I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 54

  • Posted on October 21, 2016 at 11:59 pm

Erin’s Masturbation Story and the Unbelievable Consequences

By Cheryl Taggert 

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

When I arrived for work on Monday, I could tell Erin was itching to tell me about the night before when she had planned to masturbate while watching TV. Her mom let her watch R-rated movies, and sometimes, as she had told her mother, she got turned on watching them and obtained permission from her mother to satisfy her desires wherever she wanted to as long as nobody else was there. Last night would be the first time she actually masturbated where her mother could see her doing it.

Her mother seemed rather distracted as she prepared to leave for work, so I figured it had happened. She barely had time to pull out of the driveway when Erin began gushing her news.

“I did it! I did it!” she said, once again hopping up and down in her excitement as she usually did when she had news to share that was particularly thrilling for her.

“Okay, okay. Just calm down and tell me about it,” I said, taking her to the sofa in the den. We sat down to talk while we waited for the thirty minutes to go by to make sure her mom wasn’t coming back unexpectedly before we got naked for the day.

“We watched this movie called Basic Instinct on HBO that had sex in it. I had seen it would be on and begged mom to watch it with me. It had like lots of sex in it. There’s even these two women kissing!”

“I know,” I said. “I’ve seen it before. Your mom let you watch that?”

“Yeah. She’s okay with R-rated movies, but I could tell maybe she was thinking it was too much. I mean there was all this sex in it and of course it got me horny, so I just pulled down my pajamas and started rubbing myself. Mom looked at me and I could tell she was a little bit uncomfortable, and so I said, ‘You said it was okay,’ and she said, ‘Yeah, I know.’ Then I just continued rubbing myself. I got off like three times watching that movie. It was so sexy! There’s that one scene where the lady spreads her legs and the guys are all looking up her skirt and she isn’t wearing panties, and I thought I was going to come right then just from that scene.”

“So you sat there next to your mom and rubbed yourself off three times while you both were watching the movie?” I asked. This was rather amazing. I would have expected Ms. Hartley to change her mind and make her go to her room to finish or leave the room herself.

“Yeah. The first time I came, she was looking right at me. It felt so wonderful to have her doing that! I mean I felt like I was in a movie like your mom.”

“So you liked her watching you come?”

“Oh yeah. Lots!”

“What did she do?”

“Well, she asked me if I was sure I didn’t want to go to my room and do that, but I said I would miss all the good stuff in the movie that was making me want to do it.”

This was, indeed, news. And it was making me very horny to listen to Erin tell about it.

“And you really came, like, three times?”

Erin nodded, smiling and very proud of herself.

I felt my pussy gush and I knew I couldn’t wait any longer to get down to business. I started stripping my clothes off.

“Let’s go to my room,” Erin said. “I want to get comfy on the bed and watch you while you watch me.”

We left our clothes in a pile in the den and went to the bedroom. It had only been ten minutes since Ms. Hartley had left, but since she never seemed to return I no longer felt it necessary to wait. Besides, my panties were getting completely soaked from my dripping vagina.

I lay back on the bed and spread my legs, and Erin did the same next to me. I watched her hand as she dipped it down her tummy to her pussy and began to rub, and I followed her lead.

We were really getting into it when we heard a gasp. Looking up, my eyes met Ms. Hartley’s, which were wide with shock, as she stood in the open doorway to Erin’s bedroom.

Oh fuck, I thought. She actually came back home.

How in the world would I explain this? We were caught. It was all too obvious what we were doing together. It wasn’t as if I could say, ‘Oh, you see, it’s not what you think.’ It was exactly what she thought and could be nothing else. Then I realized that at least we weren’t doing anything to each other. All we had been seen doing was masturbating. It would definitely have been worse if one of us was sucking the other’s pussy or something. All she had us on was masturbating together.

All of this flashed through my mind in less than a second. Ms. Hartley’s hand was at her mouth in stunned disbelief. She had come home for some reason and had found her daughter’s ‘companion’ in bed with her daughter, masturbating.

“Uh… I… um–” was all I could manage to say as I felt my face flush to what had to be a deep red. Erin remained silent, her eyes just as shocked as her mom’s and her face probably as red as mine.

“Oh my God,” Ms. Hartley said and turned from the doorway to rush down the hall.

