My Summer with Erin, Chapter 5: Discoveries

  • Posted on April 30, 2016 at 1:00 am

By Michelle

It had been a week since Erin and I returned from the beach. And in that week we had shared each other’s company intimately, many times. Our lovemaking sessions had grown more erotic and fulfilling for both of us. Erin was turning into a fully sexual being.

And quite an insatiable one at that!

Erin had left late last night, well, later than usual. Her mother always wanted her home around eight or so. She had left at nine in a hurry, after realizing what time it was.

“Mom’s gonna kill me!” she had said, dashing out the door and blowing me a kiss. “See ya tomorrow!”

I woke at about eight o’clock in the morning. The sun was shining and the birds singing, reflecting my mood. I was shining and felt like singing. I showered, got dressed and made coffee and headed off to work.

Returning home after work, I was looking forward to Erin’s visit. I knew she would be over soon and couldn’t wait to get my hands on her. My God, I was horny!

I poured a glass of wine and went upstairs to change. I slipped out of my skirt and put on a long t-shirt. I decided to leave my panties off, they would be off soon anyway, I thought.

I heard a knock at the door. I walked downstairs and opened the door. To my surprise it was Carol, Erin’s mom, standing there.

“Hi, Carol. What a pleasant surprise,” I said “What can I do for you?”

“Oh, not much, just wanted to chat. I could use some company right now,” she said looking me over. “Is this a bad time?”

“No, not at all. I just got off work and was relaxing with some wine. Would you care for a glass?” I said.

“Yes, I would. That would be great. I really could use some wine right now,” she replied.

She looked a little out of sorts, like she had something on her mind. That kind of worried me. She was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Her eyes were puffy like she had been crying.

We walked in and she sat on the couch. I went to the kitchen and poured her a glass of Merlot, topped mine off, and returned, joining her on the couch.

“Here you go,” I said, handing her the glass.

“Thanks,” she said taking the glass from me. She drained half of it quickly and set it down on the end table.

“Thirsty?” I asked.

“Stressed is more like it. And, and…,heartbroken.” Tears welled in her eyes.

“What’s the matter?” I asked with concern in my voice.

“Last weekend when I went out of town — my emergency, you know,” she sniffed back some tears. “ I went to see a friend. A special friend. She really needed me to be there for her.”

She? A special friend? Was Carol a lesbian? This is a curious development, I thought.

“Go on Carol,” I said.

“Anyway, we had a great weekend together, one I really needed. You see…” She hesitated. “ I have been working my ass off lately, the girls are great, but I just need to get away sometimes. You know, fulfill certain needs.” She blushed, grabbed her wine glass, and drained it.

She took a deep breath and went on. “ Anyway… like I was saying. We had a great weekend together, but today she called and told me… told me, that we couldn’t see each other like that anymore. That the long distance wasn’t working and she had met someone else.” Carol broke down in tears, sobbing.

I took her in my arms and let her cry herself out, her head on my shoulder. Huge sobs wracked her body. I patted her back, telling her I was so sorry.

After a while, when her sobs subsided, she leaned back on the couch and looked at me.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to break down like that. I-I-I just need someone to talk to about this, and I figured you might understand.”

“Sure, Carol. It’s alright. I understand. I’ve kept free of relationships because the heartache isn’t worth it,” I said, thinking what a hypocrite I was. Shit, I was in love with her daughter. Talk about a complicated relationship!

I stood up and took her wine glass. “Here, Carol, let me refill that for you.”

“Thanks Susan,” she said as I walked in and got us both refills.

I returned and handed her glass over. She looked a little more relaxed and was leaning back on the couch. She took the glass and sipped, slowly setting it down as I joined her.

“So, your friend. How long have you been together?” I asked.

She sighed. “Off and on for a few years now. After my husband left us, she was there for me. Eric left about a year after Jamie was born, she doesn’t even remember him. Erin was about four at the time. She missed him for a while, but got used to him not being there pretty quickly. Terri was about ten, and she was devastated. That bastard broke her heart.”

“That’s sad,” I said sipping my wine.

“I met Julie soon after he left. Things just kinda happened between us after that. She made me realize that I didn’t need men in my life to feel fulfilled. You know what I mean, Susan?” she asked, moving closer to me.

“I do. I haven’t been with a man since college, and I don’t miss them at all,” I replied.

“So, any special ladies in your life right now?” she said smiling.

