I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 53

  • Posted on October 15, 2016 at 3:21 pm

Poolside Sex and Plans Are Made

By Cheryl Taggert 

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

When Saturday arrived, Jenna was beside herself with anticipation. I got so nervous from her inability to settle down and find something to help her pass the time until Gwen arrived and we placed the call that I finally called Marie to see if she could come over for a swim.

It wasn’t that I didn’t sympathize with my sister and how much she longed to see her mother. It was just that her nervousness made mine worse.

Marie arrived and we went out back to our pool. We stripped off all our clothes and dove into the cool, refreshing water. The pool was secluded and we also had a privacy fence that prevented nosy neighbors from seeing what went on there. And plenty went on, I can assure you. Deanna, Marie, and I had enjoyed many orgasms either in the pool or lying beside it. Jenna, too, had enjoyed the privacy with her special friends, like Carmen.

“Where’s Jenna?” Marie asked.


“Doesn’t she want to swim with us?”

I grinned at my lover. “You thinking about a threesome?”

Marie smiled back at me, her leer obvious. “Am I that transparent?”

I laughed. “Not always, but you are this time.”

“You never answered my question, though. Do you think she’d like to swim with us?”

“I kinda doubt it. She’s on pins and needles about a phone call.”

“Oh? A secret admirer?”

“No. Nothing like that. Her mother.”

Marie’s eyes shot wide open and her mouth hung open, gaping. “You mean her real mother?”

I nodded. “Yeah. She’s supposed to talk to her mom later today. We’re calling her this afternoon.”

“Wow. How long has this been going on? I thought you said you guys didn’t know where she was.”

“We didn’t. A friend of ours managed to find her.”

“Why doesn’t she just come here instead of call?”

“It’s a long story,” I said.

Marie looked around, emphasizing how alone we were. “I don’t see any other pressing business.”

“Okay, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. If the wrong people find out we know where Cindy is, bad things could happen.”

“Geez, you sound like someone could be killed or something,” she said, chuckling. My look silenced her. “Oh my God, really? Someone could, like, die?”

“I know that sounds melodramatic, but yeah. You’ll understand what I mean when I tell you.”

She moved closer to me where I was hanging from the edge of the pool.

“Let’s get out for this,” I said. “I don’t want to tell you while clinging to a wall. Too much appropriate symbolism for me.”

When we were seated at the table near the pool and the table’s umbrella was opened to provide some shade, I scooted my seat to be closer to Marie. I didn’t even want to talk loud enough for someone nearby to hear, even though we were completely alone.

“Jenna’s mom, Cindy, is being held at a compound in Colombia, not far from Bogota.”

“You mean like held as in against her will?”


“By who?”

It was a fair question, but I really couldn’t answer it except to give a name. “His name is Pablo Peligro. He’s apparently a really bad dude, and if he knew we had found Cindy and were already planning to get her out of there, he would make sure that didn’t happen, even if it meant killing the woman who located Cindy — and maybe even my mom.”

Tears burned my eyes and the look of love and caring coming from Marie warmed my heart in the midst of my fear. She leaned in and hugged me.

“That’s not gonna happen. Don’t think about that,” she said, holding me as I got control of myself again.

When I’d regained my composure, I looked at Marie. “You see why you can’t tell anyone, don’t you? I wasn’t kidding about people could die.”

“Yeah, I understand. I won’t tell a soul. I swear.”

We sat there in silence for a moment until Marie leaned in towards me and kissed me softly on the lips. She quickly ended that kiss only to move in for another one, pressing her lips to mine with a bit more urgency. When she pulled back and came in for a third kiss, I opened my mouth and my tongue sought hers.

“Let’s move to the big lounger,” she said. We had a lounger big enough for two adults that we often enjoyed while outside swimming. It was great for some intimate sex between two fifteen-year-old girls.

As we lay back, her hand went to my pussy and began to rub me gently, coaxing my clit to peek out from beneath her hood of flesh. My hand went to her boobs, hefting them and pinching the nipples lightly, tweaking them until they had puckered.

Soon, my mouth had replaced my hand and I was sucking first one nipple then the other. My teeth would also take hold of the pointy tips and nibble on them while my tongue flicked them back and forth. Judging from her small moans, she was enjoying this attention quite a bit.

Then she was laying me back and moving toward my own swelling mounds of flesh, bringing my nipples to excited attention.