“Mom?!” Erin called after her.

“Ms. Hartley?” I echoed.

We both got out of the bed and ran after her. Don’t ask me why I wanted to stop her from leaving. I suppose the reason had something to do with not wanting to sit around all day waiting for the other shoe to drop, as my mom would say.

We found her in the kitchen, standing at the sink and crying.

“Mom?” Erin said, her voice faltering and barely audible.

“Would someone please explain to me what I just saw?” Ms. Hartley said.

That’s when I said the dumbest thing I could. “We were masturbating.”

“I know you were masturbating! I have eyes! The question is WHY were you in bed with my daughter masturbating?!” she screamed at me.

“Mommy, please don’t be mad,” Erin said. “Cheryl and me are such good friends, we just… wanted to. It’s… I don’t know… it’s… fun.”

Erin had begun crying now, too, and I quickly joined her. I realized my job was over. I would certainly be fired now.

“Fun?!” She looked at me. “Do you think seducing my daughter was fun?”

“I just… I just wanted her to like me and get along with me,” I said, staring at the floor.

“And you thought teaching my daughter to masturbate was the best way to do that?”

“You said yourself that whatever I was doing was working really well. That she was like a different person. That she was so well-behaved and respectful now. And anyway, I didn’t teach her to masturbate. She was already doing that on her own.” I was trying to make excuses, but then again, I was right. It had been my acceptance of Erin for who she was that had changed things.

“But how could you… I mean, what made you think that masturbating with her was a good idea? Why would that interest you?”

I caught that she was limiting what she thought we were doing to masturbating together. That was good, but her question may end up forcing more information to come to light. For some reason, though, I had stopped crying. I had decided to try to convince this woman that her own upbringing was what was wrong, not the acceptance I showed to Erin. And the love.

“I’m bisexual, Ms. Hartley, more lesbian than straight, actually. But you have it all wrong.” I said.

“I have what all wrong?”

“How to raise your daughter.” She opened her mouth to interrupt me, but I wouldn’t let her. I was going to say what I had to say. “You’ve been raising her the way you were raised. You said yourself that wasn’t a good way for you to be brought up. Why would it be good for Erin? Think about how happy she’s been since I started this job. Think about how much sweeter she is now. Consider how wonderful your relationship with her has become since you lightened up and allowed her to be herself.”

I could see that struck a chord.

Erin was still crying. Sobbing, actually. “Please don’t fire her, Mommy! Pleeeeease!” she begged.

“You don’t really want her to go back to the person she was, do you? Getting into trouble? Shoplifting, even? Being disrespectful and showing little more than reluctant acceptance of you, her own mother?” I asked, trying to do my best to point out the positives of what had been going on these past few weeks.

Ms. Hartley looked at Erin and asked, “Are you really different from what you were because of your relationship with Cheryl?”

“Yes!” Erin sobbed. “I love her.”

“Don’t you see?” I asked Ms. Hartley. “By letting Erin be herself, to enjoy what nature has given her to enjoy, by acknowledging that although she is only eleven, she is also a budding woman with her own thoughts and desires, you are telling her you love and trust her to make the right choices and to live her life to the fullest along the way.” I was actually quoting something my mom once said, advice she’d given me about how to raise my own children if I ever had any. Or at least I was paraphrasing it the best I could. I knew she’d be touched because I remembered it. She thinks I’m not listening half the time, but I am.

“Mommy, since when is it bad to love someone?” Erin asked, and I could see that this comment from her daughter did the trick. Ms. Hartley realized that we were just loving each other. The fact Erin was only eleven meant nothing. She was just doing what came naturally to her.

Ms. Hartley looked at me, her eyes red from crying. “But doesn’t this make you a pedophile? You’re fifteen. She’s eleven. She barely has any pubic hair, for God’s sake. What do you see in her?”

“The same thing you do, really. A beautiful, smart, loving, young girl, who has discovered the joys sex can provide. She told me that you witnessed that yourself last night.”

For the first time since arriving home, she smiled. “Actually, that’s what brought me home. I realized I would be worthless at work until I talked to someone about that, and I figured you would be the best person to talk to about it.” She glanced at the clock on her stove. “In fact, I need to call in to let them know I’ll be late.”

