Yes, dear readers, May 4 is the day Juicy Secrets went “LIVE” for the first time! That was one year ago today, and the owners of this site — Naughty Mommy, JetBoy, and Cheryl Taggert — have decided to post our thoughts about the past year and this wonderful website!
Cheryl’s message:
A bit over a year ago, I received an email asking if I might be interested in starting a joint-venture website for publishing online erotica, specifically stories written by the website owners, as well as the best stories by other authors. To say I was flattered would be a gargantuan understatement. I was beside myself. Lisa even commented a few weeks into the project how happy I seemed to be when working on things for Juicy Secrets.
We hashed out what we wanted the site to be, and what we did not want it to be. We didn’t decide who would do what, exactly, but jobs just naturally fell to each of us. I set up the email account, terms of use, and the original submission guidelines — in other words, the things that needed to be written before we opened our little free shop of erotica. Naughty Mommy set up the website, and Danny/JetBoy became our archivist and chief editor. Yes, you can see that most of the actual “work” was done chiefly by my partners, but being fairly computer illiterate, I was a poor choice to do any of the website set-up work. You wouldn’t believe the meltdown I had one night when I thought I had completely lost a chapter I’d written. Thanks to Naughty Mommy, it was retrieved easily. I’ll never forget Lisa standing in our bedroom door and shouting over my sobs, “Relax! I’m sure she (Naughty Mommy) can get it back!”
To prepare my end of things, I began to copy my stories over from LL, having a wonderful time finding errors and problems to fix in them, since being able to edit a story was mostly impossible at LL since of course I never had admin rights there.
This new sense of having something wonderful and fulfilling to do was and is in direct contrast to the months I was getting chemo for stage zero (thank goodness!) cervical cancer at the end of 2014. I am basically cancer-free now. Life is good.
The time since we started this website has turned out to be the best year of my life on both a professional and personal level. After the U.S. Supreme Court allowed people of the same sex to marry, Lisa and I made quick plans to “tie the knot” before anyone could change their minds. We enjoyed a long honeymoon in New Orleans, still one of my favorite places in the world to visit, and I was totally and completely happy for the first time in my life. Not to mention I am so completely in love I sometimes cry from contemplating the beauty of it. (Lisa does too, and the fact that she does honors me.)
This was and still is in stark contrast to my life growing up. While I did have a lot of success in the sex department as a young girl and teenager, my personal life was one of unhappiness and unrealized connections with my parents, especially my mother, who never accepted my sexuality, something she always thought was a choice I made, mostly to upset her. The first “new” writing I posted on the website did a little to chronicle this problem to you, our readers, so you would understand some things about me.
Life now is just…different in so many ways. During the past year I have completed numerous writing projects — series begun during this year of J.S., as well as stories begun many years ago. I never thought I would gain the discipline as a writer to complete a project. Then, I began and finished Nanny for a Night, with chapter one posting May 9 of last year, and the final chapter posting on August 3. In less than three months, I had actually completed what was, essentially, an erotic novella of about 40,000 words. I won’t go into the celebration I had with Lisa upon completing a book for the first time, but suffice it to say, it was great! Then I finished my first full-length erotic novel, The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, which was the first series I ever attempted to write, well over a decade ago at Nifty. It is now over 100,000 words, and the celebration of that completed work made the last celebration pale in comparison.
This success led to completing other stories I had begun long ago. Some went for a only a few chapters more, but they were finished. I would no longer receive an email asking me when I was planning to finish this or that story.
Now, I have only one former project to finish, I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, which already has a few new chapters added since I put it away for a time several years ago.
I finally feel like a writer. This makes me very happy.
Then, my father and I reconciled after many years of not speaking.
Then, Lisa and I bought a house and got a dog.
What’s next? I have no clue. The one thing I do know is that my life is what I always wanted it to be.
The future finally holds…promise.
JetBoy’s message:
When that fateful email from Naughty Mommy turned up in the JetBoy inbox, I’d already been thinking long and hard about how great it would be to have my very own website, a home for all the stories I’d cobbled together over a decade of writing lesbian incest and Lolita fiction. Only one problem: your Boy Author lacked the time, computer savvy and patience needed to do the grunt work involved in setting up a gen-you-wine story site, especially one that required such niceties as (shudder) formatting. Memories of attempting to set up a stylish page for my eBay store and getting reduced to a blithering wreck in the process still stung.
