Close-Ups: Images of Desire, Chapter 3

  • Posted on September 11, 2016 at 12:30 pm

By JetBoy (with babykeiko)

In the previous chapter: Nine-year-old Linnie is modeling naked for the first time for professional photographer Alexandra. Linnie’s lesbian mother Yukio, who secretly lusts after Alex, is watching the session and, in spite of herself, is persuaded by Alex to undress and join her little girl on the set. Yukio is growing increasingly turned on by Alex, but is unnerved to find herself equally aroused by her daughter.


Yukio remained where she was, cuddling her nude little girl, resisting a sudden, crazy desire to slide her hands down Linnie’s body and caress that flawless bottom.

“That’s nice,” said Alex, breaking into Yukio’s desperate reverie. “That’s very good. Stay in that position — only turn your faces just a little bit toward me…”

Mother and daughter meekly obeyed — Yukio half-wanting to bring the photo session to a halt right then. It was dangerous, holding her child this way, both of them naked and these twisted, incestuous thoughts popping into her head. And now, in addition to Linnie’s moist sex touching her leg, the girl’s upper half was pressed into hers in a way that aroused Yukio’s very sensitive nipples.

As for Linnie, she was radiant with joy, her tummy all hot inside like she’d just drunk a big mug of cocoa. Only it was her gorgeous mummy who was giving her that good feeling! She didn’t even have to think about smiling for Alex’s rapidly clicking camera, because she felt so happy.

Awesome as it had been to see Mummy with all her clothes off, and getting a good look at every bit of her sexy body… Linnie now knew that hugging Mummy when she was naked — when we’re BOTH naked, she corrected herself — well, that was way, way, way better!

She loved the way Mummy was holding her, with both boobies touching her own flat chest, like nice, soft little pillows. And the way that she was sitting, with Mummy’s leg pushing against her kitty, made her feel nervous and jumpy inside, like something big was about to happen.

Stepping back from her camera, Alex nodded approvingly. “Well done, both of you.” She absently stroked her breasts. “Now… I’d like to get a little more daring.”

That sensation of panic began to flutter anew in Yukio’s belly, but Alex’s eyes rooted her to the spot, demanding perfect obedience. Yukio barely managed to restrain a shiver. Somehow, Alex had seen and noted her submissive tendencies — and the confident half-smile on the photographer’s face made it clear that she meant to take full advantage of what she knew.

“For this next batch of shots,” Alex continued, “I want to explore a more… personal side of a mother and daughter.” She gazed at Linnie, giving the girl a warm smile. “Linnie, do you remember what it was like to nurse from your mommy?”

Amused, the child slowly shook her head. “No, Miss Alex… I try to ‘member sometimes, but I was just a baby,” she replied, as if she thought the question to be a silly one.

The photographer laughed gently. “Well, sweetheart, perhaps we’ll give you a chance to experience it all over again.” She turned to Yukio, transfixing the woman with a penetrating look, all the while smiling. “Miss Shimizu, I’d like for you to cradle Linnie in your arms… hold her so that she can suckle at your breasts, just like when she was a baby.” She glanced at the girl. “Can you do that, Linnie?”

“I… I’d like to,” Linnie shyly replied.

Alex smiled at the girl. “Very well.” Her eyes flickered back to Yukio, the will in them penetrating into the young mother’s soul. “What about you, Miss Shimizu? Will you nurse Linnie for me, while I take pictures?”

Yukio stared at the older woman in muted anguish, silently pleading, Don’t make me do this. But Alex’s gaze was unwavering and certain.

It was up to Yukio to summon the will to walk away, if she could… if she had the resolve to end this, here and now. But did she really want to?

Wrong as the young mother knew it would be to let little Linnie suckle from her, the thought of feeling the child’s soft, warm mouth on her nipples had them tingling deliciously.

And honestly, she wondered, would it be such a bad thing? It’s not like I haven’t nursed her before… and Linnie loves the idea. I might even hurt her feelings if I said no.

Besides, what she saw in Alex’s bold stare made her hesitant to refuse the photographer’s wishes. She’s stronger than me, Yukio reminded herself, slowly yielding what little self-control she still possessed. I really should do what she says.

Somewhere in the far recesses of Yukio’s mind, a small voice protested. What will she ask you to do with Linnie next, you foolish woman? How far can she push you?

But Yukio thrust the thought away, abandoned herself to the now.

“Yes,” she said, her voice barely audible. “All right.”

Alex smiled, her eyes alight with victory. “Good. Now, let’s see…” She studied the cuddling mother and child. “Miss Shimizu, turn your upper half just a bit toward me. Now, Linnie, sit sideways in your mother’s lap, facing this way.”

