The Joy of Looking, Chapter 122

  • Posted on April 17, 2016 at 1:04 pm

By Naughty Mommy

Click this link for a helpful chart of Characters and Relationships

As I slowly came down from my tremendous orgasm, I opened my eyes to find Hannah and Cadence staring at me.

We were sitting on the floor in Cadence’s bedroom, all three of us nude. I was on my knees, panting heavily, hands clamped tightly between my thighs. Warm, sticky juices oozed from my throbbing, pulsating cunt, soaking my fingers.

“Wow,” sighed Cadence, “you’re even wetter now.”

“She always comes so bloody hard,” Hannah commented. “I adore watching her.” The redhead was playing with herself now too, gently caressing her mound.

I managed to get my breathing mostly under control and tried my best to relax — but I was still quivering with residual spasms and as each one struck, my legs would squeeze together around my hands, stimulating my clit. I knew that if I wanted to, I could make myself come again almost instantly. I was right on the edge, ready to ride the wave.

But then Cadence said, “You guys wanna watch me? I can show you how I do it, with my teddy. Okay?”

Without waiting for an answer, she jumped up and grabbed a plush teddy bear that was on her pillow. She looked at him, smiling, then turned to us. “Sometimes at night I kiss him,” she giggled, “but what I like most is to lay on top of him, like this.”

The 10-year-old positioned the bear in the middle of her bed, between her legs, and then lay down on her tummy. She was propped up on her elbows.“You both said you like watching, right? So you wanna watch me?” Her face glowed, brown eyes shining with excitement.

“Sure,” I nodded, “go ahead. It’ll be fun to watch.”

While scooting closer to the bed, I raised one hand to my face, smelling my fingers, then licked them, enjoying the taste of my pussy. Cadence observed this, and licked her own lips, then turned her attention back to the bear between her legs. She reached down and shifted it slightly, finding a better position, and began to rock on top of it.

Hannah moved in closer too. She was rubbing herself more urgently now. Together we knelt beside the girl’s bed, the child we were supposed to be babysitting, and watched her hump her teddy bear. I squeezed my thighs together, but didn’t use my fingers yet. I wanted to come again, but not too quickly. What I was hoping is that we could reach climax all at the same time.

Cadence’s eyes were closed, face pinched as she concentrated on the feelings. She slid up and down, moving a little faster, and then faster still, her small bottom clenching with each thrust. My god, it was so incredibly erotic. I wanted to reach out and touch the girl, but I was afraid that might distract her, interrupt her focus, so I didn’t.

But I whispered, “Cadence, tell me when you’re getting close to… you know, the really nice part, okay? I want to try to come at the same time as you.”

“God, yes, me too,” added Hannah.

“Okay,” Cadence gasped, her voice a tiny squeak. “It’ll be… a minute… um… a minute… maybe… pretty soon…”

Now I did put my hand between my legs again, teasing my clit. I wrapped my other arm around Hannah’s waist, hugging my friend, pulling her close. Her thigh felt warm next to mine. I glanced at her, and she glanced at me. The young teen’s fingers were moving very quickly between her legs. She was breathing hard, her chest rising and falling, small nipples standing erect. Hannah smiled at me and licked her lips, then we both looked back at Cadence.

She was really humping fast now, fucking that little teddy bear as hard as she could. As I watched, I felt a sudden surge from deep inside, a hot flush running through my body — I shivered and shook — but this wasn’t a full orgasm, not yet, only a delicious pre-climax. I knew, though, that the real thing wasn’t far away. If I could just hold on a few seconds longer…

Cadence began to squeal. Her face was deep red. She went rigid, then shuddered several times, gasping and groaning. Next to me, I felt Hannah jerking as well. She wasn’t loud when she climaxed, but I knew for sure that she was coming.

I let myself go too. Only a few quick strokes on my clit, and then — ecstasy.

* * *

“My, oh, my… can you beat that!”

The voice shocked me, frightened me. Opening my eyes, I looked wildly around. Standing in Cadence’s doorway was Lynn, the little girl’s mother. Just behind her, peering around her shoulder, was another woman, presumably Judith, Lynn’s date.

Oh my god! What should I do? I’d been caught red-handed — wet-handed — in the worst possible circumstances, playing sex games with a child. This could be disastrous!!

