I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 46

  • Posted on September 3, 2016 at 2:18 pm

News and A Daring Seduction Attempt

By Cheryl Taggert 

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

The next morning was Saturday, so I didn’t have to work. We had made arrangements for Erin to spend the night tonight and my mom would bring her home tomorrow evening after we had supper, so she would be staying the entire afternoon today until tomorrow night. That would allow for a lot of sex. Jenna was anxious for her to get here, but so were the adults in our house — Mom, Aunt Emmy, and my former teacher, Danni, who was my Aunt Emmy’s life partner now.

I woke up to find Jenna reading one of the erotic novels Mom bought for us. This was one of her favorites called Serendipity about these families who meet by accident while on a vacation at the beach in San Diego. It was a very long novel, which is rare for books like these, and Jenna loved it (not to mention yours truly). There was a lot of hot sex between family members (all female, of course) and the different families.

I lay there quietly watching my little sister and my heart literally ached with love for her. She wasn’t my real sister, of course, but that didn’t matter. We were sisters in spirit and loved each other like sisters, and that was all that mattered to us. In fact, we actually loved each other a lot more than most sisters do since we were also lovers who shared the same bed. I love my life!

I watched as Jenna absorbed the pages like the world’s best sponge absorbs water. She was so engrossed in the story that she didn’t notice that I was awake. Her hand, of course, was rubbing her mound as she read. Periodically, the hand would dart up from below the covers when she finished a page, turn the page, and shoot back down her tummy to her pussy where it would continue its pleasurable work.

I could tell she was getting close. I tried to read enough to see where she was in the story, but the story is often broken into small scenes that flip from one to the other. I noticed that this part involved the woman Eve, who had been seduced into trying incest with her daughters. It was the scene where Eve and her daughters have sex for the first time. I remembered getting off to that scene as well.

Suddenly, Jenna’s body began to tense as the orgasm approached. Then she was moaning softly. humping her hand as quietly and gently as she could, apparently trying not to wake me.

When she was finished coming, she lay there a moment and licked her hand clean of the tasty fluids that her pussy produced, seemingly by the gallon now that she’d reached puberty. I decided it was time to announce myself.

“That was beautiful,” I said, grinning as she turned my way and grinned back.

“Sorry, I was trying not to wake you.”

“I know,” I said, my voice thick with emotion, which surprised me as much as it did Jenna.

“Why are you crying?” she asked, genuinely concerned.

So like her, I thought. “I just love you, that’s all,” I said, still smiling at my little sister as a tear tumbled out of the corner of my eye and drew a wet streak toward my ear.

This, of course, made her tear up. She turned her body toward me and snuggled against me, hugging me and saying, “I love you, too!”

We lay there kissing for a while. She wanted to know if I needed her to ‘do anything’ for me. I told her that wasn’t necessary because I wanted to hold off til that afternoon when Erin got here.

She grinned at me as she recalled her new friend was coming over.

“Her pussy tastes so sweet, doesn’t it?” she asked, recalling their sexual adventures from the day before.

“Yeah, it does,” I answered. “She’s gonna be raw by the time she goes home tomorrow night.”

Jenna laughed. “We will be too, you know!”

While we were lying there, she had moved her hand to my mound and started softly rubbing me. I could hear the wetness as she smeared it around with her fingers.

“If you don’t stop that, I won’t be able to wait til Erin arrives,” I said.

“I know,” she replied, giving me a harder squeeze that intensified the wonderful feelings her fingers were giving me.

I giggled as I tried to move her hand from my pussy, and soon we were wrestling around on the bed as she tried to masturbate me and I tried to prevent it. I certainly didn’t care if she ‘won’ or not. In fact I planned eventually to let her have her way. It was just fun roughhousing with her as we laughed and struggled with each other.

Just as things were getting interesting, Mom opened our door and just stood there for a moment, looking as if she’d seen a ghost. The sight of her looking like that stopped our horseplay immediately. She’d obviously gotten a shock and had come to share whatever the news was with us.

“What is it?” I asked her, worry furrowing my brow as well as Jenna’s.

