth back over Chelsea’s clit, eagerly sucking and nibbling, making hungry ‘nom-nom’ sounds. As I watched them, I slid a finger up inside my own moist vagina while tickling my clit with the other hand. I was nearly there and could climax at any time — but I wanted to wait, try to reach orgasm at the same time as Chelsea.

I took a quick look over at the other three. My mom was eating my little sister Molly, her mouth completely covering the girl’s vulva. It looked like she might be fucking her with her tongue. Molly was in ecstasy, lying back with her eyes closed, her mouth open, shuddering and moaning. She was obviously right on the edge if not in the throes of an extended climax.

Kate had actually climbed up onto the table and was bent over them with one foot on the chair, humping her naked pussy on Mommy’s shoulder. I could tell from my sister’s high-pitched squeals that she was almost ready to come.

I heard Chelsea squeal as well, and then a sudden loud gasp. Looking back at her, I saw that she was shaking all over, her smooth skin flushed with arousal. It appeared the child might be holding her breath. Her face was turning redder and redder, and after a few seconds she gasped again. She was trembling, squealing, panting, gasping, her eyes squeezed shut, and then…… Yes!

The little girl shuddered — groaned — quaked in a series of powerful spasms. There was no doubt at all what I was seeing: an orgasm, a very strong one. She was coming in her mother’s mouth. I came too.

* * *

After Dana and Mommy were done eating the Mother’s Day treat we’d prepared for them, the six of us sat talking for a little while, everyone feeling warm and happy. We all needed showers, though, being covered with frosting and other sweet sticky things.

We got cleaned up, the kids putting the kitchen and the dining room back in order and doing the dishes while the moms relaxed, and then later in the day we went to see a movie, Hot Tub Time Machine, which was pretty funny.

Dana and Chelsea headed home after the movie, and we drove back to our house too. When we went inside, each starting off to do her own thing — Molly to play with dolls, and Kate a video game — my mother took me aside.

“Honey, I think we should talk a little bit. Do you want to go for a walk?”

“Sure, Mommy.”

It was nice and warm outside, a drowsy late afternoon in May, just right for casual walking. We strolled around the neighborhood, hand in hand. I felt the luckiest girl in the world, with a great family and a beautiful sexy lover — who also happened to be my mom!

Soon she brought up the reason for our walk. “I wanted to let you know some of the things that Dana and I were talking about last night, both before dinner, and then in bed.”

She was quiet for a moment, and so I said, “Okay.”

“Well, you know her story, or most of it anyway. How she had to run away from home and then how she worked for several years doing whatever she had to do to survive, getting into porn and, I’m sorry to say, a lot more unpleasant things than that.”

“Yeah,” I nodded, “it must have been really hard for her. I can’t even imagine.”

My mother squeezed my hand. “I’m glad you can’t imagine. No girl, or boy for that matter, should ever have to endure what she’s gone through. But she’s done really well for herself, all things considered. I’d say she’s a remarkable young woman.”

It was kind of amusing that my mom referred to Dana, who was 27, as a ‘young woman’ because they’re actually less than five years apart. My mother has always come across as steady and confident for her age, however, while Dana is, well, I’ve said before that she sometimes seemed even younger than me, and I was just 12 then!

That sort of gets to where this conversation was going, eventually anyway. First, though, my mom said, “I’ve been thinking I’d like to do something for her, but I wanted to get your reaction to it first, get your advice. Okay?”

“Well, sure, of course.” I was thrilled that my mother wanted to ask me for advice. It really was as though we were in a committed relationship — and in fact we were!

“You know that the job she has now is nothing very special,” she continued. “There’s not much of a future in it at all.”

That was true enough. Dana worked as a receptionist at a small insurance agency. My mother had pointed the office out to me one time as we were driving by. It looked pretty tacky.

“She’s making barely over the minimum wage,” Mommy said. I could hear a touch of anger in her voice. Her hand in mine was growing tense. “It’s a wonder to me how she and Chelsea are able to survive on such a pittance.”

Taking a deep breath, apparently trying to calm herself, she went on, “So, here’s my idea. I’ll make Dana a loan, provide her sort of a startup fund so she can quit that job — or just work part-time — and then go back to school. She wants to study fashion design.”

“Fashion design?”

“Uh-huh,” my mother smiled. “I know that may not seem like a very serious occupation to you or to me, but it’s what interests her the most, and that’s fine. If it’s what she wants to do, then she should do it.”

“Sure, of course,” I agreed, squeezing her hand. I was glad she seemed to be relaxing a bit.

We stopped walking. My mother nodded toward a building across the street. We’d reached a broad avenue about a mile from our house. Cars swished by. There was a gas station, a couple of restaurants, several different kinds of shops, and on the front of the building directly across from us, a sign reading: Institute of Fashion Technology.

“I checked on the tuition a few days ago,” Mommy told me. “It’s really not that much. With what I’m earning now as a partner, we can easily afford it. But I want to make sure you think it’s a good idea too.”

“I… I think it’s awesome.” I was feeling kind of overwhelmed at that point, surprised to learn my mother thought so much of Dana that she would really do that kind of thing for her. It was perfectly fine with me, and I was touched by my mom’s generosity, the depth of her caring.

I turned and hugged her, squeezing tightly. “Mommy, I love you.”

She patted my back and kissed the top of my head. “Well, I love you too, sweetheart, very much.”

When I pulled away, there were tears in my eyes. I wiped my face with the backs of my hands.

“What’s brought this on?” Mommy smiled.

“It’s just… I think it’s really nice, and I love you for it, for wanting to do that for her.”

“Oh, I’m glad to hear you say that, sweetie.” She gave me a quick kiss, then said, “Uh, let’s keep walking, because there are a couple of other things too.”

“All right.”

We turned off the main avenue and started walking back in the general direction of our house. The street we were on went uphill, getting us some good exercise for our calves. This was a zone of apartment buildings, mostly, and we also passed an elementary school and some doctor’s offices and things like that.

I remember thinking how much nicer this neighborhood was than the one where Dana and Chelsea lived, which was kind of run down, even a little scary in places. It turned out my mother was thinking exactly the same thing.

“Now, in addition to making her the loan for tuition,” she said, “and supporting her so she can quit working and attend that fashion institute, I’ve also been thinking about that crummy apartment where they live. You know, the schools really aren’t very good over there…”

“They’re not?” I asked.

“No, they’re not. It shouldn’t be that way, of course, but it is. When you can afford to live in a nice neighborhood, that means your kids will go to a better school. And if you’re not so well off, your children often end up paying the price, forced to attend a school with bad teachers and an unsafe environment.”

“That’s not fair, Mom.”

“No, it’s not, but that’s the way the world works, at least in this country. It’s absolutely not fair.” More anger in her voice. She took another deep breath and let it out. “Anyway, what would you think if we helped them move over here, to an apartment like one of these?”

We stopped walking again and my mother nodded toward a pleasant-looking and fairly new apartment building across the street from us, the kind with an attendant at the gate to the parking area. I could see a big playground inside the fence, with some kids playing on the swings and stuff.

“It’s nice,” I said, “but could she afford that?”

“No,” my mother chuckled, squeezing my hand, “not on what she’s making now. And certainly not if she quit working. We’d have to help her out with the rent. And that’s what I want to ask you about. First, do you think we should do that? Would you be comfortable with it? And second, if we did decide to make the offer, do you think she would accept?”

“Hm, I don’t know,” I said. “Let me think about that.”

“All right. Let’s keep walking.”

I knew my mother wasn’t asking me these questions just to make me feel good. She wouldn’t do that. She was genuinely interested in my opinion, and so I wanted to take the time to think about my answers before replying.

We walked uphill some more, gradually leaving the apartments and entering a section of single-family homes, closer to where we lived.

Finally, I said, “Yes, I think we should do that. Dana deserves it. I mean, she deserves a chance to get a better life. After all, it wasn’t her fault what happened to her, when she was young and everything. So, yeah, it would be great for her. And for Chelsea too.” I tipped my head back in the direction of the new-looking elementary school we’d passed earlier. “She should get to go to a good school.”

“I agree,” said Mommy.

“And even if it means we have to use, I mean, whatever money you’re saving up for, like, our college and stuff, that doesn’t matter. We’ve had all the advantages. Dana and Chelsea should get their chance too. I don’t care if I have to get a job and work my way through college or whatever. I wouldn’t mind. It would be worth it.”

“Oh, that’s sweet, honey.”

My mother stopped and gave me a tight hug, then added, “I appreciate your saying that, although I really don’t think you’ll have to worry about it. We’ll be able to afford a good university for you and for the other girls too, even if we do help Dana.”

“We will?”

“Yes, definitely.”

“Okay, good.”

Now it was my turn to take a deep breath as we started walking again, and then slowly let it out. It hadn’t been easy for me to make a promise like that, but I was very glad I did. I’d meant it.

“Um, and, about whether she would accept it,” I continued. “Yeah, I think she would. Probably, anyway. I mean, she might not want to at first, but if we explain that it’s mainly for Chelsea or something, I think she’ll see it’s a good idea. Don’t you think?”

“I hope so. I guess we’ll find out.”

By then, we were almost home. As we approached our house, she said, “All right, that covers two of the points I wanted to discuss. And I’m glad you and I agree on what we should do. Thank you, sweetie, for talking it over with me.”

“You’re welcome, Mom. Thanks for asking.” I squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.

We walked across the lawn and onto our porch. Before opening the front door, she paused, looking at me. “There is one other thing, but it’s something we should talk about with the other kids too, Katie and Molly. All right?”

“Sure, of course, whatever you want.”

It was getting close to dinner time, so while Mommy went upstairs to get my sisters and bring them down for our chat, I secretly got on the phone and called a sushi restaurant we liked, ordering several of my mother’s favorites for delivery. The place was kind of expensive, but their fish was really fresh, and anyway it was worth it. I’d made enough money from my babysitting jobs to be able to treat her to dinner on Mother’s Day.

As they came down, I finished placing the order and hung up the phone. I didn’t think my mom had heard and I was glad because I was hoping to make it a surprise. I wanted the treat to be from all of us, though, so I whispered to Molly and Kate and let them know.

Mommy asked us to sit with her around the dining table instead of in the family room. To us kids, that meant this was going to be an important conversation, because that was where we always sat when she wanted to talk with us about serious stuff, like our report cards or her parent-teacher conferences.

“All right, girls,”, she began, “first I want to thank you each for a simply wonderful Mother’s Day surprise this morning. That was very sweet — sweet-tasting, I mean, not only those cinnamon rolls, but your little pussies too!”

We had a good laugh about that. My mom looked happy and pretty, her face shining with love.

She went on, “So, I want to talk with you kids about Dana and Chelsea, specifically about Dana. She and I have been talking a lot about certain things, and last night in bed, we discussed some ways in which our relationship might change, how she might, well, almost become part of our family.”

Suddenly I felt nervous and worried. Was she about to say that she and Dana were becoming a couple? Like they were in love with each other? But where would that leave me? I mean, I liked Dana a lot, even loved her, but I thought my mom and I had something really special, that we were committed to each other. Weren’t we??

I’ve never been able to hide my feelings. My mother and sisters sometimes say my face is an open book, and I guess it must be.

Anyway, Mommy reached out and took my hand, smiling warmly. Obviously she could tell what I was thinking. “Honey, don’t worry, it’s nothing like that, not at all. In fact, it’s almost the opposite.”

I glanced across the table and saw Kate rolling her eyes at me and shaking her head, as if saying, shit, Julie, can’t you see how gaga Mommy is over you, how there never could be anyone else?

Without using any words, my dear sister’s look reassured me. I took another in a series of deep breaths, swallowed back a lump in my throat, and said, “The opposite? What do you mean?”

“Well, what I mean is this. As you know, Dana had to leave home early, when she was barely 15 years old, and she’s never gone back, not once. But even when she lived there, the child never had much of a mother. She never had any siblings either, brothers or sisters. She’s been mostly alone in her life, except for Chelsea, and even though she’s managed to get by, doing quite well even, under trying circumstances, she’s always longed to have a real family. That’s what she told me last night, while we were in bed together, talking.”

My mother paused. There were tears in her eyes. A big one rolled down her cheek. “The poor girl. All she wants is to be loved and cared for.”

She wiped away the tear with her finger. I remember admiring her sexy bright red nail polish. Funny, isn’t it, what we notice at certain times?

“So, Dana asked me last night if, well, if I would allow her to think of me and also treat me as her mother, in a way,” Mommy said. “She wants and needs someone like that, someone to look up to, and trust, and confide in. Of course, I told her that would be just fine, that I would love to think of her as an older daughter.”

Smiling, she looked around the table at each of us, gazing into our eyes one by one, before adding softly, “And she wants to think of you girls as her sisters, the sisters she never had. What do you think, would you like that?”

“Is she gonna live here?” Kate asked, typically bold.

“No,” Mommy chuckled, “they won’t live here. Although I am going to help them move to an apartment near here, closer to us. At least that’s what I’m planning, if she’ll agree. That way, little Chelsea could come here after school if her mother’s not at home, instead of having to be all by herself. Chelsea would be like a baby sister to you girls.”

“I’d like that,” Molly said. “I like Chelsea.”

“I’m glad, honey.”

“Well, but…” Kate frowned, trying to puzzle it out. “If Chelsea is like our sister, and if Dana is like your daughter, that would mean she’s like our sister too, right? So…”

“I know, it is kind of confusing. But that’s okay, we’ll figure things out. As long as you’re all three comfortable with this, that is. We don’t have to do any of it if you don’t want to,” Mommy said.

“No, it’s fine,” said Kate, with a shrug. “I want to do whatever’s good for her and stuff. And for Chelsea.”

“Me too,” nodded Molly.

“And me,” I confirmed.

“Good,” our mother smiled. “So I guess that’s settled. Maybe we’ll have them over for dinner later this week and talk about it some more, all of us together. But now, speaking of dinner, aren’t you kids getting hungry? Shall we go out somewhere?”

Ding-dong! The doorbell rang at that very moment, as if by magic. Ha-ha, perfect timing!

I jumped up from the table.

“We don’t have to go out for dinner, Mommy,” I called, racing toward the front door. “We got it for you!”

* * *

So, that’s how things changed between us and Dana and Chelsea. They did become part of our family in a very meaningful way, and still are to this day. We love them like crazy.

Before I go on to other things, I want to tell you a little bit about our first night together as a united family. It was kind of fun.

We had them over to dinner on the Friday night following Mother’s Day. Mommy made grilled salmon, which was delicious, and after we finished eating and Kate and I cleaned up the dishes, we all sat down together in the family room.

Dana could hardly believe the news at first. Mommy told her about our plan to provide a “loan” so Dana could quit working and study fashion design. But it was like she was not even able to comprehend what was being said. The tiny blonde had a look on her face of complete bewilderment, almost as if Mommy was speaking a foreign language or something.