So when Naughty Mommy contacted Cheryl and me, asking if we thought she ought to set up her own erotic author site, my response was immediate: Yes, that’s a marvelous idea… and by the way, are you interested in taking on a partner, namely me? She replied with a thumbs-up, and another letter was swiftly dispatched to Cheryl, this time inviting her to make it a threesome. When her delighted acceptance followed the next day I knew, before a single brick had been laid, that we were on the verge of something truly special.
The next few weeks were a monkey-barrel of activity, what with getting the site up in the first place (all Naughty Mommy’s doing) and front-loading it with our stories. Meanwhile, we three embarked on lengthy email discussions about Juicy Secrets, quickly working out a shared vision of where we wanted our fledgling site to go. It’s almost scary how similar in alignment our minds were (and remain) when it comes to Things Erotic. In fact, Cheryl, Naughty Mommy and I often refer to each other in our hundreds of back-and-forth messages as siblings — two sisters and a big brother, all of whom enjoy lesbian stories with an edge.
We were lucky enough to have the much-missed Story Friends Forum around just long enough for us to plug the hell out of Juicy Secrets before their plug got pulled, so we had something of an audience at the very start. (Many of you are still dropping by to visit, bless your hearts.)
My partners and I agreed at the start that we wanted to feature other writing besides ours, and encouraged submissions from the public, along with seeking out authors we respected and asking them nicely for material. Some of those stories can be found here; others didn’t make the cut. The three of us make no secret about setting our standards high — and that goes for each other’s work, by the way! (This seems like a good place to offer our sincere and hearty thanks to anyone who cared enough to contribute to our beloved site, whether your stories got chosen or not — and to those of you who offer us stories in the future.)
When the Leslita site seemed about to close for good, my partners and I decided that there was far too much of genuine value to let sink into the tar pit of oblivion. Thus, the Leslita Archive was born, home to some of our favorite stories from their massive collection. This project was put on hiatus when Leslita temporarily came to back to life, then revived when the site fell silent again. Expect to see more gems from Leslita’s glory days in the months ahead, many of them suggested by you loyal readers.
Twelve months on, I’m positively dazzled by the thing of beauty Juicy Secrets has become, and eager to make it shine even brighter during its second year of life. Contributing to this site has been a joy, a fascinating pastime and an honor. More thanks than I can cram into one blog post is extended like a bouquet of flowers to my Juicy Secrets cohorts, friends and virtual sisters, Naughty Mommy and Cheryl. Love you guys.
Finally, a heartfelt helping of gratitude to you, our public. We don’t draw any kind of wage for doing Juicy Secrets, but the site has enriched us nonetheless — because, you see, we have taken our payment in friends. You are our reward.
Naughty Mommy’s message:
Hmm, let’s see, stories about little girls getting curious about their bodies, playing naughty games with each other… fictional accounts of women having sex with underage girls… erotica about sisters, or mothers and daughters, becoming sexual with one another… who would ever want to read something like that?
I began composing stories like those for my own enjoyment around fifteen years ago, when I was in my mid-20s (you can read more about that here). But honestly, I never imagined that someday I would actually make my work public. And I certainly never thought I would become a partner in a website devoted specifically to the kind of fiction I love to write. It’s just amazing!
What a wonderful journey of discovery this has been: exploring my own deepest, darkest fantasies, letting them out into the open just for myself in my dirty stories … then finding similar erotica online at and later at Lesbian Lolita, loving the things I read there, masturbating again and again as I read them … becoming a big fan of two authors in particular, Cheryl Taggert and JetBoy, craving and savoring their stories, but once again never dreaming I would be associated with them someday the way I am now … gradually building up my courage until finally I took the big leap of posting a story at Leslita, and then getting so many supportive and encouraging comments … which motivated me to pick up another little piece I’d started writing a few years earlier, then called Underage Voyeurs, adding on to the first few chapters, watching the tale grow and evolve, changing the title to The Joy of Looking, and then … well, the rest, as the saying goes, is history.
But back to the question I began with — who would ever want to read fiction about the kind of topics I enjoy writing about? Evidently a lot of people would! My partners and I have been so pleased to find that there really is a substantial audience interested in our specific erotic niche. It’s been gratifying to look at the numbers, to know that every month tens of thousands of different people are visiting Juicy Secrets and reading the stories we post. It’s incredible!
The other thing that’s been fantastically rewarding is all the comments we’ve received. As of this writing, we have approved almost 4,000 comments from site visitors. Can you believe that? The steady interaction with our readers, the many conversations taking place at the Juicy Readers Forum, the stimulating back and forth between creators and consumers — that’s what our site is really all about.
So please keep it up. Let’s make the second year even better than the first, okay? You know what we like to say: keep coming back, and keep coming. We love you!