The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 26

  • Posted on February 19, 2016 at 6:33 pm

By Cheryl Taggert

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

Friday finally arrived. Carolyn, Becca, and Candace busied themselves cleaning and making hors d’oeuvres for the party. They worked hard to finish by early afternoon so they could get some rest — with a rule of no sex being strictly enforced. They were even wearing clothes for a change to avoid the visual stimulation they knew would accompany any nudity on their part.


Cheryl called home to talk to Heather to make sure they were ready when she got off work. She wanted to get to the orgy early to see if there was anything she could do to help. Heather was excited, of course, and promised her mom neither she nor Tina would do anything sexual that day. Abstaining seemed to be the order of the day for everyone.


All the women and girls were eager for the party to start, but it wouldn’t begin until that evening. They had the address and could use their GPS to get there since none of them had been to the Shea home before. The anticipation was like an electric charge that kept the women and girls on edge all day. Many of them felt an orgasm was just out of reach all day.

They had all received information about who was expected. They knew there would be seven young girls ranging in age from 8 to 12 and two teenagers, age 17. Eight attractive adult women would be there as well, ranging from age 29 to 36.

Seventeen horny women and girls, all intent on getting and receiving as many orgasms as they could handle, thought of little else that day. This made it difficult to refrain from sex, but they managed. Of course, some of the adults were at work, and any chance at intimacy with their bodies did not exist unless they decided to make time for it, and they were happy to keep busy to keep their minds focused elsewhere for the most part. Furthermore, these women did not have intimate conversations with their co-workers, at least not about this party, which could land all the adults in jail and the children in juvenile hall and placement with foster families. Therefore, they at least had no reason to mention the sex that beckoned them at the end of their day, a constraint that helped ease their sexual tension some.

The young girls, of course, did not have that restriction, but they managed to hold off. Well, there was one exception, but she hadn’t meant to come.

Still, all the women and girls would occasionally think of the evening that awaited, and these thoughts would cause their already moist vaginas to spill a little more of their precious juices. So while they were in control, they were also anxious to get things going.


At Party Central, as Carolyn was referring to their home, the girls finished preparations for the fun and sat down to relax after a bite of lunch. The conversation naturally turned to the evening ahead.

“Do you think we should have some games?” Carolyn asked.

“I think that would be fun,” Candace said. “What kind of games?”

“Sex games,” Becca answered.

“Of course, sex games. I mean what KIND of sex games?” Candace said.

“How about a little hide and seek?” asked Carolyn, a mischievous smile growing on her face.

“That’s a kid’s game,” Becca said, frowning at the idea.

“Not the way I’m thinking of it.” Carolyn’s smile piqued the others’ curiosity.

Becca looked at her friend, her brows rising in question. “What’d’ya mean?” she asked.

“What if it wasn’t a person being looked for?”

“Okay. What?” Candace asked.

“What if everyone was looking for, say, a playing card? There are seventeen people coming. We could have like three of one card, like three 2’s, and three of another, and three of another, and three of another.” Carolyn thought for a moment. “And two of another and two of another.”

“You mean like three 2’s, three 3’s, three 4’s, three 5’s, two 6’s, and two 7’s?” Becca asked, trying to visualize where this was going. She realized this added up to sixteen, one short of the number of women and girls attending the party.

“Yeah,” Carolyn said, the excitement lighting her features. “Then one person hides the cards around the house and everyone goes looking for them. They’re not too well hidden, so they shouldn’t be that hard to find. We don’t want people taking too much time looking for cards. Then everyone groups up according to the cards. All the 2’s get together, all the 3’s and so on.”

“What about the person who hides the cards? What does she do? Just watch?” Candace asked, having done her own addition of the number of cards.

“No, that person gets to choose her group.”

“Or even better, the first person who finds a card gets to bring the one who hid the cards into her group!” Becca said, getting excited about the game as well.

“Yeah!” Candace agreed.

“Sure, whatever we want to do is fine,” Carolyn said.

“But doesn’t that take too much time, with everyone waiting around for the other groups to finish so we can play again?” Candace asked.

“No, silly,” Carolyn said. “This would just be the ice-breaker, you know, to get things started,” said Carolyn.

“Oh,” said Candace, blushing. Then an idea occurred to her. “Hey!” she said, startling the other girls. “I have an idea!”

“What?” said Becca, giggling at the shock caused by Candace’s outburst.