When she finally began to realize what was being offered, Dana’s first reaction, as I’d expected, was to refuse. She protested that she could never accept such generosity. It took a little convincing, but once we’d explained to her that she could pay back the loan whenever she was ready, and after we talked about how important it would be for Chelsea’s future as well as her own, she finally agreed. Of course, she fell all over Mommy then, hugging her and kissing her and crying tears of joy. I was crying too.

After we settled down, we next told her our idea for them to move to a nicer apartment much closer to us, where Chelsea would be able to go to a good school and where she could come and stay with us at our house every day after school if she wanted.

Once more, Dana found it difficult to believe it was really true. “Why… why… why would you…? But I don’t, I don’t…” Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

“Because we love you, dear,” our mother gently said. “Because you’re family.”

“Oh my god!” Again Dana sprang into Mommy’s arms, completely overcome, sobbing on and on for several minutes this time.

I got up and went to her, patting and rubbing the woman’s back, massaging her shoulders, trying to soothe her. Kate and Molly and Chelsea came over too. Soon we were all hugging and kissing and crying, proclaiming our undying love and devotion to one another.

Can you guess what happened next? Probably you can. Our kisses of comfort and familial affection gradually became kisses of desire and passion. Our hugs and tender caresses gave way to lustful stroking and fondling of erogenous zones.

We made love on the sofa in the family room, spilling onto the carpet as well. We kind of rolled around together, pulling off all our clothes, grabbing and groping and kissing and licking — pretty much everyone getting it on with whoever happened to be nearby.

What was especially interesting and fun about it was that this was the first time we had sex while in our new roles. Mommy had assured Dana that she was committed to being a true mother for her, and also that Kate and Molly and I would be happy to think of her as a sister. Chelsea was our sister too, now, and that’s how the relationships turned out to work.

It was like we got two new sisters, our mom got two new daughters, and oddly Chelsea and Dana were somehow more like sisters now than mother and daughter. Seems strange, I know, but it worked for us. And it was exciting to think of things that way, to imagine that I had a big sister whose pretty pussy I was licking when I put my mouth between Dana’s legs. When I saw Kate humping Chelsea, riding her, pussy to pussy, I could believe — and I did believe — that I was watching two of my sisters fuck.

I remember at one point seeing my mom sitting on the floor with her back against the sofa, Dana at one breast and Chelsea at the other, both eagerly licking and sucking her nipples. She petted them, stroking their hair, murmuring to them, “That’s right, little girls, suck Mommy’s nipples. Suck Mommy’s nipples.” Kate and Molly were between our mother’s legs, eating her pussy. I was standing up, watching them and masturbating. God, it was so incredibly hot. I came many times, and so did the others.

* * *

We all slept together that night, believe it or not, crowding into our mother’s king-size bed. It was a tight fit, to say the least, but it just felt right. We wanted to be close, and we certainly were. Mommy was in the middle with Dana on one side of her and Molly on the other. Kate was next to Molly, Chelsea was snuggled in on Dana’s other side, and I was next to Chelsea. We were a very happy family.

Continue on to Chapter 86



  • Posted on December 24, 2015 at 1:48 pm

Click to see more from Anonymous

The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 17

  • Posted on December 23, 2015 at 5:21 pm

By Cheryl Taggert

For assistance in keeping up with all the characters, you can go here.

The next day Becca awoke from a mostly restless night. Thoughts of having sex the following day with Carolyn and Candace kept making her horny. She had tried masturbating, and the itch went away for a while, but then she would wake up in the night with the same itch, but she chose to try to ignore it because she didn’t want to so completely satisfy herself that she wasn’t interested the next day. She was fairly certain erotic dreams had helped keep the sexual fire in her loins burning, but couldn’t remember them.

Now it was morning, and she could finally use her day off to have a day of sexual fun with Carolyn and her ten-year-old sister, Candace. Remembering the words of their aunt when the adult had talked Carolyn into seducing Candace, she thought to herself that she, too, wanted to eat some Candy.


Their parents had just left home for work and Carolyn and Candace were already downstairs and eating some breakfast. Nothing heavy, but enough to take care of their hunger. They were both excited that Becca was coming over to spend the entire day just messing around. Carolyn was hoping to have sex at least four times that day. When she mentioned this to Candace, she had said, “Five.”

Carolyn wasn’t even sure they could do it four times, all involving multiple orgasms, but she promised herself they would do it as often as their energy allowed.

“What time’s she supposed to be here?” Candace asked as she put her cereal bowl in the sink.

“Don’t really know. But knowing Becca, it won’t be long. She knows when Mom and Dad leave.”

Candace smiled suggestively and said, “So what will we do til then?”

Carolyn smiled back, but hers was more indulgent than suggestive. “We’ll wait. I don’t want to get all worn out before she gets here.”

“Are you saying I wear you out?”

“Well, let’s just say I want to start fresh when she arrives,” Carolyn answered, happy that Candace was being impatient. Carolyn was too, but she didn’t want to show it.

“Can’t we at least get naked? I think it’d be cool if we’re just sitting around like that when walks in.”

Carolyn thought about this suggestion and agreed with her sister. It would be cool. She knew it would be a major turn-on for Becca, and a surprise. She hoped it would not be the only surprise of the day.

“Okay, we can do that. But no sex!” she said, and the girls stripped.

After that, they went into the den to watch some TV. There were plenty of shows on DVR they could watch. Their parents were very liberal about what the girls watched. They were allowed to watch movies with sex scenes as long as it wasn’t hardcore porn. Of course, they watched that on their computers anyway, but their parents wouldn’t like it if they found out. Still, there were plenty of less graphic but highly charged movies they could watch until Becca arrived. Porn would just make them frustrated, but something hot and steamy….

Carolyn started Netflix and pulled up a lesbian movie they had seen before, Inescapable. It was not that good as far as the acting went, but the sex scenes were hot, just not as hot as porn. The perfect movie for them at that moment. Just enough to simmer.

They also watched the clock, not to mention each other. Candace was especially wanting to do more. She would occasionally reach down to her hairless mound and rub for a few moments but would stop before really getting anything going.

About an hour into the movie, the doorbell rang. Both sisters jumped up to answer, but Carolyn decided to let Candace be the one to open the door. After all, Becca had never seen her little sister naked, so the surprise would be more effective.

As Candace went to the door, Carolyn turned off the TV. It was now time for the real thing.


As Becca pulled into the Sheas’ driveway, she decided to get rid of her panties before going inside. She was already braless and looked forward to seeing the look on the sisters’ faces as she peeled her skirt away only to reveal she was without her undies. She had also taken a long shower that morning to make sure she was fresh after the nearly sleepless night of horniness and had shaved herself completely bald, taking extra care to make sure she didn’t nick herself.

Reaching under her short skirt, she pulled the panties down and off before touching herself to see how wet she was. She was not surprised to find she was practically dripping.

Enjoying the feel of the air on her bare skin beneath the skirt, she approached the door and rang the bell.

She could hear giggles on the other side of the door just before it opened. What she saw made her jaw drop and her pussy spasm.

Candace, as naked as the day she was born, stood in the doorway, grinning at her. Becca looked her up and down, taking in the bald slit of her pussy — the slit that didn’t need to be shaved since it had always been bald. Becca wondered if she would come right then if someone touched her there.

“Well, don’t just stand there gawking, come in and have a lick,” Candace said, and Becca entered the foyer, continuing to stare at the naked ten year old as the younger girl closed the door and wiggled her shapely little ass.

She heard laughter and turned to see Carolyn watching her reactions. At first Becca didn’t even notice her best friend was naked as well. When she did notice, she began to feel extremely overdressed.

Candace walked up to the older girl and stood on tiptoes, offering her lips to Becca. They kissed and Becca marveled at how good a kisser the young girl was until she remembered this little one had been sexually active since the age of six. That gave her four years of practice. She’d obviously been taught well.

Candace’s tongue entered Becca’s waiting mouth, and the two girls stood there in the foyer, kissing, their arms now around each other in a lover’s embrace. Then Carolyn was standing beside them, her hands on their shoulders as she watched her sister making out with her best friend. Carolyn could feel her clit twitching behind its fleshy hood as she enjoyed being the voyeur.

Finally, the girls broke their kiss. They were now both breathing hard and gazing into each other’s eyes the way lovers do.

“We could do it right here in the foyer, or we could go up to my room,” said Carolyn with a small chuckle. This momentarily broke the spell and Candace and Becca giggled before following Carolyn to her room.

The sisters fell onto the bed, laughing, while Becca began to undress. She kicked off her Crocs, pulled her t-shirt off to expose her braless boobs, and slowly unsnapped and unzipped the skirt, letting it fall to the floor. The sisters squealed at the sight of the bald pussy beneath, enjoying the fact Becca had no panties on. Naked now, she joined the sisters on the bed.

“What first?” asked Carolyn. “As if I didn’t know.”

“Actually,” said Becca, “I’ve been fantasizing about you two for so long. I want to see you do something together. I think sister-sister incest is so hot!”

“And what are you going to do?” asked Carolyn with a knowing smile.


“Just watch?” Carolyn continued.

“Well, maybe a bit more…before joining in.”

“That’s what I thought,” Carolyn said. She looked at her baby sister, who was already starting to touch her own pussy in excitement. “You wanna put on a show for Becca?” she asked her. Candace nodded, her enthusiasm showing in her smile.

Carolyn looked back at Becca. “Sit back and enjoy the show, then. You can join in whenever you feel you can’t wait any longer.” With that, she pulled her baby sister to her and they began to kiss, tongues dancing.

Becca could feel her pussy reacting to this as she lay back to watch. Moving her hands to her center, she began masturbating softly, holding off on doing too much. She wanted to delay her orgasm until she couldn’t stand it anymore, not to mention she wanted Candace to be the one to get her off the first time.

The sisters lay beside each other and continued kissing, their hands beginning to explore each other expertly. Becca watched as Carolyn put her fingers on her little sister’s pussy, spreading the bare labia and running her fingers along the already soaked slit.

Candace’s breathing was growing faster. She was obviously very turned on and in need of an orgasm. Her fingers sought her sister’s mound and mimicked what Carolyn was doing to her. The creamy, natural lubricant that filled Carolyn’s pussy coated Candace’s fingers. She brought that hand to her mouth and, while continuing to kiss Carolyn, placed it between their lips, where both girls licked the fingers clean.

Not to be outdone, Carolyn brought her hand to their lips, and the girls licked Candace’s wet pussy juice off of Carolyn’s fingers.

After a few minutes of this, the girls moved into a sixty-nine, which is what Becca had been hoping to see. This affected her so much that Becca had to stop masturbating to avoid coming before she was ready. She moved to where she could see first one sister, then the other, licking the offered pussy. She burned the memory of this into her mind for later masturbation fantasies. Becca watched as Carolyn licked and sucked her baby sister, obviously loving the taste and feel of the small pussy. Likewise, Candace was more or less making out with her big sister’s pussy, shoving her tongue into the vagina and fucking Carolyn with it. Occasionally, each girl would stop licking or sucking for a second to swallow the nectar that had gathered in their mouths, only to dive back in with renewed desire after taking a second or two to relish the succulence.

“Gonna come,” Carolyn squealed. The first massive orgasm of the day took her. Carolyn’s legs tensed and her belly spasmed as waves of delight surged through her. Candace kept her mouth on her sister’s pussy and rode Carolyn through the climax.

When her friend finished coming, Becca said, “My turn!” She pushed Carolyn off Candace and took her place, where she devoured the little girl’s pussy. She glued her mouth to the labia, tasting the combination of Carolyn’s saliva and Candace’s juices.

At the same time Candace, eager to continue licking pussy, moved her mouth to the mound she had dreamed about for so long. Becca’s pussy was smooth, like her own, and she loved how it felt against her mouth and chin. Becca tasted like the best honey in the world to the young girl. Candace had developed a crush on her sister’s best friend, and to be finally licking her was a dream come true for the child, who behaved more like a grown woman when it came to sex.

The thought that she was finally making love with Becca sent Candace into the orgasm she had longed for all morning. She bucked her hips into Becca’s hungry mouth and screeched out her climax. The young girl had had many orgasms, both alone and with her sister and aunt, but this one seemed to go beyond what she’d felt before. This was so massive she seemed to lose herself in the feeling. The orgasm was like a cocoon she was enveloped in, keeping the rest of the world out to the point that all that seemed to exist was her and the ecstasy — and the pussy that was still sealed against her mouth.

Once she began to come down from the massive orgasm and a feeling of reality returned, she resumed making passionate love to Becca’s pussy. Her mouth moved everywhere, and her fingers moved to Becca’s butthole. She inserted a finger a short way and felt the sphincter clamp down on the invader.

At that moment, Becca came.

She would have been able to relate easily to Candace if the younger girl had been able to describe the orgasm that had taken her moments before. She felt a warmth and a satisfaction that seemed to wrap her like a heated blanket. She spasmed wildly, feeling as if lightning had struck her and was coursing throughout her body. When her orgasm subsided, she felt a simultaneous fulfillment and a growing desire for more. The feeling was a sort of oxymoron. Satisfaction coupled with increased desire.

Lying back on the bed and catching their breath, the three girls moved into a collective embrace with Becca in the middle.

“My, wasn’t that interesting,” came a voice from the open door of the bedroom.

Scrambling to cover themselves, the girls looked to see who had caught them.

Standing there watching them was Carolyn and Candace’s aunt, thirty-four-year-old Daphne James. In the passion of the moment, Carolyn had forgotten she had invited her. Her hand was inside her shorts, obviously touching her pussy.

“Aunt Daphne!” said Carolyn. She got up and went to the sexy woman and embraced her. Her aunt’s hand went to Carolyn’s bare ass and squeezed the firm flesh.

“Carolyn called me last night and asked me to stop by,” Daphne said to the shocked Becca. “She told me you are aware of our…situation, and that you’re fine with it. Is that right?”

Becca was surprised to say the least. Carolyn had suggested she might talk to her aunt about them and let her aunt know that Becca had been told what had happened between the woman and her nieces, but she hadn’t expected it to be so soon.

“Well?” Daphne continued when Becca didn’t answer.

“Sorry. Yes,” said Becca.

“She said it turned you on a lot,” Daphne said. “So you like little girls too, then?”

Becca looked at Candace. Of course, her desire for little girls was obvious, based on what Daphne had seen upon entering the room. “Yeah, I guess I do. I didn’t know that, though, until just a few days ago.”

“I know how you feel. I didn’t know until I had a niece,” Daphne said, smiling at Carolyn. “She told you when we started, right?”

“Yeah,” Becca answered. She wasn’t sure what else to say.