My thoughts shot back to last night, and Erin.

“Um… no. Not right now,” I lied, blushing.

“I see,” she said. She must have sensed my reluctance to talk about it, because she changed the subject.

“So Susan, how’s Erin been treating you? She’s not too much of a bother, is she?” she asked.

“No, she’s been fine. Good company and a hard little worker,” I replied. I found myself growing nervous, wanting to steer the conversation away from Erin, not knowing if my face would give away my feelings for her.

Carol laughed. “I think she has a crush on you.”

It was lucky I wasn’t sipping wine when she said that, or I may have spit it up.

“W-why do you say that?” I stammered.

“Oh, you are all she talks about. Susan this, Susan that. Says how pretty you are. Talks about how much she likes hanging out with you. It’s kinda cute.” she said.

“Oh… I see.” I laughed nervously.

“It’s normal for girls that age to get crushes on older adults, especially someone they look up to.” she said. “I don’t see any harm in it.”

“Um, well… if you think she is spending too much time over here, I can…”

“Nonsense. She’s likes you. I’m sure she’ll get over it soon, anyway. You know how kids are.” she said. “And besides, I can see why she could get a crush on you. You are very attractive. Very.” As she said this, she leaned forward and placed her hand on my thigh, squeezing softly.

I blushed. “Oh…well, th-thank you, Carol,” I managed to stutter out. The contact of her hand sending shivers through my body. I blushed a deep shade of red.

“I mean it,” she said, leaning forward to me. “In fact, I’m having a hard time keeping my hands off you right now.” She smiled seductively and leaned in closer, her face inches from mine.

I was breathing heavily, my nipples growing hard. Her eyes focused on mine. I blinked slowly. I felt myself drawing closer to her. She was sending off such intense feelings of seduction. I felt helpless to her desires. I looked shyly into her eyes, my lips parting slightly

She drew closer, her lips brushing mine, her hands snaking around my waist. She pulled me into her embrace and kissed me full on the mouth. I shivered and moaned softly. I opened my mouth to receive her eager tongue. Her kiss became more intense, more wanting, more needing. I wrapped my arms around her and held her as our tongues intertwined.

“Oh god, Susan!” she moaned into our kiss. “God, I need this. I need you!”

I was speechless and held in her spell. I could feel her wants and needs radiating from her warm body. I felt my pussy begin to leak, my arousal complete. Her hand moved from my back and began to squeeze and pinch my nipple through my thin t-shirt, her tongue dancing with mine. She moved her hand from my breast and down my side to my thigh, pushing my shirt up to expose my soaking pussy for her. Her hand slid up my thigh and made contact with my dripping pussy.

“My god, Susan… you’re drenched!” she exclaimed.

“Uh huh,” I managed to say between kisses.

“I think you had better show me your bedroom, before we ruin your couch.” she said, laughing. “Take me there now.”

We stood slowly and I felt my knees weaken. I fell against her. She supported me and guided us away from the couch.

“Up here, I assume?” she said pointing to the stairs.

I managed to nod. Words escaped me.

“Come on, honey. I’ll get you upstairs.”

She led me up my stairs and to my bedroom. I followed like an obedient child. She sat me on the bed while grasping the hem of my t-shirt and pulling it up as I lifted my arms to allow her to finish undressing me. She gazed hungrily at my now naked body before her.

“Lay back, Susan,” she said as she began to disrobe, pulling her t-shirt off and sliding her sweatpants off.

I complied, laying back and parting my legs. My body was on fire. I felt guilty, like I was cheating on Erin, but I knew there was nothing I could do. I was totally under her spell.

She finished pulling her panties off and joined me on the bed taking me in her arms. Her hands grasping my breasts, tweaking my nipples. Her tongue probing my warm mouth. My arms entwined her as she rolled on top of me and positioned herself between my open thighs. As her wet pussy made contact with mine I felt a new intense wave of arousal course through my body. I felt totally in her control.

She was nuzzling my neck now, her husky voice in my ear telling me how much she needed this. How much she wanted this. How good I felt under her. She was grinding her soaking pussy against mine, thrusting in a growing steady rhythm. I began gyrating back against her thrusts. My body tingling with impending orgasmic waves. Like something under the surface of the water, waiting for just the right moment to break surface.

