I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 52

  • Posted on October 9, 2016 at 3:22 pm

The Lesson

By Cheryl Taggert 

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

Immediately after the phone call to California, Cindy sat in front of her mirror, grinning like a school girl. Carlo had left her room, worried about being found in there when he had no business with Cindy.

She couldn’t believe she had spoken to her daughter after five years of having no word about Jeanna’s life. Not only that, but she had also been able to let the girl know she was alive. And loved her. Her mind was in a cloud of ecstasy.

This joy didn’t last, of course. Cindy stiffened as Pablo entered her room.

“Come with me,” he said. “I wish for you train these young girls I have just purchased.”

She followed him, feeling very much as if she were going to the gallows for execution. And in a way, she was, for she knew if she didn’t get out of this place soon, she would likely die at the hands of Pablo or one of his hired men.

As Cindy entered the room where Pablo took her, she saw two young girls sitting naked on a queen-size bed. The covers were rumpled, as if someone had been sleeping there, but Cindy knew better. The disarray meant the girls had already been performing for Pablo. He had obviously enjoyed the show, but he wanted them to learn more, to become sophisticated lovers, not children playing at sex games.

When she saw them, she turned to Pablo. She wanted to kill him, but with no weapons at her disposal and a veritable army at his, she simply asked him a question before making a rare request.

“You want me to show them the ways of sex?”

“Sí,” Pablo said. “I want them to know everything there is to know about giving and receiving sexual pleasure,” he said in Spanish.

“This would work much better if we were left alone. They are too nervous in front of you to learn anything,” she answered in Spanish.

He glanced at the young girls, and thought this would be a great time to learn about subjugation to him. He looked back at Cindy and said, again in Spanish so the girls would understand, “If you want me to leave the room, come kneel before me and beg me.”

Cindy knew exactly what was going on here. She knew this was more for the girls’ benefit than his desire to be begged, though that certainly had a part in this little game of his.

She walked toward him and knelt in front of him. “Please, Senor Pablo, may the three of us have privacy so I may teach these girls how to give and receive sexual pleasure?”

Pablo smiled at her. “You are a persuasive woman. I will grant your request; however, they should be considerably better at giving and receiving pleasure. They will perform for me again at this hour tomorrow. They should be noticeably better at lesbian love.”

He turned and left the room. She noticed his erection tenting his pants as he walked away. She wished he would get a disease so it would rot off.

When the door closed, she turned to the little girls.

“Cuántos años tienen ustedes?” How old are you? She purposely used the formal of you to establish she wanted to be their friend. The conversation continued in their native language.

“We are eight,” said the one on her right, a beautiful little girl with straight black hair that fell to the middle of her back. Her sister was identical to her, but her hair was shorter, cut just below the shoulders. They were so alike she figured someone had done this to tell them apart.

“And what are your names?”

“I am Sofia, she is Sonia,” the one with the longer hair said. She seemed to be the “big sister” of the two.

“Hello, I am Cindy. Our names begin with the same sound,” she said, smiling at them. “I am very pleased to meet you both, though I think you would rather not be here.”

The girls both looked down at their naked laps.

“We don’t mind what we do,” said Sofia.

“We just don’t want to be watched,” Sonia added.

“Yes, I understand. There are many wonderful pleasures and the kind of pleasure a girl can give her sister is special indeed. I know of that pleasure.”

The girls smiled at Cindy, beginning to trust her.

“I have a little girl back where I come from, in California. She and I used to give each other the same kind of pleasure.”

“How old is she?” Sofia asked.

“What’s her name?” Sonia asked simultaneously.

Cindy smiled at them. “Her name is Jenna, and she is now twelve, but I haven’t seen her since she was seven.”

“Why not?” Sonia asked.

“Because, I am being held here. Just as you are. I am ‘owned’ by Senor Pablo, as he says. But I try to make my life as good as I can. Do you want to know how to do that too?”

Both girls nodded in unison.

“You must do what Senor Pablo tells you to do, and keep your eyes looking for a way to escape.”

The girls looked at each other, worry lines creasing their beautiful brows.

“I don’t want to scare you,” Cindy continued. “I just want you to be aware of what is going on.”

“So we must have fun with each other in front of Senor Pablo?” Sofia asked.

“Yes, and you must make it, well, erotic.”

“What is that?” asked Sonia.

“Erotic? It means that those watching the two of you should get excited — sexually — when watching you.”

“You mean the men should get hard, is that right?” Sonia asked to make sure she understood.

“Yes, and the women should get wet,” Cindy answered. “Many women enjoy watching girls your age together having sexual fun.” Cindy looked down at her own lap. “I’m one of those women,” she said, nearly a whisper.

“You used to have sex fun with your daughter?” Sonia asked.

