Teaching Tammie, Part One

  • Posted on May 20, 2016 at 1:21 pm

By Jeneee

“Mommy, Mommy, what are you doing?”

I jumped, immediately jerking up my head which had been happily buried between my younger girlfriend’s soft, warm thighs. My tongue had been busy licking her hard, pink clit, which now peeked at me from within its fleshy sheath. Her beautiful, wide open pussy glistened in the low light of the lamp resting on the table beside my bed, the wrinkled inner labia gloriously swollen from the attention they had been receiving from my eager tongue.

It was after ten o’clock on a Wednesday evening, and we were so sure that my seven, almost eight year old daughter was fast asleep, deep in the wonderful dreamland of other young girls her age, that we hadn’t even bothered to close the door to my bedroom as we’d hurriedly stripped off our clothes and fell onto my unmade bed.

Neither of us had heard my little girl softly stroll in, feet bare, her favorite teddy snuggled tightly against her exposed chest. Her blue eyes were gazing curiously at us, Mommy and her friend, naked and having lesbian sex.

Judy, my eighteen year old girlfriend who worked with me part time at the downtown library while she attended college, also started as Tammie surprised us, but recovered quickly enough to giggle, looking in anticipation at me to see how I was going to handle this precarious situation.

Almost at a loss for words, I managed to mumble something about trying to make Judy feel better. “She, um, wasn’t feeling good, sweetie,” I offered. “So Mommy was just trying to — to cheer her up, that’s all.” I felt myself blushing deeply as I looked over at Judy for some kind of confirmation.

“But you never do that to me when I don’t feel good, Mommy,” she replied, a frown appearing on her pretty face as one of her hands subconsciously slipped down between her slim legs to touch herself through the material of her cute pink panties. She almost dropped her teddy bear, but barely managed to keep it from falling to the floor by grasping one of its furry ears with her other hand.

Before I could respond, Tammie continued. “Was it her pee pee that wasn’t feeling good, Mommy?” she said, drawing closer to the side of the bed. She squinted curiously at Judy’s obviously wet pussy which was still prominently displayed, since for some reason or another my devilish girlfriend had still not closed her slim, sexy legs. I began to think she was enjoying the thought of showing herself off to a young girl. I’d have to discuss that with her at a more opportune moment.

Meanwhile, my flustered brain was still trying to formulate a response to my inquisitive daughter, who continued to hit me with questions. “Her pee pee is all wet, Mommy. What’s the matter with it? Is that why it wasn’t feeling good?” She turned to my lover. “Did you have an accident and wet yourself, Judy? Is that what happened?” she added before starting to giggle at the thought of Judy peeing herself in bed.

Thankfully coming to my rescue — but not really, as it turned out — Judy threw in her two cents worth after correctly concluding that I was completely lost for words. “No, sweetie, I didn’t wet myself,” she smiled at Tammie, “but my pussy, er… my pee pee, was feeling kinda lonely, so your mommy was kissing it better for me.”

I nearly gasped out loud. Oh my God, I thought, now what has she started? Her pussy was lonely? I had to say something fast, or we were both going to find ourselves in deep trouble.

“It’s just something that big girls do when they really like each other,” I heard myself saying.

Judy let out a sound halfway between a gasp and a snort, realizing more quickly than I the repercussions of my attempt at an explanation to my little girl. As Tammie began to digest my words, I looked helplessly at Judy. Her arms were moving as if gripping a shovel, indicating that the hole I was digging was getting deeper and deeper.

Shit, I thought. Shit, shit, shit!

Then, in almost a whisper from beside my bed, “Can little girls do it too, Mommy?”

I was frozen, trapped, speechless once again as I gazed at my sweet little girl, her eyes darting rapidly back and forth between Judy’s open thighs and my face. Thankfully, my girlfriend once again came to my rescue, raising herself to a sitting position on the side of the bed, legs finally closing as she lifted Tammie up and perched her sideways on her lap. Tammie, her mind now on other things, completely lost her grip on her teddy’s ear, causing her beloved companion to drop gently to the floor.

Smiling at my daughter, Judy then hugged her tightly, her right breast gently pressed against Tammie’s face. Her nipple was erect, almost crying out to be sucked. She stroked the silky blonde hair that flowed across my daughter’s cheek and tenderly asked, “Do you think little girls would like to do that, sweetie?”

Tammie looked up shyly and scrunched her face into an ‘I don’t know’ expression, looking over my way as if to ask how she could answer without making me upset.

I had recovered enough by then to say, “It’s okay, baby, you can tell her whatever you think. Mommy won’t be upset,” I gave her an encouraging smile.

“Um, should I be doing it with Laurie, then?” she blurted out, looking first at me and then back to Judy.

“Laurie?” Judy asked, “Who’s Laurie?”

