I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 19

  • Posted on April 11, 2016 at 4:35 pm

Phone Sex and the BIG Surprise

By Cheryl Taggert 

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

My tenth birthday was coming up soon, and Mom asked me what I wanted for this special day. I was anxious to have two numbers in my age, and though “teen” wasn’t a part of that number, it certainly brought me closer to being a teenager. I was excited about that.

I knew from my mom that as I got older I would produce a lot more fluids in my pussy, and that it would make sex, particularly masturbation, even better. I also knew this increase in fluids would occur at the same time I was getting real boobs.

I couldn’t wait! I often pictured myself playing with my titties as they grew and enjoying not only the feel of my hands on them, which I already loved, but also the feel of my fleshy boobs against my hands.

Anyway, I thought about it and decided to make a list of some things I wanted for my birthday. Here’s the list I made, along with some comments about each:

  1. New clothes (I knew I would get them anyway, but I listed it just the same.)
  2. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Deanna had read it and loved it! Little did I know what was in store for that series back then.)
  3. Getting my ears pierced (Mom already knew about this one from my constant nagging.)
  4. A pinkie ring and new earrings (for the pierced ears)
  5. A new bike (I was getting too tall for my old one.)
  6. A vibrator of my own (Another item I had been asking for)
  7. A day with Deanna, Cindy, and Jenna, her daughter (Something I had been thinking about since we found Cindy’s note on the door)
  8. One night sleeping with my mom (We had sex, but I hadn’t spent the entire night in her bed with her for a couple of years.)

Mom said she’d have to see if Cindy was available the night of my birthday, since my birthday that year was on a Monday and she usually worked that night, not to mention it was a school night and that could cause other problems, like getting up the next morning after having lots of sex the night before. She was right about that, so I added one more thing to my list: taking the day after my birthday off from school for both Deanna and me.

“What about Jenna?” Mom asked. Jenna was seven and in second grade. “And I can’t very well speak for Deanna’s parents, can I?”

“No, but you could ask!” I begged.

“We’ll see,” Mom said, which meant she would do her best. “Don’t hold your breath, though. I doubt very seriously that Cindy would take a night off.” Then she added, with humor in her voice, “Even for you.”

“Then we can move that present to Wednesday,” I said. “She already said she’s off Wednesdays and Sundays.”

“Okay, that makes it just a tiny bit more possible, but I can’t very well tell a parent to keep a child out of school. That’s a big request, and I doubt seriously either Jessie or Cindy would allow a night of sex on a school night if they won’t cancel their daughters’ school attendance for the next day.”

“But you’ll ask, won’t you?”

“Yes, I’ll ask. Just don’t depend on a yes from them.”

I sat there, just looking at my mom as she went back to reading the book she had. I waited. Eventually, she felt my gaze and looked at me.

“What?” she asked.

“Aren’t you going to call them?”


“Why not?”

“Well for one thing, that’s a conversation I need to think about. It’s not like asking to borrow a cup of sugar or something.”

I gave up for the moment. It was still early enough in the day that I could pester her later about it if she didn’t call.

I sat there for a moment before getting up to go to the bathroom. Then I went to my room. Lying on my bed, I stared at the ceiling for a while, just thinking, imagining all sorts of things from myself with titties to what I wanted to do with Cindy’s daughter, Jenna. I realized I was working myself up to a nice session of masturbation when I decided to call Deanna, figuring I would sort of feel her out on whether or not her mom might let her spend the night with me the Wednesday after my birthday and let her ditch school the next day, and having a little phone sex with her if she was able to be alone.

I reached for my bedside phone, cell phones for everyone still being a few years away, but when I picked up the phone, my mom was already on it, talking to someone.

I have always been curious. No, actually I am a very snoopy person. I never babysat without going through the bedroom drawers and closets of the parents. And given an opportunity to eavesdrop, even on my mom, I would take it.

I froze and remained silent, knowing my mom would be very pissed if she found out I was listening, even if the conversation were about nothing.

This conversation, however, was about plenty.

My mom appeared to be having phone sex with someone.

“Are you wet?” I heard my mom say into the phone.

“Starting to get there,” the other woman said. I knew that voice. Whose was it?