But I needn’t have worried. Lynn was smiling as she slowly shook her head, gazing at each of us. “My oh my,” she said again. Then she chuckled, “When the cat’s away, the kittens will play.”

Cadence raised her head. After she finished her climax, she’d collapsed on top of her teddy bear, nearly unconscious. Now looking sleepy-eyed, she grinned at her mother. “Hi, Mommy. How come you’re home?”

I was frozen in place, my hands between my legs. I didn’t know what to do, so I didn’t do anything at all. Hannah appeared flustered too, her eyes wide as she brushed her long, wavy, copper-colored hair away from her face and stared up at the two women.

“Judith, I guess I should introduce you,” said Lynn. “That’s my daughter, Cadence, on the bed. The ginger here is Hannah, and the other girl, the pretty one who looks so scared, is Julie. Kids, I’d like you to meet my friend, Judith. Please say hello.”

It amazed me that Lynn was being so casual about everything. Had she expected to find us this way? Could that be why she’d come home early that night, maybe hoping to discover us masturbating, or doing even more? Is that what she wanted?

“Um, hello, Judith. Hiya, Lynn,” said Hannah.

“Hi,” nodded Cadence, as she sat up naked on the bed.

I was still tongue-tied, and didn’t say a word.

Seeing my distress, Lynn smiled warmly at me. “It’s all right, Julie, don’t be worried. I’m not upset. You girls are just being girls, having fun. It’s fine, everything’s fine.”

“Okay, well, uh… hello, uh, Judith,” I managed to stammer.

“Hello, Julie,” the woman nodded as she stepped a little farther into the room. She was younger than I thought she would be, probably not much more than 20. Turning to the others, she said, “Hi, Cadence. Hello, Hannah.”

Judith was wearing a shiny pink mini-skirt, very short, along with strappy black heels and black fishnet stockings. Her legs were not that great, kind of thick, but her face was pretty, and she certainly was sexy. Her big boobs were practically spilling out of her tight, low-cut top, and she wore a lot of makeup, bright red lipstick, heavy eye-liner, dark eye shadow. Hannah might have said she looked “tarty,” but I thought she looked hot. I wanted to fuck her.

That’s when I realized I was feeling better, not so frightened any more. I smiled at Lynn, “You’re right, we were just playing, and, uh, and having fun.”

“Yes, I can see that. All right, kids, why don’t you put some clothes on now… Cadence, just your jammies. I’m going to fix drinks for Judith and myself, and you girls can have Cokes or something, all right?”

She turned and left the room. Before following her out, Judith gave me a broad, flirty wink, its meaning clear. She could tell I was attracted to her.

I was a bit disappointed, though. Put our clothes on? I didn’t want to do that! After getting over my fear and embarrassment, my lust was in high gear again. I was ready for sex!

Hannah got to her feet and started toward the door. We’d left our things on the floor of Lynn’s closet. If we were going to get dressed, we’d have to go in there.

“Wait,” I said. “I have a better idea.”

“What do you mean?” Hannah frowned.

“Let’s wait a minute, and then… and then we’ll just all go out there naked, okay?”

“But she told us to get dressed.”

“I know, but — I don’t think that’s what she really wanted. Trust me on this, I’ve got a strong feeling. We’ll wait a minute, and then go out there just like we are. Is that okay with you, Cadence?”

“I guess so,” the girl shrugged.

“Wow,” said Hannah. “You are cheeky.”

“Uh-huh,” I giggled.

After a few more seconds, I stood up and took Cadence’s hand. She climbed off the bed, and I led her out of the room, Hannah following behind. Together we walked naked into the living room of the small apartment.

We found Judith sitting in the room’s only armchair with her legs crossed, the short pink skirt riding up nearly to her crotch. She smiled when she saw what we were wearing — or not wearing.

Lynn was in the kitchen. We couldn’t see her, but we could hear her voice, along with the sound of ice cubes falling into glasses. “I did the same sort of things too,” she said, “when I was a girl. It doesn’t bother me. How about you? Did you play around like that?”

I took a seat on the sofa, right in the middle. Hannah and Cadence sat on either side of me.

Without taking her eyes off us, Judith answered Lynn, calling into the kitchen, “Yes, I did, definitely. I played around a lot with my girlfriends. Still do.”