She took my hands in hers and raised them over my head increasing my feelings of submission to her needs. I could feel her juices mingling with mine, dripping down my cheeks soaking the sheets beneath us.

She raised up and leaned back sitting on her knees. She looked down at me as I lay there arms above my head writhing in ecstasy. She moved forward straddling my face. Her wet pussy inches from my lips. I raised my head slightly as she pushed her sopping pussy to my mouth. My tongue instantly shot out of my mouth and made contact with her wet slit, snaking between her lips and probing her slick walls.

“Oh god Susan… Yes!!” she screamed. “That’s it. Lick me. I want your tongue deep inside me!”

Her musky juices began flowing like a river coating my face with her warm honey. I eagerly lapped at her pussy, poking my tongue deeper inside her. I reached behind and took her firm ass cheeks in my hand, squeezing and pulling her even closer. My tongue made contact with her swollen clit. She shuddered and moaned loudly. I began to suck it deep inside my mouth, teasing it with my tongue.

My own pussy was afire, throbbing with every beat of my heart. My clit was yelling for attention.

“Oh my god, Susan!” she yelled. “That’s it baby, suck my clit! Mmmmmmm… yesssssss!” she hissed.

I looked up at her from between her legs. She had her head thrown back and was panting deeply, her chest heaving. The hard points of her nipples jutting out. She leaned back and placed a finger to my dripping slit. Electric shocks flew through my body. She brought her finger to her lips and tasted my nectar.

“Mmmmmmm, I think it’s time.” And in an instant she had turned around and buried her face between my open legs. She pressed her pussy back to my face. I began to lap at her again, my tongue flicking her throbbing clit.

Her tongue now made contact with my clit. I felt my juices squirt out as she expertly teased my clit and probed my pussy with her finger. My body was trembling. My heart felt as if it would burst out of my chest. I grabbed her ass cheeks and squeezed bringing moans of pleasure from her. As I kneaded her cheeks my thumb brushed her pink anus and applied pressure. She began to finger me faster, slipping another finger inside as she suckled my clit.

“My god, Susan… you’re so tight.” she said around her mouthful of my pussy. She began to finger me faster, harder, probing deep inside me. I was on the verge of an intense orgasm. I felt it build inside me. So close now, so close. I sucked her clit deep inside my mouth. Her nectar was gushing out in waves and her body began to tremble. She was close too.

Then the wave of orgasmic pleasure swept us away. Out bodies trembled and shook as one as we came together. Our pussies flowing with sweet honey, we drank deeply together as the wave subsided slowly.

She collapsed on top of me as little waves of pleasure tingled through our bodies. She lay there in a heap on top of me, our sweating bodies melted together as one. At some point she turned around and took me in her arms while we rested quietly. Breathing deeply. Fulfilled and satisfied in the afterglow.

“My god, Susan… that was amazing!” She said finally. “ I never thought another woman could make me cum like that.”

“Well, you weren’t so bad yourself.” I giggled. “I think I’m going to have change these sheets, they’re soaked.”

We both laughed hard, our bodies shaking. I felt my bladder calling for attention.

“I need to pee or these sheets are going to get a lot wetter.” I said laughing.

She released me from her embrace and I slipped out of bed. She gave me a little smack on the butt. “Hurry back sweetie, I don’t think I’m through with you yet.” she said grinning mischievously.

“Yes ma’am!” I said looking over my shoulder as I hurried to the bathroom.

As I sat on the toilet I tried to sort through the feelings I was having. I had just had sex with a very beautiful woman, a woman close to my own age. It was fantastic. Her hands and tongue had expertly brought me to a wonderful orgasm. But I felt guilty. I thought of Erin and the times we had made love. I loved Erin. I loved her heart and soul, yet I had just had sex with her mother and fully enjoyed it.

My god! I thought. How much more complicated could this possibly get?

I finished my business and returned to the bedroom, expecting to find Carol laying there with that hungry look in her eyes. Instead she was standing in the middle of the room, a look of concern on her features, holding something small and white. Something with little pink flowers on it. My heart sank and my eyes widened at the sudden realization of what she held.

“Care to explain how a pair of Erin’s panties wound up tangled in your sheets?” she said, her voice slow and steady.

Oh My God I thought. Erin left in such a hurry last night she forgot her panties. Left them where I removed them last night, in my bed.

“Um…I…um…” I stuttered. My face giving away my guilt.