“Yes,” Cindy said, blushing.

“Would you like to have fun with us?” Sofia asked.

“Actually, yes. I haven’t been with girls as pretty as you two in a long time.”

“We used to watch our mother with men and one time a man saw us and had us come closer to see. Our mother said it was time we learned about life. We watched them up close. My mother’s privates looked so nice, I leaned forward when she was lying back when they were done and kissed it the way I’d seen the man do,” Sonia said. “She liked what I did, so she would have us do that to her sometimes. We liked it, too.”

“Yes, our mother would tell us to touch each other while she watched and touched herself,” Sofia said. “We like doing these things with women and we don’t mind if they watch. We don’t like for men to watch, though. They bring out their big things and pull on them until some sort of cream spits out of the end.”

Cindy looked at the mostly innocent girls. She was amazed that girls who had done sexual things to each other and their mother were also so ignorant of sex. ‘Pull on their things?‘ ‘Spit?‘ Still, they were fairly accurate, though uninformed, descriptions.

“You will have to get used to that,” Cindy advised them. “It’s going to happen a lot now that you’re here. Senor Pablo often invites men and women over to watch things like the two of you. There is one mother who brings her daughter, who is twelve, and they do things together. Senor Pablo likes to put his penis, which is the correct name of a man’s thing, into the woman and her daughter. The two compete to see who can be the one to make Senor Pablo come, which is what you called spitting their cream. The cream is sperm and another fluid called semen.”

“Senor Pablo said you were to teach us. What do we have to learn?” Sonia said.

“To be erotic. You said you had kissed your mother’s pussy, which is one name for her privates. Did she teach you how to lick her there?” Cindy asked.

“Yes, we liked doing that to her.” Sonia said.

“Have you ever licked each other?” Cindy asked.

The girls looked at each other and laughed, their childish giggles a sharp contrast to the topic of their conversation.

“We never thought to do that to each other before!” Sonia said. “That’s funny because we did it to our mother a lot.”

“Have either of you come yet?”

“Girls don’t spit cream,” Sonia said.

“Yes, actually some do, but it’s a different kind of cream, not sperm.”

“So the men are coming when they grunt and their things — I mean their… penises — spit?” Sofia asked.

“Yes, and it’s what happens to girls and women too, though most girls don’t ‘spit’ anything. They just get very wet in their pussies. So, have you come yet?”

“I don’t think so,” Sofia said.

“Oh, you’d know,” Cindy said, grinning. “It’s the world’s most wonderful feeling! In fact, it’s probably the best feeling in the universe.”

The girls stared at Cindy in disbelief.

“The best feeling in the universe?” Sonia asked.

“Yes,” Cindy said. “Would you like to learn how to get that feeling?”

The girls nodded in unison once again, and Cindy was reminded how much alike they were.

“Okay, both of you lie back and spread your legs,” Cindy said. “I’m going to kiss and lick your pussies.”

The girls obeyed at once, obviously excited about the prospect of experiencing the universe’s most wonderful feeling.

“Now,” Cindy began, “I am going to continue licking and kissing your pussies until you reach an orgasm, which is that wonderful feeling I described. My daughter was having them when she was very young, younger than you. The daughter of a friend of mine back in California was having them when she was six. So I’m sure you can have them, too. Just go with the feelings. When things begin to feel so good it kind of scares you, that’s your body trying to come. Just let it, okay? No matter what you think may happen, like peeing or fainting. I promise you, you won’t. But the feeling is so good, it can make you feel a little strange, as if you’re going to faint.”

“Are you sure we won’t faint?” asked Sonia.

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“What if I really do pee?” she continued.

“Then pee. It’s okay, even if you are peeing right in my mouth. I won’t be mad or even a little upset. Believe me, worse things have happened to me since I came here.”

The girls looked at each other in fear again. Cindy rushed to assure them so they could relax for the orgasms.

“But let’s not think about that now, okay? I want us to concentrate on the universe’s most wonderful feeling. I want us to think about coming, okay?”

The girls smiled at her and nodded.

“Let’s just forget we are here for now,” Cindy continued. “Let’s pretend we are in some expensive hotel room with room service and everything. We’re just going to have fun. What do you say to that?”

“Okay!” the girls said, grinning at their new friend.

The girls lay back again and spread their legs and stretched their necks to watch what Cindy would do.

“Lie back and don’t worry about watching me while I lick. While I am licking one of you, the other can watch and learn. I am going to start with Sofia,” Cindy said. “When she has come, I will turn my attentions to Sonia.”

The girls giggled excitedly in response. Cindy leaned forward and began to kiss and lick Sofia’s bald pussy. There was already some moisture there, and she assumed it was because the young nymph had grown excited talking about what was about to happen. The response had been involuntary, Cindy was certain.

