I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 45

  • Posted on August 28, 2016 at 1:15 pm


By Cheryl Taggert 

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

The woman sat at her makeup table and looked into the mirror at the fading bruises. She would have to find a way to get out of this hell-hole. The mansion was beautiful, but she was treated like shit.

She was naked of course. She wasn’t allowed clothing since she was never allowed off the grounds of the estate. She had no clothes at all, so escaping presented a unique problem of being forced to travel through the jungles of Colombia that stretched for miles with no shoes or covering of any kind. She knew the area’s topography because she sometimes would be taken for a drive to other buildings on the property to have sex with men and women or sometimes young boys and girls. She was never paid anything for her services.

When young boys or girls were involved, at least she wasn’t hit or kicked by the ones she aroused and eventually brought to orgasm with her pussy, hands, or mouth. This made these young ‘customers’ the ones she preferred. She had become a full-fledged pedophile. She had enjoyed sex with adults in a previous time of her life, but no more. Sex with adults meant shame and degradation. It always led to pain, if not physical then mental.

Pablo, her owner, rarely had sex with her anymore, which was fine with her, but he still demanded she never have clothing. She had also been required to have her pubic hair removed by laser to maintain the smoothness she was born with. There were times Pablo ‘allowed’ her to watch him having sex with other women and children, both male and female, and she was told to masturbate herself to an orgasm when that happened. She always had to fake her climaxes during those times unless he was having sex with a young boy or girl. Then she would focus on the child and was able to bring herself to the point of coming by imagining them together in a soft bed with clean sheets and a lot of privacy.

She had long ago stopped worrying whether or not the child wanted the sex she witnessed. When it came to Pablo and sex, nobody wanted what he offered.

There were many who lived on the compound who were kind to her. Carlo, Pablo’s new chauffeur (she had no idea what happened to Tomas, the last one), and Rosalita, one of the maids who had come to work there a year ago, were especially kind to her. In fact, most of the other servants there were kind to her. She liked them, but she saw pity when they looked at her, which filled her with shame.

Looking again in the mirror and doing her best to imagine her face without the fading bruises, she said to her reflection, as she had begun doing soon after arriving here, “My name is Cindy Carmichael. I am alive. I have a daughter Jenna who is now twelve and probably wondering if I’m dead. One day I will see her again.”

It was this promise that kept her alive. That and the daughter she had left with the one woman she knew who would take care of Jenna as if she were her own child. She knew Kayleigh would never try to make the memory of Jenna’s real mother fade away like bruises that caused pain until they were forgotten.

She thought of Jenna numerous times each day. Each time she saw Rosalita’s nine-year-old daughter, Gabriela, she would remember the fun she had with her own daughter, who was only seven when she last saw her.

Cindy never mentioned to Rosalita how much she longed to take Gabriela in her arms and make love to her. In fact, Rosalita was maybe the only adult she saw here that she longed for. The woman was sweet, friendly, and very beautiful with high cheek bones, a slender figure, and jet black hair she kept in a long pony tail. Several times she had witnessed the woman bending over, removing her hair tie and resetting it, and she longed to smother her face in the woman’s tresses, breathe in her scent, and kiss her… while Gabriela licked them both.

She felt the familiar throbbing begin in her loins as the image in her mind sharpened. At least Pablo had not been able to completely desensitize her to sexual desire. She got horny nearly every day and even masturbated herself to orgasm alone in her lumpy bed several times a week. She had come to realize that Pablo and his adult friends were the only problems she had with sex and sexual desire. When she masturbated, she tried not to think of Jenna, Cheryl, and Kayleigh, but the memories of the few times they’d had together would sometimes intrude anyway, which meant she often would be crying by the time she came.

Standing, she looked at her body, which was still flawless. Pablo would never hit her anywhere that might cause permanent damage to the physical beauty below her neck. She made sure she stayed in shape. She exercised daily, including running a circle around the room that held the pool, where she would dive in and swim laps to complete her daily workout routine.

Pablo admired that she was doing this. He mistakenly thought it was for him, but he was a narcissist. He thought everything in the world was for his enjoyment. The real reason, if he knew, would have resulted in a severe punishment of some kind, perhaps even her death at his hands, which she feared was always just a mad thought away.

She was keeping herself in good physical shape because she knew if she ever found an opportunity for escape, she would take it, and being in good condition was imperative if she had the slightest hope for success.