They adjusted themselves accordingly, Yukio puzzled by the mixture of relief and regret she felt when her child’s warm sex was no longer pressing into her thigh. I don’t understand, she numbly told herself. Why is this happening to me? The very air seemed alive, charged with raw sexuality. And she was succumbing to it, falling under some wicked enchantment cast by Alex. That’s it, she’s a witch, Yukio thought, feeling a crazy, spontaneous urge to laugh out loud that she thankfully managed to stifle.

“That’s it — hold that pose,” Alex declared, framing an imaginary shot with her hands. “Now, Linnie… take Mommy’s nipple into your mouth.”

Linnie was thrilled, absolutely thrilled to be given the chance to nurse from Mummy, even if they were only pretending. Her lips parted, then closed over the pink tip of her mother’s breast.

Prepared as she was, Yukio was still stunned by how lovely it was to feel her daughter’s soft, warm mouth enveloping her sensitive nipple. It took an enormous effort not to move, to remain silent, to maintain a calm exterior. Her body was motionless; inside, a storm raged.

“Perfect… hold that,” muttered Alex, the camera’s insistent clicking immediately filling the small studio. She was using a handheld camera now — moving back and forth, taking in the scene from multiple angles. After about thirty shots, she paused. “All right, now you both can move a bit — just carry on like this is for real.”

Yukio’s lips parted, a tiny whimper escaping her throat. She felt unable to contain her growing excitement. Linnie, at first, had merely held the throbbing nipple between her lips… but now, now her child was really nursing, suckling eagerly from her as if she were truly feeding at Mummy’s breast.

Almost without meaning to, Yukio began to caress her little girl’s bare body.

Linnie was rapturous, ecstatic to be where she was. Mummy’s titty was so soft and lovely… and she could sense the pounding of her mother’s heart, feel the more mature body tremble against hers. Warm hands were stroking Linnie; gliding up and down her back, over her arms, shoulders, neck, sides. Mummy likes this, she told herself. That revelation only seemed to heighten her delight. I’m making her feel good!

“That’s just right, Linnie,” murmured Alex. “Don’t forget your mommy’s other nipple, though.”

The child dutifully shifted to the left breast, taking the tip into her mouth. An unbidden surge of sexual heat raced through Yukio’s slender frame when little Linnie began, once again, to suckle.

As a little girl, Linnie’s knowledge of sexuality was limited, but a lovely warmth in her belly was responding — and building — as she sensed that there was something very special about these good feelings she was giving her mummy. She knew that caressing her own tiny nipples produced a lovely tickly sensation deep inside, and decided that having them sucked must feel even nicer than that. Wish I could do this to both of Mummy’s titties at the same time, she mused.

And that gave her a most interesting idea…

Carefully, uncertain of what Alex might think, but longing to make Mummy as happy as she could, Linnie allowed her right hand, now resting on Yukio’s side, to slowly steal its way up her mother’s body. The child’s pulse raced with excitement as her hand moved to gently cover the exposed breast that she’d been nursing from just moments earlier.

A strangled gasp broke from Yukio as Linnie touched her right breast, the girl’s tiny mouth still enveloping the tip of the left. The little hand weighed the soft globe, cupped it, then began to fondle it. Oh, God, Yukio realized, mouth gaping in astonishment. My daughter is feeling me up!

“Very good, Linnie!” Alex exclaimed, her camera clicking frantically. “Keep doing that.”

But Linnie needed no further encouragement. This new no-clothes game she and Mummy were playing was the best thing ever! She adored the warmth and softness of her mother’s titties, loved touching them. And Mummy’s hands were still gliding over her body in a delightful way.

Parting her lips, Linnie released her mother’s nipple, burrowing between those lovely soft breasts to kiss Mummy there, now, and her hand moved to cover the now freed breast, the tip still moist from her mouth. Now she was touching both of them at once!

An unbidden cry spilled from Yukio’s lips — and she clutched her child with shaking hands. Linnie’s mouth seemed to be everywhere on her chest, kissing around and between her fingers, pleasuring Yukio as if it was the most natural game in the world for a little girl to play.

The camera clicked and whirred as Alex paced around the bed, but Yukio barely registered it in her rapture. Her body throbbed and pulsed like an idling engine, and she could feel a drop of warm vaginal fluid rolling down her inner thigh. The heady scent of pussy was increasingly thick in the room, and she wasn’t at all certain that it was only her sex that she smelled right then…

Suddenly realizing that the sounds of the camera had ceased, Yukio opened her eyes just in time to see Alex slip her red panties down to her right ankle with one hand, then carelessly cast them aside with an impatient flick of the foot.