She licked and kissed the labia and coaxed the tiny clitoris out of her fleshy closet. Soon, Sofia was moving her hips involuntarily as the sensations began building to their inevitable crescendo and climax.

The petite girl began to hook the sheets into her balled up fists and pull on them as the feelings began to overwhelm the child. The fists would relax for a second before once again grasping the sheets and twisting them into her tight fists. Her breathing grew ragged and quick, tiny moans escaped her throat without her knowledge of them, and soon her chest began to heave and grunts replaced the moans.

Sofia’s twin sister watched what was happening as she lay on her side beside her sister. Sonia’s eyes were wide with wonder at the change in her sister. She felt her own privates — no, her own pussy — tingling at the sight of her sister approaching her very first orgasm, a feeling Sonia still did not know either.

All she knew was she desperately wanted to experience it. Sofia’s obvious pleasure from what was being done to her caused Sonia to yearn for the same feelings her sister was experiencing at that moment.

Sonia watched as Sofia’s eyes shot open in surprise as her first orgasm took her. Sonia felt that although Sofia’s eyes were wide open, they really saw nothing. It was as if her eyesight was focused inward on the wonderful feelings.

A small squealing scream burst from Sofia’s lungs as her body began to spasm and tremble. Cindy kept her mouth glued to the hairless pussy as the girl came. She wanted the girl to experience the full effects of a truly good orgasm.

Cindy remembered her own first orgasm, brought about by masturbation when she was ten. It was nice, but not unbelievably wonderful the way they later became. Unlike her own experience, she wanted these girls to know the ultimate limits of orgasmic tremors. In essence, she wanted them to come hard.

When Sofia was finished with her very first orgasm, she lay on the bed catching her breath and re-focusing her vision. She seemed to be struggling up from some wonderful dream that she was not in a hurry to leave, but at the same time wanting to share the experience with those in the waking world.

“Oh, my God!” the girl said as she found her voice. “You are right, Miss Cindy,” the girl said, adding the ‘Miss’ to make the name one of endearment as well as respect. “That was the best feeling ever!’

“I want to feel one!” Sonia said, lying back once again to accept the older woman’s lips and tongue on her most private area.

Cindy smiled and moved to Sonia’s soft pussy. It was, of course, identical to her sister’s. The outer labia were plump and soft while the inner labia were folded behind these larger lips of tender flesh, just thin ribbons of moist skin aching to be touched by the woman’s mouth and tongue and hiding the tiny clit that was the source of a feeling the size of a galaxy.

She clamped her mouth onto Sonia’s pussy and could instantly tell that this pussy was wetter than her sister’s had been. Of course, she had watched her sister as her pussy was eaten by the very experienced woman, which would have caused her pussy to send forth more moisture to lubricate the inner labia and clitoris to ready it for the soft touch of Cindy’s lips.

Cindy sent her tongue out in short stabs at the clit, urging the tiny pearl out of hiding. Soon, it was there, easily touched directly, with each touch of Cindy’s tongue sending currents of pleasure through the eight-year-old.

“Is that it?” Sonia asked. “Are those jolts the feeling?”

Cindy stopped long enough to say, “No, sweetheart. Those are just a hint of how good it will be. Lie back now, and let it build inside you.”

With that, Cindy returned to her joyful task. Her mouth devoured the small mound of sensitive flesh, her tongue lashing at the girl’s exposed clit, her throat swallowing the small amounts of girl honey that flowed lightly from the young pussy.

Soon, Sonia’s breathing matched her sister’s when Sofia was nearing her life’s initial climax. Her body tensed as the coming orgasm signaled the rest of the girl’s body it was on its way. Moans unheard by the small girl tumbled from her throat. Just as her sister’s fists had wrapped themselves in the bed sheets, so Sonia’s fists gripped the cotton fabric, released, gripped again.

Then, her eyes opened wide in disbelief as the orgasm finally slammed into her midsection to spread out to all points of her body. The disbelief concerned the enormity of this feeling, and how such a sensation could have escaped them until now. Had she been able to talk to the six-year-old Cheryl, the two would have understood each other perfectly. Like Cheryl from years ago, Sonia was immediately in love with this feeling and instantly decided amidst the delirium of her first orgasm that it was a feeling she would do almost anything to experience again… and again… and again.

When the child once more was completely aware of her surroundings, she smiled at Cindy and Sofia.

“Wasn’t it great?!” Sofia asked.

“Yes. It was wonderful,” Sonia answered softly. She felt like she needed a nap.

“Would the two of you like to lick me now?” Cindy asked.

The smiles, even on the seemingly exhausted Sonia, told her the answer.

She lay back and spread her labia to expose the interior of her pussy. The girls watched intently as she pointed out the various spots of pleasure, ending with the location of her stiff clitoris.