For this reason she lifted weights. Not the weights bodybuilders usually employed because Pablo had none of those. She would find heavy things in the compound and lift them as high as she could, even above her head when that was possible. She swam until she could no longer swim. Cindy had no idea the distance she could go before stopping, but she could swim for almost two hours if allowed that much time to do the laps in the pool. Beyond these things, she ran until she felt her lungs would burst.

And all that time, Pablo suspected nothing of her plans to one day escape. She had been here for a long time now, so he felt she would never attempt it, especially with the deterrents he had put in place, such as her lack of clothing. That was one thing he thought would help prevent escape because of the shame he thought she would face when found, but that was nothing compared to the shame she felt every day being here.

And she had been here for over five years now.

She hoped she would not be here for the sixth anniversary of her humiliation.

She repeated her mantra again and left the room.


Gwen lay in her bed with her twelve-year-old niece Carmen. The naked girl had fallen asleep after they had finished the evening in a hot sixty-nine, and now Gwen’s mind turned to the dangerous things she had done and the knowledge her actions had led to, something her mind had been doing a lot lately.

She had decided it best not to involve others, especially Kayleigh, and had continued her investigation into Cindy’s whereabouts on her own. She knew she was risking her life, but she had become insanely paranoid about taking care to ensure word of her continued inquiries never reached Mark Craven. She had been forced to change some of her tactics, even to the point of threatening the people she spoke to by reminding them that certain people might show up on their doorstep if word got out they had spoken.

Those who would not speak to her about Cindy would basically get the same threat, but it became, “If Mr. Craven finds out I even spoke to you, he will come after me, and I will make sure I mention your name before I die.”

So far these threats had worked, and she knew of no reason to suspect they had stopped working, but that didn’t make the moments of worry cease.

She had managed to discover many things about Cindy’s whereabouts, and now she was wondering if she should tell Kayleigh what she knew. She had learned that Cindy was being held on a compound in Colombia, about twenty miles west of the edges of Bogota. She knew that a man who went by the name Pablo Peligro was holding her there. Peligro is the Spanish word for danger. It was almost certainly not his real name, but one chosen for effect.

And just today, she had been given a phone number where she might be able to reach Cindy. It had taken her three years to get this information.

Now that she had it, she wasn’t sure what to do with it, which was why she wondered if it was time to involve Kayleigh.

She had continued the investigation because it haunted her. She had known that wherever Cindy was, she didn’t want to be there. Gwen had no children of her own, but she understood the bond between a mother and her child. She knew that if she were separated from the lovely girl asleep beside her now, she would do anything to get back to her, and Carmen was only her niece.

Now she could look at a map of Colombia, had done so of course, and locate the approximate location of the compound, which covered nearly thirty square miles.

Glancing at Carmen, she eased herself out of bed and tiptoed from the room. Going to her phone, she lifted the receiver and silently hoped Kayleigh was home and not asleep before dialing the number she had never forgotten.

She was disappointed when she heard the answering machine. “Hi, this is Kayleigh… and Cheryl… and Jenna…” each person’s voice said in welcome with a slight pause between introductions. “We’re not home right now,” Kayleigh’s voice continued, “or we can’t come to the phone.” Then Cheryl’s voice continued the outgoing message. “If you’ll leave your name and number, we’ll get back to you.” This was continued by a giggling Jenna, “Unless this is a solicitation call, in which case…” A loud raspberry sound followed this, followed by the three of them saying “Bye-bye” in unison and laughing as the beep cut them off.

Gwen thought it was cute and probably the idea of one or both of the girls. She couldn’t help picturing them nude. Carmen was still friends with Jenna and sometimes stayed the night there, but Gwen had never gone to their home again for fear someone might see her and decide she was still on the case.

When the beep sounded to signal her to leave a message, she decided not to at the last minute when the paranoia reared its ugly but necessary head again. She hung up instead with the intention of trying again in the morning. It was nearly midnight, and it was possible they were all asleep, highly probable in fact.

She stood there wondering what Cheryl and Jenna looked like now. Cheryl would be fifteen and Jenna twelve. She pictured what she thought they would look like naked and wasn’t surprised to feel her clit respond to the fantasy that was taking shape in her mind.

A sound snapped her out of her reverie and she looked first toward her front door, believing she would see Mark Craven standing there with a gun pointed at her, but there was nobody.