“And she told you how old this one was when we got her involved, didn’t she?” Daphne said, indicating Candace.

It was obvious Daphne knew the answers to these questions, and Becca wondered why she was asking them if she did, but she didn’t mind.

“Yes, she said Candace was six.”

“Yeah. You haven’t lived until you taste a willing six-year-old,” Daphne said. “But only if she’s willing. I would never force myself on anyone.”

Becca nodded. The other girls were just watching the conversation take place, preferring to say nothing for now.

“So…how about you? Are you willing?”

“Willing to do what?” Becca asked.

“Are you willing to let me taste you? Make love with you?”

“Of course,” Becca said.

Daphne began to take off her clothes. When she got to her panties, she pulled them down to reveal that a small dildo was inserted inside her. Daphne reached down to it and turned the small knob at the end that stuck out of her. Now that she got closer to the bed, they could all hear it as it hummed.

Daphne lay on the bed. Her small boobs looked delicious, the nipples were stiff strawberries that capped the mounds of flesh. She spread her legs and said to the girls there, “Okay, so I think there’s one of us who hasn’t come yet.”

The three girls moved to her and while her nieces took a breast each, Becca moved to where the vibrating dildo was inserted inside the woman’s vagina. Daphne’s mound was trimmed but not shaved, and Becca began to lick the woman, lapping up the copious amount of fluids that were leaking out from around the inserted toy.

“Fuck me with the vibe while you lick me,” said Daphne. Becca was all too happy to oblige.

She began fucking the woman with the small, buzzing tool. Daphne’s cream had covered her mound, soaking the trimmed strands of her pubic hair into a froth. Becca continued licking this up, replacing the wetness of the woman’s pussy with her own saliva.

Becca listened as the hum of the small vibrator changed tone, depending on if it were inside or nearly withdrawn from Daphne’s vagina. WEE-ooh-WEE-ooh mixed with the sounds of Daphne’s cries of delight as the three girls made love to her athletic body.

Soon, Becca could tell that Daphne was nearing her climax. The orgasm seemed to linger just out of reach as the woman held her body taut before the shudders slammed into the woman, making her body jolt and jerk with the tremors that shook her.

Moments later, the three girls and mature woman lay in Carolyn’s bed absorbing the bliss that seemed to fill the air. Contentment gave way to excitement that grew into lust, and the four moved again into a mass of girlish flesh, arms and legs intertwined, faces moving from mouths to breasts before finally settling between scissoring legs.

Their second orgasms felt better than the first, which encouraged the four to continue once they’d caught their breath.

The orgy ended around five o’clock. By that time, not only had Carolyn’s goal of four sessions of lovemaking been reached, but Candace’s target of five had also been surpassed. The girls had made love six times, and Daphne had managed to participate in five of those.

“My pussy’s sore,” said Carolyn.

“Mine, too,” sighed Candace. “I don’t think I’ll be able to come again for–” the girl hesitated, thinking before continuing her thought. “at least two days.”

Everyone laughed at this, but also knew the highly sexed young girl was probably accurate in her estimate. Meanwhile, Becca was guessing at three, maybe four days before she would feel the urge to touch herself or be touched.

She was wrong, of course, but it felt that way at the time.

Daphne had to leave, and the three girls shared a quick shower to rinse off the smell of sex that clung to them. They all felt as if they were covered with pussy juice, and they were probably right. Becca noticed that her hair was stiff in one spot and wondered whose juices had gotten there.

Finally, Becca had to go, leaving the sisters alone together until their parents got home. Carolyn opened the windows in her room to air it out, placing a fan in one window to try to push the sex-scented air outside. It would still be an hour before their parents got home, so Carolyn felt there would be enough time to get rid of the smell.

Or at least she hoped there was.

Continue on to Chapter 18


Telling My Story, Chapter 4

  • Posted on December 22, 2015 at 3:13 pm

By Naughty Mommy

I could feel her breath hot on my skin as I lowered my pussy over Andrea’s mouth. “Mommy,” I heard her whisper, and then I groaned as her tongue slithered inside my vagina.

From between Andie’s legs, Bethany was watching. She licked her lips as she saw what her sister was doing. Then she looked down at Andie’s pink center and eagerly began licking her.

Kristen had crawled under Bethany. My youngest daughter was on her back, naked, her hairless vulva and flat chest exposed. The only part hidden was her face, which was pressed to Bethany’s pussy.

Leaning forward and supporting myself on one hand, I massaged my breasts with the other hand, squeezing my nipples as I surveyed the erotic tableau before me. I could feel Andrea’s tongue and lips making love to my sex. It was heavenly.

I watched as Bethany licked Andie, lapping at the redhead’s clit with her tongue, and I saw Bethany’s excited reaction when Kristen slid a finger up inside her.

We were having sex. My three beautiful daughters and I were having lesbian sex. Although this was something we often did, every time seemed new to me, a wondrous miracle, a gift to be treasured.

A thrill ran up my spine. I felt a tingling warmth at my center — growing, swirling, surging — and I knew an orgasm would not be far away. But I wanted to prolong the moment, if I could. I wanted to extend myself at just below the peak. One way I knew to do that was to start talking again, telling my story.

“I was… I was with my mother, in her bed. She had just finished masturbating in front of me. Then she’d put her wet fingers in my mouth, the fingers she had just used to fuck her cunt as I watched. My mother was smiling at me as I sucked on her fingers, tasting her. After she slowly drew them out of my mouth, she leaned back on one elbow and spread her legs wide open in front of me. Still smiling, she put her hand on her pussy and began rubbing herself again. I was extremely aroused and I wanted to touch myself too. But even more than that, I wanted to touch her.

“My mother looked into my eyes and said, ‘Baby, I have an idea for how we can be really close. Would you like to try something new?’ ‘Try what, Mommy?’ I asked. She paused for a moment, still rubbing her pussy in front of me, licking her lips as she looked at my naked body. Then she said, ‘I want to masturbate again, but this time I want you not only to watch me, but help me, okay?’ ‘Okay,’ I said, ‘but… how can I do that?’ She smiled and licked her lips again as her fingers caressed her clit.

“With one hand still working between her legs, she sat up straight, arching her back, and with the other hand lifted her breast, offering it to me. ‘You could… you could help me… by licking my nipple, honey,’ she whispered. I felt dizzy, lightheaded as I thought about what she was asking. It was so exciting it almost made me faint. My mother wanted me to lick her nipple — of course I would do that, I would love to do that! I tried to answer her, but I couldn’t find my voice. Instead I smiled and nodded and leaned toward her, parting my lips.

“As she raised the breast higher, aiming her nipple at my mouth, my mother sighed, ‘Come on, little girl, lick Mommy’s nipple, make Mommy feel good,’ and when I extended my tongue and ran the tip of it over the end of her erect nipple, my mother groaned in pleasure, ‘Oh god yes, oh yes, baby, lick Mommy’s nipple!’ With that encouragement, I happily licked her nipple a few more times, letting my tongue go all around, bathing her nipple, tasting it, loving it. I remember thinking, this feels so right, so perfect, why did I ever wait so long? And then, before I even realized what I would do next, I took her breast in my hands, put my mouth over it, and began sucking her tit like a baby. My mother squealed in delight, grabbing the back of my head with her free hand and pulling me to her bosom, begging me not to stop.”

As I told my story, I watched Beth eating Andie’s pussy, kissing and sucking and smacking her lips. I saw Kristen reach a hand down between her own legs to caress her little clit while she was licking Bethany. And I felt Andrea’s warm tongue inside my cunt, probing at me, stimulating me, bringing me ever so close.

“Oh my god, Andie,” I moaned, “your tongue… yes, baby, yes… right there…”

It was almost impossible to go on. But I slowed my breathing, managed to calm myself just a bit, and continued, “So, um, that night in her room with my mother, I was only eleven years old, she was masturbating, I was sucking on her nipple, and it was so nice, so exciting, so hot, but I wanted to do more for her, I wanted to show her how very much I loved her and needed her. I thought maybe I could help her even more by putting my hand down there, down between her legs where she was rubbing herself. I kept sucking her nipple, but I let one hand slide slowly down, over her belly, onto her pubic hair, and that’s where I found her fingers stroking her clit. ‘Fuck yes, touch me darling,’ my mother gasped, putting her hand over mine and pressing it downward, moving my fingers between her pussy lips.”

Andrea was squirming on the bed beneath me, lifting her pelvis to match the thrusts of Bethany’s tongue inside her. Her big sister had her arms wrapped around Andie’s thighs, holding her tight as she clamped her mouth over her pussy. At the same time, Bethany was riding Kristen’s face, humping herself up and down, grinding her cunt into the ten-year-old’s mouth.

“My mother had my hand in hers. She was pushing my fingers down, inside her slit where it was hot and wet. I continued sucking her nipple as I felt her hand guiding my fingers toward her vagina, and I heard her say, ‘Cathy, fuck me. Fuck me with your fingers.’ She shifted her body, spreading her thighs, opening herself to me. ‘Fuck me, Cathy, fuck me now!’ I tried to feel where she wanted me to go and then — and then there it was, a place where my fingers could slip inside.

“Oh my god, it was so hot inside her, like a steamy jungle, so hot and wet and squishy and slippery and sexy, oh god yes I wanted to fuck her! I pushed my fingers in as far as they would go, and then even deeper, I shoved my fingers into her, fucking her hard. I don’t know what came over me, I had never done anything like that before — never even dreamed of it — but I was fucking her, I was fucking my mother’s cunt with my fingers and I wanted to make her come.”

Suddenly Andrea was climaxing. I heard her groan as her mouth dropped away from my sex. A series of tremors shook her young body. Bethany kept her mouth over Andie’s clit and continued sucking and licking until it was clear that the twelve-year-old could take no more.

“Oh god, Bethany! Stop!” Andie cried, her body quaking, a hand reaching down now to cover her sex, protect her from over-stimulation.

“God! God, oh my god…” she huffed and panted, shuddering repeatedly as the powerful orgasm gradually receded.

Suddenly, without warning, her lips were kissing me again, more urgently than before. My daughter was kissing my cunt again and again, her fingers were inside me and she was licking me, licking me everywhere. I was so close, so close now, right on the edge.

I tried to keep telling the story. “My mother held my hand in hers as I slid my fingers inside her wet vagina. She was groaning, urging me on, moving her body up and down, fucking my fingers.”

I saw Bethany start to sit up, wiping her chin, smiling as she watched Andrea eat my cunt. Then she turned to look down at Kristen. The little girl was intently licking Bethany’s pussy, and she had a hand between her own legs, fingering herself. Bethany shifted around until she could lie on top of her little sister in a ’69’ position, placing her mouth over the ten-year-old’s hairless crotch.

“I fucked my mother with my fingers. I fucked her hard and I kept sucking her tits. I wanted to make her come, wanted it so badly — and then she did. She began screaming, shaking, her thighs squeezed tightly together, forcing my hand even deeper inside her. She came for a long time, panting and moaning and clutching my head to her breast. Her cunt was dripping, warm liquids oozing down over my wrist.”

It was almost time. I was trembling, wanting to stay high like this, stay at the peak for as long as I could, but the pressure inside was so great, so intense.

“And do you know what I did then, girls? After I fucked my mother with my fingers and made her come on my hand?”

Bethany lifted her face from her little sister’s sex just long enough to glance up at me and ask, “What, Mommy? What did you do next?”

“Well, I… I…”

I took a deep breath and gritted my teeth, trying my best to hang on a little longer, hold steady against that raging lusting incestuous lesbian hurricane inside me. A few seconds more, and I’d be blown away forever.

“I… I took my mouth from my mother’s nipple and looked at her face. I waited for her to open her eyes, and when she did I kissed her. She kissed me back, and then I said to her, ‘Mommy, I want to lick you.’”

And that was all. That was it. The dam burst, the floodgates opened, the levee overflowed. I came hard and wet on my daughter’s face.

*     *     *

With repeated shudders and deep-throated groans, I climaxed again and again in Andie’s mouth. Whenever it seemed I was almost finished, I thought again about what I was doing — having sex with my three daughters, and they with each other — and then another wave of ecstasy would sweep over me.

Finally, at last, the spasms began to recede. I was able to open my eyes. With my body still trembling, I looked down and parted my thighs, releasing Andrea’s head from my grip, allowing her to slide out from under me.

I gathered the girl in my arms, holding her, kissing her, tasting my juices on her lips as I leaned back against the headboard. At our feet, Bethany was on top of Kristen, my oldest and my youngest in a passionate 69.

Andie curled up close to me, her head on my breast. We rested a minute or so,  catching our breath, and then she said, “Go on with the story, Mommy. Tell us more.”

“All right, darling.” I smile and kissed the top of her head.

Given how intently the other two girls were devouring each other’s pussies, I wasn’t sure how much of my story they would hear, but that was fine. They had heard it before, many times, and I would be happy to tell it again, whenever they wanted.

“So, let’s see now… we were in her bed, I was sucking on my mother’s nipple, but then I pulled away. I looked up into her eyes and said, ‘Mommy, I want to lick you.’ ‘Oh my darling girl, my precious girl’ she said, ‘yes, baby, that’s what I want to.’ And so I did. I move down between my mother’s legs, where I had been a few minutes before, watching her masturbate. I placed my hands on the soft insides of her thighs, and just studied her for a few seconds, gazing at her beautiful pussy, and then I put my face in there, very very close, and I took a deep breath, inhaling her delicious fragrance.

“I still remember it, I will never forget it, the perfect, irresistible scent of my mother’s pussy. When I close my eyes now, I can take myself back to the moment, the first time I ever licked her, tasted her, put my tongue inside her.”

That’s what I did then. Laying my head back, I let my eyes fall shut and recalled the wondrous thrill I felt that night, a joy every girl should be allowed to experience.

“I like how you smell too, Mommy,” Andie said, “and how you taste.”

“Mm-hmm…” I heard muffled murmurs of agreement from my other two daughters — which meant they were able to listen to me after all, even in the midst of oral sex. How clever they are, and how lucky I am!

“After I inhaled and savored her perfect aroma, I began to kiss and lick my mother’s pussy. Her lips were already open, and she was very juicy. I didn’t really know what I was supposed to do, but I was so excited, and so hungry for her, that my instincts just took over. I sucked and kissed and licked and tasted and swallowed… and do you know what happened then?”

“What happened, Mommy?” asked Andrea.

With my eyes still closed, my mind reliving that moment, I said, “While I was licking her that way, rubbing my face all around, nuzzling her and kissing her everywhere — I suddenly heard a loud cry, and I felt my mother’s hands on my head, holding me tight, pulling me into her, my lips pressed right up against her vagina. Her whole body began to shake and she was kind of groaning, and then she screamed and a rush of thick, warm juices flooded from her pussy into my mouth. I —”

Girlish squeals brought me back to the present. I lifted my head and opened my eyes, looking down to see Bethany coming on top of Kristen, and Kristen coming at the same time: a simultaneous orgasm for my precious daughters.