As Lynn came into the living room carrying two tumblers filled halfway with an amber liquid, her eyes went wide. “Well, uh, hello girls,” she chuckled, handing one of the drinks to Judith. “Why don’t you make yourselves comfortable?”

I knew she didn’t expect a reply to that, so I just slid forward a bit on the sofa, opening my legs, letting them see my pussy.

Lynn licked her lips as she gazed at me, then settled on the arm of the chair Judith was sitting in, raising one knee higher than the other. Her short skirt hiked up, and we could easily see that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. I didn’t know if she’d had panties on when she left the apartment, but she certainly didn’t now.

She held her glass close to her friend’s, saying with a smile, “Let’s drink to the fun of being a girl.”

“Hear, hear,” agreed Judith. The women clinked and drank, grinning as their eyes roamed over our naked bodies. What would happen next?

Argh! Nothing happened. Or at least nothing happened that I wanted to happen.

They drank their drinks and looked at us, and we sat on the sofa and looked back at them. We never received the Cokes Lynn had offered earlier. Apparently that was forgotten. And no one spoke for a while either. It was just sitting and looking and drinking.

Finally, Cadence said, “How come you came home so early tonight, Mom?”

“Well,” Lynn began, after draining her glass and smacking her lips, “Judith and I had a nice dinner, and then we drove to one of the clubs where we were planning to go dancing. But as we sat there in the parking lot and talked, we decided not to bother with the crowds. Both of us, I think, were eager to get home and see what might happen here.”

“Uh-huh,” Judith nodded, leering at us, “very eager.”

“So, here we are,” said Lynn. “But now I think it’s time we called your mother, Hannah, and sent you girls home. I’ll pay you for the full night, okay? Even though we got back early.”

This was not what I wanted to hear, not at all. But I didn’t know how to change the situation. I wasn’t really bold enough to openly defy her, or to try to throw myself at them or something. So I just meekly went along. That “strong feeling” I’d bragged about earlier must have been wrong.

Feeling frustrated and a little chagrined, I followed Hannah down the hall to Lynn’s bedroom, where she and I retrieved our clothes and put them on. She used her cell phone to call her mom, asking her to come and pick us up, and then we went back to the living room.

Cadence had her jammies on now, and was sitting by her mother on the sofa. Judith was still in the armchair. The women’s drinks had been refreshed.

I took a seat on the sofa next to Cadence. The little girl leaned over, resting her head on my shoulder. Hannah sat on the floor beside us.

I looked at Judith, and she returned my gaze. It really seemed to me that we were thinking the same thing — that we badly wanted to have sex with each other. Perhaps I was misreading the situation, though. It could be that not all women want to fuck 13-year-old girls. Maybe only some of them do.

In any case, I never had sex with Judith. In fact, I never saw her again. We all sat there and chatted for a few minutes about meaningless stuff, until we heard a car horn honking outside. It was Hannah’s mother.

After Lynn paid us generously, and we got hugs and kisses from Cadence, we said goodbye to them and left. Walking out to the car with my fists clenched, I vented my frustration. “Damn it!”

“What’s a matter?” asked Hannah.

“It’s just, I really — I really wanted more.”

“You can still shag me…”

“I know.” I took her hand and squeezed it, smiling at my friend. “Thanks. I might just do that.”

We got in the car. Kelsey asked us if everything had gone okay, and we told her it was fine.

On the way back, I kept thinking about what had just happened… what had gone wrong? Not that anything had really gone wrong, but it also hadn’t turned out quite the way I wanted. What could I have done differently?

There were no good answers that I could find. It didn’t seem I could have done anything to change the outcome. All I could do is hope that maybe the next time would be different. What I didn’t know as we drove along is that something very unexpected was about to take place after we got to Hannah’s and Kelsey’s house.

Kelsey pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine. “Right, then, here we are,” she said. “Let’s go in and have some fun.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but it became clear as soon as we got inside. We found Lauren in the living room, sitting on the sofa. Except she wasn’t simply sitting there — she was naked, watching porn, and masturbating! The blonde was using a cordless vibrating wand on her pussy, and it looked like she must have been right in the middle of an orgasm when we came into the room.