“You both need to sit down,” she began. I looked at Jenna with an obvious ‘uh-oh’ on my face. This was serious because it was as if she hadn’t noticed we were already in the bed and wouldn’t need to sit.

“Mom? Is everything okay? We’re… um… we’re already lying in bed,” I said, truly worried now.

“Huh?” she looked at me.

“Mommy, you’re scaring us,” Jenna said. She only called her ‘Mommy’ when she was not feeling good or was frightened. I was frightened, too.

“I’m sorry, baby. Actually, it’s good news… I think…. It’s just so… unexpected.”

“What is it?” I asked again.

“Did you hear the phone ring?” she asked.

My sister and I looked at each other to verify neither of us heard it. “No,” I said.

“It was… well, it was Gwen.”

We hadn’t seen Gwen since she was literally forced to drop our search for Cindy. Was this about Gwen? Was it about Cindy, Jenna’s real mother? Was she dead?! Then I remembered what my mom had said, that it was good news… she thought.

Jenna was instantly up on her knees, as if pleading with my mom and praying at the same time. “What is it?! Is it about my mom?!” she asked, begging for an answer.

Mom sat down on the side of the bed and said, “Yes, it is. It’s about your mom.”

What?” Jenna begged again.

“Gwen has been continuing with the case on her own time,” Mom said. “She has been working secretly on it for the past three years. She knows where she is.”

We sat there in silence for a moment while that news sank in. Then my mom mused, more to herself than to us, “She was taking such a chance doing that.”

“Where?!” Jenna and I asked simultaneously, both of us eager to know.

“She’s in Colombia, South America. Near Bogota.”

My hopes sank. I was hoping she was in a nearby city or even another state. But South America? Mom might as well have said she was on the dark side of the moon. I could see the same disappointment in Jenna’s face.

“That far away?” Jenna said, tears already filling her voice.

“Don’t worry,” Mom said, seeming to wake from her daze when she saw Jenna starting to cry. “We’ll get her, I promise.”

“But that’s so far away,” I said. “How are we going to get her out of another country? Another continent, even?”

“We have more information, honey,” Mom said. “We also have a phone number where we might be able to reach her.”

Jenna’s eyes grew big and she started to scramble off the bed. “Then let’s call her!” she said, but my mother reached out and stopped her before she made what would obviously be a mad dash to the phone.

“It’s not that easy, baby. The number belongs to the chauffeur of the man who’s holding your mom. Getting in touch with him could be tricky. He’s a friend of your mom’s, apparently, but he can’t let on that it’s us calling when we do. Gwen is going to do the calling first to see if there’s a time when he can talk freely.”

Jenna looked numb for a second. Then she started to smile.

“Then there’s a chance I might talk to my mom soon?” she asked.

“Yes, baby. There’s a very real chance you will. Gwen is going to find out more and let us know. The biggest thing will be trying to get your mom out of there without anyone getting hurt.”

For the first time, I realized that the hoped-for escape was very serious business, and that if Cindy tried to get away and was caught she might be killed. I could tell from the look on her face that Jenna knew this as well.

“When do you think I’ll be able to talk to my mom?” was all she asked.

“Soon, baby. Very soon. Gwen is supposed to call me again tonight and let me know what she’s learned, if anything, about that.”

I sat back on my heels and looked at Jenna, who turned to me and burst into tears that were tears of both joy and sadness. She lunged into my arms and I held her, with Mom joining us on the bed.

The playtime was forgotten, and we remained in our bed long after mom left the room. I just held my baby sister and cooed words of love and encouragement to her.


When Erin arrived, her mom came inside with her to meet Mom, Aunt Emmy, and Danni. Ms. Hartley showed no signs of recognizing my mom, so I felt things were pretty safe she hadn’t seen her in a movie before. I was rather relieved about that. I didn’t want to lose this great job if she did recognize her and decide she didn’t want a porn star’s daughter watching Erin.

Of course, Erin stared the entire time, mesmerized that she was actually meeting the woman she’d seen in the movie I’d brought to her house and even let her keep overnight.