“Are you fucking my little girl?” she asked. “No, don’t bother answering, your face says it all.” she said moving closer to me as I backed up against the wall.

“I d-don’t know what to s-say.” I said in a quiet voice. Tears welling up in my eyes.

She stepped forward slapping my face hard and grabbing my shoulders. Her face inches from mine.

“She’s ten years old! She’s a little girl! How could you do that!” she screamed and began shaking me.

Huge sobs shook my body. My face stung from her slap, tears rolling down my face.

“She’s just a little girl! Just a little girl! I trusted you! Let her go to the beach with you! How could you do such a thing…” she yelled.

“I love her!” I yelled back through my sobs. “I have been in love with her since I met her! She is the most important person in my life! I love her with every fiber of my being!”

She looked long and hard into my eyes. Her expression turned from rage to disappointment, to understanding.

“How long has it been going on?” she asked her voice steady.

“For a few weeks now. But we didn’t go all the way until we went to the beach for the weekend.” I said sobbing.

Carol shook her head. “I should have known. The signs were all there. I thought she just had a crush on you, but now that I think about it, she has acted like she’s in love.”

Carol sat on the bed. I walked over to her and sat next to her. Tears still running down my face.

“I’ve never seen Erin like this before. She has been happy and giddy most of the time. She doesn’t fight with her sisters, does her chores without being asked, I can assume just so she can hurry up and come see you.” Carol said. “Do you really love her? It’s not just lust and desire… for a child?”

I nodded my head. “Yes I do love her. More than anything else. I have never had feelings like this about little girls before, never touched one before. I struggled with these feelings for so long after meeting her. Kept telling myself it wasn’t right. But we seemed to connect and I‘ve been lonely for so long. I can’t explain it. I have never forced Erin to do anything she did not want to do.” I said sniffing.

She looked at me long and hard. I sat there trembling.

“Oh Susan… this really makes thing difficult for me. I don’t know what to do. Should I call the cops? They’d lock you up and Erin would be heartbroken. Not to mention traumatized by a trial and all the other crap that goes with it.” she said.

“W-what are you going to do?” I said as I felt my life going down the toilet.

She sighed. “Nothing. Erin is in love with you and you are in love with her. I believe you when you say that. I can see it in your eyes.” She reached out and took my hand.

“Besides, when I was twelve, an older woman showed me around my body. I found the experience to be… well, informative. She never hurt me and helped me sort through feelings I was having at the time,” she said, her features changing to a wistful remembering look. She smiled softy.

“So… you’re alright with all this?” I asked in a quiet voice sniffing back my tears.

“Well, it’s going to take some getting used to. But as long as Erin is happy, that’s all that matters.” She smiled and took my hand in hers. “At least I know my daughter has good taste in women,” she said with a grin.

I squeezed her hand tightly in mine and smiled back at her. I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my chest. I felt elated and relieved. Moments ago it seemed my life was over and now I was soaring on a high I could not put into words.

“Just one thing,” Carol said with a serious look in her eyes. “Promise me you will not hurt her. Don’t dump her if you meet someone else. And if Erin decides it’s over, then it’s over. She is a young girl and her feelings may change at some point. If they do, you need to let go. Understand?”

“Yes Carol. I promise. I will never to anything to harm that precious little angel. I love her more than I can express. But if she decides she wants out, although it will break my heart, I’ll let her go.” I said quietly.

She looked at me with her piercing green eyes. “I believe you, Susan,” she said as she reached over and hugged me tightly.

“What about what happened here between us today?” I asked.

“I’ll speak with Erin tonight. Tell her I know about you two and we talked about it. I’ll let her know to keep it between the three of us. I’ll tell her we had sex and explain it was just something that happened. I’ll tell her that you really do love her, and I’m okay with you two being together.”

“Do you think she’ll understand, about you and I having sex?” I asked.

“I don’t know. She is pretty smart for a kid. I think she’ll be okay with it. She might be a little jealous, but I‘ll smooth things over. I know my child pretty well.” she replied.

“Thank you, Carol. This whole thing has my head reeling. I don’t know what to say about it all,” I said.

“Well, it’s been kind of weird for me too. An couple hours ago I was heartbroken. Then we had sex and I felt fabulous. Moments ago I wanted to choke you and now I’ve just said it’s okay for you and my ten year old daughter to have a sexual relationship. How’s that for a weird day?” she said, smiling.