I looked over to the sliding glass doors. Danni was there, smiling at us. She was dressed in sweatpants and a sports bra. She had one hand between her legs, squeezing her pussy from outside the cotton of the pants. Her other hand was similarly occupied with her breasts, which remained covered for now. I signaled for her to join us, but she slowly shook her head. I knew she liked to watch, and I was happy to let her.

I returned my attention to Marie and what she was doing. She had left my boobs behind and was busy working her way down my tummy. Her hand was still softy rubbing my pussy slit, using her fingers to separate the folds of my labia, dip down to gather some of my juices, then move back up to lubricate my clit.

Then she was there. Her face hovered over my mound for a second as she glanced up into my eyes.

“I love you,” she said and I watched as she inhaled my scent, her eyes closing as she enjoyed the fragrance.

Then her head was moving, her mouth seeking my pussy, her tongue extended to lick me.

At the first contact, I felt a shiver run throughout my body. I glanced again at the sliding doors, and Danni was now naked, one hand at her pussy, the other squeezing her breast while pinching her nipple.

I noticed Jenna in the room behind her, sitting on the sofa and barely taking notice of what was going on. In fact, based on her posture, she looked as if she were completely unaware that Danni was masturbating only a few feet away from her. Instead, she was shuffling a deck of cards, something I knew she did when she was nervous and just needed to do something.

Suddenly, I wished I had a camera to photograph this erotic tableau. It would have made an amazing picture. A sexy woman in her twenties masturbating while a naked pubescent girl sat a few feet away shuffling cards and basically ignoring the sexual activity around her. I assumed from Jenna’s bare shoulders that she was naked. I wasn’t sure if it would be an illegal picture or not since I couldn’t see any personal areas of her body, just her shoulders and head, but I wanted that picture anyway.

A jolt from my pussy reminded me to keep my attention on what was going on down there. I could feel my pussy getting creamier and creamier as my glands produced the warm, delicious fluids that could make my pussy so slippery fingers would glide among the folds of flesh with ease.

Marie was starting to do her little nibbling trick where she would chew my inner labia softly without letting her teeth get even close to meeting, while her tongue danced on my clit, which was, to say the least, a very willing dance partner. My clit felt as though it wanted to move about on its own and remain in contact with my lover’s fleshy tongue, completing the two-partner dance.

But my clit was incapable of that, so instead I moaned my desire for Marie to keep her tongue firmly in place on my little girl.

Marie knew me and my pussy well. She knew the intense orgasm she was building would depend on some direct contact and some maddening journeys to other parts of my cunt. Still, the millions of nerve endings in my clit begged for contact.

I was squirming my butt into the soft cloth of the chair, doing my best to move closer to my orgasm.

Looking once more at the glass doors, I saw that Danni now had both hands at her pussy, and based on how she was squatting slightly, I thought she might have a finger of one hand in her butt. Jenna had stopped shuffling the cards to take notice now, and she was casually staring at Danni while my former teacher masturbated herself to her approaching orgasm. Jenna looked as if she had come upon an interesting exhibit in the zoo. The casual nature of how we in our house treated masturbation occurred to me as I watched how Jenna was reacting in such a nonchalant manner.

Then I realized that Jenna had one hand in her lap, though I couldn’t see it from where I was. However, based on the angle of her elbow that rested on the sofa’s arm, I knew her hand was there. I could also see tiny movements that led me to know she was also touching herself.

As I approached my orgasm, seeming to sneak up on it to capture it and make it mine, Jenna rose from the sofa. She was naked, as I’d suspected, and she moved to Danni, where she went to her knees and buried her face into the soft flesh of Danni’s butt.

My sister was rimming Danni.

That was all I needed. Marie, sensing how close I was, had begun pressing her tongue directly onto my clit without moving away from it, though she licked my clit back and forth with her lovely tongue.

My body erupted into a massive orgasm that seized me from the inside out, shaking my flesh into an erotic trembling. My moans escaped my throat with a staccato rhythm as the climax seemed unwilling to let go of me until I had experienced one of the best orgasms I’d had in a while, which was certainly saying something, since I’d had some really fabulous ones recently.

Once my body settled down some, Marie moved to lie beside me, where she held me and whispered to me how much she loved me.

Being held by her and whispered to that way was pure bliss.

Finally, I moved to return the wonderful favor. My mouth watered for her, and it didn’t take much time to begin licking and sucking her pussy toward its joy.

