The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 25

  • Posted on February 14, 2016 at 3:55 pm

By Cheryl Taggert

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

The morning they were going to leave to visit their cousin Becca and her family, Lynn and Lori were flush with excitement. They had been emailing Becca, who was much older at seventeen, about the fun they’d had on their Florida vacation. And their fun really had nothing to do with the beach. Cheryl, the woman who’d been their sitter one night, turned out to be really great! She had not only allowed them to go naked, but she had also had sex with them and let them have sex with each other. Then when they had gotten home, they ended up having fun with their mom too!

Their lives had changed in so many ways since then. They were allowed to masturbate or have sex any time they wanted, even in front of their dad, who wasn’t allowed to touch them, but he often masturbated with them. In fact, they would sometimes have sex parties with just the family. Mommy and Daddy would fuck and they would do things with each other and their mommy while their daddy watched. They thought they were the luckiest girls in the world.

As they lay in bed that morning, they were playing with themselves and sometimes reaching over to touch each other. They didn’t bother with the covers since if Mommy or Daddy caught them, they would just let them continue — or join in if they had the time.

The girls were talking about the party Becca had told them about. It would be an all-girl sex party, and there would be young girls there, too, besides them. They hadn’t told their mom about it yet, and were still deciding whether or not to mention it since Becca already had a plan on how to get them to the party. Becca didn’t know they did sex things with their mom, and they weren’t sure they wanted Becca to know since she might get all weird about it. She might even tell her mom, so it hadn’t been mentioned.

“I think it’s gonna be so cool doing stuff with some other women and girls,” Lynn was saying.

“Yeah, you and Mommy and Cheryl are the only ones I’ve done it with. I wanna try out some others,” Lori said.

“Yeah, it’s gonna be a great party!” Lynn said just as their bedroom door opened and Mommy came in.

“What party?” she asked, having overheard the last comment. She noticed the girls were busy with their fingers in their pies.

Lynn looked at Lori, ‘uh-oh’ written on her face. Neither girl answered.

“Okay, girls, spill it. What party are you talking about?”

“Um, well…you see…well….” Lynn began, wanting to think up a lie but unable to do so on such short notice.

Gina sat on the bed. “Out with it,” she commanded, and Lynn had no choice but to tell her.

She heaved a deep sigh before speaking. “Well, we’ve been sorta emailing with Becca.”

“Your cousin, Becca?”

“Yeah. She, um, well, she is going to this party Friday night and she was going to get us to go too.”

That sounded odd to Gina. A seventeen year old wanting an eleven and eight year old to tag along to some teen party? It sounded more than odd; it sounded fishy.

“She wants you two to come to a teen party?” she asked, her disbelief evident.

“Well, it’s not really a party just for teens,” Lynn continued. “There are some girls our age there, too.”

“And that’s not all, there’s gonna be –” Lori began, but Lynn nudged her to shut her up.

Gina looked down at her two girls. On the one hand, finding them naked in bed together like this had caused one predictable reaction from her. Now, however, she knew she needed to get to the bottom of this.

She looked sternly at Lynn. “There’s gonna be…what, exactly?” She was wondering if there were going to be drugs at the party and Becca had been stupid enough to A) get involved with drugs in the first place, and B) ask her little ones to come along. Murder crossed her mind.

“Some adult women,” Lynn confessed. She didn’t realize, though, that her mom hadn’t figured out this was a sex party yet. In her young mind, her mom had figured it all out.

Gina was still confused. Why would Lynn try to stop Lori from telling her that adults would be at this party, which would normally be a good thing to tell about a party the girls had been invited to.

“Why did you want Lori not to tell m–?” It was then Gina suspected what the answer to that question was. But surely, this wasn’t that kind of party, was it? With other little girls and women? Did such parties even exist?

Then she answered her own question. Of course, those kinds of parties existed. Her own family had them, and while Evan wasn’t allowed to touch the girls, he certainly enjoyed watching, and the girls enjoyed watching their father masturbate, not to mention liking to watch the two of them fuck.

“Is this an orgy?” she asked.

Lynn was confused by the word. “What’s an orgy?”

“It’s a sex party.”


“Does Becca know what we do together?” Her face was stern, indicating the answer better be ‘no.’

“No, Mommy, I promise she doesn’t. I know better than to tell her that,” Lynn said.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yeah. I know you wouldn’t want us to tell her.”

“So, is Becca planning to have sex with the two of you?”


This was news. Becca liked little ones too? She remembered the times she would change Becca’s diaper when she was little and wonder at the future of that small, baby vagina. Smiling at the joy she knew it would bring her niece later in life.