“This certainly counts as a weird day in my book too, Carol. But I’m glad it’s all out in the open now. And I’m happy you’re okay with it. And I will say I’m relieved you don’t feel like choking me either,” I said, giggling.

“Tell you what, Susan. I do get kinda horny now and then and if you and Erin are okay with it, I wouldn’t mind spending a little time alone time with you on occasion. How’s that sound to you?” she said with that hungry seductive look in her eyes.

I looked at her blushing. “I’m sure we could work something out.”

She reached out and touched my thigh smiling. “Well, since I haven’t talked to Erin yet, why don’t we work something out right now.” She reached out and took me into her arms. I melted into her embrace as she drew me back down on the bed.

She left several hours later.


I awoke the next morning. I was exhausted. Carol and I had made love so many times before she had left. That woman had wore me out. I lazily pulled myself out of bed and walked naked to the kitchen to put some coffee on. I walked back upstairs and slipped into the shower. It felt fantastic, letting the warm water run over my tired body, revitalizing me.

I stepped from the shower, dried myself, put on a robe and went back downstairs to the kitchen. The smell of coffee filling the room. I poured a cup, thought about getting ready for work when I realized it was Saturday. I sighed deeply. Good. I didn’t think I could concentrate at work anyway.

As I sat there sipping my coffee I heard a familiar knock at the door. Erin. I could tell her little knock anywhere. I got up and walked to the door. I had butterflies in my stomach. I knew Carol had spoken with Erin and was concerned how she had taken it. I opened the door and Erin came bursting in.

“Oh Susan!! Isn’t it wonderful!” she exclaimed as she threw her arms around me.

“I take it you and your mom had a little chat.” I said.

“Yes, she told me everything. How you and her did it, how she found my panties in your bed,” she giggled and blushed. “She told me that you and me could be girlfriends and she didn’t care!” she said excitedly.

“You don’t care that me and your mom had sex?” I asked.

“No…she was lonely and she said it was something that just happened. I really don’t mind because I know you love me and I love you, and… and… and… oh Susan… I love you so much!” Erin said hugging me tightly.

“I’m so glad you understand Erin. I was worried you might be a little jealous,” I said. “What happened between your mom and I was special, but you are the one I really love.”

“I know you do and I love you so much.” Erin said.

We walked over to the couch and sat down. Erin was dressed in her little jeans skirt and a blue t-shirt.

“So what do you want to do today, sweetie?” I asked.

Erin grinned mischievously. She reached down to the hem of her skirt and pulled it up revealing her bare pussy. The little imp wasn’t wearing panties. She grinned, batting her eyes.

“I decided to leave my panties at home today. That way I wouldn’t forget them,” she giggled.

“Why, you little devil!” I exclaimed. “You got me in trouble forgetting your panties the other night!”

She giggled. “But if I hadn’t mom wouldn’t have found out and she wouldn’t have said it was ok for us to be together,” she said, grinning.

“I suppose it worked out for the best, but still, you naughty little imp. You should wear panties when you are out in public,” I said laughing. “Besides, it’s always fun for me to take them off of you.”

I reached over to her and began tickling her sides. She giggled and squirmed. We wrestled around a bit before I pulled her over my lap.

“I think someone needs a few smacks on the bottom to remind her about leaving her panties behind,” I said laughing.

“Oh no!” she giggled. “Please…” giggle, “Don’t spank me!” She looked up over her shoulder at me, smiling broadly.

I flipped her skirt up and gazed down at her squirming little bottom on my lap. I smiled enjoying the sight of her soft round bare bottom. The sight sending waves of arousal through me.

I gave her a few light quick swats on her bottom. She giggled and squirmed around, grinding into my leg. The contact of my hand on her bottom sent jolts of electricity to my clit. Erin seemed to be enjoying it as well. With each swat on her bare bottom she would grind harder into my leg. She parted her legs, kicking playfully, giving me a glimpse at the cleft between her legs. I could smell the familiar scent of her arousal, increasing mine as well.

She looked at me from over her shoulder. Her face was flushed with desire. I left my hand resting on her warm cheeks, caressing them softly. They had turned a nice shade of pink and looked so cute.

I looked in her eyes, she in mine. I smiled. She smiled. It was time.