“Well, if we get into these groups, that means we may not be able to get with someone we’d like to get with, you know?” The others nodded, realizing this could be a problem. “So we set a timer on a phone that just keeps repeating, maybe every ten minutes or so, and when the timer goes off, one person from each group must move to another group. We can just alternate who moves. And we do this for maybe thirty or forty minutes. By then, we should be ready for something else!”

“Yeah, but who’s the unlucky girl who has to reset the phone timer? And what if we’re so busy we don’t hear it?” Carolyn said. “I like the idea of switching, but that sounds a bit too involved.”

“How about every time someone in a group comes, someone from that group switches with someone else?” Becca asked.

This idea sounded better to the girls.

Candace added, “Maybe the person who comes could be the one to move!”

Carolyn laughed. “I’m not sure I’d be able to move!” The other girls laughed at this as well, realizing they may be equally incapacitated for a few minutes.

“Then after this phase of the party, we could all go skinny-dipping,” Candace said. Carolyn and Becca liked this idea and agreed with the young girl, who was obviously wanting to add something to the plans. A dip in the pool would refresh everyone.

“I still want to be able to be with each of the women and girls who come to the orgy,” Carolyn said. “Maybe we could figure something out there.”

After thinking about it for a moment, Becca said, “I think trying to orchestrate that would be like the timer idea. Just too much. I think if you want to make sure you do it with everyone you want to, then it’s just up to you. We could sort of have a free-for-all after the skinny-dipping.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Carolyn said, heaving a disappointed sigh. “I suppose we’ll just have to have another one soon to allow us to have sex with anyone we don’t have a chance to have fun with tonight.”

Becca looked at her best friend and smiled as if she knew a secret about her. Carolyn noticed and, in exasperation said, “What?!”

“I know who you want to fuck,” Becca said, still smiling.

Carolyn snorted. “Oh, yeah, smarty pants? Who?”

“My aunt and her daughters.”

Carolyn sat back and grinned. “Well, you got me. But that’s too limiting.”

“Too limiting?” Becca asked, wondering what she meant.

“Yeah. I want to fuck EVERYONE at the party!” Carolyn said, laughing.

Becca and Candace joined in Carolyn’s laughter. Becca said, “Yeah, I know, but you REALLY want to fuck my aunt Gina and her daughters, Lynn and Lori.”

Carolyn looked at her nails, picking at some polish that was peeling, and said, “As if you don’t.”

“I admit it. I want them too.”

“When we met them yesterday after they got to your parents’ place, I couldn’t help drooling over them. I mean, your aunt is so sexy! And she kisses like a bomb might go off any second and the person with the hottest kiss will survive.”

“You’re lucky nobody caught you two.”

“Somebody did!” Carolyn said, still picking at her nails and laughing.

“I don’t count,” Becca laughed.

“I wasn’t talking about you,” Carolyn replied.

“Oh? Who else walked in on you two?”

“Lynn and Lori.”

Candace sat where she was, listening in on their conversation and feeling her pussy getting quite moist. She had noticed how hot Becca’s aunt and cousins were as well. She especially wanted to get with Lynn, a girl near her own age. She and Lynn and Lori had shared some kisses themselves, and someone had spent time teaching the girls how to give a hot kiss. Candace suspected it was their mother, unaware that the first real lessons in adult kissing came from a babysitter they’d recently met on vacation.

She continued to listen to her sister’s conversation with Becca.

“Lynn and Lori caught you, too?” Becca asked.

“Yep. And damn, those two little ones can kiss!”

“I know,” agreed Candace, and the older girls looked at her with realization dawning on them.

“You kissed Lynn and Lori?” Carolyn asked her little sister, her mouth agape.

“Sure. They’re really hot!”

“I guess you are looking forward to being with someone your own age, aren’t you, squirt?” Carolyn asked, happy for her sister that this would be a big opportunity for her.

“Yeah,” she said, smiling at the memory of how the girls’ kisses felt and licking her lips in anticipation for more. She noticed again that her pussy was getting wetter by the minute.

“Geez,” Becca said. “I must be the only one who got more than some kisses.”

“Really?!” Candace asked, incredulous.

“Yep. After you guys had your time with them and went back downstairs to talk to my parents,” she said to Carolyn, “I pulled them all into my room and we had a little fun.”

“Yeah, I wondered what happened to you,” Carolyn said, though she hadn’t wondered very much at the time.

Candace asked, “What kind of fun?”