Then she heard the sound again and realized it was coming from the hallway that led to her room.

Then Carmen was standing in the doorway to the hall, one hand rubbing her eyes and the other absently scratching her naked pussy, which had begun growing pubic hair several months ago.

“Aunt Gwen?” Carmen asked sleepily. “Whatcha doin’?”

“Just trying to make a call, sweetie. What are you doing up?”

“I woke up and you weren’t in the bed and I just wondered where you were.”

“I was just coming back to bed,” she was saying when a thought struck her.

“When was the last time you stayed over at Jenna’s?”

“About a week ago, I guess. Why?”

“Oh, just wondering. What does she look like these days? Is she still sexy?”

Carmen laughed. “Yeah. Lots. The last time I was there, her aunt joined us in bed. She’s insatiable.”

“That’s a big word from someone so young,” Gwen said.

“I got it from a movie. It’s like this really old porn movie called Insatiable.

“Have you seen that movie?” Gwen asked, remembering the movie from the 80’s that had been one of her own favorites when she was younger.

“Yeah. Over at Jenna’s. Her mom has like every porn movie ever made.”

“And how’s Cheryl these days?”

“Good. She’s sorta babysitting this girl she seduced.”

“How old is the girl?”


Gwen took a deep breath. She couldn’t help herself. This conversation was turning her on. She wondered just how sleepy Carmen was now.

“Is this making you horny?” Carmen asked.

“Do you want it to?”

Carmen smiled. “Yeah.”

Apparently, the conversation had aroused the twelve-year-old as well.

“Then yes, it is making me horny. What about you?”

In answer, Carmen reached down and coated her index finger with her juices and stuck it in her mouth, licking away the tasty cream and swallowing what she could.

“I’d say yes, but then I woke up horny,” Carmen said, smiling.

“Don’t you always?” Gwen said and, squeezing the girl’s nearer butt cheek, escorted her back to bed.

When they slid onto the bed, Gwen lay her sexy niece back and began kissing her. She could taste the girl’s fluids on her tongue. The woman began lightly pinching the girl’s nipples and squeezing the developing boob. She once teased Carmen, calling her and her friends the “itty-bitty titty committee.” Then Gwen had laughed and mentioned that she loved the girl’s itty bitty titties and wouldn’t mind enjoying some of her friends’ swelling hills of flesh as well.

She moved her mouth to one of Carmen’s growing mounds and sucked the entire thing into her mouth.

“Not too hard,” Carmen said. Her growing boobs were very tender and she was careful about protecting them from the pain that could result from too much.

Carmen was definitely different from her sister, Clare. The first time Gwen had been in bed with Clare, she found that the fourteen-year-old loved mild pain, asking Gwen to pinch her nipples hard and spank her until her butt was red. Carmen was the milder one, the gentler one.

As Gwen moved down her niece’s slender body, she noticed Carmen had her hand at her pussy, rubbing it softly. The woman shooed the hand away with a gentle swat and replaced it with her mouth. She normally liked to take longer with her nieces, especially Carmen, but the late hour and the fact she needed to get up early created some urgency.

Carmen noticed how quickly her aunt was moving to the treasure of treasures.

“Wow! You’re being really fast,” she said, giggling. “Horny much?”

Gwen raised her head long enough to say, “I’ve gotta get up early tomorrow, so I thought I’d get right down to business” before returning to the girl’s slit.

“I wanna lick you too,” Carmen said, and Gwen swung her leg over the girl and lowered her heated cunt to the girl’s waiting mouth. Once Gwen’s pussy landed there, Carmen wrapped her arms around her aunt’s upper thighs and used both hands to spread the woman’s labia, inserting fingers into her aunt’s vagina and fucking the woman while her tongue worked the stiff clit.

Soon they were both bucking into each other’s mouth, just as they had been just a couple of hours before.

Gwen’s orgasm began to rush up on her. She felt the tingling begin to spread from deep within her to her clit before blooming outward to the rest of her body, causing her nipples to get even harder and her breath to come in gasps of pleasure.

Carmen felt her aunt coming and this triggered her own orgasm. It never ceased to amaze her that she was actually good enough at this to make a grown woman come. She had enjoyed her stay at Jenna’s more than usual this past week because Jenna’s aunt had joined in. She had made the woman come with her mouth, just as she was doing now with her own aunt.