“She’s my best friend at school and I really like her lots,” Tammie replied. “Sometimes we have sleepovers at her house when her daddy’s away, right Mommy?” She paused, then giggled as she poked at Judy’s left breast with her index finger. “Your boobie is kinda big, Auntie Judy. It’s bigger than Mommy’s.” She laughed again, looking over at me as I moved to sit on the edge of the bed beside them. And yes, Judy’s breasts were bigger than mine. A lot bigger. As were her lush, brown nipples, which were now at full attention.

Needless to say, Tammie was still full of questions. “Do you think mine will grow big too? You know, Laurie’s have started already, ‘n her nipples kinda poke out through her top sometimes,” she informed us, almost proudly. “Sometimes I tickle them ‘n they get hard, real hard, like yours are now, Auntie.” And she giggled again as she poked once more at Judy’s breast.

My lover responded immediately by twirling a fingertip around one of Tammie’s cute, tiny pink nipples, which also responded by wrinkling itself into a hard little point.

“See?” Judy teased. “So does yours, sweetie. Tell me, Tammie, what else do you and Laurie do at your sleepovers?” my girlfriend asked with a sly wink as she looked over at me.

“Oh, you know, play games ‘n stuff on her iPad that she got for her birthday last summer. She turned nine then, so her mommy ‘n daddy got her one ’cause they thought she was old enough. There’s all sorts of things you can do on it. And like I said, we play tickle games sometimes when we go to bed but her mom hears us screeching ‘n tells us to quit playing ‘n go to sleep. But we just try to be quieter,” she giggled. “Laurie kisses me too sometimes before we go to sleep, so like I said, she’s my best friend ‘n I like her lots,” she added. “So that’s why I asked if we, like, you know, should be doing stuff like you ‘n Mommy were,” she explained, a serious look coming over her face as she stared back at Judy, then at me.

“Have you ever seen her pussy, er… her pee pee?” Judy asked. “What do you wear when you sleep over, your PJs?”

“Yeah, most times, but sometimes if it’s hot we just wear our undies,” she confessed, quickly glancing at me to see if I was going to scold her. “And then it’s kinda nice to cuddle, ‘n that’s like, when Laurie and me kiss, before we fall asleep,” she shyly added. “And yeah, I’ve seen her pee pee sometimes in the bathroom. Oh ‘n why do you keep calling it a pussy, Auntie Judy? Like it’s going to go meow or purr or something?” She giggled at the thought.

“That’s what big girls call it sometimes, sweetie,” Judy explained with a smile. “I guess your mommy never told you that, huh?” She looked over at me, “She’s almost eight, Jen. Don’t you think it’s time for her to learn a few things?” she half-scolded.

“Yeah, Mommy, I’m a big girl now, y’know.” Tammie grinned at me, puffing out her chest. “So, why were you kissing Judy’s pee pee — oops, I mean pussy?” she asked. “And why did it look so wet if she didn’t have an accident?”

To our surprise, she squirmed off Judy’s lap and, standing in front of her, casually pushed her legs apart and extended one of her little hands between my girlfriend’s thighs. “She’s still wet,” she squealed. “Her pussy is all gooey, Mommy.”

“Big girls’ pussies get wet when they feel happy,” I offered by way of explanation.

“But you said it wasn’t feeling good,” my smart-assed daughter retorted.

“Well, your mommy made it feel good by lick… um, kissing it better,” Judy chimed in helpfully.

“So, does that mean Laurie’s pussy would get wet like that too, if I kissed it?” Tammie asked somewhat timidly, peering curiously between Judy’s legs as her little finger tentatively touched the shiny, wet labia. “And what about my pussy?” she asked, now seeming to be very comfortable with the new name for her pee pee, once again cupping the crotch of her panties with the other hand.

I couldn’t help but become a little aroused — well, a little more aroused than I already was — as I watched my little girl touching herself while she explored my girlfriend’s wetness, which now seemed to be increasing as a little drop of liquid oozed from the lower part of her vagina and dripped down toward her anus.

This didn’t go unnoticed by Tammie, who let out a little gasp and exclaimed, “You wet yourself, Auntie Judy! Look, Mommy… see?”

I sighed, resolving that honesty was best, now that things had progressed to this stage. “That’s not what’s happening, sweetie,” I explained. “That’s what big girls call love juice, because when you really like somebody and make their pussy feel good it gets all gooey, like you said, and drips out just like Judy’s is doing right now.”

And we watched in amazement as Tammie slid the tip of her finger down to touch the ever increasing flow of creamy, whitish liquid that continued to drool from my girlfriend’s pussy. My daughter’s touch was certainly making Judy even hornier than my tongue had, before my sweet little girl had walked in on us.

Tammie removed her finger from Judy’s pussy and lifted it to get a closer look, before rubbing it together with her thumb. “It’s so slippery, Mommy,” she giggled, raising it to her nose to sniff. “It smells kinda funny, too,” she added.