Even though I’ve been eating pussy since I was six, I still didn’t think myself as good at it as Marie was. She seemed to be born to lick and suck pussy. I did my best, though, and soon she was reaching her own crescendo and her body heaved with the magnificence of the wonderful ‘O’ and its aftermath.

We lay back together and caught our breath before delving once more into our lovemaking.

“Jenna and Danni were watching,” Marie said.

“Yeah, I know.”

“Jenna was rimming Danni when she came,” she continued.

“Yeah, I saw.”

“That was really hot to watch,” she concluded.

“Yeah, it was,” I said.

Taking a deep breath, I leaned over and kissed my lover so we could each taste our juices on the other’s mouth. The kiss took us on the same journey the first one of that day had, and soon we were wallowing in our mutual orgasms as we enjoyed our sixty-nine on the double chair.

At one point in our ecstatic journey, I noticed that Danni was now on her knees and licking Jenna to an orgasm. It made me happy to know Jenna had become involved in such a delightful distraction from her nervousness and anxiety about her mother.

Later, Marie had to leave so she got dressed. I remained naked. I’d grown into quite the nudist since starting my job.

Marie’s sister Linda arrived to pick up an obviously exhausted Marie.

“I can see you two had fun,” she said. I had dared to accompany my friend to the car sans clothing. People would have to be looking down our driveway at just the precise moment to see me through the gate that opened through the stone wall that separated our property from the street.

I grinned at Linda. “We had a blast!”

“A blast OFF,” Marie said, correcting me with a chuckle.

After they left I went back into the house and used the bathroom to pee. I had just sat down to do some reading when the doorbell rang.

Checking the security peephole, I saw it was Gwen. I opened the door and let her in.

“We’re placing the call in about ten minutes. Where’s your mom?” she asked.

“I’ll get her,” I said.

My mom had told us she would be busy with something in her room all day and to let her know when Gwen arrived. Aunt Emmy, her sister, was with her and they both dropped the papers they were going over when I told them Gwen was here.

When we had all gathered near the phone, Gwen said, “I actually spoke to Cindy yesterday. She wants us to start planning to come get her soon. Today, she will tell us the date and time. We will need to use a private aircraft, since getting her out of the country could be tricky since she no longer has access to her passport.”

The tension was thick when Gwen said that. The reality of the situation hit us all. We were going to attempt a daring rescue. One that was on one side illegal — the movement of a person from one country to another without going through the proper channels — yet on the other side it was morally correct.

I realized suddenly the truthfulness of my high school freshman year civics teacher when he said, “There is no right or wrong, just varying shades of gray.”

Gwen lifted the receiver and placed the call.


“Are you insane?” Carlo asked Cindy as she sat before him on her bed.

They had made plans to get her out of the compound to meet friends who were going to hire a private plane and pilot. The plan had been discussed several times by now, making sure they had addressed every possible problem that could arise.

He was going to say his mother was very ill and he needed to go see her. He would have to convince Pablo to allow him to borrow what the evil man referred to as ‘the work car,’ which was a Buick with a large trunk. It was not used often, only when a large cargo needed to be transported in the spacious cargo area. Carlo would ask for this car because it was so rarely used, and that way Pablo would have what he referred to as ‘the luxury car’ available for his use. Carlo would suggest Antonio, one of the other workers at the complex, to serve as chauffeur in Carlo’s absence.

Carlo had even taken the precaution of getting his sister to stay at his mother’s house during the crucial time and to make sure she answered all incoming calls. She was told to say their mother was indeed very ill and Carlo needed to come see her before she died.

Meanwhile, Cindy was to run to a designated place on the property and wait for Carlo to arrive at the spot, where she would hide in the spacious trunk. She would have arranged for such an escape before now, but she had not trusted anyone enough to request their help.

The one thing they were trusting to luck was that Pablo would not notice Cindy’s disappearance until it was too late.

What had caused Carlo to question Cindy’s sanity was that she had just said she would not leave without the twin eight-year-old girls, Sophia and Sonia.

“I’m not leaving without them,” she said again. “They are so young. Their lives will be ruined forever. If I can get them away from this monster, they may have a happy life.”

“Who will care for them?”

“I will.”

“You have no job. What prospects do you have in the United States?” he asked.