Even as she reveled in the attention Linnie was lavishing on her breasts, Yukio couldn’t help but stare at the now nude photographer, standing with her legs slightly spread as if putting her sex on display. Alex had a lush triangle of auburn pubes, a hint of pink flesh lurking within the dark curls.

Meeting Yukio’s gaze, Alex paused, standing with her legs parted to give the meek Japanese beauty a good, long look at her cunt. Then she moved closer, taking in this intimate moment between mother and daughter.

Finally, noticing that no pictures were being taken, Linnie raised her head from her mother’s breasts and turned to Alex, her eyes widening at the realization that her photographer was now completely naked. She nibbled her lower lip, staring in fascination at the older woman’s bush.

Alex nodded approvingly. “That was just right… exactly what I wanted,” she murmured. “Let’s try this, now. Yukio, lie down on your back. Linnie, get on top of your mommy and do like you were just now… show her how much you love her. Now, Yukio, while she does that, I want you to caress Linnie all over. Don’t be shy about it — let me see how much your little girl means to you.” She fell silent, waiting expectantly, her calm eyes locked with those of the young mother.

Yukio stared in disbelief at Alex. She’s not even asking me to do these things now… just giving orders! And she’s never called me by my first name before, not ever…

This was unquestionably going too far, much too far.

So why was she meekly obeying, gently shifting Linnie from her lap so that she could lie back on the bed? Why were her thighs parting to reveal her glistening sex?

Now in the pose Alex wanted, Yukio attempted to ease the tension she felt with a deep, slow breath — and that was when her naked little girl, giving Mummy a bashful smile, crawled into her arms.

The weight and remarkable softness of Linnie’s bare body felt exquisite against Yukio’s, but to the tortured mother, the contact was a wondrous agony, making the gnawing sexual hunger she felt all the more acute.

Alex is taking control of me, she told herself, pushing me into loving Linnie, the way no mother ought to… and I can’t stop it from happening! Her arms slipped around the nude little girl, both hands already exploring Linnie’s boyish frame. But after all, I don’t really want to stop, now do I…?

Yukio gasped when, once again, the child’s mouth took in the tip of her breast. Without another thought, she allowed one hand to drift further down Linnie’s smooth, supple back until she was cupping her little girl’s bottom.

Linnie responded eagerly to her mother’s touch, moaning around Yukio’s nipple, arching her rump to press back against the stroking hand. As she continued to nurse, Linnie’s hand hesitantly sought out her mother’s free breast, to fondle it like she had before.

Panting ecstatically, Yukio caressed Linnie’s backside with both hands, stroking the smooth, soft globes. She knew how wrong it was to fondle her eight-year-old daughter this way, knew she would torment herself with guilt afterward. But the hunger Yukio felt for her exquisite child could no longer be pushed aside and ignored. She loved Linnie, loved her more than her own life — and now that love was flavored with the spice of desire.

Besides, she wants thisMy baby wants this, too.

“That’s so lovely, Yukio,” whispered Alex, her lips nearly touching the trembling mother’s ear. “You and your little girl are beautiful together.”

“I love her s-so much,” Yukio moaned. “Oh, Linnie, sweetheart, I adore you.”

Linnie raised her face from her mother’s breasts, gazing dreamily at Yukio. “And I love you, Mummy. More than — than anything!”

Staring into her daughter’s warm brown eyes, Yukio melted inside at the adoration she saw there, the innocent beauty of Linnie’s soul reflected in that flawless face. Suddenly, she gasped as an unexpected orgasm seized her.

It was a small climax, only a hint of the massive detonation that still lurked inside the shivering mother. A quick glance at Alex, who smiled knowingly at Yukio, made it obvious that she knew and approved of what had just happened.

“Wh-what’s wrong, Mummy?” Linnie stammered, her eyes wide with alarm. “Are you okay?”

“She’s fine, little one,” Alex murmured, gently patting Linnie’s shoulder. “Too many good feelings, that’s all. It’s because you make her so happy.” She bent down, smiling fondly at the little girl. “Why don’t you give your mommy a nice kiss? Bet she’d love it.”

Yukio somehow felt hot and cold at the same time as she and her daughter stared at one another. Suddenly timid, Linnie licked her lips before she moved in to place a soft peck on her mother’s mouth. Then she drew away, blushing but clearly pleased.

“Oh, now, Linnie,” Alex cooed, “you can do better than that!” Yukio’s heart hammered frantically as the photographer’s calm, confident gaze shifted to meet hers. “Now you try it, Yukio. Show Linnie how to kiss when you’re in love.”

Somewhere in the back of her mind, that tiny voice was at it again, begging Yukio to stop this madness, to take her child and run far, far away from this woman and her dangerous scheme — but the nearly delirious mother had passed the point of no return. She stifled this voice of repression, wished it away. Linnie was naked and lying in her arms, ready to receive a lesson in love. How could she say no to her daughter?