I waited a minute or so, staying quiet, enjoying the sight of those beautiful sexy young girls writhing together, slim little bodies quaking with each ecstatic tremor. It’s hard to imagine anything more erotic than a pair of barely pubescent or even prepubescent girls bringing each other to climax — especially when the two are sisters!

When they were finally spent, at least for the time being, when Bethany rolled off Kristen and the girls lay side by side, eyes closed, chests heaving, lips and chins and cheeks shiny with each other’s juices, I went on with my story.

“My mother came in my mouth. It was amazing, unbelievable, so incredibly exciting. I never ever wanted to move. I wanted to stay right there where I was, my lips fastened to her vagina, my tongue still tasting her sweet honey. And I might have. If she had allowed me too, I might never have moved. But you know what my mother did then?”

“Tell us, Mommy.”

That was Bethany. Although she seemed to still be resting, she obviously was listening too. Her eyes were closed, but I saw that she had a hand between her legs, gently rubbing herself.

Kristen, by contrast, was barely moving at all. She lay there on her back, thin legs wide apart, hands at her side. I knew that such a strong orgasm often would leave her nearly insensible for several minutes.

I resumed the story. “What happened then is my mother sat straight up and looked at me. Her eyes seemed wild, like an animal’s, a ferocious untamed beast. She was panting, licking her lips. I heard a low growl, and she said just one word, my name. ‘Cathy.’ And then she was on me. She pounced, grabbing me, pushing me onto my back, spreading my legs apart.”

My youngest daughter’s eyes came open. She smiled up at me, knowing what it usually meant for her when I reached this part of the story. I returned Kristen’s smile, gave Andie a gentle pat, and then crawled lower on the bed.

Kneeling between my little girl’s legs, I gazed for a moment into her lovely blue eyes and then down at her crotch, licking my lips as I stared at her wet pink treasure. I moved my mouth closer to her pussy.

“Mommy, tell more of the story,” Andie said.

“All right, um… my mother pounced on me,” I continued. “I was only eleven years old, but she wanted to have sex with me. She wanted to eat my pussy. I was still a little girl, a child, but she wanted me, she had to have me, just like I want you girls and I have to have you.”

“Ooh, I love it when you say that,” Bethany sighed.

I planted my lips on Kristen’s vulva, her smooth bald pussy lips, still swollen and heated from her orgasm with her sister. I kissed her wetly. Between loving kisses, I went on with my tale.

“My mother pushed my legs open… she said my name again, ‘Cathy,’ and then she started eating me… she was almost out of control that night, like an animal… breathing really hard, making little sounds… it might have been scary, except that it felt sooo good, what she was doing… and anyway, I loved her and trusted her completely… I knew she would never do anything to hurt me.”

Kristen was squirming under me. She loved it when I would kiss her that way, and I certainly loved it too. Now I would do my best to continue describing what had happened between me and my mother that memorable night so many years ago, while at the same time re-enacting the scene with my youngest daughter.

“She was holding me tightly, holding my legs open.” I wrapped my arms around Kristen’s skinny thighs. “With that wild look in her eyes, making those hungry animal sounds, she was licking and sucking my pussy.” I imitated her look, as well as I could, along with the sounds I remembered, and especially the action of a mom munching on her little girl’s sex.

“For the first time in my life, I felt a mouth down there, lips and tongue so wet and hot, so eager, eating me, sucking me, tasting me, even pushing up inside me.” Fastening my mouth over Kristen’s vulva, I shoved my tongue deep inside her sweet vagina. My daughter squealed. She wasn’t climaxing yet, but she was already getting very close.

“Your mommy was eating you, eating her little girl,” said Bethany, her voice shaky, husky, aroused.

Raising my head, turning for a quick look, I saw Andie and Bethany side by side, leaning against the headboard, hugging, sometimes kissing, each with a hand between the other’s legs, fingering her sister’s juicy pussy. It made me smile.

I licked Kristen again, loving her taste, then went on. “My mother licked me, sucked me, fucked me with her tongue.” I did the same. “Never before had I felt anything like that.” I did some more. “Her tongue in my cunt, her lips on my clit, and then a finger pushing inside too.”

That was all it took for Kristen. As soon as she felt my finger probing inside her vagina, she started to come. I broke off speaking for a moment and sucked her clit, hoping to prolong her orgasm. Then I heard heavy sighs, gasps, and groans from my other daughters. They were bringing each other to climax.

When it was clear that Kristen could take no more, I lifted my mouth away from her pussy, letting her slowly settle down. Glancing to the side, I found Bethany and Andrea still clutching each other tightly, kissing, sweating, gasping, fingers buried in each other’s vaginas.

I waited, licking my lips, thinking about my story, relishing what would come next.

As my older daughters finished up their orgasms, each girl pulling her finger from her sister’s pussy and raising it to her mouth, giggling as they shared their creamy nectar, and as my younger daughter took a final deep breath then slowly let it out, her climax at last complete, I went on with the tale.

“My mother made me come in her mouth. I was only eleven years old, but she licked me, sucked me, ate my little pussy, bringing me such incredible pleasure, more than I ever knew was possible. But she wasn’t done with me.”

Raising myself to all fours, I crawled on top of Kristen.

“While I was lying there on her bed, not yet fully recovered from an amazingly powerful orgasm, my eyes still closed, my mother mounted me. I felt her body on top of mine, laying on me. I opened my eyes, expecting her just to kiss me and hug me, but that wasn’t what she did.”

“She fucked you,” said Bethany.

“That’s right, honey, that’s what she did. My mother got on top of me, pressing her warm, wet pussy against mine…”

I lowered myself onto Kristen. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Bethany was doing the same with Andrea, mounting her. We both began to move, she fucking her sister, and me fucking my daughter.

“I didn’t really know what was happening. I’d never heard about anything like this, didn’t know what it meant. Wasn’t this what boys did with girls? Not girls with girls?! But as my mother kept moving on me, and as she looked into my eyes and I saw her hunger for me, her desire for me, and as she brought her mouth to mine and kissed me, with her pussy still sliding up and down against mine, and as her tongue went into my mouth and I felt her hot breath and I felt her breasts rubbing on my chest and oh my god the juicy wet slippery feel of her cunt on my cunt —”

“Fucking! Fucking! Fucking!”

Hearing Bethany’s cry, I looked to the side again. She was moving very fast on top of Andie, the redhead’s ankles locked above her sister’s bottom, pulling their pussies together. I was fucking Kristen too, of course, but not yet at such a fevered pitch.

Kristen looked over too.

“Fucking you!! Fucking you!! Ohhh GOD!!!” Bethany screamed as she exploded into orgasm on top of her sister.

We could tell that Andrea hadn’t come yet, but she was smiling and hugging Bethany, kissing her shoulder, stroking her back as the older girl continued to shudder and groan, completing her climax.

I turned my attention back to Kristen, kissing her mouth, whispering to her, “Now I’m going to fuck you, little girl, fuck you hard like my mother fucked me.”

“Okay, Mommy,” she whispered in reply, smiling excitedly.

Before I began, Andie said to Bethany, “Don’t stop, Beth, don’t stop. Keep fucking me!”

So she did. Bethany fucked Andrea, and I fucked Kristen while still telling the story as best I could.

“When my mother kissed me that way, and I saw that look in her eyes, and I felt all those things — her strong arms pulling me close, her nipples kissing my nipples, her hot juicy pussy on mine — I suddenly knew I could never love a man as much as I loved her. I would never want a boy or a man the way I wanted her. Then she said, ‘Lift up your legs, Cathy, put them around me.’ And I did. I wrapped my legs around her, and that made it even hotter, even better. It opened my pussy up for her, so she could really fuck me.”

On cue, Kristen wrapped her little legs around me, locking them tight over my bottom. I gave her another long wet kiss, shoving my tongue into her mouth, then started speaking again.

“My mother fucked me. She fucked me hard. Her cunt on my cunt, her clit on my clit, her mouth on my mouth. She kissed me and fucked me, looking into my eyes, saying she wanted to come on me.”

“Tell us everything she said, Mommy.” That was Bethany. She was tribbing with Andie again, but both were listening too.

I smiled. My daughters always like to hear the details, hear the words my mother used. “She said, ‘Cathy, I want to come on you, okay?’ ‘Okay, Mommy,’ I answered. And she said, ‘I’m gonna come on your pussy, come inside your little pussy. Mommy is fucking her little girl.’”

“Fucking, fucking,” Bethany repeated.

“Fuck me, Beth, fuck me hard!” Andie begged.

“Mommy, fuck me, fuck your little girl,” said Kristen, “fuck my pussy, Mommy, come inside my pussy!”

“Yes, baby girl,” I said to Kristen, kissing her again. “Just like my mother fucked me, I’m fucking you.”

I was moving faster now, getting closer, almost on the edge. I could tell from the look on Kristen’s face that she was getting close as well. It wouldn’t be long.

“She fucked me that night, she fucked me hard, my mother on top of me, pressing her pussy into mine, rubbing our clits together. She kissed me again and again and she kept saying, “I’m gonna come on you, Cathy. Mommy’s gonna come on your pussy, come inside your pussy!’ Then she said, ‘You ready, honey? You ready for Mommy to come on you?’ Her eyes were wide, her face all hot and red and sweaty. She was looking at me, and she said, ‘Are you ready, honey?’”

Kristen nodded, “I’m ready, Mommy. I’m ready for you.”

Breathlessly, Andrea panted, “Ready — ready, Beth!”

“Fucking! fucking!” cried Bethany.

I said, “As my mother stared into my eyes with a wild look on her face, she told me, ‘I’m gonna fucking COME on you!!’ And then she did. Just like I’m gonna fucking come on you now, Kr— OHHH!!”

I climaxed volcanically on top of my daughter, hot cum gushing from my pussy into hers. I heard her scream, “Mommy!” as she reached orgasm as well.

Bethany was coming on top of Andie at the same time, and Andie was coming under her sister too. The four of us cried out in passion, a mom and her three young girls sharing our pleasure, our incestuous lesbian lust.


Fifteen years later… 


We came into Bethany’s house through the back door. It was raining outside, so Andrea, Kristen, and I took off our muddy shoes and left them on the mat before walking into the family room. No one was there. I was sure Bethany was home, however, because her car was in the garage.

Pausing, I cocked my ears. I could hear muffled voices coming from somewhere down the hall. Signaling the others to wait, I quietly moved closer. Bethany’s bedroom door was partly open. Just outside her door, I stopped and waited, smiling as I listened to a familiar conversation…

“Mommy, tell us the story again about you and your mommy, and her mommy too.” That was Olivia, Bethany’s younger daughter, just seven.

“Yeah, Mommy, please tell us.” This was nine-year-old Michelle, my daughter’s first child, named for my own mother. “We love that story.”

I motioned to Andrea, now twenty-seven, and Kristen, twenty-five, to join me in the hall. As Bethany began to tell the tale, we quickly removed our clothes, dropping them silently to the floor, grinning at each other. Then we entered the bedroom to hear the story.


Merry Christmas Everyone

  • Posted on December 22, 2015 at 9:27 am

PoppaBear said…

This is turning into such an excellent and enjoyable forum that I wanted to say “Merry Christmas” to our three principal authors, all the other authors who have contributed, and to all the members who shared their thoughts, feelings, and emotions about the enjoyable and sexy stories provided here.

Many thanks — and best wishes for a successful 2016!

Yours aye,


Telling My Story, Chapter 3

  • Posted on December 20, 2015 at 2:20 pm

By Naughty Mommy

“All right, girls, are you ready for me to continue with the story now?”

Glancing at each of my daughters in turn, I saw three pretty faces nodding eagerly.

We were in my bed, all of us naked, snuggling in together. I had Andrea, the twelve-year-old, tucked under my right arm, ten-year-old Kristen under my left arm, and Bethany, my oldest at thirteen, on the other side of Kristen, with her arms around her little sister. What a happy family we were.

The girls never tired of hearing my story, as familiar as it must have been to them by now, and I never tired of telling it. I also loved, of course, the reactions that it would stimulate in them, and in me. So very naughty!

“Now, let’s see, where was I when we got distracted?”

“You were looking at your mother’s nipples,” prompted Andrea.

“Oh, yes, that’s right. We were sitting in her bed. She was naked, but I still had my pajamas on. I had come to her bedroom that night and asked if I could watch her masturbate, so I could see how she did it.”

“I love watching you masturbate,” said Bethany. I could see her hand moving under the covers, between her legs.

“Yes, I know you do, darling, and I love watching you too. My mother and I, though, at that point, had never done anything at all like that. It was something very new for us. I think she was feeling a little nervous about it, but I could also tell it was making her excited. She held her breasts in her hands, letting me look at them, and then, as I watched, she pinched her pink nipples between her fingers, and she sort of moaned and trembled all over.

“She was starting to breathe harder, and she was looking into my eyes, and then down at my mouth. My mother ran her tongue over her lips and then she leaned in and kissed me. This was the softest, warmest, sexiest kiss anyone had ever given me. She held her lips on my lips for a long time, and I started feeling all hot and fluttery inside, the way I’d felt in my bed on the night when I had my first orgasm.

“When my mother finally pulled her mouth away from mine, she took a very deep breath, as if to gather herself. Then she exhaled and said, with a smile, ‘Well, okay, let’s begin.’ Still holding her breasts in her hands, she looked down at them, at her erect nipples, and she asked, ‘Honey, when you masturbate, do you ever touch your breasts or your nipples?’ ‘Sometimes,’ I answered. ‘Because I like to do that a lot,’ she told me. ‘Whenever I masturbate, I almost always start by caressing my breasts for a while.’

“As she said this, my mother began to demonstrate. She slowly ran her hands all around and over her breasts, letting her fingertips tease her nipples. She held her tits, one in each hand, just like I’m doing now, and gently squeezed them, then pressed them together.”

Andrea and Bethany began to copy my movements, massaging their own small breasts the same way I was touching mine as I described what my mother had shown me, more than twenty years earlier. I love to watch my daughters touch themselves, erotically stimulating their nubile young bodies. Teaching them how to masturbate, and then watching and sometimes helping as they’ve learned how to bring themselves to orgasm has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life.

Little Kristen, barely ten years old, still does not have any breast development, so all she could do was tickle her nipples. Bless her heart.

“My mother said to me, ‘I love to touch myself this way. It feels so nice, and it gets me very excited.’ She began squeezing her breasts harder and pinching her nipples. ‘Have you tried touching yourself like this, Cathy?’”