That was true, but she felt she might be able to get some help from Kayleigh, who had taken over raising Cindy’s daughter, Jenna, without so much as one complaint or question.

“I will manage,” she said. “All I know is I can’t leave them here.”

“Where will they ride in the car?”

“In the trunk with me. They are tiny girls, they will fit.”

“Have you spoken to them about this?”

She had. They had been doubtful about whether or not it could ever happen, but she had assured them it would, and soon. She told Carlo they were aware of her plans to escape with them, but not when. “That I will tell them at the proper time,” she said.

Carlo looked at this woman he had come to know and, yes, love. He knew he was risking his life to get her away from here, and he knew he would miss her terribly, but he also knew that unless she was freed soon, she would die here, still a young woman. He loved her enough to want her to live, even if that life were far away, rather than watch her die here at the hands of the person he thought of as the world’s most evil man.

It was then his cell phone rang. He lifted the large thing from its holster on his belt and answered. “Esto es Carlo.”

“Carlo! Como estas? Esto es Gwen!” She did this to make sure it was truly Carlo on the line, and not someone pretending to be him.

They had discussed this on their previous call, and he said in English, “Perhaps we could meet tonight.”

Gwen sighed in relief. This was their prearranged response to let her know it was indeed Carlo.

Then Carlo said, “She is here with me. We haven’t much time. Here she is, and she has some… news to share.”

He handed the phone to Cindy. “Gwen?” she asked, feeling her heart pound against her ribs.

“Yes. What is the news?”

Cindy took a deep breath.

“There are these children,” she began. “They are twin girls, only eight-years-old, and… well… and–“

“You want to bring them with you,” Gwen finished for her.

Cindy said, “Yes. Otherwise, their lives will be miserable. They will be old women by the time they are sixteen. Pablo forces them to… to ‘perform’ for him.”

Gwen looked at the questioning looks around her.

“Bring who with her?” Kayleigh asked.

“Cindy, talk to your daughter and Cheryl while I talk to Kayleigh, okay?”

“Gladly!” Cindy said.

Gwen pulled Kayleigh and the other adults aside while the girls talked to Cindy.

“There are these twin girls, only eight-years-old, and she wants to bring them with her.”

“That’s fine,” said Kayleigh without hesitation. “If Cindy doesn’t want to leave them there, that’s good enough for me.”

“Pablo forces them to have sex with each other for his enjoyment.”

“Then they definitely come.” Kayleigh’s pronouncement was final.

“That’s fine, but you need to be aware of the added risks involved with that. This increases the likelihood their absence will be discovered before we have the chance to get them fully away. Plus, the more people we are rescuing, the more likely something will go wrong.”

Kayleigh thought about this for a minute before saying, “That’s a chance we’ll have to take. I trust Cindy’s judgment in this. If she needs them out, then out they will be.”

Gwen looked at Kayleigh. The determination in her eyes was enough to tell her it was useless to argue.

They moved back toward the girls and Kayleigh took the phone.


“God, it’s good to hear your voice,” Cindy said.

“It’s good to hear yours. I wanted to tell you that bringing the twins will be fine. Just understand the increased danger of doing that. I don’t want all three of you to get killed, which would definitely happen if you don’t make it.”

“We’ll be careful,” Cindy said.

“When will the rescue take place?” Kayleigh asked.

“Two weeks from tomorrow,” Cindy said. “Carlo has already mailed a map showing how to get to the field where the plane can land. You should receive it within a week. We can talk one week from today at the same time to make the final plans.”

“Are the twins aware of the plans?”

At that moment, Cindy and Carlo heard Pablo’s loud voice as he entered the main house where she stayed. Without saying good-bye, she hit the disconnect button on the phone and tossed it to Carlo, who managed to get it back into its holster less than a second before Pablo entered the room.

“It is going to be–.” Pablo stopped in mid-sentence, surprised to see Carlo in the room.

“What are you doing in here?” he said to Carlo in Spanish, suspicion clear in his voice.

“I apologize, señor. I was, well, I was thinking about your offer the other day.”


“Yes. You offered me, well, some time with your woman.”

“Woman? No, Carlo, she is a whore. Nothing more. You are thinking of having some fun with her?”

“Yes, if it is still okay with you.”

Pablo looked the two over and said, “That is fine, but you must always be sure it is okay with me. Do not ever help yourself to something that is mine, even if I have offered it before. Understand?”

“Yes, sir. I understand.”