I lifted her off my lap and stood her before me between my open legs. She pulled her shirt off while I unsnapped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. I gazed at her naked body before me. Taking in every familiar detail. I opened my robe, exposing my naked body to her. She leapt on my lap straddling me and we began to kiss, our tongues probing each others mouths.

Our hands were a blur over each other’s bodies. I was gripping her little cheeks in my hands, kneading and caressing her butt while she grinded the hard tiny points of her erect nipples into my soft breasts.

Then suddenly… a knock at the door. We looked at each other, eyes wide.

“Erin, quick… get up. Run upstairs!” I said.

Erin leapt off my lap and ran up the stairs. Her little bare bottom jiggling. I jumped up, kicking her clothes under the couch, pulling my robe around myself.

I walked to the door and looked out the peephole. I couldn’t see anyone. I opened the door slowly and peeked my head out.

Tiffany jumped into view.

“Surprise!” she said smiling broadly. “I’m back!”


8 Comments on My Summer with Erin, Chapter 5: Discoveries

  1. MrStrut says:

    Amazing erotic story Michelle, I loved every chapter. Thanks for submitting it. I was aroused from the start and you detail in writing made it very visual. Can’t wait for hopefully the next chapter.

  2. JetBoy says:

    It’s a shame that Michelle never finished this story… and seeing as this last chapter is nearly ten years old, it’s doubtful we’ll ever see a conclusion, unless someone else writes it. Still, it’s definitely worthy of inclusion in the archive, just on the strength of these five chapters. Hope you folks agree.

  3. Mark says:

    Omg!! More more more!!!

  4. Little Lover says:

    Oh, more…. gotta write more!

  5. Dave Britton says:

    Talk about stories not finished. I tried to inform Leslita story site but got blocked, so this may reach HQ. I stopped writing as Moonraker the story “Good Things Come in Small Bundles, European Adventure” because I read Naughty Mommy’s story “Serendipity”. Her story is older than mine, so I withdrew in case she thinks I stole her idea. I have to reinvent now as my trip has well and truly sank. Sorry Naughty Mommy, not intentional. Regards Dave.

    • Hi Dave,

      I checked your story at Leslita, and I really don’t see much of an overlap between “Good Things, European” and “Serendipity.” If you’re having fun creating that piece, I’d say just go right ahead. But I do appreciate your concern! 😀

  6. VerityVioletViola says:

    I enjoyed this story a great deal, very sensual, especially the first three chapters or so up until the summer camp part. After that it went a little sideways for me (poor Tiffany, in more ways than one–she was clearly hurt/traumatized physically and emotionally by that unfortunate initial encounter with Laura, that’s hardly easy to merely shrug off and leaves permanent scars, plus dealing with the confusion of sensing Susan’s purely physical attraction to her and being attracted to Erin herself when Erin and Susan are already an item together…ouch, yikes, all a sad mix there) and the whole Susan and Carol sex scene and how the relationship disclosure unfolded…eh, that seemed a bit rushed and out of place, to say the least. Ok, I’ll be honest–I was upset, angry at Susan on Erin’s behalf about that. But developing fictional characters that call forth that degree of emotional investment and indignation–in only three chapters, no less!–is a sign of good writing in itself. ;-P

    On one hand, it’s a shame this story was never finished, but on the other, maybe this isn’t a popular opinion but I kinda understand why. Short of introducing completely new characters (like stable love interests for Tiffany and Carol) and going that route, which I guess the author could’ve done, it would’ve probably lost some of the ambiance and the sparkle that made the first few chapters special (as tends to happen when secondary characters get involved in the primary relationship(s) and it devolves into “everybody sleeps with everybody else”). It’s easy to write oneself into a corner of sorts. This is why I usually prefer slower-burning stories that emphasize and stretch out the romantic/emotional elements of a developing relationship in more detail in between the sex scenes–because once you’ve gone to full explicit consummation sex (whatever that happens to mean in context), there typically isn’t much of anywhere else to go (depending upon how the story is structured, of course–but with the way stories in this vein are usually structured, I mean), not as much room if certain milestones are reached too quickly.

    Pacing aside, this was an indubitably good piece. It’d be interesting to see where the author was planning to go were it to be continued, but from what I can see it’s perhaps for the best that we just ended up with what’s here. It leaves its mark, a lingering impression, so I’d say even with just this much the writer succeeded in crafting a memorable story, or whatever she set out to accomplish.

  7. Bryan says:

    Oh noooo this shouldn’t have been abandoned

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