“I hadn’t, not quite like that, anyway. Also, my breasts were still quite small, since I was only eleven, just sort of like bumps.”

“Like mine were until last year,” said Andie, my little redhead.

“That’s right, sweetheart. But now your titties are getting very nice.”

She beamed as she squeezed her growing breasts.

“I told my mother I hadn’t really tried to do what she was doing, and she urged me to do it. She said I should take off my pajama tops. In fact, she said I should take off everything, so I would be naked like she was.”

“Like we are,” piped up Kristen.

“Yes, punkin, just like we are.”

“So I took off my pajamas, and my mother encouraged me to gently massage my little breasts, the way she was touching hers. I tried it, and I liked it, but even more than that, I liked watching her touch herself.”

“I like watching you touch yourself,” said Bethany, as she stared at my fingers fondling my nipples.

“I know you do, honey.” It was getting warmer inside the room as our sexual tension increased. Feeling myself beginning to sweat, I took a deep breath, trying to control my growing excitement so I could go on with the story.

“My mother played with her breasts for a few minutes longer, and then she put her hand to her mouth, licked her fingers, and rubbed the wetness over just the tips of her erect nipples. This made her shiver with excitement. Shall we all do that together?”

I watched Bethany moisten her fingers and tease her nipples, and ten-year-old Kristen try to do the same. At Kristen’s age, her nipples were not yet very responsive, but I knew for a fact that her little pussy was already very capable of experiencing pleasure.

Turning to Andrea, I watched as she lifted her developing breasts toward her mouth, first one then the other. They were large enough now for her just to be able to flick her tongue over the ends of her pretty pink nipples.

“Ooh, Andrea that’s so hot!” I told her, as I pinched my own hard nipples. “Are you trying to make me come again?”

She grinned, “Of course I am. All the time.”

“So, anyway, my mother watched me touching my breasts and nipples as she did the same to hers. I heard her say, to herself, ‘This is making me really wet.’ ‘What, Mommy?’ I asked, because I wasn’t sure what she meant.

“‘Oh…’ she hesitated, ‘I, I mean, do you, do you know what it means to say, when a woman gets wet?’ ‘Um, no,’ I said, ‘I don’t think so.’ ‘Okay, well, you, that is, if you’ve already started masturbating, and if you, if you can give yourself enough pleasure to have, or at least get close to having, an orgasm— ’ ‘I think I already have.’ ‘So then, chances are you’ve already had your, um, your, your vagina get wet. That means it gets lubricated, like when moisture comes out from inside of you that’s, well, that’s kind of slippery. Do you know what I mean?’”

“‘Kind of,’ I answered. ‘I didn’t know what it’s called, but yeah, maybe.’ ‘Let me show you,’ said my mother.”

Bethany groaned. I looked over at my thirteen-year-old.

“I love this part,” she smiled, pulling her long slim legs from under the covers and stretching them out for me and her sisters to admire. Her soft, perfect skin glowed golden in the lamplight. We watched as she slid one hand slowly down to caress her smooth shaved pussy.

In response, I pushed the comforter down and spread my legs, then used both hands to open my labia so my daughters could look at my cunt and see how wet I was.

I went on with the story, “My beautiful mother pushed down the sheet so I could look at her. Using her fingers, she pulled her pink pussy lips apart, just like I’m doing now. She said to me, ‘Honey, slide down here close, so you can see better.’”

“Mmm…” Bethany groaned again. Her eyes were closed now. She had both hands working between her legs, one rubbing her clit, the other circling the rim of her vagina.

“I did as my mother asked. I moved down on the bed until my face was next to her pussy. Her pubic hair was red. Back then, women didn’t shave it all off, like some of us do now—”

“I don’t have to shave, ‘cuz I don’t have any yet,” announced ten-year-old Kristen.

I smiled at her, “That’s right, baby. You’re still perfectly hairless, like the darling little girl that you are. My mother kept her pubic hair trimmed, and it was fairly short, but I could see her red curls, and I could see tiny drops of moisture in there too. And when she pulled her pussy lips wide apart for me, I could look right inside her and see the opening to her vagina, where it was wet and pink and shiny.”

Bethany gasped. She had a finger pressed deep inside herself and she was climaxing.

Her sisters and I watched as she continued rubbing her clit and fucking her pussy, giving herself a long extended orgasm. We love to watch each other masturbate and bring ourselves to climax, just as much as we love giving each other sexual pleasure.

As the young blonde’s final spasms subsided, she opened her eyes and smiled at us, chuckling, “Sorry, I, I just couldn’t wait.”

“It’s fine, darling,” I told her, blowing her a little kiss. “You never have to apologize for having an orgasm.”

Bethany sent me a return kiss as she moved in closer to Kristen, wrapping her arms and legs around the naked girl and raising the dripping finger that had been inside her up to her sister’s mouth, where Kristen sucked on it.

“Now, then, where was I?”

“You were looking at your mother’s vagina,” prompted Andrea.

“Oh, yes, that’s right. My mother had opened her pussy lips for me, and she was showing me how wet she was inside. ‘Can you see it?’ she asked. ‘Can you see what I mean when I say I’m getting wet?’ ‘Yeah, I sure can,’ I told her. I could see all the moisture inside her, and I could smell it too. It smelled strong, but nice. It made me want to lick her.”

“Oh god, Mommy,” Bethany was really turned on that night. She had a hand between her legs again and was rubbing herself as she hugged her little sister. I didn’t mind. I loved being able to get them so excited by telling them the story.

“My mother said to me, ‘Cathy, do you want to watch me now while I masturbate? Do you want me to come for you?’ I wasn’t really sure then what that expression meant, but whatever it was, it sounded good, so I answered, ‘Yes, Mommy.’ And while I watched, she began rubbing her fingers around inside her pussy lips, making them all wet and slippery, and then pretty soon she slid two fingers into her vagina, pressing them very deep inside. I was amazed. I had seen pictures in the magazines of girls doing that, but it was so exciting to watch my own mother fuck herself!”

“Mommy, you’re gonna make me come again,” panted Bethany. Her eyes were closed. She was squeezing Kristen’s small thigh tightly between her legs, humping the child as she kissed her neck. I saw that Kristen was rubbing her own hairless pussy with her fingers as her big sister approached another orgasm.

It seemed as if things were starting to get out of control, that I might be unable to finish the story before we all descended into a full-blown lesbian orgy. Not that I would have any complaints about that, of course. I’d love it. But I wanted to make sure that was what the girls wanted.

I looked over at Andrea, on my other side in bed. She was sitting on her knees, licking her lips and squeezing her pink nipples between her fingers as she watched Bethany hump Kristen’s leg.

“Do you want me to go on with the story, honey?” I asked in a husky voice.

“Yeah, but — in a minute. I do want you to finish it, but first I want to fuck you, Mommy.”

As she said that, she climbed on top of me. My twelve-year-old redheaded daughter placed her warm, luscious, still-developing body on top of mine. I slid down in the bed so that I was lying flat and spread my legs apart, allowing her to nestle her smoothly-shaved pubis against mine.

The other two girls copied what we were doing, little Kristen opening her legs wide, letting thirteen-year-old Bethany mount her.

Andrea began by kissing me. I loved the way she kissed, always slow and soft and wet and long. Her full lips moved around on mine, her tongue exploring my mouth.

I held her breasts in my hands. They were still fairly small, but enough for me to grab and squeeze. When she pulled her lips away from mine for a moment, I asked, “You want to fuck me, little girl? You want to fuck your Mommy?”

Looking deeply into my eyes, she nodded, “Mm-hmm,” and I felt her labia sliding between mine. I was already very wet, so my lubrication made it easy for our pussies to join.

I glanced at Kristen and Bethany. They were kissing and obviously enjoying it very much — arms wrapped around each other, eyes closed, tongues eagerly working. Bethany was humping her little sister, pressing their pussies together.

Andrea was kissing my neck, nibbling and sucking. It drove me wild when my girls would do that. I opened my legs farther apart and reached down to grab my daughter’s bottom, pulling her against me.

She started moving on top of me, sliding up and down, her moist center finding intimate contact with mine.

“That’s right, baby, fuck Mommy, fuck Mommy’s pussy.”

I heard her whisper, “Mommy, did you do this with your mother?”

“You know I did, sweetheart. I did this many, many times with my mother.”

“You fucked your Mommy,” panted Bethany as she rammed her cunt against her little sister’s.

Kristen’s legs were wrapped around Bethany’s thighs, pulling her big sister into her. “Fuck me, Bethany,” she urged. “Fuck me hard. Fuck my pussy!”

“Come on, honey,” I told Andrea. “Fuck Mommy now. Fuck Mommy hard and make me come!”

I ran my fingers up and down her back, using my nails to lightly scratch her skin, encouraging that wild animal part of her to take over completely.

Andrea was moving faster and faster on top of me. “I’m gonna fuck you, Mommy, I’m gonna fuck you with my pussy and make you come.”

A moment later she began to climax.

Just then I heard Bethany crying out, “Oh, fuck! Fuck!” as she came on top of Kristen, and little Kristen’s happy squeals told me she was coming too.

Andrea shuddered, her entire body quaking, and I felt a wet flow of warmth from her pussy into mine. That put me over the top.

Wrapping my arms around my daughter, I pulled her sweet young body against me, forcing her cunt to grind into mine. I came in powerful, volcanic spasms, screaming in ecstasy.

* * *

It would take us several minutes to regain our senses. We lay naked on my bed, panting and sweating, nearly unconscious. The room was filled with the hot humid scent of feminine orgasms.

This wasn’t something we did all the time. We had foursomes fairly often, but not every night. Most evenings, we would pair off, one of the girls sleeping with me while the other two shared a bed and their bodies. Once a week or so, we took a break and slept alone, each of us doing whatever we wanted in our separate rooms.

Often on those solo nights, I would look at porn on the Internet and then masturbate, but no matter how appealing the young actresses were in the videos I watched, none of them could compare to my own darling lovers.

Every few weeks, one of my daughters would ask to hear the story of how my own mother and I had become lesbian lovers. And when I told it, we would invariably end up having incredibly hot four-way sex.

* * *

Bethany was the first to recover that night. I heard her sighing and moving around, and then I felt a hand on my bare leg. “Mommy?”

“Yes, lover?”

“Will you tell us more of the story?”

“Of course I will.”

I patted Andrea on the bottom, and she slid easily off of me, our bodies still slick with perspiration and pussy juice. Pulling myself to a sitting position, I looked down at Kristen, my ten-year-old.

The child’s arms and legs were flung apart, her eyes closed. Bethany was sitting up now, running her hands through her long blonde hair, trying to dry it out a little, but Kristen was still somewhere else.

This gave me an opportunity to admire her amazingly beautiful body. Unlike my older two girls, Kristen had not reached puberty. She still had the thin, perfect limbs of a child, with no breasts and no hips, her body long and straight and desirable, smooth and hairless everywhere.

Seeing my daughter spread-eagled that way, totally naked, her skin still flushed from sexual contact with Bethany, her little mound puffy and pink, glistening in spots with her sister’s juices, it made me feel light-headed, overwhelmed with desire. I wanted her so much.

Yes, I would gladly continue telling the story, but before this night was through, my tongue would be inside my youngest daughter’s pussy, tasting her, licking her, making her come in my mouth.

“Mommy?” Bethany’s voice brought me back into the moment.

“What, honey?”

“Don’t forget the story.”

“Oh, yes, that’s right.” I took a deep breath, again working to control my sexual appetites, and smiled at Bethany. “Sorry, sweetheart, but when I look at Kristen like that, I just can’t help remembering when you two girls were as young as she is now. So sweet and so innocent.”

“Well, maybe not totally innocent,” she chuckled.

Of course, she was right. I’d seduced each of my daughters well before they reached puberty, when they were still little girls like Kristen, even younger than she was now, in fact. And they had enjoyed it too. None of them had ever expressed any regrets, and I sure didn’t feel any. We were as happy and as close as any parents and children could be.

“All right,” I rubbed my hands briskly together. “Who’s ready to hear more of my story?”

“I am,” Andrea smiled at me as she pushed herself up on an elbow, her curly red hair falling in front of those striking green eyes.

“Come on, little one,” Bethany was gently shaking Kristen. “Mommy’s going to go on with the story now.”

“Okay…” My youngest slowly roused herself. She sat up and stretched like a cat before curling up at my side, one hand on my breast, gently fondling the nipple.

I kissed the top of her head, then resumed the tale. “So, that night, for the first time, my mother masturbated for me. She asked me to slide down between her legs, which I did. Then she opened her pussy lips for me, spreading them wide, and she let me watch as she touched herself, rubbing her fingers all around, and then sliding two fingers deep inside her hot wet vagina.”

“Mmm, nice,” sighed Andrea.

“It was nice,” I agreed. “It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen, even more exciting than the pictures I’d looked at in her magazines, much more exciting than that, in fact. I watched my mother sliding her fingers in and out or herself, while her other hand was massaging her clit, and I remember hearing her whisper, ‘I like it when you watch me, little girl.’ I could smell her pussy, and I was so close to her it seemed like I could even feel the heat radiating from her sex. For a while she kept her eyes open, watching me watching her, but as she started to get close to an orgasm, she closed her eyes. I move in even closer then, I didn’t want to miss a thing. I was close enough that if I’d stuck out my tongue I could have licked her.”

“Oh, Mommy…” Andie was starting to masturbate as she listened to my story.

I glanced down at little Kristen, nestled under my arm. She was still fondling my breast. Her eye caught mine, and she licked her lips while running a fingertip over the end of my hard nipple. It was her way of asking if she could lick and suck my tit. I smiled and nodded, “Okay.” How could I say no?

Kristen shifted around until she was sitting on my lap, and then my baby girl took my nipple into her mouth. It felt so wonderful it made me gasp, but I tried to keep myself calm enough that I could go on with the story.

“As my mother fucked herself right in front of me, I was becoming so excited that I just had to touch myself too. I started rubbing my clit, and I wondered for a moment if she would mind if I made myself come. I thought it would be really nice if we came at the same time, but just as I was getting started, my mother cried out, ‘Cathy watch me!!!’ and she was climaxing. Now, you remember I said that my face was very close to her pussy, right?”

“Uh-huh,” answered Bethany, with a grin. She was rubbing her pussy now too, and she had moved over between Andrea’s legs so she could watch her sister play with herself.

“Well, when my mother climaxed, her knees suddenly came together really hard and before I knew it, I was trapped between her thighs, my mouth pressed right up against her hand that was fucking her cunt.”

“Mmmm, Mommy, that’s so hot.” Andie was moving her fingers faster over her clit. I saw Bethany lick her lips as she stared at her sister’s pussy.