“Am I fired?” I asked for the second time since being hired.

Ms. Hartley looked at Erin, whose hands were clasped as if begging and pleading. Erin whispered, “Please?”

“Okay, I know when I’ve been beat,” she said. “You can stay on, I suppose, but I do need to talk to you about what happened last night.”

“YAY!” Erin yelled and jumped into my arms. It was at this point I realized the two of us were still completely naked. I thought it funny Ms. Hartley hadn’t mentioned it, not even a ‘Go put your clothes on.’

Then Erin flung her naked body into her mother’s arms and hugged her tightly, kissing her on the cheek.

After Ms. Hartley made the call, telling them she would be in after lunch, Erin went to her room to read — or maybe masturbate since we’d not finished earlier — while I sat down in the den with Ms. Hartley.

Looking down at the floor, I saw the pile of clothes we had left there. Ms. Hartley would have entered through this room when she arrived.

“What did you think when you saw our clothes on the floor?” I asked.

“Mostly I was puzzled. I heard the giggles coming from her bedroom. I suppose I suspected what I’d see when I got there, but I didn’t want to believe it. I guess I was hoping for a different explanation of why you two had gotten naked here in the den. But after last night–” she stopped, knowing I would be able to fill in the blanks, as it were.

I didn’t bother to get dressed for some reason. I suppose it was because I figured since she’d not suggested it, that going naked was now accepted as well.

“So what about last night?” I asked her.

“I suppose she told you everything,” she began. I nodded, not wanting to interrupt the flow of what she was attempting to put into words.

“She begged me to watch Basic Instinct with her. I hadn’t seen it before, but I knew there were some sex scenes in it. She’s watched mainstream movies with sex in them before, so I figured, why not? We had been watching maybe twenty minutes or so, and in the middle of a sex scene, she pulls her pajamas down to her knees and begins rubbing herself, as if she’d masturbated in front of me every day of her life.

“Part of me was shocked. I know she had asked if she could do it whenever and wherever she wanted and I’d said okay, but it surprised me anyway. I mean, she was so, I don’t know, brazen about it, as if she were flaunting her naked pubes for me to see.”

“She was,” I said. “She’s wanted for you to watch her for a while now. It’s sort of like showing you how grown up she can be.”

“I never considered that. Anyway, she was rubbing herself and grinning at me occasionally, but mostly she watched the movie while she did it. I really don’t blame her for getting turned on. I felt stirrings myself. It’s a very erotic movie. Anyway, about five minutes after she started doing it, she starts coming. I just stared at her. I kept thinking to myself, ‘she’s coming… my eleven-year-old daughter is having an orgasm sitting right next to me on the sofa.’ I was mesmerized by the sight and knowledge of it.”

“Can I ask you something?” I interrupted her for a question I really wanted the answer to.


“If you’d been totally alone in the house, would you have masturbated while watching what you just called a ‘very erotic movie’?”

She blushed, and I had my answer even before she spoke it.

“Yes. I have to admit I would have. In fact–” She stopped dead again, and I knew what she was going to say.

“You masturbated when you went to bed, didn’t you?”

“Does that make me a bad person?” she asked.

I gave her a flabbergasted ‘when will you learn’ look. “Of course not! Stop thinking everything you do — or anyone else does for that matter — that involves sex makes you bad. Your parents were wrong, okay? Sexual feelings are natural. I mean, look at Erin–“

She giggled, interrupting me to say, “I did.”

I laughed as well, but continued. “What I mean is she understands that sexual feelings are good and normal. She knows there’s nothing wrong with her because she feels them.”

“But isn’t it wrong that I also enjoyed watching my daughter as much as I enjoyed the movie?” she asked.

So there it was. She was feeling so much guilt because watching her daughter getting herself off had stimulated her.

“Why should it be wrong?” I asked.

“Well for one thing she’s my daughter, and for another she’s only eleven.” She paused a second before continuing. “And finally, she’s a she. I’ve never thought of myself as having any lesbian tendencies at all. And now here I am getting turned on at the sight of my eleven-year-old daughter masturbating herself to an orgasm.”

“She wants you to join her, you know,” I said. “She’s dying for you to have a masturbation session with her.”

“I don’t think I could do that.”