Cindy had sat with her head down, looking at the floor and praying during this exchange between Carlo and the devil. She loved Carlo, was in love with him, but she knew it would never work out for them. She had thought of him during the few times now that this beast was rutting away on top of her. She felt such fantasies were the only things that could help her maintain her sanity.

“So,” said Pablo, taking a seat, “go ahead and take her.”

“Here? Now?” Carlo asked, clearly shocked by the idea of having sex with Cindy while Pablo watched.

“Yes, señor. Here and now,” Pablo said. Standing, Pablo began to remove his clothes. Carlo noticed he was already half erect.

Carlo looked at Cindy. Both felt they had no choice in the matter.

Cindy looked into Carlo’s eyes. She knew he had thought quickly when caught in her room, but now it looked as though the first time they made love was going to be witnessed by the monster who was the cause of all her pain.

“You will take her, and I will watch. Then when I am ready, she will finish me with her mouth,” Pablo said with the air of a man whose wishes were always granted. “And while she does, you will watch.”

Pablo sat and was absently fondling his penis, bringing it fully erect.

“So strip,” he said to Carlo, who was now the only one in the room with clothing on.

Carlo looked at Cindy and there was a request for forgiveness in his eyes. She had wanted this, but not in this manner, not with Pablo watching them.

Once Carlo was naked, he stepped toward Cindy, who took him into her mouth to get him hard.

Pablo sat back with a satisfied smile on his face. He loved it when circumstances led him to a pleasure he hadn’t considered before.

He had long thought Carlo was falling in love with Cindy. He knew they talked, and he intended to put an end to it soon. He wondered which one he would have killed and quickly decided it would be Cindy. After all, he had thought, a woman is much easier to find than a good chauffeur.

Continue on to Chapter 54


No comments on I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 53

  1. Drod says:

    Oh, Cheryl you devil. 😉 I can hardly wait for the next chapter.

  2. sue says:

    great story, and great sex too,we loved Cheryl and Marie having sex outside while the Danni watched and, then when Jenna and Danni having sex and the girls knowing and watching while they had sex and a cum so so good and we really loved Cheryl walking Marie out to Marie’s sisters car nude. Love the excitement too of getting Cindy free, and really want her to get home safe to Jenna, and with the 2 girls. just all really great. thanks

  3. Jennifer says:

    Oh my god, this is getting truly dramatic, my heart sank to my shoes hearing Pablo’s plan to kill Cindy soon O.O

  4. This has been a fantastic story that we have read since its beginning. Please don’t let it turn tragic. Hugs, the KellieKaylafamily.

  5. Cheryl says:

    Oh, my! Thank you all so much for the comments! I am happy this cliffhanger worked, Drod and Jennifer! I have tried to make sure the suspense does not interfere with the erotic qualities. I am aware that the site exists to enhance our fantasies, so including the suspense has been quite a juggling act. It is so nice to hear that the story is both erotic and suspenseful.

    Kellykaylafamily, I make no promises because life can be both tragic and joyful. You will just have to keep reading to find out how this goes. 😉 And of course I know you will!

    And sue, as always I am touched by your love for my stories.

    Thank you all for making my day!

    • Drod says:

      Oh, dead. Sounds a bit ominous.:-(

    • Jennifer says:

      Dear Cheryl, this cliffhanger works as sure as hell, i really can´t wait ´till it continues, in whatever way you chose, the erotic part is sexy as anything, but the storyline behind all is absolutely nothing i am capable to miss, it makes the whole story live in the end!

    • kim says:

      I have to tell you Cheryl, Sue is the one who introduced me to your stories,and it’s one of the best things that ever happened for us. thanks.

  6. Evan says:

    The pool-side sex with Cheryl & Marie had me edging nicely, along with the play between Danni and Jenna. The suspense is… suspenseful! Keep going with the story! It is wonderful, as long as only the evil people get hurt.

  7. Drod says:

    Damn autofill. I meant, “Oh, dear”.

  8. Cheryl says:

    Wow! The enthusiasm for my story is giving me goosebumps!

    Drod, thank you for clarifying. I was puzzled. 🙂 And yes, it is ominous. 😉

    Evan, just keep reading (no matter WHAT happens).

    Kim, give Sue a kiss from me as a thank you!

    Jennifer, it is good to see my pacing is working with this story. I am working on chapter 58 right now.

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