Upon entering, Ms. Hartley held out her hand to Mom. “Hello, there. I’m glad to finally meet you. Cheryl’s quite a godsend.”

“Please, come into the living room, Ms. Hartley,” Mom said. “We can talk a bit and get to know each other.”

“We don’t need to be so formal. Just call me Peyton,” Ms. Hartley said.

“Fine. And I’m Kayleigh. This is my sister, Emily, and her friend, Danni,” Mom said, indicating each as she mentioned their names.

We all went to the living room and sat down. As the adults chatted, Aunt Emmy and Danni sat together on the loveseat holding hands. I could see Ms. Hartley got the point right away. I was not aware of any prejudices my employer had in that regard, and she didn’t seem to mind. I would find out more of what she thought of this situation later.

Finally, Ms. Hartley got up to leave and gave Erin a small kiss on the cheek as she did, saying, “Mind your manners, now.”

Erin assured her she would be “as nice to them as they are to me.” I had to smile at her choice of words, which were obviously more for our benefit than her mom’s.

As she was walking out, Ms. Hartley called me aside, asking me to accompany her to her car. I felt my heart begin pounding as I wondered what she wanted to talk to me about. Had she found the movie I’d lent Erin overnight? Had she found some other incriminating evidence? Was she upset that my aunt was openly a lesbian in front of her daughter?

But none of those were what she wanted to discuss at all, of course. As we walked to her car, she said, “I just want to thank you for all you’ve done for Erin. She seems to be a completely different girl. She’s even become very helpful around the house when you’re not there and so attentive to my needs. Just this morning she came into my bathroom while I was soaking in the tub and asked if she could wash my back.”

I swallowed hard, hoping Ms. Hartley didn’t notice. I knew where that came from. She knew I had sex with my own mother, and she was entertaining the idea of what if she had sex with her mom. She had even asked about it once, and I’d told her it wasn’t a good idea.

Ms. Hartley continued since my throat was too tight to respond yet. “I don’t know how you managed to turn loathing into a little girl crush in just a few days, but you did,” she said. Her smile would have lit the entire street if it were dark, she was so happy with the outcome.

I could tell she was wanting to know my secret for changing Erin from what she was into what she’d become. I couldn’t tell her the truth, of course, so I said, “I just showed her that I was a reasonable person and I wasn’t there to get her in trouble by telling on her all the time. I was there to teach her how to have fun without getting into trouble.”

Every word I said to Ms. Hartley was 100% true; it just lacked the details. And as they say, ‘the devil is in the details.’ Fortunately, she didn’t ask for any.

Instead, she leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek before getting into her car and starting it. Before pulling away, though, she said, “I just wanted you to know how pleased I am. Whatever you’ve been doing to elicit this change, just keep doing it.”

I smiled at that and said, “Don’t worry. I will.” I waved to her as she drove off and went back inside.

“Well, let’s get something to drink,” Aunt Emmy suggested. “Then we can see if there’s anything else here we’d like to taste,” she added with a wink.

We went to the kitchen, and Danni served cokes to those too young to drink and wine to Mom, Danni, and herself. We sat there drinking and chatting, the adults in one conversation, the rest of us in another.

Erin asked what her mom wanted to talk to me about and I told her. She got a kick out of her mom’s final instructions to “keep doing” what I was doing that had caused Erin to change.

“So what’s this about you volunteering to wash your mom’s back?” I asked, indicating I might not be happy about that.

“What’s wrong with that?” Erin wanted to know. “You have sex with your mom.”

I knew that had been her thinking.

“I told you. There’s a difference,” I said. “My mom was an active participant in showing me how to have sex. It was her idea.”

“So?” Erin said.

“If you make a pass at your mom — if you give any sort of hint you want to have sex with her — she’ll wonder where you got an idea like that. Since I’m the biggest change in your life, she will naturally wonder what we’ve been up to while she’s at work.”

“She won’t know!” Erin protested.

I turned to Jenna, who was not listening that closely, if at all. Her eyes had a far-away quality and I could tell she was thinking about her mom more than anything else.