“I definitely am. I’m pinching my nipples and that’s sending small shockwaves down to my pussy,” my mother said.

“Oh, my. I love your boobs. I always have. Your nipples are so beautiful, so…tasty.”

Again, that twinge of recognition shot through me. I should know who this is, I thought to myself.

“You always loved it when I would get wet for you,” Mom said into the phone.

“Oh, my, yes, Kay. Do you remember our first time when I caught you and your friend Megan together?”

Then it hit me. I hadn’t recognized the voice because I would never have imagined she would ever be engaged in such a conversation as this, especially with my mom. The only woman who called my mother Kay was the person now having phone sex with her.

It was her mother, my grandmother.

“How could I forget? We nearly jumped out of our skin when you caught us.”

While their conversation became more erotic, I tried to picture my grandmother naked and masturbating. She was a beautiful woman, her figure still quite nice. She had well-proportioned tits and she’d managed to maintain her slender build. Her dark hair was shoulder length, and she usually wore it down. I’d seen her naked once when I walked into her bathroom when she was getting out of the shower. She hadn’t seemed to mind.

“Okay, I’m naked now,” Grandma was saying when I re-focused on the conversation. “Where are you?”

“I’m in my bedroom.”

“Where’s Cheryl?”

“She’s in her room.”

“I wonder if she’s doing what we are doing,” Grandma said.

My mother chuckled lightly at this. “Probably. She does love her orgasms.”

“Can’t blame her, can you?”

“No. I’m naked now, too.”

“Reach down to yourself and get your fingers sticky,” Grandma said. “Then put them in your mouth and describe how it tastes.”

A few seconds went by before my mom uttered a gutteral, “Mmmm…delicious. Just as you remember.”

“So when are you going to tell Cheryl about us?”

“Soon. She’ll be ten a week from Monday. I might tell her on her birthday.”

It occurred to me the incestuous relationship between my mom and her mother had been going on for a while. Grandma had caught Mom with her friend Megan. Mom had told me about Megan before. They had been friends in eighth and ninth grades until Mom’s family had moved to another town.

That meant this affair between my mom and grandmother had been going on since Mom was thirteen or fourteen. I was completely shocked by this revelation. It had to have been around the time Mom first seduced her sister, Emily.

“Mmmm. I can’t wait to see her after that. I’ve wanted her for so long now,” Grandma said.

“Yes, she’s delicious. She has a friend, Deanna, who is just as wonderful in bed. I’ve told you all about her. And she’s begun babysitting, too. She told me a little girl she sits named Emily, who lives very close by, has a little dog she lets lick her, and her mom and aunt, who are twin sisters, are now lovers with the girl as well.”

“She must be a happy girl with all this fun to be had,” Grandma said. I could tell from her breathing she was getting closer to her orgasm. This talk was apparently turning her on quite a bit.

“Yes, she is a very lucky little girl, and she knows it.”

Mom, too, was getting close.

“What is it like to lick that hairless little pussy?” Grandma asked.

“Wonderful. Do you remember Shauna?”

“How could I forget?” Grandma said. “She was the first really young girl I licked. Young enough to be hairless, anyway.”

“It’s a lot like licking Shauna. No hair to get in the way, bare pubes that are soft and delicious,” Mommy breathed.

“Yes, I want to taste Cheryl before she gets hair. Do you still want me to visit for Christmas?” Grandma asked.

“Of course,” Mom replied, her breath now growing quicker. “You taste rather wonderful yourself, you know.”

“I hope Cheryl will think so,” Grandma said.

“Are you rubbing yourself?”

“Of course, aren’t you?”

“You know it.”

“I still shave myself,” Grandma said. “But it’s not the same.”

“I know.”

“I’m going to come, Kay. Soon.”

“Yes, me too!”

“I’m picturing little Shauna. That lovely little pussy. How she loved to be touched and kissed, and licked.”

“Yes, she was wonderful.”

“Of course, Emmy was the second young girl I licked,” Grandma said, her breath coming faster than before. “Young enough to be bald there.”

“Yes, she mentioned she enjoyed her visit with you when she was here,” Mom said, matching Grandma breath for breath.

“Oh, my God!” Grandma shrieked into the phone. She was coming. And hard.