Lauren was slumped on the sofa, legs spread wide, both hands holding the vibrator against her cunt. She grunted heavily, her body shaking. On the TV screen we saw images of a woman and a teenage girl in bed, both nude, the girl eating the woman’s pussy.

Kelsey set down her purse, took off her jacket, and then immediately began undressing!

“Lindsey’s out tonight,” she told us, “at a sleepover with one of her little friends. Likely doing some naughty things of their own, I’ll wager, just as me and Lauren did when we was kids.”

She’d removed her blouse, and was unzipping her skirt. I stared at the woman. Her boobs were large, with thick, dark nipples. I could see them plainly, because the bra she wore was transparent. Kelsey stepped out of her skirt and put it aside. Her shoes were already off, so now all she had on were a bra and panties. The undies, or ‘knickers’, as she would have called them, were transparent too, and I could see the dark triangle of her pubic hair, closely trimmed.

Kelsey smiled at us. “Thought we might play a little tonight, just kissing, the way we talked about before at your house. Your mum wouldn’t object, would she, Julie?”

I somehow managed to find my voice. “No, uh, I’m sure she wouldn’t. She… we, we like kissing.”

“Uh-huh, I know you do, and we do as well.” The plump brunette reached behind her back and undid her bra, letting it fall away. “Do you poppets want to get undressed? Mind, you don’t have to if you don’t want. You can just watch, if that’s what you fancy — or join in, it’s all up to you.”

I looked at Hannah. Her big brown eyes were even bigger than usual. Apparently this was as much of a surprise to her as it was to me. She giggled and shrugged, and then without saying a word, we both started taking off our clothes. On the sofa, Lauren was climaxing again, loudly.

It didn’t take either me or Hannah very long at all to get naked. We left our clothing in a pile on the floor, then took each other by the hand and stepped closer to the women. Kelsey had removed her panties and was kneeling next to Lauren on the sofa. She rubbed her cousin’s chest, playing with her nipples, and then they kissed. Lauren still held the vibrator tightly between her legs, buzzing madly away.

I looked at the TV, at the porn video playing there. Another young girl had joined the two actresses on the bed. She wasn’t taking part yet, just masturbating as she watched the other pair, now locked in a ’69’.

“Dana made movies like that,” I blurted, not thinking before I said it, “when she was young, when she was 17.”

“Did she now?” said Kelsey, turning to smile at us. Lauren had taken the wand away from her clit and was gazing our way too, her eyes hooded, face flushed and shiny with sweat.

“Yeah, um,” I continued, “I don’t think she’d mind if I told you about that. I mean, like, I think we’re all gonna be pretty good friends, you know?”

“Yes, I should hope we will,” Kelsey winked. Then she went back to kissing Lauren.

“Let’s kiss as well, okay? You and me,” Hannah proposed, nodding toward the vacant spot on the sofa.

“Okay,” I agreed.

She and I sat down and right away Hannah put her arms around me, hooking one slender leg over mine. I thought for just a moment before we began kissing what a perfect body this girl had, and how lucky I was to be there with her, getting ready to make out — with her mom and her aunt right next to us!

Then Hannah’s lips were on mine, her tongue probing inside my mouth. God, I love kissing so much. It’s probably one of my ten favorite things to do sexually, hee-hee. We made out for what seemed like a long time, eyes closed, slim young forms pressing together.

I was vaguely aware that we weren’t alone, obviously, and yet somehow everything and everyone else appeared to fade away, with the only thing that mattered being this mouth, those lips, that warm body I was holding and caressing. Hannah and I sucked and licked and nibbled at one another’s lips, making nom-nom sounds, our tongues playing, both of us breathing harder, getting hot and sweaty…

Until we heard a voice. “Fancy trading off now?”

It was Kelsey, Hannah’s mother. The cute redhead and I giggled as we unwound ourselves from each other and wiped our mouths.

“Care for a bit of snogging with me, babe?” Kelsey asked, leering at me. She was standing in front of us, one hand on a breast, fondling the erect nipple, the other hand between her legs, stroking her pussy.

“Wow, Mum,” said Hannah. “You’re feelin’… hot tonight, eh?”

“I’ll say I am. Been thinking about kissing this one ever since the day we first met. Such a precious thing, she is.”