“My angel,” she whispered, losing herself once more in the girl’s eyes as she drew closer, kissing Linnie’s soft, sweet mouth, letting it linger. She pulled back just long enough to give her enthralled daughter an adoring smile, then closed her eyes, bending to kiss her again. This time, Yukio allowed her tongue to graze Linnie’s lower lip.

Her daughter responded with a squeak of surprise, her lips parting slightly — and Yukio was helpless to resist an overwhelming impulse to deepen the kiss. She pressed her mouth to Linnie’s, her tongue seeking entrance.

The young mother’s body hummed like a struck tuning fork, a single note of shimmering perfection flowing through her as, for the first time, Yukio kissed her eight-year-old child like a lover. Linnie seemed to melt in her embrace, willingly accepting what her mother had to give.

Linnie’s heart throbbed almost violently as Yukio’s tongue penetrated her mouth. Mummy’s really kissing me, the astonished child told herself, just like with her girlfriend!

Yukio had always been shy about open displays of affection with her lovers, but Linnie had once watched as Mummy and another woman made out on the living room couch. She was supposed to be asleep, but had tiptoed into the kitchen for a glass of water, and found herself immediately enthralled by the sight of Mummy and her nice new friend Julia doing girlfriend stuff together.

Linnie had never seen anyone kiss that way before — tongues darting back and forth, meeting and mingling, almost as if their mouths were talking to one another, only without words.

She had wanted so badly to see more, but knew that Mummy would be very unhappy if she caught her little girl spying. So Linnie reluctantly crept back to bed, where she lay awake for a long while.

Ever since that night, the eight-year-old had dreamed of being kissed like that, and now she was — only it was Mummy whose tongue was flickering into her mouth, Mummy’s lips that moved in such a lovely way against hers. For that matter, it was Mummy’s hands that were exploring her body, touching her in places where no one else had ever touched before.

Linnie understood that yes, her mother was doing these things, but she still didn’t comprehend why.

Suddenly, with a blinding flash of realization, she knew what was happening, as if a veil had been ripped away with a single sharp tug. Oh my gosh… it’s, it’s me — I’m Mummy’s girlfriend now!

It was an idea so big that she could barely grasp it — only lie dazed on top of her naked mother, feeling a soft tongue circling her lips. But — but why would she want to be girlfriends with me? I’m just a kid! I don’t have boobs, or a sexy big butt, or anything!

Yet Mummy was kissing her mouth, just like real lovers did… and she sure seemed excited about doing it! They were such warm, delicious, yummy yummy yum kisses, too.

She ought to have been scared — well, she was, just a little. Mostly, though, Linnie was ecstatic. She’d dreamed of being loved like this by another girl someday, when she was a few years older — but to have her mother, the most beautiful woman in the whole world, who the eight-year-old child adored more than anyone, giving her this… it was enough to make Linnie’s heart swell with joy.

Suddenly the girl felt Alex’s soft lips graze her ear, whispering, “Kiss your mommy back, Linnie… that’s what she wants.”

Thrilled as she already was, Linnie felt a fresh surge of excitement at Alex’s suggestion.

Hesitantly at first, she allowed her tongue to touch Mummy’s, as if introducing herself. Then she began to share in the kissing, no longer letting her mother do all the work.

Linnie’s excitement soared when Yukio moaned into her mouth, then returned her kiss with a passion that stole the child’s breath away. Now their tongues were mingling freely, and Mummy was even touching her bottom with both hands!

Yukio seethed with desire. This was love as she never imagined it could be, sex and magic bound together in the small, bare body of her little girl. She stroked and squeezed Linnie’s pert little behind, on the verge of allowing her fingers to steal between the child’s thighs to explore her bare slit.

Continue on to Chapter 4


8 Comments on Close-Ups: Images of Desire, Chapter 3

  1. drew says:

    Love this so much! the build up is fantastic! I can’t help myself but I just had to take my cock out and stroke myself as I read this!! Cannot wait for the next chapter!!

  2. Sylvie says:

    This is progressing so deliciously slowly….unlike my own reactions :p

  3. kikoo says:

    Such an arousing story. Like said before the build up is awesome.
    I love the way the Yukio opens up to new desires. Wonderful work!

  4. Myka says:

    Just beautiful … one of, if not the, most arousing stories I have ever read/am reading 😉

  5. Sean says:

    I can’t stop reading, this is so sensual, so arousing…to Yukio, Linnie, Alex…and me.

  6. Mike says:

    Such a beautiful combination, A petite Asian lady, a young 8 year old girl and a dominating photographer, it conjures up a lovely picture of mother and daughter doing intimate things while being watched and directed.

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