Now, Becca was seventeen, and apparently that pleasure and joy were abundant.

“Has she ever done anything to you before?” Gina asked.


“What about these adult women? Who are they?” Gina was starting to get a fun idea. A very good, fun idea in fact.

“Becca says they’re like the moms of the girls that will be there except for these two teachers.”

“Do you know how old these women are?”

“No. Are you gonna let us go to the party?”

“It depends,” Gina answered.

“On what?” Lynn asked.

“On whether or not I get invited,” Gina said, taking out her phone and finding Becca in her contact list. She pressed the button to call her, smiling at the surprise awaiting her sexy little niece. “Don’t make a sound,” she told her daughters.


Becca’s phone rang and she got out of bed to answer it. Looking at the caller ID, she noticed it was her Aunt Gina calling, Lynn and Lori’s mom. She wondered what she wanted with her as she answered.




“This is your aunt — Gina.”

“Yeah. Hi. You’re still coming for a visit, aren’t you?”

“Oh, yes, we’re definitely coming.” Gina smiled at the double entendre.

“Great. Uh, so, why are you calling me? I figured if anything you’d call Mom or Dad.”

“Well, you see, I need to talk to you about this party the girls want to go to.”

Oh, shit! Becca thought. Why would they tell their mom about it before they got here? 

“Oh?” was all she said.

“Yes, they tell me there’s going to be this party with you and some of your friends and their moms and such. They say even a couple of teachers will be there.”

Becca decided to go ahead with her original plan of explanation. “Uh, yeah. Well, you see, I’m staying over with a friend of mine and she has this little sister who’s ten, and I figured it might be nice if the sister had some company as well, you know? Their mom will be busy with the adults, and, well, I mean, you know?” She thought to herself that she must sound like an idiot.

“Oh, okay. I see. Well, they say it might be a little more than that.”

What the fuck? What had they told their mom?!

“Oh?” Becca felt completely lost not knowing the details of whatever Aunt Gina knew.

“Yes. They say there might be some fun and games involved.”

“Well…I don’t know…what kind of fun and games do they mean?”

“Well, if I talk to you about something…private…can you keep the secret? I promise if you can that, well, I can keep any secret you want to tell me,” Gina said.

Holy fuck! Becca thought. She knows! “Uh, sure.”

“Well, when I came into their bedroom, they were playing with themselves. You understand what I mean, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Becca felt her heart pounding as if needing to burst through her rib cage.

“They were lying beside each other. Naked. Masturbating.”

“Yeah. I get it,” Becca said. Where in the hell was this going?

“I have to admit to you that this isn’t the first time I’ve seen them doing that…and more.”

“Oh?” Becca wanted to hang up but knew she couldn’t.

“Yes. I’ve seen them do a lot more, in fact. With their mouths.”

“Aunt Gina, what is this all about?” Becca wanted this to end, and the only way she saw to do that was to get around to the point.

“You see, they love pussy, and I know you do too. They told me about your emails.”

“They did?”

“Yes, they did. And they told me you want to lick their little pussies.”

Becca said nothing.

“I hope you can satisfy them as well as I do.”

Huh? she thought. Was Aunt Gina saying what I think she is? “What are you saying?”

“You know perfectly well what I’m saying. We’re…how shall I put it…two peas in a pod, you and I. We enjoy the same things.”

“You’ve licked their pussies?” Her shock was such that this came out in a whisper.


“Oh, my God!”

“I know this is a surprise to you. I can’t tell you how often I wanted to lick you when you were little. I’ll be honest, I once took a lick or two when you were a baby but it made me feel too weird doing that. I’ve masturbated imagining us together. I used to come into the bathroom when you were in the tub just to get a look at you and… imagine. You know. Wonder what you’d do if I took off all my clothes and got in with you… and played with you.”

By now, Gina had managed to strip to only her panties with the silent help of her eager daughters, and her hand was inside the thin cotton, rubbing herself. She looked over at Lynn and Lori, who were doing the same while watching her hand.

“Holy shit,” Becca said. “Really?”

“Yes, sweetie. Really. Who knows? Maybe this stuff is hereditary. Has your mom ever tried anything with you?”


“Well, maybe it skipped her. Her loss, I’d say. Now, sorry to sound like a man, but what are you wearing?”


“Oh, yes. That sounds delightful. Are you alone in your bedroom?”

“I’m at my friend’s house. We’re all naked. Have been since Tuesday when we’re inside or out at the pool, which is private.” Becca decided two could play this game of telling everything sexy they could over the phone to turn the other on.