With a chuckle, Hannah scooted over on the sofa and climbed onto Lauren’s lap, straddling her.  As Kelsey took a seat next to me, Hannah grinned, “This is a first. Before we always had our clothes on or our jim-jams when we started kissing. First time doing it in the buff. It’s cracking!”

With that, she wrapped her arms around Lauren and began making out with her.

Kelsey and I watched them for a second or two before the woman turned to me. She smiled, then placed the tip of a finger on my lower lip, tenderly tracing along the edge. It made me catch my breath. The act was both blatantly erotic and yet seemingly so innocent.

“You like girls, do ya, Julie? Girls and women?” Kelsey asked in a soft voice.

“Uh-huh,” I nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

“Thought so. Could tell right from the start. It was just something… something in how you looked at me.”

How I looked at her, I thought — what about how she looked at me! I didn’t come right out and say that, but it was as if I had.

“I know,” Kelsey chuckled, “I was lookin’ at you the same way, since you first came round. Couldn’t help myself. And I knew you liked it — I knew, you know?”

I smiled at her. “Yeah, I know. I like looking at, um, at you too… and I like it when you look at me. I really like it.”

She touched my breast — but only the lightest stroking, the ends of her fingers drawing slowly up toward my nipple, which instantly sprang to full attention.

I shivered with excitement. Kelsey had said when we came into the house that it was “just kissing” we’d be doing. Did she have more in mind now?

Her fingers, after almost but not quite touching my straining, throbbing, rock-hard nipple, gently squeezed my breast. Then she moved the hand away, placing it behind my head, pulling me to her. Our mouths met. We kissed.

I made out with Kelsey while Hannah made out with Lauren. It was lovely. Then we traded off again. This time I was with Lauren. The pretty blonde’s way of kissing was different from her cousin’s, not as aggressive and slobbery, her tongue less active and her lips doing more of the work, nibbling and playing. Both kissing styles were delicious and highly arousing, just different.

When we finished the third round, Hannah said, “Mum, could we, um, would it okay if we, maybe, all of us… masturbate together?”

She was on her mother’s lap, straddling her, kneeling, with her arms still around Kelsey’s neck. It was exciting for me to see them together that way, the woman and her daughter both nude, their lips wet from kissing. So totally hot and sexy.

Kelsey grinned. “You really wanna do that?” she asked, raising one eyebrow.

Hannah nodded, head bobbing up and down, big brown eyes wide with anticipation.

Turning to me, Kelsey said, “What do you say, Julie? Would your mum approve? Or is that a line too far?”

I shrugged, “No, I, I mean, she’d be fine with it. She wouldn’t mind at all.”

“And can we watch some, you know, another movie while we do it?” Hannah asked. The video they’d been viewing earlier had reached the end while we were kissing. The TV screen was blank.

A second glance at me from Kelsey, this time with both eyebrows raised, served to pose another question, one I immediately answered. “My mom wouldn’t mind. She loves porn — lesbian porn.”

“Good,” Lauren chuckled, “we do too.”

“I’ll say we do,” added Kelsey with a laugh. “All right, poppets, let’s give it a go.”

While Lauren got up from the sofa to put a new disc in the DVD player, Kelsey patted Hannah’s bottom, as if asking the girl to climb off her. But Hannah had other ideas. “Can I stay on your lap?”

“On my lap? Whatcha mean, lamb?” asked the woman, evidently surprised.

“I mean, like this.”

I watched as Hannah deftly turned around so she was facing away from Kelsey and toward the TV, leaning back against her. She spread her legs apart. “Right, now we do it this way.”

Hannah took her mother’s hand in hers, pushing it down between their thighs. “Can you reach?” she asked.

“Ah, uh… yes, I can reach,” Kelsey replied, blushing.

“Good!” Hannah turned to me, flashing that radiant smile that lit up the room. I grinned back at her.

Lauren sat down again, next to me. I was in the middle of the short sofa between the two moms.

Aiming the remote, Lauren pressed a button and the video started. This one featured a big group of teenage girls. Presumably they were all 18 years old, or at least claimed to be, but most of them seemed to me only 15 or 16, at most. They were performing an exercise routine, aerobics, and doing it completely nude. There were seven girls, two blondes and five brunettes. Before long, of course, the exercise turned into sex.