“I don’t know if my mother realized what was going on. Probably not, because she was in the middle of an orgasm, and it was a big one. But there I was, an eleven-year-old girl, my face caught between my mother’s legs, my mouth almost inside her pussy! Her climax went on for a long time, it seemed to me, and I could smell her very powerfully, I could even taste her juices on my lips. I still had a hand between my own legs, but I was so surprised by what had happened that I wasn’t really rubbing myself any more.

“Finally, she started to calm down, her thighs relaxed, and I was able to pull my face out. You know, it’s funny. Now I sometimes wish I had not moved away then, that I had stayed where I was and just started licking her pussy. I would be doing that soon enough, anyhow, of course, but I might have begun even earlier. At the time, though, I was so startled that it never occurred to me. Still, it was an amazing experience. Just a few months earlier, I had been an almost totally innocent girl, never having seen pornography, never having tried masturbation — and now look where I was!”

“With your mouth on your Mommy’s pussy,” Andie breathed.

I looked at down at her. She was lying next to me, masturbating, one pretty hand massaging her clit, the other circling her vagina, a slender white finger teasing at the opening. Bethany was masturbating too, laying with her head on Andrea’s thigh, looking closely at what her younger sister was doing. Meanwhile, Kristen was still on my lap, contentedly sucking at my nipples. What a lucky mom I was!

I went on with my story. “My mother, who had been lying down as she masturbated, now sat up slowly and looked at me. She pulled some loose strands of hair away from her face, which was shiny with sweat. ‘Wow,’ she said to me, taking a deep breath, ‘that was — that was intense. Are you all right, honey? I hope I didn’t frighten you.’ ‘No, I, I’m fine. It was… I liked watching you, Mommy.’ ‘I’m glad, sweetie, because I liked having you watch me too. It was exciting. This is, you know, this is what I was talking about when I said I wanted us to be closer, to share things with each other… you might even say to share ourselves with each other. Do you understand?’ ‘I think so,’ I answered. I hesitated a moment and then asked, ‘Mommy, could I, could I do it for you now?’ My mother put a hand on my cheek, smiling at me. I realized immediately that this was the same hand she’d been fucking herself with, the fingers that had been plunging in and out of her vagina.”

“Oh god yes…” Andie whispered. Her eyes were on Bethany, who was now gently kissing and licking the tender skin on the inside of her sister’s thigh. I felt a surge of excitement, creamy liquid warmth gathering inside my center, as I envisioned my beautiful young daughters having sex. Andrea moved her legs further apart, offering herself to Bethany. With her fingers, she spread her labia, tempting her older sister with her hot wet sex.

“My mother’s fingers, still damp with her juices, caressed my cheek. ‘Could you do what, darling girl?’ she asked. Without waiting for an answer, she brought her lips to mine and kissed me. At that moment I knew that when she talked about being close, about sharing ourselves with each other, what she meant was that we would do the things I’d seen in the pictures in the magazines — girls touching and kissing and licking each other. My heart was beating fast as my mother softly kissed me. I felt her tongue teasing at my lips. Was I really ready to have lesbian sex with my own mother? Was this what I wanted? Yes, it was!”

Bethany’s mouth continued its slow progress up the inside of her sister’s thigh, gently licking and kissing, gradually moving higher. Now she was reaching the apex, where Andrea’s sex was waiting, her pink labia spread wide by the girl’s fingers. Andrea panted in anticipation of feeling Bethany’s hot tongue inside her.

“My mother ended the long, lovely kiss, drawing her mouth away from mine, but then she moved her fingers from my cheek to my lips. Breathing heavily, she caressed my lips with her wet fingers and then slipped them into my mouth, onto my tongue. I closed my lips around her fingers and tasted her juices.”

“Lick me, “Andrea begged. “Please, Bethany, lick me.”

Her sister was playfully teasing her, kissing only her fingers, not her pussy, inhaling her scent and softly blowing her breath into the girl’s wet hole, but withholding her tongue. This was obviously driving Andie crazy with lust and desire.

“I sucked on my mother’s fingers, her two fingers that had been inside her pussy as I’d watched her fucking herself. The fingers that she came on were in my mouth.”

Andrea tore her eyes away from Bethany’s teasing mouth long enough to glance up at me.

“Mommy,” she panted, “Mommy, did you — did it make you want to lick your mother? Did you want to eat her pussy?”

I nodded. “Yes, baby, I did. As I tasted her on my tongue, and as I remembered the steamy excitement of having my face pressed up so close to my mother’s hot wet cunt a few minutes earlier, there was nothing I wanted more right then than to lick her and make her come in my mouth.”

“Mommy, I want you. I want your pussy.” Andie was clutching at me now, grabbing for my thighs, trying to make me move around so she could lick my cunt.

I patted Kristen on the shoulder. “Little baby, why don’t you go down and kiss Bethany’s pretty pussy now, okay? I’m sure she’d like that very much.”

Releasing my nipple from her mouth, my ten-year-old daughter turned to look at my thirteen-year-old daughter. Bethany smiled and nodded up at us, lowering a hand between her legs to caress herself, inviting her little sister to come and enjoy her.

As Kristen slid off my lap, I got up onto my knees, positioning my crotch over Andrea’s face. But I continued telling my story.

“Just before the kiss, when I’d asked my mother, ‘Could I do it for you now?’ what I’d meant was could I masturbate for her while she watched. But now I wanted something else even more. I wanted to lick my mother’s pussy, to do that for her. I didn’t really know how, I’d never done it before, of course, but I was ready to try.”

And as I said this, I reached down to spread my pussy lips apart and then lowered my throbbing, dripping sex onto my twelve-year-old daughter’s mouth.

Continue on to Chapter 4


Telling My Story, Chapter 2

  • Posted on December 18, 2015 at 4:08 pm

By Naughty Mommy

Sitting close together on our family room sofa, my three young daughters listened intently as I told them the story about my mother and me.

“Not very long after that, one afternoon I was in her room after school, lying on my mother’s bed, touching myself. She wasn’t home yet, of course, and I wasn’t expecting her for at least another hour.

“I remember it so well. It was late February, still winter, and it was snowing outside. It had started around noon and by the time I got home from school, there were several inches of snow on the ground. But inside our house it was nice and warm, and I had all those wonderful magazines to look at, so I was quite content.

“On this particular day, I was especially aroused by one girl and her pictures. She was in a couple of the magazines, one of them by herself, masturbating, and a second where she was with another young girl, and they were kissing and making love.

“This girl that I was so excited about was a brunette, small and cute, with thin legs, almost no breasts, big brown eyes, and a beautiful smile. Her partner in the lesbian photos was a blonde, like me. She had blue eyes, like I do, and she was a little taller than the other girl, but she still looked very young, maybe only fifteen or sixteen.

“In most of the shots with the two girls together, it looked like the blonde was sort of taking charge. She was usually on top of the cute little brunette, either kissing her, or sucking on her nipples, or sitting on her face…”

My daughters all three sighed and stirred, almost in chorus, obviously excited by the descriptions I was giving.

“And so I was spending that afternoon imagining that it was me in the magazine with the adorable brunette. That I was kissing her, and touching her, and laying on top of her, that our two naked bodies were sliding together…

“And as I was fantasizing about making love to this girl, I decided to put the two magazines down on the floor, next to the bed, open to the pages I liked best, and then I took off all my clothes. I already had my panties off, and my shoes, of course, and my shirt was open — I wasn’t wearing a bra, because I hardly needed one yet — ”

“What grade were you in?” asked Andrea.

“I was in fifth grade.”

She nodded and smiled.

“So I took off my my shirt and my little pleated skirt, and then I was naked, except for my socks. And I laid on the bed, on my stomach, looking down at the exciting magazines on the floor. I pretended I was laying on top of the little brunette, the way the blonde was in the pictures, and I pretended I was kissing her pretty mouth, and as I put my hands down between my legs and started rubbing myself, I pretended it was her fingers that I was feeling there.

“I looked at the pictures and rubbed my pussy and looked at her mouth and imagined I was kissing her and she was touching me and I was getting very excited and then—

“Suddenly I heard a voice behind me. It said, ‘Cathy… what… what are…?!’ And it was my mother!

“I was startled and embarrassed and terribly afraid I would be in big trouble. I realized that when she came through her open bedroom door, unexpected, what she would have seen was her eleven-year-old daughter naked on the bed, her legs spread apart and both hands rubbing her pussy. That’s the way I was laying, facing away from the door.

“I turned around quickly, grabbing my shirt and trying to cover myself, instantly bursting into tears. ‘Mommy, I’m sorry!’ I wailed.”

“You started crying?” asked Kristen.

“Yes, sweetie, I did,” I answered softly. I was aware that this part of the story always seemed to upset her, even though she had heard it many times. “I knew, of course, sugar, that my mommy had always been very, very kind to me, and that she had never hurt me. But then, I’d never been caught doing what I was doing, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.”

“Your mother was nice about it, though,” said Andrea, reassuring her little sister.

“She sure was, honey. She came over to the bed and sat down and took me in her arms. I suppose she must have been startled at first — possibly even angry that I was in her bedroom, looking at her private magazines — but anyway, she came to me and held me close and told me to stop crying. She said that everything was all right, that she could never be mad at me because she loved me so very much. My mother stroked my bare back, and kissed the top of my head, and pulled me onto her lap. Soon she was kissing my cheeks and wiping away my tears, and she hugged me to her, squeezing me tight, and as I cuddled in close to her, I started to feel safe again. Warm and safe and happy.”

“I like that part,” murmured Bethany.

“Yes, it’s nice. She was so good to me.” I smiled to myself, inwardly glowing with the memories of my wonderful, caring mother. “We sat that way for a long time, me curled up on her lap, still naked, and her rocking me gently, rubbing my back, telling me how much she loved me, and sometimes giving me little kisses.

“Finally my mother said, ‘So I guess you found my little collection of magazines, huh?’ I just nodded my head and didn’t say anything. ‘Well, I’m glad you did,’ she continued. ‘Because now we have a chance to talk about it.’

“She held me some more and gently rocked me, until I said, ‘So you’re not mad at me?’ ‘No, of course not,’ she answered. ‘There’s nothing wrong at all with what you were doing. Oh, I suppose you were snooping a little bit, but every child does that. And being curious about sexual things is perfectly normal for a girl your age. I think I started to masturbate when I was, well, maybe a little older than you, but it’s a very healthy and normal thing for a girl to do.’

“I wrapped my arms around my mother and hugged her tightly. I was aware of being naked, but I felt safe and secure with her, just as I always had. Her body was warm and she smelled nice.

“After another minute of hugging, she put her hands on my bare shoulders and held me at arms’ length. ‘And look,’ she said, ‘I’m truly sorry that I surprised you that way. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you or anything. They let us out of work early today because of the snow. But you have a right to privacy, and you can masturbate whenever you want, within reason of course (I smiled when she said that), and you can feel free to look at my magazines as much as you want. You can even take some of them with you into your room.’

“She looked down at my breasts. I got kind of shy then and pulled up my hands to cover them. ‘Sweetie,’ she said, ‘I can see that you’re not a little girl any more. You’re turning into a woman. And it’s only natural that you’re going to have the feelings of a woman.’

“‘You know, Cathy,’ said my mother, as she stroked my blonde hair, ‘some women — a lot of women, in fact — like to look at pictures of other women. Pictures like those, I mean’ (she nodded toward the magazines on the floor) ‘because they find them sexually exciting. I do. And it looks like you do too.’

“I lowered my head because it embarrassed me. She put her finger under my chin, and lifted it up so I would look at her. ‘It’s okay, honey. I don’t mind. It’s normal. And any time you want to talk about anything — about what you’re feeling, or what you’ve seen in the pictures, whatever it is — you just come and ask me, and we’ll talk. Okay?’”

“I nodded and she gave me a quick kiss on the lips. ‘That’s my girl,’ she said. ‘Now, do you have some favorites that you’ve found?’ She leaned over and scooped up the two magazines that were open on the floor. ‘You like these?’

“I was getting shy again, and I’m sure I blushed, but I nodded and said, ‘Uh-huh.’ ‘Then you can have them,’ she said ‘Are there any others you want to take with you?’ I wasn’t sure what to say. I liked just about all of them. I finally answered, ‘Um, I don’t know.’

“‘That’s all right,’ she said, ‘we won’t worry about it now. But, like I told you, any time you want to talk about anything, no matter what it is, you just ask me. And feel free to take any of these magazines that you want to into your room. Let’s just say they belong to both of us now, and we can share them, okay?’

“‘Okay,’ I smiled at her. ‘But there’s just one thing,’ she added. ‘It’s not a very good idea for you to tell anyone else about this. I mean, that I’m letting you look at these kinds of magazines. I think it’s perfectly fine, that it’s good for your education, but some people might not feel the same way, so it’s best if we just decide that it’s nobody’s business but ours. Okay?’ I nodded my agreement.

“Now,’ she continued, ‘why don’t you go put some clothes on and then we can order a pizza, any kind you like, and we can eat it in the living room while we watch TV. How does that sound?’ ‘Great!’ I replied. My mother wasn’t strict or anything, but she preferred doing some things in a certain way, like cooking our own dinner, and eating at the table, and talking instead of watching television. But once in a while, for a treat, she would change the rules and make it a special night for us.

“Oh, and guess what,’ she said, ‘I brought home your favorite ice cream too, for dessert.’ ‘Mint chocolate chip?’ I asked. When she nodded yes, I threw my arms around her again, exclaiming, ‘I love you, Mommy, so much!’ ‘And I love you too, baby, very very much,’ she said, squeezing me tight. ‘Now go get dressed, and think about what kind of pizza you’d like.’ ‘Okay!’

“I grabbed my clothes and bounced off the bed, and then she called, ‘But wait, don’t forget these!’ and handed me the two magazines I’d been looking at while I was masturbating. I blushed again, but took them and went to my room.”

I looked at my three daughters. They had been quiet for a while, still listening, but not making any comments or asking questions. Kristen was nestled in on my left side, and Andrea was on my right. Bethany had shifted around to sit in the corner of the sofa, with her long slender legs laying across Andie’s lap.

“Do you want me to keep telling the story?”

“Yeah,” answered Bethany, “the next part is my favorite.”

“Mm-hm, me too,” agreed Andie.”

“But Mommy…” began Kristen.

“Yes, darling?”

“After the story’s done, will you, like, kiss me some more and stuff?”

My arm was already around her little shoulder, and I pulled her even closer to me. “Of course I will, baby girl! I’ll kiss you and lick you and touch you all over!”

Kristen squealed with delight, and I heard the other two add that they would eagerly join in on the fun. Glancing over, I saw that Andrea had slid her hand up very high on Bethany’s bare leg, and she was gently caressing the inside of her sister’s thigh, near her crotch, just below the hem of Bethany’s short-shorts.

“So, you like the next part, Bethany?” I asked quietly.