The girl’s hips began to buck wildly as the sensation she craved overpowered her. Her pussy literally throbbed with the feeling that pulsed from deep within her.

Their screams of joy filled the room, and soon Gwen and her niece were lying back, catching their breath and basking in the afterglow of their orgasms. Gwen knew she could come another five times if she wanted to, but it was late and sleep was finally knocking at the door of her mind.

She moved to lie beside Carmen and the girl rested her head on her aunt’s shoulder. Gwen felt the girl’s hand move to her own pussy.

“Is it okay if I get myself off again?” she asked.

Gwen glanced down at her niece’s face, which was turned up to look at her.

“Of course, sweetie. You don’t have to get up early, so you go right ahead.”

The child began rubbing herself, seeking a quick second orgasm… and maybe even a third. Recently, she had found that just one was not enough to satisfy her.

Gwen could feel Carmen’s wet hand that was situated between her leg and the young girl’s pussy begin to move in earnest. She thought she might not be able to sleep until her niece finished jilling, but she never felt the girl’s shivers as the climax enveloped her in warmth and pleasure. Having finally made the decision to tell Kayleigh about what she’d discovered, she was able to sleep soundly for the first time in a long while.

Continue on to Chapter 46


No comments on I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 45

  1. kim says:

    powerful chapter Cheryl, the first part made me and Sue wonder if you aren’t maybe a real main stream author with a side she doesn’t want to show cause the second part of this chapter made us cum like crazy. this is just the best site ever for the kind of stories we love thank you , and all the writers here

  2. Evan says:

    Nice that Cindy is still alive – hoping for a good escape! The sex is again awesome, as usual. I had to stop myself from cumming since my wife will be home soon and might wonder what the mess is about!

  3. Cheryl says:

    Kim and Evan,

    Thank you both so much! You have no idea how much your comments mean to me. I am replying a few days after seeing them, but when I saw them, they really made my day!

    Evan, yes, you will be hearing more from Cindy in future chapters.

    Hugs and thanks to you both!!


  4. JetBoy says:

    I’m here to leave one of my occasional comments for a story that I love, one that has blossomed from a blazingly hot sex yarn into something more — a tense thriller that still retains every calorie of its sexual heat. Cheryl does a superb job at balancing tension and release, with vividly drawn characters throughout. And then there’s the sex. Oh my God, the sex.

    And it only gets better. Stay tuned, fellow Juiceters — there is much greatness still to come.

    • Cheryl says:

      Thank you, JetBoy! I know you enjoy being able to preview chapters, and your encouragement to keep reading because it “only gets better” is so welcome.

      By the way, dear readers, I have completed chapter 51, which JetBoy has been able to read on our “dashboard,” as of this moment and will begin on chapter 52 in a few minutes. I hope to finish the first draft of that chapter tomorrow.

  5. Jen L. Lee says:

    Your talent shines through with every chapter. Bravo!

  6. I’ve said this before privately to Cheryl, but I want to say it publicly here: the suspense angle of this story has me hooked.

    It’s kind of funny, because back when she first started adding all the stuff with the private detective, I was dubious about it. I told her then that it didn’t interest me as much as the erotic content. Now, though, it’s almost the opposite. I still love reading Cheryl’s feverishly hot sex scenes, of course, but find myself constantly wanting to know what’s happening with Cindy and the investigation into her disappearance. Can’t wait to find out more!

    • Cheryl says:

      Naughty Mommy,

      Your praise means a lot to me. I know you wondered if my injection of suspense into the story would work. I’m sure it doesn’t for some, but I genuinely believe it has made the story much better. I’ve always believed that if people want nothing but “wanker” stories, plenty of sites offer those. I am overwhelmed by your growing interest in this story because you were skeptical in the beginning, and the fact that I’ve “won you over” means a lot to me. Thank you for your praise of this story, and thank you for helping me become a better writer.

      To those who aren’t “hooked” yet, please know that there are still many sex scenes embedded within the suspense. In fact, there are some chapters that barely mention this suspense avenue I am taking you down, such as the “Introduction of Erin” scenes in previous chapters. There will even be some scenes with Cindy that do not involve men. (Here’s a hint: twins, eight.) Just keep reading. I think you will enjoy it, just as Naughty Mommy has said.

  7. Amanda Lynn says:

    Sex, intrigue, and intriguing sex. How do you keep coming up with all these wonderful chapters, Cheryl?

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