“Well, I had promised to let them see me naked, so I did. Then the two girls got naked too. After all, they are staying in my room, so nobody was going to just barge in, right? Anyway, we took turns kissing and fingering each other. Nobody came or anything, but it was a really steamy scene. Aunt Gina had her hand up her skirt, touching herself, while we all fooled around. When I reached down to finger her, I found she wasn’t wearing any panties under the skirt. She was ready for me, I guess.”

“Yeah,” said Carolyn. “She took them off when we were kissing.”

“I guess I can understand why you’re so anxious to have fun with them,” Becca said.

“Hey, they’re the only ones who don’t live here, too, you know. The others I can make a date with any weekend, but this will be my only chance for a while to be with them. And boy, do I want to lick your cousins’ bald pussies. I bet they taste like heaven.”

“They do,” Becca teased, knowing Carolyn hadn’t had a chance to do more than kiss them.

“Oh, fuck!” the older girls heard Candace say. They looked over at her. She was spasming, in the middle of an orgasm.

“Did you rub yourself?!” Carolyn asked, a bit miffed that her sister had broken the “no sex” rule for the day.

“No!” the young girl said, defensively. “I swear I didn’t! I just…came!”

“Really?” Becca asked, not sure whether to believe the girl or not.

“I was just listening to you guys and I was getting, like, real turned on and stuff, and I was thinking about doing stuff with Lynn and Lori and, you know, imagining it and all, and suddenly, I was coming.”

“Were you squeezing your legs together?” Carolyn asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe.”

“Holy fuck, girl! You either had a spontaneous orgasm, or you can get yourself off by squeezing your thighs together. You lucky shit!”

“You mean you can’t?” Candace asked. She thought her sister could do anything she could as far as sex went.

“I can get really close, but I can’t just, you know, come. Not without direct touching of some kind.” Becca was looking at her and Carolyn stared back. “You mean you can too?”

“Sure. I thought every girl could.”

“Well, there’s something wrong with me, then, cuz I can’t. I can get close, but I have to reach down and rub a little to have an orgasm.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s just, well, you’re different. That’s all.”

The girls looked at Candace. “You really are lucky, girl,” said Carolyn. “Apparently, you have a gift I don’t. Enjoy it.”

Candace beamed.

“Was it a good one?” Carolyn asked.

“Yeah, but not, you know, intense or anything like that. Just…good.”

Carolyn laughed. “I can see you now! Sitting in math class and getting off to thoughts of Miss Bexley!” Before her little sister could object, she affected a change of voice, pretending to be the math teacher, whom all the girls thought was definitely not sexy. “My goodness, girl! What in the world is happening to you? You’re shaking and trembling. Spasming even.” Carolyn took on a shocked look. “Oh, my stars! Are you having an orgasm? Oh, dear!” She then affected a look of curiosity. “Tell me… what do they feel like?”

All the girls burst out laughing at this image of the straight-laced math teacher, who they had always joked wore a bun so tight it gave her a permanent, creepy smile. The teacher was in her fifties and, unlike some women that age, had not taken care of herself to remain attractive or sexy, if indeed she ever had been.

Becca laughed so hard she had to make a dash for the bathroom, feeling a small amount of urine mixing with the juices that had gathered there as she ran. She barely made it before the pee gushed out of her. Looking up, she found the sisters watching her pee, their eyes focused on the stream running into the bowl. They looked fascinated with this common bodily function.

In fact, they looked, well, turned on by this display.

Becca had heard of people who were turned on by watching others pee or even being peed on, but she had never realized the sisters enjoyed at least watching. She’d known them intimately for a several weeks, but they had managed to keep that aspect of their kinkiness hidden.

As she finished, she reached for the toilet paper.

“Let me!” said Candace, and she snatched the paper from the roll and reached down to wipe her sister’s best friend.

Becca just sat there, staring at the two. When she found her voice, she said, “Okay, that’s kinda weird.”

“What?” asked Carolyn. “Lots of people like to watch others peeing. It’s sterile, you know.”

“Yeah, I know that. I just never realized you two were into it.”

“Well, we are. Aunt Daphne sometimes lets us pee on her, in fact,” Candace said. “She’ll lie in the tub and we’ll spray away.”

Becca was shocked at this revelation. “I think I’ll pass if it’s all the same to you guys.”

“That’s cool,” said Carolyn. “We’ll stick to just each other and Aunt Daphne.”

“What about your mom?”

“She doesn’t know about this particular kink we’re into,” Carolyn said. “At least not yet.”