“Uh-huh,” she nodded, her eyes heavy-lidded with growing lust. I saw her hand slip under her t-shirt again, so she could fondle her erect nipples.

“Okay, then I’ll go on.”

But it wasn’t easy for me to stay focused and continue. In some ways, my daughters each have more sexual self-discipline than I do. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to give in to my raging desires for them. It was only due to their insistence that I went on telling the story.

“That night after we’d finished enjoying our pizza and our ice cream and watched TV together for a couple of hours, my mother said it was time for bed. I went to my room as usual, changed into my jammies, brushed my teeth, and climbed into bed. I was trying to decide whether I wanted to read a couple of chapters in the new mystery novel I’d begun the night before, or if I just wanted to turn out the light and start playing with myself in the dark, or maybe if I wanted to open up the magazines my mother had given me and look at them in bed while I touched myself, which would be a new thing. I was leaning toward that third option when there was a soft knock on my bedroom door.

“My mother put her head inside and asked, ‘Asleep yet?’ I answered, ‘No, um, but pretty soon.’ I was really glad I had not yet taken out the pornographic magazines, which were in the top drawer of the little table next to my bed, because even though my mom had given me permission to use them and to masturbate, it still would have been pretty embarrassing to have my mother find me like that again on the very same day!

“She came into the room and sat down on my bed. She was wearing a short silk robe that tied at the waist. When she sat, the robe fell open at the top and I could see that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She’d apparently just taken a bath, because she smelled clean and fresh and her smooth legs had a healthy shine from having lotion applied to them.

“‘I wanted to talk to you for a minute,’ she said, ‘just to tell you again that I’m sorry I surprised you and upset you earlier today. I owe you an apology for that.’ I rolled my eyes. ‘Mommy, if I hadn’t been sneaking into your room in the first place, you wouldn’t of caught me there, so it’s my fault.’ She smiled and patted my leg. ‘Anyway, now it’s all out in the open for both of us. You know about the sort of things I like to look at, and I know that you know about it. And now I’ve learned that you’re old enough to be interested in some of the same kinds of things I am, so…’ I looked down then, blushing. ‘Sweetie, what is it?’ my mother asked.

“‘I don’t know,’ I began, ‘it’s just, you know, sort of weird to be talking with my mom about this stuff. I mean, it’s not that I don’t like talking with you about all kinds of things, and you’re always so cool about, well, everything. It’s just, you know, weird.’

“She patted my leg again. I liked the way her hand felt nice and warm on my thigh, even through the covers. ‘I know, honey, it must seem kind of strange. But I think we’ll get used to it. I’d like to, um, to be able to share with each other how we feel about certain things. Like about, well, maybe about what sort of… pictures and ideas excite each of us. You know, just to be able to talk about these things, woman to woman — or woman to girl — without being too embarrassed about it.’

“That made me smile. ‘Really?’ I asked. ‘I mean, I can really talk with you about any of that stuff? Like, I mean, you know, the girls in the magazines, and what they’re, um, what they’re doing with each other and everything?’

“‘Yes, honey, really, I mean it,’ she insisted. ‘I want to be able to talk with you about all of that. It’s like… well, you’re my daughter, of course, but in a lot of ways you’re also my closest friend. I mean, who else do I see more often than you? Who knows me better than you do? I want us to be… to be very, very close. Okay?’ I nodded, and she leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips.

“‘All right, so you go to bed now, and I’ll see you in the morning.’ She started to leave, but I sat up straight, taking her by the wrist, and said, ‘Mommy, I — can I ask you something?’ She sat back down again. ‘Of course, honey, anything.’ ‘Well, I,’ I started, ‘I was wondering, if, I mean, well, you know…..’”

“She chuckled, ‘No, honey, I don’t know. What is it? Just say it.’ I’d surprised myself by stopping her and beginning to ask something I hadn’t even realized I was planning to ask. ‘Okay, well,’ I tried again, ‘um, when you, like, masturbate?’ ‘Yes?’ she prompted. ‘Do you,’ I went on, ‘do you ever look at those magazines while you’re doing it?’ She nodded. ‘Of course I do. That’s why I have them. Not every time, though. Sometimes I’ll just close my eyes in the dark and think about a particular fantasy while I’m, uh, stimulating myself.’

“I went on, ‘But, what I mean is, those magazines are all about girls, or women, and without any men in them. You know?’ She nodded again, waiting for me, so I said, ‘Are, well, um, does that mean that — that you, and um, I guess, that I, that we’re, you know, like, lesbians?’

“My mother looked down for a moment, apparently trying to decide how to answer. Then, as she looked up again, she leaned in toward me, very close, and I slid down onto my back. She was kind of half laying on top of me, and she put an arm around my shoulders. Her face was very close to mine. ‘Honey, it’s not really that simple. Some women and girls, the ones that I suppose most people would call lesbians, have no interest at all in thinking about men, or fantasizing about them, or dating them, or falling in love with them, or having sex with them. They are only interested in other women, or girls.

“‘But there are a lot of other women, more, I’m sure, who might still think of themselves as heterosexual — that is, they’re married or have a boyfriend or they always date men, and so on — but still they get excited by fantasizing about other girls, by looking at them, or looking at pictures of them, or by imagining when they masturbate that they’re having sex with them, even though maybe they would never do that in real life. Almost all women, in my experience, are at least a little bit interested in other women. It’s really common, I think. Just about all of us probably are bisexual in that way, meaning they can get excited by the idea of being with another woman, or just seeing another woman naked, or seeing pictures of her masturbating, like in our magazines.’

“She stopped then, and after a moment, I asked, ‘But, um, so what are you?’ My mother gave a soft laugh, kissed me quickly on the mouth, and then gently rubbed the tip of her finger over my lips as she answered. ‘Well, as you know, sweetie, I never go out with men. I rarely go out with anyone, in fact. But, the truth is that I have, once in a while, had a few dates with women, although I’ve never really had a relationship with any of them, just, well, sex occasionally. And when I masturbate, which is pretty often, by the way, all my fantasies are about women or girls. Never men. So, I think, by that definition, you’d have to call me a lesbian.’

“‘Oh,’ I said. ‘Does that bother you,’ she asked, ‘knowing that your mother is a lesbian?’ ‘No,’ I answered honestly, ‘it doesn’t. But, um, if you’re a lesbian, does that make me a lesbian too?’ She chuckled one more time, and kissed me again. I liked how she was kissing me so much. ‘It’s probably too early to know about you yet, sweetheart. The fact that you’re interested in looking at those kinds of pictures, and masturbating while you look at them, that only means that you have a normal, healthy sex drive for a girl your age. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a lesbian. You might be, of course, but we’ll just have to wait a few more years to see if you start getting more of an interest in boys. And meanwhile, if you get excited by looking at the pictures in those magazines, and if you like thinking about the girls, or imagining, well, whatever you want to imagine about them, that’s perfectly fine. Just enjoy yourself and don’t worry too much about trying to figure it out. Have fun, and I promise you, everything will work itself out. Okay?’

“‘Okay.’ I smiled and started to pull my arms out from under the covers to give my mother a hug, but they kind of got tangled up in the sheets, and then in her robe, and I ended up accidentally putting my hand right on her breast when I tried to reach under her arm. ‘Oops!’ I giggled, and she said, ‘Oh, so I guess you are a lesbian!’ We had a good laugh about that. I managed to get my arms around her finally and we shared a hug, then she kissed me once more, twice more, on the lips, before saying goodnight and leaving the room.

“I lay there for a while, just thinking about our conversation, and about how nice it was to be so close to her, and how much I liked it when she kissed me. After a long time of lying there and thinking, I decided it was time to go to sleep, but I wanted to masturbate first. I got out both of the magazines and I looked at them for a few minutes, but then I turned out the light and closed my eyes and started trying to fantasize… and then I began to wonder if my mother was, perhaps, doing the exact same thing at the same time I was. Was she lying in her bed, thinking about sexy stuff? Was she looking at the pictures in one of those magazines, some of the very pictures I had looked at myself? Was she touching herself? Was she naked?

“I got so curious about all these things that I had to find out. She’d kept telling me again and again that I could ask her about anything, whatever I was curious about, so now I would. I put on my slippers and went to her bedroom door. I listened for a moment outside, but I couldn’t hear anything. Maybe she was already asleep. But I had to be sure. I knocked softly and then turned the knob, opening the door slightly.

“I looked inside her room, but it was dark and still. ‘Mommy?’ I asked. ‘Yes, honey?’ Her voice was strained, as if she was breathing hard. ‘Um, Mommy?’ ‘Yes, baby, what is it?’ ‘Well, I wanted to know if, if you were gonna masturbate tonight.’

“She didn’t answer right away. I listened for her voice, and I thought I could hear quiet movements. Then she said, ‘Yes, I am, sweetie. In fact, that’s what I’m doing right now.’ ‘Really??’ I was kind of surprised that she would admit it. ‘Right now??’ Again there was silence for a few moments, except for a gentle rustling, maybe a rhythmic movement of hand on skin. ‘Yes, honey, right now. That’s what I’m doing.’

“I felt my heart pounding. I had no idea that I would find all of this so exciting. Until that day I had never even known that my mother masturbated, although I suppose at some level I assumed that she did, but when I was right there in the room with her while she was doing it — it was thrilling! ‘Mommy?’ ‘Yes… what is it?’ ‘Um, can I, can I get in bed with you? And could we, like, do it together?’

“Then it really was quiet. Totally silent. Whatever rustling I thought I’d heard stopped completely. Finally my mother said, ‘Do it — together? You mean, masturbate together?’ ‘Yeah, can we? Is that okay? I mean, you said I should ask for anything, right?’ She laughed, a lot. ‘Yes, honey, that is what I said. But, are you really sure that’s what you want?’

“I took a step in the dark toward her bed. ‘Yeah, it is what I want. I think it would be really fun. And if, like, if I could watch you and you could tell me what you were doing, then, you know, I could learn some more. Like you said before, it would be an education for me.’ She was quiet for a moment. Then she said, ‘Watch? You mean, we should turn on the light so you can see what I’m doing?’ ‘Uh-huh. Is that okay? You’re not mad at me, are you?’

“‘No, no, honey, of course I’m not.’ The lamp by her bed came on. My mother was sitting up, with the sheet held in front of her chest, hiding her breasts. ‘I’m not mad at you, sweetie.’ She patted the bed next to her. ‘Come on up here and let’s talk about it.’ I left my slippers behind and climbed into her bed.

“After I got settled in, she asked, ‘So, uh, what made you decide to ask that?’ ‘Ask what?’ ‘You know, ask if we can masturbate together.’ ‘Well,’ I told her, ‘I was in my room, and I was starting to, you know, touch myself, and then I started wondering if you were doing it too, and then I thought how great it would be if we could do it together. You know?’

“She looked at me, smiling and shaking her head. ‘Wow, you are some amazing little girl. How did I get so lucky to have you as my daughter?’”

“How did we get so lucky to have you for a mother?” It was Bethany. By this time, she had her t-shirt pulled up to just below her chin, fully exposing her lovely small breasts, and she was casually fondling them. Andrea was watching Bethany, and she had her pale legs spread apart, her denim skirt hiked up, and her own hand between her legs.

I smiled and looked at them both for a moment, before answering. “Thank you, darling, that is so sweet of you. I love you.” I blew her a kiss.

“What happened next, Mommy?” asked Kristen.

“Well, little girl, what happened next was, I told my mother that I really wanted to masturbate with her, and I told her how much I wanted to watch her do it, so I could see what she did. She thought about all this for a little while, and asked me some more questions, but finally she agreed.

“My mother lowered the sheet, exposing her beautiful, creamy-white breasts. I stared at her pink nipples, thinking that she was just as pretty, if not prettier, than any of the girls I’d seen in the magazines. ‘I like looking at you, Mommy,’ I said. ‘Do you, little one?’ She held her breasts in her hands. ‘Do you think your mother has pretty breasts?’ ‘Oh, yes!’ I told her. ‘I love them.’ She put out her hand and touched my cheek. ‘What a nice girl you are.’”

“I like your titties, too, Mommy,” said Kristen, as she reached up to feel my breasts through my top. I wasn’t wearing a bra, and my nipples immediately sprung to attention when my youngest daughter touched them.

“Ooh, I like having you play with my titties, sugar puss, touching them and kissing them and sucking my nipples.”

“Can I suck your nipples now, Mommy?” Kristen had both hands on my chest, kneading my breasts. She knew very well how this drove me crazy with lust.

“Mmm, you want to suck your mother’s nipples, baby?” I licked my lips, anticipating how wonderful it would feel to have her sweet mouth on my breasts. Glancing over at Andie and Bethany, I said, “Girls, is it all right if we take just, you know, a short break from the story?”

Andrea immediately answered, “I want to suck your nipples too!”

I was short of breath as I imagined two of my daughters sucking my tits at the same time. I looked at Bethany, but she didn’t say a word, just pinched her stiff nipples between her fingers and slowly nodded her head.

“Let me just, take off my top.” I reached behind my neck to undo the buttons.

“I’ll help you,” offered Andie, who got up on her knees, opened the two buttons on the back of my blouse, and assisted me in lifting the top over my head and off.

My breasts are not large, but they are still nicely rounded. My skin is white, where I’m not tanned, with a few light freckles. My nipples are brown, and very long. At the moment, they were fully erect, begging to be sucked.

Kristen couldn’t wait. She instantly latched onto the breast on her side, holding it in both her little hands and nursing as if she was a baby. “Oh!” I cried out. It felt heavenly. I gazed lovingly at her and stroked her shiny blonde hair.

Then I turned to look at Andrea, who was taking a different approach. With her eyes locked on mine, she extended her tongue and lapped at the very end of my straining nipple. I swooned.

When my middle daughter finally stopped teasing me with her tongue and closed her mouth over my nipple to begin sucking in earnest, I slumped back on the sofa and fell into an erotic dream state, as in a trance, nearly overcome with incestuous lesbian satisfaction…..

I was only awakened from that delicious place when I felt a pair of hands sliding over my bare legs and up to my waist. Someone was tugging at my panties, trying to remove them. I raised my hips to allow my underwear to be pulled down and off. My pussy was now exposed.

Forcing my eyes open, I looked down to see Bethany’s beautiful face between my legs. Licking her lips, my thirteen-year-old daughter smiled warmly at me as she gently eased my thighs apart and then lowered her mouth to my sex.

This was the ultimate for me. As a woman who loves other women, and as one who especially loves young girls — and as one who is most highly aroused by the idea of sexual relations between female family members — this was the fulfillment of all I had ever wanted. To have my own three girls erotically pleasuring me was a forbidden dream come true.