“Why not? Just tune in a sexy movie, take off your clothes, and do what comes naturally — as in it’s natural.”

“Don’t you think she’d lose respect for me if I did that with her?”

I looked directly into her eyes. “Has she lost respect for me? Or has she decided she loves me even more?”

Her jaw dropped open at the realization that overwhelmed her. “You mean she will have more respect, more love, for me if I do this with her?”

“It’s a very intimate thing to do, don’t you think?”

“Oh, my God. Wouldn’t that be incest?”

“Not if you don’t do something sexual to her, or she to you. Otherwise, it’s just the two of you enjoying the beauty of the other as she has the greatest feeling in the universe.” I took on a mocking tone. “As long as you don’t get all caught up with ‘Ooooh, it’s innncesssst,’ then everything should be fine.”

“I’ll think about it,” she said. “I have another question, and at this point I really don’t care what the answer is.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“Have the two of you done more than masturbate together?” I could see in her eyes she dreaded the answer but that she wanted the truth whether or not she liked it.

“Ms. Hartley,” I began, “I’m very experienced with sex with girls. I’ve been doing things for years.”


“And yes, one thing naturally led to another.”

“What all have you two done?”

I bit my lower lip, released it, and said, “Um, everything.”

“Could you define ‘everything’?”

“If two girls can do it to each other, we’ve done it.”

Her eyes told me she knew exactly what I meant. She was wanting to know if we’d had oral sex. “And this is a big reason for her change in, well, personality?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“I’m going to have to get used to the idea that my daughter is a lesbian,” she said. She didn’t say it as if lesbian was a bad word. She was just stating what she saw as a fact, even though I wasn’t so sure she was correct.

“I’d say she’s more than likely bisexual,” I said. “She still likes boys, but yes, I suppose she will also like girls for the rest of her life, even if she suppresses it later when she marries. But you should urge her not to suppress it, but to find a man who allows it.”

“I suppose now that I’ve kept you on in your job that the two of you will continue what you’re doing?”

“Honestly, I think it would be better that way. Otherwise, you would be denying her the chance to explore who she is sexually. That would be like raising her the way your parents raised you, living in denial that you were — are — a sexual being.”

“Oh my God. The phone calls,” she said suddenly, realization dawning on her. “I called every day before coming home, letting you know it was time to clean things up.”

I shrugged and smiled slightly. “Basically, we always waited until you were gone for a half hour and we’d get naked. Then we’d get dressed when you called.”

“But I wasn’t gone a half hour today. I was only gone maybe fifteen minutes, tops.”

“Yeah, I know. We got carried away with Erin’s story about last night and, well, we decided to start early because you’d never come back home after leaving before.”

She thought for a moment then said, “So you’re saying the two of you spent every day naked after I left?”


“What about your sister? Did she get involved too?”

“Yeah. She’s not my real sister. My mom is sort of taking care of her until her mom returns.” I didn’t go into the Cindy situation more than that.

“Then you have sex with her too?”

“Yeah,” I said, seeing no reason to deny it at that point. “We even share the same bed.”

“That must have been an interesting sleepover,” she said.

I smiled. “Yeah, it was.” Of course, I didn’t go into details about that night, but just let her imagine for herself since she would only imagine Jenna and me with Erin, not the adults.

“My,” she said, “you must have quite a strong libido.”

I giggled at that. “Yeah, I do.”

Suddenly she asked, “If I were to ask to watch the two of you together, would you allow me to do that?”

“Me and my sister?”

“No, you and my daughter.” She was blushing a deep crimson. “I don’t want to have sex with either of you, but I’m just curious to watch you and Erin together.”

“How about now?” I asked. “You sort of interrupted us before we could come.”


“You know what they say, ‘no time like the present,’ right?”

“I… I don’t know. I have to get back to work.”

“It’s only 9:43,” I said, glancing at the clock on top of the TV. “I heard you say you wouldn’t be in until after lunch.”

“I did say that, didn’t I?” she replied, sheepishly.

“If it becomes too much for you, you can just leave us alone and we can finish without you.”

“You sound as if you want me to watch you.”

I shrugged. “I’m my mother’s daughter, I guess. I like being watched. And I can tell you that Erin likes it too. She loved that you were watching her last night.”

“And if I feel like, well doing… well… you know, that’s okay?”