“Jenna?” I asked.

“Huh?” she uttered, focusing on what was going on around her.

I was happy to distract her with this conversation. “What do you think? Do you believe Ms. Hartley might get ideas about what’s going on at her house when she’s not there if Erin makes a pass at her?”

Jenna looked at Erin as if she’d just sprouted another nose. “What?!” she said.

“Well you two do it,” Erin protested.

“Yeah, but we weren’t the ones to start something,” Jenna said, echoing what I’d said earlier when she’d not been listening, thus giving it more weight.

“Well, that sucks,” Erin said, pouting.

I smiled at her and said, “Yeah, and so do I.”

She smiled back, but I could tell she didn’t want to. I couldn’t blame her, really. Her mother was very attractive with a sexy figure. It wasn’t a model’s figure or anything like that. She could lose a few inches at her tummy, but I wouldn’t turn her down if she offered to start something with me. But I could tell she wasn’t into sex with girls, much less teenage girls. I told Erin this in the hope that she would give up trying to seduce her mom.

“Anyway, your mom isn’t into sex with girls,” I said.

“How do you know?” Erin asked.

“I can just tell,” I said. “She doesn’t look at me as if she’s wondering what I look like naked or anything. She didn’t check out my mom like that either. Believe me, every time a woman I know has been open to sex with another woman, they checked out my mom when they met her. I could see your mom understood my mom is very pretty and sexy, but she didn’t have that look when she saw her.”

“Are you sure?” Erin said. “There was that woman you told me about at your mom’s work?” she recalled. “She didn’t know she’d like to have sex with you until you tricked her.”

“Yes, but she already enjoyed sex with women. She just didn’t know she’d enjoy it with little girls.”

“I bet if I could get my mom naked and blindfolded and get my mouth on her pussy she’d like it,” Erin said.

“Maybe so, but you shouldn’t even try that,” I said.

“Try what?” Mom asked, catching the last bit of our conversation.

I told Mom what Erin was thinking.

“Oh, my, no!” Mom said. “Your mom is completely heterosexual.”

I’m not sure why Erin would listen to my mom and not to me, but she finally agreed with what we were telling her. I guess it’s because I’m fifteen and my mom is an adult.

“Okay,” she said. “I guess you’re right. But we can start playing, can’t we?” Suddenly, she was all smiles.

“Definitely,” Mom said. “Let’s go to the play room.”

Continue on to Chapter 47


No comments on I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 46

  1. sue says:

    “Okay,” she said. “I guess you’re right. But we can start playing, can’t we?” Suddenly, she was all smiles.

    “Definitely,” Mom said. “Let’s go to the play room.”

    yeah, great chapter,and we are looking forward to the next very much.

  2. Evan says:

    Great read… Can’t wait for the play!

  3. Cheryl says:

    Sue and Evan,

    As always, thank you both! I LOVE getting comments!!

  4. Sally says:

    great chapter cant wait for play time I’m panting with horny thoughts of what might happen love this story so much

  5. Aliciamom says:

    Can’t wait for playtime!

  6. Poppabear or PoppaClyde2 says:

    I remember playtime. We used to get a little bottle of milk just before playtime in the mornings. Harr. Harr. Harr.

  7. Cheryl says:

    Playtime will be in the next chapter. Nobody will get any milk, but it won’t be for lack of trying to get some from the original milk fountain. 🙂

  8. sue says:

    I could tell she was getting close. I tried to read enough to see where she was in the story, but the story is often broken into small scenes that flip from one to the other. I noticed that this part involved the woman Eve, who had been seduced into trying incest with her daughters. It was the scene where Eve and her daughters have sex for the first time. I remembered getting off to that scene as well.

    so so many hot stories at JS and we loved the crossover fun. I got off to that scene also. and I loved Cheryl watching her little sister masturbate.

  9. Cheryl says:

    You have no idea how I wanted a little sister when I was growing up (still do!), and I can assure you I often thought of how we could masturbate and play around together if I did have one. 😉

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