This wasn’t our first time, of course. I’m sure it is clear by now that I’ve been sexually active with my daughters for several years. With Bethany it began when she was nine, with Andrea two years later when she was ten, and with Kristen on the day she turned eight, a little more than two years before this.

Every time I tell them the story about my own wonderful mother and how she allowed me the freedom to explore my sexuality, I become very excited and my girls do too. Something about it always leads us to start touching and kissing and licking each other. That’s why I’m happy to repeat the story as often as they like!

With Kristen sucking one breast and Andrea the other, and with Bethany licking my pussy and beginning to finger-fuck me, I knew my first orgasm would come very quickly. And it did.

As I felt myself starting to come, I reached down and grabbed Bethany’s head in my hands, forcing her face against my cunt. I climaxed loudly, screaming with pleasure, feeling her fingers thrusting deeper and harder inside me, making me come again and again.

Finally it was over. I relaxed and let her go. She sat back on her knees, smiling up at me, her lovely face covered with my juices.

“Oh my god that was amazing,” I panted. “Thank you so much, my darling. All three of you.”

I looked at Andrea and Kristen and pulled them both to me, kissing them each on the lips, slipping my tongue into first one girl’s mouth and then the other’s. We kissed that way for several minutes, back and forth, then I watched as my young daughters sensually kissed each other. When Bethany joined us, she brought her lips to mine and as we kissed I tasted my own cunt in my child’s mouth.

I love my darling girls so much! I have the happiest and most fulfilling life that any woman could ever desire.

Continue on to Chapter 3


The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 16

  • Posted on December 17, 2015 at 2:28 pm

By Cheryl Taggert

For assistance in keeping up with all the characters, you can go here.

It was Saturday, and Susan was due soon for a sleepover with Heather and Tina. Susan had told her best friends about her time with Mia, her mom, and of course, they had told their mother. Mia knew about Cheryl and the sexual relationships she had with her daughters, but she was not aware that Cheryl and the girls knew about her and Susan.

That news was about to be shared with Mia, mostly because none of them could wait to have sex with the beautiful brunette. It was how that information would be shared that made the difference. Cheryl and her daughters had a plan that not even Susan was aware of.

When the doorbell rang, Tina and Heather, already naked and very horny from playing around with each other much of the afternoon, scampered into the den where they began to make out. Neither girl had come yet, on Cheryl’s orders. “I want you both dying to come when we finally get together,” she had said.

Cheryl went to answer the door. Opening it, she felt her heart skip at the sight of the mother and daughter.

Mia was wearing a light blue pleated skirt with a semi-sheer egg-shell colored blouse with a plainly visible camisole beneath to hide her bra. Her long, brown hair hung down in waves that reached the middle of her back, with a slender rope of hair crossing over each shoulder in a way that seemed to frame her breasts.

Mia now saw Cheryl in a totally different light. Because she knew that the gorgeous mother was involved in an incestuous relationship with her two daughters, as she was with Susan, she started imagining Cheryl naked as she stood in the doorway and stepping aside to let them in. Mia felt her clit begin to throb at the image. She couldn’t help herself, really. She’d already masturbated twice to images of Cheryl, her two daughters, and Susan since learning of their secret.

Each woman noticed the other’s stares but did not mention them.

“Come in, ladies,” Cheryl said as they entered. “Susan, the girls are in the den. Why don’t you join them?”

Cheryl’s face as she looked at Susan clued the girl in that something was up, so she went directly to the den, leaving her mother and Cheryl to chat. She could only imagine what they might chat about, but she thought it might be about sex. When she entered the den, she was positive that’s what Cheryl would talk about with her mom.

Tina and Heather were on the sofa, kissing and touching each other. Heather’s hand was softly stroking Tina’s thigh, and Tina’s hand was massaging Heather’s small boobs and pinching the nipples.

“Don’t just stand there, silly,” said Heather. “Get naked!”

With a quick glance at the door and a slight hesitation as she wondered if her mom would be okay if she walked in on this, Susan grinned and began stripping. She figured she would just let Cheryl handle things.

Meanwhile, Cheryl invited Mia in for a glass of wine.

“Oh, no, really. I should probably get home.”

“I thought your husband was out of town this weekend,” Cheryl said. “At least that’s what Susan told the girls.”

Mia was caught. The fact was she wasn’t sure she could trust herself around Cheryl. She had always considered her extremely sexy, and now that she knew so much about her sex life, that opinion was only strengthened. “Well, yes, but… I mean… I have some laundry that needs doing.” Laundry, Mia thought to herself. I’m such a terrible liar! The mental admonition made her blush as she realized how bad her excuse was.

“Laundry can wait. Please?” Cheryl asked, smiling. “If you go now, I’ll think my company is less desirable than doing laundry.”

Mia took a deep breath. I can do this! she thought. “Okay. Of course your company is preferable to doing laundry. Anything is preferable to that!” she said, blushing even more when she realized how that might be taken — as if chatting with Cheryl was only barely better. “I mean… um…”

“That’s fine,” Cheryl laughed. “I know what you mean.”

Mia followed Cheryl to the the eat-in kitchen and sat down while Cheryl served the wine.

Cheryl plunged right in. “I know you know.”

“Know what?” Mia asked, hoping it wasn’t what she thought it might be, yet nearly craving that it was.

“You know,” said Cheryl.

“I… uh… well, I’m really not sure what you mean.”

“About me.”


“And my girls.”

Oh, my God! Mia thought. It IS that!

“You and your girls?” Mia said, wondering where the hell this was going.

“Yes, I know Susan told you about us.”

Mia realized she could continue to look like a moron and keep denying what she knew, or she could admit it and find out what this was about.

It was then it hit her. If they knew she knew about them, then they knew about her and Susan.

“Oh, dear God! She told you?!”

“About the two of you? Of course.” Cheryl set her wine glass down and took the wine glass from Mia, who was so shocked she looked as though she might drop it. Then she took Mia’s hand and rose from the table.

“Come with me. I’ve something to show you,” Cheryl said, and led Mia to the den.

As they entered the room, she looked at Mia and smiled. “Aren’t they lovely?”

Mia looked at the three little girls, all completely naked and involved in sex with each other. Lovely? she thought. That wasn’t the word she would choose. Intoxicatingly sexy would be more like it. The sight caused her clit, which had been fairly erect since entering the home, to tremble inside her panties. This was what she had fantasized about, and what she only now admitted to herself she wanted to see and be a part of.

This was heaven.

As Mia looked on, Heather was lying back on the sofa with her eyes closed. She was breathing a bit heavily, and Mia knew this was the effects of the lust she was feeling. Heather’s younger sister Tina and her own daughter Susan were between Heather’s spread legs. Each had her mouth situated so that they each had one half of the delicate pussy to herself. The two girls had their tongues pressed against Heather’s small swollen clitoris, each attacking the nubbin from their side, slathering the pebble of flesh with saliva and Heather’s own juices. Heather herself was busy squeezing the small hills of her boobs and pinching the petite, coral-colored nipples. As the two women watched, still unnoticed, Heather began to climax.

Shudders rippled throughout her body, and her breath burst from her with a moan. Her tummy clenched, causing her to do a small spontaneous crunch, lifting her back from the sofa a few inches with each spasm.

Mia was mesmerized by the sight. She could feel her mouth watering for pussy… anyone’s pussy. The room reeked of it and Mia inhaled the fragrance which teased her taste buds.

She felt movement beside her and noticed that Cheryl was undressing.

“What are you waiting for? An invitation? If so, then by all means, you’re invited. I don’t know about Susan, but Heather and Tina have been horny all day. I don’t intend to let that go to waste.” With that, Cheryl reached for the top button of Mia’s blouse and began removing the top.

Mia seemed to wake up and started helping. Cheryl was still in panties and bra, and she was dying to see this beautiful woman naked. Reaching out, Mia unhooked the bra and let it fall to the floor beside the girls, who had now taken notice of their mothers.

Heather lay there, catching her breath and watching the women strip. The sight of this caused her recently ravished clit to begin stirring back to life. Tina and Susan looked at each other and grinned, their mouths shiny from their recent activity.

“Orgy time,” said Tina, and kissed Susan passionately, pushing her tongue into Susan’s willing mouth and beginning the sensual dance with Susan’s tongue.

When both mothers had finished undressing, they stood for a moment, staring at the nakedness of the other, taking the vision in and burning this moment into their memories. Then they joined together and kissed, imitating their daughters.

Heather managed to stand up and join them, kissing first her mother and then Mia, going back and forth with the two women and relishing the different feel of each woman’s kiss. Her mother’s lips were like soft, warm biscuits–tender to the touch. Mia’s lips were firmer, but no less pleasant. Her kisses seemed more insistent, as if the lust she felt had settled in her mouth and was attempting to enter Heather’s body to seduce her.

Soon, Susan and Tina had stood up as well and each was busy playing with her mother’s boobs.

Finally, the kisses ended, and Cheryl said, “Let’s go to my bedroom.”

Two women and their naked young daughters padded through the house and lay on Cheryl’s large king-size bed.

Looking at Mia, Cheryl said, “What do you say you take my daughters, and I take yours?”

“That’s a lovely idea,” Mia answered and her eyes twinkled as she stared at the naked little girls who were eager to get their mouths on Mia’s sexy body.

Susan moved to Cheryl and the two lay back, beginning to kiss. Susan placed her pussy against Cheryl’s hip and began to grind softly into the flesh there. Cheryl took Susan’s leg and pulled it across her so that it rested between her thighs, pressed against her pussy. Adult and child began to hump each other slowly while sharing tantalizing kisses as their tongues made love to each other.

Mia pulled the two sisters to her, one at each breast. The girls began to lick, suck, and nibble the offered mounds, concentrating on the nipples that capped the soft hills of flesh. While they did this, Mia cupped their butts, fondling them and making quick swipes with her fingers at their rosebuds, wondering if they’d ever had anyone touch them there while also wondering if they enjoyed it. She was afraid to do anything the girls didn’t like, so she was more or less asking their permission by making the movements quick, not allowing her fingers to rest for too long against their little buttholes.

Heather moved her butt away from Mia’s body and toward the invading fingers of the woman’s right hand.

“Do you like that?” Mia asked.

“Fuck yeah,” said Heather.

Mia was momentarily taken aback by the adult language, but decided it must be acceptable to Cheryl that they could use such words in bed. Who was she to complain? That was her own favorite word while having sex.

“Me, too,” said Tina, pausing from making love to the woman’s breast. “Would you put a finger inside me there?”

Mia once again thought she was in heaven. She pushed gently at the girls’ buttholes and felt the flesh give way to allow her finger to enter to the first knuckle. The girls began to sway their hips slightly, as if their butts were dancing with the fingers.

Susan had moved to Cheryl’s breasts and was busy having fun with each of them. Cheryl was also keeping an eye on what was happening with Mia and her daughters and noticed that there was a finger in Tina’s ass. She knew the girls loved that, including Susan, so she did the same thing to her, pushing a finger inside her small butthole and wiggling it around.

Susan reacted the same way Heather and Tina had, seeming to dance lewdly with Cheryl’s finger.

Mia felt as if she might explode. She knew what she had to do, and it had to be right then.

“I have to taste your pussies,” she said.

The sisters grinned and sat up. Mia’s fingers became dislodged for the moment as the two young sisters lay back. Mia inspected their pussies before beginning the oral lovemaking. Heather’s pussy was nearly bald, but a small patch of downy hair was gathered at the top of the girl’s slit. Tina’s, on the other hand, was completely bare.

It was this smooth pussy Mia chose to lick first.

She moved down and placed her mouth over the girl’s mound without actually touching it, savoring the moment and the aroma of the juices that were flowing from deep inside the girl’s vagina. Finally, she bent her head down and placed her entire mouth over the pussy, licking along the slit and gathering the juices onto her tongue and swallowing, only to spear the small slit again and repeat the action. She felt like a cat drowning on the finest cream. After a minute spent on Tina’s pussy, she moved to Heather’s and repeated what she’d done with Tina’s. The taste was stronger. She licked it up and bathed Heather’s clit and labia with her tongue for a minute before moving back to Tina.

She alternated like this for several minutes, each time the girl she was licking got closer and closer to a climax. Finally, Tina said, “Don’t stop!” and within seconds she had fallen over the waterfall of sexual pleasure and welcomed the orgasm that seized her. When Tina had finished coming, Mia moved to Heather, who was busy rubbing her slit. She seemed intent on reaching an orgasm with or without Mia’s help.

Mia preferred to help the young girl to paradise. She covered the girl’s pussy and devoured the sexual essence spilling from her, licking and making love to the soft lips and firm clit. Heather crested almost immediately into her second orgasm. She bucked against Mia’s jaws, and the woman barely managed to maintain contact with the twelve year old’s pussy throughout the intense spasms.

Moans and screams of lust filled the air as Mia looked over to see her own daughter in a sixty-nine with Cheryl. The woman and child were coming simultaneously, grinding through the orgasms. Each had her mouth locked onto the other’s pussy and a finger inside the other’s butt.

“Now you lie back and we’ll do you,” Tina said, and Mia complied without hesitation. She was eager to come in these girls’ mouths.

“Do me the way Tina and Susan did you,” Mia said to Heather.

“We will,” she said. With that, the girls moved down to Mia’s pussy, which was smooth except for the small ‘landing strip’ of dark pubic hair.

They each took a half of the woman’s pussy and began licking, kissing, and sucking the wet, tender flesh of Mia’s labia and clit. Soon she was feeling the orgasm rush toward her before it hit her like a large ocean wave. Just before the climax began, she heard Cheryl coming again with Susan lapping at the woman like a starving animal.

Mia bucked and shook as the orgasm took her. She felt the explosion of pleasure that spread throughout her body from her very center.

Finally, drained for the moment, she collapsed. Her daughter and Cheryl were also separating from each other to lie back and bask in the post-orgasmic glow.

Mia spoke first. “Do you think we can make this a regular thing?”

“Of course. If the girls want that,” said Cheryl.

Three little girls all giggled with glee to indicate how much they wanted it.

“You’re staying the night, aren’t you?” Heather asked.

“Well, honey, your mom hasn’t invited me to stay.”

“She is now,” said Cheryl, smiling at Mia. “I figure the girls can sleep in Heather and Tina’s room, and you can sleep in here with me.” The implication was obvious. This way the girls could have their own fun while the two women enjoyed another adult for a change of pace.

“I don’t suppose it matters that I don’t have any pajamas,” Mia said, returning the smile.

“If you wore them, I’d just have to rip them off you.”

The women laughed at that, and soon the girls got up to go to Heather and Tina’s bedroom to leave the women together for more sex.

They all kissed each other goodnight, which nearly derailed the plans of separating the adult women from the young girls; however, it ended up serving to stoke the fires of lust in all of them, which would be attended to in their respective rooms.

Continue on to Chapter 17