(With apologies to Jonathan Swift)
By JetBoy
When Naughty Mommy set up the Best of Leslita page at Juicy Secrets (and I assumed the unofficial mantle of Site Archivist), our goal was to gather up all the best stories from Lesbian Lolita and preserve them here before its founder ‘C’ closed the site down for reasons of health after an incredible ten-year run. (Our best wishes go out to you, dear lady, wherever you are.)
Day after day, I’d select choice items from the many stories to be found there and post them here, with my lovely site cohort Cheryl often proofreading and cleaning up the text.
Then an unexpected windfall took place, or at least we thought it was: Leslita was taken over by a volunteer from our little erotic scene named Jenny, who vowed to keep it going. Needless to say, my partners and I were delighted to see our big sister site saved from the scrap heap. Furthermore, the fact that Leslita would stay put meant that we no longer had to wig out about salvaging its stories, so my urgent archiving activities came to a halt.
That was then, this is now. As I type these words, it has been four months since a new story has appeared at Leslita. We’re not exactly sure what has happened, only that it has.
Even if the site resumes, it will be a pale shadow of its former glory. Allow me to quote this addition to the submissions page, added I know not when:
While in the past stories were included, that focused on the sexual attraction of adult women toward young girls. From now on, stories submitted must have focus on the sexual feelings the underage characters. Any story with an adult main character (first person voiced) will not be allowed. Also stories containing sexual activity between an adult and a child under the age of 13 will not be allowed.
With these new rules, Leslita has surrendered the edge that made it unique among erotic websites. This is a unhappy development, as there are no sites of any real size (and precious few small ones) that accept sex stories featuring young girls.
Anyhow, the lack of any new posts for such a long while has reawakened our fears about the eventual disappearance of Leslita — and its enormous library of lesbian fiction.
Naughty Mommy, Cheryl, and I want to expand our Best of Leslita archive, to save what’s worth saving from the site while we’re still able. But we can’t do it alone. Running this site, earning our daily bread, spending time with our loved ones, then trying to get writing done in our spare hours… in the end, the three of us simply don’t have the ability to dig through thousands of stories as thoroughly as we’d like.
To that end we challenge you, our loyal readers, to let us know about your special Leslita favorites… or journey through the delights and dregs of the site, thinking about the tales you’d most like to see at Juicy Secrets, then let us know about them. You’ll be making a genuine contribution to making our humble home a better, sexier place.
If you wish to participate, this link will take you to the Leslita page for Stories By Title. This link will take you to the page for Stories By Author. Trawl through them at your leisure (not at work, I beseech you), then then email your nominees to yours truly, JetBoy the Archivist, at [email protected].
Thing is, my partners and I are pretty picky when it comes to dirty stories. We aren’t afraid to criticize each other’s writing — that applies and then some to everyone else. We have strong ideas about what works for us and what doesn’t. Check out my blog post What We Like and Why We Like It to get a good idea of the caliber of erotica we seek. Just remember that no matter how hot the sex is, we’re likely to pass if the story is weakly plotted or clumsily written.
We prefer completed stories, but are willing to use unfinished tales of sufficient quality and hotness. Also, this is a lesbian fiction site, so any story that features heterosexual action to any major degree (and there are a few of these at Leslita) will not be considered for inclusion. No spurting cocks, thanks very much!
One cautionary note: we’d like to keep the whole nomination process a discreet one, so please don’t leave your story suggestions as comments on this page. Send them to the appropriate receptacle, namely me.
Finally, fervent thanks and lots of love to any of you who heeds our plea. Lesbian Lolita was an incredibly valuable resource back in the day… let’s pitch in and do what we can to preserve its wicked legacy!
Fondly yours, JetBoy