“Yes…Yes…YES!” Mom said into the phone, nearly a whisper since she obviously thought I couldn’t hear.

The two women, mother and daughter, grunted out their orgasms. When they’d finished, I could hear them breathing to catch their breath.

“I can’t wait to see you, Mom,” my mother said. “And Cheryl’s going to love having someone else to enjoy and pleasure.”

They continued talking about various things for a few minutes, and once they hung up, I did also.

I had sent my own hand down my body to touch myself and had begun to rub in earnest with my hand inside my shorts and panties. I decided to call Deanna now and come on the phone even if she couldn’t join me. I also still wanted to find out what she thought about her mom giving permission to miss school that Thursday, but coming would be my first priority. I wasn’t going to tell her about my mom and grandma yet because my mom had seen fit to keep it from me all this time and she must have a good reason for that.

When Deanna picked up, I said, “My mom just had phone sex with a woman she knows, and I listened in on the extension in my bedroom.”

“Oh…my…god!” Deanna said. “Really?”

“Yeah, it was so cool!”

“Who was it?” she asked.

“Just a woman she knows. You don’t know her. At least not yet. But you will.”

“I guess you came too, huh?” Deanna asked.

“Not yet,” I said, hoping she could join me.

“Wow! I’m, like, in the den, and my dad’s home, or I would join you in a heartbeat,” she said, keeping her volume low. Then a thought occurred to me.

“Maybe you should put the phone down and go check all the other phones to make sure nobody’s listening.”

She laughed. Naw. My Dad just went out to the garage and there’s no phone there. If my mom or sister want to listen in, let ’em. They’d just get off on it.”

“Well, so would your dad,” I said, laughing. Her dad was good looking and I sometimes thought about him sexually, which for some reason totally grossed Deanna out.

“You naked yet?” she asked.

“Not yet. You want me to be?”

She thought about it for a moment. “No, I think I just want you to pull your panties down to your knees and do it that way.”

“When they’re at my knees, I can’t spread my legs very far,” I said.

“Okay, to your ankles, but keep your panties on.”

I said, “Okay, hang on a sec. I need to put the phone down to do that.”

I removed my shorts and t-shirt then pulled my panties down to my ankles. Bending my knees and laying them flat against the mattress, I could spread my thighs way out to allow easy access to my pussy and my butthole. I picked the phone back up.

“Okay, panties are at my ankles. I’m naked other than that,” I told her.

“Mmm…yeah,” she said. “I’m picturing it now.”

“Are you touching yourself?”

“Through my shorts,” she said.

“Right there in the den?”

“I’ll hear someone coming.”

“I will too, like when YOU come,” I laughed.

“Very funny. Now, touch yourself and tell me what you’d like to be doing right now.”

My pussy was soaked. If I was going to start producing more fluids when I was a teenager, I’d need to wear a diaper or something. My fingers continued their exploration of my wetness, and I got my pinkie finger all wet before moving to my butt. I gently pushed the finger inside my butthole just a short way. The feeling was electric, sending waves of current to my clit.

“So…what would I like to be doing right now, you ask?” I said.


“I’d like to be licking the woman my mom was having phone sex with.”

“Really? Is she sexy?”

“As sexy as my mom,” I answered, “but older.”

“Really? You want to do a woman older than your mom?”

“Well, my mom’s only just turned twenty-six, you know,” I said to throw her off any possible scent that might lead to my grandmother.

“That’s right. Your mom was sixteen when you were born. How old is this other woman?” she asked.

“Just older,” I said, side-stepping the question.

“So you want to lick her, huh? Is her pussy pretty?”

“I guess so.”

“I bet it is if you want to lick it. Then what would you do?”

“You mean after I made her come?” I asked.

“Yeah. What then?”

“Then she would make me come.”

“I mean, would you, like, kiss her or anything? Suck her boobs? You know, do more than lick her?”

“I’d do everything.”

“Where did your mom meet this mystery woman?”

“Oh, they’ve just known each other a long time.”

“Would you like to have a threesome with your mom and this woman?”

The thought made me shiver. “Oh, God, yes,” I breathed.

“I wish I was there right now. You wouldn’t be having to just touch yourself.”

“I know. Are you still touching yourself?”

“Not right now. My dad came back in the house,” Deanna said, her voice still low. “He’s looking for something in the kitchen, I think.”