“Are they there, too?”

“They’re still in bed.”

“And what are they doing?”

“Nothing, really. We’ve been doing stuff all week. We’re sorta saving up for Friday night.”

“Well, the girls would be happy to be there at the party. If their mom is allowed to join them.”

“I’d like that,” Becca said and kept her hand from straying to her now wet pussy.

“Mmmm…so would I. I understand there will be other young girls?”


“How old?”

“From ten to twelve.”

“Mmmm…how many?”

“Including Lynn and Lori, seven.”

“And you and your friend. How old is she?”

“My age. Seventeen.”

“And how many women?”

“Seven. No, wait. Eight, including you.”

“That sounds wonderful. Do you know what I’m doing?”

“I would guess you’re playing with yourself.”

“Yes, I am. What do you think about your auntie masturbating in front of her daughters like this?”

“I think it’s hot.”

“Are you playing with yourself, Becca? You can tell me if you are.”

“Mostly, I’m trying not to. I’m still kinda sore from all the sex I’ve had over the last few days.”

“You don’t mind if I come while I have you on the phone, though, do you?”

“Not at all. Are the girls going to come too?”

“Probably.” Becca could hear her aunt move the phone from her mouth and speak to the girls, “Are you girls wanting to come for Mommy and Becca?”

Becca heard the replies from both girls, who apparently were getting close to orgasms themselves. She was certain the atmosphere in the girls’ room was over-the-top sexy.

“Okay, my dear niece. I’m going to come. You listen to me come, okay?”

“Okay.” It was all she could do to keep herself from touching her pussy, which would probably come in seconds, she was so turned on. Then she thought, what the hell, and began stroking her clit. She was right. Her climax was already too near to stop. “I’m touching myself,” she told her aunt.

“Delicious,” Gina said before her orgasm seized her. “Oooohh! Shiiiit!”

“Oh, God!” Becca exclaimed as her climax quickly overpowered her. She could hear her aunt and cousins all coming on the other end of the line, which only served to cause her own orgasm to swell into even more bliss.

When they’d finished and had caught their breath, Gina ended the conversation. “I’ll see you this afternoon.”

“I’ll see you, too,” Becca said.

“And I want to see all of you. I may even want to watch you licking my daughters. Would you do that for me?”

“Of course,” Becca said and hung up. Standing on wobbly legs, she turned to find Carolyn and Candace sitting up in the bed, watching her.

“Wow. That must’ve been a wild phone call,” Carolyn said, grinning. “I thought we’d agreed to abstain from sex today.”

“You guys won’t believe this,” Becca said, and motioned for them to follow her into the den.

When she’d finished telling them about the odd — and highly erotic — phone call, the girls were dumbfounded.

“Holy shit! Is every woman in the world into younger girls? As young as eight?” Carolyn said.

“I don’t know, but it does seem we’ve managed to meet quite a few lately. To think my sexy aunt was fantasizing about me like that! I actually managed to see her and her husband fucking one time when they didn’t know I was there.”

“Really?!” asked Candace.

“Yeah, I was, well, snooping around in their things and heard them coming down the hall to their room.”

“Why were you snooping?” Candace asked.

Becca blushed slightly. “To see her panties. I had found them and a small vibrating dildo. I was just checking it out, you know, turning it on and off and wondering if I could somehow manage to slip out with it for a while when I heard them approaching.”

“How old were you?” Carolyn asked.


“And here I thought you weren’t into girls until I came along,” Carolyn said with a small laugh.

“Well, I was into them in a way, but hadn’t figured out how to act on it,” Becca confessed. “I just knew I thought my aunt was sexy.”

“So what happened then?” Candace asked.

“I put the vibe back the way I found it and ducked into the closet. When I did, I got scared maybe they were going to hang up some clothes from their suitcases and I’d be caught, but that wasn’t what was on their minds.” Becca smiled wickedly.

“So what did you see?”

“They came into the room, shut the door, and started kissing. I could see them through these open slats in the door of the closet. They couldn’t see me cuz it was dark in the closet. They started taking off their clothes and started talking about someone’s pussy.”

Becca paused, remembering the conversation. Realization dawned on her. “Oh my God, they were talking about me.”

“What?!” Candace said. “What did they say?”

“They were saying stuff like ‘Don’t you think she’s cute’ and ‘I bet she has a tasty pussy.’ Things like that.”

“Who did you think they were talking about?” Carolyn asked.