Beside me, Lauren masturbated, using her fingers this time. The vibrating wand sat on a low table in front of us, switched off. Hannah and Kelsey were masturbating too. I tried to peek between their legs to see if they might be touching not only themselves but each other, except I couldn’t really tell. So I simply played with myself, one hand circling the opening to my vagina, teasing, sometimes dipping inside, exploring the warm, slippery wetness, while the other hand focused on my clit, gently massaging.

I was very aroused, obviously, but found it difficult to really get close to an orgasm. There was just so much to look at, and to think about! The apparently underage girls on the video, having hot lesbian sex — the pretty blonde on one side of me, panting and gasping, turning red, fingers moving fast between her legs — and on the other side, a woman and her 13-year-old daughter masturbating, with the girl on her mother’s lap!

Maybe I wasn’t getting close, but Lauren sure was. I got the feeling she was someone who could come easily and quickly at almost any time. She had her first orgasm within minutes after we started watching the video. Then she had a second one, not long after that. She groaned and grunted each time, her whole body shaking. I could smell her pussy, the strong, delicious aroma of her climaxes.

Shortly after Lauren came for the second time, Kelsey reached orgasm. She moaned, her voice climbing in pitch until it was almost a scream, “Coming! Coming!! COMING!!!” Hannah squealed in response — “Mummy!” — and then she was coming too.

Lauren still wasn’t finished. As Kelsey and Hannah slowly began to calm down, breathing heavily but gradually relaxing, the blonde had her third climax, the strongest one yet. “God! Fuck!” she exclaimed, her powerful tremors making the sofa jiggle beneath us.

What was most amazing, though, was that Lauren actually squirted. While still coming, she kept pumping her fingers deep inside her cunt — and then a stream of liquid shot out, splashing onto the carpet and on the coffee table as the woman gasped and groaned. It was so incredibly hot.

“Cor…” said Hannah. “I never saw that before. Except for online.”

Lauren shuddered a few more times, then took a deep breath and turned to us, smiling. Her face was flushed and shiny with sweat. “I can’t do it very often. Only when I’m really turned on.”

After bringing her hand to her mouth, licking and sucking the fingers that dripped with her tasty juices, she added, “You should see your mother, though. Talk about a gusher!”

That remark made Kelsey giggle. “Don’t tell her that, it ain’t proper. I’m her mum!”

Ignoring this half-hearted protest, Lauren continued, “We have plastic sheets we use in the bedroom sometimes, to save on laundry.”

She leaned forward over the coffee table, scooping up some of the spill with her fingers, tasting it. “Don’t know how we’ll ever get it out of the carpet. Such a naughty, dirty mess,” she chuckled.

“Mum, will you show us? I wanna see!” urged Hannah as she jumped to her feet.

Kelsey rolled her eyes. “No, I, I don’t think that’s such a good idea, pet.”

“Oh, come on, please? Why not? There’s nothing wrong with it.”

“I just dunno as I should. We… we may’ve done too much already.”

“Please, Mum? We can watch some more while you do it,” she said, pointing at the TV. “Look, the movie’s still going.”

On the screen, seven naked girls were rolling around on the floor, getting into every conceivable position, fingers and tongues going everywhere.

Hannah picked up the wand from the table. “I wanna try it with this, okay? Can I?”

“Well…” began Kelsey.

But her daughter didn’t wait for permission. She flicked the vibrator on and sat down on the sofa, squeezing between Lauren and me. As I started to scoot over to make more room, Kelsey stood up. At first, I thought this meant she was done, that she was going to bed — but I was wrong.

The curvy brunette turned toward us, standing just to the side so we could still see the video. She took her breasts in her hands, kneading them, pinching the erect nipples. As she licked her lips, she breathed, “So you wanna watch me, pet? You wanna see your mummy come?”

One hand slid down between her legs, rubbing the plump labia. Two fingers slipped inside. She spread her feet apart, opening her stance, and began to fuck her juicy cunt.

Hannah held the buzzing wand against her clit. Her eyes were on her mother’s pussy, watching closely as the woman fucked herself. Lauren was masturbating again, mostly looking at the TV, but also glancing from time to time at Kelsey. I didn’t know where to look — at Hannah, at Kelsey, at Lauren, at the porn video, or even down at my own pussy — so I just kept looking around everywhere as I played with myself.