“Taste it,” Judy suggested, winking at me as I darted a warning look toward her, thinking this had gone far enough already. But Tammie, wrinkling up her nose, surprised both of us by extending the tip of her tongue to lick her finger. Then, amazing us even further, she knelt once more between Judy’s thighs and put her finger back, this time sliding the tip of it inside my girlfriend’s pussy before withdrawing it to stick into her mouth again, thoughtfully sucking at it. “Mmmm, it’s yummy, Mommy! I love it. Does yours taste like that? And will Laurie’s, and what about mine? But oops, we’re not big girls, huh?” she added with a frown, sounding somewhat disappointed.

“I bet you taste just as yummy,” Judy whispered to her as she bent down to give Tammie a quick kiss on the tip of her nose, bringing a big smile to my little girl’s face. “And I’m sure Laurie’s will too, sweetie,” she told her with a conspiratorial wink. “And as for your mommy…” she added, glancing over at me with that devilish look on her face that I adore, “…I know she does.”

Tammie responded to this admission from Judy by giggling, followed by, “Can I taste you, Mommy?” as she looked hopefully at me.

Once again I was speechless, as Judy slyly prompted my little girl with a whisper that I’m sure she meant for me to hear. “Why don’t you just lick her, Tammie? Just like you saw her doing to me. Pretend you’re a big girl.”

Helplessly, but at the same time knowing I should protest, I watched in silence as Judy stood and gently guided my little girl to stand in front of me, then leaned down to grasp my knees and spread my legs in front of Tammie, who immediately fastened her wide eyes on  — you guessed it — my now dripping pussy.

I couldn’t believe what was about to happen. Nor could I stop it.

“She’s all wet like you were, Auntie,” she told Judy, extending a finger toward me.

“No, sweetie,” Judy prompted, “use your tongue instead,” gently pressing on the back of my little girl’s head, urging her closer to my pussy while at the same time sliding a hand between her own legs. This was genuinely turning her on, I realized, somewhat astonished. My girlfriend was becoming even more aroused at the prospect of seeing my own little girl licking her mother’s juicy pussy.

And oh my, was I ever juicy. I could feel it trickling from between my swollen lips, flowing down toward my asshole as Tammie’s pretty face drew closer and closer, her tongue tentatively poking out, eyes fastened on the lewd sight in front of her.

Realizing there was no turning back, admitting to myself that I could not resist this even if I wanted to, I found myself reaching down between my legs and spreading open my slippery labia to provide an easy target for my sweet daughter. And as the tip of her tongue softly pressed between my lips, I closed my eyes and began to feel a new love, a special love, a different kind of love for my little girl.

Continue on to Part Two


13 Comments on Teaching Tammie, Part One

  1. sue says:

    WOW, nice story, and looking forward to part 2

    • Dan says:

      Holy smokes. After my wife and I read this one we off to the races. Simply can not wait for the next chapters.
      Thank you

  2. Jeneee says:

    Thanks for the nice comments. Chapter two is now ready and should be posted soon. Enjoy 😉

  3. Lisa says:

    GREAT story! Thank you Jeneee! Thank you JetBoy for bringing it to us! So excited for chapter 2!!

    • JetBoy says:

      Getting great erotic writers like Jeneee back into the game was one of our main reasons for starting this site… and it’s a genuine honor to be hosting new material from her pen.

      By the way, please be sure to read Jeneee’s older stories on our Best of Leslita page. Great stuff. I’ll always be a wide-eyed fan.

  4. Sammy J says:

    Love your stories.. always have.. But, I am a little biased Hi Jeneee.. (long lost Samantha)

  5. Mommy Janice says:

    Lovely story Jeneee. Your words are exquisitely descriptive. Looking forward to following Tammie’s tongue, lol.

  6. Jeneee says:

    Thanks so much Lisa, Sammy (Samantha), MommyJanice and JetBoy. I will do my best to keep writing but other aspects of my life have to take precedence, if you know what I mean. I think chapter two will be posted soon and you’ll see more of Tammie’s tongue in action Mommy Janice :)~~
    Thanks for all the hard work here JetBoy, and long lost Samantha: Hope you won’t be long lost for much longer. Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t you the inspiration behind my story ‘Kimmy and Samantha?’
    Hugs to all.

  7. Cheryl says:

    This has been one of my favorite stories since I first read it. I love it! I hope anyone who hasn’t read it before will do so. You won’t regret it!

  8. Leigh says:

    Yeah this 1st chapter has potential and wow her daughter is sicking her pussy. So great to read I’ve never had the pleasure myself, lucky girl. Wish I could suck her mom girlfriend and the child. I am too excited to go on but I will continue with the story and might just write again. Good story so far.

  9. Dom Inus says:

    It’s curious isn’t it, that such stories about mothers and their very young daughters are so hot and acceptable, as fantasies at least, but similar stories between males or father/son, father/daughter mother/son of the same kind of ages are less acceptable.

    The images thrown up, far from seeming taboo or disgusting, are always so warm and loving and yes, beautiful.

    Like others, I wish Jenee had continued the story, but glad she left us with this one.

    Thamk you


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