“That would be more than okay. It would be wonderful. And I thought I told you masturbate isn’t a bad word.”

She chuckled at that and heaving a deep sigh, stood on wobbly legs, almost losing her balance and sitting down again. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

“Um, Ms. Hartley? Would you do me a favor? You’d be doing Erin a favor too, I’m sure.”


“Would you mind getting naked too? I mean, I’ve been sitting here talking to you for the past fifteen minutes totally naked, and you’re fully dressed. It would feel more… intimate if you were to do that much, at least.”

She thought about it for a moment before she said, “Okay. Why not. Erin’s seen me naked plenty of times, and I’ve seen you naked now too.”

Slipping off her shoes, she removed her jacket and lay it on the sofa before unbuttoning her shirt and discarding it with a chuckle on the pile of clothing we’d left. Then her skirt was unclasped, unzipped, and dropped to the floor. She was now wearing only a bra, panty hose, and panties. Pulling the waist of the panty hose down over her butt, she sat and finished removing the them. I watched, aware I was nearly drooling to see her naked. I knew she wouldn’t let me do anything to her, and she wasn’t going to do anything to me, but I was dying to see her naked.

She unhooked her bra and let it fall, exposing her boobs. They were not too big, but not that small either, probably a C cup. When she pulled her panties down and off, I gasped at her beauty. She was one very sexy woman, as I had always known. Her dark bush of pubic hair was trimmed and formed a perfect triangle to cover her mound.

“Erin will sure be surprised to see you like this,” I commented.

“I’m sure she will.”

Entering the bedroom, we were greeted with the sight of Erin’s naked butt going up and down, pressing her pussy into the nose of one of her teddy bears. I felt my clit stir at the erotic sight and wondered if Ms. Hartley was reacting the same way despite her shame.

“Well, what have we here?” I asked.

Erin turned to look at me and grinned. Then she saw her equally naked mother and gasped, her jaw hanging open.

“I’ll just sit over here,” Ms. Hartley said and sat in the egg-shaped chair, often called an egg chair, that hung on a chain extending from the ceiling near the foot of Erin’s bed.

“What’s up?” Erin asked, obviously shocked to see both of us naked in her bedroom.

“Your mom is going to watch us together,” I said. “She knows we’ve done everything two girls can do together, and she wants to see how much you enjoy it.”

As I moved to my young lover, she grinned and scooted over to make room for me. This was going to be wild.

Continue on to Chapter 55


No comments on I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 54

  1. Drod says:

    Mmmmm! Going very well, methinks.

  2. Jennifer says:

    Sorry Cheryl, but you are one heap of mean genes! *giggles*

    Are you trying to push us over the edge of a heartattack? I´m waiting for the continue of Cindy´s fate!!!! *tripplingmyfeetimpatientlyonthefloor*

    Puleaaaaase to be taken with humour *smiles*

  3. sue says:

    OMG, what a cumtacular chapter, we loved every moment. so real and hot and sexy. love you, Sue and Kim

  4. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Drod, Jennifer, and Sue! I am doing my best to pace the chapters that are mostly erotica with the suspense chapters. This one is obviously one of the former. After all, “Cheryl” IS a very sexual young girl in a very sexual family with very sexual friends and neighbors. 😉

    I’ve completed through chapter 58 and there is a lot of sex and a lot of suspense in those chapters. I’m sure you will all be happy. TTFN! (Ta-Ta For Now, for those not initiated in the common abbreviation used by young teen girls in my era)

    • Jennifer says:

      As i said, i am only kidding, you are doing an awesome job, Cheryl, don´t you ever change your method! Hugs and kisses, your Jennifer

  5. Aliciamom says:

    As promising at hot as this is….I can’t help but think about Cindy and the two girls and what will happen when (if) she returns.

  6. Evan says:

    Finally took some time to read this beauty! Mmm lucky for me chapter 55 is ready to be read! Yummy!

  7. Tim says:

    Wow, oh wow!
    I hoped Erin’s mom would become involved but had given up hope.
    Even if she doesn’t join them, the thought of her naked, fingers rubbing herself while she masturbates, turned on watching her daughter have sex with Cheryl. Everything I could possibly want……apart from Cindy and the twins home safe of course.

    Brilliant thanks!!

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