“That is where you will want to concentrate. Later, the two of you can locate each other’s clitoris, or clit for short.”

She had the girls lie along her legs and allowed them to begin bathing her pussy with their tongues, each of them dancing her tongue across the wet labia, swiping across her clit, delving into the small hole the woman had called her vagina and bringing more wetness from deep within the woman’s pussy to the surface of the inner labia and clit.

Cindy was trembling from the strong jolts of pleasure the girls were bringing from somewhere inside her. She would come soon. Just lying on the bed and chatting about sex with the girls had aroused her beyond belief. She had imagined each of them as Jenna from long ago. She missed her daughter not only as her offspring, but also as a talented sex partner.

Soon, the orgasm that had been lying in wait wormed its way to the surface and burst forth like an explosion of volcanic lava. She heaved and shuddered as the climax took her. It seemed to wrap itself around her middle and not let go. It went on for a while, sending spasms of unbelievable joy into every cell of her body.

As she calmed from the onslaught of heavenly sensations, she opened her eyes to see the two small girls smiling down at her with a mixture of apprehension and joy.

She returned the smile.

“I think the three of us are going to be very special friends. What do you two think?” she asked the happy faces above her.

The girls looked at each other and their grins grew. They nodded first at each other and then at Cindy. Then they were hugging her.

“Te amo!” Sofia said, and Sonia repeated it. I love you. Love happened so quickly at eight.

Apparently, it happened rather quickly at thirty-three as well. She told them she loved them as well.

“Now it’s time for the two of you to find each other’s clit and lick each other to another orgasm. That’s one of the wonderful things about being a woman. Most of us can experience quite a few orgasms in one session of sex with a partner or partners. Do you know what is meant by a sixty-nine?”

The girls looked at her, obviously unaware of the term.

“Here, let me situate the two of you. You’ll get the idea right away,” Cindy told them, and when she had placed their bodies in position, they did indeed understand and began to lick and kiss each other’s pussy with obvious two-fold pleasure. Each had the pleasure of giving her sister the sensations that would lead to an orgasm while at the same time receiving those feelings. Thus, they had achieved the goal set for them by Pablo.

Soon they had begun the wild dance of an approaching orgasm and they entered their respective climaxes at nearly the same moment. Cindy added another sensation by reaching for Sofia’s butt, since she was on top of Sonia, and she inserted the tip of her finger into the girl’s butthole.

When they had finally calmed from the intense act of coming, Sofia said, “Did you put a finger inside my butt?”

“Yes,” Cindy said with a small laugh. “Did you like it?”

“Yes!” Sofia said. Sonia, puzzled that such an action could feel good, reached behind herself and gently eased her index finger up to the first knuckle and wiggled it around inside her. It felt so good, she pushed to get the finger in up to the second knuckle. A slight whimper of pleasure escaped her and Cindy leaned over to kiss the girl while Sonia fucked her finger slowly in and out of her butthole.

Sofia copied what her sister was doing, and before long, the girls were very gently finger-fucking their own butts.

“Now, take your free hands and start massaging your own clits and pussy,” Cindy told them. She hadn’t steered them wrong yet, so they immediately obeyed.

The result was the building of yet another orgasm. The girls looked into each other’s eyes as they masturbated while fingering their butts, and soon they entered the third orgasm of their young lives.

Afterwards, Cindy lay with the two young beauties, holding them to her side and they fell asleep like that. Cindy was happy for a softer bed that night, but she was also happy she had met these two lovely little girls.

If I ever escape, I will have to bring them with me, she thought to herself. It was the last thought she had before drifting off to sleep with the naked girls cuddled against her own nudity, with twin hands resting on her pussy.

Tomorrow, she would teach them how to make love to a woman’s breasts.

Continue on to Chapter 53


No comments on I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 52

  1. Drod says:

    Sweet. Very senuous and tender.

  2. JetBoy says:

    Still a compelling, thrilling, white-hot-sexy story. Anyone here who isn’t keeping up with this incredible lesbian saga is cheating themselves. Me, I love it!!

  3. Aliciamom says:

    Oh that was beautiful Cheryl! More of this please???

  4. Evan says:

    Incredible again – sad that two girls were stolen for Pablo’s pleasure, but glad that Cindy enjoyed showing them the way. Very erotic indeed…

  5. Tim says:

    Back to this story now. I’ve not commented on a few chapters as I felt you’d heard enough from me, but oh my, I had to write after this one.

    Those two delicious girls giving poor Cindy someone she can love and care for in the absence of her own daughter…..

    And to teach the delights of love and sex too. So hope she manages to escape with them both, and then introduce them to all your other great characters

    What a delicious mouth watering prospect

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