“Yeah, we’ve talked about telling her. Sorry if I freaked you out,” Candace said.

“I was just not expecting it. I guess if you want to watch me, you can. You can even wipe me. But I draw the line at peeing on each other.”

“That’s cool!” Candace said.

The girls watched as Becca put herself together and washed her hands, even though she’d not really touched anything but the waistband of her panties. Candace stepped to the sink and washed up as well.

“It’s at least good to see you wash after wiping,” Becca said, chuckling.

“Of course. I mean we don’t, like, drink it or anything. We just like watching and we like to pee on Aunt Daphne and each other. But not in the mouth,” Candace said. “Even we think that’s gross.”

The girls returned to the den where they’d been relaxing and decided to play a game of Monopoly to pass the time and avoid sex. Candace had already come once, and despite the minor disgust Becca had with the girls’ revelation about liking some “water sports,” they were all rather horny.

Monopoly was a great deterrent to having orgasms. They played and passed the time until Donna, Carolyn and Candace’s mother, got home from work, and the preparations kicked into high gear since that signaled the party would start within an hour.

Continue on to Chapter 27


11 Comments on The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, Chapter 26

  1. PoppaBear says:

    “Friday finally arrived … ” and with it the next chapter in Cheryl’s wonderful story of moms and daughters.

    Thank you for this, Cheryl, haven’t had time to read it yet, but I know it will be wonderful and Kim and Sue will be shivering and shaking all weekend. But, then, we know they do that anyway (don’t you, girls?) and your story is just the icing on that particular cake.

    Great story, Cheryl, thanks for everything.

  2. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, PoppaBear!!!

    I’ve actually written chapters 27 and 28. I plan to write 29 tomorrow, if I have the time and energy to do so. Been writing like crazy to finish this one. I now have a final chapter count on it, anyway. There will be a total of 32 chapters in this saga, started so many years ago. Chapters 1-4 of this as it appears on this website were written in early 2002, or FOURTEEN YEARS AGO! (I still can’t believe that it’s been that long!) Chapters 5-32 will have been written in the past six months or so.


  3. Poppabear or PoppaClyde2 says:

    Yes, it’s been a long road and I’ve been enjoying every step of it with you since I discovered your stories on LL a number of years ago.

    The really enjoyable feature of your Pussy story is that this could be happening anywhere.

  4. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Poppabear!!

    And yes, I suppose it could. 😉 😉

  5. Deanna says:

    Cheryl…Our little group has decided that we like to watch girls Peeing and can hardly wait for the next chapter…

  6. Cheryl says:


    Well, the next chapter doesn’t have any “water sports” in it. This was just a mention. Maybe later?

  7. Evan says:

    Friday came! Wait… who’s Friday? 😛 I finally got the time to read this, 27 perhaps tomorrow. I love the watersports mention – very hot to me, but I know not everyone enjoys it. I would love more on the topic.

  8. Cheryl says:

    A note here on the chapter count. I have decided that it will end after chapter 31. I am combining some things and eliminating some things. As I write this, chapter 30 is finished. I will write chapter 31 tomorrow and perhaps finish working on it Monday night.

    I will then finish “Little,” which won’t take many chapters at all, two or three at most. After that, I will tackle “I Am the Daughter of a Porn Star.” That will take several months to finish, at least. It may even be near the end of summer when I finish this one. I can foresee it going up to 40 or 50 chapters, maybe more.

    After that? Who knows? I have a few ideas rolling around in my head, and once it moves downtown (you get my drift, I hope), I will be ready to move on the new project, as of now barely considered.

    Right now, I’m getting hot thinking of where I want to take “Daughter of a Porn Star.” I think everyone will like it. What is here is almost all of part one, Childhood. Part two will be Teen Years. Part three will be Young Adult. One thing I will say is the REAL Lisa will be in it, though I may change her name to protect the guilty. 😉

  9. Saapho69 says:

    Monopoly is such a good way to avoid orgasms lol. Idk about any of you but when I play monopoly with my friends it never fails, someone gets mad lol.

  10. Bryan says:

    I like story’s with a little WS in them

  11. Kim & Sue says:

    I don’t know where we were, but we’ve never seen or read the later chapters of this story. We had got through maybe the first five chapters.

    So we’ve been catching up. It’s a thrill to read an older story that is like brand new to us.

    Cheryl, though gone, still keeps on giving. What a great legacy to leave.

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