“Or listening in and wanking with me,” I said, giggling.

“No, he isn’t.” She paused. “Okay, he’s gone back out to the garage.”

“Oh, well, maybe he wants to wank out there,” I laughed.

Deanna changed the subject. “If I were there, I’d make your pussy feel a lot better than your fingers can,” she said.

“I know, but this is all I have for now.”

“I would stick my finger up your butt and lick your pussy til you screamed.”

“Keep talking,” I said, feeling the stirrings grow stronger as my orgasm approached.

“I’d fuck you with my finger and lick your pussy while the other hand reached up and pinched your nipples.”

Taking my free hand, I pinched myself there, imagining it was Deanna doing it. Then the image changed and it was my grandma. She was lying between my legs and licking me, her finger up my butt, her other hand massaging my nipples and pinching them.

That’s when I exploded. My orgasm rushed up and seemed unwilling to end. Spasm after spasm shook me as the jolts of my climax streaked through my insides like bolts of pleasure. I grunted into the phone as I came, making moans of intense joy.

“God, now I have to go upstairs to my room and do it. I’ll talk to you later,” Deanna said, and she was gone.

I lay there, thinking of my conversation with Deanna and suddenly I realized I hadn’t discussed the party.

Oh, well. Whatever happened would happen, I suppose.

I got myself cleaned up and padded, naked, into the kitchen to fix myself a sandwich. Mom was there and saw me.

“Enjoy yourself up there?” she asked.

“More than you know,” I answered with a slight, unseen smirk on my face.

Continue on to Chapter 20


10 Comments on I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 19

  1. Sally says:

    so hot cant wait for chapter 20

  2. Aliciamom says:

    God so exciting!!! I can’t wait for grandma to visit!

  3. Cheryl says:

    Sally and Aliciamom,

    Thank you! A little glimpse into what’s to come. Chapter 20 will be about the fictional Cheryl’s birthday. Chapter 21 will be a transitional chapter to set the stage for chapter 22, when Grandma visits. There MIGHT be a chapter 23 to end Part One of the story, but I’ll see how things work out with Grandma. 🙂

    Then, I will begin Part Two, “The Teen Years,” which will involve seeing Cheryl grow up (and out!) and entering adulthood. There will be a short gap in time between the two parts.

  4. Jen L. Lee says:

    Keep up the good work. Glad to see the story progressing.

  5. Cassy says:

    Cheryl..Both Dee and I enjoyed chapter 19 and are looking forward to part 2 The Teen Years.

  6. Cheryl says:

    Jen and Cassy,

    Thank you! (And thanks to Dee, too!) I, too, am anxious to get to the next part! I wonder what will happen in her life? (What? You think I know? Well, some of it, but certainly not all. The characters have to tell me what’s what.)


  7. Lily says:

    Oh wow! I loved it Cheryl. I’m not one for phone sex usually, but this one was really hot. Can’t wait for the next chapter!

  8. Cheryl says:

    Lily, I’m glad you like it! Lisa and I have engaged in phone sex before when I was out of town for a workshop and we both really enjoyed it. Listening to her come on the phone makes my heart race!

  9. Lisa Taggert says:

    Wow! I’ve forgotten how good this story is! Suz asked me what my favorite story was that Cheryl wrote. I didn’t have to think about it. This one. We bought the premium Speechify and there’s a voice on there named LISA! She has a young voice, at least to us she does. We loaded these chapters on the ap and have been listening to this book and reading along on our laptops. I’ve been afraid to listen to this book because it gets real personal, sort of talking about how Cheryl and me met. We’re only up to here, so we have a long way to go to get to that part. I guess I don’t have to tell y’all that we’ve really been enjoying this, especially listening to what sounds like a 13 or 14 year old girl reading it. I imagine somewhere there’s this girl that age reading it and getting herself off. I know I did stuff like that when I was 13 or 14. Younger even. Also, I had forgotten that she took time off from writing this book. The chapter introducing Cindy was written after she took a real long break from it. I think she might of been starting her mainstream novel then.

    Well, I just wanted to say thanks for keeping Cheryl alive in a way. I have Suzanne now, but there will always be a special place in my heart for my late wife.

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