“I didn’t know. I thought they were talking about some friend of theirs, which was sexy enough. But now I realize they were talking about me. Aunt Gina said something about they would go to jail for molesting someone like that. I was too young to follow the conversation at the time. Then Uncle Evan said something about how this person must like to wear yellow panties. I remember thinking that I liked yellow panties too. Holy shit!”

“So they’ve wanted you since you were eleven?” Candace asked.

“Even before that, if what my aunt says is true,” said Becca.

“She told you she licked your pussy some when you were a baby?” Candace was incredulous, not to mention horny. She was already ignoring, like Becca before her, that this was a day of abstinence. Her fingers were toying with her clit.

“Licking a baby is kinda gross,” said Carolyn.

“Yeah, I told you she thought so too, which is why she stopped.” She and Carolyn looked at Candace.

“Anything turns you on, though, doesn’t it?” she teased.

“Can’t help it,” Candace said. “Sometimes it just gets a life of its own.”

“So, your aunt will be at the orgy?” Carolyn asked.

“Yep. She said the girls could come if she could. Of course, I said yes.”

“Wow!” Carolyn said. “That makes seventeen. One for every year of our lives,” she said to Becca.

“I wouldn’t mind spending a year with each of them,” Becca said.

By this time, Candace was lying back on the bed, masturbating wildly, searching for the orgasm that was fast approaching. Becca and Carolyn watched.

“It’s so hot watching my little sister doing that,” said Carolyn.

“I know,” Becca agreed.

The girls watched Candace’s fingers rapidly swishing back and forth across her vulva, stimulating the clit. The squishy sound of her soaked pussy being stroked like that seemed to echo in the silent room. Carolyn and Becca seemed mesmerized by the vision of the little girl getting herself off in front of them.

Finally, Carolyn took Becca by the hand and pulled her onto the bed. Carolyn reclined where she could watch her baby sister’s erotic actions up close, and Becca lay with her mouth on Carolyn’s twat. She could look up Carolyn’s body to see the ten year old as well. She managed to refrain from touching herself, though she very much wanted to do just that, but instead concentrated her energy on getting Carolyn off while enjoying the lewd display of Candace’s masturbation.

“Uuugggghhh!” Candace groaned as she came, the orgasm causing her to lift her hips from the bed as she abandoned herself to the feelings that swept through her. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she said, as if every word brought better sensations.

Candace looked down at her sister and Becca just in time to watch Carolyn reach her climax. “Shit! Fuck! Lick me!” Carolyn screamed as she came, bouncing her ass on the bed in time with the shudders that rippled through her.

When they’d finished, Candace moved to where she could kiss Becca. She wanted to lick her sister’s juices from the beautiful girl’s face and lips. The ten year old was beside herself with longing as she cleaned Becca’s soft skin. Kisses turned into licks, which turned back into kisses. This process continued until Becca enfolded the young girl in her arms and they kissed tenderly for several minutes, enjoying each other with the familiarity of old lovers.

“Just think,” Carolyn breathed as the other girls lay back to catch their breath and cool off. “If we have this much fun with just the three of us, what will it be like when there are seventeen women and girls having sex with each other?”

The girls lay in the bed trying to imagine the pleasures that awaited them. Finally, they got out of bed with the realization they were starving. But their hunger was for more than food, though that was the need they satisfied first.

Once breakfast was done and the dishes cleaned up, they decided to go out to avoid having too much sex before the orgy.

They had to save their energy for the extreme moments that awaited them.

Oh, yes. This was going to be the most fun they’d ever had.

It wouldn’t be their last, they each promised themselves.

Continue on to Chapter 26


No comments on The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 25

  1. Evan says:

    Wow Cheryl – I don’t know how you keep writing such intense and erotic chapters! I had to spill some beans after reading this one 😉

  2. Cheryl says:

    Glad I could be of some help! 🙂

  3. kim says:

    Cheryl thanks, me and Sue had the best valentine cum thanks to this hot chapter

  4. Cheryl says:

    Thank you! Mostly, I write to turn myself on and hope that it manages to be “entertaining” for others as well. 😉 I hope to finish writing this story this week, meaning the final chapter should post sometime next week.

    Keep coming!

  5. Deanna says:

    Cheryl… As usual another great chapter and read to us by Jess (Our Junior Member) as we sat and observed each other’s reactions. Jess calls it our own Pussy Cats Club. Four very wet pussies thank you for this chapter. We can’t wait for the next chapter!!!

  6. Little Lover says:

    It’s quite hot knowing Gina wishes she had never stopped licking that sweet baby pussy.

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