The girls in the movie were in a big daisy chain, in a circle on the floor licking each other. I heard Lauren start to climax again as she watched them. Taking a quick look at the blonde, I saw a little spurt of juices splash out from between her legs.

“Fuck, yeah!” exclaimed Kelsey as she continued ramming two fingers in and out of her cunt.

“Mummy…” Hannah moaned. Her face was bright red, her whole body quivering. It looked liked she was almost ready to come as she watched her mother fuck herself.

And that was all it took for me.

I was the last to finally reach climax during that session, but I made up for it with a big one. It came on me unexpectedly. I’d continued playing with myself the whole time, and then suddenly, without warning, I exploded into orgasm. Usually there’s a buildup, but not this time. I went from halfway there to all the way in an instant.

My thighs clamped together around my hands, tremendous spasms of pleasure bursting from my center, shooting through me. I shuddered and groaned and writhed on the sofa, my eyes tightly shut. I couldn’t see anything, but I was able to hear Lauren coming again too, and I could feel Hannah next me, her body jerking wildly the way it did when she climaxed.

When I finally regained my vision, I found Kelsey standing directly in front of Hannah, blocking her view of the TV. I’m sure Hannah didn’t mind, though, because this was better than any video. There’s nothing hotter than seeing a sexy woman bring herself to orgasm — especially when it’s your own mother!

As the vibrator buzzed away, Hannah continued to tremble and shake, perhaps in an ongoing series of climactic peaks. Her mouth was slack, and she sometimes squeaked and occasionally gasped, but her eyes were wide open. She wasn’t going to miss this.

With one hand holding her pussy lips apart, Kelsey plunged the two middle fingers of her other hand in and out of her sopping vagina, faster and faster, deeper and deeper. “Wanna watch me, huh? Want Mummy to come for you?”

“Uh-huh, uh-huh,” Hannah managed to reply.

“Fucking come on you, fucking come on you,” Kelsey panted, her teeth clenched, sweat dripping from her face, palm slapping repeatedly against her cunt.

Then, all at once, she pulled her fingers out, screamed something unintelligible, and a spray of liquids arced from her pussy, splashing all over Hannah’s naked body. With barely a pause, Kelsey shoved her fingers inside again, pumped a few seconds longer, then yanked the fingers out — and another huge spray, even more than before, shot onto Hannah, splashing me as well this time, the woman shrieking in ecstasy.

Kelsey tried it once more, but didn’t get very much, only a dribble down her legs. It seemed every bit as pleasurable for her, though. She groaned and shook and swore, enjoying the orgasm… and I saw her smile too, evidently feeling no remorse at all over having shared such a messy, intimate, sexual experience with her young daughter.

Continue on to Chapter 123


7 Comments on The Joy of Looking, Chapter 122

  1. AppreciativeMale says:

    Wonderful story NM. Your writing is soooooo good. Ty ty ty

  2. Thank you, AM — I appreciate the comment! 😀

  3. Sue says:

    hot as always, good cums here thanks.

  4. kelliebelle says:

    OMG!! You totally brought me back to how I used to masturbate when I was little. Rubbing my lil’ pussy, grinding it against my teddy! That’s what I did. Your story let me imagine what it looked like…what I looked like. SO sexy, Mommy! Thank you so much!

    Love Kellie

  5. I know exactly what you looked like, kelliebelle, of course I do — because Mommy used to watch you when you masturbated that way. 😉

    Just kidding, of course, but that’s what I did when I was little, and I’m sure a lot of others girls did too… and still do!

  6. kim says:

    The 10-year-old positioned the bear in the middle of her bed, between her legs, and then lay down on her tummy. She was propped up on her elbows. “You both said you like watching, right? So you wanna watch me?” Her face glowed, brown eyes shining with excitement.

    “Sure,” I nodded, “go ahead. It’ll be fun to watch.”

    Okay, me and Sue needed another come and read some more.

  7. David says:

    Wow what an amazing,sensual and erotic chapter. So hot reading about the young girls playing and then going home and kissing and masturbating. I came so hard when I read that Kelsey squirted all over her daughter and some on Julie. I love you detail and descriptions, great writing NM!

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